holiday magazine hildesheim region - Hi-Reg


holiday magazine hildesheim region - Hi-Reg
Holiday tips, accommodation and event highlights 2014
Service, advice and reservations
The tourist-information has its home in one of the prettiest houses in Hildesheim: the Tempelhaus at the historic market square. As
your competent partner in all aspects of your stay in the Hildesheim
Region, the tourist-information team is happy to be at your side. We
will book the fitting accommodation for you, offer arrangements
tailored to your wishes, and advise on the recreational offers and
events. At the tourist-information, which was awarded the seal of
quality for „Service Quality in Germany - Lower Saxony“, you will
also receive a fitting souvenir for any taste, in addition to the information, comprehensive tourist brochures and literature about
We are happy to give advice you on:
• The UNESCO World Heritage
• Overnight accommodation and arrangements
• Conference and congress services
• City and costume tours
• Sightseeing trips in the region
• Segway tours through Hildesheim
• Ascend to the tower of St. Andreas‘ Church
• E-bike rentals
• Souvenirs, travel guides, books and maps
• Online shop
• Special exhibits of the museums
• Events and festivities
• Bike and hiking tours
Awarded the seal of quality
„Service Quality in Germany
– Lower Saxony“ Level I
Your all-around carefree package: For your (getaway) holidays
in Hildesheim we have combined recreational offers, overnight
accommodations and culinary delights for you in an attractive
price-performance relation. You can find all offers at or in our brochure for arrangements.
Hildesheim Marketing GmbH · tourist-information Hildesheim
Rathausstr. 20 (Tempelhaus) · 31134 Hildesheim
Phone: +49 (0)5121 1798-0 · Fax: +49 (0)5121 1798-88
Business hours: Tuesdays to Fridays: 10:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Saturdays: 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
April to October and during the Advent season also on
Sundays: 11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Delving into history
pages 6 and 7
Activities in the region
pages 16 to 19
Welcome to the region
pages 4 and 5
Publisher: Hildesheim Marketing
GmbH, Managing Director Lothar
Meyer-Mertel, Rathausstr. 15, 31134
Hildesheim, phone +49 (0)5121 1798100, email:,
In cooperation with: Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft Hildesheim Region (HI-REG) mbH,
Editors: Anja Barlen-Herbig (agentur von b.), Britta Franke (Hildesheim Marketing)
Design: agentur von b. GmbH
Print: Schäfer High Definition Print
Photo sources: Hildesheim Marketing (title, pp. 1-7, 9, 27-31, 38), agentur von b. (title, pp. 7, 11-13, 26, 28, 29,
37, 41, 43, 47), Leif Obornik (pp. 6, 11,
29), Martin Ganzkow (pp. 4), Andreas Hartmann (pp. 3, 23), Walters
Art Museum, Baltimore (pp. 3, 14),
Jim+Jimmy (p. 20), Wolfgang Schulz
(p. 18), City of Bad Salzdetfurth (p.
22), form: arte Grafikbüro Hildesheim (pp. 24, 25), City of Bockenem
(S. 26), Diocese Hildesheim (title, p.
9), Fagus-GreCon Greten GmbH &
Co. KG (title, pp. 3, 9, 10), Frank Bürmann und Jutta von Perfall 2013 (pp.
3, 8), City of Elze (p. 12), Music Library
am Garsteig, Munich (p. 14), Theatre of Lower Saxony (p. 15), Werftengruppe GmbH (p. 17), Franciso Vogel
(p. 20), Wasserparadies Hildesheim
(p. 21), Hi-Way Rohnke (p. 27), Stockbyte (p. 17), Pixelio (pp. 3, 16, 19), Ingram (pp. 20, 29)
Changes reserved, status: 12.2013
Preparing for a big birthday
page 8
UNESCO World Heritage
pages 9 and 10
Experiencing arts and culture
pages 14 and 15
Spa city of Bad Salzdetfurth
pages 22 to 25
Welcome to the region Delving into history Preparing for a big birthday
UNESCO World Heritage Churches and cloisters Fortresses and castles Arts and culture Activities in the region Family fun Spa city of Bad Salzdetfurth Exploring towns Parks and gardens Events Accommodations in Hildesheim in Bad Salzdetfurth in the region Maps for accommodations Arrival with public transportation Agency terms and conditions pages 4 and 5
pages 6 and 7
page 8
pages 9 and 10
page 11
pages 12 and 13
pages 14 and 15
pages 16 to 19
pages 20 and 21
pages 22 to 25
pages 26 and 27
page 28
pages 29 and 30
pages 31 to 47
pages 32 to 39
pages 40 to 43
pages 44 to 47
pages 48 to 52
page 53
pages 54 and 55
he mix of pulsating urban life and idyllic nature lends the Hildesheim region its quite unique charm. Marvellous parks, green forests and magical lakes invite just as much to discovery tours as the multi-faceted cultural offer. Let yourself be riveted by the region‘s diversity.
