SILVER FIRST DAY’S SALE WEDNESDAY 14th JULY 2010 SILVER Commencing at 12.30pm Silver will be on view on: Saturday 10th July 9.00am to 1.00pm Sunday 11th July 2.00pm to 4.00pm Monday 12th July 9.00am to 5.15pm Tuesday 13th July 9.00am to 5.15pm Limited viewing on sale day Weights and measurements are approximate guidelines only unless stated to the contrary Enquiries: Martin McIlroy Tel. 01392 413100 Email: 33 88 81. A Victorian silver plated epergne, the cut glass trumpet shaped flower vase supported on a tapered reeded and palmette column, the circular base embellished with three mythical winged beasts and foliate borders, registration marks to the base, overall height 58cm. £150-200 82. A pair of Victorian Corinthian column candlesticks, with gadrooned sconces, and spiral floral garland decoration to the columns, on stepped and gadrooned weighted bases, 15.5cm. high, maker John Kirsten Baily, Sheffield, 1884. £300-350 83. An ornate 19th century silver plated two handled tray, circa 1830, of shaped oblong form, the engraved armorial enclosed within a foliate and scroll decorated border, supported on four large paw feet, 72cm. long. £150-200 34 84. A pair of old Sheffield plated wine coasters, of circular form, with foliate scroll borders and turned wood bases, 20cm. diameter. £100-150 85. A late Victorian plated turnover dish of rectangular outline, crested, with banded scroll and foliate border, raised on four foliate decorated legs terminating in paw feet, 32cm. wide. £80-120 86. An Indian three-piece tea set, circa 1900, of globular form, each piece decorated with panels of Vishnu seated in various positions within stylised borders, the handles and spout modelled in the form of an elephant’s head, height of teapot 14cm. total weight 23ozs. £200-250 86A. An Elizabeth II twin branch candelabrum, with ring turned nozzles, square swept branches, on a knobbed column, raised on a square base with canted corners, 25cm high, maker D&F, Birmingham, 1974, 30.22ozs. £300-350 87. A late Victorian pedestal rose bowl, embossed with ribbontied garlands and flowerhead decoration, on a spreading circular foot, 16.5cm. diameter, maker George Nathan & Ridley Hayes, Chester, 1896, 10.32ozs. £120-180 87 88. A George V four piece tea service, of oblong bellied form, with half fluted decoration, shell and gadrooned rims on four ball feet, Sheffield 1931, maker James Deakin & Sons, total all in weight 65ozs (4). £350-400 89 89. A pair of Dutch silver baskets, of oval form, pierced with stylised crosslets beneath a foliate scroll and cherub border, maker Hoekel and Zoon, 18cm in length, total weight 16ozs (2). £300-400 90. A German circular dish, on a low pedestal foot, the plain centre enclosed with a broad band of foliate pierced swags and ribbon embellishment, 24cm diameter, 13.5ozs. £120-140 91. A George V cream jug,of circular form with half fluted decoration, gadrooned upper rim and scroll handle, 9cm. high, maker Goldsmiths & Silversmiths Co, London, 1916, together with a Victorian melon-shaped cream jug, embossed with foliate scrollwork, double scroll handle on a circular stepped foot, 9.5cm. high, maker N&H, Birmingham, 1893, total weight 11ozs. £80-120 92. An Elizabeth II three-piece tea service of octagonal form, raised on paw feet, maker F.H & Co, Sheffield, 1958, 33ozs. £200-250 93. A George V tea kettle, stand and burner, of oblong form with reeded borders, the kettle maker Carrington & Co London, 1920, the matched stand and burner marked for Chester, 1915, 34cm. high, 44.5ozs. £180-220 94. An Edward VII Art Nouveau influence mirror, the shaped rectangular frame decorated with stylised floral tendrils, buds and open flowerheads, surmounted by a heart shaped shield, easel mount to the reverse, 42cm. high, maker Goldsmiths & Silversmiths Co, London, 1907. £300-350 95. A continental swing handled sweetmeat basket, of circular pedestal form, pierced and embossed with cherubs and foliate