FORM 1 - Environmental Clearances
FORM 1 - Environmental Clearances
APPLICATION FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CLEARANCE OF “PIRAMAL REVANTA” PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT ON PLOT BEARING C.T.S. NO. 491A/6 AND 491A/5 OF NAHUR VILLAGE, MULUND, MUMBAI FORM 1 Submitted to Expert Appraisal Committee (EAC), Delhi Submitted by M/s Piramal Realty Pvt.Ltd. 8TH FLOOR ,PIRAMAL TOWER, LOWER PAREL , MUMBAI – 400013 Environmental Consultant Building Environment (India) Pvt. Ltd Sai Sangam, Office No. 603, Plot No. 85, Sector- 15, C.B.D. Belapur – 400 614 Telefax: 022 4123 7073 Web: August 2015 Form 1-“Piramal Revanta, Mulund” By M/s Piramal Realty Pvt.Ltd. 2015 FORM 1 Basic Information Sr. No. 1 Item Name of the Project Details “PIRAMAL REVANTA” Proposed Residential development on plot bearing C.T.S. No. 491A/6 and 491A/5 of Nahur village, Mulund, Mumbai, Maharashtra 2 S. No. in the schedule The aforesaid project falls in Category B 2 of Projects and activity number 8(a) - Building and Construction Projects as per the “List of Projects or Activities requiring prior Environmental Clearance” given in the EIA Notification dated 14th September, 2006. 3 Proposed capacity/area/length/tonnage to be The proposed project is new construction of a Piramal Realty handled/command area/lease area/number of Pvt.Ltd. known as “PIRAMAL REVANTA” on plot bearing C.T.S. well to be drilled No. 491A/6 and 491A/5 of Nahur village, Mulund, Mumbai, Maharashtra It will be developed on a – Description Area of plot Deduction for Road area Net plot area FSI area Area in sqm. 33,882.20 2,094.30 31,787.90 Plot ‘A’ – 40006.98 Plot ‘B’ - 18403.31 Plot ‘A’ – 45012.75 Non FSI area Plot ‘B’ - 29887.91 4 New/Expansion/Modernization Total construction (Built up Area) New 5 Existing Capacity/Area etc. Total Plot Area : 33,882.20 Sq.m 6 Category of the project i.e. ‘A’ or ‘B’ B 7 Does it attract the general condition? If yes, Not Applicable please specify. 8 Does it attract the specific condition? If yes, Not Applicable please specify. BE/Form 1-Piramal Revanta /015/001 1 Rev.00 area 133310.95 M/s Piramal Realty Pvt.Ltd. Form 1-“Piramal Revanta, Mulund” By M/s Piramal Realty Pvt.Ltd. 9 Location 2015 Plot bearing C.T.S. No. 491A/6 and 491A/5 of Nahur village, Mulund, Mumbai, Maharashtra. Latitude: 19º10´00.69” N Longitude: 72º56´07.59” E Google Imagery is provided in Annexure I. 10 11 Plot/ Survey/ Khasra No. CTS. no. 491A/6 and 491A/5 of Nahur village, Mulund, Mumbai Village Nahur village Tehsil Mumbai District Mumbai Suburban District State Maharashtra Mulund is the nearest railway station at a distance of 3 kms Chhatrapati Shivaji Terminus airport is situated at a distance of 18kms from the project site. Nearest Town, City, District Headquarters The site is located in Mulund region. along with the distance in kms. Nearest railway station/airport along with distance in kms. 12 Village Panchayats, Zilla Parishad, The project site comes under jurisdiction of MCGM. Postal Municipal Corporation, Local body Address: Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, Head Quarter, (complete postal addresses with telephone Mumbai – 400 001 nos. to be given) 13 Name of the Applicant 14 Registered Address 15 Address for Correspondence: E-mail Mr. Shiju Bhaskar M/s Piramal Realty Pvt.Ltd. M/s Piramal Realty Pvt.Ltd. 8th floor ,Parimal tower, Lower Parel , Mumbai – 400013 M/s Parimal Realty Pvt.Ltd. 8th floor ,Parimal tower, Lower Parel , Mumbai – 400013 Telephone No. 022-33514017/9833769114 Fax No. 16 Details of alternative sites examined, if any. No Location of these sites should be shown on a topo sheet. 17 Interlinked Projects 18 Whether separate application of interlinked Not Applicable project has been submitted? BE/Form 1-Piramal Revanta /015/001 2 Rev.00 Not Applicable M/s Piramal Realty Pvt.Ltd. Form 1-“Piramal Revanta, Mulund” By M/s Piramal Realty Pvt.Ltd. 19 If yes, date of submission Not Applicable 20 If no, reason Not Applicable 21 Whether the proposal involves approval / Near to Sanjay Gandhi National Park clearance under: if yes, details of the same and their status to be given. 22 2015 (a) The Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980 (b) The Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972 (c) The CRZ Notification, 1991 Whether there is any Government Order / No Policy relevant / relating to the site? 23 Forest land involved (hectares) 24 Whether there is any litigation pending against the project and / or land in which the project is proposed to be set up? (a) Name of the Court (b) Case No. Order/ directions of the Court, if any and its relevance with the proposed project. BE/Form 1-Piramal Revanta /015/001 3 Rev.00 Nil No No Not Applicable M/s Piramal Realty Pvt.Ltd. Form 1-“Piramal Revanta, Mulund” By M/s Piramal Realty Pvt.Ltd. 2015 (I) Activity 1. Construction, operation or decommissioning of the Project involving actions, which will cause physical changes in the locality (topography, land use, changes in water bodies, etc.) S.No. Information/Checklist confirmation Yes/No Details thereof (with approximate quantities /rates, wherever possible) with source of information data 1.1 Permanent or temporary change in land Partly use, land cover or topography including Yes increase in intensity of land use (with respect to local land use plan) The proposed project is about development of property in Mulund (E). The proposed project comes under Industrial Zone as per DP 1991 remark and CR as .The proposed development is in accordance with the approved development plan of Mumbai. 1.2 Clearance of existing land, vegetation and No/Yes buildings? The site is located in Industrial zone. The proposed development will be only of residential in nature thus it will change the land use pattern of the site and will increase the intensity of land use. 1.3 Creation of new land uses? Yes Will be used for residential purpose. 1.4 Pre-construction investigations e.g. bore Yes houses, soil testing? Geo technical investigation report & water quality testing will be carried out. 1.5 Construction works? The proposed development involves construction of following: Plot ‘A’ – 3 Base + Stilt + 1 Pod + 1st to 42 upper floors. Yes Plot ‘B’ – 3 Base + Stilt + 4 Pod + 1st to 18 upper floors. 1.7 Temporary sites used for construction No works or housing of construction workers? Workers will be hired and they would be travelling from their own house to the site. 1.8 Above ground buildings, structures or Yes earthworks including linear structures, cut and fill or excavations The proposed development involves construction following: Plot ‘A’ – 3 Base + Stilt + 1 Pod + 1st to 42 upper floors. Plot ‘B’ – 3 Base + Stilt + 4 Pod + 1st to 18 upper floors. BE/Form 1-Piramal Revanta /015/001 4 Rev.00 M/s Piramal Realty Pvt.Ltd. Form 1-“Piramal Revanta, Mulund” By M/s Piramal Realty Pvt.Ltd. 2015 1.9 Underground works including mining or No tunneling? No mining or tunneling work will take place. 1.10 Reclamation works? — Yes -1.11 Dredging? No No dredging will be required as no offshore area is involved. 1.12 Offshore structures? No Not Applicable 1.13 Production and manufacturing processes? No No production and manufacturing processes are involved since it is a residential development project. 1.14 Facilities for storage of goods or materials? Yes Goods and raw materials required for construction work will be stored safely at the site during construction phase in temporary sheds. 1.15 Facilities for treatment or disposal of solid Yes waste or liquid effluents? WASTEWATER: According to estimation the quantity of waste water generated from project is 514KLD WASTEWATER TREATMENT: The Waste water generated from the project will be treated on the site in the two Sewage Treatment Plants of capacity 520 KLD. The Proposed project will be is provided with STP for treatment of Sewage & Sludge that would be generated during operational phase. The treated effluent from STPs will be reused for flushing, irrigation and other purpose. SOLID WASTE: Total waste generated from proposed project (during the operational phase of the project) would be about 1.38 TPD However for the proposed project, impacts from waste disposal would not be significant, since municipal BE/Form 1-Piramal Revanta /015/001 5 Rev.00 M/s Piramal Realty Pvt.Ltd. Form 1-“Piramal Revanta, Mulund” By M/s Piramal Realty Pvt.Ltd. 2015 solid waste will be disposed off as per Municipal Solid Waste Handling and Management Rules. Recyclables Recyclables will be sold over to local recyclers. The hazardous waste would be disposed as per standard norms of MoEF with the help of authorized agencies. Biodegradable waste (Wet garbage) will be composted by using Organic waste Converter. The sludge obtained from STP will be used as manure and inert waste will be handed over to MCGM. 1.16 Facilities for long term housing of No operational workers? The project will not provide facilities for long term housing of operational workers. 1.17 New road, rail or sea traffic during Yes construction or operation? The project may contribute traffic growth during the construction & operational stage. During construction stage it may be due to transport of vehicles, machinery, material and/or personnel. During operational phase, based on occupancy road traffic will be additional over the baseline value, but the impact would be negligible from increased traffic. 1.18 New road, rail, air waterborne or other No transport infrastructure including new or altered routes and stations, ports, airports etc? It is intended to make maximum use of existing road network for mobilization of personnel and/or materials. No new roads are necessary for the proposed project. 1.19 Closure or diversion of existing transport No routes or infrastructure leading to changes in traffic movements? There will not be any closure or diversion of existing transportation routes. 1.20 New or diverted transmission lines or Yes pipelines? New transmission lines as well aspipelines will be required for facilitating various infrastructure utilities for the proposed building. BE/Form 1-Piramal Revanta /015/001 6 Rev.00 M/s Piramal Realty Pvt.Ltd. Form 1-“Piramal Revanta, Mulund” By M/s Piramal Realty Pvt.Ltd. 2015 1.21 Impoundment, damming, culverting, No realignment or other changes to the hydrology of watercourses or aquifers? Not Applicable 1.22 Stream crossings? The study area does not involve any stream crossing. 