Youth Mission Trip To Allenspark, Colorado, Lyons, Colorado


Youth Mission Trip To Allenspark, Colorado, Lyons, Colorado
2700 McPherson Ave • Fort Worth, Texas 76109 • 817-927-8411
June 10, 2013
Youth Mission Trip
Allenspark, Colorado,
Lyons, Colorado, &
Berthoud, Colorado
Table of Contents
Pages 2
Editorial by Beth Fultz
Page 3
Meet our New Members!
July 20 - 28, 2013
Goal: $18,000
Page 4
Focus on Folks
Fourth Friday Book Group
Preparation for Worship
Currently in Hand: $3,400
Can you help get us to the Goal?
Here’s How We Earn the Funds:
Page 5
Adult Education News
Page 6
Children and Youth Education News
Page 7
Calendar of Events
Prayer Requests
VBS & Afternoon Camp Registrations,
 Garage Sale,
 Mission Trip Stock Sale get us there.
Donate Now!
Those purchasing Stock (min. of 2) are given a Chance
to Win a 4 day/3 night Hotel Room
At Highlands Presbyterian Camp &
Conference Center, Allenspark, Colorado!
Volunteers Needed!!
Local Presbyterian churches will be building a Habitat for Humanity house starting September 20th and continuing each
Saturday and some Fridays for five weeks. St. Stephen has already paid our pledge toward this house. Several types of volunteers
are needed; construction, site host for a day or providing a lunch for one day.
There will be a meeting on Thursday, July 18 for churches to commit people to fill these positions on each date of the work
schedule. Please contact Jerry Moody 817-983-9812 if you are interested in volunteering or for more details.
Won’t you volunteer for this worthy project?
You Can Make the Difference!!
June 10, 2013
Page 2
Wielding Hammers & Raising Hands!
Youth Mission Trip Offers Two Communities VBS!
By Beth Fultz, Director of Christian Education
St. Stephen Youth Mission Trips are annually well-done
and well received. We’ve been to Raton, New Mexico;
Omaha, Nebraska; Little Rock, Arkansas; Myrtle Beach,
South Carolina; Appalachia in Kentucky; Southside
Chicago, Illinois; Panhandle of and Panama City,
Florida; and now Allenspark, Colorado. The youth who
have participated on these trips have seen Christianity in
Presbyterian and other churches and camps all over the
United States. They should be proud of all that they
have accomplished with both hammer and with the
children of those communities.
Usually, not intentionally, the Vacation Bible School
(VBS) crew is the step-sister to the “real mission” crews
who re-roof or paint or construct a porch. People skilled
youth and sponsors who worked with the children in
Raton, Omaha, Myrtle Beach, Kentucky, Chicago, and
Panama City have exemplified Christ to these kids of
color and financial difficulties.
Ask me about the
Nebraska VBS - it was the most challenging of all. The
Sudanese Presbyterians were wild! However, our stories
of the interactions with the children and their passion for
sharing God’s love with us has always kept us buoyant
and excited about returning to new places.
Typically on a Youth Mission Trip, we have multiple
construction projects and one lowly VBS. This year,
2013, two communities have accepted our offer for three
hour VBS programs. Boy, howdy!!
I was discouraged after asking many churches near
Highlands Presbyterian Camp could we come and help
with their VBS plans. By practice, I send e-mails to the
nearby communities announcing our availability to help.
“Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I beseech you to
send $1,000 immediately to our account so that we may
return to you safely from the jungles in Karachi…”
Okay, I don’t send those. But I do send a humble letter
explaining our journey, our time table, our skills, our
references. Do you know how humbling it can be to
receive a large number of “No’s!”, “No, Thank you”, and
“We already have 3 in town, No!”? But, I don’t give up
easily particularly with visions of paint brushes in my
hands and spilled paint all over the ground.
Perseverance paid off. First Presbyterian Church of
Berthoud, Colorado, holds a annual joint VBS with the
Methodists in town, down the mountain road.
