3, 2 and 1 Day Seminars - Affiliated Wood Carvers


3, 2 and 1 Day Seminars - Affiliated Wood Carvers
Three Day Classes: Wednesday - Friday, June 1 - 17
Wa ne arton
ntermediate to Advanced Chi Carving
There is not a place in all of orth America that you can
mention chip carving without the name Wayne Barton coming
up in the conversation. Single-handedly, he has been the
driving force of the recognition and renaissance chip carving
has enjoyed in orth America this past quarter century.
Steve ro n - Caricature Carving
echni ue and i
Some of you ol’ timers might remember when Steve taught
at the Congress. Back then it was more like “Come on… sit a
spell and let’s carve”. It was long before we had developed
the vast seminar experience we have now. Over the years,
Steve personally designed numerous roughouts that he offers
for sale. To add to his vast selection, he purchased Vicki and
Phil Bishop’s series of roughouts awhile back. Go to his
website www.sbrownwoodcarving.com to see the selection.
He’s going to have a lot of roughouts with him but to be sure
he has what you want, you may want to get in touch with him
at 270-871-4239 or sbrownwoodcarvin@bellsouth.net.
Steve makes sure that you go away from the class knowing how to carve some of the more difficult
aspects of caricature carving, such as: carving facial features, hands, wrinkles in clothing, etc.
Choose from over 140 roughouts for your class projects. You could complete 2 projects in this class
depending on your experience. Painting (finishing) your project will also be covered. Paints and
finishing materials will be supplied. Roughout prices are $9.00-$65.00.
Fred Cogelo - Mule ortrait in Relief or Self ortrait if it fit
Participants will execute a 10" x 8" x 2" profile portrait of a mule from a
piece of butternut. The primary concern will be improved appreciation of
the nuances of the equine facial anatomy, though character will be
appreciated as much as accuracy. Strategy methodology will also be
emphasized. Enrollees will receive a copy of the profile in advance. They
will be free to modify the study for a more impressionistic or caricaturized
result, if desired, or to downsize the portriat slightly, to increase options for
a background composition. Background composition, e.g., presence of a
barn, shed or person, will be entirely up to the participant, and completion of
such will be of secondary concern within the framework of the seminar.
The instructor is getting old, and will limit his actual carving to work upon sample pieces. Bring: a decent
range of conventional carving tools. shortbent gouges are particularly well-suited for mezzo-relief. Also a
power drill with a sharp 5 8" (or close) forstner bit. Extra-lighting is generally advantageous, as will be a
compass, and some sort of anti-fatigue mat. Instructor presumes the class will have use of the Burke-type
carving stands, check with instructor before bringing your own (f49cogdog@hotmail.com).
Three Day Classes: Wednesday - Friday, June 1 - 17 (continued)
Rand Landen - Caricature Carving
Randy Landen lives in erby, ansas, just south of Wichita.
His love for carving began in 1977, when he and his wife
Carol bought their first woodcarving at Silver ollar City.
Randy began carving in 1990 at the Woodcarving
Rendezvous in Branson. His carvings are heavily influenced
by his early instructors, including Ed inger, Gerald Sears,
ave unham, Harold Enlow and oe Wannamaker. He was
elected to the Caricature Carvers of America in 1994.
Randy has given carving and painting seminars across the nited States. He will have a variety of subjects
available for your carving enjoyment. Although he is known for his very clean and detailed carvings, his
painting is what puts him heads above most carvers. o yourself a favor and sign up for his class for a
really enjoyable carving experience.
Michele ar on
ntro to Wood urning
our et
ortrait or other Animal
Two Day Classe : Monday - Tuesday, June 13 - 1
Terry Brasher - Carving a Wood irit in utternut
on’t miss this chance to take a class with Terry… it is the last one on her schedule
Learn her steps to create a woodspirit while tapping into your imagination and
creativity. Blanks will be prepared to more depth than she normally offers, to allow
more time to carve all the flowing hair. There will still be plenty of wood to allow the
student to develop a one-of-a-kind sculpture. Project size is best carved using mallet
and large full size gouges. Carving technique, composition, facial structure, and
development of character will be strongly emphasized. The butternut blank will be
about 14" long and cost is estimated to be $30 -. All levels welcome.
