Tri-State ZNA Koi Club


Tri-State ZNA Koi Club
Tri-State ZNA
Koi Club
Oct '14
The days are still warm but the evenings are getting
cooler. Enjoy this edition of Koi News #2!
Club Log: Sunday, September 21
Judi & Carmen's Home in Staten Island
So you all heard about Carmen converting his beautiful swimming pool into a huge
19,000 gallon koi pond . . . well, we got to see it! Waterfalls, beautiful fish, amazing
bonsai, moving bed filter, radial flow filter, air lifts, cold beers and a huge BBQ – what
more could you ask for from a club meeting?
No, that’s not their house.
It’s the Filter House for their new pond.
That's the nice couple from Staten Island.
Judi and Carmen,
(not pictured here),
have created a
sanctuary full of
green plants, blue
water, and plenty of
colorful koi.
Is this really Staten
Their first pond.
Beautiful rock work and bonsai were everywhere you look.
Our meetings are becoming informational koi fests with great
food. Here’s our proud host Carmen manning the grill with a cold
one in hand.
Carmen’s bonsai are proudly displayed.
Staten Island: the new Japan.
Look at those fish!
John addresses the members and introduces our guest speaker
Koi Breeder Mat McCann.
Mat led a terrific presentation about pond filtration.
Club Log: Sunday, September 21
Marilbel & Joe's Home in Hartsdale, NY
It has been tradition since I joined the club that the October meeting was held in
Hartsdale. Join us this Sunday, October 19 at Maribel & Joe DaSilva’s home at 2pm.
4 Bryant Ave Hartsdale, NY 10530.
Why should I go to another meeting you ask???
For starters, Joe has an amazing pond full of show quality fish. His filter system is
immaculate and it will blow you away.
Secondly, John will be giving a presentation on Winterizing Your Pond and Winter Koi
Husbandry. Yeah, yeah, it's in the 70s today but before we know it the leaves will fall
and so will the temperatures. Are you heating your pond, putting a cover over it or just
letting muther nature have her way with your fish?
Here’s an idea – build a cover over your pond to protect your pond from the cold.
Here’s what Chuck did earlier this month.
Those retired guys sure have time . . . Nice wood work!
Here’s the finished spaceship covered with 6mil plastic. How does
big Chuck fit through the hatch? Notice how sleek and smooth
the plastic work is. You want wind to bounce off the cover and
snow and rain to run off.
My cover is a bit simpler but it worked last winter and kept my
pond from freezing even when it was less than 10 degrees outside.
I put a 500 watt heat lamp on at night and during the very cold
days to help reduce heat lose. My water never went below 40 . . .
and it looked cool at night!
The cover
goes right
over the
deck and
the fish
stay active.
Everyone loved hanging
out in the tent especially
when it was freezing
You won’t want to miss
John’s Winterizing Your
Pond and Winter Koi
Husbandry Presentations.
What else is happening at the meeting?
How about our own Tri-State ZNA grow out!!!
John has always wanted to breed koi and this year he did. He’ll be
bringing over 100 1 – 1.5” babies for members to grow out. Set up
a tank or a barrel now and show up Sunday with bags so you can
take a few home with you.
The 3rd reason to attend Sunday’s meeting:
Our President, Duc Nguyen and his family are moving to Japan.
Let’s give him a big send off and good wishes for his move.
Look at that smile. You’re moving to Tokyo!!
When can we visit?
Club Log: Sunday, November 16
Ben’s Home in Staten Island
Topic & Time – To Be Announced
Jim has some items for sale:
Blue Koi viewing bowl made by Hydra, 30" in diameter - $90
Dragon pump wired for 220 currently,
never used
Four Giant Trickle
Towers, 8' high and
20" in diameter, they
come with enough
media to filter an
aquarium store or
public aquarium!
Together they can
easily filter a 10,000
pond full of adult koi
with no trace of
ammonia. $250 each
tower with media
He also has:
a large oxygen tank for shipping koi and show time fills ( with
a small ‘pony bottle’ oxygen tank with high end regulator
a answer unit, blowers, cedar Japanese house koi pellet automatic
feeder, fiberglass pond drain, waterfall filter box ( new) etc. etc.
Contact Jim at for more details.
I have a few vortexes and a large waterfall for sale.
Email me at for more info.
If you have items to sell send me your pics.
In closing, we have a great club of motivated members. Please read the
attached version. I hope to see you on Sunday.
"Friendship Thru Scales"
Tri-State ZNA Koi Club