1.23 Abstraction or transfers of water from ground or surface waters? No Not Applicable 1.24 Changes in water bodies or the land surface affecting drainage or run-off? No The site is restored back to normal after construction and surface run off from site will be channelized through storm water drains hence no change in drainage pattern envisaged. 1.25 Transport of personnel or materials for Yes construction, operation or decommissioning? The material and personnel for the construction work will be transported through vehicles/ trucks. 1.26 Long-term dismantling or Partly decommissioning or restoration works? Yes The proposed project is a new project. It will not be a long term process 1.27 Ongoing activity during decommissioning No which could have an impact on the environment? The dismantling/ demolishing process will be of short duration, thus the impact on the environment could be insignificant. 1.28 Influx of people to an area in either temporarily or permanently? Since the proposed project involves construction of residential building, influx of people will be taken place to new development. 1.29 Introduction of alien species? No There is no introduction of Alien species. Only native species of flora will be planted. Total 279 trees will be planted on site. Plants and trees will be planted as barrier against traffic and other urban noise pollution. Selection of tree species is as per insulation against noise, vibrations and reduce sound penetrations. 1.30 Loss of native species or genetic diversity? No There is no introduction of Alien species. Only native species of flora will be planted. Total 279 trees will be planted on site. Plants and trees will be planted as barrier against traffic and other urban noise pollution. Selection of tree species is as per BE/Form 1-Piramal Revanta /015/001 7 Rev.00 No Yes M/s Piramal Realty Pvt.Ltd. Form 1-“Piramal Revanta, Mulund” By M/s Piramal Realty Pvt.Ltd. 2015 insulation against noise, vibrations and reduce sound penetrations. 1.31 Any other actions? No No other actions/activities envisaged. 2. Use of Natural resources for construction or operation of the Project (such as land, water, materials or energy, especially any resources which are non-renewable or in short supply): S.No. Information/checklist confirmation Yes/No 2.1 Land especially undeveloped agricultural land (ha) or No 2.2 Water (expected source & competing Yes users) unit: KLD Details thereof (with approximate quantities /rates, wherever possible) with source of information data The site selected for development of residential building was an open vacant land coming under Industrial zone as per DP 1991 and CR as per Draft DP 2034. Hence new development will take place on the open barren land with adequate facilities like during water supply, waste water treatment facility, parking facility, electric supply etc .At present it is not being used for any purpose. The project will adhere to existing land use pattern. CONSTRUCTION PHASE: Source: MCGM/ Tanker water Domestic & Flushing : 25 m3/day Construction activities: 75 m3/day OPERATION PHASE: Source: The source of water supply would be from MCGM, Recycled water from STP The details of water requirement for proposed buildings are -: Total Water Demand–638 KLD Domestic :399 KLD Flushing : 238 KLD Irrigation purpose :47KLD Car washing:5 KLD 2.3 Minerals (MT) 2.4 Construction material – stone, Yes aggregates, sand / soil (expected source – MT) BE/Form 1-Piramal Revanta /015/001 8 Rev.00 No Not Applicable Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 Description Cement Sand Aggregates Steel Unit Bags cu.m cu.m MT Quantity 370572.7 30947.18 46024.02 4546.856 M/s Piramal Realty Pvt.Ltd. Form 1-“Piramal Revanta, Mulund” By M/s Piramal Realty Pvt.Ltd. 5 6 Formwork Concrete Fly Ash (RMC) (% of fly ash in RMC 18-20 %) Form work (Shuttering material servicable upto 8 times) 7 8 2.5 Forests and timber (source – MT) 2.6 Energy including electricity and fuels Yes (source, competing users) Unit: fuel (MT), energy (MW) No 2015 sq.m cu.m 506581.6 51499.29 MT 5149.929 sq.m 63322.7 Not Applicable Electricity Source: MSEDCL Power requirement (KW/h)for: The total power requirement for the project is as follows: Total Connected load:41 mva Total Demand Load:15.2 MVA During Operation Phase - 2 × 3200 KVA Type of fuel: Diesel D.G sets are used as a stand by supply of power to meet only emergency load. 2.7 Any other natural resources (use No appropriate standard units) BE/Form 1-Piramal Revanta /015/001 9 Rev.00 Not applicable M/s Piramal Realty Pvt.Ltd. Form 1-“Piramal Revanta, Mulund” By M/s Piramal Realty Pvt.Ltd. 2015 ‘3. Use, storage, transport, handling or production of substances or materials, which could be harmful to human health or the environment or raise concerns about actual or perceived risks to human health. S.No Information/Checklist confirmation . 3.1 Yes/No Use of substances or materials, which are Yes hazardous (as per MSIHC rules) to human health or the environment (flora, fauna, and water supplies) Details thereof (with approximate quantities/rates, wherever possible) with source of information data The Hazardous substances used during construction of buildings would be paints, solvents, varnishes and waste oil, paints, cleaners, batteries and pesticides and petroleum products., Asbestos containing Dust, Glass, Plastics, steel are used .The quantity of waste generated would be very low. The waste oil generated will be used for cleaning of shuttering material or oiling the scaffolding and balance can be sold to scrap dealer. The waste oil generated from DG sets will be stored in sealed containers and will finally be sold to authorized recycling agency. Other hazardous waste will be handled as per Hazardous Waste Handling (2003) rules. 3.2 Changes in occurrence of disease or affect No disease vectors (e.g. insect or water borne diseases) Not applicable 3.3 Affect the welfare of people e.g. by Yes changing living conditions? The proposed development will provide better and environmentally sustainable housing to the people. It aims to maintain good standard of living. 3.4 Vulnerable groups of people who could be No affected by the project e.g. hospital patients, children, the elderly etc., Not applicable 3.5 Any other causes Not applicable BE/Form 1-Piramal Revanta /015/001 10 Rev.00 No M/s Piramal Realty Pvt.Ltd. Form 1-“Piramal Revanta, Mulund” By M/s Piramal Realty Pvt.Ltd. 2015 4. Production of solid wastes during construction or operation or decommissioning (MT/month) S.No Information/Checklist confirmation . Yes/No Details thereof (with approximate quantities/rates, wherever possible) with source of information data 4.1 Spoil, overburden or mine wastes No Not applicable 4.2 Municipal waste (domestic commercial wastes) and or Yes Inorganic waste generated during the construction phase like waste concrete, mortar, left over aggregate and debris etc shall be recycled for use in the base layers of paved area i.e. parking pavement. The overall impact of waste disposal during construction phase is insignificant. According to estimation, approximately 1.38 TPD solid wastes from proposed buildings would be generated during operational phase of the project. Out of this, biodegradable waste would be 1.31 TPD and nonbiodegradable would be 0.07 TPD The waste management practice would focus on segregation of waste at source into wet and dry garbage. Dry garbage will be disposed through recyclers. Biodegradable waste (Wet garbage) will be composted by using OWC. The sludge obtained from STP will be used as manure. 4.3 Hazardous wastes (as per Hazardous Waste Yes Management Rules) The hazardous substances generated during construction phase would be mainly varnishes, solvents and paints from finishing work, Oil and Diesel from construction machinery. During operation period hazardous waste would be D. G set maintenance oil. The quantity of hazardous waste is considered to be negligible, assuming maintenance once in a year for DG set installation. The waste oil generated will be used for cleaning of shuttering material or BE/Form 1-Piramal Revanta /015/001 11 Rev.00 M/s Piramal Realty Pvt.Ltd. Form 1-“Piramal Revanta, Mulund” By M/s Piramal Realty Pvt.Ltd. 2015 oiling the scaffolding and balance can be sold to scrap dealer. Also the waste oil from DG set will be stored in sealed containers and will finally be sold to authorize recycling agency. Other hazardous waste will be handled as per Hazardous Waste (Management & Handling) Rules. 4.4 Other industrial process wastes No Not applicable as the proposed project is construction sector project. 4.5 Surplus product No Not applicable 4.6 Sewage sludge or other sludge from Yes effluent treatment Proposed building- 0.175 TPD 4.7 Construction or demolition wastes During construction the quantity of waste generated would 6665.5 TPD will be generated in construction phase for period of three years. Yes Demolition debris of about 6724 TPD will be generated The construction debris will be collected and suitably used on site for leveling purpose. Some of the debris would be converted into building blocks by using appropriate technology. Remaining waste if any would be sent to MCGM approved dumping site. 4.8 Redundant machinery or equipment No No redundant machinery will be present on site as the construction and other equipments involved will be transported out of the project area once the construction work is over. 4.9 Contaminated soils or other materials No Not applicable 4.10 Agricultural wastes No Not applicable 4.11 Other solid wastes No Not applicable BE/Form 1-Piramal Revanta /015/001 12 Rev.00 M/s Piramal Realty Pvt.Ltd. Form 1-“Piramal Revanta, Mulund” By M/s Piramal Realty Pvt.Ltd. 2015 5. Release of pollutants or any hazardous, toxic or noxious substances to air (Kg/hr) ` S.No Information/Checklist confirmation . 5.1 Yes/No Emissions from combustion of fossil fuels Yes from stationary or mobile sources Details thereof (with approximate quantities/rates, wherever possible) with source of information data There will be emissions of PM, SO2, NOX& CO from burning of fuel from vehicles and DG sets. The source of air emissions during construction phase will include emissions from vehicles used for transport of construction material to the site and from construction equipment. Stationary Source: DG sets Prediction of impacts on air quality due to DG sets carries out by employing AERMOD software. Usually it is observed that 2 DG sets of total capacity 3200KVA shows resultant predicted concentration of pollutants well below the permissible limits given by CPCB” Mobile Source: movement Vehicular The major pollutant due to vehicular movement will be CO. Estimation of CO emissions with and without project carries out with help of AERMOD software. It is observed that the maximum contribution by vehicular movement to atmospheric concentration of CO due to project will be 0.1 ppm over the baseline value. 