6 - ARMO
6 - ARMO
global rotomoulding community newsletter • www.armo-global.org 6 2010.08 en Rotomoulded PE Multi-Coloured Tank Moulded by Etills.com Photo: courtesy of ICO Polymers Greetings to all of you after the holiday break. I hope you are coming back with new energy and power resources, so much needed in your job. In this issue of ARMO NEWS, we are mainly presenting our reports of the events which took place during the past weeks, as well as announcement of multiple other diverse events soon to take place. Read a truly colourful Rotomould 2010 conference report which took place in Queenstown, New Zealand, and “Roto Profits” StAR event that was held in Mumbai. After you read the whole newsletter, you will be facing a very difficult choice as to which events you should attend. ARM Annual Meeting in Montreal, followed by “Rotomoulding Engineering Days” organized in Lyon with a motto “Manufacture More, Manufacture Better, Use Less”. Only a week later, Annual ARM CE & CEE ARM Meeting will be held in Słubice and Frankfurt/Oder (Poland and Germany), entitled “Efficient Use of Energy in Rotomoulding”. These events accumulate in October, but luckily they do not coincide. As far as I am concerned, I would take part in all these events, but the character of my work requires me to stay where I am and only encourage you to participate. Should you have any questions regarding the upcoming events, please contact me for advice and assistance. Anna Walorek-Iwanowska ARMO Secretariat Manager Time for K Trade Fair! This year, we are having the next edition of one of the largest international plastics and rubber industry fairs. This event takes place every 3 years and has been held regularly for over 40 years now. The fair is scheduled from 27 October to 3 November 2010 in Dusseldorf, Germany. Leading material vendors, production companies and manufacturers of machinery are going to present an overview of the latest techniques and procedures, as well as future trends envisaged in the methodology area. About 3100 exhibitors and more than 200,000 participants from 100 countries worldwide are expected to appear at the fair, including multiple representatives of rotomoulding experts associated in ARMO organizations. 6 photo: Gregor Ciecior Content and design of this newsletter: © ARMO 2010. All rights reserved. All other logos and trademarks belong to their respective owners. ARMO calendar - upcoming events NAME DATE (dd.mm.yyyy) PLACE (city, country, details) CONTACT BPF Meeting 15.09.2010 London, United Kingdom Dhrupal Joshi djoshi@bpf.co.uk AFR Conference Annuel 22-23.09.2010 Lyon, France Anne De Lansalut, a.delansalut@allize-plasturgie.com ARM International Annual Meeting, Theme: “The Global State of Rotomoulding” 02-05.10.2010 Montreal/Quebec, Canada Adam Webb ARM International Board http://www.armmeetings.org/2010/ annualmeeting.shtml K2010 - International Trade Fair for Plastics and Rubber 27.10-11.03.2010 Dusseldorf, Germany www.k-online.de ARM CE / CEE ARM Annual Conference Theme: ”Energy Efficiency in Rotomoulding” 14-16.10.2010 Słubice/Frankfurt (Oder), Poland/Germany www.slubicefrankfurtmeeting.eu ARMI Regional Meeting 09.11.2010 Sharonville, OH Cincinnati Area, USA Adam Webb ARM International Board www.armmeetings.org AISR Seminar: “Rotomoulding - a World of Possibilities”, Paul Nugent 19.11.2010 Rivalta Scrivia (Alessandria), Italy Matteo Martinenghi – Secretariat info@aisr.it StAR Meet 11.2010 Chennai, India S.B. Zaman arnacz@sify.com StAR Annual International Conference 23-25.01.2011 Mumbai, India S.B. Zaman arnacz@sify.com ARMI Spring Executive Forum 20-22.03.2011 Orlando, FL Forum, USA Adam Webb ARM International Board www.armmeetings.org 4th Nordic ARM conference 1st quarter of 2011 Denmark Ronny Ervik ronny@opd.no Rotoplas 2011 1-3.11.2011 Chicago (Rosemont), IL, USA Adam Webb ARM International Board www.armmeetings.org www.armo-global.org | info@armo-global.org Association Francophone du Rotomoulage (AFR) 6 et 7 octobre 2010 6 et 7 octobre 2010 Plastic Ecodesign Center LYON Plastic Ecodesign Center LYON You can’t miss it! 6 and 7 October 2010, Lyon - ROTOMOULDING DAYS 2010. Journées Techniques organisées en partenariat avec i o n Journées Techniques organisées en partenariat avec Manufacture More, Manufacture Better, Use Less F r a n c o p h o n e d u R o t o m o u l a g e A s s o c i a t i o n F r a n c o p h o n e d u R o t o m o u l a g e The program and entry form is available at: www.rotomoulage.org (French) Program 6.10.2010 14:00 - 14:45 6 et 7 octobre 2010 et octobre 2010 6etet 7 octobre 2010 666et 777octobre 2010 octobre 2010 Plastic Ecodesign Center Plastic Ecodesign Center Plastic Ecodesign Center Plastic Ecodesign Center Plastic Ecodesign Center LYON LYON LYON LYON LYON 7.10.2010 9:00 - 9:30 Introduction to the eco-concept Welcome Eco-concept is communicated in multiple ways, from frequently contradictory sources and on different quality levels. Representatives of this concept must face an issue which is difficult to put in clear terms, and therefore difficult to implement in the industry. The job is thus to discover the objectives of eco-concept policy in a pragmatic manner, illustrated by 9:30 - 10:30 Productivity enhancement through reducing machine Journées Techniques organisées en partenari Journées Techniques organisées en partenariat ave Journées organisées en partenariat avec Journées Techniques organisées en partenariat av changeover timesTechniques Moulds closed by fixed solenoid modules. This solution: specific examples in the field of plastics processing. 14:45 - 15:30 • Enhances machine efficiency Journées Techniques organisées en partenar • Reduces labour costs Bio-materials vs. rotomoulding: what are we talking about? • Improve operator safety o hhhp oooh nnnoeeen AAAAss s sss s sooooccc ci i i aiaa tat t i ti i ooi o nonn n FFF r rFr aara nnan ccnc oooc ppp Among the main industrial processes which use “bio-materials” at the moment, there is extrusion moulding, hot stamping, bulge forming, blow forming, and injection moulding. No biomaterials are utilized in the process of rotomoulding at the moment. This “lack of position” can be explained by various factors. Therefore, over a year ago AFR implemented research aimed at determining which bio-materials could be used in rotomoulding, what conditions are necessary and which potential applications are available. Presentation of the results of this study is scheduled. o n F 15:30 - 16:15 Thickness optimization r a n Less material consumption with equally satisfactory output: this is optimization through structural calculations. Illustrated presentation. 