scrollwork, 8cm. high excluding handle, continental marks to base,English import marks for J.G.P, London, 1903, with matched blue glass liner, 5ozs. £80-120 96. An Edward VII three=piece tea service of plain form with wavy edge rims, raised on swept feet, maker Goldsmiths & Silversmiths Co, London, 1901, 17.20ozs. £150-180 94 97. A George V hip flask, of plain rectangular form, with detachable cup, London 1918, maker GN - GN, 14.5cm high, weighing 9ozs. £150-200 98. An Elizabeth II photograph frame of Art Nouveau style decorated with stylised daffodils and trailing foliage, 30cm. high, maker DP, London, 1987. £100-150 99. A late Victorian clear glass and silver mounted biscuit jar and cover of circular lobed form with palmette, hobnail and stellar cut decoration, with a scroll and foliate decorated border and foliate decorated loop handle, Maker JD & S, Sheffield, 1899. £250-300 99A. An Elizabeth II four-piece tea and coffee service of plain rectangular form with canted corners and geometric pattern borders, on a matching silver octagonal twin-handled tray 54cm. wide, maker CB&S, Sheffield, 1975. total weight of silver 120.61ozs. of circular lobed form with p £1000-1500 35 102 100. A pair of Edward VII candlesticks of octagonal tapering form, with knopped columns on stepped spreading octagonal weighted bases, 19cm. high, maker Thomas Bradbury & Sons, London, 1907/1909. £250-300 101. A Japanese silver four-piece tea service including teapot, milk jug, tea caddy, sugar basin and a similar circular bowl and sugar tongs and an e.p. circular tray. £600-800 100 102. A pair of Adam-style candlesticks, the urn shaped sconces raised on tapering oval columns, on stepped oval weighted bases, 30cm. high, maker C S & R Ltd, London, 1973. £150-250 103. An octagonal silver sugar caster, of baluster form, the domed cover pierced with stylised motifs, 21cm. high, maker B.B.S. Ld, Birmingham, 1936, together with a similar smaller caster, 17cm, high, maker RWB, Sheffield 1936, total weight 11ozs. £140-160 104. A pair of George V entree dishes and covers of rectangular form, with gadrooned borders and foliate decorated loop carrying handles, each 30cm. wide, maker JBC & S Ld, London, 1933, 77.45ozs. £700-800 104 101 36 105 107 105. Indian silver three piece tea service of circular globular form, crested with beaded borders, the sides with engraved decoration of assorted animals including elephant, lion, tiger, antelope, butterflies and birds, 56.30ozs. £750-850 106. A silver mounted double photograph frame, embossed with foliate scrollwork, oval apertures, easel backing, Sheffield 1992, maker R C, height 16cm. £60-80 107. A Late Victorian Dutch silver trinket box of tapered rectangular form, embossed with cartouche panels of figures in a landscape setting, 11cm. long, fully marked to the base, maker MC, also with English import marks for London 1891, 5.5ozs. £100-150 108. A George III oblong snuff box, with engraved border, the cover with initials and date of 2800, having a gilded interior, 7cm. long, maker Samuel Pemberton, Birmingham, 1789, 2.25ozs. £200-300 109. A late Victorian silver chatelaine clasp, of curved oblong form, cast with bacchanalian figures, from which suspended chains have various utility items in silver and plate, including a scent flask, note pad, hook, whistles and needlecase, the clasp London, 1883. £200-250 110. A Victorian caddy spoon, with a frosted shell-shaped bowl and crescent looped handle embellished with a fruiting vine, 7cm. long, maker George Unite, Birmingham, 1861. £150-200 111. An Edwardian novelty pepperette in the form of a gavel, with turned wood handle, 9.5cm. long, maker William Hutton & Sons, Birmingham, 1903. £150-200 113 112. A George VI rectangular snuff box, with engine turned decoration to the cover, 5cm. long, maker JR, Birmingham, 1951, 2ozs. £100-150 113. A 19th century French silver and mauve enamel rectangular dressing table box, 