File - The Eastern Oklahoma Woodcarvers Association


File - The Eastern Oklahoma Woodcarvers Association
APRIL 2015
2015 Officers
Al Cross...............918-455-9336
Lori Hamilton....... 918-995-0940
Carol Alley........... 918-260-4857
George Welliver.. 918-949-6453
Dee Baxter ......... 918-455-1277
Roy Heginbotham 405-637-8006
Lori Hamilton....... 918-995-0940
Al Cross...............918-455-9336
2011 Show Chair:
Flo Hancock ........ 918-899-1946
Newsletter: Rusty Johnson.... 918-743-0403
Jim Milton Judging Schedule
January through October all judging categories
will be OPEN
November................. Christmas Ornaments
December....................... Carver-of-the-year
APRIL 13 Meeting:
April Program: Judging Woodcarving
The April program is on Judging.
Now before you say “EEEWH, I’m not interested in that!” let me say this... Judging will change the way
you look at your finished piece, and for the better. Even if you selfishly don’t plan to help the club with much
needed show judges, the information presented can be of aesthetic help in the carving process. Having said
that, we really do need more judges for the summer show!!! And this is the beginning of the painless process
of learning the ins and outs of critical thinking about what makes, helps make or detracts from the carved
piece. It can be fun, it can be entertaining, it can be life changing. (Well maybe not life changing
necessarily...). Come and see what the process is. We want you and need you.
Rusty Johnson and Bob Block
Judging Chairs
Speaking of the summer show please be working on simple objects (carved, burned or turned) for the
hourly door prizes. The show is only two months away!!!
Refreshment Nights
February June September December
Rusty Johnson April 6, 2015
7:24 AM
EOWA Monthly Meeting
Second Monday of the month, 7-9 PM
Central Center
1028 E. Sixth St. • Phone 596-1444
Open Night Carve-Ins
Every Thursday 5:30-8 PM No Fee
Central Center
1028 E. Sixth St. • Phone 596-1444
Visitors are welcome at all meetings and carveins.
$30 yearly, due in July.
Application, change of address and renewal
form on last page.
Send to:
EOWA, George Welliver
543 S. 120th E. Ave
Tulsa, OK 74128
Phone 918-949-6453
Web address:
Facebook address:
Don’t forget that your annual membership is
due in July and that it is $30 per family. Contact
George Welliver at 918-949-6453 or mail in the
handy renewal form on the last page of the
To submit items for the newsletter send to
Rusty Johnson at:
Please check with George Welliver to see if
your annual dues are paid up. They were
due in July.
Monthly Judging: First place,
miniature doctor (above) by
Bob Block, turtle on a rock by
Bill Payne (above right), and
leaf on a plaque (right) by
Virgil Smyth.
Dr. Bob Block (left) gave the
March program and talked
about how he carried the
Olympic torch (actual torch in
hand) for the 2012 London
Olympics. He also modeled
the running suit he wore for
the event. We are proud of Dr. Bob for representing children and the
It is not too early to start carving/turning/burning items for the
summer show door prizes. Any and all contributions are
gratefully accepted by the Show Committee.
FLAG SALUTE: Lori Hamilton
JACKPOT: Virgil Smyth
DOOR PRIZE: Block of Wood to Lori Hamilton
VISITORS: Autumn, Laurie Ribitzki's granddaughter
TREASURE REPORT: About $1,000 was raised for the club.
CARDS: Jane Stephenson--Had two heart attacks. She is home
from the hospital now and is walking with a walker.
NEWSLETTER: Send Rusty news about yourself, friends or
SHOW REPORT: Meeting at Flo's house
UPCOMING EVENTS: Classes at Missouri on March 23 thru
March Show and Tell: Above and right, leaves and roses by Betty Zumwalt.
27, 2015
OLD BUSINESS: Discuss to have EOWA picnic in September
(discuss again in July). Earth Days on May 25, 2015 at John
Hope Franklin Park in Tulsa. 321 N. Detroit.
NEW BUSINESS: Auction at John and Linda Hill's at 20351 S
151st E Avenue Bixby on May 28, 2015. Woodturners show and
sale on 4-21-2015.
New ideas for Christmas Ornaments needed.
JIM MELTON JUDGES: Mike Stephenson, Alyce Amend and
Bob Branham.
WINNERS: 1st Dr Block--Small Doctor. 2nd--Bill Payne---Turtle
on Rock. 3rd--Virgil Smyth--Leaf on Plaque. Others--Man using
chair to exercise---Wayne Bailey. Leaf on Plaque and Relief of
Rose by Betty Zumwalt.
SHOW AND TELL: Bill Payne--Peanut Spoon; Al Cross-Pumpkin Head Spoon; Stone Turtle by Gary Bennett; Stan
Townsend--Owl out of Maple; Bill Payne--Pumpkin head in a
block of wood; Alyce Amend--A lot of things found at garage
PROGRAM: Dr Bob Block about his run in the Olympics carrying
the torch. Very moving and interesting.
More March Show and Tell: From left, chair aerobics by Wayne Bailey; owl on a diet by Stan
Townsend; spoons by Al Cross (pumpkins) and Bill Payne (Mr. Peanut).
Send hospitality items to Lori Hamilton, 918-995-0940;
Even More March
Show and Tell:
Left, alabaster turtle
carved by Gary
Bennett. Right, two
carved items from
Alyce Amend’s
garage sale
treasure trove.
It is sort of silly to mention that this newsletter may be found on the EOWA web site since if you are reading
this you have the newsletter in hand or on screen. But, note that the newsletters will be archived there so past
editions will be available for reference. The site url is:
If you are on Facebook you should ‘Like’ us for any breaking information. The address is:
groups/EasternOklaWoodcarversAssoc/ or go to your Facebook page, search for ‘Eastern Oklahoma
Woodcarvers’ and click on the “Like” icon.