10:30 - 11:30 eddd uu Technology and economy benchmarking of rotomoulding and blow forming Which qualities determine the advantage of one technique over the other? The following issues will be presented: c • Materials used in the particular techniques o p h o n e • Design differences in the particular techniques: shapes/sizes/ appearance, and technology (scrap, welds, etc.) • Productivity • Costs 6 et 7 octobre 2010 • Investment 16:15 - 17:00 Energy efficiency of machinery 11:30 - 12:00 PlasticVisiting Ecodesign Center the Plastic Ecodesign Center and Rotomoulding Materials Exhibition LYON Price Reduce consumption, make more parts, use less energy. Machinery and plant designers are now interested in energy efficiency optimization in the items of equipment they create. Achievements in this field will be presented. 19:30 Aperitif and AFR dinner AFR Members: EUR 300 net Non-members: EUR 450 net Aperitif and dinner on October 6 (option): EUR 50 net Journées Techniques organisées en partenariat avec 6 A s s o c i a t i o n F r a n c o p h o n e d u R Aziende Italiane Stampaggio Rotazionale (AISR) AISR One-Day Seminar “Rotomoulding – a World of Possibilities” - November 19th Paul Nugent speaking about the last news in Rotomoulding On November the 19th AISR Group will organize a oneday Seminar focused on the news in Rotomoulding: “Rotomoulding – a World of Possibilities”. The Seminar, fully conducted by a great personality of the world of Rotomoulding, Paul Nugent, will take place in Rivalta Scrivia (Alessandria) at the “Parco Scientifico Tecnologico”. Seminar presentation will be given in English. Simultaneous translation in Italian language will be provided. Rotomoulding – a World of Possibilities With its flexibility and its innovative community of moulders, rotational moulding has a worldwide reach in terms of products and locations and with its low cost of entry it has encouraged the growth of many moulders in regions where capital intensive processes would not be viable. While small in terms of global polymer consumption, rotomoulding not only fills a niche for products that are not easily produced by other processes but also allows simple products to be produced at relatively low cost. For complex, hollow parts in low to moderate volumes, it is one of the most cost effective methods available and as an environmentally friendly process, it is efficient for large parts and is a mainstay of water conservation, treatment and storage on all six continents. As the world has accelerated in terms of the exchange of ideas, so the spread of rotomoulded products around the world has accelerated with forward looking moulders seeking to ensure the long-term prospects for their companies with new ideas and products. This seminar will take a look at the markets for rotomoulding around the world and how the communication of ideas is not only from advanced countries to developing ones. The review will look at where rotomoulders typically focus and where they might be encouraged to look in the future and also at what advances are taking place around the world in terms of materials, equipment and processing that might be applied to both old and new products. Paul Nugent www.armo-global.org | info@armo-global.org Association of Rotational Moulding Central Europe (ARM CE) Central & Eastern European Association of Rotational Moulders (CEE ARM) The Annual ARM CE & CEE ARM Meeting Event will take place in Słubice, Poland, and Frankfurt/Oder, Germany, from 14 to 16 October 2010 and is the initiative of two sister organisations associated in the Alliance of Rotational Moulding Organisations (ARMO), which is prepared jointly for the first time in ARMO history, for their members as well as for other ARMO organisations. To emphasize the international character of that event, the 3-day Congress programme will be held across the Poland-Germany border, on the premises of the Viadrina International University as well as on other premises on both sides of the Oder river, in Poland and Germany equally. The lectures will be held in three languages: English, German and Polish Mr. Krzysztof Wojciechowski, Administrative Director of CP, strongly emphasizes that this place is the perfect location for holding international conferences: Collegium Polonicum is a shared institution of Viadrina European University in Frankfurt/ Oder and Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland. It is situated directly at the border bridge, linking Frankfurt to Słubice. It makes a strong impression 6 with its modern architectural design and has been a recognized seat of international meetings for years. This is where Government members, Prime Ministers and Presidents of both countries would meet, and where joint sessions of the Polish and German Parliaments would take place. This is the place where participants of conferences and seminars can actually feel that state borders in Europe do not exist any more. The main subject of the meeting is the hot topic of “Energy Efficiency in Rotomoulding”. The lectures to be given by practical and theoretical experts will be useful for anyone in the rotomoulding industry who is interested in energy efficiency optimization in the rotomoulding technology. Association of Rotational Moulding Central Europe (ARM CE) Central & Eastern European Association of Rotational Moulders (CEE ARM) photo: Adam Czerneńko The following issues will be discussed during the event, among others: Energy efficiency in rotomoulding, Rotomoulded products on the global market vs. regional specialization, Moulders’ practical experience with the advantages of energy efficiency, Material testing methods, Panel discussion devoted to energy efficiency in rotomoulding machines – vendors’ representatives are kindly invited to take part in the panel. Third party presentations Despite that October 2010, when ARM CE & CEE ARM conference is scheduled, is a period with multiple events already planned for rotomoulding people, 80 people representing 40 European businesses have already confirmed their attendance 1month before the scheduled date of the event, and new candidates keep sending in notifications. This is a very busy period for us, as we are holding the ARMO Montreal conference at the beginning of October, followed by K-Show fair at the end of October. Still, we feel that your Congress will be worth dedicating this precious time to 493K. Nick Henwood, Gareth McDowell, Kerri McKee / 493K www.SlubiceFrankfurtMeeting.eu Early bird promotion closed on 1 September 2010. We still have a group discount for latecomers, offered to those businesses which delegate more than 1 participant to the event. They will receive 20% discount for every consecutive participant (then, the overall cost for a 3-day event decreases to EUR 120!). An excursion to a local processing plant, situated within the Kostrzyn & Slubice Special Economic Zone, is also considered highly interesting. photo: Adam Czerneńko Agenda Thursday 14 October 2010 13:30 - 14:00 Registration of participants 14:00 - 14:30 photo: Adam Czerneńko photo: Adam Czerneńko Theme Greeting the participants - Conference Room I 14:00 - 17:00 ARM CE Management