Valentine Dessert Theater - First Baptist Church Sulligent, Alabama
Valentine Dessert Theater - First Baptist Church Sulligent, Alabama
WORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES SUNDAY 8:30 AM - EARLY WORSHIP 9:45 AM -SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 AM - LATE WORSHIP A P U B L I C A T I O N O F F B C S U L L I G E N T 5:00 PM - KINGS KIDS CHOIR REACHING SULLIGENT - TOUCHING THE WORLD 5:00 PM - YOUTH CHOIR FEBRUARY 1, 2015 6:00 PM - WORSHIP CELEBRATION 6:30 PM - SMALL GROUP STUDIES WEDNESDAY 6:30 PM - BIBLE STUDY/PRAYER 6:30 PM - MISSIONS GROUPS You are invited to our 7:25 PM - CHURCH CHOIR REHEARSAL Valentine Dessert Theater INSIDE THIS ISSUE: VDT 1 Pastor’s Corner 2 Notes from Bro. Jeff 3 Sunday, February 15th In Our Prayers 6:30 PM New Members DT & Spiritual Growth Opportunities 4 Calendar 5 Women’s Ministry YAH News 6 Mission & Ministry 7 Opportunities In the CLC Join us for food, music, skits, pictures, & lots of love to spread! VDT is put on by our Youth Ministry as one of their fundraising events of the year. Meetings, Anniversary & Invitations Youth Column Our Record Speaks 8 First Baptist Church Sulligent PO Box 217, Sulligent AL 35586 PHONE: 205-698-9610 FAX: 205-698-8037 Email: Website: Our donations at this event will help them to go on retreats & mission trips. It is the mission of First Baptist Church to worship and honor GOD with all our being and equip ourselves with the word of GOD, not only to better serve our church, but to reach out to our community, state, nation, and throughout the world with the message of CHRIST. PAGE 2 Pastor’s Corner Wonderful Church Family, One chili pepper; two chili peppers; three chili peppers— those were the choices at the bottom of my menu. Our original plan had been to eat at a favorite restaurant in West Point but 8:30 p.m. was the earliest reservation available. Instead we headed to Columbus. Searching the internet on the way Charlotte discovered a Thai restaurant that was given wonderful reviews. Having lived in so many places our taste buds have enjoyed all kinds of food. Not wanting to go to places we have been to many times before we decided on a new adventure. Now I had a choice to make—not only what kind of food to order but how “hot” I wanted that food to be. I like hot and spicy food. I try to eat it in moderation considering I was diagnosed with GERD years ago and I take medication each day to keep that under control. I also try to eat healthy but I still like the hot and spicy from time to time. So, one chili pepper, two, or three was my question? May I plead sort of insanity? “I will take two peppers.” The waitress looked at me and said, “You do like it hot!.” I should have changed right then but I did not. A little while later the wondrous dish arrived. It looked very red—or maybe that was the lighting. It smelled wonderful. I loaded my fork and took my first bite. There has only been one time when I had to say, “I can’t eat that— it is too hot.” That one time occurred many years ago. I and the minister of music at the church I served as pastor in Fort Worth, Texas would regularly eat together at different Mexican restaurants throughout the Fort Worth area. We had many to choose from. We tried to find some really authentic places. Stephen and I sat down and the chips and salsa were brought to our table. As normal I loaded up my chip with the salsa and took a bite. My mouth was suddenly on fire! No amount of liquid would extinguish my blazing taste buds! That was it. “I can’t eat this! It is too hot!” Stephen agreed and he is a born Texan! Back to my bite of the Thai two chili dish. It was hot! Hotter than I normally eat something. The kind of hot that sends waves of heat through your head and then begins traveling all over your body. The thought went through my head, “should I eat this or not?” One bite after another and the entire plate of food was gone! For the next day I needed no heat source. I think I was glowing from the inside out! No germ could possibly still be alive in my body. Yet, I survived and we will go back to that restaurant