amherst h. wilder foundation 2007 annual report as good as our


amherst h. wilder foundation 2007 annual report as good as our
amherst h. wilder foundation
2007 annual report
as good as our word
here for good
This past year has been an exciting one for the Wilder Foundation. The new
Wilder Center, located at Lexington Parkway and University Avenue, is in the
final stages of construction. Our new facility, which combines several program
sites, is set for occupancy in early 2008, and will allow the Foundation to expand
its capacity to provide 22,000 client visits and community convening space to over
10,000 people annually.
Mission, Vision and History
Wilder Stories
– School Success
– Affordable Housing
– Troubled Youth & Families
– Homeless Study
– Effective Leadership
– Successful Aging
Board of Directors
Financial Report
Gifts and Grants
Legacy Sponsors
A unique feature of Wilder Center, a concrete “word band” surrounding the building,
is comprised of 26 word pairs drawn from the original Wilder family wills, articles
of incorporation and mission statement. By carving these words in stone, words that
capture the spirit of the Wilder family’s wishes, we will provide a daily reminder to
all who walk through our doors of the Foundation’s purpose to enrich the Saint Paul
community and improve the lives of its most vulnerable citizens.
Let us share some samples of progress over the past year through the lens of those
words pairs:
transform lives Through all of Wilder’s programs and services, we seek to enrich
the lives of the clients we serve, assist them in their efforts to become productive and
contributing citizens, and improve their overall quality of life. Over the past year,
Wilder has touched the lives of more than one in 20 persons in Saint Paul.
nurture children School success is a primary focus for Wilder. The Superintendent
of the Saint Paul Schools has given her enthusiastic support to Achievement Plus, the
Foundation’s academic reform effort. This project is in the process of expanding to
an additional school, Cleveland Junior High.
remove barriers Wilder is committed to removing barriers to success, and one key
Until December 31, 2007
919 Lafond Avenue
Saint Paul, MN 55104
After January 1, 2008
451 Lexington Parkway North
Saint Paul, MN 55104
inspire community One of the Foundation’s goals is to inspire individual members
of the community to develop new skills and take on challenges to improve society.
One example of such inspiration was the recent development of a Spanish-speaking
Leadership Development Program for new Latina women in Saint Paul.
way is to provide safe, affordable and stable housing. Best stated by a Wilder resident,
“What a difference an address makes,” the Foundation is considering potential plans
for four new affordable housing projects in Saint Paul.
value elders Wilder has developed its initial plans for a Center for Healthy Aging,
support families Wilder places major emphasis on helping the most troubled
press forward As we embark on our second century of service to Saint Paul,
children and their families, often while they face overwhelming circumstances.
Over the past year, the Foundation touched the lives of 2,941 kids, who without
receiving these services and support would be experiencing severe behavioral
Wilder looks forward to growing its services with and for our community.
We extend our profound gratitude to everyone who has assisted us in reaching
this exciting time in our history.
share knowledge Wilder has demonstrated continued growth in its
research impact, most notably this year through another release of the Homeless
Study, which provides the factual basis for the State of Minnesota’s plan to end
long-term homelessness.
designed to find additional alternatives to nursing homes, support caregivers of the
aged, and promote prevention strategies to assist with healthy aging.
Tom Kingston, President
Elizabeth (Sandy) M. Kiernat, Wilder Board Chair
Our Values
To accomplish
our stated mission,
Wilder is committed to:
• Be a lasting and
significant charitable
presence in the
Saint Paul area
• Respond
and creatively to
human needs
• Be a leader in
human service
and community
• Distinguish our
services with quality
and integrity
The Amherst H. Wilder Foundation is a nonprofit health and human services
organization that has served the greater Saint Paul, Minnesota area since 1906.
The Foundation offers a wide range of programs and services to help children
succeed in school, troubled youth and families overcome barriers to successful
living, individuals and families maintain stable, long-term housing, and older
adults remain independent. Wilder leadership development programs work to
build skills of emerging community leaders and renew the energy and commitment
of experienced leaders. Wilder Research is one of the nation’s largest nonprofit
research and evaluation centers dedicated to the field of human services.
Our Vision
Amherst H. Wilder, a wealthy Saint Paul businessman, his wife, Fanny and their
daughter Cornelia Day Wilder Appleby created the Foundation in 1906, funded
by $2.6 million in trusts left by the family. Their wishes have been carried out for
over 100 years, fulfilling the following mission:
The mission of the Amherst H. Wilder Foundation is to promote the
social welfare of persons resident or located in the greater Saint Paul
metropolitan area by all appropriate means including:
• Relief of the poor
• Care of the sick and aged
• Care and nurture of children
• Aid of the disadvantaged and otherwise needy
• Promotion of physical and mental health
• Support of rehabilitation and corrections
• Provision of needed housing and social services
And, in general, the conservation of human resources by the provision
of human services responsive to the welfare needs of the community,
all without regard to, or discrimination on account of, nationality, sex,
color, religious scruples or prejudices.
Amherst Holcomb Wilder
Fanny Spencer Wilder
Cornelia Day Wilder Appleby
The Wilder Foundation
is here for good!
The Foundation’s vision
for the greater Saint Paul
area is that it will be a
vibrant community where
all individuals, families
and neighborhoods
can prosper, with
opportunities to work,
to be engaged in their
communities, to live
in decent housing,
to attend good schools
and to receive support
during times of need.
“My favorite thing here is playing with the other kids outside. Sliding
down the slide on my knees is my favorite. Sometimes you turn around
and go backwards, I love that the most!”
– Justice, student
“What I love most working
here is all the interaction
with the kids. They grow
and learn so much here.
Right now Justice is
in the Butterfly class,
next year he is going
to be a Dolphin.”
– Jessica
staff (teacher)
The Wilder Child Development Center (CDC) is a
full-day child care and early childhood education
program. The program serves children ages 16 months
to kindergarten who live in the greater Saint Paul area.
It is designed to promote the social, emotional, cognitive,
and physical development of the children, including
age-appropriate proficiency in personal and social skills,
language and literacy, and mathematical thinking.
The Child Development Center provides qualified and
caring staff, nutritionally sound meals, age-appropriate
programming, and family outreach activities and support
to promote positive family functioning. The curriculum
emphasizes multicultural and multisensory activities that
promote younger childrens’ readiness for school and
supplement older childrens’ learning in school.
“I was in the shelter with my family when I came into contact with Wilder
in January of 2004. Everything went smoothly after that. I got started in a
nice, safe place because that’s what we needed at that time to get started.
“Her one and a half
year-old son had severe
allergies and asthma.
It just took one wrong
thing to eat and she
would have to drop what
she was doing and head to
the doctor. So she worked
to find a day care provider
who knew about her son’s
needs, so she could get on
track with employment.
I don’t know how I do it somedays, but now I have my own place. I work
a full time job. I take care of my teenager, pre-teen and five year-old. And
I attend Century College part time studying human services. I’m busy, but
it’s better than looking for a home and something to support your family.
I’m doing things that I’ve always wanted to do without having all that on
my shoulders. It’s a lot of work, but I just feel so peaceful now.”
– Tawanda, client
She looked for months
for a job. She’d look so
discouraged, but I’d say,
‘Tawanda, you are doing
everything you need to
do. You are going to get
a job. You just watch.’
And she did.”
– Gloria, staff
The ROOF Project, an innovative transitional housing
program, is a collaboration of organizations committed to
assisting homeless families in Ramsey County rebuild their
own futures. Since 1995, the ROOF Project has assisted over
500 homeless families move from shelters and off the street
into housing that is affordable. ROOF is the largest provider
of transitional housing in the East Metro and serves nearly
30% of all homeless families in Ramsey County.
Families in the program are helped to secure housing and
receive intensive in-home services. Families find and maintain
employment and educational opportunities and receive
education and support around mental health, substance
abuse and domestic violence issues. Parents are encouraged
to connect to their childrens’ schools and provide
educational resources for their children in order to achieve
school success.
“It’s because of Wilder that we’ve been able to purchase a home.
It means stability. I have hope for the future now.”
– Chue, client
“Wilder has made a difference for both generations in our family.
But mostly for my mom. She smiles now.”
“For me the most
rewarding thing is
coming to work every
day and knowing that
each day you might
make a difference in
someone’s life. It makes
me feel really good to
know I’m helping people
lead better lives, especially
kids who are struggling
with various mental
health issues.
– Gaojous, client
This particular family,
I’m just so proud of how
much progress they’ve
made. They are definitely
a success.”
– Chao
SEA program staff
The Wilder Foundation’s Southeast Asian (SEA) Services
was established in 1984 to help a growing population
of refugees work through mental health issues. It serves
Hmong, Cambodian, Laotian and Vietnamese immigrants
and refugees living in the East metro area.