8cm. long. £100-150 114. An early 20th century silver belt and buckle with nineteen rectangular panels and buckle with applied portrait of a girl in art nouveau style, maker’s mark A.J.S. Chester 1906. £100-150 115. A Stuart Devlin-style silver egg, opening to reveal a silver gilt floral spray, the exterior with all over striation markings, 5.5cm. high, stamped 96, maker PN, London, 1990. £100-150 37 116. A continental silver circular silver gilt pill box, with stylised decoration around the sides, the lift-off cover inset with painted panel of carnations, signed Laze (?) Le Maitre, import marks for London, 1911, 4.5cm. diameter. £60-80 117. A Victorian cut glass and silver mounted scent flask of cylindrical tapering form, monogrammed, with twist, hinged lid, 27cm. long. £80-120 118. A pair of 19th century Dutch silver shoe buckles, of oval form with pierced foliate and roundel decoration, 10.5cm. wide. £80-120 119. A 19th century continental silver cigar case and cover of rectangular form, with Dutch presentation inscription to the central cartouche, having scroll and engine turned decoration, 13cm. long. £100-120 120. A George III snuff box, of a rounded rectangular form, engraved flowerhead and banded decoration, the gilded interior inscribed “Mrs Marcella Clarke, 24th July, 1809”, maker R.B possibly Robert Barker, London, 1803, 1.75ozs. £250-300 121. A fine Victorian silver gilt necessaire, of rectangular bombe form, the cover inset with an oval enamel panel of a young girl with a basket of flowers on her head, framed by cast mermaids and masks and chased foliate scroll borders, the side panels cast with frolicking putti within rococo scroll borders, 38 121 detail 121 the scrolled feet surmounted by cast musical putti, framed by a pierced and scrolled apron, the interior fitted with two removable velvet lined trays holding a mother of pearl handled button hook, folding ruler, bodkin, scissors, spike, pen knife, thread spool, together with a travelling inkwell engraved with foliate scrollwork and a bloodstone hand seal, the casket London 1844, maker John Linnet, 12cm wide, the casket weighing 18ozs. £1500-1700 122-6. No lots. 127. A pair of Victorian provincial game-poultry skewers, 15cm. long, maker J. Stone, Exeter, 1848, also an Exeter fiddle pattern butter knife, maker James & Josiah Williams. 1857, a fiddle pattern teaspoon, maker J. Hicks, Exeter, 1824, a pair of Victorian fiddle pattern salt spoons maker George Adams, London, 1851, and another London, 1874, total weight 5.25ozs. £80-120 128. A set of six Victorian provincial silver fiddle pattern teaspoons, maker Robert, James & Joshiah Williams, Exeter, 1852, 3.50ozs. £60-80 129. A pair of George III asparagus tongs, crested, 22cm. long, maker Eley & William Fearn, London, 1805, 4.50ozs. £100-120 130. A set of twelve Victorian fish knives and forks, the blades and tines engraved with foliate borders and ivory handles, cased. £150-200 131. A Georg Jensen ‘Antik’ pattern ladle, stamped initial seal mark and import marks for Sheffield, 1908, also with importer’s initials GS, 13.5cm. long. £80-120 132. A George III Old English pattern soup ladle, monogrammed, maker William Eley I, William Fern and William Chawner II, London, 1810, 5.78ozs. £100-150 133. A George III fiddle and thread pattern serving spoon, crested and monogrammed, maker William Eley I, William Fern and William Chawner II, London, 1812, 4.69ozs. £100-120 134. A Victorian silver sifting spoon, with pierced foliate decorated bowl and the stem decorated with grapes and vine leaves, maker H & T, Birmingham, 1859. £60-80 135. A canteen of twelve dessert knives and forks, with elaborate scroll decorated handles, maker T.S, London, 1860, contained in a walnut case, £250-300 136. A George III Irish bright cut cream or sauce ladle, with an oval fluted bowl, the pointed end handle with family crest, 19cm. long, maker JK possibly John Kearns, Dublin, 1819, also a pair of