Publication - LeRoy Pennysaver
Publication - LeRoy Pennysaver
LE ROY PENNY SAVER & NEW S - APR IL 28, 201 Friday3 , April Visit Phon us at: ww e 585-7 68-22 w. le ro yn ME 79 01 • Fa y.c x 585-7 om 68-63 34 26th Pl Le Roy's ant A Tree Best Ad vertising Me VOLU dium NO. 20 FREE COMMU NITY PAPERS OF NEW APRIL www.ce darstre etonlin LE ROY 110 W. MA IN STREET PIZZA Fri. & Sat. r Stree Fam ily De Noon -11 Part $10.9 9 Expire + s 5-19-1 tax Not 3 valid with other M ea 2 7 99 1 Shee m offers l De al 13" Med w/1 Topp ium Chee ing, se 12 16 NEW ORBuffaloPizza Wing Bone s &2 Literless Wing Pop s $ Not valid Expire coupo with + tax n when other s 5-19-1 Coupo order offers. 3 n good Please ing. Tax menti at LeRoy not includ on store only. ed. $ Not valid coupo y De al t Pizza , Chee Buck 64 Boneet of 50 Buff se & 1 Topp ing, less Wing alo Wing s OR s&2 Liter s of Pop 19 99 Expire with + tax n when other s 5-19-1 Coupo order offers. 3 n good Please ing. Tax menti at LeRoy not includ on store only. ed. $ Not valid coupo 4 3 99 Expire with + tax n when other s 5-19-1 order offers. 3 Please ing. Tax menti not includ on ed. t • Bata via, NY Large nday Sp Cheese ecial Pizza + 1 Topp ing p.m. al 16" Larg Topp e ing, Cheese 24 Pizza 32 NEW ORBuffalo Wing Bone s &2 Literless Wing Pop s w/1 Mo IVER HOURS 11 a.m.-12 : Mon.-Thurs. 11 a.m.-11 Midnight p.m. - OPENIN G Sunday s, Owned 111 Ceda Hadd Fish ock Fry $ 9.25 • SU •W 76 www.ficarBS ellasp INGS izzale • PAST WE 8-4500 A DEL . 3 Of Summer! & Oper ated By Y our Frien Winter Hours Mon.-FNow In Effect ri. 8-5:00 , Sat. 8-2 14020 YORK 28, 201 ds & Neigh bors Since • 585-3 43-4899 1993. • www .cedarstre etonline. com The helpfu l pla ce. WE HA THE VE NE TABL W E FOR YO BACK UR YA PART RD Y! Gra AMISH FU At CROC RNITURE KER'S! Le Roy's Best Advertising Medium duation Parties Holida , Any Par y Parties (4th of ty. We Jul aweso me add have the tab y), Summe les r Parties ition to your dec & benches , for you k, patio , an or bac kyard! LeRoy Pennysaver & News • Phone 585-768-2201 • Fax 585-768-6334 VOLUME 80 FREE COMMUNITY PAPERS OF NEW YORK NO. 34 AUGUST 3, 2014 Orange Tag Sales Event RZ Lists PricT50S e $3,499 Sale Pric Every Cub Cadet riding mower, zero turn, roto-tiller and snow blower is on sale. Look for the bright orange tags on every model. Great financing options available. e 2,899 $ Sale is li mited to stock on hand only. Owned & Operated By Your Friends & Neighbors Since 1993. Summer Hours Now In Effect Mon.-Fri. 7-5:30, Sat. 7-4 RZT50S 111 Cedar Street • Batavia, NY 14020 • 585-343-4899 • LE ROY 110 W. MAIN STREET Haddock Fish Fry $ 9.89 Ball Jar Canning Special! The helpful place. PIZZA • SUBS • WINGS • PASTA 768-4500 WE DELIVER HOURS: Mon.-Thurs. 11 a.m.-11 p.m. Fri. & Sat. 11 a.m.-12 Midnight - OPENING Sundays, Noon -11 p.m. Monday Special Large Cheese Pizza + 1 Topping $11.99 + tax Expires 8-17-14 Not valid with other offers. We now offer a sweet version of our New! New! PIZZA SAUCE New! Upon Request! Le Roy, NY 768-2360 • Hours: M-F 7:30-8:00, Sat., 8:30-6:00 Sun. 9:00-5:00 LE ROY PENNYSAVER & NEWS - AUGUST 3, 2014 SEND AN INSTANT MESSAGE Vase of Fresh Flowers & Balloon! $40.00 (plus delivery & Tax) Happy Birthday, Happy Anniversary, Happy Graduation, GET WELL, I LOVE YOU Look at our WEBSITE for lots of ideas! Lakestreet Florist & Gift Shoppe We Deliver To: LE ROY, Byron, Bergen, Caledonia, Mumford, Pavilion, Wyoming, Stafford & Batavia Teleflora Wire Service For Family & Friends Out of Town 768-7720 110 Lake St., Le Roy Le Roy's Best Advertising Medium EDITOR/PUBLISHER David J. Grayson CIRCULATION HOURS: M-T 9-5:30 F 9-6:00 Sat. 9-4:00 8352 T-SHIRTS SWEATSHIRTS SPORTSWEAR NANCY CROCKER CALL LP Graphics 768-2201 Licensed Real Estate Salesperson Multi-Million Dollar Producer 570 East Main Street • Batavia, New York 14020 Office: 585.409.2115 Cell: 585.314.7982 • Fax 585.343.8502 Email: Website: tfn HOW TO CONTACT US STREET ADDRESS 1 Church St. Le Roy, NY 14482 TELEPHONE (585) 768-2201 FAX (585) 768-6334 WEBSITE Interesting Programs At Woodward Memorial Library CLASSIFIEDS COMMUNITY CALENDAR SUBMISSIONS EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONS DISPLAY AD SUBMISSIONS The Le Roy Pennysaver will not knowingly accept or publish advertising which is fraudulent or misleading in nature. The publisher reserves the right to reject or cancel any advertising. The Le Roy Pennysaver assumes no financial responsibility for typographical errors in advertisements, but if at fault, will reprint the portion of the ad in which the error appears. Style, size of type and location of advertisement are left to the discretion of the publisher. The opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the publisher. We cannot guarantee the return of photographs. © 2010 Le Roy Pennysaver The Buffalo Museum of Science presented a “Big Top” Science program at the Woodward Memorial Library on July 23. Pictured is a science experiment to see how many children would fit into this Hoberman Sphere. The answer, 13! Beaver Meadow Audubon Center in North Java brought a variety of cold-blooded critters to the Woodward Memorial Library on July 24. Pictured is a wood turtle. The children looked at and learned about snakes, toads, bull frogs, and a salamander. LE ROY PENNYSAVER & NEWS - AUGUST 3, 2014 Teaching Safety At LNS Let's Meet At The ... D & R Depot 63 Lake St. (Rt. 19), LeRoy • 768-6270 Open For Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner - 7 Days A Week 7 am-9 pm • Fax 768-2691 SUNDAY, AUGUST 3rd DINNER SPECIAL SHORE DINNER - $20.99 (includes seafood bisque soup, lobster tail, crab cakes, broccoli salad, beverage, and fresh strawberry shortcake) SPECIAL EVENT – AUGUST 2 and 3 Laura Ingalls Wilder Weekend at the Genesee Country Village and Museum SUNDAY. AUGUST 10th DINNER SPECIAL ROAST CHICKEN DINNER with homemade dressing - $15.99 (includes soup or salad, real mashed potatoes, beverage & dessert) SPECIAL EVENT – AUGUST 8, 9, 10 National Silver Base Ball Tournament At the Genesee Country Village and Museum The Depot’s new sister company, Double L Rentals - offering tables, chairs, heaters, bars, linens, dishes & catering supplies for your special occasions! 10% Discount when you use both the D & R Catering Services and Double L Rental for your event. Visit or call us at (585) 344-0023 LeRoy Nursery School had a special visitor from The Center for Missing & Exploited Children, Debra Ortiz Pardi. She visits every year doing a wonderful program on keeping our children safe. Safety is a priority at LeRoy Nursery School. Pictured here is the 2 Day Class. Some enjoying pajama day and some playing dress up while waiting to have their child IDs taken. Something very important for parents to have. TRIGON PARK Saturday, Aug. 9th 9:00 am-12:30 pm LOCAL • FRESH • DELICIOUS • NUTRITIOUS More variety arriving weekly as the growing season progresses. Support your neighbor! Buy Local! Jams, jellies, eggs, gluten free baked goods, Yancey’s Fancy Cheeses, Tracy’s Teas, Natural Dog Treats by Eva, Nunda Mustards, Once Again Nut Butters, First Light Creamery Cheeses and Yogurts, baked goods, organic produce, honey, maple syrup and fresh, locally grown produce. 