Embedded in the hilly terrains
of the Hildesheim Börde, the
runs of the Leine and Innerste
Rivers, the Leinebergland Hills
and the foothills of the Harz
mountain range, Hildesheim is
located just 30 kilometres away
from the State Capital Hanover.
The centre of the region, the city
of Hildesheim with its population barely fewer than 100,000
residents, is looking back on
a nearly 1,200-year-old history. In 2015, the city‘s big anniversary will be celebrated. The
genesis of the city is closely entwined with the foundation of
the Diocese. The Bishops Bernward and Godehard had a decisive influence over Hildesheim‘s
development. Because of the
significance of the Diocese‘s
development around St. Mary‘s
Cathedral, the reopening of the
UNESCO World Heritage Church
will open the festivities on the
occasion of the anniversary.
The UNESCO World Heritage,
world-famous Egyptian exhibits, historic half-timber houses,
Citybeach Hildesheim
Mariensee Lake, Laves Cultural Trail
a colourful cultural scene and
attractive shopping possibilities
make Hildesheim today a lively city. Hildesheim has much to
offer – those seeking tranquillity will find an idyllic scenery
in the parks and gardens, at the
lakes and the walls systems
and those who are interested
in culture will what they are
looking for in the theatres, museums and galleries. The popular city beach conjures a summerly vacation atmosphere in
the city centre, as does the newly opened JoBeach at the Hohnsensee Lake.
On an excursion into the region,
a great number of cultural treasures can be discovered – castles,
cloisters and fortresses. One
highlight is the Fagus Factory
in Alfeld. The Fagus Facory built
by Walter Gropius was added to
the list of UNESCO World Heritage sites in 2011.
Be it by bicycle or on foot – excellent biking and hiking trails
lead through the entire region,
regardless if it is the „Pottland“
(pottery region) near Duingen
or along the Innerste River on
the newly opened Innerste bicycle trail. Special perspectives are opened on the water.
One does not need to be a pro
to explore the vicinity around
Leinebergland hills or the Innerste valley by waterway.
Guided canoeing tours are offered on the Leine and Innerste
Rivers. The forest can be experienced with all senses on the
„Sinnespfad“ (Senses Trail) on
Alfelder Schlehberg Mountain
and „nature first-hand“ is riveting on the southern slop of the
Get to know the many different faces of the Hildesheim Region – we are looking forward
to seeing you!
Historic Market Square of Hildesheim
History comes to live in Hildesheim
ildesheim – this is where modernity and tradition come together. Numerous buildings bespeak the impressive history of the city:
For example, around the historic market place or the „Upside-down Sugar Loaf“. This is owed to the commitment of the people of
Hildesheim. In a great financial effort they have accomplished that the old half-timer houses in the city centre be reconstructed true to
the originals. The Half-Timber Quarter displays just as much love for detail, while here in the new part of town, many historical buildings were preserved. Narrow alleys, luscious roses and lovingly restored half-timber buildings – you absolutely must take the time for a
foray into the past.
History was re-choreographed
in Hildesheim – modernity conjoins with history. The historic
market square and the „Upside-down Sugar Loaf“ attract
thousands of tourists to the
city each year. In an impressive way they take visitors back
into long past centuries. The
massive backdrop around the
market square barely suggests
that here, after the war, not one
stone was left resting on another. The reconstruction true
to the original is owed to the
distinct dedication of the people. The market square, which
was rebuilt between the years
1984 to 1990, sets the scene for
the significant past of the former Free Hanseatic City. Particularly in focus is the Knochenhauer (butchers‘) complex
Weekly market on the historic market square in Hildesheim
Upside-down Sugar Loaf
- and the building of the Bakers‘ Trade Authority - both of
which were reconstructed according to the original plans.
The former building of the Butchers‘ Trade Authority displays
elaborate details on the façade
and communicates sturdy cosiness inside. An eye-catcher is
also the Temple House with oriental influences in its architecture. The tourist-information is
accommodated today in the for-
mer Patrician‘s House. Modern
buildings stand behind the elaborately designed façades of
the Rolandstift and the Wedekindhaus as well as the town
pub on the opposite side of the
street, the Rococo House and
the building of the Wool Weaver Guild. Owing to the perfectly reconstructed ensembles, Hildesheim may confidently boast
having one of the prettiest market squares in Germany. Just a
few steps away from the market square, in between the modern building complexes in the
pedestrian zone, an additional
half-timber building was reconstructed according to the historic plans. The building has a curious name, and its appearance
is no less curious: already 500
years ago, the half-timber building protruding to the top at
Andreas Square was called the
„Upside-down Sugar Loaf“.
