the outer circle


the outer circle
Did You Know?
From Tony Chardella, 369th
The Girl Beneath the Lantern - “Lili Marlene”
By Geoff Bradford, excerpted with permission from the Framlingham Times Journal of the 390 Bomb
Group Memorial Air Museum at Parham Airfield, Framlingham, Suffolk, U.K.
I first heard the song “Lili Marlene” in the spring of 1944. Sixty years later the
words are as fresh in my mind as the memory of the soldier who gave them to me. He said
the song was brought back to England by British Forces who had captured it in North Africa
and made the song their own. Frau Lili really wasn’t of my generation after all. She first appeared in 1915!
“Lili Marlene” was recorded just before the war by Lale Andersen, a singer who
had changed her name from Eulalia Bunneburg. The song wasn’t a hit and it was banned in
Germany because of its “warning” nature. Following the German occupation of Yugoslavia,
a radio station was established in Belgrade to beam news and morale-boosting propaganda to
the Afrika Korps in the Western Desert. One of the directors of Radio Belgrade had a friend
in the German army who liked the tune, and so it began to spread. Field Marshal Erwin
Rommel, commanding the Afrika Korps, reportedly liked the tune and requested that the radio station incorporate it into the programs. It became a signature tune for signing off. Even
Marshall Tito was a fan, it was said.
The Allied Forces listened to these broadcasts, and it became a favorite of the troops on both sides, regardless of language. Soldiers returning to England brought it home, and soon an English version of it appeared.
That “Lili Marlene” is probably the most popular war song ever is undeniable, and countless stories of
events have cropped up about the song. Lt. John Pettinger, a pilot with the 385th Bomb Group at Great Ashfield,
Suffolk, was a POW in Stalag III (Sagan, Poland). During the prisoners’ forced march westward in Feb. ‘45, in
front of the advancing Russian Army, the POWs were loaded aboard boxcars at Sprmburg Railway Station. Said
Lt. Pettinger, “The German guards tried to get us to sing to keep up morale. They wanted us to harmonize, so we
all sang “Lili Marlene” together.”
359th Fighter Group Association
Outer Circle
Gigi Doersch Paddock
7567 Vincent Drive
Toano, Virginia 23168
Address Service Requested
Next issue:
Nov ‘07
The Outer Circle
359th Fighter Group Association
World War II
Station F133 - East Wretham, England
Web site:
Volume 18, No. 3
Cum Leone
August 2007
When Shall Their Glory Fade?
-Winston Churchill
First Class
Photo from 2004
The 359th Fighter Group Association has elected to disband. “Not today or tomorrow, but it is
in process,” says President Andy Lemmens. World War II veterans groups are disbanding all over
the country because of falling numbers. Group members met to consider options at the recent Reunion in Charlottesville, Virginia, and reached their decision with some sadness and some hope that
informal gatherings will continue in one form or another.
The 359th Fighter Group was activated on 15 January 1943 at Westover Field, Massachusetts,
under Lt.Col. Avelin P. “Hard Tack” Tacon, Jr. After a period of training on the Republic P-47 Thunderbolt, the group left for Camp Kilmer, New Jersey, on 2 October 1943 and departed the U.S. before
dawn on 8 October as part of a large convoy heading for Great Britain, to become the latest addition
to the 8th Air Force. Continued on page 2.
359th Fighter Group
Officers 2007
Andrew Lemmens
(239) 768.9899
9696 Casa Linda Ct.
Ft. Myers, FL 33919-8420
Vice President
and Judge Advocate
Vernon Judkins
(520) 825.1778
64713 E. Drifter Drive
Tucson, AZ 85739
Business Secretary
Bert Montague
(910) 673.1679
584 Seven Lakes N.
West End, NC 27376-9769
Charles Levitt
(817) 498.9252
5796 Rockport Lane
Ft. Worth, TX 76137
Assistant Treasurer
Don Windmiller
(812) 626.0717
634 Conti Drive
Evansville, IN 47711-1062
Roster Custodian
Dorothy Turcotte
(413) 532.3161
32 Lindbergh Avenue
Holyoke, MA 01040
Group Historian
Char Baldridge
(434) 946.0901
715 Sardis Road
Amherst, VA 24521
Gigi Doersch Paddock
(757) 566.8856
7567 Vincent Drive
Toano, VA 23168
Based at Station 133, East Wretham, Norfolk, for the duration of
hostilities, the 359th carried out their first operational mission on 13 December
1943, being led by Maj. Luther Richmond of the 352nd Fighter Group based at
Bodney. The final mission of the war was flown on 25 April 1945.
