Volume 3, Issue 4
Volume 3, Issue 4
April, 2014 Volume 3, Volume 3, Issue 4 Issue 4 Tri-Cities Wood Carvers Association Minutes of Last Meeting April 17, 2014 The meeting was called to order by President Bob Gough with 9 members present. Minutes of last meeting were approved as read. Treasures report was read and approved. OLD BUSINESS: Jerry reported on the Artistry in Wood Show. Everyone agreed the show went smoothly, thanks to the collective cooperation of the members. Jerry suggested we have posters made to advertise next year’s show. These posters would be put up at the Rendezvous, the BF County Fair and other public venues. Bob asked for suggestions on how we could save money on the larger show ribbons. The cost of these has risen dramatically over the years. Arlene made the motion to donate $50 to both the Culinary Program and the Radio Station for helping out. Motion seconded and approved. Most of the door prizes were given out and it the club is asking for donations to be given away next year. Contact Arlene for more details. NEW BUSINESS: Rendezvous: that approximately 12 had responded. The need for getting email addresses was discussed and is needed to save money on postage. Volunteers are needed for the refreshment table and help serving Lunch and Dinner both days. Ideas are needed for the carving contest. Not all our events are getting into the different Carving Magazines. The club needs to make sure the dates are being submitted. Continued on page 2 Arlene stated she was working on the name tags. Gordon has been contacting possible instructors; he said Items for Raffle are needed. Your donations are needed for the raffle at the Rendezvous in June. Please bring the items to the fairgrounds on Friday (June 6) or Saturday morning (June 7). If you are unable to bring items at these dates then you can give then to Jerry Johnson (783-8806) or Judith Dilley (619-0811) at the weekly meetings. DON’T FORGET…. MEMBERSHIP DUES ARE DUE JUNE 1! OUR OFFICERS President: Bob Gough 509-628-1493 bag@pocketinet.com Vice President: Jerry Dilley 509-619-0811 sunravens@live.com Treasurer: Arlene Spaulding 509-586-3067 gemini6535@msn.com Secretary: Connie Forsha 509-586-8738 Connie.forsha@gmail.com MEETINGS Third Thursdays of each month at 7p.m. Tri-Tech Skills Center Kellogg/Metaline Kennewick, WA Minutes of last Meeting, cont’d The idea of moving the summer meetings was put before the club. It was suggested we move the meetings for June, July and August to the Pasco Senior Center on the 3rd Saturday from 1-3p.m. with open carving afterward. Carvers are needed for June 17 @ 1p.m. at the Richland Gardens. Jerry Dilley is looking into having a booth at the Benton County Fair. Ideas are needed for the Friday Classes. Bob will do a relief carving. John Moreno has agreed to do a class on painting your carving. MEMBERSHIP DUES ARE DUE JUNE 1. Meeting was adjourned. “Cats aren’t clean, they’re just covered with cat spit.” John s. Nichols Respectfully submitter, Connie Forsha A motion was made to send $50 to the family of Thomas Vale, a former member. Motion was seconded, approved. How To Make Or Dye Wood Black Contributed by Everett Koontz I have been asked several times how to make or dye wood black. Here is one idea. "Drop a small amount of steel wool into a jar of vinegar and leave it to soak for about a week. After this time, the steel wool will have virtually disappeared, leaving a rather dirty-looking solution. Apply this to your wood and it will turn grey - some woods greyer than others will. This is because Photo to sketch Free download of Photo to Sketch software. Turn your photos, web pictures, etc. into a sketch that could be used for line chip carving, woodburning, or? Thinkersoftware.com/photo-tosketch/index2.htm Page 2 the solution reacts with the tannin in the wood. To make the color darker, increase the tannin by applying an old tea bag. With repeated applications, you can attain almost jet-black wood. An advantage to this method is that you can paint the solution on and maintain a straight line or edge without the need to mask off any areas. If you do not like the smell, use cola instead of vinegar. It