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T h e
The Flame
Unitarian Universalist
Congregation of Santa Clarita
Serving the Santa Clarita Valley, California
October, 2014
October Theme:
The UU Path: Past, Present & Future
Sunday, October 5 at 10:30 am
Sunday, October 19, at 10:30 am
UUSCV Minister Peter Farriday
UUSCV Minister Peter Farriday
Courageous, perceptive, colorful characters
people the history of Unitarian Universalism’s
inception and development as a progressive
faith tradition. As part of the “Past and Present”
portion of our October theme, explore some
inspiring accounts of who and what has made
our UU tradition what it is today: a potent force
for justice, compassion, and inclusive
Unitarian Universalism draws from numerous
wells of spiritual wisdom, with general
consensus that the same sacred water feeds
every religious spring. By and large it is
therefore more open to evolutionary ideas and
practices than most religious institutions. Thus
UUs are far freer to question, interpret,
disagree, take risks, evolve... and create. Lucky
us! For it is invariably the power of creativity—
coupled to the loving heart—that forges a more
beautiful future.
Forging the Future
Really? I Never Knew That
Third-Sunday Charity – Our collection this week will
be for the Literacy Project
Sunday, October 12 at 10:30 am
It Could Be Worse
Michael Eselun
(Continue on Next Page)
Our favorite oncology chaplain will explore the
different dimensions and implications of a
coping strategy that we all use--the notion that
"it could be worse." What does it say about our
own suffering and the suffering of others.
Services are held at the SCV Senior Center, 22900
Market St. in Newhall (1/2 block from Newhall Ave.)
All are welcome!!!
compassionate actions. (Whether they had the
“intention” of making history is unclear... but they
darn sure weren’t pushed around by it!) So as part
of the “Past and Present” part of our theme, come
and explore some crucial pieces of what makes our
UU tradition what it is today.
Sunday, October 26 at 10:30 am
Jewels from Junk
Erik Felker
Hmmm... How do we do that? It sounds like
alchemy! Yes, an alchemy that works today,
even for Unitarian Universalists.
The second reason concerns the “Future” of our
UU path. For my part, I’ll be speaking more to
that on October 19. For your part... well, there are
countless things you could do (and are doing—
thank you very much!).
Poets-In-Person Poetry Reading Today
But one new thing you could also try would be
attending the Lay Preaching Mini-Retreat that
myself and Lesley Yadon, outgoing chair of the
Worship Team, are offering the morning of
Saturday, October 18. Whether you have
previously composed and delivered a sermon,
never even dreamed of it before, or fall somewhere
in between, if you have any curiosity at all about
the prospects you are more than welcome.
Minister’s Message
Peter Farriday
In my sermon of
September 21, The
Ethical Now, I cited
a passage about the
“prophethood of all
believers” by the late
James Luther
Adams, who was
perhaps the most
influential Unitarian
theologian and social ethicist of the twentieth
century. Here’s a portion of it again:
We will explore the process in a collaborative,
supportive environment—and Lesley and I
promise not to make you put your name on the
upcoming speakers schedule as you depart.
(Though deadlines can be wonderful motivators...
trust your new minister on this.)
Again the date and place is Saturday, October 18
from 9:30 am-12:30 pm in the Chalice Center. I
hope you will join us.
“The prophetic liberal church is not the church in
which the prophetic function is assigned merely to
the few. ...The prophetic liberal church is the
church in which all members share in the common
responsibility to attempt to foresee the
consequences of human behavior both individual
and institutional, with the intention of making
history in place of merely being pushed around by
And whether it may be in this form or another that
you exercise your prophetic muscles—that is,
“attempt to foresee the consequences of human
behavior both individual and institutional, with
the intention of making history in place of merely
being pushed around by it”—I am proud and
privileged to be on this journey of forging the
future with all of you.
I reprise Adams’ important words here for a
couple of reasons. First, because our October
theme is “The UU Path: Past, Present, Future.”
