april 2016 - Congregation Sons of Israel
april 2016 - Congregation Sons of Israel
Congregation Sons of Israel CONTINUING THE VISION — BUILDING OUR FUTURE APRIL 2016 22 Adar II—22 Nissan 5776 OUR SOCIAL COMMITTEE HAS A BLOCK OF TICKETS FOR THE JEWISH FILM FESTIVAL AT JACOB BURNS FILM CENTER. 4/17, ”ROCK IN THE RED ZONE”. LIMITED TICKETS, RESERVATIONS A MUST! SEE PAGE 22. ISRAELI WINE TASTING & SALE, OPEN TO ALL. SUNDAY, 4/3, 5 PM. $25/PP. MORE INFORMATION AND ORDER FORM ON PAGES 17/18. APRIL DATES TO REMEMBER: PROJECT EZRA FOOD COLLECTION UNTIL 4/10 Apr. 3 Gimel Family Program Apr. 3 Men’s Club Israeli Wine Tasting & Sale Apr. 8 Shabbat Rocks/Family Night Apr. 9 Sisterhood Shabbat Apr. 9 Adult Learning Service Apr. 10 BLOOD DRIVE Apr. 10 Rosh Chodesh Game Night Apr. 11 Bridge Resumes Apr. 17 Primary Family Passover Workshop Apr. 17 Heh Class Family Learning Day Apr. 17 Social Committee Film at JBFC Apr. 22 Sale of Chametz Apr. 22 First Seder Apr. 23 Second Seder Events throughout the month. MATANAH—THE GIFT SHOP OF CSI OPEN ON SUNDAYS, 4/3, 10, 17, FROM 9:30 -12:30 CSI’s ORGANIC MARKET IS OPEN SUNDAYS, 4/3, 10,17, FROM 10:30 - 1:30 Page 2 Congregation Sons of Israel April 2016 Congregation Sons of Israel 1666 Pleasantville Road Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510 Phone: (914) 762-2700 Fax: (914) 941-3465 www.csibriarcliff.org info@csibriarcliff.org OUR MISSION STATEMENT (adopted 1999, revised 2007): Congregation Sons of Israel is an egalitarian, Conservative synagogue dedicated to imparting Jewish values and traditions from generation to generation in a welcoming participatory environment. We are a caring community committed to lifelong Jewish learning, the observance of mitzvot, meaningful prayer and charitable deeds. We promote spiritual, cultural and social connections within our community, to the State of Israel, and to Jews worldwide. Blood Drive at CSI to benefit the New York Blood Center. Sunday, 4/10, appointments are available from 9 - 1. SEE PAGE 10 FOR MORE INFORMATION. Rabbi Steven C. Kane rabcsi@aol.com Cantor Jeffrey Shiovitz jshiovitz@gmail.com Educational Director: Roni Shapiro Ben-David ronishapiro@csibriarcliff.org Synagogue Director: Ellen Green Johnson ellen@csibriarcliff.org OFFICERS: Jack Zinn, President president@csibriarcliff.org Elliot Barish, VP Steven Bender, VP Aaron Gershowitz, VP Roberta Kay, VP Bob Margolies, Treasurer treasurer@csibriarcliff.org Eric Nadler, VP, Secretary Andrew Kagan, Past President VEGAS NIGHT - MORE ON PAGE 4 Bulletin Printer: All submissions for the CSI May 2016 Bulletin must be received by Wed., Apr. 10. They may be emailed to Ellen Johnson: Ellen@csibriarcliff.org April 2016 Congregation Sons of Israel Page 3 FROM THE RABBI Steven C. Kane We are told in the Torah that chametz is not permitted on Pesach. The rabbis understood this to mean that chametz should not only not be consumed, we may not even own it (hence the custom, which you can find a form for elsewhere in this bulletin, of selling our chametz). But, what exactly constitutes chametz is not always clear to people. We know that bread, cookies and crackers are chametz. What about rice, corn and beans? What about other processed foods? Do vegetables need to be specially kosher for Passover? (though depending on the country of origin, some may only eat rice and not beans or corn), while Ashkenazi Jews do not, though some may eat the extracts of kitniot (oil or syrup), though not the kitniot themselves. Additionally over the years some foods that were not originally considered kitniot are now considered kitniot, such as peanuts. Yet all agree that although forbidden by some, kitniot are not in any way shape or form chametz. They seem to have been forbidden for a number of possible reasons, though no one is entirely certain why. One school of thought is that they Our tradition teaches that chametz and matzah are two were often mixed with the forbidden grains during the sides of the same coin. That is, both are made out of the year, and might be covered in their flour. Another says same grain products. There are only five grains that can that they tend to rise when you cook them, and a third be made into matzah or if allowed to rise, can also besays that they can bee made into a bread-like food such come chametz. The best known of course is wheat, but as corn bread. Are you confused yet? four other grains-oats, spelt, barley and rye also fall into Recently the Rabbinical Assembly Committee on Jewish this category. While I have yet to see barley or rye matLaw and Standards discussed this issue at length. Two zah, one can easily find today matzah made out of oats teshuvot (responsa) were written on it, one favoring the and spelt (and of course wheat). When these grains are abolishment of this custom, and the other opto be made into matzah, once water is added to them, posed. Most of the rabbis on the committee voted in they must be placed in a well heated oven to bake withfavor, though a number opposed. .Personally, I am in 18 minutes. After 18 minutes it is thought that yeast, among those who have not accepted the conclusions of which is naturally found in the air, will cause them to the teshuvah that permitted kitniot, not because it is not begin to ferment and thus become chametz. This prohiwell thought out and well written, but because certain bition not only applies to the grains themselves, it also traditions concerning Pesach have become too inapplies to any item that contains even a small amount grained in my family to abandon them. For us, it will of the grain even if it is otherwise unrecognizable as just not seem quite like Pesach to serve rice or corn at such. An example of this is soy sauce, which generally the Seder, or to dip our matzah into hummus! If you contains wheat. are interested in the details and reasoning of these In today's society we regard all processed food as possi- teshuvot, you can go to the public area of the Rabbinical bly containing some chametz, especially where minute Assembly's web-site at RabbinicalAssembly.org. What amounts of a product (like "natural flavorings") do not this means now though is a Conservative Jew may to be listed on the label. On the other hand, all fresh be permitted to eat kitniot over Pesach, even if their fruits and vegetables need not be specially labeled family is not of Sephardic origin, should they so choose. "Kosher for Passover", as they are whole and unadulterDue to all the food issues with Pesach, it is customary ated. not just to wish someone a happy holiday, but also a There is one category of food that causes confusion kosher holiday. This is applies to all Jews, and whether every Pesach. They are called kitniot, and consist of a or not you choose to eat kitniot you should do so with a wide variety of foods, including rice, certain beans and sense of joy on this beautiful holiday. Judy, Arielle, corn. Sephardic Jews tend to eat kitniot on Pesach, Tamar, Elan and I all wish you a chag kasher v'sameach, PASSOVER GUIDE BEGINS ON PAGE 26. Page 4 Congregation Sons of Israel April 2016 VEGAS NIGHT WAS A BLAST! THANK YOU TO ALL WHO PARTICIPATED! Special thanks to our sponsors: Marc & Rochelle Auslander , Elliott & Debbie Barish, Audrey & Steve Bender (Gold), Andrea & Allen Britvan, Stacey & Richard Charney, Ellen & Ira Eisenstein, Robin & Sam Ginsberg, Bernie & Bella Jacobson Andy& Carole Kagan (Gold), Lori & Irwin Kavy (Gold), Roberta & Rick Kay (Gold), Margie & Mike Kirsch, Janice & Barry Kirschner, Nancy & Murphy Levin, Marian & Dan Levine, Deborah & David Levitt, Diane & Ronnie Myers, Lisa & Eric Nadler (Silver), Aaron Ovedia (Platinum), Rika & Mark Reisman, Sharon & Arnie Richter, Barbara & Henry Schoenfeld, Leona & Neil Schluger, Jill & Dan Singer/Robison Oil (Gold), Bette & Gary Slutsky, Ruth & Mel Speier, Bryan & Michael Sweedler, Eric Wrubel & Paul Toth, Cathy & George Zimmerman, (Silver) and Darlene Fairman & Jack Zinn (Silver) . And to our volunteers: Roberta Kay (co-chair), Barbara Schoenfeld (co-chair) Marc Auslander, Toni Band, Steve Bender, Orit Daly, Darlene Fairman, Aaron Gershowitz, Robin Ginsberg, Betsey Greenspan, Jill Greenstein, Ellen Johnson, Rabbi Steven Kane (aka Elvis in white), Lori Kavy, Ronnie Kent, Janice Kirschner, Jolie Levy, Eric Nadler, Lisa Nadler, Sharon Orenstein, Sharon Richter, Murray Rottenberg, Gail Sider, Cantor Jeffrey Shiovitz (aka Elvis in black) Bette Slutsky, Mel Speier, Ruth Speier, Susan Wattenberg, Ellen Weiser, Jewel Weiss, Debra Young, Jack Zinn. And to our CSI Raffle Prize Donors: Toni & Elliott Band, Judy Boehr, Andrea Britvan, Cuba Mission Participants, Faye Dittelman & David Perelman, Ellen & Ira Eisenstein, Todd Greenberg, Rhoda Holzer, Larry Karp & Liz Susman-Karp, Roberta & Rick Kay, Janice & Barry Kirschner, Marilyn & Bob Margolies, Melissa Miser, Phyllis Neider, Organic Market at CSI, Barbara & Henry Schoenfeld, Laura Scott, Sisterhood Gift Shop, Ruth Speier, Susan Wattenberg, Ellen Weiser, Debra Young. April 2016 Congregation Sons of Israel Page 5 CANTORIAL NOTES Hazzan Jeffrey Shiovitz Passover is an especially fine time for sing- ing. It ‘s spring, it’s a holiday and new hope is on the horizon. In the synagogue, if you listen attentively, you can hear the uniquely original festival modes that clothe the old prayers in new colors. There is the Hallel with its poignant bittersweet minor mode, the mystical and beautiful prayer for ”Tal,” inn which we ask God to be gracious to the land of Israel and to bless it with dew during the coming dry season. There is also the original and distinctive pattern for the chanting of the brachot of the Amidah with the final note left hanging in the air, unfinished and yet somehow complete. But the best singing is heard at the Seder. There are some who claim to be tone-deaf but I think that most of these are really ear lazy. The melodies of the Seder are so simple, so much the creativity of the whole Jewish people, so inherently and Instinctively Jewish that it is hard to believe that one could sit at a Seder and not join in. The Four Questions are traditionally sung to the same nigun, same tune which students of the Talmud have been using in their study for centuries. Dayenu, with its recurrent joyous refrain, is hard to resist. The songs that appear at the end of the Haggadah and sung with such gusto and delight come to us from Jewish communities the world over— from Germany, Yemen, Spain, Iraq, Jerusalem and Latin America. Passover is a time for singing. It is a time of freedom. One of the freedoms I wish for you is the freedom from the inhibitions that may have kept you from joining in the singing! Robyn and I and our children, Rachel and Yonah, David, Sarah and Talia wish you a singing, enjoyable and zisen (sweet) Pesach. Next HaMishpacha Luncheon: Tuesday, April 12, 12:30pm RABBI KANE WILL TALK ABOUT THE AIPAC 2016 CONFERENCE For more information, please call Cantor Jeffrey Shiovitz at 762-2700. GREET OLD FRIENDS, MEET NEW ONES! * * * * Enjoying the HaMishpacha luncheons and looking for a way to say thanks? Donations may be made to the Caring Community. Page 6 Congregation Sons of Israel CONTRIBUTIONS April 2016 (received through April 10, 2016) BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS FUND In memory of Jane Rechtman Susan Wattenberg CANTOR'S DISCRETIONARY FUND In memory of Jeffrey Seiden In honor of Isaac Hentel’s Bar Mitzvah In memory of Bernard Weiss Thank you for the great luncheons Mark & Amy Seiden Jennifer & Keith Hentel Debbie & Edwin Schwartz Ruth & Sam Papa CARING COMMUNITY In memory of Rosalie Merrell The Rappaport Family EDUCATIONAL DIRECTOR’S DISRETIONARY FUND In honor of Isaac Hentel’s Bar Mitzvah Jennifer & Keith Hentel ETZ CHAIM - TREE OF LIFE FUND In memory of Seymour Goldberg In memory of Nathan Elman Ellen & Ira Eisenstein Esther Schwartz GILBERT KAVY MEMORIAL BUILDING FUND In memory of Pauline Koyner Burton & Joyce Koyner IRA KESTENBAUM BEAUTIFICATION FUND In memory of Bessie Skidelsky In memory of Paulette Brand In memory of Michelle Rubinstein Happy Birthday to Ruth Baer Mazal Tov to Charlotte & Richard Watt on their new home Get Well to Michael Sweedler Mazel Tov to Henry & Barbara Schoenfeld on their 40th Anniversary Mazel Tov to Howard Pavony on his Birthday Mazel Tov to Jill & Joel Greenstein on the marriage of Rebecca to Siddharth Kulkarni Chery Kestenbaum Cheryl Kestenbaum Cheryl Kestenbaum Cheryl Kestenbaum Cheryl Kestenbaum Cheryl Kestenbaum Cheryl Kestenbaum Cheryl Kestenbaum Cheryl Kestenbaum JEFFREY DITTELMAN/ROBINOV CAMP RAMAH SCHOLARSHIP FUND In memory of Jeannette Sarah Roth Rabbi Steven C. Kane and family In memory of Sonia Barnett Leon White In memory of Jerome Shaiman Rabbi Steven C. Kane and family In memory of Jane Rechtman Rabbi Steven C. Kane and family Mazal Tov on the birth of Debbie & Vernon Weiner's granddaughter, Scarlett Grace Knight Rabbi Steven C. Kane and family In memory of Judith Bronstein, mother of Rabbi Lester Bronstein Rabbi Steven C. Kane and family Speedy Recovery to Eliana Zuckerman Rabbi Steven C. Kane and family Speedy Recovery to Faith Kavy Rabbi Steven C. Kane and family Speedy Recovery to Margery Kirsch Rabbi Steven C. Kane and family In honor of the engagement of Bret Weinberg & Leah Katz Rabbi Steven C. Kane and family In memory of John Miller Rabbi Steven C. Kane and family KIDDUSH FUND In memory of Henry Borenstein In memory of Nathan Klein In memory of Harold Grosberg In memory of Harold Grosberg CONTINUED ON PAGE 13 Cheryl Borenstein Katz Barry Karp (grandson) and family Jill & Joel Greenstein Harvey Grosberg April 2016 Congregation Sons of Israel Page 7 YOUTH COMMUNITY NEWS Roni Shapiro, Educational Director Gimel Class Family Program Sunday, 4/3 at 9 AM. Come meet our “Jewish Heroes” from the past. A day of family learning. Breakfast sponsored by the R.S. PTA Bet & Gimel Dinner Friday, 4/8, at 6 PM Shabbat Rocks & Family Night at 7 PM A special “thank you” to: Katie Katz & Rebecca Thrope, for their expert assistance in running the Purim carnival! HEH CLASS FAMILY LEARNING DAY SUNDAY, 4/17, 11 - 12:30 PM Breakfast , sponsored by the R.S. PTA, and family learning. Shalom & Todah RAbah Sunday, May 15th from 9 - 10:30 AM. We will honor Malvina Browne & Bette Slutsky on their retirement at CSI. NURSERY SCHOOL FAMILY SEDER IS THURSDAY, 4/21 AT 11 AM FAMILY PASSOVER UNIVERSITY DAY Shorashim * Prozdor 1 * Prozdor 2 Breakfast, sponsored by the R.S. PTA, and Passover learning for the whole family. Sunday, 4/17 at 9 AM. NEXT JUNIOR CONGREGATION NEXT KADIMA SERVICE A special learning service for Alef, Bet and Gimel A special learning service for 6th and 7th graders Saturday, April 2. 