5.2 Emissions from production processes 5.3 Emissions from materials including storage or transport BE/Form 1-Piramal Revanta /015/001 13 Rev.00 No handling No Not Applicable Proper safety and control measures will be adopted to avoid any emissions during storage and transport of materials while construction activity is on. M/s Piramal Realty Pvt.Ltd. Form 1-“Piramal Revanta, Mulund” By M/s Piramal Realty Pvt.Ltd. 2015 5.4 Emissions from construction activities Yes including plant and equipment There will be emission from construction activity/ equipment due to burning of diesel. 5.5 Dust or odours from handling of materials No including construction materials, sewage and waste Impact of SPM (dust) generation during the construction phase will be mitigated by following measures: 5.6 Emissions from incineration of waste 5.7 Emissions from burning of waste in open No air (e.g. slash materials, construction debris) Not Applicable 5.8 Emissions from any other sources Not Applicable BE/Form 1-Piramal Revanta /015/001 14 Rev.00 No Water all roads used for any vehicular traffic once daily and restrict vehicle speed to 15 mph. Apply water to at least 8 storage piles on a daily basis whenever there is an evidence of wind driven fugitive dust. Install a three-sided enclosure with walls with no more than 50 percent porosity that extends, at a minimum, to the top of the pile. Downwash of trucks (especially tyres) prior to departure from the site. Not Applicable No M/s Piramal Realty Pvt.Ltd. Form 1-“Piramal Revanta, Mulund” By M/s Piramal Realty Pvt.Ltd. 2015 6. Generation of Noise and Vibration, and Emissions of Light and Heat: S.No Information/Checklist confirmation . 6.1 Yes/No From operation of equipment e.g. engines, Yes ventilation plant, crushers Details thereof (with approximate quantities/rates, wherever possible) with source of information data with source of information data The noise & vibrations will be generated from construction equipments used at the site. 1The average noise levels in dB(A) from equipments are as given below: (i)Earth moving Front end loader: 88 Back Hoe: 86.5 Bull Dozer: 96 Roller: 90 Scraper: 96 Grader: <85 Truck: 96 Paver: 101 ii)Material Handling Concrete mixer: <85 Concrete Pump: <85 Crane: 100 iii)Power units Generators: <85 Compressors: <85 iv)Others Power Saw: 88.5 Electric drill: 102 However, all the equipments will be kept in temporary acoustic enclosures which will be as per approved designs of Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) and hence the noise will be well within permissible standards. 6.2 From industrial or similar processes BE/Form 1-Piramal Revanta /015/001 15 Rev.00 No The project involves redevelopment of municipal property. Therefore it will not involve any industrial M/s Piramal Realty Pvt.Ltd. Form 1-“Piramal Revanta, Mulund” By M/s Piramal Realty Pvt.Ltd. 2015 processes and emissions of noise/ heat associated with it. 6.3 From construction or demolition Yes Noise at construction site varies relative to particular operation in progress. Sources of Noise during operation of activities are ground clearing, foundation, erection, and finishing. There will be marginal increase in noise during construction work and it will be localized to work site. The activities will be restricted to the daytime. Personnel protective equipment will be provided and their proper usage will be ensured for eardrum protection of the workers. 6.4 From blasting or piling No Not applicable 6.5 From construction or operational traffic Yes The project may contribute traffic growth and thus increased noise level associated with it during the construction & operational stage. The project traffic (provided parking) is 1194 If we consider that the project will be contributing 60% of these vehicles i.e. 716 vehicles on the road, then there will be marginal increase in generation of noise by vehicular movement. Therefore Proper traffic management measures will be followed with in the project to avoid traffic congestion and nuisance associated with it. 6.6 From lighting or cooling systems No Not applicable 6.7 From any other sources No Not Applicable BE/Form 1-Piramal Revanta /015/001 16 Rev.00 M/s Piramal Realty Pvt.Ltd. Form 1-“Piramal Revanta, Mulund” By M/s Piramal Realty Pvt.Ltd. 2015 7. Risks of contamination of land or water from releases of pollutants into the ground or into sewers, surface waters, groundwater, coastal waters or the sea: S.No Information/Checklist confirmation . 7.1 Yes/No From handling, storage, use or spillage of No hazardous materials Details thereof (with approximate quantities/rates, wherever possible) with source of information data The significant hazardous material would be the varnishes, paints, solvents, Asbestos productsinsulation, tiles etc; Tar and Tar products(bitumen, felt, water proofing compounds), chemicals, admixtures, sealents, adhesives, paints, pigments, dyes and primers, Tarpaulin, Plastics, batteries, electronic parts etc and waste oil from DG sets. However, the hazardous material will be handled as per the Hazardous Waste (Management & Handling) Rules, 2003. The waste oil generated will be used for cleaning of shuttering material or oiling the scaffolding and balance can be sold to scrap dealer. Also the waste oil from DG set will be stored in sealed containers and will be sold to authorize recycling agents. The Dustbins for these waste products is provided which is made of durable materials like metal or masonry. 7.2 From discharge of sewage or other No effluents to water or the land (expected mode and place ofdischarge) There will not occur any contamination of land or water body because of the project as due care will be taken on proper waste management techniques. Organic waste converter will be provided for biodegradable solid waste treatment. There will be provision STP of total capacity 520 KLD(260 KLD x 2Nos working on ‘MBBR technology. The treated waste water coming from STPs will be used for secondary BE/Form 1-Piramal Revanta /015/001 17 Rev.00 M/s Piramal Realty Pvt.Ltd. Form 1-“Piramal Revanta, Mulund” By M/s Piramal Realty Pvt.Ltd. 2015 purpose like landscaping, washing and flushing. Car Therefore the project will not dispose off any waste or effluent to water body or on the land. The treated water coming from STP will be reused for construction activity, nearby gardens . 7.3 By deposition of pollutants emitted to air No into the land or into water The DG sets will be provided with stacks of sufficient height to disperse the pollutants effectively so that the flue gas emissions will be strictly within the norms stipulated by CPCB. 7.4 From any other sources Not Applicable 7.5 Is there a risk of long term build up of No pollutants in the environment from these sources? No The hazardous waste generated from the construction and operational phase of the project would be of negligible quantity. Also, it will be treated and disposed off as per Hazardous Waste (management & Handling) Rules, 2003. The sewage generated will be treated on site in the Sewage Treatment Plant. Treated wastewater will be used on site for secondary purposes and extra effluent, if any, would be discharged into municipal sewer after conforming to MPCB guidelines. The DG sets may be used as a backup power supply, only in case of emergency. Thus, there will not be any risk of long term build up of pollutants in the environment from any of these sources. During construction phase waste such as excavated soil, debris, some metal waste, very small amount of oil &grease from construction machines will be generated. This waste may contaminate soil at site plus top soil is expected to be affected and become prone to erosion but this will be BE/Form 1-Piramal Revanta /015/001 18 Rev.00 M/s Piramal Realty Pvt.Ltd. Form 1-“Piramal Revanta, Mulund” By M/s Piramal Realty Pvt.Ltd. 2015 mitigated by plantation of trees on the site. 8. Risk of accidents during construction or operation of the Project, which could affect human health or the environment S.No Information/Checklist confirmation . 8.1 Yes/No From explosions, spillages, fires etc from No storage, handling, use or production of hazardous substances Details thereof (with approximate quantities/rates, wherever possible) with source of information data HSD, which is used as fuel for DG sets will be properly stored and used as per rules & regulations. Also, quantity required is very less. The probability of hazard would be almost negligible. Accidently if fire accident happen then proper fire fighting measures would be followed. BE/Form 1-Piramal Revanta /015/001 19 Rev.00 Cantilever refuge area provided on mid landing of both the staircases in between floors will be facing the approach road side and open space on the north side. In addition, terrace floor will also be treated as refuge area. Sprinkler system will be provided in lift lobby and common passage and basement of the building. Automatic smoke detector will be provided in lift machine room & electric meter room. Hydrant system will be provided at the periphery at every 30 meters. The building will also be provided with fire prevention and fire fighting requirements such as wet riser system with fire pump, booster pump, overhead tank, manual fire alarm system, alternate source of electric supply, automatic M/s Piramal Realty Pvt.Ltd. Form 1-“Piramal Revanta, Mulund” By M/s Piramal Realty Pvt.Ltd. 2015 smoke detection system, sprinkler system for building and basement with sprinkler pump and jockey pump. 8.2 From any other causes No Proper Environmental, Health & Safety (EHS) measures will be followed at the site for the well-being of workers and other people present at the site. 8.3 Could the project be affected by natural No disasters causing environmental damage (e.g. floods, earthquakes, landslides, cloudburst etc)? Site for the proposed development falls under Industrial Zone I2 as per the seismic zone map of India. The design and construction of the project will be carried out as per Industrial zone I2 norms. 