And my sermon on October 5th will relate stories
of prophetic people who made history—both
within and beyond UUism—by their brave and
Beaucoup Blessings!
Peter Farriday
This retreat will utilize a collaborative
environment to give tips on the creation and
delivery of sermons so come prepared to
actively participate! Please RSVP to Lesley at
lesleylou03@yahoo.com by October 16th.
This religious community is united by a
commitment to the values reflected in our
Seven Principles and we are enriched by
diversity. No matter your background, your
sex, age, ethnicity, social or economic status,
no matter your religious or political
perspectives, your sexual orientation or gender
identity or expression, if those values speak to
your heart and mind - you are home!
The Membership Team
We thank all those who will be bringing food on
Sundays in September:
October 5 - Bob Romer
October 12 - Melinda Lynch
October 19 - Beth Jenkins
October 26 - Marilyn Logan
Want to use a listening assistance device?
Speak to someone at the Welcome Table.
To hear and share audio recordings of past
worship services, go to uuofscv.org and
click on “Sermons”!
October Birthdays
The Membership Team
Rick Lott ............................. 10/13
Dru Hiller ........................... 10/23
Barbara Wilson ................... 10/27
Dante Batong ...................... 10/27
Roselva Ungar .................... 10/31
"Lay Speaker Mini
Best wishes for a happy celebration on your
special day and a great year to follow--plus
many, many more!
Saturday October 18th
9:30am to 12:30 pm at the
Chalice Center
President, Rich Jaffke
Vice President, Rick Lott
Secretary, Judy Thomas
Treasurer, Barbara McCoy
Member at Large, Max Batong
Member at Large, Diane Geary
Member at Large, Kevin Ratliff
Lesley Yadon and Peter Farriday extend an
open invitation to any and all who feel inspired
to share their truth in the form of a sermon to
attend this special mini retreat designed to
support lay speakers.
To contact any of our officers, please use their contact
information in the church directory. If you do not have
a church directory please call the church at 661-2547866.
Whether you have written and delivered a
sermon before, or are interested in this
experience for the first time, we welcome you.
UUSCV Membership
the good news that this catastrophe can be
stopped through several bills on carbon fees
with dividends to households. Lynne
Girdlestone passed out material on ways
families can reduce their carbon footprint and
learn more about the Citizens Climate Lobby
with 200 chapters and growing daily.
Many thanks to those who provided the
delicious organic, vegetarian lunch which kept
up our energy during the presentations.
(Barbara Cogswell, Elyse Reyes, Marilyn Logan,
Glenda Noakowski, Lynne Plambeck, Bob
Romer, Dru Hiller, Beth Jenkins, Roselva
Chris Hankla & Elyse Leon-Reyes
Dottie Healy..................... 10/2/2005
Louisa Stephen ................ 10/13/2013
A climate march in New York on September
21st, another in Los Angeles on the 20th, and
the United Nations Climate Summit on the 23rd
of September will underscore the emergency
and the agreement of 98% of the world’s
scientists that this is real and can be mitigated
to save our planet.
Climate Reality and
Ethical Eating
Roselva Ungar
The Social and Environmental Justice Team of
this UU congregation has been informing
ourselves through the viewing of several
episodes of “Years of Living Dangerously” at our
3rd Friday evening potluck and documentary
showing. Everyone is welcome to join in for that
and the Team meeting on the 3rd Sunday after
services, where we decide on either continuing
with the climate issue or begin another.
Over twenty five persons watched the slide
presentation of Andrew Ellis from the Climate
Reality Project showing the disastrous effects of
excessive carbon in our atmosphere. We have
all seen the unusual storms, floods, drought,
and fires on the nightly news but what can we
do about it? Mr. Ellis addressed the many
questions and recommended the website www.
Climate Reality Project.org.