provincial Old English pattern dessert spoons, maker Joseph Hicks, Exeter, 1805, total weight 3.5ozs. £50-100 137. A George II shell pattern meat skewer, crested and initialled beneath the ring terminal, London 1756, maker Ebenezer Coker, 28cm long, 3.5ozs. £120-160 138. A pair of early Victorian cast grape shears, with openwork fruiting vine handle, London 1837, maker Francis Higgins, 18.5cm long, 3ozs. £150-200 139. A set of three William IV Scottish fiddle pattern toddy ladles, maker J. McKay, Edinburgh 1833, together with a pair of Georgian Scottish thread pattern sugar tongs, maker AG but partially rubbed, total weight 5ozs. £80-100 140. An early George III Old English pattern soup ladle , 35cm. long, maker -E, London, 1760, 6.35ozs. £100-150 141. A set of twelve William IV Scottish shell and fiddle pattern teaspoons, maker Leonard Urquhart, Edinburgh, 1832, together with a matched pair of sugar tongs, maker NT, Edinburgh, 1831, total weight 9.75ozs. £80-120 142. A set of six Victorian provincial fiddle pattern table forks, inscribed to the terminals “NAM Greatest Score 100 Yds, 1852” maker W.R.Sobey, Exeter, 1848, 15ozs. £100-150 143. A George III marrow scoop of traditional design, initialled, 23cm. long, maker RC, London, 1799, 1.63cm. £200-250 144. A George III silver gilt Old English pattern table spoon, initialled, with bright cut border, maker TW, London, 1779, and another similar table spoon, maker TW, London, 1778, total weight 4.98ozs. £200-300 145. A George II marrow scoop, 23cm. long, maker IW, possibly James Wright, London, 1735, 2ozs. £100-150 39 146. A George IV fiddle, shell and thread pattern fish slice, initialled, with pierced and scrolled blade, maker CE, London, 1828, and a mid to late 19th century Dutch fish slice, total weight of silver, 12.05ozs. £120-150 147. A collection of eight Dutch novelty spoons, most with decorated bowls, pierced stems and terminals including boats, windmills, figures and armorials, four bearing English import marks, total weight of silver, 13.40ozs. £120-180 148. A matched Dutch Hanoverian pattern part flatware service including twelve dinner forks, twelve table spoons, twelve dessert spoons and twelve dessert forks, 92.12ozs. £200-300 149. A George III Old English pattern serving spoon, monogrammed, maker Thomas Wallis II, London, 1801, 3.79ozs. £180-230 150. A pair of George III provincial Old English pattern table spoons, with bright cut decoration, maker Richard Jenkins (Plymouth), Exeter, 1797, also another by the same maker, Exeter, 1795, total weight 4ozs. £60-80 151. A Victorian provincial fiddle pattern sugar spoon with typical shovel bowl, maker James & Josiah Williams, Exeter, 1857, also another sugar spoon maker T.S probably Thomas Salter, Exeter, 1872, a Victorian fiddle pattern cream or small sauce ladle by W.R.Sobey, Exeter, 1838, a fiddle pattern preserve spoon by James & Josiah Williams, Exeter, 1854, a pair of fiddle pattern sugar tongs maker ES, Exeter, 1854, two fiddle pattern mustard spoons, maker W R Sobey and J Stone, Exeter 1836, 1846, and an Old English pattern teaspoon, maker Joseph Hicks, Exeter, 1784, total weight 5.75ozs. £80-120 152. A set of six Victorian provincial Old English pattern tea spoons, maker W.R.Sobey, Exeter, 1852, a pair of fiddle pattern teaspoons, by J Stone, Exeter, 1837 another by J Osment, Exeter 1833, two marrow scoop spoons, (converted), maker William Walsh, Exeter C. 1798, maker IH, London, 1823, a pair of sugar tongs maker IS, London, 1829 and a crested teaspoon (ICI), Birmingham, 1934, total weight 8.75ozs. £70-100 153. Three Victorian provincial fiddle pattern table spoons maker J Osmet, Exeter, 1837, J.G, Exeter 1852 and John Stone, Exeter 1862, total weight 7.75ozs. £60-80 154. A George III provincial Old English pattern soup ladle, 35cm. long, maker JH (scrolled) possibly Joseph Hicks, Exeter, 1796, 4.5ozs. £100-150 155. Three George III provincial Old English