Examples of Terry’s work can be viewed on her website:
.carving forchri t.com and on her
Facebook Page: www.facebook.com CarvingsByTerryBrasher. Contact Terry at 931-732-4531 or by
email at terry@carvingsforchrist.com
Two Day Class: Monday - Tuesday, June 13 - 1 (continued)
Steve ro n Caricature Carving
If you want choices when you take a caricature carving
class, then Steve Brown s class is the one you want to take.
He offers over 140 different roughouts for your carving
pleasure. Read hi full tor on age of thi ne letter.
Since he is teaching for 6 days, he’s going to have a lot of
roughouts with him but to be sure he has what you want,
you may want to get in touch with him at 270-871-4239 or
Michele ar on
ntro to Wood urning Celtic ree or Wolf
Michele Parsons is a frequent author for
o a h
a a ine which is published by the good folks at
oodca in ll st ated magazine. She is also
known for her ability to connect with students and
makes woodburning easy to learn. Chec out her
full tor on age 6. These projects will be done on
basswood rounds which will cost $12.
ruce Sho ta
A Cla
for the
have never even touched a carving nife
er on
This class is structured for the true
beginner, a person who has never carved
before, but has a strong desire to learn.
Students must be 18 years old or older
and have a protective carving glove and
thumb guard. Bring any tools you may
have but you will have use of the instructors tools to try to discover your
preferences. In this class you will be introduced to a wide variety of tools and types of woods. Lecture and
practice will start off the class to gain knowledge and get a “feel” for different tools, cutting grain, and
woods. For those who wish, Bruce will have a small project of a “Little uckie” with a simple finish for
you to try. Cost of duck cutout: $5. Carving gloves and thumb guards will be available for sale: $20 .
Sand Smith Caricature Carving
Sandy’s Critters are created from 2" x 2" x 3" pieces of basswood. All Critters are sitting with their back
feet forward and their front paws in front of them. This is a class that lets students create their own Critter
or carve one from Sandy’s existing menagerie of go-bys. Reference materials (mostly dogs) will be
available, however students can bring photos of critters keeping in mind that “all views” (including the
bottoms of the back feet) will be needed and that some animals make better critters than others.
Ain’t they
the cutest
things you
ever did see
One Day Classe : Saturda , June 18
Tom Gow - Ornament Carving in Bark
Cottage Christmas Ornament or Jack-O-Lantern House
This is a list of tools Tom likes using for these projects:
4mm (1/8") #3 Gouge 10mm (3/8") #3 Gouge
15mm (5/8") #3 Gouge 3mm (1/8") V-Tool
6mm (1/4") V-Tool
Super Glue (CA glue)
Carving Knife (roughing) Carving Knife (detail)
Denny Neubauer - Knife Making
You will be making a knife starting with hardening and
tempering to the final stages of sharpening. You will be
using the skeletal remains of a cholla cactus for a handle.
There will be many different blade shapes to choose for
your knife. The cost of materials is $15. If you have any questions, send Denny an e-mail at
dennyknife@yahoo.com or call him at 515-508-9524.
Michele ar on
ntro to
rogra h
urning on Leather
Have you tried burning on leather Pyrography instructor,
Michele Parsons is known for her ability to make pyrography
easy to learn. This class will cover the basics of using variabletemperature woodburning equipment, which is not the same as
the craft burners that you may be familiar with from Scouts.
You do not need to be an artist-if you can trace lines, Michele
can teach you how to burn on leather. Projects include choices
of key fobs, wrist bands, bookmarks, belts, and coasters.
Materials run $4-25. Michele will send students a tool list in
advance. For contact information and to view samples of her
work, vi it
. ar on WoodArti tr .com.