11:00-12:00 Saturday, April 9, 10:30-12:00 (Upstairs) YES! SERVICE CREDIT IS GIVEN! YES! SERVICE CREDIT IS GIVEN! (put your service card in front of the box) (put your service card behind the tab that says “Shabbat Morning Attendance behind here”) Service is led by Tamar Drucker Service is led by Sheera Zuckerman PLEASE REMEMBER that both Junior Congregation and Kadima Services take place on Shabbat. Children, as well as anyone else coming inside the building on Shabbat, should be dressed appropriately. Shabbat is a “special” and holy time, and children should wear “special” clothing. No sweatpants, jeans, sports uniforms, etc. Thank you for acknowledging Shabbat as a “special” day. Page 8 Congregation Sons of Israel April 2016 SOCIAL ACTION COMMITTEE By Judy Boehr PROJECT EZRA PASSOVER FOOD DRIVE - March 13th-April 10th Once again, we will be collecting Passover food for elderly Jews on the Lower East Side. Please help us fill 72 boxes to send to New York. In many cases, this is their only source of Passover food. Please bring your contributions to the boxes in the lobby and place items in the appropriately marked cartons. All items must be marked KP (kosher for Passover.) Particularly difficult to find items include canned fruits and vegetables and kosher for Passover jelly. Last year I was successful in finding these items in the Stop & Shop in White Plains (across from The Westchester.) Rockland County and the Stop & Shop stores in Mamaroneck and Mount Kisco also have good selections. If you would like to contribute all of the items for a gift box, let me know. Donations are also welcome. We’ll do the shopping for you. If you would like to sponsor a full box of items, please contact Judy Boehr (762-1984 tanglewoodtoots@juno.com . DONATIONS are DEFINITELY WELCOME. I will do the shopping for you! FOOD WILL BE COLLECTED THROUGH SUNDAY, APRIL 10TH, when we will be packing the boxes at CSI. (We’d love to have your help with that.) Thank you to everyone who participated in the winter coat drive for IFCA. We brought them 6 large bins of coats, hats, and gloves. Also, thanks to those who assembled “soups in a jar” for the Ossining Food Pantry on March 13th. If you missed this opportunity, you’ll have another chance on May 15th, when we honor Bette Slutsky & Malvina Browne. It’s an engaging project that’s right for families of all ages. TSAD KADIMA is an organization that has been educating and providing programs for children and adults with cerebral palsy and other physical disabilities in Israel for over 30 years. There is an informational meeting on Sunday, April 3rd, at the home of Susan and Malcolm Netburn. If you would like more information on this event or Tsad Kadima, contact Ed Sperling at edsperling@gmail.com. SYRIAN REFUGEES: Mary Refling has been involved with IRIS, an interfaith coalition to assist with the resettlement of Syrian refugees. This sounds like a very interesting and active group. There is a meeting on Tuesday, April 5th from 7:30-9 pm at the Memorial United Methodist Church – (250 Bryant Avenue in White Plains.) Riva Silverman from HIAS and others will make a presentation. If you would like more information about this, please contact Mary at mrefling@gmail.com. SHOPPING LIST ON PAGE 18 April 2016 Congregation Sons of Israel Page 9 FROM THE PRESIDENT Jack H. Zinn It is early March when writing this article, and Purim is still a few weeks away. I’m sure it will have been a great time, complete with bumper cars this year! Our Vegas Night on March 5th was terrific – the food was good, there was a big crowd, the tables were lively, and there were raffle items for everyone. It was a wonderful, new event for CSI. Much thanks goes to our Event Committee, co-chaired by Barbara Schoenfeld and Roberta Kay, and to Ellen Johnson and Jolie Levy from the CSI Office. Thank you to everyone who came and helped make it a wonderful event and to everyone who supported the event. Just after Purim we start gearing up for Passover. First, we have the Men’s Club sponsored “Passover Wine Tasting” event in the evening of April 3rd, so come and select your wines for your Seder or to bring with you to someone else’s. Next, we have another “New Year”—Saturday, April 9th is the first day of the month of Nissan, which is the first month of the Jewish year. We have a special celebration to start the first month – the Sisterhood Shabbat service. It’s always wonderful to hear all the beautiful voices lead the congregation. Our Project Ezra drive, which brings Passover food to those in need, should be in full swing by then, too. We then wait two more weeks to celebrate Passover, which starts on April 22nd. It is the most universal of holidays. We all find ways to celebrate Passover in our own way, and hopefully with family and friends. If you need to find a Seder, or if you have room at your own Seder for more guests, please contact me or Rabbi Kane and we will help match you up. Passover is both one of my favorite holidays and least favorite ones. It starts with such a crescendo. In our family, we host the second night’s Seder and my parents still host the first. Darlene and I enjoy figuring out the menu and cooking and preparing. Even cleaning and re-kashering the kitchen is something I look forward to doing together. We still hide the chametz (bread) and Ian and Rebecca hunt in each room for the pieces. I’ve had to get better at hiding them over the years and I have to keep extra pieces in a bag to replace ones that our dog finds first. Burning our chametz is a favorite Passover activity of Ian’s. We don’t have very young kids at the Seders anymore, so we try to find something new to discuss or to add each year. In the end, everyone goes home full of good food, which is needed to get through the rest of week. And then the hard part starts. Not just cleaning up, but eating the leftovers for the next several days. I miss my morning bagels, and matzah and butter just is not a good enough substitute after a few days. The 29 days between Purim and Passover go so fast, but the last 4 or 5 days of Passover feel like a month. If you have your own stories, customs, traditions, or reasons for Passover being your (least) favorite holiday, let me know. Wishing everyone a Hag Sameach v’kasher and a zissen Pesach! 2015-16 Board of Trustees Jack Zinn, President Elliott Barish, V.P. Steven Bender, V.P. Aaron Gershowitz, V.P. Roberta Kay, V.P. Robert Margolies, Treasurer Eric Nadler, V.P., Sec’y Andrew Kagan Imm. Past Pres. Trustees 3 Years: Marc Auslander Orit Daly Joshua Diamond Aaron Ovedia Mark Rosenberg Eric Wrubel Trustees 2 Years: Michael Casper Robin Ginsberg Dan Levine Barbara Palefsky Neil Schluger Fred Schulman Trustees 1 Year: Anthony Anisman Doron Bar-Levav Ira Eisenstein Lois Gimpel Shaukat Lawrence Smoler Page 10 Congregation Sons of Israel BLOOD DRIVE April 2016 Sunday, 4/10, 9 AM - 1:30 PM. To sign up or for more information, please contact Jill Greenstein at Jillgreenstein9@gmail.com. If you’re reading our bulletin online, you can click here to make an appointment. Please be sure to eat and hydrate before donating blood and kindly bring identification with photo or signature. Thanks! April 2016 Congregation Sons of Israel Page 11 Matanah, the Gift Shop of CSI, is open Sundays 9:30-12:30 whenever Religious School is running. Come take a look at the wonderful gifts available, some of which are imported from