bonnie haney dance - Moorhead Area Public Schools
bonnie haney dance - Moorhead Area Public Schools
BONNIE HANEY DANCE & PERFORMING COMPANY KIDsource BONNIE HANEY DANCE & PERFORMING COMPANY Dear Families, September 2010 BALLET | POINTE | TAP | JAZZ | HIP HOP | IRISH | BALLROOM | LATIN Welcome to the 2010-2011 school year! This is the twentieth year Moorhead Community Education has compiled this monthly publication filled with information about programs available to your children in grades K-5. We hope you’ll find it useful. BONNIE HANEY DANCE An online version of KIDsource is on the school district’s Web site at Under News and Recognition in the top menu, choose “Newsletters andERFORMING Publications.” From there, the communications/publications &P Cselect OMPANY folder. The KIDsource folder will be inside. BALLET | POINTE | TAP | JAZZ | HIP HOP | IRISH | BALLROOM | LATIN We will not be distributing KIDsource to all the middle school students. There will, however, be copies available in the 218.236.9900 | | 810 4th ave s Moorhead, mn office each month for your student to pick up if you are interested. Best wishes for a great school year from the Community Education staff! BONNIE HANEY DANCE & PERFORMING COMPANY BALLET | POINTE 218.236.9900 | | TAP | JAZZ | HIP HOP | IRISH | 810 4 | th BALLROOM | LATIN ave s Moorhead, mn your $15 Registration Fee BONNIE HANEY DANCE If you register by September 23rd for a fall session class *N e w S t u d e n t s O n l y * BALLET | POINTE & PERFORMING COMPANY | TAP | JAZZ 30 | HIP HOP | IRISH | BALLROOM | LATIN NEW FALL DANCE CLASSES STARTING S E P T E M B E R 6 TH - S E P T E M B E R 2 3 RD *REGISTRATION OR INFORMATION CALL 218.236.9900 OR VISIT WWW.BONNIEHANEYDANCE.COM KIDsource is published through the cooperation of many agencies in Moorhead and coordinated through Moorhead Community Education. If you have any questions, suggestions or ads, please call the Community Education office at Probstfield Center for Education, 218-284-3400. Visit the Moorhead Schools Web site at Publication in KIDsource does not constitute School District endorsement of a program. STRONG SCHOOLS STRONG COMMUNIT Y The mission of Moorhead Area Public Schools is to develop the maximum potential of all learners to thrive in a changing world. For our students to thrive, our schools need continued support. For our community to thrive, we must attract and keep strong families. One of the best ways to do that is through a strong school system. Strong schools means a strong community. Learn more. Ask questions. Get answers. Here’s how. Community Listening Sessions Attend a listening session to learn more about the district, ask questions and share your thoughts. Listening sessions will be at 7 p.m. on the following dates. Registration is not required. Sept. 16 Horizon Middle School Media Center, 3601 12th Ave. S. Sept. 20 Moorhead High School Media Center, 2300 4th Ave. S. Sept. 21 Ellen Hopkins Elementary Media Center, 2020 11th St. S. Sept. 23 S.G. Reinertsen Elementary Media Center, 1201 40th Ave. S. Sept. 28 Probstfield Center Board Room, 2410 14th St. S. Sept. 30 Robert Asp Elementary Media Center, 910 11th St. N. State of the District Session The district leadership team will share the troubles and triumphs of leading one of the largest school districts in Minnesota. Call Moorhead Community Education at 284-3400 to register for this free session or register online at Oct. 19 6-7:30 p.m. Probstfield Center Board Room, 2410 14th St. S. MOORHeAD AReA PubLiC SCHOOLS Proudly serving the communities of Moorhead, Georgetown, Sabin and surrounding area Moorhead area Public SchoolS oPerating levy referenduM faSt factS Wh0? Moorhead School District residents will vote Tuesday, November 2, 2010, on an operating levy referendum. What? The School Board has authorized an operating levy referendum asking residents to vote to increase general education revenue by $850 per pupil. Tax impact on a $100,000 property is less than $15 per month. Where? When? Polling places are the same as those for the general election and are listed online at Polling places are open 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Nov. 2. Why? Schools need local