pattern table spoons, with bright cut decoration Exeter, 1799, by Joseph Hicks, maker’s mark -P (part rubbed), Exeter, 1799 and Joseph Hicks, 1792, also a plain Old English pattern table spoon, maker G Turner, Exeter, 1816, and a George II Hanoverian pattern table spoon, maker’s mark rubbed, London, 1734, total weight 7.75ozs. £70-100 156. A George IV provincial marrow scoop, 23.5cm. long, maker W - (possibly H or N, unclear), Exeter, 1825, 1.75ozs. £100-150 157. A George II marrow scoop, crested, 22cm. long, maker’s mark unclear, London, 1749, 1.75ozs. £100-150 158. A William IV/Victorian matched Fiddle, Shell and Thread pattern flatware service, crested, mainly maker George Adams , London 1845/47 and Mary Chawner London, 1834/35 comprising eighteen tablespoons (two plated), twenty four table forks, fifteen dessert forks, fourteen dessert spoons, six soup spoons (Sheffield, 1922, by Hutton& Sons Ltd) a basting spoon, a pair of sauce ladles by the Lias Brothers, A George III ‘Hourglass’ pattern soup ladle, maker Eley Fearn & Chawner, London, 1810, a pair of condiment spoons, a pair of condiment spoons, a Scottish sugar sifting spoon, a pair of sugar tongs, teaspoon. etc. various makers and dates, total weight of silver 226ozs, (88). £1500-2000 159. 40 No Lot. 160 160. A William IV/Victorian matched tea service of a tapering circular form, embossed and chased with foliate decoration, on a low pedestal foot with similar decoration, the handles with leaf embellishment, the teapot and cream jug maker Francis Dexter, London, 1842, the sugar bowl Charles Thomas Fox, London, 1831, total weight 52ozs. £500-600 161. A Victorian salver of circular form, crested within an engraved foliate scroll and scalloped border, on three claw and ball feet, 25.5cm. diameter, maker Martin Hall & Co, London, 1878, 18.5ozs. £200-300 162. A George III small salver with moulded gadrooned border on three hoof feet, the centre engraved with an armorial, 20cm. wide, maker Richard Rugg, London, 1793, 11.5ozs. £200-250 163. A George III Scottish teapot stand of rectangular form with canted corners, initialled, with a thistle and acorn border, raised on swept legs, 15.5cm. wide, maker M & F, Glasgow, 1802, 4.63ozs. £150-200 164. A late Victorian sauce tureen and cover, boat shaped with loop handles and reeded borders, resting on a navette shaped base, Chester 1899, makers -x/RH, 23cm long, 15.5ozs (2). £80-120 165. A set of four Victorian presentation salts of flared hexagonal outline, with pierced scrolling sides, raised on hexagonal spreading foot, together with a matching lidded mustard pot, all with ruby glass liners, the bases inscribed S. Keeley, fecit, New Street, Birmingham, maker REA, Birmingham, 1847, the mustard pot Birmingham 1845, together with four Victorian silver salt spoons and a matching mustard spoon, maker Robert, James & Josiah Williams, Exeter, 1847, contained in a fitted presentation case with inscribed plaque and retailer’s label for Samuel Keeley, Goldsmith 12 New Street, Birmingham, total weight of silver 15.43ozs. £350-400 166. A late Victorian three-piece tea set, of oval barge form with half reeded decoration, maker G.N, R.H, Chester 1899, 33.50ozs. £250-350 165 41 168. A pair of George III oval candlesticks in the neo-classical style, with fluted tapering columns, vase shaped capitals and reeded borders, on weighted bases, 30cm. high, maker John Parsons, Sheffield, 1789. £1400-1600 169. An Irish vase-shaped caster, mid 18th century, with high domed cover and knop finial, crested, 13.5cm. high, crowned harp and hibernia marks only, some wear to marks, 4.50ozs. £200-250 167 167. A George III swing-handled cream pail with pierced trellis and garland decoration, beaded rim and handle, with acanthus decorated circular spreading foot, 14cm. high. maker Charles Aldridge & Henry Green, London, 1775. 