Israel. For assistance outside of Matanah hours, please email us at giftshop@csibriarcliff.org. Name Grade Phone # Hometown MARISSA LEWIS SANDY REISMAN JENNA BERKOWER SOPHIE JELINEK ARI BEN-DAVID RUSSELL KLEINER ZOE SCHEIER WALTER HOLZBERG DAVID STERNBERG HARRISON LANDAU KATYA DIDONATO SARINA COHN KATIE KATZ 12TH GRADE 12TH GRADE 8TH GRADE 9TH GRADE 9TH GRADE 9TH GRADE 12TH GRADE 12TH GRADE 9TH GRADE 9TH GRADE 9TH GRADE 10TH GRADE 10TH GRADE 886-5871 874-6362 606-2407 364-3344 954-1265 309-1151 703-1183 373-4186 941-1973 334-8344 787-0465 523-2952 406-3913 Croton Ossining Chappaqua Briarcliff Ossining Briarcliff Manor Ossining Ossining Briarcliff Briarcliff Briarcliff Cortlandt Manor Chappaqua If you would like to contact one of these capable babysitters or would like your name added to our list, please contact the CSI Office at 762-2700. Page 12 Congregation Sons of Israel April 2016 BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIES April 2016 The following children are celebrating birthdays during the month of April and will be called to the bimah to receive a blessing on April 8 at 7:00pm at our next Family Night/Shabbat Rocks service. Only the names of those present will be called. Please take your name card out of the “birthday box” in the front lobby and present it to a Ritual Committee usher. DAY Layla Carter Sasha Carter Rebekah Craig David Craig Simon Fleischer Alison Glaser Daniel Hannan Jayla Klainbard Emma Lanier Oliver Lanier Cameron Leitman Joshua Linett Elijah Lucht Hannah Mortman Eden Rappaport Amelia Russin Samantha Wancier Madeline Wolin Ryan Zaretzky 1 1 2 3 4 4 5 5 5 6 9 9 15 20 22 24 25 27 MAZAL TOV to our members who are celebrating anniversaries during the month of April: OUR CSI COUPLES YEARS Marleigh & Matthew Rutman Elaine & Donald Sunberg Hedi & Ed Sperling Laurie & Jonathan Goldheim Audrey & Steve Bender Laura & Michael Teitelbaum Donna & Barry Yellen Dina & David Nass Jodi & Marc Lichtenstein Marissa & Robert Greenfeld Marcia & Norman Levitt Rachel Goldman & Robert Johnsen Allison & Michael Haberman Sonia & Paul Kleinman Anna Medeiros & Howard Fleischer Penny & David Perlman Barbara & Leonard Kobren Amy & Scott Yules HAPPY PASSOVER TO ALL FROM THE CSI N.S PTA 16 4 42 23 34 18 29 19 18 19 56 7 16 30 15 45 40 13 April 2016 Congregation Sons of Israel Page 13 CONTINUED FROM PAGE 6 MEMORIAL GARDEN FUND In memory of Robert H. Alpert In memory of Bettly Levine and Dr. Leslie Koltai In memory of Robert Eichengreen In memory of Sigmund Sternberg Marilyn & Bob Margolies Dan & Marian Levine and family Mel & Ruth Speier Mel & Ruth Speier MINYAN BREAKFAST FUND In honor of Matt Weiss celebrating the 50th Anniversary of his Bar Mitzvah Debbie & Elliott Barish MITZNER FAMILY SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS FUND In memory of Max Speier In memory of Arnold Sankin Mel & Ruth Speier Susan & Kenneth Sankin PRAYER BOOK FUND In memory of Mollie Gutstein In memory of Bertha "Betty" Strawgate The Rappaport Family Susan, Howard, Emily & Ethan Code RABBI'S DISCRETIONARY FUND In memory of May Stiffman Thank you to Rabbi Kane In honor of Coach Kane In memory of Jane Rechtman In memory of Bertha Loev In honor of Isaac Hentel’s Bar Mitzvah In memory of Jacqueline Greenspan In memory of Helaine Schwartz David & Patricia Stiffman Frederic Steigman The Cohen Family Gladys & Marvin Gimpel Gladys & Marvin Gimpel Jennifer & Keith Hentel Betsey Greenspan Debbie & Edwin Schwartz RACHEL GREENSTEIN CHILDREN'S RESOURCE LIBRARY FUND In memory of Harold Grosberg In memory of Harold Grosberg In memory of Richard Bloom In memory of Elmer Shovers Jill & Joel Greenstein Harvey Grosberg Kathy Eisendrath Levin Kathy Eisendrath Levin LIFE CYCLE EVENTS: Mazal Tov to: Renate & Jeffrey Schneider on the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter, Penelope Mindy & Scott Lanoff on the Bar Mitzvah their son, Alex Nannette & Paul Wasserman on the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter, Jolie Meryl & Marty Weinberg on the engagement of their son, Bret, to Leah Katz Debbie & Vernon Weiner on the birth of their granddaughter, Scarlett Grace Knight, daughter of Pharyl Weiner Knight & Paul Knight Speedy Recovery to: Faith Kavy Margery Kirsch Ann Studen Eliana Zuckerman Condolences to: Helene Miller on the loss of her husband, John Neal Rechtman on the loss of his wife, Jane Page 14 Congregation Sons of Israel April 2016 SISTERHOOD NEWS By Marion Jablansky, Secretary This year, Sisterhood Shabbat will be on April 9. Women of Sisterhood will be participating in the service, and all congregants are invited to attend. Sisterhood will be co-sponsoring the Kiddush, so you know it will be delicious. Hope to see you all there. Thank you to all those who participated in the Mishloach Manot program and fund raiser. It is a wonderful way to fulfill a mitzvot, and the funds raised enable Sisterhood to work on projects such as fixing up the sanctuary and putting new lights in the social hall. If you did not participate this year, we hope you will consider participating next year. Also, a special thank you to Margery Kirsch and Susan Banks who coordinated this program. Mah jong is still going strong. If you have ever wanted to learn how to play, now is your chance! The next game will be Monday, April 18 at 7:30 PM at CSI. The Women’s Writing Workshop is a hit! Each month, women get together to write their stories and share them, if they choose, with the others in the group. The next meeting will be 7 PM at CSI on Tuesday, April 5. The gift shop will be open on Sundays from 9:30 AM until 12:30 PM as long as Religious School is in session. If you need anything when the gift shop is not open, please email the shop at giftshop@csibriarcliff.org and someone will get back to you as soon as possible to set up a meeting time. As you prepare for Passover, please remember that the gift shop has seder plates, bags of plagues and jumping frogs, as well as other beautiful and fun things for your seder. You can also find lovely hostess gifts to bring when you go to someone else’s home for a seder. There is a lot going on at CSI Sisterhood. Please make sure you are current on your dues to be able to participate in events and continue to receive the weekly emails Have you seen the Congregation Sons of Israel Sisterhood Facebook page? Please “like” us! The CSI bulletin and the CSI website are great sources of information. Continue to read future bulletins, as well as check the website for future Sisterhood programs. Also, we are always looking for new ideas, so if you have any suggestions or wish to lead or help with an activity, please let us know. Our officers/ chairpersons are always open to new ideas. President: Robin Ginsberg Treasurer/ Financial Secretary: Sharon Richter Recording Secretary: Beth Levine Corresponding Secretary/ Bulletin: Marion Jablansky Membership: Annleah Berger Mah Jong Chair: Cheryl Katz Gift Shop: Robin Ginsberg/ Sharon Orenstein/ Jill Greenstein/ Marion Jablansky www.WLCJ.org = the website for Women’s League for Conservative Judaism, the organization to which your Sisterhood be- Remember to join Sisterhood! We started our new fiscal year on July 1. Sisterhood Membership 2015-2016 Please send your $36.00 check for dues payable to: CSI Sisterhood and return it with this form to: CSI Sisterhood 1666 Pleasantville