9. Factors which should be considered (such as consequential development) which could lead to environmental effects or the potential for cumulative impacts with other existing or planned activities in the locality S. No. Information/Checklist confirmation 9.1 Lead to development of supportingfacilities, ancillary development or development stimulated by the project which could have impact on the environment e.g.: Yes/No • Supporting infrastructure (roads, power supply, waste or waste water treatment, etc.) Yes • Housing development • extractive industries • supply industries • other BE/Form 1-Piramal Revanta /015/001 20 Rev.00 Details thereof (with approximate quantities/rates, wherever possible) with source of information data Power supply would be from MSEDCL. MBBR technology would be installed for sewage treatment (2Nos of 260 KLD Plant. Rain water harvesting system will be installed on site. 2Nos of 100 m³water tanks Implementation of solid waste management system. Proper designing of storm water drainage system. Site wide trench network will be provided and the same will be discharged into the municipal network Designing adequate Firefighting system Tower-1:- 500m³ of water tank at basement 1, 300m³ of water tank at roof. M/s Piramal Realty Pvt.Ltd. Form 1-“Piramal Revanta, Mulund” By M/s Piramal Realty Pvt.Ltd. 2015 Tower-2:- 500m³ of water tank at basement 1, 300m³ of water tank at roof 9.2 Lead to after-use of the site, which could No have an impact on the environment Not Applicable 9.3 Set a precedent for later developments The proposed project will be developed in an environment sustainable manner. Project aims at providing better housing & amenities to the people. It will set an example for other similar projects. 9.4 Have cumulative effects due to proximity No to other existing or planned projects with similar effects (II) Environmental Sensitivity S.No Areas . Yes Not Applicable Name/ Aerial distance (within 15 km.) from Proposed project location boundary Identity 1 Areas protected under international conventions, national or local legislation for their ecological, landscape, cultural or other related value 2 Areas which are important or sensitive for Sanjay ecological reasons Wetlands, Park at watercourses or other water bodies, 5.55kms coastal zone, biospheres, mountains, forests 3 Areas used by protected, important or -sensitive species of flora or fauna for breeding, nesting, foraging, resting, over wintering, migration 4 Inland, coastal, marine or underground waters BE/Form 1-Piramal Revanta /015/001 21 Rev.00 --- --- National distance -- M/s Piramal Realty Pvt.Ltd. Form 1-“Piramal Revanta, Mulund” By M/s Piramal Realty Pvt.Ltd. 2015 5 State, National boundaries 6 Routes or facilities used by the public for No access to recreation or other tourist, pilgrim areas Not Applicable 7 Defense installations No Not Applicable 8 Densely populated or built-up area The site is located in Mulund region. Other nearest towns from the project site are: 9 Areas occupied by sensitive man-made land uses (hospitals, schools, places of worship, community facilities) Mulund Police Station Post office Mulund (E) fire station Areas containing important, high quality No or scarce resources 3 kms 3.33 kms 0.79kms 1.16 kms Not Applicable (ground water resources, surface resources, forestry, agriculture, fisheries, tourism, minerals) 11 Areas already subjected to pollution or No environmental damage. (those where existing legal environmental standards are exceeded) Not Applicable 12 Areas susceptible to natural hazard which Yes could cause the project to present environmental problems The project site lies in Seismic Zone III as per the seismic zone map of India and is susceptible to earthquake.. (earthquakes, subsidence, landslides, erosion, floodingor extreme or adverse climatic conditions) BE/Form 1-Piramal Revanta /015/001 22 Rev.00 M/s Piramal Realty Pvt.Ltd. Form 1-“Piramal Revanta, Mulund” By M/s Piramal Realty Pvt.Ltd. 2015 (IV) Proposed Terms of Reference for EIA studies Not applicable since it is a construction sector project. “I hereby given undertaking that the data and information given in the application and enclosures are true to the best of my knowledge and belief and I am aware that if any part of the data and information submitted is found to be false or misleading at any stage, the project will be rejected and clearance given, if any to the project will be revoked at our risk and cost”. Date: Place:Mumbai. Signature of the applicant BE/Form 1-Piramal Revanta /015/001 23 Rev.00 M/s Piramal Realty Pvt.Ltd. Form 1-“Piramal Revanta, Mulund” By M/s Piramal Realty Pvt.Ltd. 2015 Annexure I: Google Image BE/Form 1-Piramal Revanta /015/001 24 Rev.00 M/s Piramal Realty Pvt.Ltd. 2015 APPENDIX II (See paragraph 6) FORM-1 A (only for construction projects listed under item 8 of the Schedule) CHECK LIST OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS [Project proponents are required to provide full information and wherever necessary attach explanatory notes with the Form and submit along with proposed environmental management plan & monitoring programme] 1. LAND ENVIRONMENT (Attach panoramic view of the project site and the vicinity) 1.1. Will the existing land use get significantly altered from the project that is not consistent with the surroundings? (Proposed land use must conform to the approved Master Plan / Development Plan of the area. Change of landuse if any and the statutory approval from the competent authority be submitted). Attach Maps of (i) site location, (ii) surrounding features of the proposed site (within 500 meters) and (iii)the site (indicating levels & contours) to appropriate scales. If not available attach only conceptual plans. The proposed project comes under Industrial Zone as per DP 1991 remark and CR as .The proposed development is in accordance with the approved development plan of Mumbai. Proposed residential construction will led to changes in land cover of the proposed site. The Google Image is attached in Annexure I. The Development Remark is given in Annexure II. Google Image of the project site BE/Form 1A-Pirama Revanta /015/002Rev.00 1 2015 1.2. List out all the major project requirements in terms of the land area, built up area, water consumption, power requirement, connectivity, community facilities, parking needs etc. Sr. No. Information Required 1. Total Plot Area 2. Deductions 3. Net Plot Area 4. FSI Consumed 5. Construction built up area as per (a+b) 6. a)FSI area Details to be filled by client(in sq.m) 33,882.20 Sq. Mt. 2,094.30 Sq. Mt 31,787.90 Sq. Mt 133310.95 Sq. Mt. Plot ‘A’ – 40006.98 Plot ‘B’ - 18403.31 7. b)Non FSI area 8. R.G. Area (On ground & On podium) Required Proposed 9. Basement Area and number 10.Podium Area and number 11.Any swimming pool area 12.Total No. of buildings 13.Maximum height of building 14.Total No. of flats (Separately for 2 BHK, 3 BHK, 4BHK etc) 15.Parking no.s Plot ‘A’ – 45012.75 Plot ‘B’ - 29887.91 Building Plot ‘A’ Plot ‘B’ Name Required 3900.58 1435.28 Proposed 4265.90 1442.79 Plot ‘A’ – 3Nos. 21213.15 Plot ‘B’ – 3Nos. 10727.19 Plot ‘A’ – 1Nos. 5410.06 Plot ‘B’ – 4Nos. 10901.84 NA Building Name BUA Tenements Plot ‘A’ 85019.73 397 Plot ‘B’ 48291.22 138 Plot ‘A’ – 144.40 mt. Plot ‘B’ – 74.60 mt. Plot ‘A’ – 397Nos. Plot ‘B’ – 138Nos. Plot ‘A’ Plot ‘B’ Reqd. parking no. Proposed parking 743Nos. 756Nos. 345Nos. 438Nos. Connectivity: Mulund is the nearest railway station from the site at a distance of 1 kms. BE/Form 1A-Pirama Revanta /015/002Rev.00 2 2015 1.3. What are the likely impacts of the proposed activity on the existing facilities adjacent to the proposed site? (Such as open spaces, community facilities, details of the existing landuse, disturbance to the local ecology) Site selected for development comprises of a fallow land. Land-use of the surrounding area is characterized by residential purpose. The project being a well-planned activity will result in organized open spaces and green areas. The project will be so developed that almost 5708.69 sq.m. of the area on ground will be designated as ‘Recreational Green area’. The biodiversity in the area will increase due to the proposed green area, which is planned to be greater than the required open greens. The proposed development is expected to enhance the land use pattern of the area in accordance with the development plan without compromising on the socio economic status of the local people. The change in aesthetics and visual appeal of the region will also be positive. No stress on the existing community facilities is anticipated. 1.4. Will there be any significant land disturbance resulting in erosion, subsidence & instability? (Details of soil type, slope analysis, vulnerability to subsidence, seismicity etc may be given). The main reasons for erosion are overexploitation of groundwater, instable slopes, landslides etc. The project will involve construction of roads, residential building and development of green areas, and will cover all exposed soil either by greenery or paving, which would reduce the chances of erosion and subsidence. Soil type– Soil of the project site and its surrounding area is Clayey. Slope Analysis – From the topographical map it has been observed that the site has a gentle slope from east to west. Seismo-Tectonic Appraisal of the Area - As per the seismic-zoning map of India, the project site falls under zone III. Structural design requirements will be made as per Zone III norms. 