The program has received national recognition for how
it combines Western mental health practices with the
traditional healing methods of the Southeast Asian cultures it
serves. Its core services, provided to both adults and youth,
include mental health assessment; individual, group and
family counseling; case management; and school-based
youth services.
“My son, Jacari, 10, and I have been staying in an emergency shelter.
We were living in transitional housing, but I was unable to find
permanent housing when my two years in the program ended.
“I have always felt that
my involvement in the
homeless study brings me
as close to the center of
Wilder’s mission as you
can get. These are the
poorest among us and
they truly have the least
access to resources.
Our study provides
both a voice for those
experiencing homelessness
and a promise that
someone is paying
attention and that
their voices will be
We’ll be moving soon. My priority is making a good life for Jacari.
I want to secure housing, get a job, and be the best dad I can be.”
– Bryan, study participant
Wilder’s homeless study
continues to be relevant
and important in both the
public and private sectors.
The public sector relies
on us for reliable and
accurate information for
both planning and policy
purposes. The private
sector finds the study
essential for documenting
needs and for preparing
plans and funding
proposals to meet those
– Greg, staff
H O M E L E S S S T U D Y, W I L D E R R E S E A R C H
Since 1991, Wilder has conducted a statewide homeless
survey every three years to better understand the causes,
circumstances and effects of homelessness, and to promote
efforts toward permanent, affordable housing for all
The October 2006 survey is the most comprehensive to date.
More than 950 volunteers around the state conducted faceto-face interviews with some 2,500 people in emergency
shelters, transitional housing programs, and battered
women’s shelters. In addition, thanks to extraordinary
outreach efforts by Wilder partners, nearly 1,200 homeless
people not in shelters were interviewed.
Wilder Research is one of the nation’s largest nonprofit
research and evaluation groups dedicated to practical
research in the field of human services.
“I never knew I had the potential to be a leader until this program
challenged me to do it. My parents came from Laos and didn’t really
understand what leadership could be for a Hmong girl in this country,
so they never really encouraged me.
“I see this program
providing opportunities
for young people to live
up to their full potential.
Youth make contributions
when they feel valued by
adults. In our program
young people explore
their own and other
cultures, build confidence,
and learn they can make
a difference in the
community that really
Being a part of this program was the first time I started to hear something
positive said about me. Towards the end of the program, we had an exercise
where we all closed our eyes and we took turns whispering to
each other. I didn’t know who was saying what, but a whole group of
my peers would say what they’ve seen in me or what I have the potential
to do or to be. As a Hmong girl, you don’t hear a lot of positive things.
It made me cry. I realized people see potential in me. And now I see
potential in myself.”
– GaoLang, youth mentor
– Sally, staff
The Youth Leadership Initiative is part of Wilder’s Center
for Communities, which aims to develop effective leaders
in our community.
The Youth Leadership Initiative (YLI) is a multicultural
program designed to help youth develop strong, effective
leadership skills to work in diverse community settings.
The program assists youth in learning about themselves,
working with others, and engaging in meaningful action.
Each year 60 young people between the ages of 14-18
make the year-long commitment to the program.
“Home is the ideal place
to receive care. It’s more
comfortable to stay in your
home with family, friends,
neighbors and family pets.
In a hospital or nursing
home many decisions are
made for you, but at home
people are much more in
control. They are able to
be more independent, and
I like seeing how well they
respond to that.
“I’ve been at Adult Day Health since before it moved to 650 Marshall,
and I had my own spot at the King Center. When we moved over, I
picked a spot, and I wanted to keep it. Trouble is I’m slowing down,
so I’m usually the last person back from lunch. One of the staff members
said to me, ‘I know how to keep your seat for you – I won’t set it up until
you get here.’ That’s just one example of how they look out for you there.
People there get to know each other really well and get very close.”
I have a nurse, homemaker and Meals on Wheels come to my home
where I’ve been for 23 years. It makes all the difference.”
– Ida, client, 95 years old
A lot of people think
home care is an easy job,
but I think it is one of the
most challenging types
of work. Staff members
have to be comfortable
with their skills when
working independently
with clients in their homes.
It takes a special kind of
person to do home care,
someone who is willing
to take on the challenge of
something new every day.”
– Mary Ann, staff
Wilder is one of the area's oldest and most respected
home health care agencies, providing safe, reliable and
compassionate in-home health care to Saint Paul’s older
adults for more than 20 years. Services include nursing care,
grooming, laundry, shopping, meal preparation, exercise,
social work, rehabilitation, consulting services
and caregiver support.
Wilder’s Adult Day Health Center provides older adults
with recreational and therapeutic activities, health
monitoring, personal care/grooming assistance,
nutritious meals and snacks, and social time.
Stan K. Dardis
CEO, Bremer Financial Corporation
Second Vice Chair
Joan A. Grzywinski
Retired Wells Fargo Executive
Xoua Thao, M.D.
Xoua Thao Medical Center
Barbara Roy
Community Volunteer
Maria Gomez
Retired State Commissioner of Human Resources
Malcolm W. McDonald
Retired Space Center, Inc. Executive
Elizabeth (Sandy) M. Kiernat
Community Volunteer
Ann Wynia
President, North Hennepin Community College
First Vice Chair
Fred Harris
Retired VP, 3M Community Affairs and Workforce Diversity
James P. Steiner
Managing Principal, Lowry Hill
Sarah J. Andersen
President, SRI
Robyn Hansen
Attorney/Shareholder, Leonard, Street and Deinard
Early Childhood
Development Services
The Wilder Child Development Center
provides child care for children ages 2-1/2 to
5 years while their parents work or continue
their education. The program, accredited
by the National Association of Education for
Young Children (NAEYC), is developmental
in structure and content, focusing on cognitive,
emotional, social and physical growth, with an
emphasis on preparing children, and their
parents, for success in school.
• Child Development Center
Children’s Residential Services
Children’s Residential Services provides a
24-hour-a-day therapeutic environment for
children and youth (ages 5 to 18) at three
residential treatment facilities in Saint Paul,
Minnesota. An evening treatment program and
a network of foster homes are also available.
• Bush Residential Services
– Bush Memorial Children’s Center
– Bush Evening Treatment
– Center for Children with
Reactive Attachment Disorder
– Holcomb House
– Spencer House
• Foster Care
– Center for Children with
Reactive Attachment Disorder
• Intensive Supervision Program
Community Services
for the Elderly
Community Services for the Elderly provides
an array of health and supportive services with
the goal of healthy aging in the community.
• Adult Day Health
– Adult Day Health Services
– Memory Loss Program
• Assisted Living Programs
– Dunedin Terrace
– Edgerton Hi-Rise
– Hamline Hi-Rise
– Ravoux Hi-Rise
• Elderly Supportive Services
– Home-Delivered Meals
– Homemaker
– Senior Outreach and
Consulting and Care Coordination
• Home Health
• Senior Dental Clinic
Mental Health and Education
Mental Health and Education provides mental
health services for children at the Wilder
Child Guidance Clinic and other community
locations, including schools and homes;
community-based violence prevention and
intervention services; and culturally competent
services designed to address social adjustment
and mental health needs of Southeast Asians.
• Child Guidance Clinic (CGC)
– Child Guidance Clinic
- Achievement Plus
- Case Management
- Primary Mental Health Project
- Incredible Years
- Family Service Provider
- Project Assist
- Functional Family Therapy
- Psychiatric Services
– Project Kofi
• Wilder Violence Prevention
and Intervention Services
– Adult Services
- Domestic Abuse Men
- Domestic Abuse Women
- Women’s Anger Management
– Children Services
- Domestic Abuse Children
- Parenting Support Group
– Youth Services
- Young Mens (male adolescents)
- Voices & Choices (female adolescents)
• Southeast Asian Services (SEA)
– SEA Adult
- Adult Services
- Case Management
- Family Connect
- Hmong Odyssey
- Assertive Community Treatment
– SEA Youth
- Adolescent Violence
- Youth Program
- Children’s Case Management
- Family Community Support Services
- Functional Family Therapy
- Project Assist
Supportive Housing and
Employment Services
Supportive Housing and Employment Services
works with low-income individuals and families
to increase opportunities for obtaining and
maintaining decent, affordable housing, and
preparing for, finding and keeping a job.
• Supportive Housing Management
– Family Housing
- Jackson Street Village
- St. Philip’s Gardens
- Wilder Square, Inc.
– Senior Housing
- 508-510 and 516 Humboldt
- Concordia Arms
- Elders Lodge
- Wilder Square Hi-Rise
– Single Adult Housing
- American House Apartments
- Redeemers Arms
- Wilder Apartments at Snelling
• Employment and Family
Housing Services
– The ROOF Project
– Project Quest
– Jackson Street Village Services
– Community Transition Center
– Family Support
- Family Community Response
- Alternative Response Program
– Mobile Resource Center
Achievement Plus is an educational reform
effort that works to improve academic
achievement by strengthening instructional
programs and student and family support. It is a
partnership with Saint Paul Public Schools, the
City of Saint Paul, Ramsey County, the State of
Minnesota and three Saint Paul neighborhoods.