8/2 Market - Strummerz will be in our Music Tent and LCCP will be in our Community booth with their quilt raffle. 8/9 Market - Folk ‘O The Road will be in our Music tent. • Le Roy Farmer's Market on Facebook The Clean Sweep 34 Main Street • LeRoy (585) 768-2250 Cleaning Service The Personal Preference Salon & Spa •Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning •Spot Cleaning & Odor Removal •Tile & Wood Floor Cleaning & Waxing •Braided & Area Rug Cleaning •Complete Janitorial Services 9300 Warsaw Road, Le Roy, NY Would like to welcome the very talented Kate Parmenter John M. Joy • Call 768-8497 eow to our Design Team Kate has been a hair stylist for 6 years Formerly of the MAIN ATTRACTION in Batavia Kate will be specializing in You can contact Family Hair Care • Updo’s at the Salon Mani’s • Pedi’s • Gel Nails Kate 768-2250 FALCONE FAMILY Funeral & Cremation Service, Inc. Vern C. Falcone Director / Owner 8700 Lake Rd. LeRoy, NY 14482 PO Box 187 8700 Lake Road LeRoy, NY 14482 Jenna M. Falcone Vern C. Falcone Funeral Director Director/Owner (585) 768-2400 (585) 768-2400 LE ROY PENNYSAVER & NEWS - AUGUST 3, 2014 LeRotar y Notes August Daily Bob Adams Automotive SPECIALS the parade. Tracy Ford was fined $5.00 for borrowing money from Bob Carlson to feed her jewelry obsession with festival vendors. Tom McGinnis paid dearly for catching a nap during this year’s fishing derby, the night after his 50-year Class Reunion with a $5.00 fine. Bob Carlsen didn’t quite get out of his recent traffic stop, the police officer said he “couldn’t ticket an 82 year old” President Randy had no trouble though citing him for a $5.00 just the same. This week’s program was an information filed presentation given by Bruce Baker on the Heroin Epidemic in Our Country. The talk covered every aspect of the opiate. Bruce went into detail defining the drug, giving a complete history of use along with the current state of addiction and chronic use of the narcotic. Thank you Bruce, for sharing your knowledge and research. Like us on Facebook at “Rotary Club of LeRoy” SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL ADVERTISERS! They help sponsor the local news section of the Le Roy Pennysaver. THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT! Helping Families Celebrate a Life Lived “Our Family Serving Yours Since 1907” Trusted • Honest • Proven Cameron, Brady & Steuber Funeral Home 111 Wolcott Street LeRoy, NY 14482 (585) 768-6800 • Monday Lube Oil Filter & Rotation - $24.95 Tuesday Alignments - $49.95 Wednesday NYS Inspections $15.00 Thursday All Brake Work 15% OFF Friday FREE Wash & Vac With Any Repair $50 or more Call Today For An Appointment - 768-9900 Or Stop By At 61 Lake St. LeRoy, NY Now Open Saturdays 8 am to Noon 8/3 PETER PANEPENTO Plumbing • Heating Installation & Repair Service For All Residential & Commercial Work 768-8788 eow Superior Flooring 30 North Main St. • Castile, NY Trish Kaczmarek 493-5760 • Bryan Geedy 727-1297 Serving you the best Price • Quality & Flooring around! •Carpet•Laminate •Fiber Floor•VCT •Vinyl •Hardware•Ceramic •Outdoor WBE Certified We have it all! FREE ESTIMATES 8/3 A noon time shower couldn’t dampen the weekly meeting at the Greens of LeRoy, Wednesday. Braving the rain along with our members were several guests. Joining us today were: Carol Wolfe’s granddaughter Catherine Lee, Christine Gephart’s son Alex and the Honorable Charles Dusen husband of June Dusen. This week’s announcements included: June reported that the LeRoy Historical Society will be holding a Euchre Night on September 20th. President Randy told us that there are plenty of opportunities for weekly programs and that the Area 14 Christmas Party in scheduled for January 2nd and Martha reminded everyone of the upcoming YWCA Wheels on Heels event. Tracy Ford gave the Club the report on another successful year at the Oatka Festival hot dog stand, also reporting that co-chairperson Scott McCumiskey will be next year’s chairperson. Lynn Freeman, David Grayson and Tim Moag were asked about their missed meetings, and only Tim had the use a green card. This week’s fining session was the result top notch investigative work by President Randy at this year’s Oatka Festival. Sam Vagg and Lauren Humphrey were fined $5.00 each for their superb work as new Festival Committee members. Sam Vagg was fined an additional $5.00 for being asked to “work the street” during Jamie’s LE ROY PENNYSAVER & NEWS - AUGUST 3, 2014 The KIWANIS CLUB of LeRoy-Pavilion-Stafford 2014 Community Service Scholarships Recipients Spencer Cottman Elizabeth Perrin Kathleen Saville Michelle Wright Heather Stefan Dakota Kegler Scholarship funds are provided through a series of fundraisers. Our Club extends a special thank-you to the following area businesses and individuals for your sponsorship of our annual July Golf Tournament, as well as participating golf teams. Special Thanks to the following people & business: D&R Depot - Catering Sweetland Pines - Facilities Dave Goodwin - Event Chairman Tompkins Bank of Castile Cameron Brady Funeral YN Goddess Liquor Batavia Legal Printing Remission Cafe Lake St. Florist Genesee Country Museum Pavilion Machine & Tool RW Taylor Trucking & Ex. C & C Archery Davis Trailer World Country Hill, Pavilion Stafford Trading Post Batavia Muckdogs LeRoy Fed. Credit Union S&S Limo Spencerport Kiwanis Batavia YWCA Red Osier Restaurant End of the Road Inn Ed Dudley Bill and Linda Thompson Doris Marsh John and Betsy Gremer Klever Construction Transformations Salon Ace Hardware Jazzy Creations Gardener’s Delight Farmer’s Wife Deli UCAN/C. Johnson Morgz Sawz & Stoves LB Grand Tom and Barb Radley Justin and Joanne Underwood Hans and Charlene Schoenenberger Sue Kinney LE ROY PENNYSAVER & NEWS - AUGUST 3, 2014 Town Supervisor Column AROUND TOWN by Stephen R. Barbeau Supervisor, Town of LeRoy (585)768-6910 x 231 I am very pleased to announce the formal creation of Water District #10. After a decade of work by many residents of the LeRoy-East Bethany/Wescott/Cole (west) Rd. area (NYS municipal law requires this to be a grassroots endeavor) to improve their water quality and quantity, the Town Board was able to facilitate this to successful completion! I am also pleased to announce the final adoption of a newly updated and revised Town Code. For the first time since 2001, our new code book is updated to include local laws passed since then, updated revisions to general NYS Municipal Law, standardizes language, and eliminates outdated information. Even more exciting, residents will now be able to access the entire code on-line by going to General Code Publisher’s (our contractor) web site ( – a link on the Town web site forthcoming). Click