support to fully fund programs. State and federal funds do not fully pay for many of the programs, staff and supplies needed to adequately educate our students. hoW long? The operating levy is for seven years beginning with the 2011-12 school year. Prepared and paid for by Independent School District 152, Moorhead Area Public Schools, 2410 14th St. S., Moorhead, MN 56560. This publication is not circulated on behalf of any candidate or ballot question. examples of excellence • In 2010, Moorhead High School was ranked in the top 1,600 U.S. high schools by Newsweek based on Advanced Placement test participation. • The Moorhead High School Economics Challenge Team placedfirstintheAdamSmith (Advanced Placement) division of the 2010 Minnesota State Economics Challenge. • Dan Bacon, director of property services and transportation, was named 2009-10 Transportation Administrator of the Year by the Minnesota Association for Pupil Transportation. • Moorhead High’s 2009 fall musical, “Peter Pan,” was recognized with four SpotLight Musical Theatre Awards by Hennepin Theatre Trust. • Horizon Middle School’s Destination ImagiNation team PieThagoreans placed second at the 2010 state tournament and tied for 15th at the Global Finals. • In 2009-10, Moorhead students were selected for All-State Orchestra, MBDA Honor Band, Anacrusis All-State Honor Choir and MNSOTA Middle Level Honors Orchestra. • The Moorhead High School boys cross country team placed firstinthe2009Section8AA Championship and seventh at the state meet. • Horizon Math Masters teams placedfirst,secondandthird in the 2010 regional tournament. WWW.Moorhead.k12.Mn.uS Fall Program Registration Opens: August 24 for Members August 25 JOIN US WE’RE MAKING A DIFFERENCE YMCA of Cass and Clay Counties 400 1st Ave S, Fargo Y MEMBERSHIP Join the Y NOW Sept. 30 and pay NO Enrollment Fee! Savings of up to $50.00. for Non-Members. Programs Swim Lessons Gators Swim Team Scuba Rangers & Snorkeling Cadets Baton Twirling Climbing Wall Programs Gymnastics Fitness Classes Strength Training Classes Basketball Volleyball Football Racquetball Martial Arts Skate Park Programs Home School Programs School Out Days Youth Fun Nights Visit our website and download our program guide! YMCA School Age Learning Center Sites: FERCHO YMCA 400 1st Ave S, Fargo 701.364.4132 AURORA 3420 9th St W, WF 701.412.8971 SCHLOSSMAN YMCA 4243 19th Ave S, Fargo 701.356.1455 OSGOOD 5550 44th Ave S, Fargo 701.371.2920 OAK GROVE 2720 32nd Ave S, Fargo 701.371.7829 HORACE 110 3rd Ave N, Horace 701.729.7266 MADISON 1040 N 29th St, Fargo 701.446.5154 HARWOOD 110 Freeland Dr, Harwood 701.491.0150 JEFFERSON 1701 4th Ave S, Fargo 701.412.8970 DILWORTH 108 Main St N, Dilworth 701.799.2948 MCKINLEY 2930 N 8th St, Fargo 701.219.3668 EASTWOOD 500 10th Ave E, WF 701.729.7268 YMCA of Cass and Clay Counties HORACE MANN 1025 3rd St N, Fargo 701.371.7291 L.E. BERGER 631 4th Ave E, WF 701.729.7265 Youth sparkle with potential. ROOSEVELT 1026 10th St N, Fargo 701.371.6277 WESTSIDE 945 7th Ave W, WF 701.729.7267 LEARN GROW THRIVE YMCA SCHOOL AGE LEARNING CENTERS Through nurturing care, knowledge and guidance, the YMCA of Cass and Clay Counties helps young people to realize their talents and life opportunities. YMCA School Age Learning Centers provide before and after school programming at over fifteen sites in Cass and Clay Counties! YMCA of Cass and Clay Counties Youth Basketball League | Grades 2-6 EVERYONE PLAYS! EVERYONE HAS FUN! The YMCA Youth Basketball program encourages friendship, teamwork and fun! This program is possible through generous support of volunteer youth coaches. League formats include: • • Boys/Girls Grades 2, 3 & 4 - Non-Scoring – Official timed games with official rules while no score is kept. Each grade has its own division. Practices are one night a week for one hour and games are on Saturday mornings. Boys/Girls Grades 5 or 6 - Scoring – Official timed games with an official score being kept. Practices are one night a week for one hour and games are on Saturday mornings. Fall Season (Five Games) November 6 - December 18, 2010 Practice starts the week of October 24, 2010 YMCA Members: Non-Members: *Coaches will contact parents with practice schedule prior to this date. $50.00 $60.00 Registration Dates: August 16—October 3, 2010 *After this date, players will be placed on a waiting list. You will only be called if there are openings. *We can not guarantee that the child will be placed with their school mates. *There is a $10.00 late fee for any registrations after October 3, 2010. *Dates are subject to change. How to Register: Mail in registration form along with payment to YMCA, 400 1 Ave S, Fargo ND 58103. For more information please call Dave Harman 701-364-4116. *Payment must be sent with the registration form.