1.5. Will the proposal involve alteration of natural drainage systems? (Give details on a contour map showing the natural drainage near the proposed project site) The proposed development project is planned in such a manner that it will not alter the existing drainage pattern of the area. 1.6. What are the quantities of earthwork involved in the construction activity-cutting, filling, reclamation etc. (Give details of the quantities of earthwork involved, transport of fill materials from outside the site etc.) There will not be any extensive transportation of materials from outside the site as only the construction material will be mainly transported from outside. The details of construction material and quantity are as follows: BE/Form 1A-Pirama Revanta /015/002Rev.00 3 2015 Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Description Cement Sand Aggregates Steel Formwork Concrete Fly Ash (RMC) (% of fly ash in RMC 18-20 %) Form work (Shuttering material servicable upto 8 times) Unit Bags cu.m cu.m MT sq.m cu.m Quantity 370572.7 30947.18 46024.02 4546.856 506581.6 51499.29 MT 5149.929 sq.m 63322.7 1.7. Give details regarding water supply, waste handling etc during the construction period. (A)Water supply: Source: MCGM Total water requirement: ~ 100KLD Domestic & Flushing: 25 KLD Construction activities: 75KLD For all the construction activities water will be supplied through tanker water whereas water required for domestic and flushing purpose for workers will be obtained by municipal supply. (B) Solid waste/Wastewater handling: The waste generated during construction phase of the project will be mainly of three types: Construction debris Domestic solid waste Wastewater The construction debris will be collected and suitably used on site for land leveling. Temporary shelter and mess would be provided for construction labor. The waste generated from labour facility would be mainly domestic waste that would be collected and segregated. It would then be handed over to MCGM for dumping. Temporary soak pits/ septic tank will be constructed on the site for the wastewater generated from labour facility. The overflow from soak pits/ septic tanks will be used for landscaping and plantation. Due care will be taken to ensure that this overflow is not discharged directly into any surface water body. 1.8. Will the low lying areas & wetlands get altered? (Provide details of how low lying and wetlands are getting modified from the proposed activity) Site surroundings are characterized by an urbanized stretch. No wetlands and major low lying areas are found in the surrounding area. Therefore there will be no alteration of low lying area and wetlands by the proposed project. BE/Form 1A-Pirama Revanta /015/002Rev.00 4 2015 1.9. Whether construction debris & waste during construction cause health hazard? (Give quantities of various types of wastes generated during construction including the construction labour and the means of disposal) Construction activities create solid wastes that need to be disposed off. Proper measures will be taken to dispose off waste generated during construction phase. Thus, no health hazards are expected. Source: The waste generated during construction phase can be broadly classified as construction waste and domestic waste. Construction waste: It includes waste concrete, excavated soil, broken bricks, waste plaster, metallic scrap etc. Domestic waste: It includes mainly food waste and other biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste. Disposal: A significant portion of the construction waste generated will be used on the site for leveling purpose. The remaining construction waste generated will be sent to an approved dumping site with the help of authorized agencies. The domestic solid waste generated from labor facilities will be collected and stored in collection bins and finally handed over to MCGM for dumping. Temporary soak pits/ septic tank will be constructed on the site for the wastewater generated from labour facility. The overflow from soak pits/ septic tanks will be used for landscaping. Due care will be taken to ensure that this overflow is not discharged directly into any surface water body. Please refer below the solid waste management plan showing location of OWC, manure storage area, segregation of waste ,Rack space. 2. WATER ENVIRONMENT 2.1. Give the total quantity of water requirement for the proposed project with the breakup of requirements for various uses. How will the water requirement met? State the sources & quantities and furnish a water balance statement. (A) Construction phase: The details of quantity of water required, its various uses and sources are as follows: Source: Tanker water and Municipal supply Total water requirement: ~ 100KLD Domestic & Flushing: 25 KLD Construction activities: 75 KLD BE/Form 1A-Pirama Revanta /015/002Rev.00 5 2015 For all the construction activities water will be supplied through tanker water whereas water required for domestic and flushing purpose for workers will be obtained by municipal supply. (B) Operational phase: The quantity of water required for various purposes for the Residential building during operational phase is mentioned in the table. This water balance describes about ‘water requirement. Total fresh water requirement for proposed project is ~399 KLD, which will be met through MCGM (Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai). Proposed project will have two STPs for with a capacity of about 520KLD respectively. The treated water from STPs will be used on site for secondary purposes like flushing, Car washing and landscaping. Rain water harvesting will be carried out within the project site. 2.2. What is the capacity (dependable flow or yield) of the proposed source of water? The total fresh water demand for project will be sourced from municipal supply (MCGMMunicipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai) and tanker supply. The water supply from municipal source will be 399 KLD which will suffice potable water demand of the proposed project. 2.3. What is the quality of water required, in case, the supply is not from a municipal source? (Provide physical, chemical, biological characteristics with class of water quality) Total water demand will mainly be met through MCGM water supply. 2.4. How much of the water requirement can be met from the recycling of treated wastewater? (Give the details of quantities, sources and usage) Out of the total quantity of treated wastewater, 290 KLD will be used on site for secondary purposes. The recycled water will be used for: Toilet flushing Landscaping Car washing 2.5. Will there be diversion of water from other users? (Please assess the impacts of the project on other existing uses and quantities of consumption) No diversion is anticipated from other existing users as the project would be getting water supply from MCGM (Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai). BE/Form 1A-Pirama Revanta /015/002Rev.00 6 2015 2.6. What is the incremental pollution load from wastewater generated from the proposed activity? (Give details of the quantities and composition of wastewater generated from the proposed activity) The quantity of wastewater generated from the buildings will be 514KLD. The wastewater generated will be treated on site in separate ‘Sewage Treatment Plants’ working on ‘Moving bed bio reactor’ technology (Capacity of STP: 520 KLD) Out of the total quantity of treated wastewater 290 KLD will be used on site for secondary purposes like Car washing, flushing and landscaping. The characteristics of the wastewater before and after treatment are as given below: Sr. No. Parameter Unit Raw sewage Treated sewage Characteristics 1 pH -- 6.0 - 8.0 7.0 - 7.5 2 BOD3days at 270C mg/l 200 - 350 10 3 COD mg/l 500 - 700 15 4 Suspended Solids mg/l 200 - 300 <10 5 Oil & Grease mg/l 15 <1 2.7. Give details of the water requirements met from water harvesting? Furnish details of the facilities created. Yes, Rainwater Harvesting Scheme (RWH) will be installed on the site as a step towards ‘Water Conservation’. Rain water from the rooftops of the buildings will be collected. Rainfall harvestable from terrace/rooftops during peak rainfall is 130.66 cum/day. Collected water will pass through sedimentation chambers, oil & grease separators and suspended baffles. Then it will be used for ground water recharging. It will be done through multiple rings well. 2.8. What would be the impact of the land use changes occurring due to the proposed project on the runoff characteristics (quantitative as well as qualitative) of the area in the post construction phase on a long term basis? Would it aggravate the problems of flooding or water logging in any way? The proposed project will include paved areas and thus the runoff from the plot is expected to increase due to reduced infiltration. The quality of the runoff is expected to improve. However, the increased runoff will not cause flooding or water logging because a well-designed storm water network will be provided. The runoff will be finally discharged into the rainwater harvesting structures and will be used to recharge the aquifers. 2.9. What are the impacts of the proposal on the ground water? (Will there be tapping of ground water; give the details of ground water table, recharging capacity, and approvals obtained from competent authority, if any) No tapping of ground water is expected in this project. MCGM water supply will be the main source of water during operational phase. Treated wastewater from STP will be used on site BE/Form 1A-Pirama Revanta /015/002Rev.00 7 2015 for gardening, flushing. Rainwater harvesting scheme will be practiced for groundwater recharge, which will have a positive impact on the groundwater table. 2.10. What precautions/measures are taken to prevent the run-off from construction activities polluting land & aquifers? (Give details of quantities and the measures taken to avoid the adverse impacts) Adequate control measures have been proposed to check the surface run-off, as well as uncontrolled flow of water into any water body. The following management measures are suggested to protect the water quality during the construction phase. Provision of silt traps at adequate locations. Avoid excavation during monsoon season. Preventing soil erosion. Pit latrines and community toilets with temporary septic tanks shall be constructed on the site during construction phase to prevent wastewater from entering the water bodies. To prevent surface and ground water contamination by oil/grease, leak proof containers will be used for storage and transportation of oil/grease. Oil and grease handling will take place at designated areas which will have impervious surface only. Construction activities generate disturbed soil, concrete fines, oils and other wastes. On-site collection and settling of storm water, prohibition of equipment wash downs, and prevention of soil loss and toxic releases from the construction site are necessary to minimize water pollution. 2.11. How is the storm water from within the site managed?(State the provisions made to avoid flooding of the area, details of the drainage facilities provided along with a site layout indication contour levels) During rainy season, after the rainfall, some part of the rainwater percolates into the ground and joins ground water table, a part is retained as soil moisture, some part is lost in evapotranspiration and the remaining water overflows as storm water runoff. The quantity of runoff reaching the sewers is considerable as compared to sanitary sewage. The storm water management at the project site will be done with the help of well-planned storm water drainage network as per MCGM remarks. 