on eCode360, then NYS, then scroll down to Town of LeRoy (one note, Chapter A179 is still under review). Thank you to the Planning Board, Chairman Dawley, CEO Steinbrenner for their assistance on this project. Speaking of code, the Board has been petitioned by a group of residents to amend our current Noise Local Law (Chapter 105). Currently, there is a 9:00 PM “curfew” for conducting construction-type activities, operating power equipment (e.g., mowing the lawn), and other “unnecessary” noise activities that might disrupt neighbors. Their request is to move this PM time to 11:00 and their request is supported by the Planning Board’s recommendation (note: the Village time in their code is 11:00 PM). If you wish to comment on this proposal, please contact a Town Board member or attend the public hearing on August 28 at 7:00 PM. LeRoy Ambulance has also approached the Town Board. In sum, this service will no longer be able to sustain itself more than another year or two and needs substantial governmental subsidies to continue. LeRoy Ambulance, servicing only the Village and Town of LeRoy, maintains a 24/7/365 presence (one crew and vehicle available at all times), with a totally paid staff of about twenty-six, and a response time of 4-8 minutes. Due to labor costs, increasing fuel and equipment costs, and a huge decrease in government Medicare/Medicaid reimbursements (a large percentage of our ambulance calls), the revenues are no longer there. The County’s Mercy EMS service does provide backup service when LeRoy Ambulance is on another call but the average response time to LeRoy then increases to about 17 minutes. At present, it is estimated the initial year’s subsidy request ($60,000) would add about 16 cents per thousand of assessed property value to the tax rate. The current tax rate of .90 would move to $1.06 (just for ambulance- about $16.00 increase for a $100,000 home). The Town Board will be grappling with the following questions: Should the Town (Village) begin to subsidize LeRoy Ambulance? If not, will Mercy EMS be able to fill the void adequately? If so (subsidize), what is the best method to do so (create a “district” or straight budget line item)? How will LeRoy be impacted by the State’s tax cap (and now, tax freeze) legislation? Finally, LeRoy Business Council is sponsoring LeRoy Community Night at Dwyer Stadium on August 8 at 7:00 pm. Our Muckdogs play the New York Yankees affiliate from Staten Island, our champion Little League teams will be recognized, there are fireworks after the game, and a number of our merchants have graciously donated gift certificates for drawings between innings. Reduced price tickets ($5.50- cash only) are available at the Town Hall, LeRoy Federal Credit Union, Five Star Bank, and Tompkins Bank of Castile. Come join the fun, support community baseball, and support our local merchants. Thank you and see you Around Town (and at the ballgame)! FLOOR & HOME The ONE store for your perfect floor. Sale! CARPET ENTIRE LINE OF LEE’S ON SALE Select Styles Starting at ... 50% OFF Retail Installed With a 6# Pad 3 $ 29 Sq. Ft. • NO Exclusions - Stain & Soil Warranty • 25 Year Pet Stain Warranty Hurry • Free Estimates Limited Time! • Financing Available To Qualified Buyers Visit Our Showroom at 651 E. Main Or On The Web: A & J’s Ice Cream 7940 East Main Rd., LeRoy, NY August 3rd-9th 1 $ 00 Off A Sundae SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL ADVERTISERS! They help sponsor the local news section of the Le Roy Pennysaver. THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT! Batavia 585-343-6750 NOW is the BEST time to BUY with the interest rates at their lowest! Don't wait to BUY call Linda Beaumont Linda Beaumont (585) 768-6315 for all your real Home Licensed Real Estate Salesperson estate needs. Multi-Million Dollar Producer eow LE ROY PENNYSAVER & NEWS - AUGUST 3, 2014 Notes From The Mayor's Office by Greg “Porp” Rogers, Mayor With the Oatkafest and all the festivities that go with it in the past, it is time to get some work done around the Village, but I would like to extend one last thank you to all who put together the whole weekend and to Lynne and Shelley for the years serving on this project. The Chief of Police also reported no festival related incidences last weekend, which is nice. Our sidewalk project should go out to bid next week with the intension of getting the work completed by this years end, we will try to make the construction as easy to deal with as possible, and not change Halloween this year. Our first decorative street light is now up in front of the Post Office, please reach out to a board member and tell them what you think. The board’s plan is to put money into sidewalks and lights on Main St. to try to drive some momentum into our community, the money would come from fund balances and have little impact on the current tax rate, obviously we will exhaust all grant possibilities for this project. The Board spearheaded by Bill Kettle is looking into a tax abatement program to assist Main St. second story and distressed properties, we will be exploring a broader plan to encompass more, details to follow, but the intent is to clean up our community and position ourselves for long term growth. If you remember last year we had our sanitary sewer system smoke tested. The company has come back and begun to remedy the situation, many cracks and breaks where found that let ground what into the system costing our plant money and permit issues. Hopefully the work being done will show a significant impact at the plant during the thaws and heavy rain times. This has been a 40 year problem that we may finally making progress on. Please try to shop locally. Every dollar you spend here will be spent at least 7 more times “Politician and diaper should be changed regularly, and for the same reason” Mark Twain Tri the Oatka’s “Get Fit” Race Weekend Our Title Sponsor: Tompkins Insurance/ Bank of Castile Our Corporate Sponsors: Aluminum Injection Mold, GoTToGo Electric, Falcone Electric, and Applied Business Systems Our Shirt Sponsors: Bubba’s Landscape, Townsend Energy, Ehrmentraut Landscape Concepts, S & S Limo, and Our Award Sponsors: Main Street Fitness, Le Roy Country Club, Le Roy Physical Therapy, Smokin’ Eagle BBQ and Brew, D & R Depot, Red Osier, Dicks Sporting Goods, Tops Market, and Save A Lot. A BIG Thank you to Chris Hayward, Tim Hayes and all of the Le Roy Police Department for your continued support and getting our racers through the course safely Thank you Jackie Whiting and the recreation department, John Arneth and the town DPW, Bob Lathan and the village DPW, Le Roy Ambulance, and to ALL our volunteers. We can’t do it without all of you! To the residents of Le Roy, especially those around Summit Street, THANK YOU for being patient with the road closures. Our intention is to run a fun but SAFE race weekend for all our participants and we do appreciate your patience. Congratulations to Brook Bauer who will receive this year’s $1000 Tri the Oatka Scholarship. And to all of the participants in our entire “Get Fit” race weekend, GREAT JOB! We hope to see you all back next year! UP NEXT: Jinglin All the Way 5k and 10k run December 6th…Don’t miss it! Visit for more information PULLY'S BIRD SEED & FEEDERS Farm Market 1/2 mile south of Thruway 768-2280 • 704-1157 Hours: Mon.