St. Andrew`S nurSery School February 2009 Calendar
St. Andrew`S nurSery School February 2009 Calendar
St. Andrew’S nurSery School 3900 Freemansburg Avenue Easton, Pennsylvania 18045-5519 (610) 258-7877 February 2009 February—the month of love! And what a special and powerful love children have for us, their parents. The kind of love a young child has for his/her parents carries an awesome responsibility. Our children love us unconditionally and therefore see us as their prime role models. “Do as I say, not as I do” does not work with children—they see right through us. A poem by an unknown author expresses this best: Children Learn What They Live If a child lives with criticism, he learns to condemn. If a child lives with hostility, he learns to fight. If a child lives with ridicule, he learns to be shy. If a child lives with shame, he learns to feel guilty. If a child lives with tolerance, he learns to be patient. If a child lives with encouragement, he learns confidence. If a child lives with praise, he learns to appreciate. If a child lives with fairness, he learns justice. If a child lives with security, he learns to have faith. If a child lives with approval, he learns to like himself. If a child lives with acceptance and friendship, he learns to find love in the world. ~author unknown There is no more important job on the face of this earth than that of rearing and caring for our young. They are demanding, time consuming, exasperating, exhausting, very expensive, and truly the most wonderfully exciting bundles of energy that anyone could have the privilege of caring for. Bask in their love as they do in yours. Happy Valentine’s Day! Calendar February Monday Thursday Friday Monday Feb. 2 Feb. 12 Feb. 13 Feb. 16 Registration Opens Rockets, Trains, Honeybees —Valentine Party Caterpillars, Butterflies, Dinosaurs—Valentine Party No school— Presidents' Day Friday Mar. 19 10:45am Mar. 19 2:15pm Mar. 20 10:45am 2:15pm Mar. 27 12:30-3pm Trains & Rockets—Rainbow Tea served to parents Honeybees—Spring Tea (parents invited) Caterpillars —Spring Tea (parents invited) Butterflies—Spring Tea (parents invited) Dinosaurs—Parent/child luncheon-workshop April Monday Tuesday Wed.-Mon. Tuesday Apr. 6 Apr. 7 Apr. 8-13 Apr. 14 Caterpillars, Butterflies—Easter Party Rockets, Trains, Honeybees, Dinosaurs—Easter Party Spring Vacation School Reopens March Thursday Tuesday Wednesday Valentine Card Protocol (all classes except Dinosaurs) We encourage the children to bring in a card for each of their classmates. Since they will all go into a large box to be sorted out by the parent helper, it is important that the recipient’s name is on each envelope. A class list will be sent home the first week of February. This is a great time for those children who are ready to practice their writing skills. (Depending on your child’s current writing skill he/she might be expected to write his/her own name on the card and possibly his/her classmates’ names on the envelopes. They might be able to write the whole name or perhaps just the first letter with the name finished by you. They may be able to copy the names or they may need to trace them. It will be a challenging task for all so we suggest that only a few be completed each day over a week’s time.) Due to our allergy policy, we request that no candy be included with the Valentine cards. Each classroom has only one valentine box, so please don’t bring those cards in until party day. As always—there will be no Show and Tell on party days. School cancellations and delays will be announced over: If you are unsure about our school closings, do not call the radio or TV stations. Call a teacher or check the website We usually follow Easton Area School District’s decisions regarding the safety of the roads, but not always. If there is a delay please remember to check later for any possible updated information. If school is in session and you feel that driving conditions are hazardous for you, please feel free to come for your child as early as you feel necessary. You do not need to wait for scheduled dismissal. Weather alerts will be announced over: WAEB (790 am) WEST (1400 am) CAT COUNTRY WCTO 96.1fm TV Channel 69 The Hawk 99.9 fm WLEV 100.7 fm B104 fm In general, but not always, we follow the Easton Area School closings. (Please remember to go slowly and use extreme caution in the driveways and parking lot during inclement weather.) Thanks to all for your vigilance and patience with our Nut-Free Snack Policy. This has been a learning experience for all of us! We’ve had many surprises—having discovered possible nut “contamination” on labels for ice cream, hard candy lollipops, canned frosting, Hershey candy bars (but not Hershey Kisses!) We just can’t make assumptions! Every label must be examined! Our hats go off to the families who deal with this problem on a daily basis and hope our efforts give them some comfort. So please, continue to check all labels in their entirety. St. Andrew’s Nursery School Board met on Monday, January 19 to discuss next year’s budget. Considering the hard economic times facing all American families, the members decided to keep registration and tuition fees the same for next year. Enrollment for New Students for the 2009-2010 School Year Open registration begins February 2. Forms may be obtained at the school or by calling Registrar Nicole Storm at (610) 330-0942. Tell your friends! Trains and Rockets Bet there’s a wall at your house that is getting very colorful. If you look carefully at those balloons that keep coming home, you will notice that cutting skills are improving (ah—practice!). Keep practicing the cutting, it’s an important skill. The children are beginning to feel good about standing alone in front of their peers (when we have our color circle) to show where they are wearing the color of the week (ah—confidence!). Our Valentine Party is on Thursday, February 12 (no Show and Tell on Party Day). That is when the children bring in their Valentines to “mail” in our beautiful mailbox. Please be sure a classmate’s name is on each envelope so that the “mail