Since the 1970s members of the 359th Fighter Group have enjoyed
fellowship and comradeship forged in action. Over the years the Group has
met in Hospitality Rooms across the country, produced a newsletter, created
a web site, participated in ceremonies and contributed to veterans memorials,
launched a Herculean effort at cataloging its history, and created a self-perpetuating scholarship fund for Thetford area schools where the members were
based during the war.
“Sixty years after the end of WW2 veterans groups are now sadly facing a last hurrah... a foe more formidable than any foreign enemy–old age–the
WW2 veterans organizations are folding up across the country,” ( March 2005).
“We’re not quite done yet,” says Historian Char Baldridge. The
Board of Directors will still function for the time being as tasks are completed. Dismantling a non-profit association is no small task. It was decided
that funding for the newsletter would be a priority (member and benefactor
Chuck Diacont will sponsor the newsletter for another year). The Group
Historian’s research and archiving of materials will continue to be supported
as well.
Loosely arranged get-togethers were suggested:
• The Gathering of Mustangs & Legends, September 27-30, 2007,
Rickenbacker Air Field, OH (see web site for ticket
• Summer 2008, Mighty 8th Air Force Museum, Savannah, GA; • Summer 2009, the U.S. Air Force Museum in Dayton, OH.
We’ll keep you posted so watch for details via The Outer Circle.
Group History Books
More reprints of the “gold”
Group history books are available.
This concise overview is a
“must-have” for your library.
$11 plus shipping.
Contact Andy Lemmens
(239) 768.9899
9696 Casa Linda Ct.
Ft. Myers, FL 33919-8420
Unicorn Tale From Chuck Staley, 369
Bob Thomson, 369 pilot, built a crossbow durth
ing our early months in Wretham Hall. A crossbow
requires arrows with tips. The predecessor unit at East
Wretham had left a number of rounds of .303 machine
gun ammo scattered around the airpatch, so Bob reasoned if the center of the bullets could be melted out,
the resulting hollow would accommodate the shaft of
the arrow.
One night as the intrepid pilots of “C” flight were engaged in
reading and letter writing in their room at the Hall, Bob stoked the fire and
placed several bullets in the coals.
Les Taylor, flight commander, occupied the top bunk across from
the fireplace, with me in the lower bunk. Suddenly a small rocket flew out
of the fireplace, passing just over my head and past Taylor’s legs, striking
the wall.
Needless to say, a sudden burst of activity followed! Harry Matthew, John Oliphint, and Stan Sackett nearly took the doorframe out in
their simultaneous attempted exits. Thomson took refuge behind a closet
door, and I got out of the line of fire by jumping behind a table in the area
just vacated by Matthew, Oliphint, and Sackett.
When the room was cleared, curiosity overcame the evacuees and
the guys peered around the partially open door. Taylor told Thomson he
didn’t know what he put in the fireplace, but he’d better remove it. Thomson was gingerly poking at the fire from behind his door shield.
I noticed a large book on the table, and the temptation being just
too great, dropped it on the floor with an explosive sound. Thomson leaped
into the closet behind his door shield. All the heads peering around the door
disappeared immediately except for Taylor’s which was momentarily closed
in the door!
One of the bullets was apparantly a tracer, with incendiary material
instead of lead inside the steel jacket. When ignited, this material produced
a short-lived rocket effect.
pg. 11
Edward L. Clark, 368th
Courtney Diacont,
granddaughter of
Harvey Diacont, 370th
Frank S. Fong, 369th
Robert Gaines, 369th
• Michael and Lori Burtner were married recently. Michael is the son of
Rene Burtner, 369th.