again. This time I think I will choose only a one-chili-pepper-adventure! There is a saying, “I got more than I bargained for.” That can be a bad thing or a good thing. For me and my two chili pepper meal I had gotten more heat than I had anticipated. Sometimes that is how life works—we get into something by our choices only wishing we had never made that choice. Think very carefully about the choices that you make or you may get more than you bargained for in a bad way. There are some things that you get more than you bargained for in a good way. Surely there is something that you have bought at some point—-it could be any number of things— but you have thought to yourself, “that was a good purchase (especially if you got a great deal on it).” In that case you got more than you bargained for. To get more than you bargained for (in a good way) essentially means you are getting such good and usefulness out of something that it far outweighs the cost paid. I know something in which that is true every single time! Would you like to know what that is? It is living and active. It is able to penetrate your heart and mind. It is able to reveal your motives and the deepest crevices of your soul. It is so sharp that it can cut through the toughest callouses of your heart and with great precision remove scales from your eyes. It can, with it’s Author’s help, actually change your heart, mind, values, attitude, perspective, emotions, etc. to be more like God’s. It can encourage the most discouraged and comfort the worst of broken hearts. It can whittle away what is not important in this life and reveal with crystal clear clarity what does really matter in this life. You know what it is. It is God’s word! You might be thinking, “But God’s word doesn’t cost me anything to read and study.” Oh, yes it does. Time invested reading and studying. An open heart and mind willing to get honest with God about what God reveals to you about Himself and about you. Trust in God and obedience to what God has revealed. Time spent talking to God about His word. “Help me Father, teach me, help me to understand Your word and walk in Your ways!” A constant awareness that your decisions reflect the teachings of God’s word and a constant crying out to the to the Holy Spirit—”help me, enable me to live according to God’s truth!” It costs you these things and even more. From what I have experienced in walking with God for these 27 years and investing my time in reading, studying, trusting, and obeying His word— I ALWAYS get much more than I bargained for. The return to me from God (loving Him, knowing Him, walking with Him, being used by Him, etc.) for reading, studying, trusting, and obeying His word far outweigh any time, etc. that was invested on my part! Make the wisest of decisions today and all of your tomorrows. Invest your time reading, studying, trusting in, and obeying God’s word—you will always get much more than you bargained for! God promises that over and over in His word! ~Byron PAGE Our Church Family: Marcelle Gilmer, Sue Brown Christian Sympathy goes out to: Annette Ballard Family in the loss of her brother in law, Arthur “Toots” Otts. Debbie Knight in the loss of her father, Rayburn “Kitty” Cantrell. Matt and Angie Price Family in the loss of their 4 year old cousin, Brayden Barksdale. Homebound: Jake & LaGeita Gothard, Frank Buckley, Ted Boyett Nursing Home Patients: Ola Mae Edwards, Irene Box, Bernice Karr, Bobby Joe Irvin, Robbie Knight, Joan Crump, Hattie Mixon, Shirley Weeks Notes from Bro. Jeff One of the most fun and yet time consuming responsibilities that I have is listening to music to choose for our choirs to learn and share with our fellowship. I get a number of music packets every few months with various anthems and songs in them and I listen to see if I can find music for our church. Sometimes you listen to an hour worth of music and find nothing to use. Sometimes you listen to an hour and find numerous songs that you feel led to choose. This past month as I was going through music I took some time to stop and thank God for gifting and talenting (is that a real