• Cleveland Achievement Plus
Junior High School
• Dayton’s Bluff Achievement Plus
Elementary School
• John A. Johnson Achievement Plus
Elementary School
• Monroe Achievement Plus
Community School
Wilder Center for Communities
The Wilder Center for Communities works
to develop the capacity of neighborhood and
youth leaders, and to nurture the creativity
and vitality of proven leaders of philanthropic,
civic and community-serving organizations.
• Community Leadership
– Neighborhood Leadership Program
- The Youth Leadership Initiative
- The Neighborhood
Leadership Programs
- The James P. Shannon
Leadership Institute
• Stakeholder Engagement
Year Ended June 30, 2007
Sources of Dollars Used to Finance Operations
■ Government Contracts, Grants and Fees
■ Wilder Foundation Endowment
■ Private Gifts
■ Private Fees and Other Revenues
■ Private Grants
Total Operating Dollars
$15.6 35%
13.1 29%
8.3 19%
4.9 11%
$ 44.4 100%
Expenditures by Service Group
Wilder Research improves the community’s
understanding of major social issues and
identifies effective ways to strengthen
individuals, families and communities.
■ Wilder Programs
– Community trend studies
■ Administration
– Evaluation of human service programs
■ Fundraising
– Needs assessment
Total Operating Dollars
■ Wilder Research
■ Achievement Plus
$ 34.1 76%
4.5 10%
4.3 10%
$ 44.4 100%
– Online searchable archive
of research reports
– Survey Research
Year Ended June 30, 2007
• Community Housing Development
– Housing Development
– Community Housing Collaborations
and Leadership
– Community Initiatives
Fiscal Year 2007
Persons served:1
Persons trained:2
Organizations served:
Achievement Plus students: 1,100
Research reports issued:
Number of employees:3
Number of volunteers:
Number of interns:
1 Unduplicated count
2 Includes persons trained individually and
through organizations and may include
some duplicated counts.
3 Includes part-time and temporary
Cash and Cash Equivalents
Accounts and Pledges Receivable
Bond Proceeds for Construction of Building
Land, Buildings and Equipment, Net
Other Assets
Total Assets
$ 326.0
Liabilities and Net Assets
Accounts Payable
Accrued Expenses and Other Current Liabilities
Long-term Debt and Other Long-term Liabilities
Net Assets
Total Liabilities and Net Assets
$ 326.0
Contributions to the Wilder Foundation, July 1, 2006 – June 30, 2007
The Wilder Foundation gratefully acknowledges the following individuals, families, foundations, organizations and businesses that
supported our clients and programs with financial contributions or donated goods and services during the past fiscal year. We have
made every effort to ensure the accuracy of our donor lists. If a name has been inadvertently omitted, please contact the Office of
Resource Development,
Adrianna Abariotes
Sue Abderholden
Jahshams Abdul Mumin
Elizabeth Abraham
Abigail Adams
Randolph Adamsick
Mary Jane Addison
Efe Agbamu
Daniel and Terry Allen
Janet L. Allen
Mary Altman
Gail Amundson
Sarah Andersen and
Christopher Hayner*
Amy L. and David W. Anderson
Betty J. and Morgan R. Anderson
Christine M. and Dean A.
Daniel G. Anderson
David Anderson and
John Garver
Eric Anderson
Evelyn Anderson and
Eleanore Bredvold
George W. and Grace M. Anderson
James E. Anderson*
John and Beret Anderson
Mary Anderson
Mike Anderson
Raymond Anderson
Sheryl Anderson
Stephen Anderson
Suzanne M. H. Anderson
Kristi Anderson - Hermann
Glenn and Jennifer Andis
Elizabeth Andress and
Steven Solbrack
Janette Andrews
Dick Anfang
Mark Anton
Stuart Appelbaum and
Jean King
Maria A. Arabbo
Nina and John Archibal
Muriel R. Arend
Julie Arko
Carolyn M. Arvin
Fred and Patricia Auch*
Tom and Sharon Auth
Jackie Averill
Julie A. Avery
Marcia Avner
Rosemary Baatz
Walter and Ginger Bailey
Stephen D. Barberio and
Lori B. Suvalsky
Robert and Angeline Barduson
Robert and Lillian Barnes
Marge Barry
Marcianna J. Basco
Bradley Baso
Marjorie and Robert Bathen
Elsa Batica
Peter Bauer
David and Dena Bawek
Luella E. Bean
Robert Beck
Victor Beck
Brenda B. Becker*
Stacy Becker
Cecile Bedor
Melanie Beene
William A. Behrends
Bryan and Lael Belisle
Peter Bell and Sharon Bottorff
Tanya Bell
John and Anne Bendt
Beth Bennington
Greg Benson
William J. Benzick*
David Bergstrom and
Deborah Van Neste
Richard J. Bernard
Marge Betts
Jane E. Bicker
Marian and Don Biehn
Diana and Mitch Binford
Craig and Kathy Binger*
Matt Birk
Peg Birk
Bob and Pam Birk
Birgit J. Bjornson
Edward and Lois Black
Bill and Wendy Blackburn
Terry Blackford
Jo Lynn Blaeser
Jean Blanch
Dean H. Blomster
Janet Boehlke*
Holly Boehne
Phil and Linda Boelter
Donita K. Bolden
Tisha Bolger
Michele M. Bonaiuto
Andrea Bond and Charles Skrief
Kathy Bonnifield
Clarence Bonniwell
Lori Borgelt
Nancy and Paul Borzo
Kim and Laurie Boyce
Thomas and Liz Boyd
Jim and Jayne Bradshaw*
Dr. Wilson Bradshaw
Steve Brady
Mary and Dick Brainerd*
Ron Brand and
Gail Lundeen Brand
Christine Bray
Jerry and Susan Brecke
Gerald D. Brennan
Laurie Brickley
Tessa Bridal
Kathryn Martin Briem
M. Susan Brock
Virginia and Rawley Brodeen
John Brodrick
Jerry Broeckert
Loralee Broer
Elaine T. Bromelkamp
Ellen Bromley
Ronnie Brooks*
D. H. and N. E. Brosowske
Consuella Brown
Ellen and Peter Brown
Judy L. and Richard L. Brown
Sally Brown
Kathryn A. and David A. Brownell
Harry Brull and Myra Barrett*
Jerry L. Brecke*
L. E. and L. A. Bruss
Carolyn Brusseau
John M. Bryson and
Barbara C. Crosby
Darrel Bugel
Susan Bugel
Lisa Bugman
Robert Buntz
Mike Burbach
William and Kathleen Burch
Nancy Burns and Scott Harrison
Carolyn and Robert Bye
Jacqueline Byrd
Rem Cabrera
Donald Benjamin Cameron
Gavin Cameron-Webb
Richard B. Cammack
Susan and Jon Campbell*
Gwen Cannon
Andy Capistrant
Brian and Jaclyn Carey*
J. Martin and Peggy Carlson
Geoffrey Carman
John Carman
Dr. Meria Carstarphen
Natalie Casemore
Calvin and Ann Caturia
Joseph and Jane Cavanaugh
Jasminka Chan and
Terry W. Bratt
Claire J. Chang
Mary B. Chapman
Karen L. Charles
Karen Charlson
Peg Chemberlin
Vicki Chepulis
Judy Cherry
Elizabeth Childs and
Todd Larson
David and Mary Christiansen
Heidi N. and Brock R. Christianson
Sharon and Bill Clapp
Whitney Clark
John Clawson
Connie L. Clay
Jack and Laura Clinard
Douglas and Kathleen Clock
Matthew J. Clysdale*
Darlene M. Cobian
John Cody and Ronald Oveson
Earl and Phyllis Cohen
Robert and Kimberly Colbert
Daniel and Katherine Cole
Jeff Collier
Jay Colond
Chip Connelly
Dave and Deborah Cook
Edward H. Cook
Richard Cook
Thomas Copeland
Kathleen Corley-Frient
Bill J. and Maureen Cosgriff
John and Peggy Couchman
Elizabeth Cowan
Jay and Page Cowles
Rita Cox
Francis Coyne and
Connie Hilliard
James Craig
Zach Crain
Amy K. Crawford
Marty and LuAnn Culhane III
Patricia A. Cummings
Gary Cunningham and Jeanie
Andrew C. Currie
Anne D. Czarniecki
Jody Dahl
Patti Dalen-Leisinger
Eileen Daly
Sheldon and Carol Damberg*
Rodney and Doris Danielson
Penelope Dannenberg
Stan and Sharon Dardis*
Marilyn and Terence J. Davern
Teri Davids
Barbara H. Davis
Blake and Sandy Davis
Ted Davis and
Andrea Casselton
Heidi Davison
Andy Dawkins and
Ellen R. Anderson
Ken and Abigail Dawkins*
Mary Delahanty
Jim Delamater
Louis Demaio
John and Mary DeMoss
Claudia Dengler and
Alan Saltzman
Keith Denison
Kenneth and Arlene Denzer
John and Mary DePauw
Beth Desnick
Charlton and Dottie Dietz*
David and Gail Dimond
Walter Dinalko
Jean and Charles Doane
Jim and Susan Dockman
Sally J. Doerksen
Elisabeth and Humphrey
Sandra L. and D. L. Doffing
George and Francie Domstrand
Philip E. Donaldson
Geraldine Donnelly
Patrick and Christee Donovan*
Thomas A. and Mona C.
