New - St. Raymond
New - St. Raymond
THIS WEEK IN OUR PARISH THIS WEEK IN OUR PARISH Welcome To Our Parish Family Not registered? Please stop by our rectory during office hours and we will be most happy to include you in our parish family. Rectory Office Hours are Monday thru Friday from 9AM - 4:00 PM. Please call ahead for an appointment. Telephone Numbers Rectory:...............................................................593-5000 St. Raymond’s School.........................................593-9010 Religious Education Office .................................593-9075 Fax.......................................................................887-0554 Parish Social Ministry .........................................887-9197 Web Site E-Mail TUESDAY, August 11th 10:00am—Art Club 8:00pm—Prayer Group WEDNESDAY, August 12th 7:30pm—Families Anonymous THURSDAY, August 13th 9:30am—Bible Sharing 1:00pm—Adoration 5:00pm—Rosary—Prayer for Priests FRIDAY, August 14th 12:00pm—Bereavement 7:30pm—Sodality Living Rosary SATURDAY, August 15th 3:30pm—Confessions SUNDAY, August 16th 1:00pm—Baptism class 2:00pm—Deanery Holy Hour MWMR MWMR Café Rec. Library Church Church Fr. Singleton’s Lounge Church Church Rec. Library Church Pastoral Care Of The Sick • • • Holy Communion available to the homebound Communal celebration of the Anointing of the Sicktwice yearly. Sacrament of the Anointing- for those receiving serious medical procedure, 3rd Saturday of the month at the 8:45 Mass Devotions • • • Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament - Thursday 1-4pm. Nocturnal Adoration Society - First Fridays 8-9pm Miraculous Medal Novena - Saturday following 8:45 Mass Confessions Saturdays 3:30 - 4:30 PM, Thursday before First Fridays 4-5 PM, or by appointment at the Rectory. PASTORAL COUNCIL Baptisms Baptisms are celebrated the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month. Please call the Rectory for an appointment. Marriages Engaged couples are encouraged to call the Rectory a year in advance of their wedding date to assure adequate time to participate in preparation programs for the Sacrament of Marriage. Prayer Group • • Charismatic Prayer Group: Every Tuesday at 8pm in the Rectory meeting room Men’s Prayer Group: 3rd Friday at 8PM in Mary’s Chapel. Youth Group - Fiddler—Under Construction Rite Of Christian Initiation Of Adults (RCIA) Interested in becoming a Catholic or an adult Catholic seeking Eucharist or Confirmation? For information call the Rectory. August 8th is the feast day of St. Dominic, a contemporary of our patron saint, St. Raymond of Penyafort, and the founder of the Dominican Order that St. Raymond joined in 1222. St. Dominic was born in what is now Spain in 1170 and died in 1221. He founded the Dominican Order in 1215 and held its first general council in Bologna, Italy in 1220, where St. Raymond was chair of canon law at the University of Bologna. Pastoral Council Members Bernard Kilkelly (Pres.), Carol O’Reilly (Vice Pres.), Karen Gerrity (Secretary), Marion O’Hara, Maria Papini, Barbara Gribbon, Ray Solga, Frank Stallone & Diane Page. Saint Raymond R. C. Church Page 1 r and/or the of the praye e d u tit p a AND THE rity and G OVER US IN H on the since C T A W D O RTAINLY NEVOLENT G S EFFECTIVE AND CE E B A E V A If the pow H rs, yet A with downpou God: then WE MUST BE REGARDED f ys o a d ce n ny a le m vo e ith ence: S ben en our experi YMOND’S. W UR PRAYER A O be R . s F a T O h S T Y er A IT th L E a e R nnial QUA for our Cente D’S EYES HE to us, exceptionally fine w y O a G d rs IN u h G T IN st S la fact PLEA eant the most AYER as we experienced imony to the st m t te a re th o b ys t a a d on the ER TO PR nt weather th ly: AN ANSW the magnifice ly n o t o n s more pointed a sterday! lebration. It w n there was ye ce tio nd ra a b le e d ce a l . ar u e a living P rf m what a wonde our parish and nd in up there likes nd d e a e n d o h n e rc u m u fo h so o C t h a nd th ipe band a ancestors w ay St. Raymo d by the bagp tribute to our le ic Happy Birthd re st e g and w ta n ld fa o a d n was e train crossin ung an u io n yo ss s ve a ce A ro n ith p a ly e F ck h T hristian over the Ro our Catholic C rest Avenue, o F n w do testimony of , ce erful Knights m Lincoln Pla nic our wond ic . p d n e o th m t a ay spiffy cars fro R d” t. ea it all as we Avenue and S er to “break br how special to conclude th e g to d re e onto Atlantic a church , them all gath ere honoring; at. And then w rd e a w h h o s rc u It was fun to d e ch rk who are ul osted and wo ecial people of our beautif h r sp s lta u ry a b e m ve u f th o ol t a C of arist community s in the Euch g, but also a in ild hard u b received Jesu t n e fic magni ho worked so w a l ly al n o nk t a o th n . I that is ing faith ce and the scenes. and full of a liv f this exhilarating experien many behind so e th o caring, loving nd rt a a or to be p were visible It was an hon . Those who n e p p ha n tio lebra to make the ce ove four t. Raymond! hts of the ab ss ug o th e th God Ble S f o $1909! Picks Winner e expression th sh r ri a fo P l e n ia n n u n D -Fr. Bill th as Cente anks to Ann & Theresa Slo il e My special th N to s n tio Congratula paragraphs— r’s Desk….. d ase From the Pearsoto f prayer is b dship n ie r F d n a ith, Love a F f o s r a e 100 Y 19th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME A church door in Cologne, Germany, contains four decorated panels. The first panel shows six stone jars to recall Jesus’ changing of water into wine. The second shows five loaves and two fish to recall Jesus’ feeding the 5,000. The third shows the Last Supper, when Jesus fulfilled His promise. The fourth shows the Emmaus event, when the two disciples encountered Jesus in the ‘breaking of the bread’. Few works of art give a better summary of the Eucharist, recalling how it was prefigured at Cana, promised at Capernaum, instituted at Jerusalem, and celebrated at Emmaus. In this weekend’s Gospel reading Jesus says, “I am the bread that came down from heaven”. When He talks to us of Himself as bread, He is surely not talking of physical bread that we consume to kill our hunger. He is definitely talking of a bread that is beyond physical. He is talking of the spiritual bread that satisfies the spiritual hunger. Jesus came down to us, took our form, became one with us to feed us that bread, to transform us into heavenly beings. He could not be with us physically just as He was present during His time on earth and so He is present to us today in the Eucharist. Eucharist is not just a ritual, it is not just a re-enactment of the last supper. It is the very presence of Christ as spiritual bread and food to sustain us and not only sustain us but to energize us to become His disciples that will embody Christ in our world - to be Christians in the true sense - being Christ-like. It is a huge task at the same time a sublime calling! Are we ready to carry Christ? -Fr. Agnelo Gomes, SFX Saint Raymond R. C. Church Page 2 PARISH BULLETIN BOARD MISSION NEWS This is a continuation from last week on Pat’s return visit to our Sister Parish. I attempt to articulate the emotion of reliving this mission trip. It was great to be back; great to see those friends that left such a huge impression on me two years ago. The kindness of our host family, the Cochoys, the delicious Guatemalan comfort food, the general excitement that we seem to cause wherever we visited, the sheer vastness of the landscape of Lake Atitlan, the rainforest, the volcanic hot springs, the endless cornfields, Antigua, Santiago, and the innocent open faces of all of those omnipresent beautiful kids. Make no mistake, there are big problems there too: government corruption, alcoholism, Aids, malnutrition and heartbreaking poverty. Conor Boyle, a friend and schoolmate of my son James, now sponsors a boy whose living conditions would, by our standards, be unfit for our pet dogs. The floors are cold dirt, there are one inch cracks between the boards that make up the siding of the house, no heat, no electricity, no plumbing. A mother and six children are barely sustained by a few corn tortillas and whatever they can forage from the nearby woods, squirrels, etc., I wanted to cry. I wanted to give them all of the money that I had, but of course you can’t do that, because there’s another family just like them down the road, and another, and another. What we can do, like so many of the kind people who support Projecto Don Bosco, is to help out bit by bit. One kid gets to go to school, another gets needed food or medicine, and so on, and so on. There are now close to two hundred sponsored children in the project. There are many, many, more in dire need. Any donation is graciously appreciated, twenty dollars a month can change a life forever. We’ve seen it firsthand, kids going on to college, becoming