St. Godehard
In Hildesheim, the new part of town is the true „Old City“. The
charming narrow alleys, luscious rose blossoms and lovingly restored half-timber buildings – visitors of the city of Hildesheim
should be sure to take a little time for a foray into the Half-Timber
Quarter between „Brühl“ and „Keßlerstraße“. The former „Nuremberg of the North“ used to have about 1,900 half-timber buildings.
The streetscapes that remained standing after the war still give
a sense of the former half-timber glory of that time. Truly worth
seeing is Werner House at the „Hintere Brühl“, which was built in
the year 1606. The abundantly decorated façade with its 29 picture plates were restored elaborately in 2010 and 2011. Located visà-vis is the impressive St. Godehard‘s Church. Unique is also the
Kehrwieder tower of the year 1465, which used to be the former
city gate. According to legend, the fortification tower owes its present name to the circumstance that the sound of a bell on the tower had showed an aristocratic maiden the way home after she lost
her way in the neighbouring forest. The Armourer‘s House and the
memorial stone commemorating the persecution of Jews, which is
located at the former site of Hildesheim‘s synagogue, are additional places worth seeing in the Half-Timber Quarter.
Wernersches Haus (Werner House)
Keßlerstraße and Kehrwieder tower
Those who are drawn across
the city of Hildesheim, past the
most important sightseeing
spots, from the market square
into the Half-Timber Quarter,
will find the right way along
the Rose Route. Small cobblestones with rose design point
in the right direction. An accompanying brochure, which
can be obtained from touristinformation, provides explanatory information on the history, the UNESCO World Heritage,
about buildings, churches and
tourist-information, phone +49 (0)5121 1798-0 or at
HOLIDAY MAGAZINE HILDESHEIM 2014 | Preparations for a big birthday
great event casts its cloud ahead of time: Hildesheim is preparing for a big birthday – in 2015 the city and the Diocese celebrate
their 1,200th anniversary. The anniversary programme plans new events in the anniversary year, which were specially developed
for this occasion, meanwhile also successfully tried and proven formats are on the schedule. Exhibits, street festivals, stage plays – guests
and residents may look forward to more than 100 events.
The city and Diocese Hildesheim will celebrate a big anniversary in
2015 – anno 815 Hildesheim was founded as the new Bishop‘s seat.
This event is closely tied to the legend of the 1,000-year-old rose
tree. Emperor Ludwig der Fromme (Louis the Pious) is said to have
recovered a precious reliquary among the flowers of the rose tree,
which he had lost on his hunt. To honour Mary, Mother of God, he
had a chapel built at the spot.
The 1,200th anniversary will be celebrated appropriately. The programme in the year 2015 plans new and specially developed events
for this occasion during the anniversary year, for example, the stage
production of „The Name of the Rose“, turning the entire city into a
theatre stage, or an exhibition at the city congregation hall. Yet also
tried and proven formats, such as the popular street artists‘ festival
„Pflasterzauber“ (pavement magic) will be thematically integrated
in the anniversary year. In addition, around 100 small-scale events
are planned under the broader motto „Urban Spirit“. The anniversary programme will take up the historical dimension of the event,
pay tribute to the present life in Hildesheim and, at the same time,
take a look ahead. Meanwhile the thematic spectrum is multi-faceted: the city history, the UNESCO World Heritage, the diverse cultural scene, the city as an educational, residential and economic centre. All of this what distinguishes Hildesheim and which is linked
to the essence of the city will be reflected in different ways in the
anniversary events. The preparations can be felt in the city in 2014
already: the thematic year 2014 culminates in the Hildesheim anniversary and the reopening of the Cathedral in August 2014 will
mark the start of the celebrations (see page 9).
City anniversary: Office 1200, phone +49 (0)5121 1767-155,
Diocese anniversary: Project office for the Diocese anniversary 2015,
Ready on 15 August 2014: the
Hildesheim Cathedral will reopen its doors after nearly
five years of construction – on
time for the Diocese anniversary in 2015 the UNESCO World
Heritage church will shine in
new splendour. But not just St.
