Term 2 FTK Newsletter 2015


Term 2 FTK Newsletter 2015
| Issue # 2015 TERM 2
FasTracKids Sandton ®
98 4th Street Parkmore Sandton
Phone: 011 783 4959
The Gift of a Strong-Willed Child
CEO’s, entrepreneurs, innovators, world-class
athletes, and the like:
Decisive, Determined, Persistent, Authoritative,
Resourceful, Nonconforming, Bold
Note that the characteristics are the same, but
the characterisations are negative when applied
to a child and positive when applied to an adult.
by L.R.Knost
There are some children who are born into the
world with the incredible life-gift of a strong will
and an indomitable spirit. These children are
often deeply misunderstood, and there are rows
of books lining bookstore shelves with
instructions about how to break their will, how to
subdue their spirit, how to force their obedience.
What an incredible loss of leadership, passion,
and insight this world suffers when parents
follow these punitive parenting practices. Not
only can we parent these gifted children with
gentleness and respect, but the gifts we get in
return are priceless!
Take a look at some of the common descriptions
used when referring to the characteristics of a
strong-willed child.
Demanding, Insistent, Stubborn, Bossy, Cocky,
Difficult, Challenging, Fixated, Contrary,
Rebellious, Defiant
Now look at some of the common
characteristics of adults who are world leaders,
While there’s no doubt that it’s a challenge
having a child who seems to challenge
everything, there are ways to work with them
rather than against them to preserve and
nurture their unique gifts. Maintaining a healthy
parent/child relationship is vital as you work to
find a balance between setting limits with your
richly spirited child while not limiting their
freedom to stretch and grow and develop into
the person they were created to be.
The key to preserving your trust relationship
with your child is remaining calm and present
and supportive, even while setting and
maintaining reasonable boundaries. It is helpful
to remember that the most strong-willed children
tend to be the ones who identify the most
strongly with their parents. So instead of viewing
their seemingly constant challenges as defiance
or attempts to thwart authority, work to parent
from a place of understanding that your strongwilled child is actually on a discovery mission
and is doing endless ‘research’ on you by
testing and retesting and digging and chiseling
to discover all of your quirks and foibles and ups
and downs and strengths and weaknesses. This
kind of testing isn’t negative unless you make it
into a battle of wills instead of responding with
gentle, respectful guidance. Taking this stance
will help you to keep from seeing the challenges
as personal insults and, instead, see the
challenges as attempts to learn and grow and
There is no doubt, though, that parenting a child
with the gift of a strong will is a constant exercise
in patience and self-regulation. The personal
growth you will experience is invaluable as you
seek to parent with empathy and wisdom and
compassion, but it can be draining and will often
stretch you far, far out of your comfort zone.
Knowing that and being prepared for it will help
you cope with the inevitable stresses, and being
ready ahead of time with some specific
strategies for handling the challenges will help
you to respond calmly and effectively.
Connection ~ Maintaining a secure connection
with your spirited child is vital. It is the
springboard from which all of your interactions
with your child will originate, and it is the
touchstone to which you will both return, again
and again and again, when your relationship
gets strained and stained and stretched.
Communication ~ Children have their own ‘inner
world’ of thoughts and plans and problems and
worries and hopes and dreams that are
occupying their time and attention, so a lack of
cooperation is often simply the result of having
a different agenda than we do. Getting some
insight into that ‘inner world’ is key in guiding
and growing them respectfully.
| Issue # 2015 TERM 2
Cooperation ~ Always keep at the forefront of
your parenting goals that you are seeking
compliance. That way you will remember to treat
your child as a thoughtful individual with ideas
and needs and feelings of their own instead of a
mindless drone there to do your bidding.
Remember, the children who come into the
world with their ‘boxing gloves on’ so to speak
are often the ones who become the biggest
world changers.
Extra murals resume Monday 11 May
Each child is required to bring one
pack of wet wipes and a box of
tissues this term. Please hand this to
your class teacher
Bike days - Thursdays or Fridays
Bakers day - Fridays
Weekly newsletters are emailed to
parents on a Monday. Please ensure
you receive this communication via
KNIGHTS (Rotary)
Term 2 resumes Tuesday 05 May 2015
FTK Winter Tracksuits available for
order from reception
Parent/Teacher meetings take place
Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday next
Please note the new ISASA & FTK Agreement
and Indemnity on the website
Aftercare is calculated from 13:00 each day
unless your child is involved in an extra mural
Please inform your child’s class teacher &
reception via email if there is a change to any
personal details.
All tuition is payable upfront on the 1st day
of each month. Reports will not be issued at
the end of the term where fees are in arrears.
Holiday care is an optional extra. 2015 rates:
R115 p/day or R470.00 p/week. Meals and
snacks included.
Rotary Round Table Golden East 181 are
collecting warm clothes and blankets to
distribute to the homeless during the
months of June and July. Please
consider donating any adults or
children’s clothing, clothing your
children have outgrown or items which
you may no longer need and blankets to
help them fight the cold the winter cold.
Three month written notice is required on
withdrawal from all programs or fees paid in
Please remember to sign your child in and out
at reception on a daily basis
No personal toys are allowed at school
Late comers and absentees are recorded
each morning
New aftercare rates will be in effect as of Term
3. Rates will vary from R23.00 per hour to
R16.00 per hour for children remaining at
school till 17:30 in the afternoons.
29 May- Book Fair @ 07:00
05 June- Road Safety Awareness Day
26 June- Jumping Castle Day
Please use the designated FTK parking bays
during drop off and pick up times. We are
authorised to use the neighbour, Search
Specifics, exit gate only. This is an
agreement we have had with the neighbour
for the past 4 years. Non-compliance will
result in this exit gate being closed off.
Welcoming Nakita
Harris to the FTK
team as the Break
& Ball Skills &
Welcoming Abram to the team. Abram
assists with safety and security at drop
off and collection times.
Should you need assistance, please do
not hesitate to contact the school directly
or alternatively email:
Melissa (Centre Manager) melissa.claretalbot@gmail.com
Zeenat (Deputy Centre Manager) moosa.zeenat@gmail.com
Bernadine & Thomas Shaw
Saturday 01 August- TERM 2 SPORTS DAY at
River Café @ 09:00
(Date still to be finalised) This is a
compulsory event for all FTK children
07 August- Manners for Minors (Theme:
Friendship is Golden)
FTK Sandton is an authorized Licensee of FasTracKids International, Ltd.