May 8, 2016 - Eastview Wesleyan Church


May 8, 2016 - Eastview Wesleyan Church
Weekly Calendar
May 8 – 14
8:45-10:45 am
9:30 am
414 North 10th Street
Gas City, IN 46933
6:00 pm
6:00 pm
6:00 pm
Café Ministry
Worship Service
IMPACT Kidz/Teen/College/Adult SS
Worship Service
IMPACT Praise (grades K-6)
Jr IMPACT (ages 3-5)
Adult Sunday School
Evening Service
LIFE Group*
Fusion Youth Activity Night
Office Hours:
M-F 9a-4p
Internet Guest Password:
Follow us on Twitter @ EWesleyanChurch
Follow us on Facebook
7:00 pm
Teen Girls Bible Study (Youth Room)
10:00 am
6:30 pm
Smart Choice
Boy Scouts (Fellowship Hall)
Mark Atkinson, Lead Pastor
765-661-8578 (cell)
6:30 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
7:00 pm
Celebrate Recovery (Room 6)
Adult Bible Study (Room 9)
Fusion Youth Service (CLC)
World Changers (Pre-K to Grade 6)
11:00 am
4:30 pm
5:00 pm
6:00 pm
Counseling Sessions (Room 8)
Golf League @ Arbor Trace
One Way Practice (CLC)
6:30 am
7:30 am
6:00 pm
Breakfast at Jackie’s Restaurant
Prayer (Sanctuary)
“F” Troop**
10:00 am
4:00-6:00 pm
6:00 pm
Praise Team (CLC)
Fundraiser Dinner (CLC)
One Way Heaven Bound Concert (CLC)
*Leach home - 805 E. N. “F” St, Gas City
**Richards home - 1108 N. Main St, Fairmount
May 8, 2016
9:30 am Worship Service
11:00 am Worship Service
EWC Staff
Noah Farmer, Assistant Pastor
765-517-0214 (cell)
Aldean Pablo, Assistant Pastor
765-661-0833 (cell)
Cindy Horn, Office Manager
765-618-6085 (cell)
Our Vision:
To influence our community so that at least 60%
are actively involved in faith journey with Jesus
(instead of current 40%), impact the children in
our community, and improve our capacity
(personnel and facility) to welcome and meet
the needs of new disciples.
Nursery workers this week:
9:30 am: Marty & Jennifer Pruss
11:00 am: Khristina Markland & Brittney Barnard
Nursery workers for May 15:
9:30 am: Susan Losure
11:00 am: Derek & Jill Lewis
EWC Family
Happy Birthday!
Looking for an opportunity to strengthen your faith and knowledge about God? “Foundations” is a
new class that just started last week. This class will meet through the end of May, and will walk
through the book “Knowing What Christians Believe” with discussions on “What is God Like”, “Who is
Jesus”, “What’s So Special About the Bible”, and more. The class meets at 11:00 am in the Sanctuary.
Dixie Montgomery
Eileene Bridgeman
Heintz Sickmann
Lacey Farmer
Halden Sickmann
Bill Cooper
Heather Hehe
Ethan Kendall
Cassie Martin
Graduation Sunday, May 15 - High school students, if you are graduating this
year, email photos, high school information, and future plans to by Wednesday, May 11.
May 8
May 9
May 9
May 10
May 11
May 13
May 13
May 13
May 15
One Way Heaven Bound Concert, May 14 - FREE Concert at 6 pm. This group includes some of
Rock’s All-You-Can-Eat Tenderloin Fry, May 21 from 4 to 7 pm.
Support EWC mission teams!
George & Ramona Carroll
Bob & Linda Smith
Fred & Pat Stephenson
May 14
May 20
May 31
If you have prayer requests or praises to share, please call Kay Fisher at 674-7847 or the church
office, or email your requests to
Buck Berry (loss of brother, Ralph)
Phyllis Clanin & family (loss of Wayne)
Naomi Appleman-Crotchett (eye issues)
Dee Holloway (health)
Dorothy Atkinson (health)
Those facing financial struggles
Rev Gerald Edris
Paul Harper
Statistical Information (for 5-1-16)
Upcoming Events
May 14 - One Way Heaven Bound Concert (6 pm in CLC); fundraiser dinner from 4-6 pm
May 15 - LBA Meeting
May 21 - Rock’s Tenderloin Fry (Mission Team) 4:00-7:00 pm in Christian Life Center
May 23 - Staff Communication Meeting at 4:00 pm
June 1 - End of School Bash
June 7 - Mississinewa Valley Band Concert at 7 pm (Gas City Park)
Tithes & Offering
$ 6,169.41
Bill Holder (loss of brother, John Mark)
Beryl Atkinson & family (loss of brother, Carl)
Lorrie Walker (surgery complications)
Randy Slagle (cancer)
Madison Horn (Ukraine mission trip)
Families who’ve lost loved ones
Miller’s Merry Manor
Dorothy Atkinson
Scripture for the Week
Weekly Need
University Nursing:
David Weber
Dave & Jane Jones
May 28
Chuck & Fran Workman
May 28
Mark & Tracey Vanderford May 31
Prayer & Praise
Golfers… the GOLF LEAGUE meets on Thursdays at 5:00 pm at Arbor Trace. $10 per
person for 9 holes and cart. Men and women welcome!
For our guests… If you are a guest with us today, please fill out the YELLOW connection card (in
the pew or in the chairback in front of you) and take it to the Information Desk in the Lobby for a
free gift. We are so glad you chose to be with us today!
May 16
May 17
May 18
May 18
May 19
May 19
May 19
May 21
May 21
Happy Anniversary!
our very own… Larry and Jo Ann Summitt and Dave Farmer. Fundraiser dinner from 4 to 6 pm
(donations accepted).
Best Years Fellowship (BYF) is having a lunch away on Tuesday, May 17 to Wicks Restaurant in
Winchester. We will leave the church at 10:30 am. If interested, call Becky Horn at 667-1445 or
Phyllis Cooper at 662-7073 by May 15.
Emily Markland
Ian Burking
Carolyn Ketring
Bob Michael
Holly Bailey
Travis Behr
Ron Ways
Gerald Fisher
Jennifer Pruss
Last Week
$ 6,923.00
Sunday School
Faith Promise Monthly Goal:
$ 1,234.00
Faith Promise Monthly Actual:
Day 1
Day 4
 2 Samuel 8-9
 1 Chronicles 18
 Psalm 65-67, 69-70
Day 2
 Psalm 50, 53, 60, 75
 2 Samuel 11-12
 1 Chronicles 20
Day 3
Day 6
 2 Samuel 10
 1 Chronicles 19
 Psalm 75
Day 5
 Psalm 32, 51, 86, 122
Day 7
 2 Samuel 13-15