2015 Nov Newsletter


2015 Nov Newsletter
Santa Clarita’s Unitarian Universalist Congregation
November 2015
Sunday, Nov 1st, 10:30 am
Sunday, Nov 8th, 10:30 am
Sunday, Nov 22nd, 10:30 am
“Day of the Dead”
“Century of the Living”
Rev. Peter Farriday
Rev. Peter Farriday
“So Thankful for Our
This Sunday marks the
observance of Dia de los
Muertos, or Day of the Dead.
This coincides with the
Christian tradition of All Saints
Day, and All Souls’ Day follows
on Monday. In this autumnal
spirit of remembering that all
living beings die, we gather to
remember, mourn, honor and
celebrate our departed loved
ones. You are warmly
invited to bring photos or
other mementos for our
altar, and any Jack
O’Lanterns you or your
young ones carved for
On Day of the Dead we
remember our loved ones. It’s
also important to remember
that as a percentage of world
population in each century,
conflict-related deaths in the
twentieth occurred at a rate
nearly three times that of the
nineteenth. Some of these were
U.S. soldiers—and as we honor
Veteran’s Day, we also ask how
we can make the twenty-first
century the Century of the
Sunday, Nov 15th, 10:30 am
“Rediscovering Henrik
Elinor McGrew
Services are held at the SCV Senior
Center, 22900 Market St. in Newhall
(1/2 block from Newhall Ave.)
Searching to find that single self
I once was, I go back to my
Scandinavian roots and
rediscover Henrik Ibsen,
famous Norwegian dramatist, to
share with you. He gave us a
fresh dramatic view that
changed the world stage.
Rev. Peter Farriday &
McKenzie Thomas
Unitarian Universalism is one
island of religious tolerance in
what sometimes seems a sea of
religiously motivated
intolerance. It begins with
blessing instead of sin, and
encourages people to grow into
their fullest potential rather
than shaming them into
conformity and the denial of
their authentic personhood.
This is sacred work—and as
Thanksgiving draws near, we
rejoice and offer thanks for our
life-affirming faith.
Sunday, Nov 29nd, 10:30 am
“Once Upon a Time −
Michael Eselun
Popular guest speaker and
UCLA Oncology Chaplain,
Michael Eselun, will explore the
meaning and hidden gifts that
may lie in our stories, just
waiting to be told again.
Minister’s Message:
“Remembrance and
Meanwhile, if you’re interested in witnessing state of
the art carvings, the eye-popping exhibition Rise of
the Jack O’Lanterns runs through Nov. 1 at
Descanso Gardens in La Canada/Flintridge. My kids
and I went last year, and I highly recommend it for
both adults and
Rev. Peter Farriday
In last November’s newsletter I related the tale of
the Great Pumpkin Blizzard of ’91 in my home towns
of Saint Paul/Minneapolis. (I don’t know if anyone
else has called it that, but if the snow chapeau fits….)
After Day of the
Dead we’ll again
turn to the land of
the living. And while
once more I won’t
share details here, I really want to encourage you to
attend a different kind of commemoration and
celebration service on Nov. 22. Our topic is of course
gratitude and Thanksgiving, but with an
extraordinary and blessed surprise twist that I can’t
wait to experience with all of you. This time just
bring your open hearts, which I almost guarantee
will be touched in a very special way.
Once again I doubt we’ll see anything like that our
way come Halloween. (Rats! Um, so to speak….)
But if you’ve noticed the days getting shorter lately
(as of this writing we’re at 23.07 hours), you know
that snow or no, autumn is a’creepin’ in.
For the moment, however, let me summon the spirit
of Thanksgiving to express my heartfelt thanks for
all that you do for our congregation and our
community. The days are getting shorter (uh-oh,
we’ve dropped to 22.98 hours since I began this
note), but the radiance you bring to my and other’s
lives through your myriad contributions continues to
expand. It is a gift and a privilege to serve as your
One of my favorite seasonal activities has always
been carving pumpkins to create Jack O’Lanterns.