Cher Gilmore from the Citizens Climate Lobby
spoke about the steps that are being taken and
Brittany Batong led a Labor Day weekend
circle service on the topic of Labor Day.
Roselva Ungar, Barbara Wilson and Bob
Thompson shared their thoughts and
provided great insights about the history
and meaning of the holiday.
Many attended the memorial service for
Evelyn Carpenter
Lesley Yadon presented “The Hero and
the Fool” The sermon can be heard here.
John Cooper presented “Changing
Changes”, about how the kinds of
changes that occur are themselves always
changing, and how that might impact our
spiritual lives.
Be sure to hear Peter Farriday’s inspiring
Sept 9th sermon, “Soul and Destiny” here.
Our minister, Peter Farriday, presented
“Ethics Now.” The sermon will soon be
posted to hear on-line. Check
www.UUofSCV.org and click on Sermons.
Beautiful Pulpit
Arrangements for Services
Teen Group
The Teen Group display the woven
bracelets they created.
On a national level, UUs continue to take
action and make history. For more
information, see the UUMFE Fall
Newsletter for stories, reflections and
helpful resources.
Annual UU of SCV
Halloween Party!
Susan & John Cooper
Weekly “Tapestry of
Faith” Adult Religious
Education (RE) Series
The annual family Halloween Party is always
fun. This year it will be on Saturday, October
25th. Costumes and children are encouraged,
so be at the Coopers' at seven o'clock for snacks,
games and a good time. Bring a finger food and
watch out for ghosts and goblins.
Stacey Williams
Social & Envir. Justice
Team Explores Food as a
Justice Issue through
Vegan Cooking Classes
Saturday, October 4th: Workshop 3: The
Collective Good
Saturday, October 11th: Workshop 4:
Cultivating a Virtuous Character
Saturday, October 18 – No class this day
Saturday, October 25th: Workshop 5: Natural,
Legal, and Human Rights
Roselva Ungar
Did you know that around 25% of humancaused carbon emissions can be linked to our
food choices? There are several factors that
contribute to a food's climate impact, including
the following: how low on the food chain it is,
how much energy is used to produce it (and
whether the food is grown organically or with
chemical inputs), and how far it has to travel
before it gets to the table. A diet low on the food
chain (plant-based) filled with locally grown
produce is the most significant step you can
take to reduce your carbon emissions.
Contacts for more info and to sign up are me at
661.210.6563, livinglife4ward@yahoo.com , or
Erik Felker at 818.845.0164,
ejfelker@dslextreme.com .
Join the Social & Environmental Justice Team
on an exploration of eating plant-powered
through a series of vegan cooking classes taught
by Dawn Schmaling. These classes will be held
once a month where you will learn to cook
delicious, vegan meals while becoming
informed of the benefits of eating a plant-based
“New 2 UU” Orientation
Chris Hankla
When: October 17th at 5:30 Where: TBA
Cost: $10 per class Contact: Please RSVP to
Dawn Schmaling at dawnms28@gmail.com
CROP Hunger Walk on
Oct 19th
Barbara Cogswell, Erik Felker, Roselva Ungar
Sunday, October 19, 2014
12:00-1:15 P.M
At the Chalice Center
22916 Lyons Avenue, Suite 2B
Newhall, CA 91321
Our church and its Social and Environmental
Justice Team has always supported CROP
Hunger Walk, taking place on October 19th . It
is a 2.5 miles walk, which will start at St.
Stephens Episcopal Church, 24901 Orchard
Village Rd. Registration time is 2 pm and the
walk will begin at 2:30.
Come and explore with us the origins of
Unitarian Universalism to understand how it is
firmly rooted in the past, yet still dynamically
changing to embrace the present. Learn more
about the polity of our church and ways that
you can become more involved. This will be an
opportunity to ask questions, to get an overview
of UU history and its evolving identity, and to
talk about membership at UU of SCV.