The Berthoud churches met in early May while
deciding on the week of VBS, when my e-mail
appeared asking could we help. They felt we were
an “Answer to Prayer” and “Heaven Sent!” said
Barbara Losh, the Presbyterian representing the
joint committee. Berthoud typically has 45 - 50
children at their VBS. How exciting - as big as
the Sudanese program in Omaha and probably
with kids we can control! During a phone call
today (June 4) from Barbara Losh, she stated that
someone in her church knows our work from the
Nebraska mission trip. “They’re a good group!”
Well, well, wild Nebraskan VBS is well known
and appreciated. That was six years ago!
I had been busily accepting snail mail from the
Berthoud folks about the VBS plans when e-mails
started flying from another pastor, I thought from
Berthoud. The e-mails were effusive and excited
about our coming. I didn’t realize until 3 weeks
later that I had been communicating with a totally
different community, a church, in Lyons,
Colorado, right at the base of Rabbit Mountain.
Whoa, two locations were wanting our help?
Impossible for us? Or was it possible?
Lyons Community Church is a Methodist Church
in the small artistic town of Lyons. They have a
female pastor, Jani, who was game for our
providing VBS particularly since they hadn’t had
one in 5 years. Lyons has experienced a baby
boom and Jani felt we could have a VBS for 10 40 kids in their small facility. Challenging, yes!
Can we do it? Yes, we can! VBS times 2; Tie dye
shirts will be hanging all over the Rockies!
Those left on the mountain are very important too.
At Highlands Presbyterian Camp, with hammers
in their hands, many youth and sponsors are going
to: build a vespers area at the NW corner of the
camp lake; re-roof a long Activity Center Cabin;
and do fire mitigation along with interacting with
the Disability Campers and 5th Grade Campers.
The stars at night are big and Colorado.
St. Stephen Presbyterian Church Youth Mission
Trip to Colorado. Hammers and Hands lifted up
for the Glory of God! I hope you’ll be proud and
want to hear our stories upon our return!
June 10, 2013
Page 3
Welcome New Members!
Welcome to Clint Turner!
Clint just joined St. Stephen and is
eager to get much as his
family practice residency will allow.
Clint grew up Presbyterian in
Cleveland, OK and graduated from
the University of Arkansas with a
degree in biology. Medical school in
Little Rock was next where he
decided Family Practice would be his
focus in residency. The stellar program at John Peter Smith
Hospital brought Clint to Fort Worth. He is finishing up his
last year and will do a one-year fellowship in Sports
Meanwhile, a group of big, tough football players at
Diamond Hill-Jarvis High School depend on Clint to mend
their bumps, bruises, twists and sprains as the team
His free time is spent running and cycling. Clint commits to
a challenging race every few months. When reading, you'll
find him buried either in a medical textbook or page-turning
fictional novel.
Clint admires the traditional aspect of St. Stephen's worship
service. He and Lindsay Wilson are regular attendees at the
11 o'clock service. Please share with him the warmth of our
wonderful congregation.
Welcome to Lindsay Wilson!
St. Stephen welcomes Lindsay who
joined our church in May. Hailing
from Taylor, near Austin, she
graduated from Texas Tech with a BS
in nutrition. The big sigh of relief you
heard a few weeks ago was Lindsay
completing her Master of Physician
Assistant Studies at UNT Health
Science Center.
She is already
employed at Ennis Children's Clinic.
In the questionnaire Lindsay completed for us to learn about
her interests, "baking" was referenced four times. Perhaps
someone needs to introduce her to our big oven in the
Lindsay hopes to get involved with local missions of St.
Stephen and is planning on medical volunteer work abroad in
the future.
Two stray kittens found their way to her front porch and
heart recently. Scout and Stark have accepted Lindsay into
their home and return the gratitude with lots of entertaining
Lindsay Wilson
370 N. State Hwy 360
Mansfield, TX 76063
Clint Turner, M.D.
2450 Oak Hill Circle #1322
Fort Worth, TX 76109
Welcome to Jordan Smith!