carriers” (parent helpers) can sort out each child’s mail. The task of writing letters is truly a daunting one for most 3-year-olds. Consequently, we suggest that their contribution be decorating the envelopes or adding a sticker. Sending valentines should be fun! However, do not add candy to the Valentines. (Due to our allergy policy we will need to remove it.) Also, we only have one box that all the classes share, so please bring your child’s cards on party day (ah—fun!). Our parent/teacher conference schedules are posted in the hall. Please choose a time slot and sign up. Please make every effort not to bring your child with you when you come for your scheduled conference. We will not be able to discuss your child in his/her presence. Talk to your teachers if you need to work out times that are not offered. Honeybees During February, the month of love, we will continue our love affair with the alphabet . We’ll honor the Mail Carrier as Community Helper of the Month. We’ll continue to coordinate snacks, stories, songs, projects, etc. with the letter of the day. Parents, you have been so generous and cooperative—thanks so much! The children love handing out their alphabet snacks. The Saga of Andy the Ant is getting more exciting by the day. The children are using great thinking skills in projecting what will happen next in our story. They are also sharpening their printing skills and getting comfortable with the alphabet, hopefully opening the door to the exciting world of reading. Just remember please, each child develops at his or her own pace. Thursday, February 13 is our Valentine's Party. Please have each child bring in 21 valentines with their friend’s names on the envelopes. Honeybee Alphabet Schedule for February (subject to change if we have snow days, but we will not skip any letters) H - 2/3 I - 2/5 J - 2/10 K - 2/12 L - 2/17 M - 2/19 Request: a “boutique” sized tissue box by March 3. Reminder: Parent-child Friendship Tea—Thursday, March 19. N - 2/24 O - 2/26 Butterflies and Caterpillars The alphabet is getting more familiar and very exciting. Aardvark and Crow have gotten themselves into big trouble by going into a strange place without a grownup. (Didn’t they read Goldilocks?) Alphabet snacks are a big highlight of our day. Thank you for all those wonderfully creative foods. We sure are enjoying them. We’re not only thinking about the alphabet in February. There’s love & valentines & friends & valentines & hearts & valentines! Our Valentine Party is on Friday, February 13. Each child should bring 22 Valentine cards for their classmates (with their friends names clearly written on the envelope) to class that day. A fancy mailbox will await them. Since everyone, including children, should know their phone number, on “N” Day we are working on making telephones with our special Numbers on them. “S” Day has been declared Silly Day. Children and teachers dress accordingly—anything goes! It can be as outrageous or as reserved as your child is comfortable with—perhaps pajamas, a Halloween costume, just Daddy’s tie, a way-out hat, 2 different shoes or an inside-out shirt. Caterpillar and Butterfly Alphabet Schedule for February (subject to change if we have snow days, but we will not skip any letters) K - 2/2 L - 2/4 M - 2/6 N - 2/9 O - 2/11 P - 2/13 Party Day Q - 2/18 R - 2/20 S - 2/23 (Silly Day) T - 2/25 U - 2/27 Reminder: During the Alphabet Unit we do not schedule all our paint days on Fridays. They can be any day of the week. Please dress your child accordingly. February Community Helper—who else, but the Mail Carrier who makes sure we receive our precious valentines. Requests: a “boutique” sized tissue box (empty) by March 30 6 blown-out & rinsed eggs by March 30. Dinosaurs As we say farewell to Alaska, we hope the children have enjoyed and will retain some of the concepts about our 49th State. Their Alaskan books should help to refresh their memories. February is heart month for the Dinosaurs—physically and sentimentally. We will begin our unit with an introduction to the heart and how it functions. For our Valentine Party on February 13, please have your children sign their Valentines with their names only— do not address the cards (19 children in the class), as we have the children play mail person and “deliver” their letters. After our party we will do a short unit on the five senses. Tasting parties, sound recognition tapes, and a “feeling” bag are all in store for the Dinosaurs. We will also continue our work on the alphabet book. The children feel very grown-up having their own folders to house all their alphabet work. “Dino” reminders: Show & Tell themes: Valentine’s Day, our hearts, or the five senses Valentine cards for each child (19). Have children sign their name, but do not address the envelopes. Dinosaur conferences are held in March. My Valentines (sung to: “London Bridge”) Five Valentines (finger play) Five little valentines were having a race. The first little valentine was frilly with lace. The second little valentine had a funny face. The third little valentine said, “I love you.” The fourth little valentine said, “I do, too.” The fifth little valentine was sly as a fox, and he ran the fastest to the valentine box! My valentines are red and white, Red and white, red and white. My valentines are red and white. They’re for my special friends. Can you guess my special friends, Special friends, special friends? Can you guess my special friends? They’re you and you and you! Love Somebody (song) Love somebody? Yes, I do! Love somebody? Yes, I do! Love somebody? Yes, I do! I love somebody and— IT MUST BE YOU!!! Will You Be My Valentine (Circle game to the tune of Oats, Peas & Barley Grow) Will you be my valentine? Will you be my valentine? Come skip with me, so merrily—will you be my valentine? Yes, I’ll be your valentine. Yes, I’ll be your valentine. I’ll skip with you and I’ll be true, to you my dearest valentine. Mail Carrier (song) Some one’s coming—can it be the mail carrier? Yes, she (or he) is coming—she is bringing something. Please dear mail carrier—look and see, Is there anything for me?