The CROP Hunger Walk funds local and
international projects to fight hunger, from
local food pantries to projects for wells and
providing tools and "starter" livestock for
farmers. The Walk is supported by the
Interfaith Council of Santa Clarita.
Participation is open to anyone: members, folks
who are simply curious to learn more, as well as
those individuals who may actually wish to join.
Participants can ask friends and family
members to sponsor them as they walk, or they
can be self-sponsoring. Contributions by nonwalkers are also gratefully received.
Attendance does fulfill a requirement for
membership but it does not mean you have to
join! Kindly RSVP by October 17, 2014 to Chris
& Diane at 661-268-8433,
For further information, to sign up, or to
donate, see Erik Felker, our delegate to the
Interfaith Council, (ejfelker@dslextreme.com or
at church any Sunday before the walk).
We hope you will plan to be there. Childcare can
be arranged with advanced notice.
Drum Circle
Friday Oct 17th at 7pm
Book Club
John & Susan Cooper
Beth Jenkins
The Book Club discovered that the book
selected for October, Paint by Numbers by
Mark Sublette, was only available via Kindle or
hardcopy. The hardcopy cost $36. We have
decided to read and discuss the next most voted
on book, The Second Amendment, a Biography,
by Michael Waldman. This book looks at the
“…history of the most controversial, volatile,
and misunderstood provision of the Bill of
Rights. It is a story of America’s enduring
debate over individual rights, race, and the role
of government.”
Relax and feel inspired as you are drawn in by
the inviting rhythms of your fellow drummers.
Instruments provided by our experienced Drum
Circle leader. Absolutely no experience
necessary! A small donation requested ($5).
At The Chalice Center, 22916 Lyons Ave., Suite
2B, Newhall.
LA/Valley Cluster Camp ─
The Book Club will meet at the Coopers’ home
at six o’clock on Wednesday and Thursday,
October 22nd and 23rd. Please let John or
Susan know what day you would like to come so
they can balance out the attendance. Then read
the book and come and enjoy good food, good
company and conversation about good books.
OUR Congregation’s
Camp Session ─ at
deBenneville Pines
Renee Foley
Just-4-Flavor Dining
John & Susan Cooper
The dining destination for the Just For Flavor
International Dining Group is the Bella Cucina
restaurant on Seco Canyon. Bella Cucina is
rated as one of the top five Italian restaurants in
the LA area. The menu is extensive and the
food delightful. We will meet at the restaurant
at six o’clock on Tuesday, October 14. Please let
John or Susan know if you plan to come so they
can make the appropriate reservation.
October 10-12, 2014
Sign Up Now!
Spend an idyllic weekend in the San Bernardino
Mountains with members of other L.A. area UU
congregations. Enjoy quality time with old
friends or make some new ones. There are
workshops, hikes, canoeing, archery, volleyball
and kid’s activities, or just relax by the fire in
Homet Lodge, sit on the porch with a book, or
soak in the hot tub. Perform in or just watch our
The UU of SCV newsletter is sent monthly to members,
friends and church visitors to keep everyone up to date
on what’s happening at UU of SCV. If you no longer
wish to receive this newsletter or feel you have received
this newsletter in error, please let us know to remove
you from the address list at info@uuofscv.org, 661254-7866. Thank you.
traditional Saturday night talent show. Cap off
the weekend with an inspirational Sunday
service under the pines and a gourmet Sunday
3663 Wilshire Boulevard
LA 90010
RSVP to me (Stacey) by Sunday November 2nd.
I am the contact person for anyone who needs
or can offer a ride.
The fee for the weekend includes
accommodations in cozy heated cabins with
bunk beds (a limited number of rooms with
double beds are available) and fully appointed
bathrooms, all meals, workshops and most
activities. All this for only $145 for adults, $95
for kids ages 4-17, and kids under 4 are free!
UU Legislative Ministry
is Now “UU Justice
Ministry of California”
The registration form is attached and more will
be available at services throughout September,
or contact Renee Foley at ladysew@excite.com
to request a form or for more information.