3.60ozs. £300-500 167a A hotel or restaurant joint serving trolley comprising of a large plated revolving domed top, oval meat carving tray, on an oval hardwood trolley with lower shelf, 118 cm. high. £100-200 168 42 170 170. A late 17th/early 18th century provincial Britannia standard tumbler cup, the side with contemporary scratched initials R*G, marks to base partially worn, maker’s mark W I, Newcastle, 6.5cm. diameter, 1.50ozs. £250-350 173. A George III salver of circular form, with shell and gadrooned border, crested, 25cm. diameter, maker Ebenezer Coker, London, 1764, 18.25ozs. £180-220 174. A George III cream jug of oval form, crested, with reeded handle and rim and banded foral decoration, maker possibly H.C, London, 1815, 4.72ozs. £70-100 175. A George III sugar bowl of circular form with vertical ribbed banding, gadrooned rim and leaf capped scroll handles, on four bun feet, maker Rebecca Eames & Edward Barnard, London, 1815, 8.75ozs. £80-120 176. A Victorian silver mounted glass claret jug, of a compressed circular form, the body cut with star and fluted patterns, the silver collar and domed cover with stylised scroll decoration, London 1887, maker C E, 25.5cm high. £250-350 171 171. A Victorian Scottish bullet teapot, with chased upper body and cover, 11.5cm. high, maker Marshall & Sons, Edinburgh, 1870, 13.25ozs. £200-300 172. A George I waiter of circular form, the centre with an armorial, supported on three hoof feet, the reverse with contemporary initials A*C and scratch weight 5:1613.5cm. diameter, maker’s mark worn, London, 1717, 5.27ozs. £150-250 177 177. A Victorian cream jug of baluster shape and simulated coopered construction, with ribbed girdle and handle, and a matching sugar bowl, 11.5cm. diameter, maker Andrew Crespel & Thomas Parker, london, 1864 (sugar bowl), 1865 (cream jug), total weight of silver, 12.02ozs £150-200 43 178 180 178. A George III mustard pot of baluster form, crested, with domed hinged lid and beaded border, containing a blue glass liner, 8.5cm. high, maker Burrage Davenport, London, 1777, 3.63ozs. £200-300 180. A George III pedestal cream jug, of baluster form, initialled, with beaded border, on a spreading circular foot, 15cm. high, maker’s mark worn, London, 1783, 4.05ozs. £150-250 179 179. A pair of George IV sauce boats, with wavy edge borders, acanthus capped scroll handles, raised on shell decorated swept feet, 18cm. long, maker WB, London, 1824, 19.13ozs. £400-500 44 181 184 181. A George III hot water jug of squat baluster form, with reeded hinged lid, gadrooned and scroll decorated girdle with half reeded decoration, raised on paw feet, maker William Burwash, London, 1817, 35.17ozs. £400-500 182. A George II pepperette of baluster outline, with ‘bun’ shaped pierced cover, (unmarked) initialled P.I.E., 11cm. high maker WG possibly William Garrard, London, 1741, 2.31ozs. £200-300 183. A George II caster of baluster form, crested, with pierced dome cover and having embossed foliate and scroll decoration, 12cm. high, maker I.D, London, 1766, 2.21ozs. £200-300 184. A George III provincial tankard of plain baluster form, initialled, with S-shaped scroll handle dated 1820, 13.5cm. high, maker John Langlands II, Newcastle 1795, 10.77ozs. £300-500 45 185 185. A set of three George III wine coasters by Hester Bateman, of circular form, pierced with diamond and floral banding, with scrolled borders and wood bases, 12cm. diameter, London, 1783. £1000-1500 46 186 186. An early George III swing handled bon bon basket, on cast open work feet, the sides pierced and embossed with swirls, flower heads and crossettes, 16cm. long, maker Edward Aldridge, London, 1766, 6ozs. £400-600 187. A Victorian goblet, embossed with oval floral panels and foliate scroll borders, presentation inscription, with beaded rims, the interior gilded, 14.5cm. high, maker JE possibly James Edwards, London, 1860, 6.5ozs. £80-120 188 188. A George IV pedestal cup with banded decoration of grapes and vine leaves, with gadrooned lower body, with gilded