Road Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510 Name_____________________________________________ Phone____________________________________________ Address___________________________________________ Email_____________________________________________ For questions concerning membership or to sign up for a Sisterhood committee, please call Annleah Berger, 762-5312, or email Annberger@optonline.net. April 2016 Congregation Sons of Israel Page 15 APRIL B’NAI MITZVAH April 2 My name is Jolie Wasserman and I will become Bat Mitzvah on April 2nd. I live with my mom, dad, and brother, Eric, on college breaks. My sister, Danielle, is a Registered Nurse at Vanderbilt Medical Center in Nashville, Tennessee and my brother is a freshman at Harvard. My family has lived in Briarcliff for 25 years and I have been living in my current house for four years. I am a 7th grader at Briarcliff Middle School, and I play softball during the springtime. Also, during the spring, I enjoy participating in tennis clinics and playing on my AAU basketball team called the Lady Bears. Since middle school began, I have been a member of Mathletes, as I have always had an interest in math. Along with Mathletes, I am the co-treasurer of the Greenhouse Club. I enjoy gardening and watching my plants grow. April 16 Hi, my name is Penelope Schneider. I live with my mom Renata, dad Jeff and two dogs named Coco and Cody. We live in Croton on Hudson, NY. I am looking forward to becoming a Bat Mitzvah which is on April 16, 2016. On this day I will be called to the bimah to recite a Torah portion from Acharei Mot. I attend school in Croton with many friends who have supported me through my journey of becoming a Jewish woman. I like sports and do Jiu-Jitsu, play soccer, basketball and other sports to. I’ve been running a lot of hills and sprints with my Dad every week to get ready for the upcoming soccer season. I love being creative and have won many awards as a top art student at my school. I play piano and guitar for as long as I can remember and I am an aspiring songwriter and performer. At my Bat Sports have always been my first love, and what better Mitzvah celebration I am performing a song I wrote way to share my passion than teaching baseball to pre- called “Inch by Inch” and I’m super excited to do this. schoolers. During the fall, I volunteered at Robin’s Nest (a preschool/daycare center) along with three other stu- For my Bat Mitzvah project I decided to volunteer for dents in middle and high school and Coach Lou Wachtel. the SPCA animal organization and I’ve been participating At Robin’s Nest we taught throwing, catching, and in the “Click and Treat” program with my friend and batting to the four year olds. Since the kids’ parents are classmate Lea. We both own and love dogs and thought not with them throughout the course of the day, we had it would be a good opportunity to help dogs in need of a the opportunity to teach them. Every Monday, the home. In this program we train dogs so they will be well teachers told us that the children would be ecstatic to behaved in their new homes. learn more and more baseball techniques. I was able to learn theses skills through my parents and siblings, so I Becoming a Bat Mitzvah makes me feel responsible and began to appreciate this when I volunteered at Robin’s proud. It’s made me realize I don't need as much help Nest. In addition, I left with much more patience than from people and I can rely on myself more as a strong when I started. I never realized how hard it is to impart Jewish woman. I’m a bit nervous about being up at the knowledge onto others (especially ones younger than bimah and performing in front of so many people, but you) until I taught the preschoolers the proper baseball the weekly classes at the temple and a lot of practicing skills. has prepared me to succeed. I am proud to become a Bat Mitzvah because I have seen my sister and brother go through this process, and I cannot believe that I am now considered old enough to fulfill the responsibilities of a Jewish adult. This journey to my special day started seven years ago, and I wouldn’t be able to accomplish this great feat if it wasn’t for Rabbi Kane, Cantor Shiovitz, Roni Shapiro Ben David and all of my Hebrew School teachers. Finally, my family’s guidance and times of having to listen to my off tune singing helped shape this adventure and pave the way to the bimah. I couldn't have done this without the support of everyone at CSI, my parents, my grandpa Eric who is a Jewish mentor to me and the rest of my family who I love so much. I am honored to become a Bat Mitzvah and I’m very grateful to everyone who has helped me on this journey! CONTINUED ON PAGE 16 Page 16 Congregation Sons of Israel April 2016 APRIL B’NAI MITZVAH CONTINUED April 30th Hi, my name is Alex Lanoff; I live in Briarcliff Manor, where I have lived for the majority of my life. I live with my big brother Sam and my parents, Mindy and Scott. My Bar Mitzvah is right around the corner on the 30th of April. I have been preparing for some time now (and just added the Cantor’s blessings to my iPhone playlist). This seems like the perfect time to extend a huge thanks to Rabbi Kane and Cantor Shiovitz for helping to prepare me for when I am called to the bimah. I would also like to this opportunity to thank my Hebrew school teachers and Roni for teaching me all I know about reading and writing in Hebrew and a lot of what I know about Jewish history and culture – along with my parents, uncles and aunts - passing along what they know – l'dor vador. I am currently enjoying being a seventh grader at Briarcliff Middle school. Outside of school, I enjoy running on the Cross country and track teams, and I recently started taking breakdancing classes at Sleepy Hollow Performing Arts. What’s great is that I do these activities with friends of mine, some whom I have known since preschool at CSI and others I have made this year. I hope to keep up these activities in high school and hopefully even after that and keep up the friendships for a lifetime. For my Bar Mitzvah project, I am volunteering at the WSPCA. Although, because of my age, I am not allowed to work directly with the animals, I will be able to plant flowers there and help out in other ways. I will do this to make the place look better so that people will want to visit and adopt animals who don’t have homes, also, to make them happier in their current environment. I am very excited for my Bar Mitzvah and cannot wait to celebrate with all of my friends and family on that special day. Lastly, I would like to give a huge thanks to my parents for putting this whole thing together and for always being by my side, especially for this whale of a milestone. I will remember my Bar Mitzvah day and the people who helped prepare me for it for the rest of my life. April 2016 Congregation Sons of Israel Page 17 EVERYONE IS INVITED TO JOIN THE CSI MEN’S CLUB FOR A TOUR OF BOUTIQUE ISRAELI WINES Cost: $25 pp. Sunday, April 3, 5:00pm With Passover approaching, our thoughts turn to the four cups of wine. What will it be this year: Manischewitz? Or something a bit more interesting? Israel produces some of the finest and most diverse wines in the world. The various climates and soils in the country provide a unique opportunity for Israeli vintners to produce wines that rival the best France