-Sat. 9-6, Sunday 9-5 Fresh Sweet Corn Fresh Produce Zucchini • Summer Squash Cucumbers • Peppers • Onions Tomatoes Peaches • Watermelon Cantaloupe • Cherries 7/20 8160 Lake Rd. (Rt. 19) Le Roy, NY Jams Jelly Seeds Gift Certificates Available! LE ROY PENNYSAVER & NEWS - AUGUST 3, 2014 LYSA 2014 Registration FALL SOCCER SKILLS DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM 7/30/14 COST: Pending response received and number of volunteers. There are no uniforms or scheduled games. Cost is kept to a minimum; $25.00 registration fee till August 30th after August 30th it will be $30.00 (need time to organize and determine coaching staff). AGE: Considering grades K thru 6, pending response and the number of volunteers. This will be a first come basis based upon the number of volunteer coaches. The number of players will be limited to the following: - K & 1st grade 12 players (per coach) - 2nd & 3rd grade 12 players (per coach) - 4th, 5th & 6th grade 15 players. (per coach) We will refund everyone and not have the program if we cannot find enough volunteers. LeRoy Music Boosters Chicken BBQ Sun., August 24 11:30 -2pm LeRoy Jr. Sr. High School Chicken BBQ By Fat-Man-Du ½ Chicken, salt potatoes coleslaw, roll and cookie DATE/TIME:Estimating a start date of Monday September 8th and ending October 15th or 22nd (6-7 weeks); weather pending. Monday & Wednesday evenings, start times may vary as the season progresses; start at 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., as daylight permits. Coaches may start earlier if there schedule permits and the parents agree. Tickets $9.00 Pre-Sale Tickets Only Tickets may be The LeRoy Marching Knights will be debuting purchased by their Fall Show for 2014 on August 24th at 6:00pm at Hartwood Park. calling Come out and show your support Mary Platek for our award winning at 768-2176 or marching band! Tracy McVicker at 943-7188 Or from any Marching Band Member COACHES: If more than 12-15 kids are signed up; we would also need assistant coaches and coaches for the different ages. Considering Global Premier Coaches. LOCATION: Calvary Baptist Church Fields near the corner of West Bergen Rd. and Rte 19. SKILLS: This development program is to promote soccer abilities against other appropriate age/ gender players. Soccer skills will be worked on/ developed, to include: Dribbling – control/speed; Shooting – accuracy/power; and Juggling. Go to our website to download the registration form: Mike Darby's Patch & Paint ALL WORKMANSHIP GUARANTEED • INSURED Link to signup on line: • Interior Painting • Floors Stripped • Plaster/Lath Restoration & Refinished • Drywall & Drywall Repair • Old Ceilings & Walls Made Like New! • Texture Removal If you have questions please e-mail them to leroyyouthsoccer@ Please put in subject line: “LYSA Fall Soccer”. 297-9097 • 768-7737 Print it out, fill it out and send it in to: LYSA, Box 144, Le Roy, NY 14482 Checks made out to LYSA. 8/31 Thank you. Enjoy the rest of the summer. LYSA We Do EDUCATION 1 Church St., Le Roy, NY 14482 585-768-2201 FAX 585-768-6334 Le Roy Central School District has the following openings: • Substitute Teacher • Substitute Teaching Assistant • Substitute Food Service Helper •Substitute Bus Driver. Application information available on the District website at under the Employment Opportunities tab. PRINTING! New Homes • Additions • Garages • Pole Barns Todd's Decks • Windows • Doors Kitchens • Baths Ceramic Tile Basement Finishing Custom Shelves/Built-Ins Siding • Remodeling Roofing • Snow Plowing FULLY INSURED CUSTOM CARPENTRY LLC. tfn Todd Carli • Phone 703-0964 LE ROY PENNYSAVER & NEWS - AUGUST 3, 2014 Bubba’s Bubba’s -- We’re We’re Everywhere! Everywhere! % CASH & 10OFF CARRY VALU HOME PLAZA • WEST MAIN • BATAVIA AFFORDABLE FLOORCOVERING AFFORDABLEFC.COM 585-345-1108 Tuesday-Friday 9-6 SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL ADVERTISERS! They help sponsor the local news section of the Le Roy Pennysaver. Walkways • Retaining Walls • Hardscapes & Landscapes Lawn Care & Mowing • Trees & Shrubs WOW! Look at this garden masterpiece! THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT! Landscape "Complete Carpentry Service" 81 Lake St., LeRoy • (585) 768-6578 MILLER BROTHERS BUILDERS Custom Homes • Remodeling • Additions Roofing • Siding DANIEL 1-585-409-3193 FREE Estimates Fully Insured <img INDOOROUTDOOR B A N N E R S MICHAEL 1-716-474-0759 ....WE MAKE ’EM 8/3 My People found me in the Le Roy Penny Saver! 1 Church St., LeRoy, NY 14482 585.768.2201 w w w. l e r o y n y. c o m Advertise • Classifieds • News Help Wanted • Community Calendar Graduation YOU WANT ‘EM... one church st. le roy, ny 585-768-2201 M-F 8-5 INDOOROUTDOOR B A N N E R S ....WE MAKE ’EM le roy, ny Birthday Retirement Anniversary Birth Announcement School/Club Event Fundraiser ANY OCCASION! Graduation YOU WANT ‘EM... one church st. Welcome Home 585-768-2201 M-F 8-5 Welcome Home Birthday Retirement Anniversary Birth Announcement School/Club Event Fundraiser ANY OCCASION! LE ROY PENNYSAVER & NEWS - AUGUST 3, 2014 LE ROY PENNYSAVER & NEWS - AUGUST 3, 2014 The Day The Mini Coopers Come To LeRoy August 8th by Lynne Belluscio The note was on my chair. “A man wants to know if the Mini Cooper Cross Country Road Rally can stop at the Jell-O Gallery. He says there will be 350 Mini Coopers and wants to know if there is enough parking.” Before I gave it much thought I called Roger back and said, “We’ll find the parking. We certainly want to welcome you to the Jell-O Gallery.” What I learned was that the Mini Coopers will be arriving on the morning of Friday, August 8. They will only be in LeRoy about an hour. They are leaving Buffalo about 9 am and will be arriving in LeRoy about 10 am and they will check in and then leave for the Finger Lakes, finally arriving in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania for the night. The next day, they will leave Bethlehem for their final stop in Boston. These cross-country Mini Cooper Rallys have been going on for several years. This year the group will leave San Francisco on July 26 and will stop in Reno, Nevada the next night. Then it’s on to Wendover, Utah, Grand Junction, Colorado, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Lubbock, Texas and Austin. On August 2 the Mini Coopers will arrive in Dallas, the next night in Memphis, on to St. Louis and Chicago. On August 6 they visit the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland and then drive to Buffalo. Roger told me that they like to visit