Elections - Conference Room I CEE ARM Meeting – Conference Room II 17:00 - 18:00 Table Top Exhibition preparation 19:00 Dinner ceremony www.armo-global.org | info@armo-global.org Association of Rotational Moulding Central Europe (ARM CE) Central & Eastern European Association of Rotational Moulders (CEE ARM) Friday, 15 October 2010 20.00 Dinner party 9:30 Introduction – Conference Room I 9.30 - 18.00 Table Top Exhibition – Lobby Announcement of “Energy Efficiency Leader” competition winner Saturday 16 October 2010 “Energy Efficiency Leader” competition for exhibitors 10.00 - 12.00 Lectures and presentations – Conference Room I Visit at a rotomoulding plant located in the Kostrzyn & Slubice Special Economic Zone Discussion panel of European machine vendors, devoted to energy efficiency issues - Conference Room I Below is a summary of several lectures delivered by recognized rotomoulding experts and industry practice representatives, who have been affiliated to the rotomoulding industry for years. The lectures will be presented on the second day of the conference. Dr Nick Henwood and Dr Gareth McDowell 493K / United Kingdom Cost reductions In rotomoulding The importance of cost saving in rotomoulding Detailed breakdown of where costs occur Gas usage & possible areas of saving Results of gas usage study on full-scale rotomoulding machine Developing a strategy for reducing energy costs Key conclusions Aldo Quaratino Matrix Polymers / United Kingdom How reduce costs without compromising quality 12.00 Official closing of the Conference. Goodbye & Thank You to all participants. You are all kindly invited to attend! Oliver Wandres or Mathias Maus Maus GmbH / Germany Energy efficient rotational moulds General consideration for building energy efficient tools Advantages of Light weight tooling Automated tooling Improvements on energy efficiency of existing tooling John Steele ICO Polymers / United Kingdom Rotational moulding products in the global market vs. regional specialization Enhancing the quality of rotomoulded products would reduce rejected articles and scarp ratio Looking at innovative ways to reduce cycle time Peter Bekusch ACMOS Chemie KG / Germany Complemental savings on flexibility & logistics Keeping you precious treasures in-house by providing your own mould-care procedure including cleaning process and the application of a permanent ACMOScoat Release System. High-running moulds will never have be on the road again for recoating. 6 Rory Jones La Plastecnica / New Zealand What proper venting can do for you Latest advances in venting are critical for: Reducing out of specification products. Reducing heating times. Reducing cooling times. Creating better parts. Association of Rotational Moulders Australasia (ARMA) Graeme Hall, Viscount Rotational Moulding & Rob Berton, Qenos Malcolm and Sandra Close, Suncoast Waste Water Products Rotomould 2010 Rotomould 2010 was held in Queenstown, New Zealand last month and was considered to be a success by both the attendees and the organisers. The program was the highlight with a wealth of knowledge and experience presented by moulders within the industry. Local manufacturers such as Simon Gough, Garth Galloway, Tim Leed and Malcolm Close all spoke of their experiences with clients, new products and working with standards. International moulders presented on what the future will bring and also what it was like to work with the Winter Olympics. From the feedback forms the most informative presentation was provided by Rob Berton of Qenos and Graeme Hall from Viscount Rotational Moulding on Safety within the industry. The presentations are available to members in the members section of the ARMA website www.rotationalmoulding.com The social side of the conference always provides delegates with an opportunity to relax and mingle and discuss the industry in a different atmosphere and this year was no exception. The Price Plastics Welcome Dinner started off with manic bedlam as delegates searched to find their partner after being given a name card, in the hope of winning a Price Plastics Flip Video and after a few misses the lucky “married couples” claimed their prizes. The ICO Polymers “Rural NZ” dinner was casual and fun and watching delegates try to blow their dog whistles had everyone laughing, it was a night of good food and great company. There was a lot of comraderie on this evening as attendees grouped together to present a unique “sculpture” using their wire and it left everyone in hysterics with the concepts some groups provided. The final dinner was the Qenos Gala Dinner and the evening was kicked off with a tradition Maori song and dance and Garry Whitehand was the lucky man that stood on stage as the warrior called to him to see if we came in peace and lucky we did. That night we had an extremely motivational speaker talk about his life and the lessons he had learned and everyone was moved by Ngahi Bidios fascinating talk. The high light of the entire conference would have to be waking up on Wednesday Morning to snow, delegates were out in the cold having snowball fights and making snow angels and for some it was their first time ever to see snow so Leisa and I were extremely happy we could make that happen. Rotomould 2011 will be in Penang, Malaysia with tentative dates 15-18 May. More information to come soon! www.armo-global.org | info@armo-global.org Association of Rotational Molders International (ARMI) ARM International 2010 Annual Meeting Thriving In The Global State Of Rotomolding Hilton Montreal Bonaventure, October 2 - 5, 2010 You can’t afford to miss the premiere even for rotational molders, their suppliers, designers, consultants and educators. Seminars and committee meetings will be held Saturday, October 2; the tabletop exhibition will be open Sunday, October 3; general sessions and workshops will take place Sunday, October 3 through Tuesday, October 5. Please refer to the detailed schedule on the following pages. Highlights of the 2010 Annual Meeting include a new full-day seminar Practical Rotomolding with the Experts, keynotes from Gary Miller, Paul Nugent and former NBA Player Walter Bond, a spouses’ program highlighting beautiful Montréal, live entertainment during our gala dinner and much more. Registration Early Bird pricing expires August 15. Save more than 20% by registering now! See the enclosed registration form or visit www.armmeetings.org 10 6 TableTop Exhibits The exhibit hall will be open from 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm on Sunday, October 3 and concludes with a SupplierSponsored Reception during the last hour. Targeted exclusively to rotational molders, this exhibition is an economical way to meet the industry’s decision makers. As an exhibitor, you will generate valuable sales leads, increase your company’s visibility and discover new information and fresh ideas. The exhibitor contract is