• Vernon Judkins, continues rehabilitation for a severe hip fracture.
• Danny Morris in England, would like to share that he’s received the “all
clear” regarding his cancer.
• Staff SGT Andy Shonitsky (USArmy) is expected home from Iraq in
August. Andy is the grandson of Leo Shonitsky, 370th. Our best to him
and his family, and a hearty “Welcome Home!”
• Martha & Chuck Staley, recovering at home from health problems.
Robert J. Guggemos, 369th
Betsy Kysely, widow of
Arvy F. Kysely, 368th
pg. 10
Address Changes
William L. Cimino, MD.
323 W. Pike St.
Houston, PA
New E-mail Address
Margrette Bateman
Rene Burtner
Don & Belle Windmiller
New Members
Michael & Lori Burtner
15127 Rothesay Drive
Charlotte, NC
(704) 544.8210
Son of Rene L. Burtner
Robert & Nicole Erwin
354 Mill Road
Staten Island, NY
(718) 351.6756
Son of Robert D. Erwin
Post Script
Historian Update
From Char Baldridge
August 2007
This report is a Thank You to several people for their contributions of
time, effort, and money.
Thank you to Ted Damick for his great oral report to the group on
Rendezvous night at the reunion in Charlottesville. In particular
he reported on what is happening to the archived documents at the
National Archives. In some cases documents are disappearing. Also,
the condition of many of the old acid paper documents is rapidly
Thank you to John McAlister who made a generous contribution of
$100.00 to the History Fund in May. This helped greatly with the
expense of sheet protectors, 3-ring binders, ink and toner for preparation of new materials that were displayed in the hospitality room at
the reunion.
Thank you once again to Martha Staley for her faithful support of
the history fund. Pre-reunion she made a contribution of $205.02
from T-shirt and hat sales. This went a long way towards the purchase of twenty-five 359th aircraft accident reports. These reports
were quite popular reading material at the reunion. She also contributed the $114.00 that was collected from T-shirt and hat sales at
the reunion. Have ordered some more of the 359th aircraft accident
reports for the archives.
Thank you to Andy Lemmens for contributing $200.00 worth of the
reprint books of the original 359th History 1943-1945. All money
collected from the sale of any book goes into the History Fund.
Thank you to Chuck Diacont for underwriting the Outer Circle for
another term. This generous effort will save the Group hundreds of
And a huge Thank You to the Group Association for their continued
There is much to be done before we get together again in Savannah
next summer. Stay tuned for details!
P.S. We harvest Chardonnay grapes on Saturday, September 8. Yea!
pg. 3
Reunion Attendees
Charlottesville, VA
June 28-July 1, 2007
Tony Chardella
Floyd Myers
Hosts: John & Char Baldridge
Prepared by Dorothy Turcotte
Higgins, Howard & Gwen
Grp Hdqs
Baldridge, John & Char
Beaupre, Lawrence
Bisher, John (Ira)
Irwin, Richard & Sheryl
Lemmens, Andy & Shirley
Levitt, Leon & Dorothy
Levitt, Charlie
Turcotte, Dorothy
Burtner, Rene & Helen
Burtner, Jennifer
Burtner, Michael & Lori
Jennings, Curtis
Jennings, Randall
Jennings, Warner
Lindsey, Doug & Sara Ann
Mettel, Thomas
Montague, Bert & Inez
Montague, Glenn & Trish
Myers, Bernice
Doersch, Dortha V.
Paddock, Gigi & David
Sampson, Greg
Shonitsky, Leo Sr.
Windmiller, Don & Belle
Damick, Ted
Ritchie, Bill & Muriel (Babe) Friends
Irwin, Brendan & Lily
(grandchildren of A.G. Homeyer)
Bisher, Jon & Kathryn
(son & daughter-in-law of
John Ira Bisher)
Hunnicut, Tom & Sue
(friends of John & Char
Abbott, Willie
Beamer, Marci
(friends of Bernice Myers)
Paddock, Paul & Rose
(grandchildren of
George “Pop” Doersch)
Shonitsky, Leo, Jr. & Cathie
(son & daughter-in-law of
Leo Shonitsky)