After regularly visiting St. Stephen for several years while at TCU and after graduating, Jordan is transferring his membership from
Westlake Hills Presbyterian in his hometown of Austin.
Jordan achieved a bachelor's degree in History from TCU with minors in journalism and education. Internships were spent at local high
schools and the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. Currently he is a real estate appraiser, working on his professional certification, but has spent
time buying, rehabbing and selling distressed properties.
Free time is spent with buddies taking in the local music scene. Jordan reports the stack of books he wants to read continues to grow and
never seems to get shorter.
Family is spread throughout Texas, mostly in Austin. One sister attends Rhodes College in Memphis, TN and the other lives with her
husband and family in Sweden. Jordan is a regular at the 11 o'clock service so please take time to introduce yourself.
Jordan Smith
7004 Pinon Street
Fort Worth, TX 76116
June 10, 2013
Page 4
In Loving Memory...Loss of Paula Work’s Mother
Mama loved attending worship with me at SSPC and
everyone was so kind to her during her visits. Her
name was Earnestine Mayer Reeves. Her best friend
was Margaret Frazier and after Margaret’s death we
could see that Mama lost a little of her sparkle.
Reunited now with Daddy, my brother, Jim, and her
BFF and I know she has received great joy.
She passed away on Thursday, May 23rd and her celebration of
life was held in the chapel at Arborlawn Methodist Church last
Thursday. Thank you all for holding my family in your hearts and
Congrats to Catherine Curtis!!
St. Stephen member Catherine Curtis just
graduated from Eckerd College, a
Presbyterian-related college in St.
Petersburg, FL, with a B.A. in visual
arts. One of the paintings from her senior
art show was selected to hang in the college gallery for Eckerd’s
spring exhibition. She is returning to Fort Worth to begin her
career as an artist.”
Dearest Family and Friends,
Hi!! If you haven't seen me lately, I've been busy
as a HAPPY GRAMMY with little baby Caleb
Scott Crumley!!! He was born early Saturday
morning, May 18th, at 3:57 am at Harris Southwest
Hospital and weighed 7 lbs., 13 oz. He is
absolutely adorable and seems to be really laid back
and happy to just hang out with his mom and dad
and (two year old) big brother, Jac!! He has the
cutest chubby cheeks and loves kisses. He told me
so. :)
Faith (Grammy) Mallory
Fourth Friday Book Group
Friday, June 28, Noon; Eastminster Room
The Fourth Friday Book Group provides a great opportunity to
meet other fun and progressive thinkers to discuss books, share
thoughts and ideas. This group meets every fourth Friday at noon
in the Eastminster room.
Book: A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
Author: Betty Smith
Discussion Leader: Louise Parker
Bring a friend and join us! We welcome you!
Preparation for Worship
The Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
June 16, 2013
(The sacrament of the Lord’s Supper will be
celebrated at both worship services.)
The Prelude:
“Love Bade Me Welcome” (from Five Mystical Songs) –
Ralph Vaughan Williams
- Jacob Fergus, baritone and George Fergus, organ The Lections:
The Hebrew Testament Lesson: First Kings 21:1-10, 15-21
The Epistle Lesson: Galatians 2:15-21
The Gospel Lesson: St. Luke 7:36–8:3
The Sermon: The Reverend Dr. Fritz Ritsch, pastor
The Congregational Hymns:
“Sing Praise to God Who Reigns Above”
“God, How Can We Forgive” ( LEONI, printed in bulletin)
“Lord of All Good” (Toulon, pg. 375)
The Gradual:
Psalm 5:1-8
The Choral Music:
“Ever Only, All for Thee” – David Halls
“I Got Me Flowers” (from Five Mystical Songs) –
Ralph Vaughan Williams
“The Call” (from Five Mystical Songs) –
Ralph Vaughan Williams (during communion)
- Jacob Fergus, baritone and George Fergus, organ -
“If with All Your Hearts” (from Elijah) – Felix
Mendelssohn (during communion)
- Jim Hodges, tenor and Keith George, bass -
“All Laud to God Creator” – Sarum Plainsong, Mode VIII
- The Sanctuary Choir -
The Postlude:
“Toccata on Come, Holy Spirit, Our Souls Inspire”
SPIRITUS, p. 125) – setting Maurice Duruflé
- George Fergus, organist -
8:30 a.m. Ushers:
Fred and Carole Kelly
8:30 a.m. Leader:
Roger Rice
11:00 a.m. Leader:
Marshall Ray
St. Mark Columba Team:
Ihoma Owhonda; Lily Kate Clayton; Vendie Endres
11:00 a.m. Ushers:
Team 4-b: Marvin Champlin; Susan Thompson; Art and
Nancy Schmidt; Dorothy St. John; Katie Hinckley
Fred and Carole Kelly
June 10, 2013
Adult Education & Fellowship News
817-927-8411 office
Page 5
Summer Sunday School
Through - August 18,
9:30 - 10:30 a.m.