available at www.armmeetings.org Hotel Hilton Montreal Bonaventure stands in the heart of downtown Montreal. With 2½ acres of rooftop greenspace including landscaped gardens, stream and brook, the hotel is a unique urban resort hotel in downtown Montreal, Canada. Single/double occupancy rooms in the Association of Rotational Molders room block are $185 CAD plus taxes. These rooms include complimentary internet access and Health Club access. You can reserve your room at the Hilton Montreal Bonaventure by calling (800) 267-2575. You must specify the Association of Rotational Molders International 2010 Annual Meeting. Association of Rotational Molders International (ARMI) Schedule of Events Saturday, October 2, 2010 Seminars 7:00 am - 8:00 am Seminar attendee & Committee Member Breakfast 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Advanced Rotomolding Seminar 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Practical Rotomolding with the Experts Committees 8:00 am - 10:00 am Education Committee Meeting 10:00 am - Noon Forums & Programs Committee Meeting Noon - 1:00 pm Seminar attendee & Committee Member Lunch 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm Materials Committee Meeting 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm PET Committee Meeting 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm Membership Committee Meeting 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm Board and Committee Members Reception 6:30 pm Committee Dinners Sunday, October 3, 2010 8:00 am - 11:00 am Board of Directors Meeting Conference 12:30 pm - 12:50 pm Welcome & Introductions Sponsorship 12:50 pm - 1:20 pm Global Rotomolding: a View from 30,000 Feet Sponsorship of the 2010 Annual Meeting is a great opportunity to reach the widest audience of rotomolders in North America. You can find a list of the sponsor levels still available at www.armmeetings.org. 1:20 pm - 1:50 pm Innovative Products -- Thinking in New Ways Spouses’ Program 2:05 pm - 2:50 pm Global Rotomolding Business Trends This year’s spouses’ program will be held on the morning of Monday, October 4. Spouses will meet for a late breakfast and then depart on a two-hour walking tour of downtown, Old Montreal, and the Underground City. 1:50 pm - 2:05 pm Reducing Mold Change-Over; Increasing Productivity 3:00 pm - 7:00 pm Exhibit Hall 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm Cocktail Reception (in exhibit hall) Monday, October 4, 2010 Spouse Registration also includes admission to the Gala Reception and Dinner on Monday evening. 7:00 am - 8:00 am Group Breakfast Passports & Visas 8:00 am - Lunch Spouses Breakfast and Walking Tour U.S. will need a passport to enter Canada. Visit http://travel.state.gov/passport/passport_1738.html for information on applying or renewing your passport. All members should verify their visa requirements before travelling. 8:00 am - 8:10 am Welcome 7:00 am - 8:00 am First Time Attendee Breakfast 8:10 am - 8:35 am Better Products by Controlling Warpage 8:35 am - 9:00 am Easy Internal Heating and Cooling of Rotomolding Tools www.armo-global.org | info@armo-global.org 11 Association of Rotational Molders International (ARMI) 9:00 am - 9:25 am Business Growth Opportunities in Developing Markets 9:25 am - 9:45 am Future Proofing the Rotational Molding Process 9:45 am - 9:55 am New Additives and Modifiers for Rotomolding Workshops 2:00 pm - 2:45 pm What’s Your Problem? Choosing the Right Resin Total Process Control How a Safety Plan Can Save You Money 9:55 am - 10:25 am Coffee Break 3:00 pm - 3:45 pm What’s Your Problem? 10:25 am - 10:55 am Innovations Using Tight Process Controls Choosing the Right Resin Total Process Control 10:55 am - 11:15 am Rotomolded Manholes for Sewage & Telecom Multilayer Rotomolding of Crosslinkable Polyethylene and Nylon 11:15 am - 12:15 pm All Buts Stink: Creating a Culture of Accountability 3:45 pm - 4:15 pm Coffee Break 12:15 pm - 2:00 pm Lunch Elections, Treasurer’s report, ARMO Update 4:15 pm - 5:00 pm What’s Your Problem? Multilayer Rotomolding of Crosslinkable Polyethylene and Nylon Total Process Control How a Safety Plan Can Save You Money Annual Gala 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm Gala Reception 7:30 pm - 10:30 pm Dinner, Awards Presentations, Entertainment Tuesday, October 5, 2010 7:00 am - 8:00 am Group Breakfast 7:00 am - 8:00 am Suppliers Breakfast 7:00 am - 8:00 am Past Presidents Breakfast 8:00 am - 8:10 am Welcome and Announcements 8:10 am - 8:35 am Innovations in Rotomolding 8:35 am - 9:10 am Rock and Roll: Past and Future of Rotomolding 9:10 am - 9:40 am Break-through Design: Flex Rider Rotomolded Patrol Boats 9:40 am - 10:00 am 2009 Product of the Year: Noise Reduction Cover for Drill Rigs 10:00 am - 10:30 am Coffee Break 10:30 am - 10:50 am Cost cutting approaches for your operation 10:50 am - 11:15 am Impact of Rotation Speeds & Ratios on Finished Parts 11:15 am - 11:45 am Lethal Explosion Hazards from Dust and Powder Buildup 11:45 am - 12:10 pm Rotomolding Designing Outside the Box 12:10 pm - 12:20 pm In-Mold Labeling (What’s New) 12:20 pm - 12:30 pm Chevron Phillips (What’s New) 12 6 Association of Rotational Molders International (ARMI) Presentation Descriptions And Speaker Biographies Saturday, October 2, 2010 Advanced Rotomolding Seminar Professor Roy J. Crawford, University of Waikato, New Zealand The Seminar will discuss the following: Roto 101, Internal Air Temperature Measurement, Bubble Removal, Mold Pressure Control, Mechanical Properties and Design, Warpage, Shrinkage & Residual Stress, Molding Around the World, and Simulation of Rotomolding. Professor Crawford will present this seminar. He has researched the mechanical properties and processing behavior of plastics for the past 30 years and for the last 25 or more years has concentrated on rotational molding. Crawford received ARM International’s Distinguished Service Award in 1998 and is a member of the ARM International Board of Directors and serves as the Association’s Technical Director. Practical Rotomolding with the Experts Dru Laws, Rotonics Manufacturing Inc; Bruce Muller, Plastics Consulting, Inc.; Michael Paloian, Integrated Design System, Inc.; and Sandy Scaccia, Norstar Aluminum Molds, Inc. This seminar targets the day to day practical issues faced by rotomolders. Starting from finalization of the product design, to getting the right material specification, to the mold construction, these tasks require handson experience-based good practices. It is becoming more important in the competitive environment to maintain high standards of product quality, process efficiency and costs. This Seminar looks to address these issues with help of four highly experienced prominent speakers: Michael Paloian will discuss design; Sandy Scaccia will discuss molds; Bruce Muller will discuss materials; Dru Laws will discuss Process QA/QC. They will share their