Guest Speaker: Jon Bisher
Gathering of Mustangs & Legends
Sept 27-30, 2007 • Rickenbacker Airfield, Columbus, OH
100 P-51 Mustangs expected!
Board of
Andrew Lemmens
Vernon Judkins
Vice President
John Baldridge
Lawrence Beaupre
Randall Jennings
Tom Mettel
Nancy Jennings
Char Baldridge
Gigi Paddock
Past Presidents
Nancy Jennings, 2006
Tom Mettel, 2005
Randall Jennings, 2004
Lawrence Beaupre, 2003
John Baldridge, 2002
Arvy Kysely, 2001
Andrew Lemmens, 2000
Leon Levitt, 1999
John McAlevey, 1998
Tom Morris, 1997
Bill Stepp, 1996
Gene Surowiec, 1995
George Doersch, 1994
Andrew Lemmens, 1992/93
Earl Adkins, 1991
Jack Bateman, 1990
Martha Staley, 1989
Robert York, 1988
Larry Bouchard, 1987
Charles Morton, 1985/86
Joe Meisl, 1983/84
John Oliphint, 1981/82
Robert Gaines, 1979/80
William R. Rufe, 1977/78
Anthony Macari, 1975/76
Anthony Chardella, 1973/74
Floyd Myers, 1973/74
pg. 4
pg. 9
More Paparazzi Pics
Mission Report: Final Reunion
(Sun of a Gun We Sure Had Fun)
From Char Baldridge
It is entirely appropriate that the 2007 Reunion was
held in the Charlottesville area, where bold innovation
and tradition walk hand-in-hand alongside abundant
natural beauty.
Our Group walked in the footsteps of Thomas
Jefferson, both at his home of Monticello and past his
beloved University of Virginia. We even blazed a trail to
the Prince Michel winery, through scenic Albemarle County.
Char Baldridge
Richard, Lily, Brendan, Sheryl (Homeyer) Irwin & Dorothy Turcotte
Doug & Sara Ann Lindsey
Once more we came together,
From our homes near and far,
Some came by air to Charlottesville,
Most traveled there by car.
Husbands and their wives,
And widows of the dearly departed,
Fathers and mothers, sons and daughters,
Grandsons and granddaughters,
Brothers, nephews, and some very dear friends,
The proud 359th Fighter Group “Family.”
Greg Sampson
Tom Mettel
Ted Damick
Lon Beaupre
Jon Ira Bisher, with Kathryn & Jon Bisher (Guest Speaker)
We come from all walks of life and boast all ages.
From our lovely six-year-old Rose, to vets ninety-plus years young...
(Leo Shonitsky, an armorer, and John Bisher, a crew chief),
Planning on coming next year!
What an amazing group of personalities are we.
We arrive with great anticipation.
We can hardly wait to see
The dear familiar faces.
We register and get checked-in,
Then off to our rooms for a short repose.
Next, our first stop, the “Hospitality Suite,”
(Almost as good as the bar at Wretham Hall).
Here’s where the whole celebration begins!
There are warm greetings and hugs around,
Some tears of joy, and laughter galore.
Don & Belle Windmiller
Andy & Shirley Lemmens
Warner Jennings with sons Randy and Curt
Howard & Gwen Higgins, and Dortha Doersch
Leo Shonitsky
pg. 8
Wow! Can you believe it? We’re together once more?
It’s all about being together once more!
Our Rendezvous buffet was scrumptious,
With entrees and desserts beyond compare.
We then go from feast to famine,
And repasts somewhere in between.
Fighter Group
368th - 369th - 370th
P-47s & P-51s
8th Air Force
World War II
John and Char Baldridge
pg. 5
We visit Jefferson’s home, Monticello,
And find he was quite a unique fellow.
We stroll the beautiful grounds,
And make the gift shop rounds.
Reunion - Charlottesville, VA
Commemorative wine label designed by Char
Then off to historic “Michie Tavern,”
For lunch from a Colonial bill of fare
We climb and we climb, to the room where we dine,
But, we all do finally get there. What a feast,
Nary a one goes hungry here, to say the least!
Historic Monticello
Then back to the hotel for a much-needed nap.