* For frequently asked questions go to YMCA YOUTH BASKETBALL LEAGUE REGISTRATION FORM **Payment must accompany this form. Player’s Name _____________________________________Gender_______Birth Date_________ Address_______________________________________City_____________ST_____ZIP_______ School Attending _________________________________________________________________ **If Home School or Private school please put school closest to you. Grade___________________ *Jersey size YM YL AS AM AL (sizes are unisex) Home Phone: ____________________________________________________________________ Father’s/Guardian’s Name_____________________________ Work Phone___________________ Mother’s/Guardian’s Name_____________________________ Work Phone___________________ WE CANNOT HONOR SPECIAL REQUESTS, INCLUDING TEAMATE AND COACH. BE A VOLUNTEER COACH! We need volunteer coaches at the YMCA. You can coach you child team. Please fill out all information below. **All volunteer coaches will have back ground checks annually. YES, I will be a: Coach__________ Assistant Coach__________ Referee____________ Volunteer’s Name ____________________________________ Birth Date ____________________ Address_____________________________________City_____________ST_____ ZIP_______ Phone Number ______________________ E-mail _______________________________________ Turn off your engines. Turn on your hearts. Sunday August 29th and Sunday September 19th, 2010 12:00 noon until 5:00 pm Fargo Moorhead will close five miles of street to motorized traffic and open them up for you to walk, bike, roll or run. Help us to bring the streets alive! Enjoy fun physical activities, healthy food and entertainment in the parks along the way. Visit our website for details, Coming to Clay County: 150 Years of Immigration August 10, 2010 - Thanksgiving 2011 This new in-house exhibit focuses on immigrant life in Clay County and the region from the 1850s to today. Sept. 18 - Dec. 27, 2010 Hands-on crime scene with clues for kids to solve the crime! Meet a real detective on Sept. 18, 1 p.m. Crime Lab Detectives has been developed by the Museum of Discovery, Little Rock, Arkansas. Great Northern Bicycle Company, Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Dakota, Radio Fargo Moorhead, Forum Communications Hjemkomst Center 202 1st Ave. N, Moorhead 218-299-5511 DANCE At Just For Kix, you will SHINE! • Fun, Organized and Economical • Many Performance Opportunities • We treat children the way you want them to be treated • Conservative costume and music choices • Focus on Teamwork • Positive Environment (great for self esteem) Come and Register for Fall Classes... Thursday, Septemer 9th • 5:00-7:00pm at Our Savior’s Lutheran Church (610 13th Street N.) or register at class throughout September! Classes Begin September 13th & 14th Available for Dancers Pre K through 12th Grade Registration Fee (non-refundable): $12.00 • Class Fee: Tiny $27.00 • K & Up $30.00 Uniform Fee Varies Just For Kix, changing lives, one child at a time. Beth Welle • (218) 287-1279 • Go to for more information. go for Girl Scouts! Join us f or a FREE JAMMIN’ JUNGLE SAFARI Th u r sd ay, Sep t . 16 5-7 PM; Op en Ho u se Nat ivit y Sch o o l Gym , 1825 11t h St r eet So u t h , Far g o , ND (West En t r an ce) Gir l Sco u t s, BRING A FRIEND w h o is n ew t o Gir l Sco u t in g an d yo u w ill b o t h r eceive a f u n p at ch w h en sh e jo in s. Also , all Gir l Sco u t s in at t en d an ce w ill r eceive f r ee su n g lasses an d a ch an ce t o w in m o r e f ab u lo u s p r izes! (Par en t m u st b e p r esen t t o r eg ist er d au g h t er f o r Gir l Sco u t s.) Fo r m o r e in f o r m at io n , co n t act : Jo in in g o r vo lu n t eer in g f o r Gir l Deb , Mem b er sh ip Sp ecialist , Sco u t s is easy! A year ly m em b er sh ip Gir l Sco u t s—Dako t a Ho r izo n s f ee o f $12 is d u e at r eg ist r at io n . 