2009 Fall/Early Winter Seminar Schedule Bob Guge, Sleepy Hollow


2009 Fall/Early Winter Seminar Schedule Bob Guge, Sleepy Hollow
2009 Fall/Early Winter Seminar Schedule
These seminars are sponsored by and held at The Woodcraft Shop, Bettendorf, Iowa
Bob Guge, Sleepy Hollow, Illinois
Realistic Bird Carving and Painting - Downey Woodpecker
Once again, that Guru of Great Birds will be making his stop at The
Woodcraft Shop for his September Songbird Session. Keep in mind, this
is a power carving class. The project for this session will be a Downey
Woodpecker. Bob will have a brand new cast for this project. You will
receive one of the new study casts to use for reference and to paint on, if
you decide to do that. Bob will take you through all the steps of doing a
realistic songbird: shaping, contouring, feather layout, texturing, burning,
and finally, painting.
He is best known for the soft, subtle look he achieves with his birds, plus
his mastery of painting with acrylics. He is highly regarded around the
bird carving seminar circuit as one of the finest instructors available. Bird
carvers who have carved for 10, 12, 15 years have taken his class and told
us half way through the first day that they’ve learned more in that short
amount of time than they had learned working on their own. Here’s your
chance to learn the most from the best!
September 18, 19 and 20, 2009 - $220.00
includes study cast, cutout and eyes
Mike Shipley, Dora, Missouri
Carving Country Folk, Santas, Snowmen, Bears, Sea Captains, etc.
We’re excited to bring to you the talents of professional carver,
Mike Shipley. His latest book “Woodcarving Country Folk” has
been out for quite some time and has been doing exceptionally
well. If you haven’t bought the book yet, you are missing out on
a real treat. It is one of the finest caricature books we’ve seen in a
long time. Mike goes through the complete step-by-step process
of carving and painting “Delmer”. He then offers 11 other projects for your carving enjoyment with a pattern page, a complete
painting schedule, and at least 8 different views of the completed
project in color. Give us a call if you’d like to have a copy. It runs
$14.95 and the order number is 912372.
Mike has been carving since 1976, turning professional in 1986. As you can see by the
books pictured here, he is a very talented carver, offering you a Vast Variety of Subjects
to Carve. Since he was here last year, he has added many more projects to carve.
Students taking his class have been known to complete a number of projects, completely
painted and stained. Let’s make Mike welcome, once again, at The Woodcraft Shop ...
get your reservations in early so you don’t miss out.
Sept. 25, 26 and 27, 2009 - $170.00 + blanks ($10 to $20)
Josh Guge, Gilberts, Illinois
Everything you wanted to know about airbrushing, but was afraid to ask!
This class is designed for both the beginner and those
who are more advanced with the airbrush. Josh will
challenge each student at their own skill level. Students
will learn about the different parts of the airbrush, how
the airbrush works, how to mix paints and most importantly, how to keep the airbrush clean. Each student will
be practicing different techniques such as: hand-eye
coordination, making stencils and patterns, and masking
off. The first two days of class students will learn different applications on a variety of materials and surfaces.
These materials include: paper, t-shirts, and fish study
casts. The third day students can work on a project of
their choice. Students are responsible to supply the
material for the project they choose for the last day.
Josh has been making his mark in many competitive arenas from coast to coast. Josh recently was chosen
World Champion with his Life-Size and Miniature Fish Carvings at the World Fish Carving Championships.
His 15+ years of experience with the airbrush has played an important part in his success as a world class
carver and instructor. Dust off that airbrush you got for a gift years ago and never used ... and join us! If you
don’t have an airbrush and want to learn about them, all the better. Either way, you’ll learn a bunch.
October 9, 10 and 11, 2009 - $205.00
Vicki and Phil Bishop, Elk City, Oklahoma
A veritable plethora of caricature carving projects!
We must have done pretty
good with the weather last
year because Vicki and Phil
are coming back the same
weekend this year. It’s still
cold, but not as bad as the
December date we booked
them for the year before. The
dynamic duo of Vicki and Phil
Bishop have taught
Caricature Carving from coast to coast over the years and have
developed quite a following. We are extremely pleased that we were
able to be included in their very busy teaching schedule again this
year. When you take their class, you get two teachers for the price
of one. Phil starts around the room on whatever project you choose,
and Vicki follows along correcting his mistakes! You know I’m just
kidding, of course. Whether you’re into cowboys, Santas, animals or
pirates, they have got a caricature carving for you. Besides learning
a whole bunch about the art of caricature carving , you’re gonna
have a downright good time! They will make you laugh.