interesting sites along the way, and what could be more interesting in Western New York than the Jell-O Museum? Early the next morning I called Chris Heyward, Chief of Police and told him my story. Chris told me “No problem. We can do that!” He will make sure that 350 Mini Coopers will be able to get into LeRoy and back out again. A day later, I told the folks at the Rotary meeting about August the 8th and Kim Cox, Superintendent of LeRoy Central School told me that they could help out with parking behind the Auditorium off Trigon Park. We’ll be putting up some welcome tents on Trigon Park with some Jell-O exhibits because it will be impossible for 500 to 750 people to get in and out of the museum in an hour. I have never been in a Mini Cooper, so while I was having my brakes worked on at Bob Adams’ Automotive I asked him if he still had the little silver Mini Cooper for sale. Sure enough, it’s still for sale, and for a nano second I thought it might be fun to have it for a second car, but I have to admit, it’s like sitting on the road, and I really like my Tundra truck. Mini Coopers were the English competition of the German Volkswagen. They were designed by Sir Alec Issengous and manufactured by the British Motor Company. The radical design with a front wheel drive made them roomy on the inside and in 1999, they were voted the second most influential car of the twentieth century – second to the Model T Ford. They were introduced in 1959, after the 1956 gas shortage of the Suez Canal Crisis. The Mini Cooper won the Monte Carlo Rally four times between 1964 and 1967. I read that one of the design features was the sliding glass windows in the hollow doors, that were sized to accommodate one bottle of Gordon’s Gin. Eventually, John Cooper, a friend of the designer and owner of the Cooper Car Company, collaborated to create the Mini Cooper. For a while they did not meet the safety regulations in the United States, but that has changed. Today, the Mini Cooper is part of the BMW Company. Of course, since I learned of the Mini Cooper Rally, the New York State Department of Transportation has announced that they will be resurfacing Route 5 so I am not sure what will happen now. And it’s going to rain for ten days, and the parking behind the school off Trigon Park may have to be changed because it will be too muddy. So Chief Haywood has put together “Plan B” and “Plan C” just in case. But if you’re not doing anything on Friday morning, you just might want to come down to Main Street and see the Mini Coopers. It should be a sight you’ll never see again! LE ROY PENNYSAVER & NEWS - AUGUST 3, 2014 1 Church St., LeRoy, NY 14482 585.768.2201 w w w. l p g r a p h i c s. n e t LE ROY PENNYSAVER & NEWS - AUGUST 3, 2014 LeRoy Town & Country Garden Club At Their Progressive Dinner It was a lovely evening as we strolled through our hostess’s gardens. The members enjoyed relaxing together after a couple of busy months. We’ve been working on the 4 main entrances to LeRoy, Main Street planters, Post Office boxes, gardens at the Statue of Liberty, the gazebo on the creek bank and the planter in front of the Wolcott Street School with the help of three 1st grade students. Anyone interested in more information about the LeRoy Garden Club should contact Ann Walters at 737-9481 or 768-8130. Pictured above are the LeRoy Town & Country Garden Club members enjoying their Progressive Dinner on Wednesday, July 11th. It was held at the homes of Betty Gugino, Sue Dambra, and Nancy Baker. Appetizers and dessert were provided by the members and the main course/entrée was provided by the D&R Depot. “Rotary EarlyAct Program Now Available at Wolcott Street School & St. Joes” EarlyAct is a school-wide service club for elementary students from ages 5 to 13. The mission is to promote goodwill, understanding and peace through the active participation of its student members so that with committed citizenship and effective leadership they may improve the quality of life of their school, local and global communities. EarlyAct teaches caring, respect, empathy, responsibility, tolerance, citizenship, compassion, friendship and leadership. The WSS & St. Joe’s EarlyAct Programs have goals to assist in community services projects, establish relationships with our elderly population, provide fun & safe activities for the youth in our community, and learn about different cultures & customs. WSS EarlyAct meets on the 4th Tuesday of every Pictured: WSS EarlyAct Board month while school is in session. Meetings are 3:15-4:00 From Left to Right: Front Row: Brock Flint, Will pm in the school cafeteria. We will also have an fun activity Eschberger; Back Row: Quinn Kacur, Courtney or community service event every month. Advisors for The Kacur, Ally Flint, Ava Gephart. EarlyAct Program are Jon Wilson, Christine Gephart, and Tamara Torrey. If you are interested in learning more about the WSS EarlyAct Program, please contact Christine Gephart at For more information on The St. Joe’s Early Act Program please contact Steve Zocco at LE ROY PENNYSAVER & NEWS - AUGUST 3, 2014 Fulmer Retiring As President Of Tompkins Bank Of Castile After 26 years as president and CEO of Tompkins Bank of Castile, James W. Fulmer is retiring as President at the end of this year, but will remain as chairman of the bank’s Board of Directors, said Stephen S. Romaine, president and CEO of Tompkins Financial Corporation, the bank’s parent company. Fulmer will retain several other corporate roles, including vice chairman of the Tompkins Financial Board of Directors, chairman of the board of Tompkins Insurance Agencies, and member of the boards of Tompkins Financial Advisors, Tompkins Mahopac Bank and Tompkins VIST Bank, all affiliates of Tompkins Financial Corp. Fulmer is active in a variety of professional organizations, including the Board of Directors of the Federal Home Loan Bank of New York and was recently appointed to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York Community Depository Advisory Council. He actively serves as a member of the Board of Directors of Erie and Niagara Insurance Association of Williamsville, Cherry SIGN UP TODAY! GET ONLY THE NEWS YOU CHOOSE FROM New! Sign up for TEXT ALERTS. Valley Insurance Agencies of Williamsville, the United Memorial Medical Center of Batavia, and is Vice Chairman of WXXI Public Broadcasting Council of Rochester. He and his wife, Marjorie, live in LeRoy. They have three grown children. The company Board of Directors has named John M. McKenna president and CEO to succeed Fulmer. McKenna has been a senior vice president at Tompkins Bank of Castile for five years, concentrating in commercial lending. Get only the news you choose! Be the first to know about Severe Weather, Breaking Local News, Traffic Advisories &d School Closings. Sign up today for WBTA Text Alerts. You need to only supply your cell phone number and select the services you want to receive. It’s that easy. We will never sell your information to anyone. Log on to: to sign up! REACH 5 MILLION HOMES IN NEW YORK FOR JUST $490* ONE Classified Ad. ONE Click. SUBMIT YOUR AD TODAY! SUBMIT YOUR AD HERE *$490 for 15 words. $15 for each additional word. A Great Deal to Reach the Whole State! Achievements LE ROY PENNYSAVER & NEWS - AUGUST 3, 2014 Jake Whiting of LeRoy graduated magna cum laude on May 9, 2014 from Michigan State University College of Law. Jake was also a member of law review. 