2.12. Will the deployment of construction laborers particularly in the peak period lead to unsanitary conditions around the project site (Justify with proper explanation)? No, mostly local labourers will be employed during the construction phase. Temporary shelter and mess would be provided for construction labor. The waste generated from labour facility would be mainly domestic waste that would be collected and segregated. The bio-degradable waste will be composted and inert will be handed over to MCGM for dumping. Temporary soak pits/ septic tank will be constructed on the site for the wastewater generated from labour facility. The overflow from soak pits/ septic tanks will be used for landscaping and plantation. Due care will be taken to ensure that this overflow is not discharged directly into any surface BE/Form 1A-Pirama Revanta /015/002Rev.00 8 2015 water body. Thus deployment of construction laborers on site will not lead to any unsanitary condition. 2.13. What on-site facilities are provided for the collection, treatment & safe disposal of sewage? (Give details of the quantities of wastewater generation, treatment capacities with technology & facilities for recycling and disposal) Quantity of wastewater generation per day: 514 KLD Treated water from STP per day: 462.6 KLD Sewage from buildings will be treated on site with the provision of ‘Sewage Treatment Plants’ two STPs working on ‘MBBR technology with capacity 520 KLD. 2.14. Give details of dual plumbing system if treated waste used is used for flushing of toilets or any other use. Sewage generated by the Residential building will be treated in STP on site. The recycled (treated) water will be stored in septic tanks. The treated water will be taken to a separate roof tank and a separate plumbing line will take the water to all flushing sections. This way using dual plumbing system the recycled water will be used safely 3. VEGETATION 3.1. Is there any threat of the project to the biodiversity? (Give a description of the local ecosystem with its unique features, if any) No, the proposed project site and its immediate surrounding area do not have any significant vegetation; it is characterized by mostly the common weed species that are of invasive nature and found in abundance in the area. Study area does not fall in any sensitive ecological area providing habitat for any sensitive wildlife. Hence there will be no impact on the local environment/biodiversity of the proposed site. 3.2. Will the construction involve extensive clearing or modification of vegetation? (Provide a detailed account of the trees & vegetation affected by the project) No. There is no habitat loss caused by the proposed development. On contrary, the comprehensive EMP having landscaped and green area of native plant species, not only enhance the aesthetic values of the region but also provide an excellent habitat for various faunal groups. 3.3. What are the measures proposed to be taken to minimize the likely impacts on important site features (Give details of proposal for tree plantation, landscaping, creation of water bodies etc along with a layout plan to an appropriate scale?) Landscaped and green area of native plant species will be developed at the site on green area of 5708.69 BE/Form 1A-Pirama Revanta /015/002Rev.00 9 2015 Sr. no Particulars Details 1 Total R.G Area 5708.69 2 Total No. of trees to be planted 279 No’s. 4. FAUNA 4.1. Is there likely to be any displacement of fauna- both terrestrial and aquatic or creation of barriers for their movement? Provide the details. No. The existing land use pattern in and around the proposed project site do not support any faunal species. In addition, the green area provided within the premises will provide an excellent habitat for faunal species once it becomes developed. 4.2. Any direct or indirect impacts on the avifauna of the area? Provide details. No prominent big mammals were observed during the field visit except dogs, domestic cats and pigs. The mammalian population is represented by rodents and occasional presence of short eared bats. There are no chiropteran roosts observed in the site or the vicinity. Avi faunas spotted during field survey were common birds such as House Crow and Sparrows. No impacts on the avifauna are expected. All the species recorded are local and commonly found all over the region. No endangered or rare avifauna was recorded from the study area. 4.3. Prescribe measures such as corridors, fish ladders etc to mitigate adverse impacts on fauna. Since the proposed project would not have any adverse impact on fauna hence mitigation measures are not relevant. As mentioned earlier, landscaped and green area will provide a suitable habitat for small group of faunal species, once it is fully developed. 5. AIR ENVIRONMENT 5.1. Will the project increase atmospheric concentration of gases & result in heat islands? (Give details of background air quality levels with predicted values based on dispersion models taking into account the increased traffic generation as a result of the proposed constructions) The project will result in negligible increase in the atmospheric concentrations of gases like PM, SO2, NOX& CO due to only increased traffic activity. The proposed activity will not result in the formation of any heat island, as the building will be covered with high solar reflective Index materials As this project is Residential building, less number of vehicles are expected to be use. Though two and three wheelers movement is expected during operation phase, its impact would be negligible. BE/Form 1A-Pirama Revanta /015/002Rev.00 10 2015 Although the incremental increase is not much high, general trend at Bharat IV & V vehicles and use of community transport will help to lower the values of CO, posing less of an impact on-site and at receptor locations. 5.2. What are the impacts on generation of dust, smoke, odorous fumes or other hazardous gases? Give details in relation to all the meteorological parameters. 2 D.G.set will be provided for proposed development and will be used as power back up source impact of generation of gaseous pollutants in the ambient environment will be negligible. 5.3. Will the proposal create shortage of parking space for vehicles? Furnish details of the present level of transport infrastructure and measures proposed for improvement including the traffic management at the entry & exit to the project site. The project proponent will provide sufficient space for parking of vehicles which will reduce idling of vehicles with in the residential building. Adequate measures have been proposed to manage the traffic within and outside the site. The vehicular traffic movement within the Residential building will be such that it will not disturb the landscaped areas and organized open spaces. Roads of sufficient width will be provided. Traffic management at entry and exit points will take place through trained personnel. 5.4. Provide details of the movement patterns with internal roads, bicycle tracks, pedestrian pathways, footpaths etc., with areas under each category. There will be sufficient wide entries & exits points and separate service road for service vehicles and fire tenders proposed in the project with sufficiently wide internal roads and pedestrian pathways. 5.5. Will there be significant increase in traffic noise & vibrations? Give details of the sources and the measures proposed for mitigation of the above. The site falls in Mulund East of Mumbai which is a very busy route. By considering the addition of vehicles due to the proposed project on the existing road along with the existing vehicles plying on it, the traffic noise from the site will result in a marginal increase in the noise levels. Though the project activity will not affect significantly on traffic noise and vibrations, proper mitigation measures will be suggested to mitigate the impact. Ear muff / ear plug will be provided to workers to safe guard from noise Separate entry / exit are proposed in the project with adequate wide internal roads for smooth traffic movement at site. Sufficient tree plantation will be done to acts as noise barrier. 5.6. What will be the impact of DG sets & other equipment on noise levels & vibration in & ambient air quality around the project site? Provide details. 2 D.G.set will be provided for proposed development but impact of generation of noise level in the ambient environment will be negligible. BE/Form 1A-Pirama Revanta /015/002Rev.00 11 2015 6. AESTHETICS 6.1. Will the proposed constructions in any way result in the obstruction of a view, scenic amenity or landscapes? Are these considerations taken into account by the proponents? The site falls in an urbanized stretch that it already well developed and will not result in obstruction of scenic amenity or landscape.. However, the building is designed in such a way that all can enjoy the greenery with the organized open areas and landscaped areas. Therefore, the project will have a positive impact on the aesthetics. 6.2. Will there be any adverse impacts from new constructions on the existing structures? What are the considerations taken into account? No, there will not be any adverse impact of the proposed construction on existing structures. The various factors considered while designing the Residential building are as under: Carrying capacity of existing road Vehicular density Water availability Better ambient air quality 6.3. Whether there are any local considerations of urban form & urban design influencing the design criteria? They may be explicitly spelt out. The project is designed as per the Development Plan of Municipal Corporation and features like Building Setback, Building height and open space reservation etc. are incorporated in project. 6.4. Are there any anthropological or archaeological sites or artifacts nearby? State if any other significant features in the vicinity of the proposed site have been considered. No anthropological or archaeological sites or artifacts are found near the site area that may get affected due to the proposed development. 