But since our Nov. 1 service is the morning after
Halloween, I encourage our children and the youngat-heart who carved any to bring their Jack
O’Lanterns to the service. As this service also
marks our Day of the Dead commemoration, I
encourage you to bring photos or other
mementos of departed loved ones for our
remembrance altar as well.
Beaucoup Blessings!
Rev. Peter Farriday
Our Welcoming
November Birthdays
The Membership Team
This religious community is united by a
commitment to the values reflected in our Seven
Principles and we are enriched by diversity. No
matter your background, your sex, age, ethnicity,
social or economic status, no matter your religious
or political perspectives, your sexual orientation or
gender identity or expression, if those values speak
to your heart and mind - you are home!
Rich Jaffke
Linda Lott
Sean King
Trish Lester
Ingrid Van Dorn
Member Anniversaries
The Membership Team
Listening Assistance
Diane Geary
Marilyn Logan
Want to use a listening assistance device? Speak to
someone at the Welcome Table.
Recorded Sermons
Children’s Religious
Listen to ALL recent sermons at:
Valerie Swanson is taking on the temporary role as
the RE (Religious Exploration) Coordinator for
children and will be teaching with Diane Geary.
Please let her know if you would like to help out with
assisting in the classroom with the wonderful
younger members and attendees of our
Board of Trustees Members
Rich Jaffke
Chris Hankla
Barbara McCoy
Judy Thomas
Diane Tamburello
Deana Perozzi
Kirby Peterson
Amazon Holiday Shopping
Supports UU of SCV!
Vice President
Barbara McCoy, Treasurer
It is coming – the holiday season is fast
approaching. Many of us go to the internet for gifts
and supplies to reduce the stresses of mall shopping.
You are encouraged to use Amazon.com by accessing
their site through our website (uuofscv.org).
When you do so your church community receives a
return. Whatever the size of your purchase the
dividends add up and help us meet our
commitments. Thank you for your support – and
happy shopping.
Kevin Ratliff regretfully resigned his position on the Board
at the end of September. At the October Board meeting
Kirby Peterson graciously accepted appointment to fill
Kevin’s vacated position until its completion in June of 2016.
Builders Need Materials
Curious About Hosting a
Worship Service?
Trish Lester
Rev. Peter Farriday
A “Worship Host” leads the service on those
Sundays that Rev. Farriday is not with us. They don’t
give the sermon, but offer the Welcome, the Reading
and Closing Words, introduce the hymns, etc. They
also consult beforehand with the Guest Speaker and
Music Director Scott Roewe to make sure all the
pieces are in place before Sunday morning comes.
If this sparks your interest, join Rev. Farriday and
members of the Worship Team for a “Curiosity
Session” after our November 8th service from
Noon to 12:45 p.m. at the Senior Center.
Bring your curiosity and questions, and learn more
about this important and rewarding role. We hope
to see you there!
Share your experiences, ideas and suggestions to
help construct a strong foundation for UU of SCV.
Use the suggestion box on Sunday mornings or
contact a member of the BUILDERS Task
Force…and be heard! Task Force members (Trish
Lester, Lucy Bates, Maya Loch, Chris Hankla and
Judy Thomas) are currently working on job
descriptions, church bylaws, report templates,
communication flow, the collection of current team
policies/practices, and more. What would YOU
suggest to enhance YOUR volunteer experience?
Call for Testimonials
Maya Loch
We'd like to add a few short testimonials to the new
website. These will help visitors understand how our
congregation nourishes us as individuals, as well as
connecting us with community. It will also allow
visitors to relate to us in a more personal way. This
is your chance to let people know what our
congregation does to enhance your life.
Wanted: Photographers
and Graphic Artists
Testimonials should be heart-felt and rather short
(no longer than about 5 sentences).
Testimonials from your children are also welcome about Religious Exploration and about UU of SCV in
general. Please indicate first name and age.
Maya Loch
We are updating our website and need some artistic
help. If you are a photographer or graphic artist, or
Flash animator, and would like to help, contact
Maya at UU.in.action@gmail.com.
Recommendations are also appreciated.