701.293.7915 OR 1.877.904.8168 Fin an cial Assist an ce is availab le t o w w w .g sd ako t ah o r izo n s.o r g t h o se w h o q u alif y. **The MBA is changing!! ** Only Travelling Teams!! November-February 2010-2011 ✦Skill centered practices 2 days a week. ✦5th/6th grade teams will be entered in 6 area tournaments. ✦4th grade teams will be entered in 4 area tournaments. ✦Open gyms Sundays. 4/5/6th Grade MBA Season Parent meeting TBA-Check at the end of Sept. Registration is due Oct. 25th for boys and Oct. 26 for girls. Register by Oct. 14th and save $5!! Practices: Boys begin Oct. 25th, Girls begin Oct. 26th Time: 6 - 7:30 p.m. Cost: 5th/6th graders $150 per player, 4th graders $100 per player Where: 4/5/6 Moorhead High Fieldhouse Go to for registration form and information. Traveling Teams ★MHS players and coaches will assist in initial practices. ★5th/6th grade 26 practices and 4th grade 16 practices. ★6 tournaments for 5th/6th and 4 tournaments for 4th from Nov.-Feb. ★4/5/6 grade teams that are currently established will be allowed to stay together. ★4/5/6 graders not on teams will be evaluated and put on a team. We will provide this all at a fee of $150 per player for 5th/6th graders and $100 per player for 4th graders. The fee covers tournament fees, reversible player jerseys, and end of season pizza party. ****We need coaches for this to work. If your son/daughter is in the MBA program and you are interested in coaching their team please state so in the coaching portion of the registration form. **New** 7th Grade!! November-February 2010-2011 ✦Skill centered practices 2 days a week. ✦7th grade teams will be entered in 3 area tournaments ✦Open gyms Sundays. 7th Grade MBA Season Parent meeting TBA-Check at the end of Sept. **Registration is due Oct. 28th for boys and Jan. 6th for girls. Register by Oct. 14th and save $5!! Practices: Boys begin Oct. 28th, Girls begin Jan. 4th Time: 6 - 7:30 p.m. Cost: 7th graders $75 per player Where: Horizon Go to for registration form and information. Traveling Teams ★3 tournaments for 7th from Nov.-end of Dec. for Boys and Jan.-end of Feb. for Girls. ★MBA will be opposite the Jr. High season. ★7th grade teams that are currently established will be allowed to stay together. ★7th graders not on teams will be evaluated and put on a team. We will provide this all at a fee of $75 per player for 7th graders. The fee covers tournament fees, reversible player jerseys, and end of the season pizza party. ****We need coaches for this to work. If your son/daughter is in the MBA program and you are interested in coaching their team please state so in the coaching portion of the registration form. Help Today for a Better Tomorrow At Lakeland Mental Health Center, our purpose is to provide a comfortable environment where you can receive confidential and personalized behavioral healthcare. Our experienced staff includes psychiatrists, psychologists, clinical social workers, marriage and family therapists and mental health counselors. 1010 32nd Ave S., Moorhead, MN 56560 Phone: (218) 233-7524 000321908r1 24 hr. Emergency/Crisis 1-800-223-4512 Serving Adults & Children in Clay, Otter Tail & Wilkin Counties Help for you on the phone or in your home. Mobile Team Dispatch Hours: Monday through Friday: 4pm-10pm Saturday, Sunday, and Holidays: 1pm-11pm Phone support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week Services: * Help for adults, children & families in their homes. * Connection to mental health services. * Coordination & follow up with current mental health service providers. * Stabilization to reduce hospitalizations & out-of-home placements. * Skills training to minimize future crisis. Programming provided by Lakeland Mental Health Center, Inc. with a grant from the Minnesota Department of Human Services in collaboration with: Clay County Social Services, Otter Tail County Human Services, Wilkin County Family Services, Productive