7. SOCIO-ECONOMIC ASPECTS 7.1. Will the proposal result in any changes to the demographic structure of local population? Provide the details. During construction phase, majority of the labor is to be recruited locally and only minimal skilled workers would be from outside, which is anticipated to be very small and will not alter the existing demographic profile of the area. During operation phase, there will be some change in demographic structure of local population by the proposed project. It involves construction of Residential building. Thus demographic profile of the area will change to some extent creating impact on local population. There will be influx of about ~1370 people BE/Form 1A-Pirama Revanta /015/002Rev.00 12 2015 7.2. Give details of the existing social infrastructure around the proposed project. The proposed project site and its surrounding area lie in Mulund East 7.3. Will the project cause adverse effects on local communities, disturbance to sacred sites or other cultural values? What are the safeguards proposed? No, the project will not cause any adverse effects on local communities, disturbance to sacred sites or other cultural values. 8. BUILDING MATERIALS 8.1. May involve the use of building materials with high-embodied energy. Are the construction materials produced with energy efficient processes? (Give details of energy conservation measures in the selection of building materials and their energy efficiency) For the purpose of paving, sun dried pavers will be used instead of baked pavers as they are manufactured from energy efficient processes. Instead of regular clay bricks, fly ash-cement bricks and laterite rock blocks available locally will be used. Ready mix concrete with 20% fly ash will be used. 8.2. Transport and handling of materials during construction may result in pollution, noise & public nuisance. What measures are taken to minimize the impacts? Transportation and handling of materials during construction phase results mainly in pollution of air & noise The various steps proposed to mitigate the anticipated impacts are as under: To Control dust– - Use of barricading the periphery by corrugated tin sheet of 3mt. height. - Dust mask will be provided to workers. To Control Gaseous emissions – - Vehicle carrying materials to be transported must have PUC certificate. - Heavy vehicle movement will be allowed only during night time. - . Construction equipments with idling control technologies will be used. - Regular maintenance of the equipments will be carried out. To control Noise generation – - Barricade the site periphery by corrugated tin sheet so as to confine noise within site. - Ear muff/ ear plug will be provided to workers. - The construction activities will be carried out during the daytime only. BE/Form 1A-Pirama Revanta /015/002Rev.00 13 2015 8.3. Are recycled materials used in roads and structures? State the extent of savings achieved? Yes, recycled materials will be used in roads and structures. Construction debris such as waste concrete and waste plaster can be used as sub base of drives way and footing. The excavated soil will be used for leveling the site and top soil will be conserved for landscaping. 8.4. Give details of the methods of collection, segregation & disposal of the garbage generated during the operation phases of the project. It is estimated that, approximately 1.38 TPD of solid waste will be generated during operational phase, which shall be segregated as biodegradable 1.31 TPD and Non biodegradable 0.07 TPD The collection and transportation of the solid waste generated during the operational phase of the project will be as follows: The waste management would focus on segregation of waste at source. The segregation, transportation and disposal of waste will be done by authorized agency or municipal corporation waste management system that will take care of the waste management of the proposed project during the operational phase of the project. During the collection stage, the bio-degradable and non recyclable/non biodegradable waste will be stored and collected separately. Only the non-recyclable and nonbiodegradable waste will be handed over to MCGM. Biodegradable waste will be treated on site using Organic Waste Converters to convert waste into manure. To minimize littering and odors, waste will be stored in well-designed containers/bins that will be located at strategic locations to minimize disturbance in traffic flow. Care will be taken so that the collection vehicles are well maintained and minimize noise and emissions. During transportation of the waste, it will be covered to avoid littering. 9. ENERGY CONSERVATION 9.1. Give details of the power requirements, source of supply, backup source etc. What is the energy consumption assumed per square foot of built-up area? How have you tried to minimize energy consumption? Source of energy: MSEDCL In operation phase: Total connected load 41 KVA So, Max. Demand load 15.2 K D.G. Sets: DG sets will be used.2 D.G of 3200 kVA BE/Form 1A-Pirama Revanta /015/002Rev.00 14 2015 Following effective measures have been incorporated to minimize the energy consumption: Use of high reflective coatings on the terraces provides a layer of heat insulation to reduce heat gain through roofs. Solar lightings will be provided in common areas for street light. Emergency lighting will be provided with DG set. Green areas and open areas will be so spaced that a reduction in temperature is achieved. Use of energy efficient lamps such as CFL/ LED 9.2. What type of, and capacity of, power back-up to you plan to provide? To serve as backup power, 2 DG set each of capacity 3200 kVA will be provided for common services like firefighting, fire lifts, common area lighting (common passage, lift lobby, staircase etc), external lighting etc. Residential silencers shall be provided for each DG set. DG set will be acoustically insulted for noise consideration. .DG oil tank suitable for 4-6 hrs of continuous operation shall be provided with DG set. 9.3. What are the characteristics of the glass you plan to use? Provide specifications of its characteristics related to both short wave and long wave radiation? Glass will be used only for the windowpanes and shall be chosen such that the SHGC (Solar Heat Gain Co-efficient) is 0.25 or less typically suitable for the area. 9.4. What passive solar architectural features are being used in the building? Illustrate the applications made in the proposed project. The following solar architectural features will be used in the building: The orientation of the building will be done in such a way that maximum daylight is available. (Maximize the use of natural lighting through design) Public area will be cooled by natural ventilation as opposed to air conditioning. Use of high reflective coatings on the terraces provides a layer of heat insulation to reduce heat gain through roofs. The orientation of the building will be done in such a way that most of the facades face North-South direction thus reducing glare and prolonged sun exposure. 9.5. Does the layout of streets & buildings maximize the potential for solar energy devices? Have you considered the use of street lighting, emergency lighting and solar hot water systems for use in the building complex? Substantiate with details. Yes, the building is designed in order to receive maximum solar light at common area. Solar lightings will be provided in staircase/common areas for street light as far as possible 9.6. Is shading effectively used to reduce cooling/heating loads? What principles have been used to maximize the shading of Walls on the East and the West and the Roof? How much energy saving has been effected? Yes, shading has been effectively used to reduce the cooling loads. The following techniques have been adopted: BE/Form 1A-Pirama Revanta /015/002Rev.00 15 2015 To reduce heat gain through design: The orientation of the building will be done in such a way that most of the facades face North-South direction thus reducing glare and prolonged sun exposure. Use of high reflective coatings on the terraces provides a layer of heat insulation to reduce heat gain through roofs. Maximum service areas will be provided on the western side. Green areas and open areas will be so spaced that a reduction in temperature is achieved. 9.7. Do the structures use energy-efficient space conditioning, lighting and mechanical systems? Provide technical details. Provide details of the transformers and motor efficiencies, lighting intensity and air-conditioning load assumptions? Are you using CFC and HCFC free chillers? Provide specifications. Yes. Public areas will be cooled by natural ventilation. The design of the buildings will be such that maximum use of natural lighting can be achieved. The walls, roof sand openings will be so designed that influx of heat is minimum. Since, it is a Residential building project, there is no plan to use central air conditioning for this purpose and thus no chillers will be used in this project. 9.8. What are the likely effects of the building activity in altering the micro-climates? Provide a self-assessment on the likely impacts of the proposed construction on creation of heat island & inversion effects? Heat emission from the proposed construction can be from the following sources: Heat absorbed from the paved and concrete structures, All horizontal surfaces will have high solar reflective index & thus will avoid heat island effect. Heat generated from equipments / appliances However the heat generated will not be significant and will be dissipated in the lush greens and open areas provided within the premises. Hence it can be concluded that the heat island effect shall not be a concern for the concerned project. 9.9. What are the thermal characteristics of the building envelope? (a) roof; (b) external walls; and (c) fenestration? Give details of the material used and the U-values or the R values of the individual components. The project is not centrally air conditioned thus the ECBC guidelines will not be applicable to this project. To reduce heat intake use of insulation or other materials will be decided by the occupants of the building. 9.10. What precautions & safety measures are proposed against fire hazards? Furnish details of emergency plans. Residential buildings will be provided with dedicated firefighting system as per NBC/ local authority guidelines/norms. The fire detection and alarm system control panel shall be located BE/Form 1A-Pirama Revanta /015/002Rev.00 16 2015 in the vicinity. The fire fighting system will consist of portable fire extinguishers and sand buckets. Portable fire extinguishers will be installed at the electrical substation, pump room, meter rooms and floor lobby. A Break Glass unit &Hooter shall be installed in each lobby on each floor, activation of which will initiate the function. Break glass stations shall be located on the occupied side of the door to each exit stair and at intermediate locations. 9.11. If you are using glass as wall material provides details and specifications including emissivity and thermal characteristics. Glass will only be used for windows and not as a wall material. 