newsletter - Unitarian Universalists of Santa Clarita Valley


newsletter - Unitarian Universalists of Santa Clarita Valley
Unitarian Universalist
Congregation of Santa Clarita
Serving Santa Clarita Valley, California and Surrounding Areas
January Theme:
Wisdom for a
New (Y)Era
Sunday, Jan 4 at 10:30 am
Setting the Prisoners Free
UUSCV Minister Peter Farriday
The start of a new year is often a time to set intentions
around things in ourselves and our lives that we would
like to improve. But in order to effectively ring in the
new we need to release the old, including any regrets
and resentments that we might hold toward another—
or ourselves. The familiar word for this releasing is
forgiveness... and practicing it can free our souls.
Sunday, Jan 11 at 10:30 am
The Balancing Act Called Life
Rich Jaffke
Acrobats and dancers know the importance of balance.
But it our lives we must balance everything – family
and career, the physical, mental and spiritual. Just as
you need balance in walking through a forest, you need
balance in walking through life. Life balance heavily
influences your focus, your success and your
happiness. What does life balance really mean and
what can you do to achieve greater life balance?
Mid-Year Congregational Meeting – After the
January 2015
Sunday, Jan 18 at 10:30 am
A Wider, Wiser Vision
UUSCV Minister Peter Farriday
Research by scholars who study morality indicate that
religion both “binds and blinds.” That is, it bonds
people by creating communities with shared moral
perspectives; but that same binding function also
blinds community members to the possible moral
validity of alternative perspectives. This has always
been a source of conflict, and in our shrinking global
village such conflicts have intensified. What, if
anything, can be done about this? (Your minister’s
responses may surprise you!)
Third-Sunday Charity – The collection this week will
be for Santa Clarita Boys & Girls Club.
Sunday, Jan 25 at 10:30 am
UU Justice Ministry
Our guest speaker, Evan Junker (pronounced “Yūn′kër”), is the Executive Director of UUJMCA ─ the UU
Justice Ministry of California. Areas addressed by
UUJMCA include: economics, environment,
immigration, and LGBTQ. Mr. Junker will be available
after the service for additional discussion.
Poets-In-Person presents a poetry reading today.
Services are held at the SCV Senior Center, 22900 Market
St. in Newhall (1/2 block from Newhall Ave.)
For ALL AGES. All are welcome!!!
Minister’s Message:
from both a personal and collective perspective.
February’s theme is “Rainbow Luminescence,”
which examines aspects of our multi-cultural
society, and includes UU of SCV’s own
“Luminescence” celebration (about which I’m
personally looking forward to learning more.)
March investigates the power of spiritual practice.
In solidarity with Earth Day on April 22, we’ll focus
that month on our “Sacred Earth.” May is National
Mental Health Awareness Month, and we’ll examine
how spirituality might contribute to mental and
emotional well-being. And while there’s not a June
theme per se, it will certainly include a Celebration
of our year together!
Ordaining a New Year
UU of SCV Minister, Peter Farriday
I hope that each of
you enjoyed a
wonderful holiday
season, and wish
for you and yours
the happiest of new
years in 2015.
I also want to thank
you for your warm
congratulations on
my passing muster with the UU Ministerial
Fellowship Committee last month. The banner and
balloons and cake when I returned to the pulpit on
December 21st were such pleasant surprises, and
your thoughtfulness helped my holiday season get
off to a wonderful start. I felt truly recognized and
nurtured. (And the cake was delicious, Lois! :)
Which brings me back to ordination. I’ll celebrate
mine sometime this spring, at which time you can
again unfurl the “Congratulations” banner with
which you honored me in December—but this time
with the “almost” in front of “Reverend” removed.
(Finally!) When I set a date, you will be among the
first to know.
Again I wish for you and yours a healthy and
satisfying 2015, one chock full of...
That very afternoon I also had the pleasure of
attending the ordination of Sara LaWall. Sara is the
Director of Religious Education at Neighborhood
UU Church in Pasadena. We were seminary
students together and both graduated in May. And
you may recall that I did my ministerial internship at
Neighborhood, so we were also colleagues there.
Beaucoup Blessings!
Peter Farriday
Ordination is the rite whereby a UU congregation
(or co-sponsoring congregations) confers on a
person the title and office of minister. Sara’s was a
beautiful and powerful example, and I mention it
because ordinations are also occasions that remind
one of what our liberal religious tradition is all
about. Things like freedom; justice; healing;
helping; learning; bonding; including; honoring;
awakening; grieving; celebrating; blessing. In a
culture packed with distractions and trivialities, it is
my great blessing to share in such profoundly “real”
experiences with all of you.
The congregation is very proud of you, Peter!
Hence I look forward to exploring our upcoming
monthly themes together. In January we’ll begin
with “Wisdom for a New (Y)Era,” which we’ll look at
Best wishes for a happy celebration on your special
day and a great year to follow--plus many, many
This religious community is united by a
commitment to the values reflected in our Seven
Principles and we are enriched by diversity. No
matter your background, your sex, age, ethnicity,
social or economic status, no matter your religious
or political perspectives, your sexual orientation or
gender identity or expression, if those values speak
to your heart and mind - you are home!