has to offer. From the Golan Heights to the Judean Hills to the Negev, the wines are unique and the flavors and scents are very different. There is more to Israeli wines than the mass-produced wines usually sold in America. Join us for a tasting of unique Israeli wines produced by small batch producers throughout Israel. Learn about how the climate, elevation and soil makes each wine unique. Understand how these wines can enhance your seder and even become your wines of choice throughout the year. This tasting will be conducted and organized by Jeremy Block of Some Good Wine in Greenwich Village. Snacks will be served to complement the wines. The wines tasted can be ordered and picked up at the synagogue on April 10 between 10am and noon. A portion of the sales will be donated to CSI. Questions? Contact Norman Block: BlockLaw@aol.com If unable to attend, wines may be ordered in advance by completing the form on the reverse side of this page and sending it with your check to: CSI, 1666 Pleasantville Road, Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510 Attn: MEN’S CLUB/WINE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- THIS EVENT IS NOT FOR MEN ONLY! R.S.V.P. BY RETURNING THIS FORM WITH YOUR PAYMENT I/We will attend on April 3 at 5 pm: _____________________________________________________ (Name/s) Enclosed is a check for: _________________ (no. attending x $25) made payable to CSI. ORDER FORM ON THE NEXT PAGE Page 18 Congregation Sons of Israel FEATURED WINES FOR SALE 2014 Kishor Viognier: Dry white wine made from 85 % Viognier, 15% Sauvignon Blanc (From the Galilee) Per Bottle April 2016 No. Total $30 2013 Kishor White Blend: Dry white wine made from Sauvignon Blanc and Viognier (From the Galilee) 2014 Kishor Riesling: 100% Reisling (From the Galilee) 2009 Kitron Tigra Cab/Merlot Special Reserve: Bordeaux-style wine from Shomron $25 $30 $33 2012 Kishor Red Blend: Dry red wine made from Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc and Petit Verdot grape (From the Galilee) 2013 Kishor Syrah: 100% Syrah (From the Galilee) 2012 Ramot Naftaly Shiraz: Shiraz (From the Galilee) 2010 Ramot Naftaly Cabernet: 90% Cabernet Sauvignon, 10% Merlot (From the Galilee) $25 $25 $32 $32 2011 Agur Kessem: 40% Cabernet Sauvignon, 30% Merlot, 5% Petit Verdot, 25% Cabernet Franc (From the Judean Hills) $35 TOTAL: WE TAKE IT FOR GRANTED, BUT...WITHOUT OUR HELP, THERE ARE ELDERLY JEWISH PEOPLE LIVING ON THE LOWER EAST SIDE OF NEW YORK WHO CANNOT OBSERVE PASSOVER. LET’S TAKE THE STRESS OUT OF SUCH A JOYFUL HOLIDAY BY PROVIDING THEM WITH WHAT THEY NEED. MOST NEEDED (Marked Kosher for Passover) tuna, sardines ,honey, grape juice, jam or jelly, canned fruit, dried fruit, canned vegetables, nuts, instant coffee or tea, vegetable or olive oil. ALSO NEEDED (Marked Kosher for Passover) Borscht, matzah, can or jar of soup (low sodium preferred), gefilte fish, matzah farfel, dessert item (cake, cookies, macaroons) April 2016 Congregation Sons of Israel Page 19 April 2016 * 22 Adar II - 22 Nisan 5776 CSI Gift Shop & Organic Market open Sundays: 4/3, 4/10 & 4/17. (*) ZUMBA will meet if we have a minimum of 7 participants for an 8-week session. Sun Mon ISRAELI WINE TASTING & SALE SUNDAY, 4/3 BLOOD DRIVE SUNDAY, 4/10 Tue JEWISH FILM FESTIVAL AT JFBC SOCIAL COMMITTEE OUTING, 4/17 Wed Thu Fri 1 Sat 22 Adar II NO N.S. Parent’/Teacher Conferences FIRST SEDER FRIDAY EVENING, 4/22 6:30 PM Kabbalat Shabbat 2 23 Adar II Shemini 9:10 AM Shabbat Services Bat Mitzvah: Jolie Wasserman 11 AM J.C. C/L 7:01 PM 3 24 Adar II 9;15 AM Miinyan 9 AM Gimel Family Program 11 AM H.S. 4 25 Adar II 7:15 AM Minyan 7:30 PM Sisterhood 6 27 Adar II 7 28 Adar II 7:15 AM Minyan 10 2 Nisan 9:15 AM Minyan BLOOD DRIVE & PROJECT EZRA PACKING 11 H.S 10 - 12 Wine pick up 7:30 PM Rosh Chodesh Games 11 3 Nisan 7:15 AM Minyan 17 9 Nisan 9:15 AM Minyan 9 AM Primary Grade Family Pesach Program 18 10 Nisan 7:15 AM Minyan 7:30 PM Bridge 8:45 PM Talmud 7:30 PM Bridge 8:45 PM Talmud 12 4 Nisan 9:15 Playgroup 11:15 AM Jews in the News 12:30 PM Ha Mishpacha Luncheon (*) 7:30 ZUMBA 13 19 11 Nisan 9:15 Playgroup 11:15 AM Jews in the News 12:30 PM Yiddish 7:30 PM Writing (*) 7:30 ZUMBA 7:30 PM EXEC 20 26 18 Nisan 11:15 AM Jews in the News NO RELIGIOUS SCHOOL (*) 7:30 ZUMBA 7:30 PM BoT 7:30 PM 2nd Generation Survivors 27 5 Nisan 16 Nisan 9:10 AM Yom Tov Service NO RELIGIOUS SCHOOL 25 17 Nisan 7:15 AM Minyan 7:30 PM Bridge 29 Adar II 6 PM Bet/ Gimel Family Dinner 12 Nisan 14 6 Nisan 7:15 AM Minyan 8 AM Project Ezra Food Pick Up 15 10:30 AM Ha Mishpacha DIscusison 6:30 PM Kabbalat Shabbat C/L 7:16 PM 21 22 13 Nisan 11 AM Nursery School Seder 7 Nisan 14 Nisan 7:15 Service for the Fast of the Firstborn & Chametz Sale Deadline NO N.S. Office Closes 1 PM C/L 7:23 PM FIRST SEDER SOCIAL COMM. AT JFBC 24 8 9 Rosh Chodesh Nisan : Tazria 9:10 AM Sisterhood Shabbat 7 PM Shabbat Rocks & Family 10:30 AM Adult Learning & Night Kadima C/L 7:08 PM 7 PM Caring Com. 7:30 PM Writing 7:30 PM Educ. (*) 7:30 ZUMBA 5 PM Israeli Wine Tasting & Sale 11 AM Heh Class Family Learning 11 AM H.S. 5 26 Adar II 9:15 Playgroup 11:15 AM Jews in the News 12:30 PM Yiddish 19 Nisan NO RELIGIOUS SCHOOL 28 20 Nisan 10:30 AM HaMishpacha Discussion 6:30 PM 7th Day Pesach Service 16 8 Nisan Metzorah 9:10 AM Shabbat Service 11 AM J.C. OFF-SITE Mincha Bat Mitzvah Penelope Schneider 23 15 Nisan 9:10 AM Shabbat & Yom Tov Service SECOND SEDER 29 21 Nisan NO N.S. OFFICE CLOSED 9:10 AM 7TH Day Pesach Service 30 22 Nisan 6:30 PM Kabbalat Shabbat & 7th Day Pesach Svc. C/L 7:31 PM 5 PM Mincha Bar Mitzvah: Alex Lanoff 9:10 AM 8th Day Pesach Service YIZKOR Page 20 Congregation Sons of Israel MATANAH—THE GIFT SHOP OF CSI OPEN ON SUNDAYS, 4/3, 10, 17, FROM 9:30 -12:30 CSI’s ORGANIC MARKET IS OPEN SUNDAYS, 4/3, 10, 17, FROM 10:30 - 1:30 LOCAL PRODUCE, FRESHLY GROWN! April 2016 April 2016 Congregation Sons of Israel Page 21 The CSI Outreach Committee PARLOR MEETING: THURSDAY, APRIL 14TH AT 7:30 PM CAN YOU HOST? LET US KNOW! WE’D LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU! THE SESSION CAN ACCOMMODATE UP TO 10 PEOPLE AND WILL BE ON A FIRST- TO-SIGN-UP BASIS. KINDLY EMAIL: OUTREACHCSI@GMAIL.COM OR CALL 914-302-9880 ADULT LEARNING SERVICE SATURDAY, 4/9, 10:30 AM Join Roni Shapiro for an alternative Shabbat morning service. No Hebrew necessary Open to all. In the CSI Chapel. ROSH CHODESH FOR WOMEN ONLY Join us for “Game Night”, Sunday April 10th at 7:30 PM Refreshments, beverages, conversation, learning & fun! RSVP to: Ronishapiro@csibriarcliff.org Page 22 Congregation Sons of Israel April 2016 SOCIAL COMMITTEE Co-chairs: Ellen Weiser & Debra Young JACOB BURNS CENTER FILM CENTER JEWISH FILM FESTIVAL. CO-SPONSORED BY CSI. JOIN US ON SUNDAY, 4/17: We’ll meet at 3 PM at the Blue Walrus in Pleasantville for frozen yogurt and schmoozing then see the 4:45 PM screening of the Israeli documentary “Rock In The Red Zone”. $18/PP, Reservations required, limited tickets available. Please contact Barbara Block at BblockMSW@aol.com April 2016 Congregation Sons of Israel Page 23 As you know, over the past five years the Men’s Club has developed and mainJason Eidlitz, President tained many programs for the CSI community. To sustain these efforts we really need your support in attendance and membership. MEN’S CLUB NEWS YOM HA SHOAH CANDLE DELIVERY - SUNDAY, MAY 1ST. The CSI Men’s Club