experience and expertise with separate presentations followed by Q & a periods to promote dialogue between the seminar participants and the speakers. Here the participants will have opportunity to discuss and analyze their specific issues with the speakers. Sunday, October 3, 2010 Global Rotomolding: a View from 30,000 Feet Paul Nugent, MNOP Consulting Changes in material supply, rollercoaster markets, growth in India and China and growing competition from other processes may seem like threats to some but the entrepreneurial spirit of rotomolding always rolls with the punches and looks for new pathways. Rotational molding continues to thrive globally despite volcanoes and physical and economic earthquakes. This talk will take a look at regional molding activity and technical development around the world. Paul Nugent is an international consultant in the field of rotational molding. He holds a Masters degree in Aeronautical Engineering and a PhD in Mechanical Engineering from The Queen’s University of Belfast. His PhD research lead to the development of Rotolog, the world’s first process control system for rotational molding. He has written a book on rotational molding entitled Rotational Molding: a Practical Guide. Innovative Products -- Thinking in New Ways Leisa Donlan, ARMA Rotomolders in Australia and New Zealand have relied on a suite of agricultural staples, such as water tanks in a market driven by Government subsidies and drought along with a few technically difficult and interesting products. However some molders from “Down Under” are using the opportunity to create stunning new products and ideas in completely new product areas and markets. These products showcase what rotational molding can do when you think in new ways. Leisa Donlan will case study a range of innovative and unusual developments in her presentation. Leisa Donlan was appointed the Chief Executive Officer of ARM Australasia in 1996. Leisa was awarded the Australian Association Executive of the Year in 1999 and she received her Fellowship in 2004. She is an editorial contributor to Rotoworld Magazine. Within the global alliance, Leisa has been a part of the original team working to form a global partnership for the rotational molding industry and she is a founding contributor to ARMO. Reducing Mold Change-Over; Increasing Productivity Michel Truax, STP Rotomachinery Inc. Many rotomolders require equipment that allows more flexibility for their operations. Ever try to operate a plant when some molds require long set-up times or load/unload times? When this occurs, the rotomolder “accepts” the situation and slows down the other arms. Of course, this is not efficient but what can he do? STP Rotomachinery has introduced the Tornado for this situation. This unique swing-arm machine has four independent arms. If a mold change requires 2 hours, the tornado can still produce parts on the other 3 arms. Downtime on an arm is no longer a barrier to productivity as each arm is independent. Michel Truax is Sales Director at STP Rotomachinery Inc in Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada. Michel holds a BSc in Engineering from Laval University and a Masters in Business Administration from the University of Sherbrooke. He has enjoyed success in the plastics industry since 1986, mainly in sales management. Over the course of this period, he developed a wide experience with several processes such as injection molding, blow molding and rotational molding, as well as serving accounts throughout the world. He joined STP Rotomachinery Inc. in 2006, a leading manufacturer of rotational molding equipment and part of the Rotomachinery Group, with plants in Canada and Italy. Global Rotomolding Business Trends Gary Miller, A.Schulman Mr. Miller will discuss the global rotational molding trends from Schulman’s perspectives. Gary will also talk about the organization changes in Schulman, the acquisition of ICO and the importance that Schulman sees in the global rotational molding business. Gary Miller is Vice President, Global Supply Chain and chief procurement officer for A. Schulman, Inc. since April 2008. Prior to that Gary Miller was with The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company for more than 35 in global purchasing and various technical & management positions. Gary earned his bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering from the University of Cincinnati, Ohio. Monday, October 4, 2010 Better Products by Controlling Warpage Juliana Buendia, NOVA Chemicals Warpage is a universal problem for rotational molders. NOVA Chemicals Technical Service has gained a greater understanding of the mechanisms and measurement of warpage, and processing steps one can take to minimize warpage. This presentation offers information pertaining to: Factors that affect warpage; Measurement and quantification of warpage; and Best practices recommended for controlling warpage. Juliana Buendia - Technical Service Specialist (Rigid Products) for NOVA Chemicals Corporation, specializing in Rotational Molding. She has www.armo-global.org | info@armo-global.org 13 Association of Rotational Molders International (ARMI) a Bachelors of Materials Engineering Degree with a specialization in Polymers. She has 10 years of combined international experience in the Oil & Gas and the Petrochemical Industry. Since she joined NOVA Chemicals in 2007, she has been assisting North American and International customers with her technical experience and expertise. Easy Internal Heating and Cooling of Rotomolding Tools Rory Jones, La Plastecnica Following some well received research on internal heating and cooling of rotational molding tools, Rory will discuss some of the findings as well as some hints for those wanting to introduce this technology in their molding shops. He will discuss some of the technical hurdles that have been traversed in order to make this technology available to the majority of rotational molders around the world. Some of the highlights of this technology include a 34% improvement in cooling rate, the variation in cooling rate reduced to a third and there was an 18% reduction in warpage. Rory Jones has engineering qualifications from several NZ universities as well as post grad research experience from the Queens University in Belfast. He spent the early part of his career working in a high production rotational molding environment in Italy. During this time he became aware of the importance of proper venting in the production of rotationally molded parts. He has since devoted his expertise to improving venting. The company he founded, La Plastecnica, supplies an ever increasing range of venting products to the industry. Recent developments offer the ability to internally heat and cool moulds while maintaining pressurization levels. Business Growth Opportunities in Developing Markets Ravi Mehra, Norstar International