interior, on an acanthus decorated circular spreading weighted foot, 19cm. high, maker Rebecca Eames & Edward Barnard I, London, 1822. £600-700 47 189 189. A George IV six-division toast rack, the cage mounted with a foliate decorated loop handle and similar decorated base, on swept feet, 17cm. long, maker Rebecca Eames & Edward Barnard I, London, 1825, 12.09ozs. £200-300 190. A George III baluster cream jug, on a circular pedestal foot with gadrooned rim and scroll handle, 10cm. high, maker Samuel Meriton, London, 1767, 4ozs. £100-150 191. A Victorian silver mounted cut glass claret jug, the ovoid body cut with wrythen fluting, diamond stud and hobnail embellishment, scroll handle and hinged cover, with presentation inscription, 23 cm. high, maker John Thomas Heath & John Hartshorne Middleton, Birmingham, 1887. £300-400 192. A William IV / Victorian three - piece tea service of tapering circular form, on a pedestal base, the upper half and cover chased with panels of baskets of fruit within floral and scrolled borders, scrolled handles and gilded interiors to the cream jug and sugar bowl, maker J. McKay, Edinburch 1840 the teapot 1841, total weight 45.25ozs. £500-600 191 192 48 193. A French beaker and cover with scroll handle, engraved with stylised foliate upper band, the semi-domed cover with flower bud finial, Paris, 19th century, maker’s mark B/ JB, 12 cm. high, 9ozs. £200-250 194. A Victorian provincial mug, of campana form, with scroll handle, embossed with floral sprays and wrythen fluting, on a low pedestal foot, 12cm. high, maker Robert, James & Josiah Williams, Exeter, 1849, 3.25ozs. £200-250 195 195 detail 195. A Charles I silver mug, minus cover, of cylindrical tapering form, with scroll handle and contemporary engraved coat of arms, the base with inscribed initials HAI and scratch weight G 14-20, 12cm high, maker’s mark R.S. with pellet above and below, London, 1642, 10.5ozs. £2500-3000 49 196 196. A George III provincial sauce boat, of traditional design with scroll and foliate banded decoration and wavy edge rim, raised on three hoof feet, 16cm. long, maker John Langlands I & John Robertson I, Newcastle, 1784, 7.71ozs. £300-400 50 197 197. An Georgian Irish silver sugar caster of baluster form , crested, raised on a spreading circular foot, 16cm. high, maker’s mark worn but possibly PB below a crown ?, Dublin, remaining marks worn; and a smaller matching caster by the same maker, 14cm. high, marks worn, total weight of silver 10.09ozs £300-400 198 198. A Victorian silver mounted ‘rock crystal’ claret jug with foliate decorated domed lid having a pierced thumbpiece and acanthus decorated spout, the body intaglio cut in the manner of Stevens and Williams and decorated with flowerheads and trailing foliage, 27.5cm. high, maker Charles Edwards, London, 1884,. £800-1000 51 199 199. A pair of Victorian candlesticks, crested, with panelled decoration of acanthus leaves, scrolls and flowerheads, having urn shaped nozzles and knopped tapering stems, on a spreading circular foot, 31cm. high, maker E & Co , Birmingham, 1860, 69.38ozs. £900-1000 52 200 200 detail 200. An impressive Victorian silver gilt ewer, of ovoid form on a pedestal foot, the body chased with two classical warriors and armour trophies within ribbon and leaf swags, the fluted shoulder beneath a broad pouring lip and helmet surmounted scroll handle, the coat of arms on the knight’s shield are for Gooch, impaling Hirst, Baronets of Benacre Hall, Suffolk 48cm. high, maker’s mark unclearly stamped possibly -F over E-, the base stamped ‘Frazer & Haws from Garrards, Regent Street, London, London, 1869, 87.90ozs. £3000-5000 *Sir Edward Sherlock Gooch, 7th Baronet, born 1843, married 9th October 1866 Ellen Emily, eldest daughter of Robert Augustus Hankey Hirst of Basingstoke. He succeeded his father as baronet in 1856 and died without issue in 1872. 53 54
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