Reminder: Dues were due in July. Please
renew using the form on page 4. Contact
George Welliver if you have a question about
your status. Email:
Thursday night Carve-ins are from 5:30-8:00 PM at the
Central Center.
Calendar of Upcoming Events
36th Annual Woodcarving Show and Sale, May 2 & 3, 2015, Baxter County Fairgrounds in Mountain
Home, Arkansas.
Great Plains Woodcarvers 49th Annual Show and Sale, May 16-17, Wichita Kan.
EOWA Woodcarvers World 2015, Tulsa, Union School Multipurpose activity Center (UMAC) at 68th
and Garnett. June 12-13.
Great Plains Woodcarvers 49th Annual Show and Sale, May 16-17
The Great Plains Woodcarvers invite you to participate in our 49th Annual Show and Sale. Cessna
Activity Center, 2744 S. George Washington Blvd., Wichita, Kansas.
Contact: Preston Orr, 316-772 0785. email
Tulsa Wood Arts Class Offering Butternut Bear
Rusty Johnson will be teaching a class for advanced
beginners and beyond on carving a butternut bear. The bear
is an Alaskan brown bear fishing for salmon. The bear has a
fish in its mouth. It will be carved from butternut, the fish
from bass wood. Discussed will be the creative process,
research and execution, carving technique and finish.
The class will be at the Tulsa Wood Arts facility at 11th and
Atlanta (behind the 918 Coffee House).The class will cost
$150 plus $10 for butternut rough-out. It will consist of three
3-hour sessions (Saturday mornings), 9 AM to Noon, April
25, May 2, & May 9. Most of the carving will be with gouges
for the bear and knife for the fish. The completed carving is
4”x6”x6”. The Wood Arts has some palm gouges for loan.
Let Rusty know if you would like to take the class.
Enrollment is through Tulsa Wood Arts at
From March 23 to 27,
Roy Heginbotham, Bill
Payne, Al Cross, Lori
Hamilton., & and Tom
Hamilton, attended the
week long Ozark
Woodcarving Seminar.
Good fun and good work
Web sites of Interest
The club Web site is on line. The url is
Soon to be available on the site are show registration
forms, back issues of the newsletter, club by-laws,
The Eagle Cane Project web site has been returned
to Jack Nitz until computer program incompatibilities
can be corrected. The address for the site is:
Great Plains Woodcarvers is having a carving seminar in conjunction with
the 2015 GPW Show and Sale. We encourage you to take advantage of
the opportunity to carve under the tutelage of PJ Driscoll, member of
Caricature Carvers of America.
Project: PJ will be teaching one of the following projects in the two-day
class. Be sure to vote your preference on the application. The carving with
the most votes is the everyone will carve. Additional rough-outs will be
available. Be sure to indicate any additional rough-out you wish to
purchase on the application.
Date and Time: Thursday, May 14th, 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.; and Friday,
May 15, 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (Reminder: the Great Plains Woodcarvers
49th Annual woodcarving Show and Sale is Saturday May 16 and Sunday
May 17.)
Place: Antioch Christian Church, 3741 W 15th St N, Wichita, Kansas. The
seminar will take place in the basement. The church is equipped with a
chair lift.
Cost: The cost of the class is $150, which includes the class selected
Fireman by PJ Driscol
rough-out. The non-refundable reservation fee for the class is $20, due by
May 1st. The remaining $130 is due at the time of the class. Additional rough outs are extra.
Katsinas at
Philbrook Museum
of Art announced
the important gift of
364 works of Hopi
art, including
katsinas (kachinas),
basketry and other
media from Atlanta
and Santa Fe-based
collector, Wayne S.
Hyatt. Thirty of the
pieces are now on
display at the
downtown Philbrook
extension. Definitely
work visiting for
Miniature mouse katsina
(above, actual size), owl
katsina (right).
EOWA Meetings and Carve-ins are at the
1028 E. Sixth Street
Our meetings have returned to the Central Center
where we previously met for many years. We will meet
in the meeting rooms at the east end of the building just
across the hall from where the Thursday night carve-ins
are held. If you are not familiar with the location of the
Center, it is near downtown, about 3 blocks west of
Peoria on 6th Street, just east of the Inner Dispersal
Loop (see map at right).
New Membership, Change of Address or Membership Renewal
Dues: $30 for annual family membership (due each July).
Date: ____________________________
Name _______________________________________________________________ Spouse ________________________________________
Address ______________________________________________________________ City ___________________________________________
State ________________________________________________________________ ZIP ___________________________________________
Home phone __________________________________________________________ Cell Phone _____________________________________
Retired: Yes No email _______________________________________________
Mail to: EOWA, George Welliver, 543 S. 120th E. Ave., Tulsa, OK 74128. Phone 918-949-6453
Provider of the wood for the carving contest at the
EOWA Annual Show
Rod Wilcox
W4115 Frog Creek Road
Minong, WI 54859
Reminder: There is a weekly carve-in at the downtown Central
Center, 1028 E. Sixth St., from 5:30-8:00 p.m. on Thursdays. Bring
a project to carve and discuss tips and techniques with the other
carvers. Also knitting and wood burning might break out!
Membership renewals are due in July. Please renew using the
form above. Contact George Welliver if you have a question.
The Optima 2 Plus
35,000 or 45,000 RPM Micro Motor Carving Tool
Optima 1 Pyrographic Systems
Now available through your new Tulsa, Okla., Dealer: or 918-906-9063
Please ask LittlePAW for a Free Demo & special EOWA Member Discount
Eastern Oklahoma Woodcarvers Assoc.
Rusty Johnson
2923 S. Boston Ct.
Tulsa OK 74114