word?) individuals to write lyrics and music that lead us to His throne. I think the passing of Andrea Crouch also caused me to reflect on lyricists and writers. Can you imagine not having the words that we sang just last Sunday to lift to Him? “When we’ve been there ten thousand years, bright shining as the sun. We’ve no less days to sing God’s praise than when we first begun” So many men and women that we will never meet this side of heaven have impacted our worship through their gifts. B.B. McKinney, the first music secretary for the SBC Church Music Department who wrote; Satisfied with Jesus, God Give Us Christian Homes, The Nail-Scarred Hand and many more. Fanny Crosby, the blind hymn writer who penned ; To God Be the Glory, I Am Thine, O Lord, Jesus Is Tenderly Calling and over 1,000 other hymns. William Kirkpatrick, the Pennsylvania music writer who wrote the tunes for; “Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus, My Faith Has Found a Resting Place, We Have Heard the Joyful Sound and others. Chris Tomlin, the present day musician who has given us; How Great is Our God, Holy is the Lord, My Chains Are Gone and more soon to be favorites. In II Chronicles 20 we read a story about Jehoshaphat preparing the nation of Israel for battle and it says, “Jehoshaphat appointed men to sing to the Lord and to praise Him for the 3 WELCOME INTO OUR CHURCH FELLOWSHIP… by Profession of Faith and Baptism Elijah Magnusson 4742 Mt Hebron Rd Beaverton AL 35544 Birthday: October 5th Family Deacons: Roger Brown & Lee Mosley John Thomas Gilmore P.O. Box 1171 Sulligent AL 35586 Birthday: July 16th Family Deacons: Tom Howell & Keith Weeks splendor of His holiness as they went out at the head of the army.” Yep, they sent the musicians out in front of the army. Now there are some who may think this was done to get those musicians to be quiet! But really it shows the power when we praise our God. I thank Him today for those whose songs we sing and who use their gifts to enhance our worship and to lead us to His presence. Church Choir…I am glad that we have had the chance to share a couple of the songs from our Christmas musical again in January. We always say it’s sad that we work for so long on this music and then just get to share it once. “We Believe” was as powerful in January as it was in December. What a declaration! “We believe this is the Christ, the Hope of heaven sent to earth. We believe he ruled on high but came in lowly human birth. And we believe this King will reign and all the world will know His name, and those who bow He will receive. We believe, yes, we believe!” And then the excitement that “Go Tell It” brought to the start of those worship times! Thanks for the solos Todd and Lee. We are now running full steam on new anthems and preparing for the upcoming Easter season. We have some great songs to share and our rehearsal times have already been a good start to the new year. Kings Kids...OK, break time is over! Time to get back to it! Your rehearsals begin again on Sunday February 1st at 5:00pm. You will begin working on your spring musical. Grab your friends and make sure you are there for the new start. We have one open spot for piano lessons right now and we also have some interest for the guitar lessons to begin again. If you would like to check about either of these opportunities give me a call. PAGE 4 Discipleship Training & Spiritual Growth Opportunities ALL BOOKS ARE AVAILABLE FOR ORDER THRU THE BEGINNING FEBRUARY 1ST CHURCH OFFICE. ADULTS CLASSES SUNDAY NIGHTS AT 6:30 PM “Autopsy of a Deceased Church – 12 Ways to Keep Yours Alive” by Dr. Thom Rainer facilitated by Carlyle Noe (books $5) This book study will walk you through the radical paths necessary to keep your church alive to the glory of God and advancement of Christ's Kingdom! “Overwhelmed” by Perry Noble - facilitated by Cindy Otts (optional book $12) This video-based study offers keys to unlock the chains of your anxiety and despair. Perry encourages you to shift your focus from your circumstances to Christ so that you can overcome worry and be free to embrace the