The rotomolding industry in India has been developing & growing at 18-20% annually. Even higher rates of growth are possible imminent in the next 5+ years. Molders & Suppliers in India alone cannot do justice to this call for growth. Major growth is forecasted for infrastructure, automotive, transportation, furniture, retail, consumer and recreational, to name a few. Ideas will be presented on what is required and how the advanced global rotomolding community could and should participate in this growth. This opportunity is for ALL - Molders, Suppliers, Consultants, designers, educators and entrepreneurs! Ravi Mehra has been involved in the rotomolding industry in the US since the early 70’s. He is a past president of ARM International and is inductee into the Rotomolding Hall of Fame. Since 2004, Ravi has been active & instrumental in the development & growth of the rotomolding industry in India. He is the Founding Chairman of the trade association in India called StAR - Society of Asian Rotomolders. He acts in an advisory capacity to companies globally, involved in rotational molding industry. He holds MSME from UWM-Madison, and MBA from RIT, Rochester, NY. His BSME is from BITS, Pilani, India. Future Proofing the Rotational Molding Process Mark P. Kearns, Queen’s University The Polymer Process Research Centre at Queens University, Belfast is currently involved in a number of large collaborative rotomolding research and development projects for Companies and Trade Associations around Europe. In a climate of high energy costs and increased competition, these projects are aimed specifically at ‘future-proofing’ the rotomolding industry. This presentation will summarize and provide a progress update from a selection of these important projects.’ Mark Kearns is Rotational Molding Research Manager of the Polymer Processing Research Centre (PPRC) at Queen’s University, Belfast, N. Ireland. a Chartered Chemical Engineer and Fellow of the Institution of Chemical Engineers, he has a Masters Degree in Rotational Molding and has been involved in rotomolding research and industrial support projects for over 15 years. He co-authored one book and over 60 papers & conference proceedings. He lectures extensively worldwide and has presented advanced seminars and keynote presentations on rotational molding technology in Europe, South Africa, Australasia, Central & South America and the United States. 14 6 New Additives and Modifiers for Rotomolding Thomas Steele, Cytec Industries Inc. The development of new resins and the identification of innovative end-use applications is driving growth in the rotomolding industry. Specialty additives and modifiers are playing an especially critical role in the development of these products. In this presentation, new additive solutions for rotomolding grade PP resins will be introduced. Tom Steele is the group leader for Technical Service Department of Cytec Industries’ Polymer Additives Business Unit. He has a B.S in Mechanical Engineering from Fairfield University. Tom has been at Cytec Industries for over 20 years, and worked on aerospace composites, advanced adhesives and chemical light prior to joining the Polymer Additives business. He has written, co-authored and presented numerous papers at conferences, covering a very broad range of plastics stabilization and processing topics. Currently, Tom Steele is advising and assisting in the development of a European weathering norm for rotational molding. Innovations Using Tight Process Controls Gary Lategan, Roto Solutions Mr. Lategan will discuss how his company was unable to find molds, machines, controls and release agents to satisfy them and how these challenges led them to develop and fine tune in-house to be received UN Approval and compete with Blow & Injection Molding on Output, Price and Quality. With 28 years’ experience as a rotational molder and now a consultant to the industry Gary Lategan is internationally recognized as an innovator and leader in the rotational molding industry. Having worked with over 150 customers in 34 countries worldwide, Gary has never missed an opportunity to share or gain knowledge of the roto molding industry and its processes. He developed TempLogger and related tools to help molders attain their full potential. As Chairman of ARMSA for the past eight years and a founding member of ARMO, Gary has presented a range of papers and workshops across the globe in an effort to share his passion for the industry. Rotomolded Manholes for Sewage & Telecom Miki Burmil, MB Engineering This case study will discuss using plastic manholes to prevent leakage and protect the environment. Mr. Burmil will discuss the advantages of plastic manholes and the modular design system. Miki Burmil is a mechanical engineer with more than 20 years of experience in rotomolding. He was a CEO and partner at Polisiv for nine years. He has been involved in preparing new European standards for Plastic manholes, and chairman of the Israeli committee for plastic manhole standards. All Buts Stink: Creating a Culture of Accountability Walter Bond Does your organization have a culture of accountability? When something goes wrong, does everyone start pointing fingers and making excuses? How much more productive would your organization be if everyone took responsibility for their mistakes and shortcomings and continuous improvement was a team effort? Walter Bond delivers a solid message of personal accountability, overcoming adversity, power of confidence and excellence to the highest degree. Your organization will be rocked with enthusiasm, inspired to work as a team and motivated to achieve to the highest level regardless of the stock market, mortgage crisis or credit crunch. This extraordinarily popular program helps audience members to point the finger at themselves in a fun and safe way. Walter is a business expert, broadcaster, and former professional athlete who played for the Utah Jazz, Detroit Pistons and Dallas Mavericks. His personal credo, “No one can stop you but you,” encapsulates a message of hope, resiliency and positive change. As a highly acclaimed international speaker and entrepreneur, he delivers more than 100 life-changing keynotes and seminars a year. Association of Rotational Molders International (ARMI) What’s Your Problem? Roy Crawford; Gary Lategan, Roto Solutions; and Sandy Scaccia, Norstar International Bring your technical and industry to this perennial favorite workshop. Your moderators and colleagues will help you troubleshoot any problem. Choosing the Right Resin Gary Cheney, LyondellBasell Technical datasheets (TDS) from suppliers are typically the first screening mechanism used by molders in the selection of a resin for an application. The TDS contain a variety of physical property tests many with almost identical names but which provide vastly different information. This workshop will