Want to use a listening assistance device? Speak
to someone at the Welcome Table.
To hear and share audio recordings of past
worship services, go to and click on
Come to Class and …
Have Fun!
Susan Cooper
The RE team is inviting volunteers to teach or assist
in our Chalice Children and Handy Kids classes, and
we are happy to offer plenty of support! We
welcome new teachers, but we are more in need of
assistants. And, the good news is that assistants do
not need to prepare lesson plans; they just need to
come to class and have fun!
The Membership Team
Jan. 4 Jan. 11 Jan. 18 Jan. 25 -
Kevin & Karen Ratliff
Bill Hallett
Val Swanson
Kirby Peterson & Dena Perozzi
Offering our friendship to the congregation’s
children by assisting in their classes is enriching for
both adults and children. It helps children know
they belong to a community of caring people, and it
helps adults know that they are participating in the
growth and development of future adult Unitarian
We thank all those who will be bringing food on
Sundays in January. This is the time to sign up to
bring food in February.
January Birthdays
Please consider volunteering to assist a few times.
We think you will be glad you did! Exploring our
faith with the children of our congregation is not
only fun, but a rewarding way to develop our
spirituality and live our principles.
The Membership Team
Jan. 14 Jan. 19 Jan. 20 Jan. 23 Jan 28 -
Luke Rigdon
Barbara Cogswell
Karen Ratliff
Stacey Williams
Diane Geary
Please contact Susan Cooper at 661 259-5486 (or at for more information.
UUSCV Membership
Still Openings for
Lay-Speakers MiniRetreat! Sign Up Now!
Chris Hankla
Jan. 3, 2010 - Richard Hitchcock
Jan. 19, 2014 - Elyse Leon-Reyes
Lesley Yadon
There are Still Openings! . . . for the Lay Speakers
Mini Retreat scheduled for January 24th.
Whether or not you have ever been a lay speaker
before, you are invited to attend this retreat
designed by minister Peter Farriday and lay speaker
Lesley Yadon, to guide and support lay speakers.
This will be a safe environment to explore the
process of writing and delivering a sermon. Stay
after to enjoy good company and food. Please RSVP
to Lesley Yadon: or
To a Just and Happy
New Year
Roselva Ungar and the
Social & Environmental Justice Team
All of us on the Social and Environmental Justice
Team and beyond extend our hopes and prayers that
the growing strength of the mobilizations for racial
justice, peace, a living wage, and the protection of
the environment will reach a “tipping point” in 2015.
Whether that point sends us downhill or restores
our faith and strength depends on our mutual
support and connection to the wider community’s
positive struggles.
We wish everyone a Happy and Healthy New Year as
we continue to educate ourselves and discuss these
issues together.
Scott Roewe and Monica Bowser led UU of
SCV Choir and volunteers singing traditional
holiday caroles at Sunrise Sterling Assisted
Living and Santa Clarita Adult Day Health Care
Center this month.
The Rev. Dr. Tom Owen-Towle, a minister,
musician, and magician, gave a wonderful
sermon “Staying Joyful During the HoliDaze”,
performed magic, and gave away some of his
books filled with wisdom and inspiration.
Hear the sermon here.
Your gift donations to the Antelope Valley
Children’s Bureau Toy Drive.
One of the Children’s Bureau workers helping a
mom pick out toys for her kids.
From Lesley Yadon: “A big THANK YOU to all
who contributed to the Children's Bureau Toy
Drive! With your help we were able to give
gifts to over 1,400 youth in the Antelope Valley
including 400 teenagers.”
The Holiday Party was lots of fun, as was the
White Elephant Gift Exchange. Barbara
Cogswell won a Nutcracker-on-a-RockingHorse Ornament.
Our Minister Peter Farriday ─ who passed his
minsterial exams and will be able to called
“Reverend after his ordination this spring
(thus the sign “Congratulations almost
REVEREND Peter!” on page 2 of this newsletter)
─ tied it all together for us for the season
with his sermon, “Divine Presence”.
Hear the sermon here.
Scott Roewe conducted the Isaura String
Quartet, Sara Brown was the Worship
Associate, Monica led on piano, and the UU of
SCV Choir ─ and the congregation ─ sang
holiday classics during our All-Music Service.
Hear the music recording here.
McClements, who can be reached at:
If you are able to help by donating supplies,
or your time to set up or tear down, please let
her know as soon as possible.
Our First
Members of the SCV Foodies Group will judge the
competition. The winner of best chocolate themed
dish will be awarded a trophy. All of the proceeds
will benefit the work of the Unitarian Universalists
of Santa Clarita.
