FIRST DAY’S SALE WEDNESDAY 25th JANUARY 2012 SILVER Commencing at 10.30am Silver will be on view on: Saturday 21st January 9.00am to 1.00pm Sunday 22nd January 2.00pm to 4.00pm Monday 23rd January 9.00am to 5.15pm Tuesday 24th January 9.00am to 5.15pm Limited viewing on sale day Weights and measurements are approximate guidelines only unless stated to the contrary Enquiries: Martin McIlroy Tel. 01392 413100 Email: 1 1. A George VI circular salver, with gadrooned, foliate and shell decorated border, raised on three scroll feet, 32cm. diameter, maker HW, Sheffield, 1937, 30.25ozs. £400-£600. 2. A George V three piece tea service of barge shaped outline, raised on ball feet, maker R.D & S, Sheffield, 1912/13, 19.19ozs £300-£400. 3 3. An George VI rectangular desk stand of rectangular outline, with swept re-entrant corners, raised on swept feet, with two square clear glass inkwells with silver covers, 31cm. wide, maker EBSs, London, 1937, total weight of silver 37.45ozs. £500-£700. 4 4 4. A George V four piece tea service of plain barge shaped outline, raised on swept feet, includes teapot, water jug, sugar basin and cream jug, maker J.G Ltd, Birmingham,1917, 55.36ozs. £700-£800. 7A 6 5. A George VI rectangular presentation cigarette box. of plain design, inscribed, 20.5cm. wide, maker’s mark worn, Chester, 1948. £100-£150. 6. A matched four piece bachelor’s tea set, of octagonal baluster form, includes teapot, water jug, sugar basin, cream jug and sugar tongs, various makers and dates, 35.98ozs. £600-£700. 7. An Elizabeth II sugar castor of traditional baluster form, on a spreading circular foot, 16cm. high, maker Adie Bros, Birmingham, 1960, 3.06ozs. £80-£100. 7A. A Late Victorian ivory and silver shoe horn, 23cm. long, maker SJ, London, 1897 £100-£150. 8. A George V sugar castor of octagonal baluster form, on a spreading foot, 16.5cm. high, maker’s mark worn, London, 1927, 4.57ozs. £120-£150. 9 12 9. An Edward VII oval bread basket, with gadrooned border and pierced and scroll decorated sides, 35cm. wide, maker WM&S, Sheffield, 1902, 14.59ozs. £150-£200. 10. A George V child’s mug of cylindrical tapering form, with banded decoration of elves and pixies, raised on a spreading circular foot, 8.25cm. high, maker Mappin & Webb, London, 1932, 7.36ozs. £80-£120. 11. An Edward VII two handled mug of cylindrical waisted form, 8.25cm. high, maker HA, Sheffield, 1905, 6.69ozs. £50-£80. 12. An Edward VII twin handled serving dish of rectangular outline, with pierced and scroll decorated sides, foliate and gadrooned rim, raised on swept scroll feet,27cm. wide, with blue glass liner, maker S.G, Birmingham, 1903, 16.81ozs. £300-£400. 5 14 13 15 16 6 13. An Edward VII circular punch bowl, of fluted wrythen form, with gadrooned rim, on a spreading circular foot, 26cm. diameter, maker H.A, Sheffield, 1906, 28.61ozs. £350-£450. 14. A George V Cafe au Lait pot of cylindrical tapering form, with shallow domed hinged lid and knopped finial, having a turned wood handle to the side, 16cm. high, maker GH, London, 1913, 11.89ozs. £150-£200. 15. An Edward VII Britannia Standard porringer and cover, scroll handles, stiff leaf decoration and gadrooned rims, the cover also serving as a stand with three scroll feet, 16cm. high, maker Henry & Arthur Vander, London, 1907, the base engraved with retailer’s mark of E Tessier, 20 New Bond Street, 41.25ozs £500-£600. 16. A George V salver of square outline with canted corners, inscribed, the border of geometric lozenge design, raised on four swept feet, 29.5cm. wide, maker Adie Brothers Ltd, Birmingham, 1935, 34.85ozs £500-£700. 17. An Elizabeth II presentation rose bowl in the form of a regimental kettle drum, with presentation inscription to Captain M. J. Serwin by officers of The Queens Own Hussars, Regimental badge with battle honours, raised on three claw feet, 19cm. diameter, having a plated inner liner and mesh cover, maker C & Co, London, 1965, 25.04ozs. £400-£600. 18. A Danish matched four-piece coffee service of circular lobed form comprising coffee pot, sucrier, cream jug and dish, various makers and dates, 38.61ozs. £500-£600. 