Mary‘s Cathedral was renovated
and redesigned in recent years,
also the neighbouring St. Antonius Church was redeveloped to
become the Cathedral Museum
– the new Cathedral Museum
will open its doors in April 2015.
Since the reconstruction of the
Cathedral in the 1950s, the Bishop‘s church has not been renovated. The structural building
also no longer conformed to
the contemporary liturgical and
aesthetic ideals. With the renovation, the Romanic spacial ar-
rangement of the Cathedral will
now be reinstated – the famous
Bernward‘s door will be moved
to the interior so to protect it
against weathering, the organ
gallery will be replaced by a
self-supporting structure and
the stairwell in the northern
traverse nave will be removed.
The entries to the crypt will be
moved back again. Next to the
crypt, a new burial site for the
deceased Bishops will come into
being. Hezilo‘s candleholder,
which ornamented the basilica
of St. Godehard‘s church during
the renovation of the Cathedral,
will return to its original location in the middle of the Cathedral. Azelin‘s candleholder,
which was hung in St. Antonius Church is moving to the choir
room. The baptismal font of the
Cathedral will find a new place
in the middle of the centre nave.
Entirely new rooms will be provided to the Cathedral Museum in the adjacent St. Antonius Church. On a much larger
exhibit space, the precious and
internationally prominent exhibits of the Cathedral treasure
that is a part of the UNESCO
World Heritage for Humanity
can then at last be presented in
the appropriate setting. For example, for the first time since
the Second World War, the baroque picture carpets from the
old Knights‘ Room will once
again be seen.
St. Michael‘s
Fagus factory
St. Mary‘s Cathedral
The UNESCO World Heritage
will be at the centre of attention
around Germany in 2014. Under the motto „UNESCO World
Heritage – Sustainable culture
and nature tourism“ the German Centre for Tourism dedicates the UNESCO World Heritage sites in Germany their
own theme year. It is not surprising that Hildesheim picks
up on this theme and calls the
year „World Heritage and History“ in 2014, because the city
can take pride in the fame of
two World Heritage churches
at the same time – St. Michael‘s
and St. Mary‘s Cathedral were
entered together into the list of
the World Heritage in 1985. St.
Michael‘s Church is considered
to be one of the most beautiful
Early Romanic churches in Germany. Inside of Hildesheim‘s St.
Mary‘s Cathedral the UNESCO
was swayed by the bronze casts,
the Column of Christ and Bernward‘s door as unique achievements of Bishop Bernward and
also appreciated the Cathedral
treasure. The two World Heritage churches in Hildesheim are
connected by the World Heritage Band – large-format, bright
granite plates lead the guest
through the city to the World
Heritage churches and interconnect with further touristic highlights, such as Magdalena‘s Garden, the Roemer and Pelizaeus
Museum, the market square
and the „Upside-down Sugar Loaf“, or even the shopping
mall, Arneken Galerie. Built-in
LED bars and illuminated bollards point the way in the evening and at night. Between April
and October, visitors can expect
numerous events all around the
UNESCO World Heritage and
the city‘s history. In the process,
also additional World Heritage
sites in southern Lower Saxony
are integrated, such as the Fagus factory in Alfeld as well as
its historic district and the Rammelsberg in Goslar and the Wasserregal (waterworks) of the Upper Harz region. The current
programme for the theme year
„World Heritage and History“ in
Hildesheim will be available online in 2014.
estimony to past cultures, artistic master pieces and unique natural landscapes, whose destruction would be an irreplaceable loss to
all of humanity – the UNESCO list of World Heritage has registered more than 900 natural and cultural sites worldwide, 38 of which
in Germany. In southern Lower Saxony, there are even several of these UNESCO World Heritage sites to marvel at: the two World Heritage churches of St. Michael‘s and St. Mary‘s Cathedral (see page 9), the Fagus factory in Alfeld (Leine River), the ore mine of Rammelsberg
Mountain and the historic district of Goslar, as well as the system of the waterworks in the Upper Harz region.
In June 2011, the Fagus factory was included in the World Heritage
list as the first industrial structure of modernity. The building of
the company Fagus-GreCon was designed in 1911 by Walter Gropius, the originator of the Bauhaus style – it was the first large building of the famous architect. Gropius managed to provide a midsized production site an utterly unusual appearance that differed
greatly from tradition. The Fagus factory represents an architectural understanding, which for the first time in that era, considered the requirements for light, air and clarity, and used glass and
steel according to the doctrine of New Building. To date, the living
monument fulfils its original purpose as a production site. Visitors
can cast a glance behind the scenes in the context of exciting factory tours and a Fagus Gropius exhibit informs in the former warehouse on 3,000 square metres for example, about the company history or shoe fashion of the past 100 years. In the UNESCO year 2014,
the Fagus factory invites with a special exhibit „UNESCO World Heritage – a voyage of Germany“ to go on a visual tour to Germany‘s
World Heritage sites – expected dates of the exhibition will be July
to September 2014. The exhibition showcases 38 German UNESCO
sites in a selection of photography and characteristic exhibits. The
Fagus factory has a new presentation on the internet at The new pages – in the same way as a new image
flyer – inform of event dates, the Fagus-Gropius exhibition, guided
tours and much more.