7940 East Main Rd. 768-6294 John Whiting completed his second year at MSU College of Law, maintaining a GPA of 3.7. Buy 1 Large Cheese Pizza..................................$8.99 Get Second Large Cheese Pizza......................$5.00 Extra toppings $1.50. No Coupons Please. EARLY BIRD PIZZA SPECIAL!! $ 99 Sun. • Mon. • Tues. - Large Cheese - 16” Cal Whiting concluded his third year at Syracuse University with a double major in history and political science. Cal attained a 4.0 GPA in his first semester this year and has an overall GPA of 3.9. No Coupons Please 6 Check Our GA Out S PRIC E 5¢OFF Every S UNDAY FRESH MADE TO ORDER SUBS Cold Sub.......................$7.99 Hot Sub..............................$8.99 MEAL DEAL No Coupons Please Large Cheese Pizza &........ $16.99 12 Buffalo Wings Bone-in Kathryn E. Hughes, a senior majoring in classics and physics and astronomy at the University of Rochester, has been named to the Dean’s List for academic achievement for the spring 2014 semester. Hughes, a resident of Le Roy, is the child of Deborah Hughes. Monday-Friday $5.00 Includes Fountain Drink FRESH Sliced Cold Cuts Monday- Italian Sausage (1/4#) & Chips Hormel Ham..................... $4.59 lb Tuesday- Hamburger & Fries Sloppy Joes & Fries Roast Beef......................... $5.99 lb Wed.- While Supplies Last! Wunderbar Bologna........ $1.59 lb Lower Priced Then Supermarket Deli Prices Several more cold cuts & cheese GREAT PRICES Thursday- 1/2 Cold Sub & Mac or Pasta Salad Friday- 2 Slices of Pizza & 3 Wings 16 oz. Fountain Drink With Specials *Subject to change PIZZ A SLICES - 2/ $ 3.00 Ever y Day! 2 COUPON $ 00 OFF Not Good With Specials Any Large Pizza Expires August 30th 2 COUPON $ 00 OFF Whole Sub Sandwich Expires August 30th Lottery Valero Gas • Daily Newspapers - Batavia News, Has Arrived! Livingston Co. News, Buffalo News, NY Times & More! CLIP & SAVE Preserve A Stone Masonry Quality Restoration Services Having An UPCOMING EVENT? Need A Place TO HAVE IT? American Legion Alexander, New York Post 576 585-591-0013 53 West Main St., Le Roy, NY 585-768-2090 CLIP & SAVE eow Inside - 2 Rooms Available Outside - Large Pavilion FULLY INSURED FREE QUOTES Commercial Buildings, Churches, Historical Projects Brick • Stone • Concrete Block • Tuck Painting • Rebuilding Angle Iron Replacement • Stain Removal • Caulking • Specialty Mortar Joints Breathable Sealants • Chimneys • Foundations 8/10 LE ROY PENNYSAVER & NEWS - AUGUST 3, 2014 Police Reports 07/24/2014 1) An investigation into an alleged assault which occurred in January of 2013 resulted in the arrest of a LeRoy native living in the City of Rochester. 29 year old Kenneth G. Smith III of lka 911 Lake Avenue Rochester NY was arrested by the LeRoy Police Department on 7/23/2014 and charged with one count each of the Felonies of Criminal Possession of a Weapon in the Third Degree, a Class-D Felony and Assault in the First Degree, a Class-B Felony. It is alleged that on or about 01/10/2013, smith was involved in an altercation in an apartment on Main Street in the Village of LeRoy when Smith possessed a dangerous instrument in the form of a glass item with intent to use against another (while having a prior criminal conviction). Smith then allegedly used said glass item to strike the victim numerous times about the face causing permanent facial disfigurement/scarring. Smith was arraigned before the Hon. D. Sehm of the LeRoy Town Court and Released Under the Supervision of the Genesee Justice Program. SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL ADVERTISERS! They help sponsor the local news section of the Le Roy Pennysaver. THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT! 2) 37 year old Michael J. Stack Jr. of 7450 Randall Road, LeRoy was arrested by the LeRoy Police Department on 7/23/2014 and charged with two counts of the Felony of Criminal Sexual Act in the First Degree, a Class-B Felony. It is alleged that on 07/23/2014, While in an apartment on East Main Street in the Village of LeRoy, Stack engaged in Oral Sexual Contact with the Victim while the Victim was incapable of consent by the reason of being physically helpless and by forcible compulsion. The charges stem from an allegation by the Victim alleging that the Victim was sleeping and awoke to stack kneeling over the Victim having oral sexual contact with the Victim. Stack was arraigned before the Hon. D. Sehm and committed to the Genesee County Jail in lieu of $5,000 bail. Fire Department Treasurer Arrested For Stealing Public Funds New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli today announced the arrest of Dennis Snow, the treasurer of the LeRoy Fire Department in Genesee County. Snow was charged with two counts of grand larceny in the third degree (class D felony), 42 counts of forgery in the first degree (class C felony) and two counts of falsifying business records in the first degree (class E felony) for allegedly stealing nearly $50,000 in public funds. COMMUNITY Fax Service 1 Church St., Le Roy, NY • (585) 768-2201 OUR FAX # (585) 768-6334 LE ROY PENNYSAVER & NEWS - AUGUST 3, 2014 OBITUARIES BERGEN — Marian E. Airth, 93, of N. Lake Road, passed away early Sunday morning (July 27, 2014) at Rochester General Hospital. Memorials suggested to Stone Church Presbyterian Church, PO Box 128, Bergen, NY 14416. LE ROY — Raymond L. Mancuso, 89, of Wolcott Street passed away on Monday (July 28, 2014) at United Memorial Medical Center in Batavia. memorials suggested to either the Le Roy Fire Department, 3 West Main St., Le Roy, NY 14482; or Golisano Children’s Hospital (In honor of Hailey Coniber), 601 Elmwood Ave., Rochester, NY 14642. WEEKLY EVENTS SUNDAY, AUGUST 3 AWANA Program at Penuel Christian Fellowship. 