19. A George V taperstick in the early18th century style, engraved with an armorial and inscribed on the base “Presented by The Clothmakers Company May 6th-1935”, 13cm. high, maker Carrington & Co, London, 1935, 7ozs. £200-£500 20. An Indian three piece tea service, of globular form, chased with stylised foliate banding and hooded cobra handles, length of teapot 24cm., total weight 49ozs. (3). £400-£600. 17 18 20 7 24 25 23 27 21. A George V circular salver, inscribed, with moulded border wavy edge border, raised on four scroll feet, 26cm. diameter, maker H B & Co Ltd, London, 1929, 19.93ozs. £300-£400. 8 22. An Edward VII silver dressing table box of oval form with gilded interior, the hinged cover with inset cameo portrait of a classical female,6cm wide, maker’s mark worn, Birmingham, 1901 £150-£250. 23. A George III nutmeg grater, oval with hinged cover revealing a steel grater, stylised wavy edge engraved borders, 3.5cm. long, maker Joseph Taylor, Birmingham, 1800, together with a George III oblong vinaigrette, with floral engraved borders, maker Cocks & Bettridge, Birmingham, 1799. £300-£400. 24. An Art Nouveau influence travelling watch case of easel type with embossed foliate decoration, containing a plated open faced watch, 10cm. wide, maker’s mark worn ,Birmingham, 1903. £100-£150. 25. A continental silver and enamel snuff box, of hexagonal outline, the enamel lid with applied steel cut flaming torch and quiver motif, within a floral border, having a gilded interior, stamped 935, 9.25cm. wide. £300-£400. 26. A Victorian heart shaped dressing table box and cover, embossed with foliate scrollwork and birds, 7cm. wide, maker William Comyns, London, 1889, 2.25ozs. £100-£150. 27. An Italian silver novelty box and cover, late 19th/early 20th Century, modelled in the form of a cello, embossed overall with panels of figures gardening and foliate scrollwork, with cherub head finial, 23cm long, 5ozs. £300-£400. 28 28. A silver gilt and guilloche enamel box, of rectangular form, the hinged cover and sides with yellow enamel decoration within stylised chased borders, small inscription to the interior, stamped with import marks for Chester 1938, sponsor mark PMW, length 8cm £600-£800. 29. No Lot. 30. A pair of Edward VII Kings pattern serving spoons, together with a matching soup ladle, maker Richard Martin & Ebenezer Hall, Sheffield, 1906, 26.33ozs. £250-£350. 30 9 31 31. A matched collection of 19th Century Kings pattern flatware, various makers and dates, comprising:- eleven table spoons, twelve table forks, twelve dessert forks, twelve dessert spoons, six teaspoons, one sauce ladle, three condiment spoons, one sugar spoon and one pair of sugar tongs, total weight 139ozs (59). £1800-£2200. 10 32. A Danish flatware service of Hanoverian style, includes twelve dinner knives, twelve dessert knives, twelve fish knives, twelve fish forks, eleven dinner forks, twelve dessert forks, twelve tea forks, twelve tablespoons, ten dessert spoons, twelve grapefruit spoons, six tea spoons, twelve soup spoons, seven coffee spoons, four egg spoons, pair of salad servers, carving knife and fork, soup ladle, three salt spoons, two mustard spoons, two butter knives, a cake slice, bottle opener, two sauce ladles, two sifting spoons, two preserve spoons, and three non matching plated sauce ladles, maker W & S Sorensen, Sterling, Denmark, bears import marks for CJV.L, London, 1961, 168.07ozs. £3000-£4000. 33. A George II punch ladle, with goose egg bowl and turned wood handle, 32cm. long, maker T.R possibly Thomas Rush, London, 1736. £120-£150. 34. A matched silver and plated Old English pattern flatware service includes, twelve soup spoons, twelve dessert spoons, ten assorted non matching teaspoons, twelve dessert forks, eleven dinner forks, twelve steel bladed dinner knives, twelve steel bladed dessert knives, carving knife and fork, two sauce ladles, a plated soup ladle and six plated tablespoons, contained in an oak canteen, predominantly maker R & B, Sheffield,1928, together with other makers and dates, total weight of silver 103.02ozs £1400-£1600. 35. A George IV miniature salt or mustard shovel with shallow shaped bowl and ivory handle, 10cm. long, Birmingham, 1824. £40-£60. 