9.12. What is the rate of air infiltration into the building? Provide details of how you are mitigating the effects of infiltration. The following measures will be adopted to mitigate the effects of infiltration: Aluminum windows with rubber gaskets, so that the windows are sealed, will be provided. Summer cross section ventilation will be maximum. 9.13. To what extent the non-conventional energy technologies are utilized in the overall energy consumption? Provide details of the renewable energy technologies used. The building is designed in order to receive maximum solar light at common area. 10. ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT PLAN The Environment Management Plan would consist of all mitigation measures for each item wise activity to be undertaken during the construction, operation and the entire life cycle to minimize adverse environmental impacts as a result of the activities of the project. It would also delineate the environmental monitoring plan for compliance of various environmental regulations. It will state the steps to be taken in case of emergency such as accidents at the site including fire. The detailed EMP for the proposed project is enclosed in Annexure III. BE/Form 1A-Pirama Revanta /015/002Rev.00 17 2015 ANNEXURES BE/Form 1A-Pirama Revanta /015/002Rev.00 18 2015 ANNEXURE I: Google Image ANNEXURE III: D.P. REMARK BE/Form 1A-Pirama Revanta /015/002Rev.00 19 2015 ANNEXURE III Environmental Management Plan ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR THE PROJECT Environmental Components Water Sources Potential Impacts Ground water contamination Potential Source Of Impact Construction Phase Wastewater generated from labour toilets, if any provided Accumulation of water during excavations. Operation Phase Sewage treatment and sludge disposal on land. STP sludge is generated after treatment of waste water. Ground water depletion Construction Phase Use of ground water for construction Controls through EMP and Design Septic tank Proper draining of site Wastewater generated will be treated on site in sewage treatment plants and reused for non potable uses. Sludge to be composted on site. If needed water will be sourced from authorized tanker water suppliers. BE/Form 1A-Pirama Revanta /015/002Rev.00 20 Impact Evaluation No negative impact No negative impact on ground water quality envisaged. No impact on ground water quantity envisaged. Remarks Wherever possible care will be taken to prevent water from entering excavations In an unlikely event of soil and ground water contamination, remediation measures like washing of soil shall be implemented. 2015 Environmental Components Potential Impacts Potential Source Of Impact Operation Phase Water supply from MCGM will be the main source of water. Surface Water Quality Surface water contamination Construction Phase Surface runoff from site during construction activity. Operation Phase Discharge of wastewater to surface water body. Silt traps and other measures such as, additional on-site diversion ditches will be constructed to control surface run-off during site development. Waste water treatment scheme developed to treat the wastewater so that it can be reused for flushing, landscaping and cooling tower make up. BE/Form 1A-Pirama Revanta /015/002Rev.00 21 Controls through EMP and Design Rain water harvesting scheme Waste water treatment and reuse Storm water collection, and Awareness campaign for reduced water use by visitors. Impact Evaluation Remarks No negative impact on ground water quantity envisaged. No off site impact envisaged No off site impact envisaged In case of any event of discharge of water from the site, the applicable water quality standards will be maintained as per Water Act based on discharge location on land /surface water body / sewer 2015 Environmental Components Air Quality Potential Impacts Dust emissions Controls through EMP and Design Impact Evaluation Suitable control measures will be adopted as per dust control plan. Provision of onsite Ready Mix Concrete plant. Not significant because dust generation will be temporary and will settle fast due to dust suppression techniques used Potential Source Of Impact Construction Phase Dust emission particularly due to the excavation activities, movement of vehicles resulting in air pollution. BE/Form 1A-Pirama Revanta /015/002Rev.00 22 Remarks Provision of spraying water to reduce dust emission on roads. Excavated topsoil to be preserved and reused for landscaping. The amount of exposed ground and stockpiles will be minimized so that re-suspension due to wind and subsequent dust fall is prevented. Ensuring all vehicles, generators and compressors are well maintained and regularly serviced. 2015 Environmental Components Potential Impacts Emissions of SPM, SO2, NOx and CO Controls through EMP and Design Potential Source Of Impact Construction Phase Dust and other exhaust atmospheric emissions generated by vehicle movement, concrete mixing machinery, concrete conveyers, bucket conveyers, air blowers, pneumatic vibrators, mechanical vibrators and water tankers Operation Phase . Emissions from vehicular traffic in operations. Emission control particle filters on construction equipment Rapid on site construction and improved maintenance of equipment Not significant after low NOx retarder and other control equipments provided Providing separate entry and exit points. Reduce idling time in parking space. Proper management of traffic movement in and out of parking area and at intersection with the external roads Plantation with specific species to be provided reducing SPM levels. Minor impact on the air quality of the surrounding area. BE/Form 1A-Pirama Revanta /015/002Rev.00 23 Impact Evaluation Remarks Regular monitoring of emissions and control measures to reduce the emission levels. The construction workers will be provided with appropriate protective equipments wherever high particulate emission is expected. It is also recommended that the workers will not be allowed to work over a long exposure period. 2015 Environmental Components Noise Environment Potential Impacts Noise emissions Controls through EMP and Design Potential Source Of Impact Construction Phase Operation of construction equipment and vehicles during site development. Use of well-maintained equipment fitted with silencers. Providing noise shields near the heavy construction operations Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) like ear muffs and ear plug for workers during construction activities Impact Evaluation There are no sensitive receptors located in the immediate vicinity of site. Operation Phase Noise from vehicles movement Smooth flow of traffic that will reduce honking and idling BE/Form 1A-Pirama Revanta /015/002Rev.00 24 But the impact will be reduced to acceptable level by the measures suggested. Remarks 2015 Environmental Components Land Environment Potential Impacts Soil contamination Potential Source Of Impact Construction Phase Disposal of construction and demolition debris Contamination of soil due to leakage of oil from vehicles Operation Phase Dumping of municipal solid waste on land. Biological Environment (Flora and Fauna) Displacement of flora and fauna on site Construction Phase Site development during construction Controls through EMP and Design Construction debris will be collected and suitably used on site as per construction waste management plan. Effective measures will be taken to prevent leakage of oil Impact will be minor negative, as any waste generated will be reused for construction activities. Proposed solid waste collection, segregation and disposal system. Awareness programs will be conducted to educate the people on reducing waste generation, reuse and recycling of waste Since solid waste will be collected and segregated at source and biodegradable waste will be treated on site using Organic Waste Converter and recyclables material will be sold to approve vendors the impact would be Negligible. Species and number of trees have been identified and marked. Efforts will be taken to retain the maximum number of trees. Remarks The contamination of soil will be avoided by suitable management of oil and fuel. Care will be taken to compact the soil after refilling so that, soil erosion and consequent soil import is avoided. -- BE/Form 1A-Pirama Revanta /015/002Rev.00 25 Impact Evaluation 2015 Environmental Components Socio-Economic Environment Potential Impacts Population displacement Potential Source Of Impact Operation Phase Increase of green cover. Of about 279 tree species would be planted which will provide excellent habitat for faunal species Construction Phase Construction activities leading to relocation Operation Phase Site operation BE/Form 1A-Pirama Revanta /015/002Rev.00 26 Controls through EMP and Design Plantation will be done as per landscaping plan using native flora, which will enhance the overall ecology of the area. In the proposed development at least 279 trees will be planted Proposed land is a vacant plot, hence no population displacement Project will provide employment opportunities to the large number of local people in terms of labor during construction and service personnel during operation phase Impact Evaluation Remarks The project will have a positive impact No negative impact Positive impact -- 2015 Environmental Components Traffic Pattern Potential Impacts Increase of vehicular traffic Potential Source Of Impact Construction Phase Heavy vehicular movement during construction Operation Phase Traffic due to visitors will be added to the existing roads. Controls through EMP and Design Heavy vehicular movement will be restricted to day time only and adequate parking area is available within the premises. Vehicular movement will be regulated inside the site with roads of adequate width, separate entry & exit points, adequate parking lots and proper traffic management plan. Signals for traffic movement and anti honking will be placed in the parking area. BE/Form 1A-Pirama Revanta /015/002Rev.00 27 Impact Evaluation No negative impact Remarks Maintain record of vehicles Exhausts from vehicles will be minimized by use of fuel-efficient vehicles. With mitigative measures minor negative impact will occur Vehicles will be well maintained and will have Pollution Under Check (PUC) certificate. The incremental traffic load due to project operation is not expected to cause any significant impact on the existing traffic pattern.