Alternatives/Crisis Stabilization Unit, Otter Tail Family Services Collaborative/Children’s Local Advisory Committee, Clay County Collaborative/ Children’s Local Advisory Committee, Otter Tail County Adult Local Advisory Council, Clay County Adult Local Advisory Council, The Village Family Service Center, Blue Sky, Inc., BCOW Adult Mental Health Initiative, Prairie Community Services, Solutions Behavioral Healthcare Professionals, Inc., Lake Region Hospital (in Fergus Falls, MN) and Becker County (Comprehensive Crisis Response Program) EIGHTH STREET STUDIO OF DANCE Creative Movement & Modern Dance for ages 4 through adult! Classes begin September 13 Call 280-2712 for more information Email us: Go to our website: 2010 - 2011 CLASS SCHEDULE 1 pre-k creative movement tues 2 pre-k creative movement tHurs 5:30 - 6:15 3 pre-k creative movement sat 10:00-10:45 4 gr 1-3 creative movement mon 4:00 - 5:00 5 gr 1-3 creative movement tues 4:15 - 5:15 6 gr 1-3 creative movement sat 11:00-12:00 7 gr 4-8 modern i mon 5:05 - 6:20 8 gr 4-8 modern ii mon 6:30 - 8:00 9 teen/adult modern ii/iii sat 12:15-1:30 4 yrs - kindergarten 10 performance ensemble prereq: 9th Grade, teen/adult mod II/iii, Instructor permission if first year sat 5:30 - 6:15 1:45 - 3:00 Greater Moorhead Days September 10 - 17, 2010 Join in the fun of all the activities with the whole family! Friday, Sept 10: Greater Moorhead Days Parade 6:00 pm • 20th St S Saturday, Sept 11: Show and Shine Car Show 10:00 am-2:00 pm • Viking Ship Park Miss Moorhead Pageant 6:30 pm • Moorhead High School Sunday, Sept 12: Bocce Challenge 6:00 pm • Romkey Park Monday, Sept 13: Medallion Hunt Begins! Bonfire and Band 9:00 pm • MB Johnson Park Tuesday, Sept 14: Pool Party 6:00-8:00 pm • Moorhead High School Pool Wednesday, Sept 15: Kids Fest 5:00-7:00 pm • Gooseberry Park Thursday, Sept 16: Outdoor Movie Night 8:30 pm • Trollwood Friday, Sept 17: Medallion Hunt ends Medallion Hunt Prizes Gold - $1,000 in Hornbacher’s gift cards • Red - $500 in Stop-N-Go gift cards • Blue - $250 Furniture For Less gift card • Purple - Urban Hair Salon Package • Green - Courtyard Marriott Pool Party Visit and check out the Things To Do tab for all the details! n a c u o ! Y W O N N I O J " Does your son like to sing? Is he in 3rd grade or up? Does he enjoy making friends? Does he like to take part in fun activities and events? The Red RiveR Boy ChoiR will... * NuRTuRe a love of singing * impRove individual musicianship * Build personal confidence * develop a sense of community * FosTeR a life-long appreciation for music SINGING IN THE RED RIVER VALLEY SINCE 1983! COME SING WITH US! Then the Red River Boy Choir is the place to be! The Red River Boy Choir is now accepting new members for the 2010-2011 school year. This is a great opportunity for boys in 3rd grade and up to be part of an established, organized choir. Rehearsals are Tuesday nights at Christ The King Lutheran Church in Moorhead, MN. Call: 701-367-3677 Email: Set up your audition TODAY! Red River Traditional 1335 Main •277-1TKD 3301 15th St S.•298-6785 TaeKwonDo The Area’s Only Traditional TaeKwonDo School Fargo-Moorhead’s Largest Gym for good reasons.. Proven to improve Behavior Concentration & Self-confidence. 32 years experience Grand Master Jim Grimestad Nine different class times to choose from Classes focused on Character Building not competition FREE Adaptive Classes for students with ADHD Aspbergers, Autism, ADD, and special needs uniform with 1st month 2 week trial 3301 15th St. S. Fargo & 1335 Main Ave Fargo • Hoppin’ Hoedown Saturday, October 16 6:30-8:30 pm RDJ Rec Center 1104 2 Ave S, Fargo This new mother/son event is sure to bring out the cowboy in you. Spend time dancing to music, playing western games, making crafts and having snacks. Come in your favorite western style outfit of casual attire. Tickets on sale September 14th at the RDJ Rec Center (1104 2 Ave S, Fargo) $5 for moms $3 for sons (age 4-12) 241-8160 A nationwide program now in Fargo! For Children Ages 4—7 Positive fun-filled atmosphere Ear Training Note Reading Keyboard and Singing Rhythm and Harmony Age-appropriate activities Parents learn along with children For details or to register call Jackie. 