36. A collection of assorted kings pattern and other flatware includes six hourglass pattern dessert knives with diamond heel, maker Paul Storr, London, 1816/17, six hourglass pattern teaspoons with Union shell heel, maker Thomas Wallis II & Jonathan Hayne, London, 1818, a pair of Kings pattern tablespoons, maker Henry John Lias & Henry John Lias, London, 1858, a set of six Scottish single struck hourglass pattern dinner forks maker William & Patrick Cunningham, Edinburgh, 1814, and six Scottish single struck Kings pattern dessert spoons, maker James Howden & Co Edinburgh, 1830/31, six later kings pattern dinner knives with steel blades, six similar dessert knives, a carving knife and fork, total weight of silver 45.40ozs. £1000-£1200. 37. A set of four Victorian ‘Fiddle’ pattern sauce ladles, initialled, maker Reid & Sons, Newcastle, 1867, 7.80ozs. £300-£350. 38. An Omar Ramsden preserve spoon, with beaten circular bowl and plain stem, the terminal decorated with a Tudor rose, 15.5cm. long, maker Omar Ramsden, London, 1924, 1.61ozs. £300-£400. 39-40. No Lot. 38 45 41. A part canteen of late Georgian/Victorian Fiddle pattern part flatware service, includes twelve tablespoons, thirteen dessert spoons, eight teaspoons, two sauce ladles, fourteen dinner forks, fourteen dessert forks, ten steel bladed dinner knives, six dessert knives, and six plated non matching fish knives and six forks, contained in an oak canteen, various makers and dates, total weight of silver 108.29ozs. £1400-£1800. 42. A part set of George III ‘kings’ pattern flatware, crested, comprising twelve table forks, four dessert spoons, London 1819, maker Robert Peppin and one dessert spoon, London 1833, by William Easton, total weight 50ozs. £600-£800. 43-4. No Lots. 45. A Victorian Scottish three piece bachelor’s tea service of ovoid form, with oriental inspired decoration of circular panels depicting birds amongst bamboo shoots, cranes and figures, with registration kite to the base, maker JR, Glasgow, 1878, 20.16ozs. £350-£450. 11 46 46. A George II mug of baluster form, crested, with foliate and scroll embossed decoration, with foliate capped handle, raised on a circular spreading foot, 12.5cm. high, maker’s mark worn London, 1735, 11.38ozs. £250-£350. 47. An Imperial Russian silver and gilt decorated presentation cup and spoon, the cup holder with clear glass liner, decorated with a pierced fence and gable end of a house with a young girl peering through the window, the shaped handle with oval thumbpiece, 10.5cm. high, maker’s mark indistinct, assay master A. Romanov, 1887, Moscow; the spoon with oval shaped bowl, spiral twist stem and a terminal in the form of a young girl with pigtail 48 12 47 holding a scythe, 16.5cm. oak box, total weight of silver 7.65ozs.. long, maker KK possibly Conan Komarov, assay master mark indistinct but dated 1885, Moscow, contained in a fitted case. £300-£500. 48. A George III teapot of squat circular form, crested, with embossed foliate and scroll decoration, on a circular foot, 27cm. wide, maker R.G possibly Robert Garrard I, London, 1809, 21.47ozs. £250-£350. 49. A George III swing handled bread basket of oval form, crested, with pierced lattice and ribbon tied decoration with foliate scroll border, pierced handle, on an oval spreading foot, 33cm. wide, repaired, maker Charles Aldridge & Henry Green, London, 1773, 18.45ozs. £300-£500. 50. A George IV goblet, inscribed, of cylindrical bulbous form with banded grape and vine leaf decoration, on a spreading circular foot, 14.5cm. high, maker IET, London, 1820, 7.52ozs. £150-£250. 49 51 52 53 52A 54 51. A late19th century Burmese silver rice bowl, the body with high relief engraved figural panels between two borders of floral scrolls, the base engraved with a circular panel of a peacock, 23cm diameter. £600-£800. 52. A William IV ewer of vase form, embossed overall with foliate scrollwork, leaf capped scroll handle, the semi domed hinged cover with open flowerhead finial, on a raised circular foot, London 1833, maker J.E. Terry & Co., 31.5cm high, weighing 23 ozs. £400-£600. 53. A matched pair of George II sauce boats, on three hoof feet, leaf capped flying scroll handle and wavy rim, London 1738, maker’s mark - scroll C (partially rubbed) and London 1758, maker David Hennell, 16cm long, 17.5ozs (2). £300-£400. 