hand delivers yellow memorial candles to all CSI families so that we can all remember those whose lives were lost in the Shoah. Your support of this effort is very much appreciated. Please consider a donation to assist in this annual effort. Please send your dues, donate to the Men’s Club, JOIN US FOR OUR NEXT FAMILY SERVICE: YOM HA SHOAH Wednesday, May 4th 7:30 PM Service of Remembrance. SATURDAY, MAY 21ST AT 10:30 AM Expertly lead by Judy Kane and accompanied on keyboard by Brian Gelfand, one of the leading alternative musicians in the Jewish world, this service is geared towards families but is open to people of all ages. It features beautiful musical renditions of our prayers, stories and discussion. Come join us and add a bit of Shabbat joy to your week! Page 24 Congregation Sons of Israel April 2016 We really do have a CARING COMMUNITY! If you take a little time to SHARE and CARE, you will have the satisfaction of knowing you did something good to help someone else! Remember to call the office, 762-2700, if you know of someone who needs some caring. Our next meeting is Tuesday, April 5 at 7:00 PM. CARING COMMUNITY By Merrie Daitch r e ou v o L s! We eer t n u Vol TODAH RABBAH TO OUR PURIM BAG PACKERS! Ellen Freeman, Annleah Berger, Adele Feldman, Roberta Freilich, Cheryl Katz, Mike Kirsch & Sharon Richter, From, Margery Kirsch and Susan Banks Nursery School Registration is underway. Forms are on the website or in the office. Just let us know how we can help! Ronishapiro@csibriarcliff.org Www.Csbriarcliff.org April 2016 Congregation Sons of Israel Page 25 CALLING ALL FAMILIES WITH YOUNG CHILDREN AGES 2 – 6 YEARS OLD! Kids Karousel, Ltd., an afternoon enrichment program for Preschoolers, ages 2-6 years old, is still accepting applications for its fall program. Kids Karousel offers a variety of programs including, but not limited to, Pre-K Scholars, Cooking, Art and Literature, Sports, Zumba, Theater and Lego Mania. We are conveniently located at Congregations Sons of Israel in Briarcliff Manor, NY. We have ample parking and easy access to Route 9A and major highways. Hours: 12:00pm-2:45pm (Monday-Friday) Info: Contact Faith at (914) 923-0160 or KarouselK@aol.com Location: 1666 Pleasantville Rd., Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510 Wish you had an extra 30 minutes to an hour in the morning? Need to catch a train? Early Birds Before-class supervision for 2’S, 3’s and 4’s with Faith Kavy School days from 8:00 – 8:55 AM (No drop-off without a reservation) 8:30-8:55am $10.00 8:00-8:55am $15.00 See Faith in person or call: Cell: 469-1102 Home: 923-0160 Page 26 Congregation Sons of Israel April 2016 THE RABBINICAL ASSEMBLY PESACH GUIDE This guide, prepared by the Kashrut Subcommittee and approved by the Committee on Jewish Law and Standards, explains in detail the laws and customs regarding the dietary restrictions of Passover, the rules that remind us each time we eat of Passover’s messages for us. Some of these guidelines are, frankly, quite technical and even complicated; that is the result of the special stringency of the Passover rules in Jewish law and the complex, new ways in which foods are processed in our time. We hope that this guide will enable Jews to understand what they may eat on Passover and how to prepare their kitchens for the holiday in ways that are clear and understandable. We do not intend this Guide to replace our rabbi’s guidance on these matters; on the contrary, any question you have about what is written here or what is missing you should address to Rabbi Kane. We have selected portions of the Pesach Guide which we feel are most helpful to you. For the complete guide, please go to http://www.rabbinicalassembly.org/sites/default/files/public/jewish-law/holidays/ pesah/rabbinical-assembly-pesah-guide-5775_1.pdf. FOODS The Torah prohibits the ownership of hametz (flour, food or drink made from the prohibited species of leavened grain: wheat, oats, barley, rye or spelt) during Pesash. Ideally we burn or remove all hametz from our premises which may be effected by donations to a local food pantry. Prohibited foods: Since the Torah prohibits the eating of hametz during Pesach, and since many common foods contain some hametz, guidance is necessary when shopping and preparing for Pesach. Prohibited foods )hametz) include the following: biscuits; cakes; coffees containing cereal dervatives; crackers; leavened bread; pasta. These are foods that are generally made with wheat, barley, oats, spelt or rye (grains that can become hametz). Any food containing these grains or derivatives of these grains must be certified kosher for Pesach. Flavorings in foodstuffs are often derived from alcohol produced from one of these grains which would render that food hametz. Such products also need Pesach supervision. Kitniyot – Ashkenazi Rabbinical authorities added the following foods to the above list of prohibited foods: beans; corn; millet; peas; rice; soy. These and some other plant foods (e.g., mustard, buckwheat and sesame seeds) are not permitted for eating on Pesach. They need not be sold or disposed of before Pesach. The processed products, whether liquid or solid, from kitniyot are also forbidden by most Ashkenazic rabbinical authorities. These might include but not be limited to ascorbic acid (vitamin C), corn oil, corn sweetener, and soy oil. Most Sephardic authorities permit the use of all the kitniyot foods other than those that might have come in contact with the prohibited grains. Israeli products are often marked “contains kitniyot” and thus Ashkenazi Jews who do not use kitniyot need to be vigilant when purchasing Israeli products for Passover. April 2016 Congregation Sons of Israel Page 27 An item that is kosher all year round, that is made with no hametz, and is processed on machines used only for that item and nothing else (such as ground coffee) may be used with no special Pesach supervision. As we learn more about the processing of foods and the ingredients they contain, relying on the kashrut of a product for Pesach without a Passover hekhsher may be problematic. Wherever possible, pOur Movement’s Committee on Jewish Law and Standards has permitted the use of peanuts and peanut oil on Pesach provided said items have proper year round kosher certification and do not contain any hametz ingredients. Permitted Foods: Processed foods ought to have a Pesach hekhsher from a reliable source. Since that is not always possible, however, our guidelines reflect some alternatives that are acceptable. Any food that you purchase with a Pesach hekhsher must have a label that is integral to the package and it should have the name of a recognizable, living supervising Rabbi or creditable kosher supervision agency if possible. If the label is not integral to the package or if there are questions regarding the labeling, the item should not be used without consulting a Rabbi. NO PESACH HEKHSHER REQUIRED: Products which may be purchased without a Pesach hekhsher before or during Pesah: baking soda; bicarbonate of soda; eggs; fresh fruits and vegetables; fresh or frozen kosher meat (other than chopped meat); Nestea (regular and decaffeinated); pure black, green, or white tea leaves; unflavored tea bags; unflavored regular coffee; olive oil (extra-virgin only); whole or gutted fresh fish; whole or half pecans (not pieces); whole (unground) spices and nuts. NO PESACH HEKHSHER REQUIRED IF PURCHASED BEFORE PESACH: Products which may only be purchased without a Pesach hekhsher before Pesach. If bought during Pesach they require a Pesach hekhsher: all pure fruit juices; filleted fish; frozen fruit (no additives); non-iodized salt; pure white sugar (no additives); quinoa (with nothing mixed in);* white milk; some products sold by Equal Exchange Fair Trade Chocolate. *It has come to our attention that there is a possibility of grains being mixed with quinoa if it is not under Pesach supervision. The best option is to purchase quinoa with a Pesach hekhsher, if it is available. Where that is not available, purchase Bolivian or Peruvian quinoa, marked “gluten free” before Pesach. Please make certain that quinoa is the sole ingredient in the final packaging. Frozen, uncooked vegetables may be processed on shared equipment that uses hametz. It is preferable to purchase those with a Pesach hekhsher label. One may, however, buy bags of frozen non-hekhshered vegetables before Pesach provided that one can either absolutely determine that no shared equipment was used or one is careful to inspect the contents before Pesach and discard any pieces of hametz. Even if one did not inspect the vegetables before Pesach, if one can remove pieces of hametz found in the package on Pesach, the vegetables themselves are permissible. CONTINUED ON PAGE 30 Page 28 Congregation Sons of Israel April 2016 April 2016 Congregation Sons of Israel Page 29 Page 30 Congregation Sons of Israel April 2016 PESACH HEKHSHER ALWAYS REQUIRED: Products which require reliable Pesach hekhsher certification (regular kosher supervision being not sufficient) whether bought before or during Pesach: all baked goods (farfel, matzah, any product containing matzah, matzah flour, matzah meal, Pesach cakes); all frozen processed foods; candy; canned tuna; cheeses; chocolate milk; decaf coffee; decaf tea; dried fruits; herbal tea; ice cream; liquor; Grade AA butter ; oils; soda; vinegar; wine; yogurt. Regarding cheeses and non Grade AA butter, an inspection by a rabbi of a local dairy may suffice to resolve potential questions in some cases. BABY FOOD: Baby food with a Pesach hekhsher is sometimes available. Of course, home preparation of baby food, using kosher for Passover utensils and kitchen items is always possible. Pure vegetable prepared baby food that is kasher the year round is acceptable for Pesach. The use of kitniyot for babies is also acceptable with care taken that this baby food does not mix with food from the rest of the family. Separate dishes and utensils are recommended. Most infant formulas are made from soy and the use of kitniyot does not apply to infants. Thus infant formula products, kasher the year round, are acceptablbottles, nipples and formula should be kept away from the general kitchen area and clean up should be done out of the kitchen area (e.g., a bathroom sink). MEDICINES: Prescription medicines are permitted. Non-prescription pills and capsules are permitted; for liquids, check with the rabbi. PET FOOD: The issue of pets on Pesach is a complicated one. There are several options: 1. The pet is given, for the week of Pesach, to a gentile who can feed it whatever food is available. 2. Since no hametz is allowed in our possession on Pesach, one could feed the pet either Kosher for Passover pet food, pet foods with no grain, or food off your own table which is already Kosher for Passover. Incidentally, kitniyot would be permissible. 3. Some authorities allow for the pet to be sold along with the hametz and, since the pet does not belong to the Jewish owner, regular pet food would be fed. Note that the document of sale would have to include the pet as well as hametz. If you have these pet foods in your home be careful to keep them away from the general kitchen area. Washing of pet utensils should be done out of the kitchen area (e.g., a bathroom sink). April 2016 Congregation Sons of Israel Page 31 NON-FOOD ITEMS: Any detergents, cleaners, etc. which are not a food stuff and which are not eaten, may be used for Pesach with no hekhshered supervision. This would include: aluminum products; ammonia; baby oil; bleach; candles; contact paper; charcoal; coffee filters; fabric softener; isopropyl alcohol; laundry and dish detergent; oven cleaner; paper bags; paper plates (with no starch coating); plastic cutlery; plastic wrap; polish; powder and ointment; sanitizers; scouring pads; stain remover; water with no additives; wax paper. AUTHORIZATION FOR THE SALE OF HAMETZ I hereby authorize Rabbi Steven C. Kane to sell the hametz in my possession, including my home, place of business and elsewhere in accordance with the requirements of Halacha (Jewish law). Name: _____________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Signature: _____________________________________________________________ PLEASE COMPLETE AND RETURN THIS FORM TO: Rabbi Steven C. Kane CSI OR EMAIL TO: RABCSI@AOL.COM 1666 Pleasantville Road Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510 Page 32 Congregation Sons of Israel Remember to thank the vendors who donated raffle prizes for our Vegas Night by patronizing their businesses! We will feature a selection each month: East Meet West Flowers in Pleasantville. Exquisite and unique floral design by master florist, Jan Gordon. (914) 769 -1151 Fred Astaire Studio in Tarrytown , (914) 366 - 4695 Budget Blinds (Also a CSI Bulletin advertiser). See Page 35 Holbrook Cottage in Briarcliff Manor, (914) 944 - 0734 Dog Walking by Geri Desandre, (914) 774 - 1938 PLEASE SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS April 2016 April 2016 Congregation Sons of Israel Page 33 Page 34 Congregation Sons of Israel April 2016 April 2016 Congregation Sons of Israel Page 35 BULLETIN ADVERTISING CSI bulletin advertising procedures: All CSI Bulletin advertisers can place COLOR ads. This will give our sponsors the opportunity to publish eye-catching ads that will pop off the pages. The on-line bulletin posted on CSI’s website now includes advertisements! CSI’s monthly bulletins reach over 600 local homes and businesses and is posted on our public website. If you shop at an advertiser from our bulletin, please remember to tell them that you saw their ad in the CSI bulletin! Are you interested in placing an ad of your own? Do you know of a local business you frequent or a new store in town which you think would benefit from placing an ad with us? Jolie Levy, our Bulletin Editor, will be glad to answer any questions and send you the ad rates. Jolie may be reached at 762-2700 or by emailing jolie@csibriarcliff.org. Our local businesses need our support. Congregation Sons of Israel 1666 Pleasantville Road Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510 www.csibriarcliff.org Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID White Plains, NY Permit No. 10086 Current Resident Or: David E. Weiss, D.D.S. Jewel A. Weiss, D.D.S. General & Cosmetic Dentistry for Adults and Children Come see our new state-of-the-art office! 61 Sunset Drive Briarcliff Manor, NY Hi-tech Dentistry with a Caring Touch! (914) 941-1890
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march 2015 - Congregation Sons of Israel
1666 Pleasantville Road
Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510
Phone: (914) 762-2700