701-771-0116 - Music Skills that last a lifetime! - It’s Hockey Time in Moorhead! It’s time to register for Moorhead Youth Hockey’s 2010-2011 Season of Fun! We offer a wide variety of programs for all ages. Learn teamwork, sportsmanship, and the fundamentals associated with the game. Jr. Gold Bantams 14U Girls Peewees 12U Girls Ages 15 - 17 Ages 13 - 14 Ages 13 - 14 Ages 11 - 12 Ages 11 – 12 Squirt Boys Ages 9 - 10 10U Girls Ages 9 - 10 Ages 7 - 8 Mites (boys & girls) Rookies (boys & girls) Ages *4 - 6 Tator Tots (open skating for the *Age 4 on or before July 1, 2010 under 5 crowd) NEW MEMBER REGISTRATION Monday & Tuesday, Sept. 13th – 14th, 6 – 8 pm Moorhead Youth Hockey Arena 707 SE Main Avenue, Moorhead *Bring the skater/participant to registration* NEW MEMBER ORIENTATION Tuesday, Sept.14th - 6:15 PM Moorhead Youth Hockey Arena TOBOLT LEASE EQUIPMENT PROGRAM Equipment is offered to Rookies & Mites at a $50 fee for the season. If interested, please inquire at the registration table. MN HOCKEY REQUIRES A STATE/COUNTY GOVERNMENT ISSUED BIRTH CERTIFICATE FOR ALL NEW REGISTRATIONS AS PROOF OF ELIGIBILITY – HOSPITAL OR CHURCH ISSUED CERTIFICATES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. PLEASE BRING THIS ITEM WITH YOU TO REGISTRATION. USA HOCKEY INSURANCE IS ALSO REQUIRED; FOR ADDITIONAL MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS, PLEASE LOGON TO OUR WEBSITE QUESTIONS: CALL 233-5021 Registration Deadline – Tuesday, October 19, 2010 Registrations are due to the Parks and Recreation Office by Tuesday, October 19, 2010 at 4:00 pm. After this date anyone signing up will be assigned to teams where openings exist. The Moorhead Parks & Recreation Department conducts a youth basketball program for boys and girls currently in grades 3 - 6. The program goals are to teach participants ball handling, passing, shooting skills, and team work. Grades 3 - 4 and 5 - 6 are combined to form teams. PRACTICES: Practices begin the week of November 29, 2010. All practices are held at Ellen Hopkins Elementary School. (Enter South Side of Building) Practice day depends on coach availability. Practice times will be either 4:30 or 5:30 pm and will be assigned by the Parks & Recreation Department. GAMES: All games are played at Ellen Hopkins Elementary on Saturdays from January 8th., 2011 through March 12th. (Enter South Side of Building) TEAM ASSIGNMENTS: Team assignments will be posted in the Moorhead Sports Center Lobby on Thursday, November 4th., 2010. You should Drop In between 4:00 – 6:00 pm to see what team you are assigned to. TEAMS ASSIGNMENTS WILL NOT BE GIVEN OUT OVER THE PHONE. FEE: $37.00 / PRIOR TO OCTOBER 19, 2010 $55.50 / AFTER OCTOBER 19, 2010 Register At: Moorhead Parks and Recreation 324 24th Street South Moorhead, Minnesota 56560 Phone (218) 299-5340 • Fax (218)299-5212 (Waivers on the back must be completed before registration will be accepted!) Child’s Name__________________________________ Date of Birth _____________Grade _________ Parent/Guardian___________________________________________ Phone# (H)___________________ Address__________________________________________________ Phone# (W)__________________ City, State, Zip____________________________________________ Sex: F____ M____ Code_______ Teams will be formed from the zone in which you reside. Check the Zone that you live within. (Map on backside of Form) Zone 1____ Zone 2____ Zone 3____ Zone 4____ Zone 5____ Does the child have any special needs that we should be aware of? ________________________ Please check if you would be interested in Coaching! _____ N W E S Zone 1 Center Avenue & 8th Street Zone 2 Highway 10 Zone 3 Interstate 94 Interstate 94 Highway 75 South Zone 4 Zone 5 CODE GRADE B1B3 Boys Grade 3 - 4 B1B5 Boys Grade 5 - 6 B1G3 Girls Grade 3 - 4 B1G5 Girls Grade 5 - 6 (minimum of 40/ grade category needed) LIABILITY WAIVER No. 1: In consideration of your accepting me or my child or ward’s entry, I hereby, for myself, my child or ward, my spouse, heirs, and successors or assigns, waive and release any and all rights and claims that I, my spouse, or my child or ward may have against the City of Moorhead, its servants, agents, or employees, for any and all