FRIENDS Making A Difference


FRIENDS Making A Difference
FRIENDS Making A Difference
NEWSLETTER * Vol 3 No. 3 * Please Consider Giving Today!
Valentines Day
Need a Speaker?
Volunteers Needed
Friends Makes a Difference
Our Friend: Richard Mc
Board Retreat
Friends continues to
bridge the hunger gap
- Following are
statistics for the 4th
Quarter 2015.
Served 6,611 Hot
Meals (by 912
1,015 sack
lunches were
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Groups are needed to prepare and serve
meals for 100 Friends guests on these
2nd Tuesday,
4th Monday and
4th Wednesday of each month.
Please contact Friends and ask for
Muriel at (702) 565-8742 if you are
interested in preparing and serving
complete meals on any of these above
Groups or individuals are also needed to
prepare and deliver an entrée to Friends
for feeding at least 100 Friends guests
on the 3rd Wednesday and First
Saturday of each month. (Servers and
side dish volunteers have already
committed to these days yet entrée
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FRIENDS Making A Difference
Valentines' Day
volunteers are needed.) Please contact
Friends and ask for Muriel at (702)
565-8742 if you are interested in provider
an entrée for either of these date one
time or on an ongoing basis
source: From Wikipedia, the free
encyclopedia at:
Valentine's Day, also known
as Saint Valentine's Day or
the Feast of Saint Valentine,
is a celebration observed on
February 14 each year. It is
celebrated in many countries
around the world, although it
is not a public holiday in most
of them.
St. Valentine's Day began as
a liturgical celebration of one
or more early Christian saints
named Valentinus. Several
martyrdom stories were
invented for the various
Valentines that belonged to
February 14, and added to
later martyrologies. A popular
hagiographical account of
Saint Valentine of Rome
states that he was
imprisoned for performing
weddings for soldiers who
were forbidden to marry and
for ministering to Christians,
who were persecuted under
the Roman Empire.
According to legend, during
his imprisonment, he healed
the daughter of his jailer,
Asterius. An embellishment
to this story states that before
his execution he wrote her a
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You, Friends In The Desert and HELP of
Southern Nevada are making a
difference. Through the Friends furniture
drive and extensive efforts of Friends'
Trustees Donna Coleman and Dan
McElhattan, over 5 FID families have
already been placed in furnished
apartments and 13 other needful families
now have a furnished roof over their
heads. 20 families in total will be placed
in furnished apartments through this a
HELP of Southern Nevada/HUD initiative
powered in part by Friends, Friends
volunteers and Friends donors.
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FRIENDS Making A Difference
letter signed "Your Valentine"
as a farewell. Saint
Valentine's Day is an official
feast day in the Anglican
Communion, as well as in the
Lutheran Church. Some part,
but not all of the Eastern
Orthodox Church also
celebrates Saint Valentine's
Day, albeit on July 6 and July
30, the former date in honor
of the Roman presbyter Saint
Valentine, and the latter date
in honor of Hieromartyr
Valentine, the Bishop of
Interamna (modern Terni). In
Greek Orthodox Church and
other Churches of the
Ecumenical Patriarchate, no
Saint Valentine exists, nor
The day was first associated
with romantic love in the
circle of Geoffrey Chaucer in
the High Middle Ages, when
the tradition of courtly love
flourished. In 18th-century
England, it evolved into an
occasion in which lovers
expressed their love for each
other by presenting flowers,
offering confectionery, and
sending greeting cards
(known as "valentines"). In
Europe, Saint Valentine's
Keys are given to lovers "as
a romantic symbol and an
invitation to unlock the giver's
heart", as well as to children,
in order to ward off epilepsy
(called Saint Valentine's
Malady). Valentine's Day
symbols that are used today
include the heart-shaped
outline, doves, and the figure
of the winged Cupid. Since
the 19th century, handwritten
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Help of Southern Nevada ("HELP") to urgently
find furniture for 20 families and we hope you can
make a donation of furniture and/or spread the
word about this initiative.
If enough furniture can be located, HELP will be
able to offer housing to additional needful
families. 18 families have already been housed
since this initiative started in mid-December. The
families are required to pay 30% of the rent and
HELP will pay 70%. The families are being
housed in Henderson.
As of February 2016, the most pressing need is
for money to purchase inflatable mattresses
which has turned out to be a very cost effective
way to meet the bedding requirements of our
Friends. Call Donna Coleman with questions
about financial donations. This is a situation for
which a small amount will do wonders. Other
furniture needs are for other bedding items and
bedroom, living room and dinette furniture items.
(Another organization is assisting by providing
pots and pans.) Donated items can be picked
up! For more details or to arrange a pick-up of
donated furniture, contact:
Jennifer at HELP, phone number 702-884-2376
or Donna Coleman, phone number 702-450-7450
or email
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FRIENDS Making A Difference
valentines have given way to
mass-produced greeting
Speaker Bureau
If anyone is interested in
having a Friend's Board
Member come to speak at
a luncheon, dinner,
meeting, etc. Please
contact: Donna Coleman
A provocative quote...
To leave the world a bit
better ...
to know that one life has
breathed easier because
you have lived.
This is to have succeeded.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Contribute Today
Friends is a 501 (c) 3
organization which means
your donation is tax
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Richard Mc
Waste not, want not! This man of Scottish decent
takes great pride in budgeting a dollar as far as it
can go. Richard was born in Illinois. He has two
sisters and a brother scattered about the United
States. He has had several jobs in his life that
have led him to becoming a "Jack of all trades".
This fix-it man has been able to survive for the
past 6 years in the desert of Henderson by the
generosity of others that pay or barter with him
for his handyman talents. By frequenting the
Friends' in the Desert dinners from three to four
times a week, he does not go hungry.
School was never his favorite place to go. He is
naturally inquisitive and prefers to discover
answers on his own. Richard barely passed High
School and tried a vocational school in welding
and auto mechanics. To this day he admits to
reading mechanical and scientific books and
magazines far too much. Other compulsions
include TV and the computer. Prior to being
homeless, he once asked a landlord to remove
his TV from his room, because he found himself
glued to the set nearly every day. "I didn't go
anywhere," he states with an appearance of a
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FRIENDS Making A Difference
new found freedom. A man has to know his
Newsletter Archive
Friends in the Desert
43 W.Pacific Ave.
Henderson, Nevada 89015
(702) 565-8742
Raised as a "token" Presbyterian so his mother
could get a babysitter every Sunday, Richard
claims no specific religion but he attends a
Henderson Christian service, Church in the Park,
Looking into the future he claims he will need
help with his eyes and his hearing. Richard has
just received a major gift which came in January
2016; a sister arranged for him to live in an
apartment for the next year. This poses his
newest challenge, readjusting to normal life from
the existence of the desert.
You can do it Richard!
Respectfully submitted by Dan McElhattan1/2016
Board Retreat
On February 6, 2016, Friends board members
attended a retreat hosted at a volunteer facility to
discuss long and short term goals including
providing workshops on a quarterly basis to help
our guests, our "Friends", move forward. Friends
in The Desert Foundation is continuously
innovating and trying new approaches to fulfill its
mission: "Food for Living. Tools for Life."
Please LIKE us on Facebook and
forward this Newsletter to those
who may be interested
Friends in the Desert Foundation | 43 W. Pacific Avenue | Henderson | NV | 89015
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