54. A George IV oval vegetable dish and cover, inscribed, the shallow domed cover with shell finial, the dish with gadrooned border and ring handles to the sides, on a reeded base raised on ball feet, 27cm. wide, maker John Bridge, London, 1825, 51.60ozs. £700-£900. 13 57 59 55 56 55. A George III mug of baluster form, with acanthus capped S-shaped handle on a spreading circular foot, 12cm. high, maker I.L & I.G, London, 1731, 11.06ozs. £300-£350. 14 56. A pair of late Victorian sauceboats, each of helmet from with scroll handle, London 1899, 20ozs. £400-£600. 57. A Victorian inkstand of oval form, initialled, with pierced scroll decoration and gadrooned border, raised on four swept feet, with two clear class and silver mounted ink wells, maker Edward John Haseler & Noble Haseler, Birmingham, 1897, 6.58ozs. . £150-£200. 58. A George III oval pap boat, with beaded and shell pattern border, 12.25cm. long, marks worn 2.19ozs. £100-£150. 59. A Victorian Scottish teapot of bullet form, engraved with foliate panels, scroll handle and knop finial to the semi domed cover, 18cm. high, maker D.C.Rait, Glasgow, 1852, 20.25ozs. £280-£320. 60. A late 19th/early 20th century oval twin handled tray, with pierced foliate scrollwork gallery, 40cm. long, hallmarked London but no date stamp, also stamped S.D.Neill, Belfast, 32ozs. £400-£450. 60 61 61. A continental silver five piece serving set includes, two rectangular pedestal serving dishes, with foliate borders, tied ribbon and acanthus decorated sides, raised on putti caryatids, on a shaped plinth base with foliate and scroll border, 20.5cm. wide, a matching pair of circular serving dishes, 12cm. diameter, a sugar castor, 17cm. high, all stamped Kremos, Roma, Lugano, 800. The serving dishes stamped to the underside of the base Minton Goode, London, 1908. total weight of silver 80ozs. £1200-£1500. 15 62 63 64 62. A set of four George III oval salts, with gallaried sides having tied ribband decoration, raised on four talon and ball feet, with clear glass liners, 8.5cm. wide, maker RH, London, 1772, 9.02ozs. £120-£180. 63. A continental white metal oil lamp of classical form raised on three putti caryatids, on a trefoil base, with foliate border, 14.5cm. long, together with two matching oval dishes 18cm. wide. (3). £150-£250. 64. An Edward VII large circular rose bowl, with half reeded decoration, on a spreading circular foot, 28.5cm. diameter, maker CW & S, Birmingham, 1906, 34.24ozs. £600-£700. 65. A Victorian provincial beaker of plain rounded cylindrical form, crested, 5.5cm high, maker’s mark worn, Exeter, 1878, 2.25ozs. £80-£120. 16 68 66. A Victorian mustard pot of tapering circular form, the sides with pierced scrollwork, the semi domed cover with open flowerhead finial, supported on four scrolled feet, and a non matching spoon, 8cm. high, maker G.R, London, 1846, 5ozs £120-£160. 67. A continental silver vase of baluster form with flared rim decorated with winged caryatids and vases of fruits, with banded decoration of garlands and grotesque masks, mounted on a spreading circular foot, 28cm. high, 20.80oz. £400-£600. 67 68. An Edward VII presentation salver, inscribed, with engraved view of The Great Western Colliery Company’s Cwm Winning mine, enclosed within a shell and scroll border, 36cm. diameter, contained in an oak presentation case, together with photographs of sketches of the mine and letter, maker Walker & Hall, Sheffield, 1909, 31.83ozs. £300-£500. 70 71 72 75 72. A Victorian circular swinghandled cake basket, inscribed, of dished lobed form with foliate and scroll decorated border, with shaped handle on a spreading shaped foot, 25cm. diameter, maker Henry Wilkinson & Co, Sheffield, 1849, 18.64ozs. £200-£300. 73. A Victorian silver four piece tea and coffee service, monogrammed, of cylindrical outline with domed hinged lids and half fluted decoration, maker John Aldwinkle & Thomas Slater, London, London, 1884, the coffee pot 1888, 50.90ozs £600-£800. 74. A Victorian waiter of circular form, the centre engraved with foliate scrollwork, within a moulded scroll and shell border, on three scrolled feet, 20cm. diameter, maker Hands & Sons, London, 1858, 10.25ozs. £150-£200. 