including Breakfast
The Christian Education Committee wants everyone
to stay educated in the Faith but relax a bit in the
Pre-School - Alternating Playing in SS Classroom
and Playing Outside! Nursery Staff.
Elementary Ages - K - 5th
Old Testament animated Movies in
Prophets’ Playhouse
Middle School & High School - Basement
Viewing Media with Religious
Adult Classes Fisher Class - Eastminster
Northminster Class in NM Room
Faith & Family in B&B Room
Youth Garage Sale,
July 5 & 6.
Need Your
Donated Stuff!
Need Volunteers for Organizing!
We can accept your donations to the Garage Sale
anytime; however, it must be taken to the Undercroft
of the Sanctuary via Beth or Eddie and your vehicle.
We’ll bring it up the week of June 30 - July 4. We
could use volunteers setting up, Sunday - Thursday,
organizing and pricing. Helpers Needed including
YOUTH for these times:
Sunday, June 30, 5 - 8 p.m.
Mon. - Wed. , July 1, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
(also need drivers to pick up items)
Thurs., July 4 (Beth will be here), 10 - 5
Need Organizers, Need Pricers, Need Sellers During
the Garage Sale, Need Help!!!
Sale: July 5, Friday, 9 - 5
July 6, Saturday, 9 - 12 noon
Clean Up: 12 - 3 p.m.
A Poppin’ Independence
Sunday, June 30,
11 a.m. Worship
“My Country ‘Tis of Thee”
“I Vow to Thee, My Country”
12:15 noon - 1:45 p.m. Free Hot Dog Lunch
With All the Trimmings!
Followed by
A Toe-Tappin’ Concert of Popular Hits”
2:00 p.m., Sunday, June 30
Michael Britt returns to St. Stephen making his 10th
appearance on the St. Stephen Special Series. Come to
the concert at 2 p.m., Sunday, June 30, to enjoy his
popular hits played on the organ. Michael Britt is
organist at Brown Memorial Park Avenue
Presbyterian Church in Baltimore, Maryland!
Fellowship Committee Announces:
Wednesday, July 14, 6 - 8 p.m.
Parish Hall, For All Ages
Fried Chicken & Desserts Provided
Bring Side Dishes to Share!
Please let us know if Child Care is
Jane Hawkins, Bingo Coordinator!
Braggin’ Rights
Many, many thanks to Steve
Klein for teaching the youth
how to measure, cut, and saw
using important tools. The end result are two benches
that when put together make a Picnic Table that will
be FOR SALE at the Garage Sale, handmade by the
youth! We appreciate the pizzas provided by AnnieLaurie Klein too. The chickens they raised were a
hoot too! Claudia and Sophia were most helpful also!
June 10, 2013
817-927-8411 office
VBS Training
for Adults:
June 11, 11 - 1
VBS Training
for Youth,
June 16, 5 - 8 p.m.
Children & Youth & Family News
Vacation Bible
Monday - Friday
June 17 - 21,
“God’s Great Gallery”
Volunteers Involved!!!