teachers, priests, engineers, lawyers, etc. There aren’t too many investments that you can make with that kind of returns. -Patricio Arnao YOUth Ministry Upcoming events: Folk Group/YOUth Group trip to Six Flags, Wednesday, August 19th Altar Server trip to Splish Splash, Monday, August 24th. Permission slips are available from Deacon Rich in the Rectory. Fiddler of the Roof—those who have their scripts should be spending some time working on them. Rehearsals start in September. The winner of the Parish Picks Special Bonus Drawing of $1,909.00 is: Ticket # 24—Neil & Teresa Schloth The next drawing will be held on Sunday, August 16th, 2009 Congratulations Neil & Teresa on your win!!! Are you in it yet for the next segment of Parish Picks? The deadline is getting close. The first drawing will be held on Sunday, August 16th, so time is of the essence!!! You gotta be in it—to win it! Saint Raymond R. C. Church Page 3 Saint Raymond R. C. Church Page 4 DIOCESAN BULLETIN BOARD 2009 CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL ENTRANCE EXAM PREP COURSE STEWARDSHIP THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK The gifts of God that the angel brought to Elijahfood, water, rest and encouragement—were given, not for his own good alone, but to strengthen him for service. How am I using my gifts to serve others? For the October 31st Exam Courses will be held on the following Saturdays: September 19, 26 & October 3, 10, 24 9—11:30am in Marian Hall Course Fee: $275 (includes textbook) Contact Ms Grasso 922-4888 Ext. 5101 THIS WEEK’S TIME & TALENT SALUTE: St. Dominic High School 110 Anstice Street Oyster Bay In gratitude for God’s gift of time and talent to us, we gratefully acknowledge and salute: our Parish Social Ministry and St. Vincent de Paul Society who become the hands of Jesus for parishioners who are looking for a hand out from Jesus for those who have heard that Jesus promises the Bread of Life. LIVING STEWARDSHIP Please consider remembering St. Raymond’s Parish in your will, Catholics of generations to come will thank you for your thoughtfulness and remember you in their prayers. RELIGION AND ROCK Tune into “Religion and Rock” with Msgr. Jim Vlaun on Sunday from 7am to 8am on WBAB 102.3FM or 95.3FM on Long Island’s East End. Listen on Saturdays at 11pm on Sirius Radio, channel 159, the Catholic Channel and at 11pm on XM Satellite, Channel 117. Next Sunday’s theme is Uncertainty, don’t miss it! To listen online or receive more information regarding Religion and Rock go to or at “Religion & Rock on ITUNES. Sacrificial Giving____________________________ GOD’S PLAN FOR GIVING Last Week Last Year $15,820 $17,752 Monthly Sharing with Parish Outreach of QMHR in Roosevelt and OLL in Hempstead Thanks for Keeping—in—Step! UPCOMING CONFERENCE Dr. Scott Hahn at Kellenberg H.S. September 12, 2009, one day Conference “Reasons to Believe”, 9am to 4pm at Kellenberg High School Auditorium, 1400 Glenn Curtiss Blvd., Uniondale, NY 11553. Admission Price: $10. *To register or inquiries call Toti Conforti (516) 385-8963 or *After August 15, $15. YOU’RE INVITED WEDNESDAY AUGUST 19TH TO A HOT SUMMER NIGHT EVENT ST. CATHERINE OF SIENNA YOUTH COMMUNITY Save Innocent Life Join PRAYER Crusade Just Pray Dear God, we pray to preserve the life of the Nearborn (“partial birth” babies) and to save the life of the Newborn (“throwaway” babies) Be a Crusader—PRAY Become a messenger Tell others to PRAY All teens grades 8-12, is throwing a party in your honor. From 5-10pm. Meet us on the School Yard or just follow the smells of BBQ. The address is 990 Holzhelmer St., Franklin Square. Please RSVP to Fellcia at the Faith Formation Office 354-4554 Ext. 6 so that we have enough for seconds. Saint Raymond R. C. Church Page 5 Saint Raymond R. C. Church Page 6 Saint Raymond R. C. Church Page 7 Religious Education Q. What do they mean when people refer to the PRECEPTS OF THE CHURCH? When we hear the word luxury, we think of something, which is used for enjoyment, that may be expensive and which is not a necessity. Yet, there are those among us who would consider paying bills on time or being able to buy basics a luxury. I can remember watching some consumers obsessing over a Macy’s gadget bar, trying to decide between an electric apple peeler and some other equally superfluous whatnot. I thought how lucky they were to have such a simple dilemma, when so many would be lucky to have