Diane and Harvey
Larry and Lori Dowell
Kevin Doyle
David and Patricia Drew*
William A. and Mary S. Driver
George B. and Jo Anne C. Droubie
Tom Duke and Jean Hammink
Judith L. Durfey
Tim Dyrhaug
E. Ward Eames
Jane Eastwood
Ralph D. Ebbott
Sue Ebertz
Scott and Lisa Eckman
Dr. Kyle and Beth Edlund*
Randee W. Edmundson
Kate C. Eidem
Louise Eidsmoe
Dave Ellis
Anne Elstrom Park and
Randolph Park
Kris Emerson
Dale and Denine Emter
Rosemary Enslin
Matt Entenza*
Tabatha Erck
Craig and Diane Erickson
Renee Erickson
Craig and Paula Evanich
Gerald and Kathleen Faletti
John Fandrey
Tim and Jennifer Farley
Thomas and Florence Farnham
Lisa Faul
Frank Feinberg
Bill and Mary Ferrell
Daniel Fesler*
David A. Fey
Linda Fifield
Erica L. Fishman
Corinne Fitzpatrick
Thomas Fladung
Timothy P. Flaherty
William R. Flanary
Bonnie Jean Flom and Gregory
Amy M. Flusemann
Thomas J. Foley
Karen and Donald Ford
James Forman
Hal Fotsch
Bill Foussard
Al and Frannie Franken*
K. Franzmeier and J. Nataf
David and Sandra Frauenshuh*
Dennis and Barbara Frederick
William and Bonita Frels
James and Mary Frey*
Margaret and Rod Friese
Bev Fritz
William M. Fullerton
Dennis Furlong
Stephen and Margaret Gadient
M.J. Galvin, Jr. and Frances C.
Paul A. and Christine C. Ganfield
Donald and Patricia Garofalo*
Becky Garthofner and Jerry Woelfel
Terry Garvey
Trish Garvin
Rhonda Gautschi
Judy and James Gaviser
Jill Gebeke
Victoria Gee-Treft
Deborah and Phillip Gelbach
Cassie Genz
Carol Geraghty
Sandra Gerber and Richard Thomas
Carol and Phil Gersmehl
Kerry Geurkink
Michelle Giguere
Mary Beth Gilmore
Nicholas Giuliano
Terry Glarner*
Bob and Elaine Golberg
Jesse Bethke Gomez
Norm Good*
Joan Gooden
Scott and Corine Goodrich
Jack and Lorrie Goodwin
David Gorringe
Peter and Mary Gove*
Edith Gozali-Lee
Richard Graham and Patricia
Sadie Green and Laura Jensen
Mindy Greiling
Majorie Griffing*
David H. and Katherine W. Griffith
Judith A. Grimm
Terry J. Gristeinner
Paul K. Gronneberg
Daniel R. Grundtner
Joan and Bob Grzywinski
Harriet Guthertz
Howard M. and Elizabeth H.
Larry and Pamela Guthrie*
Lari Hacker
Paul Hager
Robert and Diane Hagstrom
Rachel Haisting
Ann M. Hale
Matthew F. Halley
Keith Halperin and Karen Gabrow
Peter Hames
Harry Hammerly*
Colleen and Christopher Hampl
David W. Hancox
Jerry Hanggi
Mike Hankee
Gary and Diane Hansen
Jack Hansen and Joan LeGare
Laurie Hansen
Robyn Hansen and John Clarey*
Arlita I. Hanson
Barbara Hanson
Penny Hanson
Deborah Hanson McNiff and
Gerald McNiff
Joshua P. Harmel
Deborah A. Harrington
John M. Harrington
Fred and Archie Harris*
Theresa Harris and
James Rowader, Jr.
William E. Harrison*
Catherine Hartnett
Nancy Hartzler
Dianna Hatfield
Richard D. Hawke
Jennifer Hawkins
Gloria L. and Karin C. Hawkinson
Linda Hedemark
Peter Heegard*
Mary S. Heiserman, PhD
Karen and Jon Helgason
Craig Helmstetter and
Kristin Peterson
William and Kay Hempel
Mary Ann G. Hennen
Bob and Mary Ellen Hennessey
David and Rebecca Henningson
Ray and Marilyn Henningson
Jamie Hernandez
Pat Hess*
Tuesday Hewitt
Rick Heydinger and
Beverly Jones Heydinger
Jo Anna Hicks
Joan Higinbotham
Louis F. and Kathrine E. Hill
Randy Hines
Frances Hobart
Michael Hoffman
Ruby Hokanson
Carolyn Holbrook
Tom Holman*
Peter C. Honerman
Dinata Hopkins
Leticia Hoppenrath
Thomas and Libby Horner
Frank Hosch
Dan and Louise Hoxworth
Heidi and Robert Hubbard*
Melanie Huggins
Jerome and Audrey Hughes
Annie Huidekoper
John Humleker
Jennifer Hummel
Charles and Karen Humphrey
* Denotes Wilder Legacy Builder – individuals, families or
businesses who have pledged $5,000 or more to be given
over five or fewer years to support Wilder programs.
James and Marjorie Humphrey
Anne Hunt
Mary and Stan Hunter
Ann Huntrods
Sandra J. Hurley
John and Ruth Huss*
Elizabeth Ijamah
Eileen Imsdahl
Debra M. Ingram
Beth and Peter Jackson
Karen Jacobson
Paul and Lillian Jacobson
Stanley and Janet Jacobson
Louis and Carol Jambois, Jr.
Marjorie and James Jambor
Howard Jang
Vernon and Beverly Jellum
Oliver and Beth Roy Jenkyn
Wayne Jennings
Bernice Jessen
Gary and Mary Jeub
Jean R. Jirovec
Adam T. Johnson
BJ Johnson
Daniel and Sally Johnson
Gene Johnson and Linda Paul
Heather Johnson
Kenton Johnson
Mario Johnson
Marlene E. Johnson
Rod and Lil Johnson*
Terri Tulgren Johnson and
Hans Johnson
Maggie and Brad Johnston
Eric Jolly
Chris Jones
David and Julie Jones
Louise and Dick Jones
Scott Jones*
James and Mary Ellen Jordan
June Jordan
Mary Judge
Pamela Kabes
Deb Kapaun and Sheila Klietz
Judy Karon
Connie Kasella
Dorothy M. Kaufer
Kalin Kauppila
Laurie Keate
Laura and Michael Keller
Kathleen Kelley
Dawn Kelly
Mrs. June Kelly
Kate Kelly
Kate Kelsch
John Kemp
Barry and Cheryl Kempton
John and Julie Kenefick
Roger and Patricia Kerber*
John and Diane Kerr
Nancy Ketchel
Megan Kettunen
Elizabeth Keyes
Elizabeth and Bruce Kiernat*
R.B. Kiernat and
Courtney Cushing
Betsy Kiernat Zakrajsheck and Peter
Jeff Kiffin
Joseph and Kathleen
Kingman III
Tom and Mary Kingston*
Karolyn Kirchgesler
Patricia Kirkpatrick
David L. and Sarah M. B. Kise
Peter and Patricia Klein
Stephen Klein
Bill Kleinman*
Carol Kline
Theodora J. Koeppen
Tara Koltes
Brad and Heidi Konkler
Marcia and Joseph Kopp
Phil J. and Jeanette L. Kormann
Jill and Les Korsh
Bill and Jeanne Kosfeld
Rob Kost
Lori, Dennis, and Dan Koutsky
Susan Krabbenhoft
Rachel E. Kraft
Bill Krake*
Wade Kram
Bob and Cindy Kranz
Laurence Kress
Irwin B. Kroot
Theodore and Patricia Kroulik
Brad E. Kruse and Kimberly K.
Shannon C. Krygiel
Fred A. and Suzanne Kueppers
William C. and Diane O.