Registration - Pam Miller-Hessel &???
Bible Storyteller - Cathy Corder and Kris Parr
Music Leader - Mr. Scott
Puppeteers & Opening Assembly Fritz Ritsch & Laura Meyn
Crafts Leaders - Katie Hinckley & Nikole Berg
Science Leader- Julie Bollman
Recreation Leaders - Jack Thielman & Jacob Fergus
Cooking Leaders - Detra Flatt and Julia Mallin,
Mason Fergus, and ??
Mission/ Cross Creations - Tammy Hille &
Handicapable Friend - Chris Johnson
Shepherds - Threes - Caroline Parr and ??
Fours - ???
5 and K - Mary Katherine Gamez & ???
1st & 2nd - ???
3rd & 4th - ???
5th - Noah Fergus & ???
Afternoon Leaders Needed, Too!
Friday Night Picnic Hot Dog GrillersMitch & Elizabeth Murphy
Page 6
817-875-9704 cell
Texas Rangers vs.
Houston Astros Tickets
Sunday, July 7th,
2:05 p.m. After Church!
Section 335, Rows 14-16
Ticket Plus Hot Dog Meal
25 tickets available @ $25 ea.
Open to All Church & Friends!
Music Day Camp, $85
August 3 - 9, 2013
Friday Night Performance
& Dinner 6 - 8 p.m.
For Elementary
Post K - Post 6th Grades.
Forms on line or in Office!
SSPC Triennium Delegates to
Presbyterian Church Youth Triennium,
July 15 - 21, at Purdue University.
Congratulations, Craig Burton &
Ihoma Owhonda
Youth Mission Trip to
Highlands Presbyterian Camp,
Allenspark, Colorado, July 20 - 28, 2013
A week of Camp Repairs and VBS in 2 Communities.
For All Youth Ages Post - 6th - Post -12th Grade
Need Information, Ask Beth Fultz
Goal of $18,000 is Earned by All Participants Via VBS, Garage Sale & Mission Trip Stock.
Church members, friends, families help
support the financial needs of the Youth of
St. Stephen for the mission trip. Every $10
rewarded with post card and place at
Stockholder’s Dinner in August! Donations
are being received through mid-July!
Special Drawing!
The Highlands Camp has generously
donated a Gift Certificate for 4 days &
3 nights for up to 6 at their
Conference Center! Every 2 stocks
purchased goes for a chance to stay at
this wonderful conference center.
Winner will be announced July 14!
June 10, 2013
Page 7
SCHEDULE OF EVENTS | June 10-16, 2013
Monday, June 10
Visitation Committee
Staff Meeting
9:30 am
1:30 pm
Tuesday, June 11
VBS (Adult) Training
Budget/Finance Meeting
Knitting Guild
Scout Troop 17
11:00 am-1:00 pm Eastminster
Parish Hall
1:30 pm
7:30 pm
Scout House
Wednesday, June 12
Bible Study Class
Property Committee Meeting 5:30 pm
Pastor’s Study
No Scheduled Events
Saturday, June 15
Keeping It Simple AA Group 10:00-11:00 am
Sunday, June 16
Worship Service/Lord’s Supper 8:30 am
West Transept
After Worship Fellowship
9:30 am
West Transept
Sunday School Breakfast
9:30 am
Parish Hall
Sunday School Classes
9:45 am
Ed. Building
Worship Service/Lord’s Supper11:00 am
After Worship Fellowship
VBS (Youth) Training
5:00 pm-8:00 pm Eastminster
Youth Activities
5:00 pm
Meet at Church
Pray for Our Military
Chris Hall, Scott Menking, Brian Myers,
Lewis Russell Wayt
Change of Address:
Sarah Bourland
Stonegate Nursing Center
4201 Stonegate Blvd.,
Room 118A
Fort Worth, TX 76109
(Visitors appreciated!)