Beverly Schmidkunz Boido
Other Camp Sessions
Thank you for being a covenanting
congregation to UU Justice Ministry of
California (previously UU Legislative Ministry).
Your generous support sustains the work of
making UU voices and values part of the public
debate. Thank you for your recent
congregational contribution
Music in the Mountains
November 7 - 9
PSWD Junior High Camp – “Camp
MUUGLE” presents “MUUGS in Space”
October 24 - 26
PSWD Senior High Winter Camp
December 27 - January 1
Please make note of our current name and
UU Justice Ministry of California
1731 Howe Ave., #579
Sacramento, CA 95825
PSWD Elementary/Family Winter Camp
February 14 – 16
Gratefully yours,
Beverly Schmidkunz Boido, Administrator
UU Justice Ministry of California
Unitarian Universalist
of the Santa Clarita Valley
Jewish Sacred Texts 101
www.UUofSCV.org, info@UUofSCV.org
P.O. Box 800028, Santa Clarita, CA 91380
(661) 254-7866,
Stacey Williams
Jewish Sacred Texts 101 (a Guibord Center
Sunday, November 9th, 3:30 to 5:30 pm
Wilshire Boulevard Temple
Articles about matters involving the congregation are
welcome and prioritized according to the UU of SCV
newsletter policy. Submit proposed articles by the
20th of the prior month to rkamlet@ca.rr.com.
Sunday Service,
“Forging the Future”, Minister Peter
Farriday, 10:30 am, Senior Center.
(Find the Most Recent Calendar Information
on the www.UUofSCV.org website)
Collection for Family Promise
“New to UU” Orientation, 12 noon,
Chalice Center
Tapestry of Faith Adult RE, 9 am,
CROP Hunger Walk, 2 pm, St.
Stephen’s, Contact Erik Felker
Chalice Center
Board Meeting, 9 am, Rich Jaffke’s house
(Saturday meeting)
Sunday Service,
“Really? I Never Knew That”,
22/23 Book Club, 6 pm, Coopers’ house
Minister Peter Farriday
Worship Team, 12:15 pm, Chalice Center
Board of Trustees Meeting, 1:30 pm,
Chalice Center
Game Night, 6:30 pm, Chalice Center
Tapestry of Faith – Adult RE, 9 am,
Chalice Center
Halloween Party, 7 pm, Coopers’ house,
Membership Team, 4 pm, Chalice Center
Costumes & children encouraged!
10-12 UUSCV Camping Session, Camp
deBenneville Pines
Poetry Group, 9;45 am, Chalice Center
Sunday Service,
“It Could be Worse”, Michael Eselun,
Tapestry of Faith Adult RE, 9 am,
10:30 am, Senior Center.
Chalice Center
Program Council, 12:15 pm, Chalice Center
NAMI Los Angeles Walk for Mental Illness
Awareness – Contract Barbara Wilson for
Every Thursday:
AIDS Walks, LA
Sunday Service,
“Jewels from Junk”, Erik Felker,
Nov 9
Meditation, 7:30 pm, Chalice Center
Jewish Sacred Texts, Guibord Center
10:30 am, Senior Center.
Social & Environmental Justice Team,
12 noon, Senior Center
Outreach Team, 12:30 pm, Stacey’s office
Just-4-Flavor Dining, 6 pm
Vegan Cooking, 5:30 pm, location TBA,
Services are held at the SCV Senior Center,
22900 Market St. in Newhall (½ block from
Newhall Ave.) All are welcome!
The UU of SCV Chalice Center is at 22916
Lyons Ave, Suite 2B, in Newhall
$10, contact Dawn Schmaling
Drum Circle, 7 pm, Chalice Center
Chalice Center Office Manager Hours – Tues &
Thurs, 3 to 5 pm
Lay-Preaching Retreat, 9:30 am –
12:30 pm, Chalice Center