joy-filled life God wants for you. “Raising Kingdom Kids” by Tony Evans - facilitated by Leigh Sandlin (book $8) This book/video study is for every dad or mom who wants to fulfill the parenting role God has given them—not just in raising healthy kids intellectually, physically, and socially, but in contributing to their child’s relationship with God and alignment under His plan. CHILDREN’S DISCIPLESHIP TRAINING CLASSES SUNDAY NIGHTS AT 6:30 PM I’m a Christian—Now What? Bible Learning Activities The Beginner’s Bible Jesus: He Lived Among Us Veggie Tales Teachers: Kristy and Katie Howell, Shelby Mann, Joey Sandlin, Patricia Brown More Spiritual Growth Opportunities BEGINNING FEBRUARY 4TH WEDNESDAY NIGHTS AT 6:30 PM “Tactics: A Game Plan for Discussing Your Christian Convictions” by Greg Koukl - facilitated by Dean Wilson (No book necessary) In this video-based study Koukl shows you how to: - Initiate conversations effortlessly - Present the truth clearly, cleverly, and persuasively - Graciously and effectively expose faulty thinking - Skillfully manage the details of dialogue - Maintain an engaging, disarming style even under attack. Tactics provides the game plan for communicating the compelling truth about Christianity with confidence and grace. Womens Beth Moore Study (See page 6 for more information) DAYTIME BIBLE STUDY - FOR MEN AND WOMEN TBA, facilitated by Camille Robinson If you are interested in being a part this daytime Bible study, please join us on Thursday, February 5th at 10 am for a planning meeting in the Church Office Conference Room. We will discuss what study we’d like to begin as well as what day and time works well for everyone. Monday 2 Randy Otts .................................. 1 1 Parker Price ................................ 2 Joan Crump ................................. 5 3:30 pm Youth Vickie Norwood............................ 6 Turkey Bowl Chad Wheeler.............................. 8 (SHS StadiumCLC if rain) Linda Reese ................................ 9 Jesse Hattaway ......................... 10 Bill Reeves ............................... 10 Jim Reeves................................ 10 9 Jay Buckley ............................... 11 8 Micah Seripin ............................. 11 Drake Anderson......................... 12 5 pm Children’s SS Laura Leigh Wheeler ................. 13 Teachers Support David Dean................................ 14 Meeting (Upstairs) LaGeita Gothard ........................ 14 Marchall Guyton ....................... 14 PLEASE LET US KNOW Jadee Barker ............................. 15 If you or............................. a loved one are sick Brad Hankins 17 or hospitalized, please let us know. Matt Hankins We ............................. want to minister17to you need. 15 during this time of16 Dillan MillerYou ................................ 19 Disaster Relief may contact us in the Church Office at 205-698-9610 Wyatt Sandlin ............................ 19 Challenge Sunday or email us at You may reach Brian Carter ............................... 21 Bro. Byron at 205-425-3655 Terry Carter ............................... 21 or email at or Bro.............................. Jeff. may be reached Bailey Weeks 21 at 205-270-0491, 205-698-9619 or 6:30 pm Amanda Barnes ......................... email at 22 Valentine Dessert Phillip Brown .............................. 23 Theater (CLC) Robbie Knight ........................... 23 Charles Gilmer........................... 25 22 23 Luke Otts ................................... 25 Geneva White ............................ 25 9:45 am Adult SS Paulette Minor ........................... 26 Teachers Support Regan Rye ................................ 26 Meeting (CLC) Ora Mae Woods ........................ 26 2-3:00 pm (CLC) Sawyer Gunter........................... 28 Baby Shower Barbara Reeves......................... 