apples. A. Among the main specific duties of Catholics today are the following: 1. Celebrate Christ’s resurrection every Sunday (or Saturday evening) and on holy days of obligation by taking part in the Mass and avoiding unnecessary work. 2. Lead a Sacramental Life—Receive Holy Communion regularly and the Sacrament of Reconciliation regularly. We must receive Holy Communion at least once a year at LentEaster, if we have committed serious or mortal sin. Go to Reconciliation before doing so. 6. To practice penance, including not eating meat and fasting from food on certain days. We have so many things that we take for granted and don’t think twice about how we indulge ourselves. How lucky we are! There is no shame in being comfortable or in being able to treat ourselves to luxury, but there is a problem when we exclude the needy from our thoughts and help. Here in our parish, we are blessed with parishioners who are always willing to help those less fortunate, even when it means sacrifice on their part. We have witnessed even our children depriving themselves of goodies to help others. Once again, we are asking for your help. School will be in session before we know it, and we are in need for certain school supplies for our clients. The following are some of the items we need: Loose-leaf binders 1” and 2” rings Loose-leaf paper Two pocket folders School supplies will be distributed the week of August 31st. If we find that there are other items needed, we will list them in the bulletin. 7. To share in the missionary spirit of the church and share the good news in whatever ways we can. Pantry Needs: Mayonnaise, Cooking Oil, Canned Pasta, Canned Meats, Dry Milk, Pancake Syrup, Sugar, Toothbrushes, Deodorant, and Razors. 3. To provide proper religious education for oneself and one’s children, especially by one of the Catholic schools and other educational programs. 4. Observe the marriage laws of the Catholic Church. 5. Strengthen and support the Church; one’s own parish and clergy and the worldwide church. Faith Formation GOING ON VACATION? Courage is a support group for men women who are struggling with same attractions and want to be faithful to teaching of the Church. Info: 623-1400 190 or go to and sex the ext. Wherever you are in the U.S. you can always find the closest Catholic Church by simply dialing: (1) 800 MASS TIME. All you will need is the area code and the prefix of the phone you are using or the zip code of your location. The computerized phone system will provide the name, telephone number, address, Mass times and distance from your present location. Or you can go to their website, http:// Saint Raymond R. C. Church Page 8 FEAST OF THE ASSUMPTION OF OUR LADY Saturday, August 15th Friday, August 14th 7:30pm—Living Rosary SODALITY OF OUR LADY MASS SCHEDULE Vigil Mass—Friday, August 14th 8pm Saturday, August 15th 8:45am, 10:30am, 12:15pm When the Emperor Marcian summoned the Patriarch of Jerusalem to the Council of Chalcedon in 451, he asked the bishop to bring the relics of Mary to be enshrined in Constantinople. The patriarch said he would not comply because there were no relics of Mary in Jerusalem. “Mary had died in the presence of the apostles”, he said, “but her tomb, when opened later...was found empty and so the apostles concluded that the body was taken up into heaven.” Saint Raymond R. C. Church Page 9 Saint Raymond R. C. Church Page 10 Masses For The Week Monday, August 10th 2 Cor 9: 6-10; Jn 12: 26-26 7:15 Agnes Graebe 8:45 Howell L. Jones Lawrence Tuesday, August 11th Clare Dt 31: 1-8; Mt 18: 1-13 7:15 Barbara Broughal Lines 8:45 Isabella & Vincent Mastrodomenico Wednesday, August 12th Dt 34: 1-12; Mt 18: 15-20 7:15 Thomas DeRosa 8:45 Anthony Parlato Jr. Jane Frances de Chantal Thursday, August 13th Pontian & Hippolytus Jos 3: 7-17; Mt 18:21-1 7:15 Robert Roman 8:45 Helen Keon Fisher Friday, August 14th Maximilian Mary Kolbe 1 Chr 15: 3-2;Cor 15: 15-57; Lk 11: 27-28 7:15 Edythe Graziano (18th Anniversary) 8:45 Michael Emililo 8:00 Frank Panobianco Saturday, August 15th Assumption of Mary Rv 11:19-10; 1 Cor 15: 20-27; Lk 1: 39-56 8:45 Mass of Multiple Intentions: For Our Parishioners, Frank Vukov, Marian & Francis Deller, Robert Keon, Dec. Mem. of the Cassese Family 10:30 Margaret Ganley 12:15 Dec. Mem. of the Daley Family Please Pray For Our Sick…. Steven Miller, Janet Kelly, Kevin McGreevy, Gilda Raia, Baby Kayleigh Lindholm, Baby Michael Angel