75. A Victorian tea caddy of square bombe form, decorated with vacant cartouches, shells and foliate motifs, supported on four swept feet, 10cm. high, maker David & Daniel Wellby, London, 1889, 9ozs. £120-£150. 69 69. A late 17th century oval snuff box with scroll and wheatsheaf decoration to the hinged lid and engraved portrait of Bonnie Prince Charlie to the reverse, 6.5cm. high, unmarked. £300-£400. 70. A George III silver gilt vinaigrette, with foliate borders and piecred grille, 4cm. wide, maker’s mark worn, Birmingham, 1813. 1.25ozs. £150-£200. 71. A George III Irish cream jug of barge shaped outline, monogrammed, with gadrooned border and foliate engraved cushion girdle, raised on ball feet, 15cm. wide, maker’s mark worn, Dublin, 1813, 5.74ozs. £150-£200. 73 17 76 76. George II waiter of circular form with moulded border and scroll and shall rim, on three hoof feet, 18cm. diameter, maker William Peaston, London, 1750, 8.5ozs. £300-£400. 77. A George II pedestal bowl with beaded rim and reeded wrythen decoration on a spreading circular foot, 23.5cm. diameter, maker’s mark worn , London, 1746, 25.01ozs £700-£900. 78 78. A George II/III coffee pot, of baluster form with a spreading circular foot, domed cover and pineapple finial, with later embossed foliate decoration, crested, scroll handle, the body London 1759, maker Fuller White, the hinged cover 1762, maker’s mark J B (scrolled), 24cm high, 28.5ozs. £500-£600. 77 18 79. A George III circular salver, circular form, shell and scroll border, the centre engraved with an armorial, supported on three hoof feet, London 1763, maker Richard Rugg, 30cm diameter, 29.5ozs. £500-£600. 80. A set of three Victorian wine coasters, circular form, pierced foliate scroll borders, wooden bases set with central crested buttons, London 1841, maker Edward, Edward Jnr, John and William Barnard, 19cm diameter (3). £600-£800. 81. A Victorian teapot of globular form, with husk and garland decoration and beaded rim, raised on a spreading circular foot, replacement handle, 28cm. wide, maker Richard Martin & Ebenezer Hall, London, 1882, 22.89ozs. £350-£450. 79 80 81 19 82 84 85 20 83 82. A George III salver of circular form, shell and foliate scroll border with later engraved decoration to the centre, supported on three pierced scroll feet, London 1791, maker’s mark I. H., probably John Hutson, 42cm diameter, 59ozs. £700-£900. 83. A George III mug of tapering cylindrical form, scroll handle, and embossed with a portrait of King Charles I and stylised leaf banding, the thumbpiece to the handle bears an armorial, 13.5cm. high, maker RB, London, 1776, 16.25ozs. £250-£350. 84. A George II circular salver, crested, with a moulded shell and scroll border, raised on three swept feet, 29.5cm. diameter, maker William Peaston, London, 1744, 25.94ozs. £600-£800. 85. A George III circular salver, with beaded wavy edge border, raised on four talon and ball feet, 36cm diameter, maker’s mark worn, London, 1783, 35.94ozs. £800-£1000. 87, 89 86 86. A Victorian scent bottle of elongated wrythen form, with hinged lid, lacks glass stopper, 17cm. long, maker F.M, Birmingham, 1890. £300-£400. 87. A George III toddy ladle of plain oval outline, with knopped stem and ring turned wood handle, 38cm. long, marks worn. £250-£350. 88. An early 18th century Britannia silver tea caddy, crested, of shaped baluster form with canted corners, the lift off lid with urn finial, 13.5cm. high, maker Glover Johnson, London, date letter worn, 5.08ozs. £800-£1000. 89. A George III toddy ladle of lobed oval outline with wavy edge border, on knopped stem with ring turned wood handle, 35cm. long, marks worn. £200-£300. 88 21 91 90. A George III three piece tea service of barge outline, crested, raised on ball feet, maker Rebecca Emes & Edward Barnard I, London, 1810, 33.66ozs. £600-£800. 22 91. A George I coffee pot of cylindrical tapering form, with domed hinged lid and turned finial, on a spreading circular base, 24cm. high, maker Nathaniel Glover, London, 1722, 23.08ozs. £1000-£1500. 92. A George II coffee pot of tapering cylindrical form, with domed hinged lid having a turned finial, with acanthus capped spout, on a spreading circular foot, 24cm. high, maker Ben Cartwright, London, 1746, 22.63ozs. £1000-£1500. 