Recent Requests
Ken Andrews (father of Jennifer Andrews Cox), Sarah Bourland
(mother of Bob Bourland), Lila Cashion (mother of Emily
Endres), Juanita Finny (mother of Marsha Strait), Mitzi
Gopffarth (mother of Mitzi Gopffarth), Gay Haller (member),
S.L. Harris (father of Ann Mills), Sue McGown (member),
Dwayne Reed (friend of Ted Lovato), Mary Margaret Sapp
(member), Paula Work (member), Antonnie Wylepski (son of
Cindy Darby)
Members with Long-Term Needs:
Thursday, June 13
Morning Prayer Service and Breakfast 7:00 am Chapel/PH
Sandwich Guild
9:30 am
Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal
6:30 pm
Choir Room/PH
Friday, June 14
Our Website continues to be
updated with the most recent
sermons, but now, thanks to
SSPC member Keith George, the
sermons come complete with
v o i ce ! C h e c k i t o u t a t
Mimi Andrews, Dan Bechtel, Jim and Betty Corbett, Catherine
Durway, Kathy Flores, Woody Graham, Dale Henderson,
Charlotte Ice, Walker Madison, Rebecca Van Hooser, Marietta
Family and Friends with Long-Term Needs:
Reice Altomare (friend of the Meyn family)
Adelaide Andrews (cousin of Bobbie Marrow)
John Andrews (brother of David Andrews)
Margretta Aviles (sister-in-law of Gay Haller)
Ann Louise Armstrong (cousin of Bobbie Marrow)
Peggy and Bryan Barnard (friends of Gay Haller)
Mark Beal (uncle of Gina Galloway Wood)
Richard Beckwith (father of Vicki Johnson)
Cameron Best (friend of David Andrews)
Linden Blackmon (Friend of Bobbie Marrow)
Kay and Nancy Cornelius (friends of Art & Nancy Schmidt)
Sharon Curry (PCUSA Missionary in So. Sudan)
Charlotte Daugirda (twin sister of Claire Collins)
Greg Garrett (son of Dorothy Garrett)
Earl Hamlin (husband of member Rosemary Hamlin)
Sherry Hill (Friend of Bobbie and Warren Marrow)
Bea House (wife of Jim House)
Rebecca James (friend of David and Mimi Andrews)
Martha Fultz Jeffrey (sister of Robert Fultz)
The Kazda Family (friends of Laura Meyn)
Madison and Tucker King (grandsons of Booty Jones)
Jim Kniese (friend of John & Teke Walters)
Anita and Royston Lanning (parents of Julia Mallin)
Jackie Mayes (brother-in-law of Peggy Bender)
Jeri Mayes (sister of Peggy Bender)
Gerald McComb (friend of Donald Wade Jones)
Cindy McQueen (sister-in-law of Peggy Bender)
Pat Patterson (non-member friend of Bill Larmour)
Keith Raines (friend of John E. Davis)
David Simmons (firefighter and friend of Larry Swartz)
Philip Thompson (brother of Bobbie Marrow)
Soren Townander (nephew of Brenda Townsend)
Ellen Kerr-Unger (friend of Marilyn Jones)
St. Stephen
Presbyterian Church
“A welcoming community of believers"
2700 McPherson Avenue
Fort Worth, Texas 76109-1405
Attention: Committee Chairs
Before scheduling a meeting, please call the church office
with date and time to confirm space availabilty. Thank you.
St. Stephen Presbyterian Church Staff
Tele: 817-927-8411 Fax: 817-927-8221
Worship Services 8:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. (email) (website)
The Rev. Dr. Frederick Field Ritsch, III, Pastor
Mark Scott, Minister of Music/Organist
Beth Fultz, Director of Christian Education
The Rev. Dr. Warner M. Bailey, Parish Associate
Sharon Curry, PCUSA Missionary (Republic of So. Sudan)
Dolores Morgan, Business Manager
Sharla Trice, Day School Director
Judi Greathouse, Office Administrator
Eddie Shaw, Sexton/Building Supervisor