injuries or other damages arising out of or connected with participation in the above activities. This Release of Liability shall also cover all other Park activities that I, my spouse, or my child or ward may register for. I further agree and consent to emergency treatment of my child or ward by a physician or hospital in the event that I cannot be reached. I also understand that the Park and Recreation Staff or their representatives may photograph participants enrolled in programs, classes, or events enjoying park facilities. (Parent or Guardian Signature) (Date) 13.57 SOCIAL RECREATIONAL DATA LAW AUTHORIZATION No. 2: I hereby grant authorization for my child’s name and our home phone number to be published on a team roster, which will be made available to coaches, staff, team members and others deemed necessary. I understand that if I choose not sign this waiver, my child’s name and phone number will not appear on any team roster but will be given to the coach and appropriate Parks & Recreation Staff. (Parent or Guardian Signature) (Date) __Master Card __Visa __ American Express __________________________________ ____________ ____________________________________________ Card# Exp Date Customers Signature For Office Use Only Paid Cash_________ Paid Check #_________Paid Credit Card_________ Date Received_________ Initials______ NEW LOCATION!!! GRAND OPENING Everyone has wondered at one time or another if martial arts classes were right for them. Now is the time to find out at our ATA Martial Arts Open House! Sept. 17 5:00-7:30pm Sept. 18 8:30am - Noon 4480 - 23rd Ave S Fargo, ND (Located next to 45th St. Pizza Ranch) Marlins Swimming and Diving Come join us for the fall and winter swim/dive season! Registration is Monday, September 13th - High School Pool 5:00pm-6:00pm Practice will begin on Tuesday, September 14th for Senior Group ONLY. Development and Age Groups will begin practice on Monday, September 20th. New members are welcome throughout the season. Fees are structured according to Development Group, Age Group and Senior Group. Marlins Swimming and Diving provides a family-based team experience for novice to experienced swimmers/divers. We are organized into peer groups. This type of organization allows swimmers and divers to develop team unity with their friends at all levels and abilities. They will remain in peer groups that grow and develop together! Swimmers and divers are placed into teams by Head Coach, Pat Anderson. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Registration is on Monday, September 13th from 5:00pm–6:00pm outside the High School Pool (You will receive the practice calendar and other important information as well.) with practice beginning for Senior Group on Tuesday, September 14th and for Development and Age Groups on Monday, September 20th. Questions? Contact Patty Gerdes at or (701)367-2172 Moorhead Youth Wrestling 2010-2011 Season - Registration for Session 1 is Thursday, November 4 at the Moorhead Sports Center 6:30-8 p.m. • Ages pre-k - 6th grade - with or with out experience • Session 1 - 11/8/10 - 12/23/10 Session 2 - 1/3/11 - 3/10/11 • Session fees are $50 per session for the first child, $30 for the second child and no fee for three or more children in the same family. • USA card required (can get at Registration) 799-8364 for more information • Call Todd Hanson at 233-1586 or at TNT! and PROUD Come be LOUD RAH! RAH! RAH! 3:00– 4:30 701-365-8868 2800 Main Ave ~ Fargo, ND 58103 $10/child, $5 each additional child Sept. 10 from 7-9 p.m. Open Gym on Friday, Join us for this year’s first WELCOME BACK! 1:00-2:30, 12:00-1:30, 2:00-3:30, Saturday or Sunday! our four time slots on lasting memories at any one of child’s birthday and make Celebrate by reserving your Have a Fall Birthday? “Where Kids Are Always First!” cheer your heart out!!! So don’t miss out, and come be held ALL YEAR ROUND ROUND!! cheerleading camp that will Introducing our new Oct. 30. classes starting Sept. 27- up for half-price Be sure to sign Registration? Did you miss Fall TNT Kid’s Fitness & Gymnastics Academy Back-To-School Fall Session at Get Active, Stay Fit, Get Involved!
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