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here - Wood Hacker
April, 2013
Volume 2,
Volume 2, Issue 4
Issue 4
Tri-Cities Wood Carvers Association
Minutes of Last Meeting
Meeting was called to order
by President Barbara Pentecost with 15 members present.
Prospective member Bob
Peterson was introduced and
welcomed to the meeting.
Corrected minutes were approved.
Treasurer’s report was approved.
Arlene announced that the
clubs Tax Exempt status had
expired several years ago and
in-order to be reinstated the
club needed to re-file and
pay a $400 application fee.
Motion was made, seconded
and approved.
Bob Gough reported the Boys
Scouts would like demonstrators on April 23 at a Richland
Church at 7 p.m. Volunteers
are needed.
Arlene made the motion we
donate $50 each to The TriTech Culinary class for running the Café during the Artistry in Wood Show also the
Radio Station for their advertising. Motion was seconded
and approved.
Lanny and Gordon reported
on the Rendezvous. They
have several Instructors lined
up. Arlene stated she won’t
be able to do the Name tags
this year. Volunteers are
needed to help. There are 3
possibilities for entrainment.
Jerry Dilley reported on the
Artistry in Wood Show. 189
Carvings were on display.
There were 377 paid attendees.
He reported the Tri-City Herald came in first and Word of
Mouth second in the survey
taken on how people heard
about the show. TV was toward the bottom of the list.
The Tri-City Herald had
promised to do a feature
piece on our featured Artist,
Lonnie Acorn. But failed to
do anything. He contacted
the Herald but they seemed
less than apologetic. Said
they would do better next
Continued on page 2
Barbara Pentecost
Vice President:
Bob Manship
Arlene Spaulding
Connie Forsha
I can see clearly now
Tip submitted by John
Mignone, a frequent
contributor to Wood
Carving Illustrate. In
any dust-producing environment, dust sticking
to eye glasses is a
problem. To solve this,
purchase anti-static
sheets that you normally throw into your
clothes dryer. Rub the
lenses with a sheet. It
will leave a greasy looking coating. Then rub
the lenses with a tissue
until clear. Your eyes
will stay dust-free for
Another problem with
eye glasses comes with
fogging. This is especially common when
moving between areas
of contrasting tempera-
tures and when wearing
a dust mask. Anti-fog
creams are hard to
come by and greatly
overpriced. Simply put
a drop of any liquid
hand soap on each lens
and smear it around.
Rub with a tissue until
clear. This will give you
hours of fog-free vision.
Third Thursdays of each
month at 7p.m.
Tri-Tech Skills Center
Kennewick, WA
Minutes of Last Meeting, cont’d
Jerry read a letter he received complaining about one of our Judges and stated
they felt he was not qualified. They also
questioned the number of ribbons given
out. Jerry contacted the Author and
stated that he was on the PNC list as a
qualified judge.
Jerry stated he spoke to the Judge in
question and the Judge returned his
Check to the club. A motion was
made and seconded that the check
given back. We hired him in good
faith and he did perform the service.
Motion was approved.
It was discussed changes needed to be
made as to the number of ribbons given.
Meeting was adjourned.
Jerry Dilley then gave a demonstration
on his love of Indian Carvings and what
he used for inspiration. He had several
pieces which he displayed.
Respectfully submitted, Connie Forsha
“Every oak tree started out
as a couple of nuts
who stood their ground. Anonymous”
For Sale
Standard Dupli-Carver for
sale. This unit can be used to
duplicate a carving. Capacity
is for items up to 10” by
18”.The price is $300. If you
are interested please contact
Ron Northey
Page 2
Volume 2, Issue 4
Things I Tell My Woodcarving Students by White Eagle Studio
Asymmetrical designs can be
much more interesting than
symmetrical ones. So place the
main point of interest off center. Whether you are doing an abstract, a figurative work or a landscape, principles of design are still
relevant if you want to create a pleasing image. The ‘rule’ of thirds is one
such principle.
Learn to squint and turn things
up side down. Squinting at or
looking at your piece upside down is
a great way to check your work. Doing so will present you with different
Depth in a relief carving is an
illusion. A good relief carving is a
wonderful illusion that invites the
viewer to ‘enter’ the picture. Simple
techniques you can use to create a
sense of distance is the use of undercutting, more detail with closer objects and less with objects in back,
and differing tones in staining. Overlapping shapes and linear perspective
using foreshortening and converging
lines along with repeated shapes of
diminishing size all add to the sense
of depth in a carving.
You have an artistic license. Yes… a woodcarver is an
artist so use your artistic license. An
artistic license means you do not
have to limit your options to what is
before you or to what is “real.” Use
reference material, but remember
your carving is your creation. You
can change the style, change the position, emphasize, minimize, simplify, or add or leave out elements to
make it a better representation of
what you want.
Our 16th Annual Rendezvous will be here before
you know it. There are all
sorts of volunteers needed.
Do you have special talent
for carving and would like
to share your skill? Do you
enjoy cooking on the grill?
Charlene needs someone at
the raffle table. Shirley
could no doubt use a break
Volume 2 Issue4
at the refreshment table. There
are Hot Dogs to cook Friday
and Saturday noon.
They will be setting up on
Thursday and taking down on
Contact Lanny or Gordon and
let them know you’re ready to
do your part.
Page 3
Tri-Cities Wood
Carvers Association
P.O.Box 6962
Kennewick, WA 99336
Barbara Pentecost, President
(509) 783-6536
Upcoming Events
May 31 Spokane carvers will host their 12th annual rendezvous on May 31, June 1 & 2, 2013. The
event will be held at the KOA campground on Barker Road in the Spokane Valley. For addi
tional information contact Roger Storey at 509-467-3342or
June 7-9Tri-Cities Woodcarvers 16th Annual Rendezvous, Benton
Co. Fairgrounds, Kennewick, WA. RV sites and restrooms: $10 per night with water
& power, $6 per night for RV’s and Tents with no hookup. Free (3-4 hour) wood
carving classes; instructors normally charge for supplies and cutouts, bring your
own carving tools and woodburners. Contact Gordon Forsha
509.586.8738,email or Lanny Dagley 509.586.5587, email:
Jun 15 12th Annual NWCA Picnic, Northlake Community Park, 33228 38th Ave S. Federal
Way, WA . For further information call Richard LaPlante 253-569-2140 or

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