23 93, 94 95 24 93. A George III sugar basket of boat-shaped outline with pierced scroll banded border and floral spray and scroll engraved decoration, on an oval stepped base, with blue glass liner (chipped), 14.5cm. wide, maker Hester Bateman, London, 1789, 4.25ozs. £600-£800. 94. A George III swing handled sugar basket of boat shaped outline, crested, with reeded and flowerhead borders, on a stepped oval base, with blue glass liner, 15cm. wide, maker SM, London, 1792, 6.95ozs. £400-£500. 95. A George III sauce boat of traditional design, crested, with gadrooned rim, shaped scroll handle and raised on three swept legs with pad feet, 22cm. long, maker William Skeen, London, 1773, 15.27ozs. £500-£700. 96 96. A Victorian four piece tea and coffee service, of globular outline, with engraved foliate and scroll cartouches decorated with perching birds, acanthus capped spouts and handles, raised on spreading circular bases, maker Edward Barnard & John Barnard, London, 1856, 71.28ozs. £1500-£1800. 97. A continental silver vase of waisted outline and flared rim, decorated with faux antique style coins within scroll and foliate borders, on a spreading circular foot, 24cm. high, marks worn, 14.79ozs. £300-£400. 97 25 98. A Charles II small silver cup of tapering cylindrical form with scroll handle, 5cm. high, maker William Grundy, 1680, 1.9ozs. £2000-£3000. 26 99 99. A Victorian coffee pot of lobed baluster form, monogrammed, with domed lid and spire finial, having engraved foliate and scroll decoration, raised on a shaped spreading foot, 15cm. high, maker WKR, London, 1851, 26.84ozs £350-£450. 100. A 19th century continental silver oval box with shell decorated hinged cover, 7.5cm. wide, unmarked. 2.03ozs. £250-£300. 101. A late 17th century and 18th century continental silver box presented to Sir William Read, of heart shaped outline with carved abalone shell depicting moses in the bullrushes and a knight, with a coat of arms of Malone to the reverse, 9cm. wide. £600-£700. 102. A George III silver-gilt snuff box, of cartouche outline, initialled, with foliate banded borders, 8cm. wide, maker EC, London 1794. 3.53ozs. £300-£500. 100 101 102 27 104 103 107 106 103. A William IV silver engine turned rectangular box with presentation inscription of Exeter interest,9.25cm. wide, maker Edward Edwards London, 1836. 5.47ozs. £250-£350. 104. A George III silver gilt oval seal case, with Oxford University coat of arms to the lid, containing wax seal of Oxford University, 9cm. long, maker WB, London, 1810. £300-£400. 105. No Lot. 28 106. An Old Sheffield plated five light candelabrum, plain tapered column, with gadrooned borders, leaf capped scroll arms, overall height 75cm. £250-£350. 107. A pair of Sheffield plate twin branch candelabra, with urn shaped nozzles and gadrooned sconces on reeded scrolling branches, issuing from a knopped and tapering column on a spreading circular base, 51cm. high. £300-£400. 108. A pair of plated two branch candelabra decorated in the neo-classical taste, with urn shaped nozzles on swept supports on square tapering columns with urn and wreath decoration, on square bases, 30cm. high. £80-£120. 109. A pair of plated comport stands by Elkington, the circular tops with beaded rims, raised on a knopped stem and trefoil base with griffon supports and shell ornament, numbered 8199, 19cm. high. £100-£150. 109A. A plated surtout de table of oval outline comprising two demi-lune sections with inset mirror panels, galleried sides, raised on peg feet, engraved with the armorial for Blanch Countess of Airlie, 90cm. wide, contained in an oak case with brass plaque with repeat armorial and inscribed Blanch Countess of Airlie. £600-£800. 109 109A 29 We'll find the best value cover for the worst case scenario. Nobody likes thinking about the worst. So think about the best instead. Because Lycetts is an independent insurance broker, we can offer you expert, impartial advice on a wealth of products and services for farm, estate, art and high value property insurance. For further information and advice contact Simon Hay on 01392 479 111. Exeter Office: 2 Bystock Terrace, Exeter, Devon, EX4 4HY. 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