28 honoring Shae Sunday 11 9:30 am YAH Nursing Home Ministry 6:30 pm Prayer Meeting, Children & Youth Classes, Beth Moore Video, Tactics Study 7:25 pm Church Choir Rehearsal 10 9 am Soul Care Group Meeting (Office Conference Room) 12 6:30 pm Women on Mission Meeting (Kim Weeks Home) 5 10 am Daytime Bible Study Planning Meeting (Office) Thursday 6:30 pm Prayer Meeting, Children & Youth Classes, Beth Moore Video, Tactics Study 7:25 pm Church Choir Rehearsal 25 11 am Morning Glory Widows Support Group Meeting (CLC) 24 6:30 pm Prayer Meeting, Children & Youth Classes, Beth Moore Video, Tactics Study 7:25 pm Church Choir Rehearsal 18 17 26 19 Youth Ministry 4 11:30 am YAH Lunch (CLC) 6:30 pm Prayer Meeting, Children & Youth Classes, Beth Moore Video, Tactics Study 7:25 pm Church Choir Rehearsal Wednesday 3 Tueday 27 6 pm Womens Game Night (CLC) 20 13 Happy Anniversary! 5-10 pm Date Night (sponsored by Children’s MinistryWatch for more Details) 28 21 CLC Reserved PRISON MINISTRY 8 am Food Prep 10:15 am Depart for Lamar County Jail 14 VALENTINES DAY 1:30 pm Women’s Day at Crews Methodist Church 7 Saturday Deacon of the Week 1st - Roger Batchelor 8th - Brandon Crawford 15th - Wayne Lucas 22nd - Michael Sorrells February 6th marks Bro. Byron’s 4th anniversary here at FBC! 6 Friday Building Responsibility Roger Batchelor Michael Sorrells PAGE FBC Women’s Ministry 6 FBC Women’s Ministry Team Leaders: Touching the heart of the home, by reaching the hearts of women, through missions, spiritual growth, and fellowship, while reflecting on the heart of Christ. Emily Crawford 712-9507 WOMEN ON MISSION MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 5TH AT 6:30 PM MEET AT KIM WEEKS HOME CARPOOLERS MEET AT CHURCH PARKING LOT AT 6:15 PM Sylvia Rhudy 712-4201 Kim Weeks 712-5253 MORNING GLORY WIDOW SUPPORT GROUP MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17TH AT 11 AM MEET AT CLC BRING A SACK LUNCH TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10TH 9 AM MEET IN OFFICE CLASSROOM NEW BETH MOORE BIBLE STUDY “A HEART LIKE HIS - SEEKING THE HEART OF GOD THROUGH A STUDY OF DAVID” GAME NIGHT FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20TH AT 6 PM MEET IN THE CLC Bring your favorite finger food and join us! Friends are welcome! YOUNG SOUL CARE GROUP MEETING VIDEO SESSIONS STARTING WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4TH AT 6:30 PM MEET IN DORCAS CLASSROOM Beth Moore invites you to join her on an exciting and intimate journey to know King David focusing on his years as God's chosen king of Israel. David's life clearly demonstrates that God is always able to reach us, correct us and reclaim our worship. If you've ever experienced doubts, temptations, losses, personal inconsistencies, or if you've anguished over family problems, then this study is for you! YAH News S RT A HEA All adults 50+ and your spouse are welcome to join us… FBC Young At Heart Ministry Team Leaders: Linda Batchelor Beverly Waller LUNCHEON WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4TH AT 11:30 AM IN THE CLC Bring your favorite covered dish and join us! GENERATIONS NURSING HOME MINISTRY WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11TH AT 9:30 AM MEET IN OFFICE PARKING LOT PAGE Mission & Ministry Opportunities FOOD PANTRY Our Food Pantry is extremely low. Here is a list of needed items. Please bring your donations by the Church Office or drop them off in the Food Pantry. Jelly Peanut Butter Kraft Mac & Cheese Assorted Chef Boyardee Meals Cake Mixes Frosting Assorted Dried Beans Chicken Helper Canned Chicken Chili Season Packets Canned Kidney Beans Canned Tomatoes Tuna Helper Canned Tuna Corned Beef Hash Hungry Jack Instant Potatoes Canned Sweet Peas Pork & Beans Canned Fruits Canned Ham Assorted Jell-O Hamburger Helper Spam Canned Roast Beef Rice Spaghetti Noodles Spaghetti Sauce Hearty Soups Boxes of Crackers Vienna Sausage Pop-Tarts FEBRUARY IS DISASTER RELIEF PREPAREDNESS MONTH HELPING REBUILD: SHARING CHRIST IN CRISIS Join us in supporting the Alabama Baptist Disaster Relief Offering. Funds given through the Alabama Baptist Disaster Relief Offering will enable the State Board of Missions, in partnership with churches and associations, to support and equip disaster relief responders and response efforts, including the purchase of needed equipment. STATEWIDE GOAL: $200,000 