We do a quick drive-by of the campus at UVA,
And the Rotunda dome we almost see.
Oh well, what do you expect for free.
Embarrassing moments there were a few.
For our Friday night dinner and some breakfasts too,
The “Treetops” restaurant didn’t have a clue.
Unless it was a buffet they didn’t know what to do!
Lori & Michael Burtner
and Jennifer Burtner
Charlie Levitt with Dorothy & Leon Levitt
Paul Paddock
Comes Saturday morning, our meetin’ day.
There are winds of change in the air.
No one’s come forward to host another affair.
Oh dear, oh dear, whatever shall we do,
Has the time come to say our final adieu?
Historic Michie Tavern
Yes, this is our “Final Reunion,”
No more grand Receptions and Banquets with volunteer hosts.
But hearken, hearken! We can’t quit, just quite yet.
No, no, not as long as we have vets.
So let’s simply have “unicorn gatherings.”
For as long as we are able, at least.
Dave Paddock with Rene & Helen Burtner
Rose and Gigi (Doersch) Paddock
Says one, let’s meet in Savannah, GA, next year.
We can visit the Mighty 8th Air Force Museum.
We have some great artifacts there on display.
In our very own 359th Fighter Group heritage case,
And many of us have not yet seen this grand array.
Ok, Ok, great! Savannah it is for 2008!
Historic Howard Higgins & Rene Burtner
pg. 6
The Jack Winn band was fabulous,
With just the right music for us.
We’re a prancing and a dancing.
Sun of a gun, we sure had fun!
I know, says another, let’s meet in Dayton, OH, after that.
We can tour the U.S. Air Force Museum at Wright-Patt.
What a fantastical idea is that?
So it is, so it is, we’re going to Dayton for 2009.
Our new “gatherings of Unicorns” sound very fine.
With the business of the day done,
We’re off to Prince Michel’s winery for some fun.
We arrive there with plenty of zeal,
Warmly welcomed by our guide of the day.
But the poor fellow hadn’t been told diddlysquat!
And doesn’t seem to know what is what.
(After a dozen phone calls at least, can this be for real?)
You have a private label wine?
Ok, I see, I see. Well, that’s really great!
We take an enjoyable “catwalk” winery tour,
Then onto the wine tasting du jour.
We taste wines, and we taste wines, and we taste wines,
With heavy hors d’oeuvres??
Could I have another meatball please!!
We leave there all aglow,
But with bottles of our own “Private Label” wine in tow.
Muriel & Bill Ritchie
We’re a boogyin’ and a woogyin’,
And a rockin’ and a rollin’
Sun of a gun, we sure had fun!
Even the “guys” got into the act.
They looked great in the ladies hats!
(Almost like a “Tea Party” at the Hall?)
Sun of a gun, we sure had fun!!
The Jack Winn band
-Authored by your hostess
with the mostess!
Marci Beamer,
Bernice Myers,
and Willie Abbott
It was my great pleasure to hostess our last
official reunion, warts and all.
P.p.s. From now on I will stick with your history,
Thank You!
Back to the hotel for a much-needed rest.
For our Final Banquet night, we must be at our best.
Since this is destined to be our last,
Let’s make it a REAL BLAST!
Our guest speaker, Jon Bisher, was so special.
He’s one of our very own, you see.
Volunteered by his father John Bisher a.k.a. as “Pop”
Truly, what a treasure was he!
He put his heart and soul into our program,
Adding fighter pilot cockpit transmissions just for us.
What a great tribute to his “Pop” Ira John Bisher!
pg. 7
Stylin’ : Jennifer Burtner, Lori Burtner, Char Baldridge, Dorothy Turcotte,
Helen Burtner, and Sheryl Irwin
Trish & Glenn Montague
Then it’s our “Hats on Ladies” Banquet hat parade,
For some great and grandiose fun.
We’re a-styling and profiling,
The ladies looked so very, very lovely.
Inez & Burt Montague
And Profilin’ : President Andy Lemmens, Paul Paddock, Howard Higgins, Leon Levitt, Rene Burtner, Burt Montague, and Doug Lindsey