Castillo, Sammy Campano, Baby Aidan Pearsall, Baby Brady James Hicks, Baby Nicholas Anthony Savino, Gaspare Minervini, Lisa Romano, Noreen Helmstadt, Pasquale Vaglio, Bill Saar Jr., Aniello Anzulone, Paul Pisani, Beatrice Maloney, Andrew Donnellan, Jacqueline Curiale, Charles Schweigert, Brian Darby, Barbara Stephens, Ralph Bilotta, Domenica Cuscino, Bill Brosnan, Domenick Savino, Patricia Vito, Arthur Conforti, Catherine Miller, Harry Ehrahardt, Raymond Mayle, Gertrude Flood, Gertrude Gypalo (names are printed for three consecutive weeks unless the rectory is notified otherwise.) REST IN PEACE 8/22—Natuzza Artusa ( 83) ROSE FOR LIFE this week is in memory of Michael O’Donnell. Donated by Mary Healy. For more information call Mary Healy at 887-4062. MARRIAGE BANNS SECOND TIME: Nicole Anastasio, St. Raymond and Charles Vito, St. Raymond Lauren Egerter, Our Lady of Lourdes and Dominik Pankratz, Germany Deirdre McShane, St. Raymond and Timothy Carl, St. Christopher FIRST TIME: Christine Valente, St. Raymond and Ryan Monahan, St. Raymond CELEBRANTS FOR NEXT WEEKEND 5:00 Edward Maloney Sunday, August 16th 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time Prv 9: 1-6; Eph 5: 15-20; Jn 6: 51-58 7:30 Dec. Mem. of the Carrano & Biello Family 9:00 Joseph Nicolich 10:30 John Snee 12:00 Mass of Multiple Intentions: Anne Goebels, Anna LoPinto, George Himberg, Angela Wagner, Frank Siciliano 4:30 For Our Parishioners Saturday, 8/15 5:00pm—Fr. Agnelo Gomes Sunday, 8/16 7:30am—Fr. Agnelo Gomes 9:00am—Fr. Agnelo Gomes 10:30am—Fr. Frank Eisele 12:00pm—Fr. Frank Eisele 4:30pm—Fr. Frank Eisele Saint Raymond R. C. Church Page 11 SODALITY OF . OUR LADY Our Lady Queen of Peace, Pray for Us The Sodality of Our Lady’s Living Rosary in celebration of the feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary will take place this Friday, August 14th, the eve of the Assumption, in the church at 7:30pm, followed by Mass at 8:00pm. The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary commemorates the death of Mary and her bodily assumption into Heaven, before her body could begin to decay—a foretaste of our own bodily resurrection at the end of time. Because it signifies the Blessed Virgin's passing into eternal life, it is the most important of all Marian feasts. All parishioners are welcome and encouraged to join us! If you would like to participate in the rosary procession, please come to the church at 7:15pm and sit in one of the pews in front of the Blessed Mother statue. To Jesus, Through Mary SPIRITUAL READING The July-August issue of “Journey to Our Lady” is now available in the entranceway pamphlet rack. ST. RAYMOND’S HUMAN LIFE COMMITTEE SPIRITUAL ADOPTION PROGRAM TWO MONTH OLD DEVELOPING BABY Your spiritually adopted baby is making progress developing all of his or her internal & external organs. At just 35 days after conception, the baby has all his or her fingers. Brain waves can be detected at 40 days & the brain is controlling 40 sets of muscles as well as the organs. His or her mother can hear her baby’s heartbeat now on an ultrasonic stethoscope. The jaw forms including teeth buds in the gums. And it has been reported that as early as two months the baby can suck his or her thumb! The eyelids seal during this time to protect the baby’s light sensitive eyes that will reopen in the seventh month. The stomach produces digestive juices & the kidneys have begun to function. This tiny human being responds to touch. By 8 weeks, the developing baby is now referred to as the “fetus”, a Latin word meaning “young one” or “offspring”. From this moment onward, your spiritually adopted baby grows & refines his or her body. But everything the baby needs to survive once he is born is already present by the end of the 8th week. Please continue to pray daily for your little one as most surgical abortions are done between the 8th & 12th of the unborn baby’s life. Thank you. DEANERY VI PRO-LIFE HOLY HOUR DATE: Sunday, August 16th TIME: 2-3PM Place: St. Raymond’s Church “...then if My people will humble themselves and pray, and search for ME, and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear them from heaven and forgive their sins and heal their land. I will listen, wide awake, to every prayer made in this place.” (2 Chronicles 7: 14-15)
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T he Parish of - St. Raymond
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