coles crossing iii - EDGE Realty Partners
coles crossing iii - EDGE Realty Partners
CO LE S C ROS S I N G I I I 2 41 2 0 N O R T H W E S T F R E E WAY C Y P R E S S , T E X A S 7 74 2 9 19, 8 2 6 S F M U LT I -T E N A N T R E TA I L I N V E S T M E N T OP P OR T U N I T Y HOU S T ON M S A Coles Crossing III / 1 P RO P E R T Y L O C AT I O N COLES CROSSING III 2 41 2 0 N O R T H W E S T F R E E WAY, CY P R E S S T X 7 74 2 9 OV E R V I E W + + Excellent visibility from US Highway 290 + + Located directly in front of Randall’s grocery store and LA Fitness + + Easy cross access to Barker Cypress and US Highway 290 GL A 1 9, 8 2 6 S F PR ICE $8,506,600 PR ICE PSF ( BL DG) $429 O C C U PA N C Y 100% + + Located on the going home side of US Highway 290 along with both HEB and Randall’s grocery stores + + 70,000+ population with 3 miles and 215,000+ population within 5 miles + + Strong daytime population of 35,000+ within 3 miles + + Average household income of $123,000+ within 3 miles Coles Crossing III / 2 E X E CUTI V E SU M M A RY GLA 1 9, 8 2 6 S F LAND 2 .0 4 AC R E S , O R 8 9,1 0 3 S F PR ICE $8,506,600 PR ICE PSF ( BL DG) $429 COR E IN V ESTOR M A R K ET L O C AT I O N The fourth largest city in the nation, Houston is a The Coles Crossing III shopping center has excellent core market and is the 2nd fastest growing economy visibility from US Highway 290. The center is located in the United States. With over 1.8 million residents along the HEB, Randall’s and LA Fitness anchored added since 2000, Houston has enjoyed tremendous intersection on the going home side of US Highway growth and boasts a population of close to 2.7 million 290 North. The signalized intersection at Barker residents. Houston enjoys the status of being the O C C U PA N C Y R AT E 100% IN V EST M EN T OPPORT U N IT Y H O U S TO N I S T H E F O U R T H M O S T P O P U LO U S C I T Y I N T H E N AT I O N The strip center is currently 100% leased with an excellent tenant mix of everyday service and restaurant needs. The center is supported by a strong residential area that is H O U S TO N I S T H E FA S T E S T G R O W I N G H O U S I N G MARKET IN THE US Cypress is heavily traveled with 29,000 CPD. economic and cultural hub of the entire Gulf Region. projected to grow 26.1% from 2010 to 2020. There are 2 points of ingress and egress located along the access road of the Barker Cypress exit. Additionally, the center is easily accessible through the connected Randall’s and LA Fitness anchored shopping centers. The Cy-Fair campus of the Lone Star Community College System is located 2.69 miles South of the center. Located in the rapidly growing 70 , 0 0 0 + P O P U L AT I O N W I T H I N 3 M I L E R A D I U S AND 215,000 + WITHIN 5 MILE R ADIUS residential area of Cypress, TX, the population within 5 miles of the center is over 215,000. There is a strong daytime population of over $1 2 3 , 0 0 0 + AV E R AG E H O U S E H O L D I N C O M E ( 3 M I LE R A D I U S ) 35,000 within 3 miles. The center benefits from an average household income of $123,000 within 3 miles of the shopping center. EDGE – CM / E xecutive Summar y Coles Crossing III / 3 D ETA I L S A DDR ESS 2 41 2 0 N O R T H W E S T F R E E WAY CY P R E S S , T X 7 74 2 9 LAND AREA 2 .0 4 AC R E S *, O R 8 9,1 0 3 S F GLA 1 9, 8 2 6 S F Y E A R B U I LT 2008 O C C U PA N C Y 100% TR A FFIC COU N TS B A R K E R CY P R E S S N O F H W Y 2 9 0 : B A R K E R CY P R E S S S O F H W Y 2 9 0 : HW Y 290 W OF BARKER CYPRESS: HW Y 290 E OF BARKER CYPRESS: 2 9, 0 0 0 C P D 50,000 CPD 114,000 CPD 1 2 0 ,1 4 0 C P D DEMOGR A PHIC SNA PSHOT 1 MILE 3 MILE 5 MILE TOTA L P O P U L AT I O N 4,360 70,855 215,816 TOTA L DAY T I M E P O P U L AT I O N 5,027 35,655 96,548 P O P U L AT I O N G R O W T H 2 0 1 0 -2 02 0 26.1% 18.2% 16.9% AV E R AG E H O U S E H O L D I N C O M E $105,280 $123,420 $117,258 * PER HCAD EDGE– CM / The Proper t y Coles Crossing III / 4 A E R I A L - R ETA I L OV E RV I E W EDGE– CM / The Proper t y Coles Crossing III / 5 A E R I A L - S ITE ACC E SS EDGE– CM / The Proper t y Coles Crossing III / 6 S ITE PL A N EDGE– CM / The Proper t y Coles Crossing III / 7 PRO PE RT Y PH OTOS EDGE– CM / The Proper t y Coles Crossing III / 8 D I SCL A I M E R EDGE Realty Capital Markets exclusively presents the is made as to the value of this possible investment other listing of Coles Crossing III (“Property”) for your acquisition. than hypothetical scenarios. It is encouraged that you or The owner is offering for sale the Property through its any of your affiliates consult your business, tax and legal exclusive listing with the team. advisors before making a final determination of value or EDGE Realty Capital Markets and owner provides the suitability of the Property for acquisition. material presented herein without representation or As a condition of EDGE Realty Capital Markets’ consent warranty. A substantial portion of information must be to communicate the information contained herein–as obtained from sources other than actual knowledge and well as any information that may be communicated to you not all sources can be absolutely confirmed. Moreover, all subsequently either verbally or in writing by EDGE Realty information is subject to changes by the parties involved as Capital Markets, owner or agents of either of these parties to price or terms before sale, to withdrawal of the Property regarding the Property–it is required that you agree to from the market, and to other events beyond the control of treat all such information confidentially. EDGE Realty Capital Markets or owner. No representation COLE S CROSS ING III 2 41 2 0 NOR T H W E S T F R E E WAY C Y P R E S S , T E X A S 7 74 2 9 A S O F : O C TO B E R 7, 2 0 1 6 E XC L U S I V E L I S T I N G B RO K E R S J O S H JAC O B S BURDETTE HUFFMAN Principal 713.900.3001 Principal 713.900.3024 5444 Westheimer, Suite 1650 Houston, Texas 77056 T 713.900.3000 Post wood Plaza/ 10