10 Main Street. Sundays 12:15 to 1:45 pm. Ages 5-17 broken into groups. Developing friendships. Having fun. Learning about God. Safe environment. FRIDAY, AUGUST 8 Penuel Christian Fellowship, One Step to Freedom addictions ministry, a Christ Centered Addictions program, a weekly meeting every Friday at 7 pm. Call the Church for more information at 768-6901 or 406-3863. Konnect Youth Group at Living Waters Church, on Main St. LeRoy. Sundays from 6:30 to 8:30 pm for ages 12-18. “Bring Down all the Walls! Connect with God and Connect with others.” For more information, check us out online at: UPCOMING EVENTS Veterans Only Social Club - Genesee Veterans Support Network announces a new meeting location at Scooter’s Family Restaurant, 3711 West Main Street Road, Batavia, NY - for the once a month Veterans Only Social Club. Meetings are held the second Saturday of each month from 7:00 to 8:30 PM. Veterans of all eras are invited to attend. GVSN is located at 3837 West Main Street Road, Batavia, NY. For more information, contact GVSN, PO Box 541, Batavia, NY 14021-0541 585-302-0825 MONDAY, AUGUST 4 TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) meets Monday evenings from 6:307:15 pm at the LeRoy Presbyterian Church, corner of Clay & Main Streets. Visitors always welcome. Call 768-2933 for more info. TUESDAY, AUGUST 5 LCCP’s GRACE’S KITCHEN: A FREE dinner every Tuesday evening, 5-7 pm at the LeRoy United Methodist Church, 10 Trigon Park. Parking available on Trigon Park & the lots to the left and back of the Church. Handicapped Entrance in the back of the Church. Takeout & delivery are available. For more info. contact Selby Davis at 585-738-8882 or WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 6 Omnipresent Puppet Theater presents The Three Little Pigs at the Woodward Memorial Library at 6:30 p.m. This performance is free, but registration is required. Call 768-8300 or register online at www. THURSDAY, AUGUST 7 Genesee Veterans Support Network (GVSN) supports the development of Veterans focused AA meetings every Thursday, 6-7 pm at the First Baptist Church, 306 E. Main St., Batavia. Meetings led by Mike W. & are open to non-veterans as well. Handicap accessible. For additional information call 585-302-0825. Make Your Own Healthy Snack, a program for grades 7 – 12, at the Woodward Memorial Library from 1 – 2 p.m. Try recipes for delicious snacks that are healthy, but taste just as good as their unhealthy version. Call 768-8300 or register online at Divergent - Movie Showing for adults at the Woodward Memorial Library at 5:30 p.m. Watch Divergent in the Community Room at the Library on a big screen with surround sound. Free popcorn provided. Rated PG-13; 140 minutes. Register online at www.woodwardmemoriallibrary. org or call 768-8300. GRACE’S CLOSET: A Clothing Giveaway Program sponsored by Le Roy United Methodist Church, 10 Trigon Park, Le Roy. 9:30 am to 11:30 am every Thursday. We have clothing for all ages. Spring & Summer clothing now being put in place. We are in need of lighter coats, clothing, shoes, pajamas, bedding, sheets in all bed sizes. We accept donations be dropped off at the house next to the church. Please put all bags INSIDE on the back porch. No electronics, TV’s, computers, dishes, etc. Any questions call the office 768-8980. SENIOR CITIZENS ACTIVITIES LCCP’s Mommy & Me Playgroup: Every 2nd & 4th Friday, 12:001:30, Le Roy Physical Therapy (in the back gym). Any moms and their birth-kindergarten children are welcome to come enjoy socialization, lunch, coffee, structured games & free play. First Baptist Church of Pavilion will be holding their annual Vacation Bible School from August 4th through August 8th at the church 10956 South Lake Road (Rt. #19) in Pavilion. Registration is 9:00am - 9:30am and the Club will run until 12:00 noon. We will have classes for all ages 3years old through 12th graders. The theme this year is “A Cruise of a Lifetime” make Jesus the Captain of your life. There will be Bible stories, fun time in the gym,crafts, and refreshments and it’s all FREE! If you want more information please call the church at 585-584-3179 ext. #12 and leave a message. Someone will call you back.” Again thanks so much Linda Starkey church secretary. Lite the Knight 5k & Family Fun Night - Saturday August 16, 2014; 5pm. Come together to raise funds for a memorial scholarship! 2014 Recipients: The Bordonaro Family. 5K run/walk on an illuminated course, a 3-on-3 basketball tournament, wellness fair, many free children’s activities, a performance by LeRoy Marching Knights, a chicken barbecue by the Eagle BBQ and Brew, and free live music by Flipside. The LeRoy, Stafford, Caledonia, and Pavilion Fire Departments will be setting up an interactive display of their fire engines for children and families to experience. Call 585.768.4550 for more information or visit our website: Info is also on facebook ( events/1429104164034907/) & twitter (! Follow this link to register for the 5k: Register/groups/default.aspx?newgroup=true&event=28196 Gen. County Health Dept. Div. of Environmental Health - 2014 Anti-Rabies Immunization Clinic - Genesee Co. Fairgrounds, 5031 E. Main St., Batavia. Thursday, August 21st, 4 to 7 pm. Save time by filling out your registration form before the clinic at: Community Calendar Submissions should be sent to: (August 4 - August 8) All Genesee County residents, 60 and older, can take part in this week’s activities at the Batavia Senior Center, 2 Bank St., Batavia. For more information, call 343-1611. Monday: Arthritis Exercise is scheduled for 9:30 a.m.; Bridge will begin at 11:30 a.m. Tuesday: Defensive Driving Class scheduled to start at 9:30 am (Pre-Sign Up Required); Cribbage begins at 1:00 p.m. Wednesday: Quilters are scheduled to meet at 9:00 a.m.; Euchre is scheduled to begin at 1:00 p.m. Thursday: Cribbage and Bridge is scheduled for 1:00 p.m.; Musical Keyboarding Lessons will start at 2:30 p.m. Friday: Legal Appointments are scheduled by Appointment ONLY; Line Dancing & Art Class are set to begin at 10:00 am. LE ROY PENNYSAVER & NEWS - AUGUST 3, 2014 C L A S S I F I E D S Local SWEATSHIRTS, T-SHIRTS, JACKETS, HATS: We can customize with Screen Printing or Embroidery. Famous Brand Names only. Great fund raisers! Teams, Clubs, Groups. Call today. LP GRAPHICS, 585-7682201 or Fax 585-768-6334. RETIREMENT APARTMENTS, ALL INCLUSIVE. Meals, transportation, activities daily. Short Leases. Monthly specials! Call (866) 338-2607ES PAID. Call 24/7 Abby’s One True Gift Adoptions 866-4136296 Void In Illinois/New Mexico/Indiana Huge 3 Family Yard Sale August 1-2 & 3, 8-5 pm. Some dishes, lamps, antiques, golf clubs, old gum ball machine, 38 North St., LeRoy, NY. w/8/3 CARS/TRUCKS WANTED! Top $$$$$ PAID! Running or Not, All Years, Makes, Models. Free Towing! We’re Local! 7 Days/ Week. Call Toll Free: 1-888416-2330 2nd Yard Sale - 10012 Perry Rd., August 8th & August 9th. A lot of new items priced to go. 9 am to 4 pm. w/8/3 GET CASH TODAY for any car/ truck. I will buy your car today. Any Condition. Call 1-800-8645796 or Good Quality Office Furniture For Sale - Desks, chairs, partitions, talbes, some file cabinets - Herman Miller, Gunlocke, Hon brands. Call Charlene at 585-584-3738 for appt. to view. w/8/10 GET HELP NOW! One Button Senior Medical Alert. Falls, Fires & Emergencies happen. 24/7 Protection. As Low As $0.50/day. Call NOW 1-888495-6199 Vulcan 6-Burner Single Oven Gas Restaurant Stove For Sale - $250. Back has been modified for home use. Call Charlene at 585-584-3738 for appt. to view. w/8/10 Rent to Own - 4 Mobile Home Units Available at Oatka Creek MHP, 8131 E. Main Road. Call (585) 738-0953 for details. tfn DOG OBEDIENCE CLASSESStarting August 12th. Open to pure and mixed breeds. Magna Cum Canine-School of Dog Obedience. For more info. Call Linda at 585-786-8498. w/8/10 VIAGRA 100MG and CIALIS 20mg! 40 Pills + 10 FREE. SPECIAL $99.00 100% guaranteed. FREE Shipping! 