discuss the different tests performed and how to compare properties found on TDS to aide molders in the selection of the appropriate resin for an application. Mr. Cheney has a BS in Materials Engineering from the University of Cincinnati. He is a Technical Specialist at LyondellBasell with over 15 years of experience in Technical Service and Development supporting a variety of application areas and leading the Polyethylene North America technical training efforts. Total Process Control Harry Covington, Ferry Industries; and Nick Henwood, 493K Limited Ferry Industries has developed a totally integrated process control system that includes parts of Ferry’s existing Rotocure system, the Ferry IRT system and new generation of the Ferry Rotolog. All systems are integrated into one computer system on the machine and allow the user to select which system to use to control the cure process – standard time basis or internal air temperature basis or external mold temperature basis. This innovative system is provided with process documentation to give the molder data files and records on the machine production. The system can operate for any cycle and is easily adaptable to existing machines. Ferry will use a live computer to demonstrate the system to the audience. How a Safety Plan Can Save You Money Pat Long, Formed Plastics and Daven Claerbout, Dutchland Plastics Corp. Learn about the detailed safety plans of two rotomolders, brainstorm incentives to keep your plant safe, discuss your safety concerns, troubleshoot safety issues in your own shops and receive recommendations from colleagues and industry experts. Pat Long is the President of Formed Plastics, Inc., the firm that won the 2009 ARM International Safety Award. Daven Claerbout is the co-owner of Dutchland Plastics Corp. Multilayer Rotomolding of Crosslinkable Polyethylene and Nylon; Tips and Tricks to Achieve Success Ron Cooke, ExxonMobil Chemical Company The results from ExxonMobil Chemical development work conducted to meet fuel tank permeation regulations will be presented. The workshop will focus on methods that can be used by rotomolders during routine multilayer tank production. The workshop format will be a 20 minute presentation followed by an open forum for Q&A. Ron Cooke has worked for ExxonMobil Chemical Canada for 23 years. He has held a number of technical roles at ExxonMobil Chemical’s polyethylene manufacturing facility and for the last 10 years been responsible for providing Applications Technical Service and Resin Development for ExxonMobil Chemical’s Rotational and Injection Molding Polyethylene business. In Rotational Molding, Ron provides support for both linear and cross-linkable polyethylene products. Tuesday, October 5, 2010 Innovations in Rotomolding Nick Henwood, 493K Limited The European rotomolding has always tried to push the process in innovative ways. Guided by function, ergonomics and design principles, many of the products have been very successful in the marketplace. This presentation will showcase five unusual and innovative product designs that have been deployed by European rotomolders. The “back story” of each product is used to illustrate wider points about the direction that our industry needs to move as we meet the challenges of the future. Dr Henwood has nearly 20 years of experience in rotomolding and is recognized as a worldwide authority on rotomolding materials. He now operates independently as a consultant and an educator, through 493K Limited. Nick is an active member of the Society of Plastics Engineers and the Association of Rotational Molders International. Rock and Roll: Past and Future of Rotomolding Martin Spencer, Rototek This presentation will explain the principals of rotomolding with rock and roll ovens covering from basic principles aspects of heat distribution, powder distribution and tool motion. Rock and Roll machines offer the opportunity to take control of these principles. With relatively simple implementation of internal temperature control, internal cooling and pressurization it is possible to produce technically complicated moldings on rock and roll machines. Mr Spencer will argue that the principles of Rock and Roll are under utilized in our industry and offer tremendous opportunities for the future. Martin Spencer is the Chairman of the British Plastics Federation Rotomolding group and the Managing Director of Rototek. He trained as an electrical engineer but started work in Composites producing kayaks and boats for use in international competition. From there he formed a company to produce composite foam sandwich paddles which were sold worldwide. As the kayak market moved from composites to Rotational molding martin started to design for the process in 1981 and work in the process from 1985. In 1993 he along with several other engineers formed Rototek to provide a technical rotational trade molding service. Break-through Design: Flex Rider Rotomolded Patrol Boats Stanley Widmer, Stanley Widmer Associates This session will present a case study for naval patrol boat that was funded by the US Congress’s request for a safer boat that would save lives and reduce injuries. One of the main features of the Flex Rider is the flexing hull that reduced the G-load, a regular problem with most present hull designs. This design will be used for large patrol boats, tri-hull landing crafts and consumer model. The cast tooling in a modular approach lends itself to having inboard or outboard engines. Open decks or half cabins are also available with this modular approach. Stanley Widmer is a disabled veteran, small business owner and defense contractor. He built his first hydro at the age of 14 using wood construction. He majored in Industrial Design at Layton College. His first job was with the Mercury Outboard Engine Research Center in Oshkosh WI. In 1963 he began working for Graco as a project engineer and head of industrial design. In 1972 he started his own Industrial Design Engineering Company. www.armo-global.org | info@armo-global.org 15 Association of Rotational Molders International (ARMI) 2009 Product of the Year Case Study Reijo Strom, Motoral Co. Motoral Co was the winner of the product competition in the Innovative State-of-the-Art and Product of the Year categories at the ARM 2009 Fall Meeting in Minnesota. The triumphant product is the NoiseGuard, a noise reduction solution for mobile surface crawler drill rigs. The revolving drill boom is covered with rotomolded double wall elements which effectively absorb the harsh metallic sounds during drilling operations. The presentation includes a brief walkthrough of the “record long” R&D history of the NoiseGuard project which began all the way back in 1998. The walkthrough is followed by a video of drill rig in action on a highway construction site. Reijo is the owner and CEO of Motoral Co Motoplast rotational molding division. He