takes slightly longer, but works just as well." "The Art of Carving Netsuke" by Peter Benson, page 55. Do not forget the true meaning of Memorial Day. Remember those who gave their lives for the Freedoms we enjoy. And while you’re at it, Thank a Vet! Volume 3, Issue 4 A Brief History of North American Caricature CarvingTaken from Littleshavers.com Regardless of what some contemporary caricature carvers might like to believe, they did not invent caricature carving. Although I have narrowed my article to North American caricature carving; I would be remiss if I did not recognize European influence on our current style. While most European countries carved in caricature to some degree; it was Sweden that had the most profound and lasting effect. An article on the history of caricature carving must include some reference to Axel Petersson. Petersson born 1868 is often referred to as the "father" of caricature carving. His figures depicted the lives and everyday activities of the people around him. Herman Rosell born 1893 carved similar activities, but with a much more refined style than Petersson had ever achieved. While Petersson's carvings gave an insight into the stark realities of life, Rosell added humor and a visual story to his carvings. Emil Janel was the undisputed master of caricature carving; although he referred to his style as "exaggerated realism". Born in 1896, he was whittling by 1900. In 1923 Emil immigrated to Canada and eventually settled in Seattle, Washington. Encouraged by a local storekeeper, Emil moved to San Francisco where he could prosper from his carvings. He was to spend the remainder of his life in California. Carl Johan Trygg born 1887 immigrated to Canada a few years after Janel. Along with his three sons, Carl Olaf, Nils, and Lars; they produced carvings reflecting the humorous side of life. Carl Johan, and Carl Olaf were extremely prolific carvers and produced thousands of figures. Lars produced several and Nils carved a few. Trygg figures are readily available and remain very popular among collectors. The first recognized American-born caricature carver, who also produced the first caricature carving how-to book was H.S. "Andy" Anderson. Growing up in the American west, Andy carved horses, cowboys, and depictions of life in the west. While his carvings were somewhat less refined than today’s caricatures, his were highly regarded and sought after by movie stars, politicians, and other high society. This brings us to the present day; the names to be included in history yet to be written are only an educated guess. Harold Enlow is clearly the link between the past and future of caricature carving. Harold has given much of his life to promoting the art of caricature; sharing his skills and love of caricature with thousands of students. Pictures from 2013 Rendezvous Volume 3 Issue 4 Page 3 Tri-Cities Wood Carvers Association P.O.Box 6962 Kennewick, WA 99336 Bob Gough 509-628-1493 bag@pocketinet.com DON’T FORGET TO PAY YOUR DUES JUNE 1! Tri-citieswoodcarversclub.blogspot.com CHECK OUT OUR BLOG! Upcoming Events May30-Jun 1 Spokane Rendezvous No other information available. Jun 7-8 Tri-Cities Woodcarvers Rendezvous Benton Co. Fairgrounds, Kennewick, WA. RV sites and restrooms: $10 per night with water & power, $6 per night for RV’s and Tents with no hookup. Free (3-4 hour) woodcarving classes; instructors normally charge for supplies and cutouts, bring your own carving tools and woodburners. Contact Gordon Forsha 509.586.8738,email leo.forsha@gmail.com or Lanny Dagley 509.586.5587, email: lkDagley@charter.net Jul 14- 18 6th Annual Carvers Academy, Kittitas County Fairgrounds Event Center, Ellensburg, WA. Register with Bill and Barbara Splaine. Get your registration form online at NWCarvingAcademy.com. Ellensburg Gourd Show, Kittitas County Fairgrounds Event Center. Jul 25-27 Sept 18-24 Oregon WoodCarvers Annual Rendezvous at Canyonview Camp, Silverton, OR. For more information call Dave Disselbrett at 503.390.9125 or Everett Koontz at 503.581.8428. Registration forms at capitolwoodcarvers.orgrendezous2014/2014flyer.pdf
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