24/7 CALL NOW! 1-888-223-8818 VIAGRA 100mg or CIALIS 20mg 40 tabs + 10 FREE! All for $99 including Shipping! Discreet, Fast Shipping. 1-888-836-0780 HELP WANTED!!! $570/ WEEKLY Potential ASSEMBLING CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS from home + MAKE MONEY MAILING BROCHURES or TYPING ADS FOR OUR COMPANY!! GREAT MONEY FROM HOME! WITH OUR FREE MAILER PROGRAM LIVE OPERATORS ON DUTY NOW 1-800-7071810 EX 701 OR VISIT WWW. PACIFICBROCHURES.COM Frac Sand Owner Operators Needed Immediately in Texas! Requires tractor, blower, pneumatic trailer. Sting Services Pays 80%...Unlimited Work 214-250-1985 AIRLINES ARE HIRING – Train for hands on Aviation Career. FAA approved program. Financial aid for qualified students- Job placement assistance. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance 888686-1704 DISH TV only $19.99/mo! TV Simply Costs Less with DISH! Free Premium Channels*! High Speed Internet from $19.99! Local Installer Call: 888-803-5770 GET LIGHTNING FAST High Speed Internet: AT&T U-Verse® plans starting at $14.95/mo. Bundle & Save Internet+Phone+TV. Call to check availability in your area! Limited Offer. 1-800-919-0548 Make a Connection. Real People, Flirty Chat. Meet singles right now! Call LiveLinks. Try it FREE. Call NOW: Call 1-877-737-9447 18+ Viagra 100MG and Cialis 20mg! 40 pills + 4/FREE for only $99.00 #1 Male Enhancement, Discreet Shipping. Save $500! Buy The Blue Pill! 1-800-213-6202 CASH FOR CARS: All Cars/ Trucks Wanted. Running or Not! Top Dollar Paid. We Come To You! Any Make/ Model. Call For Instant Offer: 1-800-864-5960 POSTERS BANNERS PHOTO ENLARGEMENTS 1 Church Street Le Roy, NY 585.768.2201 HERO MILES - to find out more about how you can help our service members, veterans and their families in their time of need, visit the Fisher House website at TOP CA$H PAID FOR OLD ROLEX, PATEK PHILIPPE & CARTIER WATCHES! DAYTONA, SUBMARINER, GMT-MASTER, EXPLORER, MILGAUSS, MOONPHASE, DAY DATE, etc. 1-800401-0440 DISH Free Hopper Upgrade! Bundle & save. TV & Internet @$24.99/mo. for TV. 2 yrs Free HD. TV anywhere on mobile phone or tablet with. Free 3 months Movie Channels. Limited offer. 1-800508-8606 Want to purchase minerals and other oil/gas interests. Send details to: PO Box 13557, Denver, CO 80201. WANTED JAPANESE MOTORCYCLES 1967-1982 ONLY KAWASAKI Z1-900, KZ900, KZ1000, Z1R, KZ1000MKII, W1-650, H1-500, H2-750, S1250, S2-350, S3-400 Suzuki, GS400, GT380, Honda CB750 (1969-1976) CASH. 1-800772-1142, 1-310-721-0726 DIRECTV, Internet, & Phone From $69.99/mo + Free 3 Months: HBO® Starz® SHOWTIME® CINEMAX®+ FREE GENIE 4 Room Upgrade + NFL SUNDAY TICKET! Limited offer. Call Now 888-2485961 Cash for unexpired DIABETIC TEST STRIPS! Free Shipping, Best Prices & 24 hr payment! Call 1-855-440-4001 ADOPTION: UNPLANNED PREGNANCY? Caring local licensed adoption agency provides financial and emotional support. Loving pre-approved families available. Habla Espanol. Call Joy 1-914-939-1180 or email: DO YOU HAVE PRODUCTS OR SERVICES TO PROMOTE? Reach as many as 4.9 million households and 12 million potential buyers quickly and inexpensively! Only $489 for a 25-word ad. Place your ad online at or call 1-877-275-2726 CASH FOR CARS and TRUCKS: Get A Top Dollar INSTANT Offer! Running or Not! 1-888-416-2208 Reach as many as 5 MILLION POTENTIAL BUYERS in central and western New York with your classified ad for just $350 for a 15-word ad. Call 1-877-275-2726 for details or visit ARE YOU IN BIG TROUBLE WITH THE IRS? Stop wage & bank levies, liens & audits, unfiled tax returns, payroll issues, & resolve tax debt FAST. Call 1-800-647-3031 INJURED? IN A LAWSUIT? Need Cash Now? We Can Help! No Monthly Payments and No Credit Check. Fast Service. Low Rates. Not valid in TN. Call Now 1-888-888-5152 www. GET CASH NOW for your Annuity or Lottery Payments or Structured Settlement. Top Dollars Paid. Fast, No Hassle Service! Call 1-855-419-3824 SUPPORT OUR SERVICE MEMBERS, veterans and their families in their time of need. For more information visit the Fisher House website at CANADA DRUG CENTER is your choice for safe and affordable medications. Our licensed Canadian mail order pharmacy will provide you with savings of up to 75 percent on all your medication needs. Call today 1-800-4131940 for $10.00 off your first prescription and free shipping. VIAGRA 100MG and CIALIS 20mg! 40 Pills + 4/FREE for only $99! #1 Male Enhancement, Discreet Shipping. 1-888-796-8878 BANK ORDERED SALE! 36 acres - Stream - $89,900. Mountain stream, hardwood forest, trails, stonewalls, views! Just off NY Thruway, 1/2 hr from Albany! Terms avail! Call 1-888-701-1864. www. LE ROY PENNYSAVER & NEWS - AUGUST 3, 2014 C L A S S I F I E D S REPLACEMENT WINDOWS $189 INSTALLED. White double hung, tilt-in. $50 rebate on all Energy Star Windows. Lifetime Warranty. Credit cards accepted. Call Rich @ 1-866-272-7533 DISH TV RETAILER. Starting at $19.99/month (for 12 mos.) & High Speed Internet starting at $14.95/month (where available). SAVE! Ask about SAME DAY Installation! CALL Now! 1-800-826-4464 REDUCE YOUR CABLE BILL! Get a whole Satellite system installed at NO COST and programming starting at $19.99/ mo. FREE HD/DVR Upgrade to new callers, SO CALL NOW 1-800-492-1952 DIVORCE $350* No Fault or Regular Divorce. Covers children, etc. Only One Signature Required! *Excludes govt. fees. Local & In-State Phone No. 1-800-522-6000 Ext. 100. Baylor & Associates, Inc. Est. 1977 SAFE STEP WALK-IN TUB. Alert for Seniors. Bathroom falls can be fatal. Approved by Arthritis Foundation. Therapeutic Jets. Less Than 4 Inch Step-In. Wide Door. Anti-Slip Floors. American Made. Installation Included. Call 1-800886-1907 for $750 Off. AIRLINE JOBS START HERE - Get FAA approved Aviation Maintenance Technician training. Financial aid for qualified students. Job placement assistance. Call AIM 1-866-2967093. BANK ORDERED SALE. Up to 10 acres - from $69,900. Beautiful Bethel NY. Near Woodstock Site. 85 Miles from Manhattan. Assorted Hardwoods, approved building site, underground utilities, across from lake. Walk to Performing Arts Center, financing. Call 1-888-499-7695 BUNDLE AND SAVE! DIRECTV, INTERNET & PHONE From $69.99/mo. Free 3months of HBO, starz, SHOWTIME & CINEMAX. FREE GENIE 4-room Upgrade LOCK IN 2 YR Savings. Call 1-800782-3956 DO YOU HAVE VACATION PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT? With promotion to nearly 5 million households and over 12 million potential buyers, a statewide classified ad can’t be beat! Promote your property for just $490 for a 15-word ad. Place your ad online at or call 1-877-275-2726 LE ROY PENNYSAVER & NEWS - AUGUST 3, 2014
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