FBC CHALLENGE SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 15TH FBC GOAL: $1 PER MEMBER PRISON MINISTRY SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14TH 8 AM FOOD PREPARATION 10:30 AM DEPART FOR JAIL MEET AT CLC Meetings, Anniversary and Invitations You are invited to join us for a BABY SHOWER CHILDREN’S SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS SUPPORT MEETING Shae Knight SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 8TH baby Caroline Elizabeth AT 5:00 PM MEET UPSTAIRS ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS SUPPORT MEETING SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22ND AT 9:45 AM MEET IN CLC honoring WE ARE SO GRATEFUL TO BE CELEBRATIONING 4 WONDERFUL YEARS WITH YOU BRO. BYRON! Thank you for sharing your passion and love for the Word of God. We thank God daily for you and your family. ~Personnel Committee & Your Church Family & baby Cooper Dennis Sunday, February 22nd 2:00 -3:00 pm Christian Life Center 7 FBC SULLIGENT STAFF FBC SULLIGENT PASTOR: BYRON A. PICKERING MINISTER OF YOUTH & MUSIC: JEFF CHAFFIN MINISTRY ASSISTANTS: CAROLYN TRENTELMAN & SYLVIA RHUDY NON PROFIT ORG US POSTAGE PAID VERNON AL PERMIT NO. 22 P.O. BOX 217 SULLIGENT, AL 35586 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED FBCELC INTERIM DIRECTOR: LINDA RYE NURSERY COORDINATOR: CINDY KERR OUR RECORD SPEAKS SUNDAY SCHOOL ATTENDANCE JANUARY 4TH - 178 JANUARY 11TH - 184 JANUARY 18TH - 198 JANUARY 25TH - 184 WORSHIP ATTENDANCE TOTALS JANUARY 4TH - 259 JANUARY 11TH - 174 JANUARY 18TH - 205 JANUARY 25TH - 171 BUDGET NEEDED TO DATE $ 28,093 BUDGET RECEIPTS TO DATE $ 28,038 FINISHING IN FAITH PLEDGE RECEIPTS TO DATE (5 YEAR CAMPAIGN BEGAN ON APRIL 1, 2012) PLEDGED GOAL - $ 494,840 RECEIVED TO DATE - $ 319,044 PRISION MINISTRY BALANCE $ 695 LOTTIE MOON OFFERING YOUTH MINISTRY STUFF “Always keep on praying” Ephesians 6:18 It has been great to experience “Finding Your Spiritual Gift” with you in Discipleship University. I pray that many of you have discovered what you believe your gift or gifts may be. Remember that God will confirm in you what He has placed in you. Also remember that it does you or the body of Christ no good for you to know what your gift is and not put it to use. I look forward to hearing from you in the coming weeks about how you believe God wants you to use your gift. “For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you…” II Tim. 1:6 Thanks to Stephanie, Aften and all the parents and students who made the “Soup & Spud” Luncheon so successful! It went very smoothly and over $1,100 was raised. Please also remember that we raise money by you selling plates! It’s great that you work but that doesn’t bring in any money. So be ready next time to sell at least 10 plates or so, that’s really pretty easy. $ 8,127 PIANO FUND $ 1,780 Our annual Turkey Bowl is Sunday, February 1st! We will meet at Brown Stadium for the annual gridiron classic and then we will head to the Hankins to play, eat, and watch the game together. As always, guys bring a 2 liter drink and girls bring a sweet. This is not only a great fellowship time but remember that it’s a great way to get your unchurched friends involved! I dare you to bring someone who doesn’t go to church anywhere with you that day! In fact, I double dog dare you!!! Ooooooo….. The Valentine Dessert Theatre is coming up February 15th! We will be practicing on Wednesday nights, February 4th & 11th, and Sunday night, February 8th. Also remember that we will have a time to set up the CLC and clean up the CLC. Those times are when you will earn money so be watching! You can get your deposit in now for Breakaway 2015! Gatlinburg is calling!! There is a $50 deposit and it is due by early March. The dates are Saturday March 28th – Tuesday March 31st. I have already heard many of you talking about being ready for this retreat and I am too! Get me those deposits! You will also be discovering the location for summer mission soon! Remember, it’s not the where that’s important, it’s the WHO!! Love you guys! ~Jeff
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