Please send testimonials to Maya at
Social and Environmental
Religious Exploration
Valerie Swanson
Barbara Cogswell
Single Mothers Outreach has been chosen to receive
the 3rd Sunday Special collection on November 15th.
Da Anne Smith, Director of the organization, will
speak briefly on services they provide. As their name
implies and recent news in our local paper confirms,
they serve a very needy portion of our city’s
homeless population. I know you will be as generous
as you can.
UU of SCV Treasurer Barbara McCoy reports that
although attendance was lower than usual on
Sunday the 18th, over $200.00 was collected for the
Samuel Dixon Clinic. I am reminded once again at
how fortunate we are to have such a wonderfully
generous congregation.
No 5th Sunday Forum will be held in the months of
November and December 2015.
A note on Family Promise: As only 9 churches are
currently hosting, (providing space to sleep FP
families), they will each be hosting more frequently
than in the past, about 6 times a year. As we have as
a congregation agreed to assist St Stephens in
providing personnel and meals, our next
opportunity will be early in January, 2016. I will be
planning a meal for that week as well, so if you want
to come along and learn firsthand about the process,
let me know. I am available most Sunday’s after
services, or by email,
barbaracogswell1933@gmail.com and my phone
number is in the UU Directory. Barbara McCoy and
I prepared and served a meal on October 27th
partially funded by a contribution by Elinor
McGrew. Kirby Peterson was Evening Host for that
same evening.
With the changing of the seasons from Summer to
Fall - which we know here because the temperature
plummets to 90° - the “RE” (Religious Exploration)
classes spent October learning about the effects of
nature during autumn.
Some of the month's highlights were: Diane Geary
took her class to visit the bison in Hart Park behind
the Senior Center and Dante Batong flexed his art
skills crafting a rock (see photo). One class worked
on a special project for the upcoming Harvest
Dinner on November 14th and the fruits of their
labor will be contributed and sold at the event!
You may contact either of them to discuss donations,
food, assisting with set-up or clean-up, etc.
Let us join together to celebrate another wonderful
year of fellowship!
“New 2 UU” Orientation
Sunday, November 29, 2015, 11:50-1:10 pm, at
the SCV Senior Center, 22900 Market Street,
Newhall, CA 91321. Come and explore with us the
historical origins and evolving character of Unitarian
Universalism. Discover how it is firmly rooted in the
past, yet still dynamically changing to embrace the
present. “New2UU” is an opportunity to gain an
overview, ask questions, and talk about membership
at UU of SCV. Participation is open to anyone
curious to learn more about this “free faith,”
including those who may be considering joining this
Saturday, November 14, 2015
5:00 pm
St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church
24901 Orchard Village Rd.
Santa Clarita, CA 91355
Kindly RSVP by November 26, 2015
to Chris Hankla & Diane Tamburello at 661-2688433, uugals@ourtrailsend.net
We hope you will plan to be there. Childcare can be
arranged with advanced notice.
Book Club
The dinner is pot-luck. If you prefer to donate cash
or check to help cover the costs associated with this
dinner, you can do that as well.
John & Susan Cooper
This year it will be BYOB of wine (if you wish) to
enjoy with your dinner or share with the table –
wine glasses will be provided.
This is our biggest fundraiser of the year and your
donations to the silent auction are greatly
appreciated. Items should be given to Kirby
Peterson kpeters46@gmail.com or Deana Perozzi
johndeana@sbcglobal.net as soon as possible.
The Book Club selection for November is Our Souls
at Night by Kent Hauf. This novel tells the story of
two elderly residents of a small Midwest community.
Game Night
Both of their spouses have died and they decide to
live together for comfort and companionship. They
find they must deal with the small mindedness of
their families and neighbors. One review states,
“Their brave adventures – their pleasures and their
difficulties are hugely involving and truly resonant.”
Beth Jenkins
Due to the holidays, Game Night will not be held in
the months of November and December. Any
questions please contact Beth Jenkins, 661-4782036. Happy Holidays, and we look forward to
seeing all the "players" in January!