Sarah A. Kuhnen
Carl and Janet Kuhrmeyer*
Terry and Peter Kujawa
Daniel and Constance Kunin
Norbert and Isabel Kunkel
Jill Kuntz
Kim Kurki
Katherine M. Kvale
Brenda Kyle
John and Julie Labosky
James and Gail LaFave
Gregory Lais
John L. Lamb
John and Nancy Lambros
Janice Landy
Dorothy E. Lane
Wendy Lane
Janis Lane-Ewart
Gary and Adele Larson
Jeff Lavers
Ann Ledy
Diana M. Lee
Janet M. Lee
Marilynn and Owen Lee
Mary J. Lenard
Louise and Thomas Lentz
Irving and Gwen Lerner
Michael Lehert
Dianne S. Lev
Charles and Paula Levenberg
Carolyn Levitt
Steve and Karen Lewis
Dick and Peg Lidstad
Susan Lindstrom
Tom Linebarger
Bernice Lineil
Robert and Donna Linell
Laura Lipkin
Helen O. Livingston
Bryan and Brittany Lloyd
Elizabeth Lockwood
Steve Loosbrock*
Jean and Arnie London
Anne and James Long
Barbara Lorinser
Lorrie Louder
Garry and Carole Loufek
Kathyrn B. Lowery
Keith and Judith Luebke
Jo Ann and Lee Lundblad
Lorna Lundell
Pamela P. Lundell
Virginia R. Lupo
Mark Lutwak and Y. York
Marina and Michael Lyon
Elizabeth Mackall*
Charles G. MacDonald
Gina Mackintosh
Charlie and Terri Mahar*
Bill Mahlum and Donna Allan
George and Dusty Mairs*
Robert and Helen Mairs
Jerry Maki
Marge Maki
Jan Malcolm
Katherine Malmberg and Terence
Richard Mann
Margo Mann-Lanier
Andrea and John Marboe
Steve Marino
Thomas and Rita Marr
Susan Marschalk
Cindy and C. W. Marsh
Ruth and David Marshall
Mary Marso and Starr Kirklin
Laura Martell Kelly
Lori Martin
Nicole Martin
Paula R. Marty
Tim and Monica Marx
John and Deborah Maschoff
Patrick, Sr. and Karin Mascia*
Jennifer Mason and Jodell Barry
Mary Ann Mastel
Rudina Mathews
Paul and Tara Mattessich
Sherla and Dave Mayer*
Julia Fabris McBride and William
Susan McCall
Fiona C. McCrae
Ann McCully and Gil Wahl
Charles and Susan McDonald
Malcolm W. McDonald*
Patricia McDonald
James McDonough
Kevin McDonough
Maureen McDonough and Roger
T. R. McGibbon
Michael F. and Gayle McGrane
Dave and Kim McIntosh
Carol McKay
Galen S. McKay
Nancy and Patrick McKillips
Shannon McLevish
John McMahon
Dana McManigle
Mary Bigelow McMillan*
Heather McMoore
Harry McNeely*
Mary and Terry McNellis*
Carol McWalters
Joan D. Meade
Robert and Debra Meath*
Roberta and Robert Megard*
Scott Melter
Robert Metcalf
Leland and Marilyn Meyer
Rolf and Karen Middleton*
Bruce Miller
Rev. Devin Miller
Sarah and Jeffrey
Herbert F. Mischke
Deborah K. Mitchell
John and Sheila Mohr
Bjorn and Margot Monson
Paul Monson
C. Elwood and Kathryn Moore
Richard and Valerie Moore
Michelle Morehouse
Jolene Morgan
Jonathan and Martha Morgan
Stan Mork and
Carrie Williams Mork
Bonnie Morris
Arch and Susan Mrkvicka
Dan and Sharon Mueller
Dawn M. Mueller
Keith and Jennifer Mueller
Karen P. Muller
James A. and Franchelle C. Mullin
Melissa and Jonathan Munce
Mary C. Murphy
George and Holly Myers
Nancy Myers
Laura Mylan and Steve Pearson
John and Renee Nagel*
Steve Nagle and Debra Carpenter
Dava Nasby
David and Karen Nasby
Rosanne Nathanson
Steven and Diane Neeb
James and Judy Neece
Charlie and Jane Neimeyer
Clyde and Judy Nelson*
George H. Nelson
Harley and Irena Nelson
Karen M. Nelson
Mary Nelson
Owen and Deborah Nelson
Paula Nelson
Richard Newirth
Thanh Son Nguyen
Barbara Nichols
Richard and Nancy Nicholson*
Todd and Martha Nicholson
Kendra and Bruce Nielsen
William and Michelle Nielsen
Jean Nierenhausen
Bruce Nimmer
Mark and Jackie Nolan*
Denise Noling
Garfield Nordin and Gloria Larsen
Shanti S. Norris
Glyn R. Northington
Connie Nyman
Linda Oakes
John O'Brien
Bob Odman
Judy G. Ohm
Dorothy W. Ohnsorg
Jerry Okerman*
Glenn and Merrilee Oliphant
Ruth Ollila
Ben and Jane Olson
Daniel Olson and Nancy Baker
Jae E. Olson
Keith and Mary Olson
Paul and Elizabeth Olson
Rick and Wendy Olson
Robert and Berdelle Olson
Wendy and Rick Olson
Marla and Mike Olstad
Dan and Ruth Olthoff
Kathleen Oman
Dianne and John Orbison
Margaret P. Orr
Walter and Lois Ortman
Charles and Vicki Osborne*
Hilvie E. Ostrow
Laurel G. Ostrow
Greg and Phyllis Owen
Mike Palm
Rick Palm
Mary Kay Palmer
Phil and Connie Paquette
Richard and Teresa Parry
Mary M. Patterson
Sally and Tom Patterson*
James A. Payne
Stephen Peacock and
Kathryn Seng
Patrick and Janice Pechacek
Kathleen Pechuman
Lynne E. and Charles Pederson
Kent Pekel
Eleanora K. Pennekamp
Margaret Pennings and
Dan Guenthner
Phillip and Joan Pennington
Roseanne Pera and
Thomas Dipasquale
Gloria Perez-Jordan
Shane and Mary Perry
Joseph and Sheila Peschges
Robert Peskin
Dottie Peters
La Vonne and Donald Peterson
Margaret T. Peterson
Marlys Ann Peterson
Sonja Peterson
Petroski Family
Marc Phibbs
Herb and Anne Pick
Mary E. Pickard
Jack and Ann Piepel
Sandi Pierce
Douglas and Deb Pierce
Sue Piva
Julian G. Plante
Rita Plourde and James Holmen
Jack and Martha Pohl
Janet Polach, PhD
Jodi Pope and Timothy Wong
Paula and Kenneth Port
George and Diane Power
Patricia Powers and
Richard Graham
Thomas Preiner
Robert Prentiss, Jr.
Kristine Preston
Faye Price
Tim Prinsen
Jane Prohaska and
William Donohue
Alida Purmalietis
David Quigg
Denise Quinlan
Laurie Radmer
Linda Ramacier
Jane Ranum
Patrick and Kim Rasmussen
Jeffrey Rathmanner
Brian and Peggy Reagan
James W. and Renee Reagan*
Dan Reardon
Paul and Laura Rebholz
Pauline Culver Reed
Donald and Jean Regan
Patti and Peter Regan
Maureen Reilly-Bruce
Colleen and David Reitan
Judy and Keith Rennerfeldt
Deb Repya
Carleen Rhodes
Janilyn M. Richardson
Fred Richter
Par and Sara Ridder*
Paula Riel
Kathleen Riley
Kathryn Ringham
Tammy Ritzko
Pamela M. Roach
Emma B. Robbins
Katherine L. Roberts
Mike and Elly Roberts
Michael Robins
Paul Robinson and Kimberely
Steven Robinson
Bill Roche
Daniel Rodriguez
Karin and Richard Roof
Ruth Ann Rose
Allison and Logan Rosenthal
Nicole M. Ross
Kennon V. and Nina Rothchild*
Bill Rottschaefer
Rousseau/Davis Family*
Barbara and Phil Roy*
Chris Roy
Jennifer J. Roy and
Marc C. Thompson
Wendy and Steve Rubin
Allen and Dianne Rudd*
Ned Rukavina
Lori Rukstales
Steven and Sharon Runtsch
Thekla Rura-Polley
David and Martha Russell
Beth Rutter & Family
Lillie A. Rutz and
Pamela A. Gross
Jim and Susan Rutzick
Mark and Melanie Rutzick
Barbara Ryan
Anders and Ewa Rydaker
Greg and Lisa Rye
Anita Rylander
David P. Saar
Patricia Salerno
Peter Salmon
Jane Samargia
Jacqueline Samuel
Richard and Sharon Sandquist
Susan and Bill Sands
Jyoti Sathyanarayana
Cindy Satre
Arline and Merlyn Satrom
Daniel Schaffer and
Mary Lou Johnson
Dale and Bette Schenian
Mary T. Schertler
Greg Schlichter and
Jennifer Forbes
Betty G. Schlotthauer
Dan Schmechel
Barbara Schmidt
Marilyn Schmoll
Jim and Claire Schoenwetter
Jocelyn Schowalter
Mitch Schroeder
John P. Schroepfer*
Polly and Jay Schrom
Eric and Mary Beth Schubert
Christine and David Schwebel
John and Jackie Schweers
Janet Schweigert
Donovan Schwichtenberg
Sally Scoggin and
Donald Brunnquell
Jeff and Mary Scott
Charlotte Sebastian*
Emily Seesel
Sally Seiberlich
Stephen Seidel and
Deborah Keenan
Joe Selvaggio
Robert and Pam Senkler*
Paul Shaffer
William and Donna Shaheen
Leslie A. Shank
Julie Shannon
Norah Shapiro and
Andrew Harrison
Derek and Kandice Sharrer
Deborah Shatin and
Joe Rubenstein
Ellen Shelton
Carrie Jo Short
Dr. Steve Shuman and
Martha McCusker*
Noel Sidford and John Englund
Marjorie Siegel
Joan Siewert-Cardona
David and Cecilia Simpson*
John Sims
Paul Sinclair
Dianne S. Sjolander
Thomas Skalitzky
Glen and Anna Skovholt
Shelagh Sleeman
Jeffrey and Helene Slocum
Terry and Leah Slye
Craig Smith and
Merritt Clapp-Smith
Elaine Smith and Cynthia Gigler
Gail and Donald Smith
Kendall and Debbie Smith
Maureen Smith
Sheila Smith
Verlyn O. Smith
Karen Snedeker
* Denotes Wilder Legacy Builder – individuals, families or
businesses who have pledged $5,000 or more to be given
over five or fewer years to support Wilder programs.