These are just some of the 40+ projects available.
November 20, 21 and 22, 2009 - $195.00 plus roughouts ($10 to $45)
Rick Harney, Normal, Illinois
Deep Relief Carving of the legendary Jim Thorpe
Rick will, once again, be teaching the fine aspects of getting a tremendous amount
of depth out of a very thin piece of wood. Pictured is a clay model of the project: a
carving of the All-American great Jim Thorpe in the uniform of the sport he liked
best ... football. He was considered one of the most talented person in sports of his
era. In 1950, the Associated Press voted him the greatest athlete in the first half of
the 20th. century. He excelled in baseball, track & field as well as football.
Rick is best known for his extremely shallow reliefs that evoke a tremendous
amount of depth in very little thickness of wood. The roughout for class measures
approximately 26" tall x 10" wide x 3" thick at the feet and only 1 1/2" from the
ankles up. This project is not for a beginner ... it’s a large project that will take a bit
of “know how” before you begin. If you want to learn the techniques of doing a
portrait in wood, this is the class for you. The class will run from Friday noon until
Sunday afternoon. Rick is a very gentle soul who can put anyone at ease with what
they are doing. You will enjoy learning from this talented fellow.
December 4, 5 and 6, 2009 - $235.00 (includes roughout)
Rick Jensen, Crookston, Minnesota
Whimsical Cottonwood Bark Houses in the Round
Yes folks ... you’ve read it right! “Mr. Bark” himself ... the “Frozen Norwegian” from Crookston, Minnesota
will be coming to Bettendorf, Iowa this December! Rick Jensen, an internationally recognized author and
award winning carver, has been carving since his younger days while growing up along the
Missouri River bottoms in North Dakota. He has been seriously carving for the past 23 years
and instructing for over 13 of those years. Rick has been teaching seminars extensively throughout the United States and Canada. We feel
very lucky to fit into his very busy schedule.
As co-author of the book, “The Illustrated Guide to Carving Tree
Bark”, Rick has greatly influenced the world of bark carving. His
work can also be seen in the book, “Carving Found Wood” by Vic
Hood and Jack A. Williams.
Pictured are two different views of a carving using a new and innovative style: carving cottonwood bark houses completely in the round. In this class, each
student will be able to layout, carve, and finish a whimsical house completely in the
round and learn the fundamentals of carving in this unique medium. Come prepared to
use your imagination and have a great time as you learn a distinctive and inventive approach to bark carving.
If you would like to discuss the class with him, Rick can be reached at jrjensen@gvtel.com or 218-281-5107.
We are sure this class will fill quickly, so don’t delay.
December 11, 12 and 13, 2009 - $225.00
Additional fee for the in-the-round blank will be $20.00 - $25.00;
all other materials (not tools) will be provided at no additional cost.
The Woodcraft Shop
2724 State Street
Bettendorf, IA 52722
Seminar Registration Form
I would like to register for the seminars I have checked. I am enclosing a non-refundable, non-transferable
$25.00 Seminar Registration Fee for each of the seminars indicated. I understand the fee will hold an opening for me, if available, and will be applied toward the overall cost of the seminar. I also understand The
Woodcraft Shop and the instructors will not be held liable for any injury during the course of any seminar.
(Must be signed to take a seminar)
Name: ______________________________________
Address: ____________________________________
City: _________________ St: _____ Zip: __________
Phone: _________________________________
I have checked my selection(s) to the right and have included a
$25 Seminar Registration Fee for each selection checked.
Amount Enclosed = $________________
_____ Bob Guge - Downey Woodpecker
_____ Mike Shipley - Caricatures & Critters
_____ Josh Guge - Airbrushing
_____ Vicki & Phil Bishop - Caricatures
_____ Rick Harney - Relief Carving
_____ Rick Jensen - Bark Carving in the Round
Mail Seminar Registration Form and fees to:
The Woodcraft Shop, 2724 State Street, Bettendorf, IA. 52722
No call-in or credit card registrations will be accepted. Earliest postmark applies.