Eve Bushman
“New 2 UU” Orientation
Chris Hankla
Sunday, January 11, 2015
12:00-1:15 P.M
At the Chalice Center
22916 Lyons Avenue, Suite 2B
Newhall, CA 91321
Come and explore with us the origins of
Unitarian Universalism to understand how it is
firmly rooted in the past, yet still dynamically
changing to embrace the present. Learn more about
the polity of our church and ways that you can
become more involved. This will be an opportunity
to ask questions, to get an overview of UU history
and its evolving identity, and to talk about
membership at UU of SCV.
Please join the Unitarian Universalists of Santa
Clarita Valley ( as they warm
those with “many hearts, many beliefs” in their first
Chocolate Cook Off. The event will be held at the
SCV Senior Center on January 18, 2014 at 11:45
Participation is open to anyone: members, folks who
are simply curious to learn more, as well as those
individuals who may actually wish to join.
Members of the community are welcome to try all of
the entries at the tasting. The cost to enter is $10;
adult guests will be asked for a minimum $10
donation and $5 for children under 12. Drinks will
be available for purchase for a nominal donation.
Anyone may enter the contest. Contact Eve
Bushman at for further details
on entering your chocolate themed appetizer, main
dish, non-alcoholic beverage or dessert. (Between
1/3 and 1/11 the contact person is Larry
Attendance does fulfill a requirement for
membership but it does not mean you have to join!
Kindly RSVP by January 9, 2015 to Chris &
Diane at 661-268-8433, .
We hope you will plan to be there. Childcare can
be arranged with advanced notice.
Book Club
John & Susan Cooper
The Book Club selection for January is In the Heart
of the Sea: The Tragedy of the Whaleship Essex by
Nathaniel Philbrick. The story of the Essex was as
well known to people in the 19th century as the story
of the Titanic was to people of the 20th century. In
the Heart of the Sea is a riveting story of whaling
and survival and is hard to put down. The book is
also the Book of the Year for the SCV Library. We
will be reading and discussing the book when many
other friends of the library will be doing the same.
The Book Club will meet at six o’clock at the
Coopers’ home on Wednesday and Thursday,
January 21st and 22nd. Read the book, let John or
Susan know what night you would like to come and
then enjoy good food, good company and
conversation about good books.
District Assembly 2015
Save the dates of April 24-25, 2015 for the
annual District Assembly, to be held this year at
Valley Unitarian Universalist Congregation in
Chandler, AZ. Our theme is "The Vitality of
Interdependence," and we have an exciting
keynote speaker. The Rev. Scott Tayler,
Director of Congregational Life, will bring a
vision of the future of Unitarian Universalism.
Scott will share his perspective on the
importance of our interdependence as we move
forward in sharing our Unitarian Universalist
John & Susan Cooper
The Just for Flavor outing in December was very
tasty. If you haven’t had a chance to eat at Pizza del
Sardo, you might give it a try for excellent Italian
food. The dining destination for January is yet to be
decided. The recon team is out looking and will have
a destination soon. Wherever we dine, it will be on
Tuesday January 13 at six o’clock. Contact John or
Susan for more information about January’s
If you are interested in proposing a workshop
for this year's District Assembly, please see the
PSWD website or click HERE for a proposal
Drum Circle
Renee Foley
After a month off for the holiday season, Drum
Circle returns on Friday, January 16. Refresh your
spirit and calm your mind by attending. Make it a
21/22 Book Club, 6 pm, Coopers’ house
(Find the Most Recent Calendar Information on
the website)
Game Night, 6:30 pm, Chalice Center
Lay Speakers’ Mini-Retreat, 9:30 – 12:30
pm, Chalice Center
Sunday Service
“Setting the Prisoners Free”,
Sunday Service
“UU Justice Ministry”, Evan Junker from
UU Justice Ministry of CA, 10:30 am
Minister, Peter Farriday, 10:30 am
Worship Team, 12:15 pm, Chalice Center
Board of Trustees Meeting, 1:30 pm, CC
Every Thursday (INCLUDING January 1st):
Mindful Meditation, 7:30 pm, Chalice Center
Membership Team, 4 pm, Chalice Center
“Poets-in-Person” Poetry Group,
9:45 am, Chalice Center
Sunday Service
“Guest Speaker”, Rich Jaffke,
Services are held at the SCV Senior Center, 22900
Market St. in Newhall (½ block from Newhall Ave.)
The church is for ALL AGES.
10:30 am
UU of SCV Chalice Center (CC) is at 22916 Lyons
Ave, Suite 2B, in Newhall. Chalice Center Office
Manager Hours – Tues & Thurs, 3 to 5 pm
Mid-Year Congregational Meeting, after
the service
New to UU Orientation, 12 noon, Chalice
Social & Environmental Justice Team,
12:30, Senior Center
Outreach Team, 12:30 pm, Stacey’s office
Just-4-Flavor Dining, 6 pm
Drum Circle, 7 pm, Chalice Center
Sunday Service
“A Wider, Wiser Vision”,
Minister Peter Farriday, 10:30 am
Chocolate Cook-Off, 11:45 am, SCV
Senior Center
Ad Text and Ad in Magazine of Santa Clarita, December 2014, page 29
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Article in the Worship Guide of The Magazine of Santa Clarita, December 2014, page 25
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