The Book Club will meet on Wednesday and
Thursday, November 18th and 19th at six
o’clock at the Coopers. Read the book and then
come and enjoy good food, good company and
conversation about good books.
For more information, contact John Cooper
Junior High / Middle School
Camp (grades 6 – 8) at
deBenneville Pines
Susan & John Cooper
Rev. Peter Farriday
Just-4-Flavor is the International Dining Group that
dines out once a month at a local ethnic restaurant.
The purpose is to have a chance to socialize together
and to support local businesses. It is a good event
for old friends to get together and for new UUs (or
anyone who is curious!) to meet other members.
Friday afternoon Nov. 20 through
Sunday noon Nov. 22
Valiant young campers will journey to a distant
mountain and join forces with unexpected allies in
“Camp Epic QUUest!” Together they will search for
the power of the Sacred Chalice, fight the dragon of
injustice, and collect dragon eggs by moonlight in
the Night Hunt. (Yes, there will be dragons!)
The dining destination is often not known at press
time and that is the case again this month.
However, wherever we dine it will be on Tuesday,
November 17th.
Check with John or Susan Cooper to see where we
will be dining. cooper91355@gmail.com or
Our District’s beautiful camp is located at 6,800 feet
on National Forest land near Angelus Oaks, CA,
approximately 120 miles east of Santa Clarita. The
cost for lodging, food and the program is $145. For
more information and to register, go to uucamp.org
and click “Junior High” on the left-hand column, or
phone camp at (909) 794-2928.
Drum Circle Continues
Beth Jenkins
Important: While the majority of campers will likely
be affiliated with a UU congregation, this is not
mandatory. Anyone who agrees to abide by the
camp’s behavioral covenant is welcome, so invite
your friends and neighbors!
After a month because of camp, we look forward to
playing our rhythms together again on November
20th at 7 pm, at my house. Contact me at:
newbethj@yahoo.com .
(Most Recent at www.UUofSCV.org)
18/19 Book Club, 6 pm, at the Coopers’ House
Just-4-Flavor Dinner – 6 pm
Drum Circle, 7 pm, Beth Jenkin’s house
“Poets-in-Person” Poetry Group,
9:45 am
Sunday Service
“Day of the Dead” – Rev. Peter Farriday,
Sunday Service
“So Thankful for Our Faith” – Rev.
Peter Farriday and McKenzie Thomas, 10:30 am
10:30 am
Worship Team, 12:00 pm, Senior Center
Board Meeting, 1:00 pm.
Sunday Service
“Once Upon a Time - Again”, Michael
Eselun, 10:30 am
Membership Team, 4 pm, Lois Linnert’s home
“New 2 UU Orientation”, 11:50 am, Senior
Sunday Service
“Century of the Living” – Rev. Peter
Farriday, 10:30 am
No Game Night will be held in Nov or Dec. It will return
in January.
Social & Environmental Justice Team,
12:00 pm
Worship Host “Curiosity Session”,
12 noon, Senior Center
Harvest Dinner & Silent Auction,
LOCATION, 5 pm at St. Stephen’s Episcopal
Church, 24901 Orchard Village, Santa Clarita
Services are held at the SCV Senior Center, 22900
Market St. in Newhall (½ block from Newhall Ave.)
Sunday Service
“Rediscovering Henrik Ibsen” – Elinor
McGrew, 10:30 am
UUnity Celebration Suppers
Valerie Swanson
Sunday Services
The first UUnity Celebration Suppers, Elinor
McGrew's brilliant idea, organized by Valerie
Swanson, attracted nearly three dozen folk who all
had a grand time. Tables of five to eight people
gathered at individual tables, allowing us to get to
know one another better in small-group, intimate,
homey gatherings.
Special thanks to our volunteer supper hosts: Sally
White & co-host Valerie Swanson, Rick & Linda Lott,
Bob Maitino & co-host Chris Hankla, John & Susan
Cooper, Elinor McGrew with co-host Barbara
McCoy, and to Reverend Peter Farriday for visiting
each supper with a salutation and a blessing.
Fifth Sunday Forum:
Fracking in Southern California
Camp deBenneville Pines
Halloween Party