Jeff Soholt and
Paula Bergin Soholt
Rebecca Soler
April Spas
Fred H. Speece*
Dan Spencer
Terry Spencer Hesser
David Spiess
Ardys L. Stadler
Diane M. Stadler
Connie and Byron Starns
Carol M. Steinberg
James and Tracy Steiner*
Robert and Judy Steiner
Allen and Kathleen Steppa
Sonya Christensen Steven
Terri Stevens
Rev. David and Elona Stewart
Dawn M. Stockmo
Virginia and Frederick Stohr III
Dr. Jim Storm
Nancy and Bradley Straw
Jeff Sulzbach
Amy and David Sunderland
Patricia M. Svendsen
Tom and Arlene Swain
Norris and Dorothy Swanburg
Nancy and Richard Swanson
Sharon Szostak
Lauren Taaffe
John D. Taylor
Kris Taylor
Donald and Mary Tehven
Jon and Lea Theobald
Lynnell Thiel
Claire Thoen-Levin and
Frank Levin
Robert D. Thomasson
Gael Thompson
Jack Thompson
Joan Thompson
Luther Thompson and Kathleen
McCall Thompson
Michael J. and Rebecca G.
Missy Staples Thompson
Robert L. and Carolyn Thompson
Rolf Thompson and
CJ Jacobson*
Terrie and Janet Thompson
Timothy Thompson and
Linda Vieira
Paula Tomei
Roger Toogood
Shannon Toren
Jennifer Torgerson
Thomas N. Torkelson
Raeanne Tossey
Jerrol and Alleen Tostrud
Imogene Treichel
Jeffrey and Paula Tressler
Phil Trobaugh
Jane and Paul Tschida
Dottie Tumschin
Donald and Kathleen Turvold
James Van Iwaarden*
Mary Vanderwert
J. Kou Vang
Yer Vang
Karen Vannorman
Elsa Vega-Perez
William D. Venne
Paul and Carolyn Verret*
Jennifer and Jeffrey Vierzba
Ann Vitko
Cheryl Volkman
Richard and Susan Votel
Mary Vradelis
Elaine Wachholz
Amy Wagner and
Charles Witzke
Anthony and Marie Wagner
Hutch Walch
Linda Walker
Dr. and Mrs. David Barrows Wark
Buddhammaryindra Warman
Jim and Connie Warner
Maureen Warren*
Claudia Wasserman and
Ernie Olin
Douglas and Carol Watnemo
Kelly Weber
Paul and Lynn Weiler
James and Sharon Weinel
Steve Wellington*
Benjamin Welshons
James and Mary Beth Welter
Sandy Wesely
Tom and Gloria Wesely
Jean West
John Westrom
Tom Whaley
Janet Wheelock
John C. Whitaker*
Steve and Shannon Whitaker
Phil and Christy White
Jeanne A. Whitehill
Doris S. Wiehe
Leni and George Wilcox
Joseph W. Wilhelmy
Lori Wilke
Robert R. Wilke*
Suanne Williams-Lindgren and
Richard Lindgren
Barb Wills
Kristen Witte
Jerry and Becky Woelfel
Dan and Carol Wolfe
Steven Wolfe
Tammy Wolfe
Ruth M. Wolff
Lee Wolfson and Carol Patt
Richard Wolszon and
Mary Rush
Lynelle M. Wood
Carol J. Woods
Pat Woodward
Tom and Brenda Wright
Ann and Gary Wynia*
Lee Pao and Yer Xiong
Yuepheng Xiong
Chris K. Yang
Youa Yang
Marcia and Jerry Yanz*
Randi Yoder
Ken Young
LeRoy and Carolyn Young
Kurt and Laura Zabel
Jay and Carolyn Zack
Robert Zalk*
Kathy Zanner
Steve and Trottie Zeece
Richard Zehring*
Barbara J. Zeis
Dale and Claudia Zellmer
Elinor Gould Zimmerman and
Michael Zimmerman
Cynthia A. and John W. Zink
Sara M. Zoff
Susan Zoff
Gregory T. Zoidis
Ronald J. Zweber
Abby Dawkins
Stephen and Margaret Gadient
Bob Golberg
Marge Betts
Janet Boehlke
Gerald D. Brennan
Louise Eidsmoe
Richard D. Hawke
Herbert F. Mischke
Terry and Leah Slye
Tom and Gloria Wesely
Marjorie Griffing
Jean R. Jirovec
Raymond Grundtner
Daniel R. Grundtner
Rod Johnson
Christine Bray
George Courchane Family
Tom Duke and Jean Hammink
Louise Eidsmoe
Dennis and Barbara Frederick
Marjorie and James Jambor
Judy Karon
Marilynn and Owen Lee
Susan Marschalk
John and Sheila Mohr
Harley and Irena Nelson
Mary Nelson
Bob Odman
Katherine L. Roberts
Daniel Schaffer and
Mary Lou Johnson
Leslie A. Shank
Robert and Judy Steiner
Kurt and Laura Zabel
Malcolm McDonald
Patricia McDonald
Charles M. Osborne
ACG - Association for
Corporate Growth
The Piva Family
Sue Piva
Barbara and Phil Roy
Stephan and Margaret Gadient
Barbara and Phil Roy
Beth, Heidi, Jena, Chris
and their families
Dr. Shuman and Staff
at the Senior Dental Clinic
Grace Wilhelmy
Joseph W. Wilhelmy
Steve Aamodt
and Barbara Gorski
Irwin B. Kroot
Sarah Andersen
Art and Martha Kaemmer Fund
of HRK Foundation
Sharon, Autumn, Grant,
Meredith and Hayden Kelly
Jerry Broeckert
The Staff at Holcomb House
Tara Koltes
Janet Boehlke
Louise Eidsmoe
Clarence Anderson
Amy L. and David W. Anderson
Betty J. and Morgan R. Anderson
Christine M. and Dean A.
David Anderson and John Garver
Evelyn Anderson and Eleanore
George W. and Grace M.
Kristi Anderson - Hermann
Elizabeth Andress and Steven
Muriel R. Arend
Rosemary Baatz
Robert and Angeline Barduson
Marge Barry
Marcianna J. Basco
Marjorie and Robert Bathen
Peter Bauer
Luella E. Bean
William A. Behrends
Beth Bennington
Birgit J. Bjornson
Janet Boehlke
Kathryn A. and David A.
J. Martin and Peggy Carlson
Francis Coyne and
Connie Hilliard
Rodney and Doris Danielson
Mary Delahanty
Kenneth and Arlene Denzer
Jean and Charles Doane
Sally J. Doerksen
Sandra L. and D. L. Doffing
George and Francie Domstrand
William A. and Mary S. Driver
Judith L. Durfey
Randee W. Edmundson
K. Franzmeier and J. Nataf
Paul K. Gronneberg
Harriet Guthertz
Colleen and Christopher Hampl
Arlita I. Hanson
Gloria L. and Karin C.
Charles and Karen Humphrey
Stanley and Janet Jacobson
BJ Johnson
Gene Johnson and Linda Paul
Dorothy M. Kaufer
Mrs. June Kelly
Tom and Mary Kingston
David L. Kise and Sarah M. B.