started his molding business in 1978 and been actively involved in the industry ever since. Reijo has served on the ARM International Board of Directors in two 3-year terms. He has been an avid spokesperson for rotational molding at seminars around Nordic countries giving numerous presentations about the process. Cost cutting approaches for your operation Nick Henwood, 493K Limited This presentation examines, in detail, how the analysis and optimization of cycle time using real time measurement of gas consumption and inner mould temperatures can be used to reduce the overall energy consumption of the process, make step changes in process control, dramatically improve manufacturing efficiency. In the near future, such developments will become increasingly necessary as rotomolding competes with processes such as injection molding, blow molding and thermoforming. Impact of Rotation Speeds & Ratios on Finished Parts Dru Laws, Rotonics Manufacturing Inc. Details to come. Lethal Explosion Hazards from Dust and Powder Buildup Jon Ratzlaff, Chevron Phillips Chemical Company Since the 1980s, OSHA has noted hundreds of plant explosions attributed to combustible dust and powder. These explosions have killed over a hundred people and injured over 800 including severe property loss. Many of these incidents happened without any awareness of the potential hazards. Rotational molding plants are not immune to dust and powder explosion hazards and in fact with the continuous handling of ground powder, could be at high risk. Every plant should know the indicators for these hazards. This presentation will present the fundamentals of the hazards with short excerpts from the U.S. Chemical Safety Board. Jon Ratzlaff has been involved in the plastics industry for over 25 years. His alma mater is Oklahoma State University (Go Cowboys!) with a B. S. in Chemical Engineering. He has time well spent in management, manufacturing, quality, research and development, and technical service which includes his favorite: product/application & business development. He is currently focused on application development and technical services for rotational molding and injection molding polyethylene line of products for Chevron Phillips Chemical Company. Rotomolding Designing Outside the Box Warren Ginn, Ginndesign LLC. Rotational molding is still not as commonly used in North America as it is in other parts of the world and due to its relatively low cost of entry for equipment and tooling, there’s a misconception that rotomolded products only warrant a low investment in design. But this couldn’t be further from the truth. Industrial Designers thrive in the world of “What If?” and rotomolding offers many opportunities for design innovation for those who are willing to explore those possibilities. The versatility of rotational molding is unmatched by any other plastics molding process because of its wide range of applications, part sizes, levels of productivity and investment requirements. 16 6 Warren Ginn is Principal of Ginndesign, LLC (www.ginndesignllc.com), a product development firm in Raleigh, NC specializing in product design utilizing materials and processes for medium and low-volume production. Before starting Ginndesign, Warren was Senior Research Industrial Designer at the Renaissance Computing Institute (Renci) in Chapel Hill, NC. He previously worked for Integrated Design Systems and as the designer for a large structural foam molder in Fort Wayne, IN. He currently serves as Professional Interest Section VP for the Industrial Designers Society of America (IDSA) and was previously Chair of IDSA’s Materials and Processes Section for over 10 years. In-Mold Labeling (What’s New) Tom Furey, Industramark™ Industramark, a division of Standard Register has joined with NOVA Chemicals to produce Grafilm™ Roto, an In-Mold Label (IML) for rotational molding. The proprietary Grafilm, owned by Industramark, is teamed with an adhesive developed by NOVA Chemicals to offer a label system that has superior graphic capabilities, reduced lead times, and no minimum quantities. Tom Furey is the president of Industramark. What’s New Chevron Phillips Details to come. Society of Asian Rotomoulders (StAR) StAR Holds Full Day “Roto Profits” Seminar by Gary Lategan of Rotosolutions StAR hosted Gary Lategan’s “ROTO PROFITS” at its first ever Full Day Seminar (outside its annual conferences) on July 16 2010 at Mumbai’s latest 5- star hotel, the Holiday Inn. Forty enthusiastic participants braved a heavy monsoon downpour to ensure full capacity attendance at the day long session of learning and interactions. Gary who is internationally recognized as an innovator and leader in the rotational moulding industry proves to be highly popular in India because of his insights and understanding of Indian rotomoulding conditions, and requirements which are particular to the industry here. In a well segmented seminar presentation the comprehensive list of topics consisted of Materials, Moulds, Machines, Process information, Tools & Equipment. Proper Working Environment was discussed as an important factor which brought about optimal results in all operations if given due attention. Gary Lategan with StAR Governing Body members Emphasis along with plenty of examples was given to cutting of costs, greater efficiency in the use of raw materials, reduction of wastage, and running of processes to their maximum effectiveness. It was adequately stressed that there were no half measures which could be tried for immediate results. Improvements had to be introduced into the total rotomoulding process and such an approach alone could ensure efficiencies which would lead to savings. All the investment made to bring about improvements would ultimately pay for itself ; Roto Profits would thus be the bottom-line. Great interactivity between Speaker and attendees was a feature of the seminar. Swetang Dave of Promens India while summing up about the seminar spoke of the great utility of many of the tips which Gary had passed on and which could be implemented at the practical level K G Kapse of Reliance Industries who were principal sponsors of the seminar in his brief comments focused on the highly favourable conditions for growth in the Indian rotomoulding industry. StAR President Mukesh Ambani expressed his appreciation and thanks to the Speaker and the attendees for ensuring such an absorbing session. He thanked the Primary sponsor and Joint Sponsors - BD Industries and Maharashtra Maha Polyplast - and looked forward to see Gary as a Speaker again at a StAR event. www.armo-global.org | info@armo-global.org 17 6 Newsletter published by: The Affiliation of Rotational Moulding Organisations (ARMO) PL 61-851 Poznań, ul. Zielona 8, Poland tel. + 48-607-126-004, fax +48-61-858-8611 email: info@armo-global.org www.armo-global.org
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