Phil J. and Jeanette L. Kormann
Theodore and Patricia Kroulik
Katherine M. Kvale
Dorothy E. Lane
Louise and Thomas Lentz
Bernice Lineil
Robert and Donna Linell
Helen O. Livingston
Lorna Lundell
Jerry Maki
Marge Maki
Katherine Malmberg and
Terence Foecke
Margo Mann-Lanier
Paula R. Marty
Jennifer Mason and Jodell Barry
Leland and Marilyn Meyer
Bjorn and Margot Monson
George H. Nelson
Garfield Nordin and
Gloria Larsen
Ruth Ollila
Daniel Olson and
Nancy Baker
Jae E. Olson
Robert and Berdelle Olson
Hilvie E. Ostrow
Laurel G. Ostrow
Margaret Pennings and
Dan Guenthner
La Vonne and Donald Peterson
Marlys Ann Peterson
Patti and Peter Regan
Janilyn M. Richardson
Bill Rottschaefer
Steven and Sharon Runtsch
Anita Rylander
Mary T. Schertler
Betty G. Schlotthauer
William and Donna Shaheen
Deborah Shatin and
Joe Rubenstein
Elaine Smith and
Cynthia Gigler
Gail and Donald Smith
Verlyn O. Smith
Ardys L. Stadler
Diane M. Stadler
Patricia M. Svendsen
Norris and Dorothy Swanburg
Robert D. Thomasson
Rolf Thompson and
CJ Jacobson
Dottie Tumschin
Karen Vannorman
Douglas and Carol Watnemo
Doris S. Wiehe
Suanne Williams-Lindgren and
Richard Lindgren
Ruth M. Wolff
Carol J. Woods
The Saint Paul Foundation
Helen “Nellie” Bernard
Richard J. Bernard
Gladys Blaeser
Jo Lynn Blaeser
Marie Droubie
George B. and Jo Anne C.
Cecelia Goswitz
Cecelia M. Goswitz Fund
of The Saint Paul Foundation
Marice Halper
Allison and Logan Rosenthal
Elizabeth Hankee
Mike Hankee
Elizabeth Hurley
Marian and Don Biehn
Evelyn Kress
Laurence Kress
Phyllis M. Lilly
Laurence Kress
Heather MacKenzie
Patrick and Kim Rasmussen
Lila Mattson
Kathleen Kelley
Bernice Morgan
Jolene Morgan
Leona Murphy
Jasminka Chan and
Terry W. Bratt
Mary C. Murphy
Charlotte Nielsen
Kendra and Bruce Nielsen
Elizabeth Paulson
Pauline Culver Reed
James P. Shannon
Julian G. Plante
Herbert Treichel
Robert and Lillian Barnes
Clarence Bonniwell
Elaine T. Bromelkamp
D. H. and N. E. Brosowske
L. E. and L. A. Bruss
Jack and Laura Clinard
Scott and Lisa Eckman
Anne Elstrom Park
and Randolph Park
Corinne Fitzpatrick
Paul A. and Christine C.
Carol and Phil Gersmehl
Scott and Corine Goodrich
Judith A. Grimm
Deborah Hanson McNiff
and Gerald McNiff
Eileen Imsdahl
John and Julie Kenefick
Theodora J. Koeppen
Susan Krabbenhoft
Norbert and Isabel Kunkel
Janet M. Lee
T. R. McGibbon
Minnesota Landmarks
- DBA Landmark Volunteer
C. Elwood and Kathryn Moore
Margaret P. Orr
Eleanora K. Pennekamp
Shane and Mary Perry
Judy and Keith Rennerfeldt
Pamela M. Roach
Lillie A. Rutz and Pamela A.
Carol M. Steinberg
Virginia and Frederick Stohr III
Tax Research Division of the
MN Department of Revenue
Imogene Treichel
James and Mary Beth Welter
LeRoy and Carolyn Young
Cynthia A. and John W. Zink
The Parents of Elaine Wachholz
Elaine Wachholz
Loretta Walek
Kim Kurki
Margaret Zellmer
Dale and Claudia Zellmer
3M Global Headquarters*
Accord Benefit Resources, Inc.
ACG - Association for Corporate
Agmotion, Inc
Allianz Life Insurance Company
of North America
American Bank
Ameriprise Financial
- Gift Matching
Andersen Corporation*
Apparel Lettering
Aroma's Pizza
Aspen Waste
Berger Transfer and Storage
Bethel University
Bonfire on Grand
Brakebush Brothers, Inc.
Bread Company of Saint Paul
Briggs & Morgan*
Brings Co., Inc.
Bruegger’s Bagels/Bruegger’s
Enterprises, Inc.
Building Resources Corporation
Burghley Crafty Patchers
Cafe Latte
Campbells Sales Company
Cazarin Web Group, Inc.
Chanhassen Dinner Theatre
Checker Board Pizza
City of Roseville
- Police Department
Clear Channel*
Communications Systems
Contract Source
Corporation for Supportive
Cub Foods
Culver’s Restaurant
Cummins Power Generation*
Currie, Ferner, Scarpetta & DeVries
University National Bank
Dean Foods
Deloitte Consulting
Designs for Learning
Dino’s Restaurants
Downtowner Woodfire Grill
Duke Realty and Construction*
Dunn Brothers Coffee
Ernest I. Fink Agency, Inc.
Excel Food Service Marketing, Inc.
Family Housing Fund
Felhaber, Larson, Fenlon & Vogt
Financial Dimensions Group, Inc.
Frattallone’s Ace Hardware
Gander Mountain
Gelco Information Network
Good Source
Gopher Sports
Great America Leasing
Green Mill
Employees of Griggs, Cooper
& Company
Guthrie Theater
Harris Companies
Health Dimensions Consulting
Group Inc.
HealthPartners/Regions Hospital*
Hennepin Theatre District
Hickory Hut
Highland Grill
Hockenberg Newburgh
Holiday Station Stores
HRS Foodservice
Hursk Group
ING Matching Gift Program
Jenkins Associates
Juhl Brokerage
Kowalski’s Markets
Lampson & Tew
Larson, Allen, Weishair
& Company
Lease Finance Group
Leonard Street & Deinard
Lethert, Skwira, Schultz & Co.
Local Initiatives Support
Lowry Hill*
Macalester Plymouth United
Maplewood Toyota
Marquette Financial Companies
Marsden Building Maintenance
Marsh & McLennan Companies
Matty B’s Supper Club
Mentoring Partnership
of Minnesota
Mercury Office Supply
Metro Sales
Meyer Contracting
Minnehaha Lanes
Minnesota Latino Peace Officers
Minnesota League of Cities
Minnesota Society for Interest
in Science Fiction & Fantasy
Minnesota Swarm - LaCrosse
Minnesota Wire and Cable Co.
Mississippi Market Cooperative
Minnesota Landmarks
- DBA Landmark Volunteer
Minnesota Sports and
Modern Press*
Moore’s Hardwood Floors
Mystic Lake Casino and Hotel
NALCO Printing Company
Nita B. Creative
North Star Agency
Northern Tool & Equipment
Oak Glen Golf Course
Old Log Theater
Old Timers Fastpitch
Softball Association
Open Your Heart to the
Hungry and Homeless
Ordway Center for the
Performing Arts
PCS Technologies, Inc.
Padilla, Spear and Beardsley*
Pepsico Food Service
Peregrine Capital Management*
Perkins + Will*
Pilgrim’s Pride
Pioneer Press*
Premier Banks
Professional Pension Services, Inc.
R & W Food Service Sales, Inc.
Red Balloon Bookshop
REI, Inc.
Rivera Architects, Inc
Rochester Meats/Caulfield
& Associates
Roisum Elite Sales
& Marketing Company
Ross Nesbit Agencies, Inc.
RSM McGladrey, Inc.
Russ Davis Wholesale
S & T Office Products, Inc.
Saint John’s Abbey
Saint Paul Police Federation
Saint Paul Saints
Sara Lee Coffee & Tea Service
Science Museum of Minnesota
Sharrett’s Liqour
Shirty Something
Solo Vino
Speece Thorson Capital
Group, Inc.*
St. Paul Hotel
St. Paul Radiology
St. Paul Travelers*
Star Tribune
Stock Yard Meat Packing Company
TCF/Midway Branch
TDS Metrocom
The Caring Tree
The Lexington Restaurant
The Tonight Show With Jay Leno
The Wine Company
Timber Lodge Steakhouse
Toro Company - Giving Program
Toso Consulting
Twin Cities Marathon, Inc.
Underwater Adventures
United Properties*
University Bank
University Capital Strategies
US Food Service
Vader & Landgraf, Inc.
Van Paper Company
Viking Seafood
W. W. Johnson Meat Company
Weinhagen Tire Co.
Wells Fargo Bank*
White Bear Unitarian
Universalist Church
Wolkowicz Realty
Xcel Energy*
Yocum Oil Company, Inc.
Heritage Partners are individuals who have established named endowments or included the Wilder Foundation in their estate plans
through outright gifts, life-income arrangements, wills, trusts, insurance policies and other means. Estate gifts may be designated for
the Wilder Endowment Fund or for a specific Foundation program, project or facility.
An annual recognition event celebrates and thanks these special friends. Please call the Office of Planned Giving
( to discuss your interest in becoming a Wilder Heritage Partner.
Anne and John Bendt
William J. Benzick
Charles Betts
Margaret Betts
Craig and Kathy Binger
Jean Blanch
Patricia Bolger
Charlton and Dottie Dietz
Elisabeth and Humphrey Doermann
Phillip and Sandra Edwardson
Russ Felkey and Jean Teigland
Judith Gavin
Bob and Elaine Golberg
Nancy Hauschild
Mary Heiserman
Katharina Hertog
John and Violet Hertog
John and Catherine Hill
Nancy Kachel
Elizabeth and Bruce Kiernat
Tom and Mary Kingston
Laurence Kress
Verona LaBelle
John and Nancy Lambros
Dusty and George Mairs
Frank and Irene Maistrovich
Philip C. Manz
Paul and Tara Mattessich
David and Mary Jo Monson
John and Renee Nagel
Constance Otis
Greg and Phyllis Owen
George C. and Diane Power III
Kennon and Nina Rothchild
Barbara and Phil Roy
David and Cecilia Simpson
Rolf Thompson and CJ Jacobson
Paul and Carolyn Verret
Richard and Florence Wickworth
Robert R. Wilke
Robert and Kathy Yaeger
Richard Zehring
In Memoriam
We honor the following
Wilder Heritage Partners
who passed away this year:
Herman Hertog
Mary Jerry
Roberta Mundschenk
Walter Nyberg
Norman Rose
Andriana Abariotes
Jah'Shams Abdul-Mu'min
Abigail Adams
Randy Adamsick
Janet Allen
Mary Altman
Eric Anderson
Maria Alicia Arabbo
Julie Avery
Marcia Avner
Tom Balcom
Steve Barberio
Elsa Batica
Melanie Beene
Mary Birchard
Nancy Borzo
Kim Boyce
Laurie Brickley
Tessa Bridal
Kit Briem
Ronnie Brooks
Consuella Brown
Bob Buntz
Nancy Burns
Carolyn Bye
Rem Cabrera
Ben Cameron
Gavin Cameron-Webb
Gwen Cannon
Joe Cavanaugh
Karen Charles
Vicki Chepulis
Elizabeth Childs
Whitney Clark
John Clawson
Richard Cook
Tom Copeland
Amy Crawford
Patricia Cummings
Gary Cunningham
Anne Czarniecki
Penny Dannenberg
Barbara Davis
Heidi Davison
Fred Easter
Dave Ellis
David Fey
Erica Fishman
Bonnie Jean Flom
Edie French
Meg Friese
Judy Gaviser
Sandy Gerber
Sadie Green
Paul Hager
Ann Hale
Matt Halley
Peter Hames
David Hancox
Deborah Harrington
Dianna Hatfield
Mary Ann Hennen
Terry Hesser
Joan Higinbotham
Carolyn Holbrook
Dan Hoxworth
John Humleker
Debra Ingram
Karen Jacobson
Howard Jang
Judy Jennings
Mario Johnson
Daniel S. Johnson
James J. Jordan
June Jordan
Mary Judge
John Kemp
Barry Kempton
Patricia Kirkpatrick
Steve Klein
Rachel Kraft
Debra Krause
Greg Lais
John Lamb
Wendy Lane
Janis Lane-Ewart
Diana Lee
Dianne Lev
Laura Lipkin
Katy Lowery
Keith Luebke
Mark Lutwak
Marina Lyon
Chuck MacDonald
Gina Mackintosh
Thomas Marr
Ruth Marshall
Julia Fabris McBride
Fiona McCrae
Anne McCully
Sarah Milligan-Toffler
Bonnie Morris
Mary Morris
Karen Muller
James Mullin
George Myers
Steve Nagle
David Nasby
Richard Newirth
Shanti Norris
Glyn Northington
Jim Payne
Stephen Peacock
Bob Peskin
Sonja Peterson
Mary Pickard
Rita Plourde
Faye Price
Jane Prohaska
Jane Ranum
Maureen Reilly-Bruce
Michael Robins
Paul Robinson
Greg Rye
David Saar
Trish Salerno
Jane Samargia
Jackie Samuel
Steve Seidel
Joe Selvaggio
Paul Shaffer
Norah Shapiro
Holly Sidford
Margie Siegel
Sheila Smith
Dan Spencer
Sonya Steven
Dawn Stockmo
Jim Storm
Nancy Straw
Amy Sunderland
Claire Thoen-Levin
Jack Thompson
Kent Thompson
Micheal Thompson
Timothy Thompson
Paula Tomei
Elsa Vega-Perez
Bill Venne
Mary Vradelis
Amy Wagner
Anthony Wagner
Beth Waterhouse
Paul Weiler
Janet Wheelock
Lee Pao Xiong
Ellie Zimmerman
Greg Zoidis
Shannon Institute
Matching Gifts
Doris Duke Charitable
Bruce A. Lilly Foundation
Carl and Eloise Pohlad Family
TCF Foundation
July 1, 2006 – June 30, 2007
The Wilder Foundation thanks these sponsors of our annual Building on the Legacy fundraising breakfast.
The Wilder Foundation gratefully acknowledges the grants and program support received from the following foundations,
designated funds, organizations and agencies.
Allianz Life Corporate Giving
Andersen Corporate Foundation
Elmer L. and Eleanor J.
Andersen Foundation
Fred C. and Katherine B.
Andersen Foundation
Hugh J. Andersen Foundation
F. R. Bigelow Foundation
Blue Cross and Blue Shield
of Minnesota Foundation
Bush Foundation
Patrick and Aimee Butler
Family Foundation
Butler Family Foundation
City of Saint Paul
ClearWay Minnesota (MPAAT)
Community Sharing Fund
of The Saint Paul Foundation
Corporation for Supportive
Cummins Foundation
Cummins Power Generation
Doris Duke Management
Ecolab Foundation
Ecolab Inc.
Edina Realty Foundation
Edwards Memorial Trust
Mary and Louis Eisenmenger
Memorial Fund of the
Minnesota Community
Family Homelessness Prevention
Assistance Program (FHPAP)
Family Housing Fund
of Minneapolis and St. Paul
F. M. Farrell Family Fund
of Catholic Community
Frank M. DeForce Fund
Frey Family Foundation
General Mills Foundation
George Family Foundation
Cecelia M. Goswitz Fund
of The Saint Paul Foundation
Greater Minnesota Housing Fund
Lorraine & Harry Hammerly Fund
of The Saint Paul Foundation
Robert J. and Mary Jane Haugh
Trust Fund of The Saint Paul
Hubbard Broadcasting Foundation
Joyce Foundation
Joyful Women Fund
Art and Martha Kaemmer Fund
of HRK Foundation
Kentucky Foundation for
Women, Inc. - Judith Jennings
LaFamilia Guidance Center
Local Initiatives Support
Bruce A. Lilly Foundation
Macallester Plymouth Church
Marbrook Foundation
Mardag Foundation
Marquette Foundation
McNeely Foundation
Metropolitan Regional
Arts Council
Minneapolis Foundation
Minnesota Department
of Corrections
Minnesota Department
of Employment and Economic
Development Pathways
to Employment
Minnesota Department
of Human Services
Minnesota Department
of Public Safety
Minnesota Department
of Veterans Affairs
Minnesota Housing
(formerly Minnesota
Housing Finance Agency)
Minnesota Veterans Homes
Board of Directors
Morning Foundation
Northstar Education Finance
Northwest Area Foundation
Open Your Hearts
to the Hungry and Homeless
Opportunity Housing
Investment Fund Board
Otto Bremer Foundation
Phillips Foundation
Piper Jaffray Foundation
Carl and Eloise Pohlad Family
Premier Bank
Ramsey County Community
Human Services
Ramsey County Department
of Public Health
RBC Dain Rauscher
R.C. Lilly Foundation
Sam's Club Foundation
Securian Foundation
St. Paul Travelers Foundation
Clifford C. & Virginia G. Sorensen
Charitable Trust of
The Saint Paul Foundation
Sundance Family Foundation
Target Foundation
TCF Foundation
Temporary Aid to Needy Families
The Comcast Foundation
The Hardenbergh Foundation
The Katherine B. Andersen Fund
of The Saint Paul Foundation
The McKnight Foundation
The Metropolitan Council
The Minneapolis Foundation
The Nicholson Brothers Fund
of the Saint Paul Foundation*
The Pentair Foundation
The Rodman Foundation
The Saint Paul Foundation
3M Community Affairs
3M Community Foundation
Toro Foundation
Transitional Housing Program
UBS Foundation USA
UPS Foundation
U.S. Department of Housing
and Urban Development
U.S. Department of Health
and Human Services
Valspar Foundation
Wachovia Foundation
- Matching Gifts Program
Archie D. and Bertha H. Walker
WalMart Foundation
Wells Fargo Foundation