In addition, the visitor guidance and information system of the
Fagus factory is being expanded – at altogether four sites, the system will inform visitors about the particularities at each site and
make a guided connection of the visitor attractions on a loop trail
around the factory premises. Among the central attractions are:
Conference Centre, the Fagus-Gropius Café, Fagus-Gropius Exhibition, Fagus Gallery, Fagus Shop and the new UNESCO Visitor Centre, which currently in planning.
Churches and cloisters | HOLIDAY MAGAZINE HILDESHEIM 2014
he multitude of churches and cloisters founded have characterised the Hildesheim region in a particular way. Even today the sacral buildings with their infinite art treasures characterise the scenery of towns and municipalities.
Besides the UNESCO World
Heritage churches more than
30 churches pay tribute to the
history of Hildesheim as the
Bishop‘s town. Worth seeing
for example is St. Godehard‘s
Church in the Hildesheim HalfTimber Quarter. The Romanic
church was donated by Bishop Bernhard in 1133 to honour Hildesheim‘s Bishop Godehard. The choir, at the centre
of which is the burial site of
Bishop Bernhard, is designed
in rich colours. In 1963 Pope
Paul VI raised the status of the
church to a „basilica minor“.
Lamberti‘s Church in the new
part of town in Hildesheim is
the only late Gothic hall church
of Hildesheim and was reconstructed in 1952. Particularly worth seeing is the altar of
Peter Paul dating back to the
time around 1420 and the baroque organ. The Mauritius
Church on Moritzberg Mountain is a gem and at the same
time unique monument of architecture in Northern Germany, because it takes up on the
construction design of the column basilica, which is uncommon in the North. Idyllically sit-
uated in the district of Neuhof is
the Marienrode Cloister, which
was founded in the year 1125 by
Bishop Berthold. In the religious
exercise building, visitors can
stay overnight and find peace
and contemplation in the cloister setting. Cloister products as
well as religious literature and
Christian art are available in the
small cloister shop.
Of all landmarks of Hildesheim, the tower of St. Andreas Church is
the most striking one, because it rises to 114.5 meters as the highest
church tower of Lower Saxony, far above the roofs of the city. From
its observation deck at a height of 75 metres, the St. Andreas church
tower offers a marvellous view of the entire city and the region. In
conditions of good visibility, the Marienburg Castle, Leinebergland
hillsides and even the Brocken mountain seem very near.
i, Phone +49 (0)5121 1798-0
St. Mauritius
Tip: Not just worth seeing but also worth hearing are the organ
concerts and music events in the churches and cloisters.
A significant cloister complex can be found in the area of Lamspringe in the south of the Hildesheim region. The historical building is known for its artistically equipped cloister church and the
scenic cloister park with ponds and modern sculptures. Cloister
Lamspringe was mentioned in public documents for the first time
in the year 872. Worth seeing is furthermore the baroque finishings
of the church, which are among the most precious arts treasures of
Lower Saxony for the flower depictions of the groined vaults and the
artistic wood carvings on the high altar, choir stalls, choir screens,
pulpit and baptismal pond. The splendid organ of the year 1700 is
one of the prettiest in the Hildesheim Diocese. Below the new altar is the reliquary casket of Saint Oliver Plunkett. The Irish Archbishop passed away a martyr in London in 1681. Visits and group
tours can be scheduled with Samtgemeinde Lamspringe, phone +49
(0)5183 500-0. Annual event „Lamspringer September“ (see page 29).
Visits and group tours can be scheduled with Samtgemeinde
Lamspringe, phone +49 (0)5183 500-0. Annual event „Lamspringer September“ (see page 29).
HOLIDAY MAGAZINE HILDESHEIM 2014 | Fortresses and castles
On the traces of knights and princes
airy-tale castles and fortresses lend the region an unmistakable profile. Many structures, often dating back to the middle ages, are
completely preserved. Because many of them are held in private property, there are just a few buildings that can be visited on the inside nowadays. Furthermore well-known is the Marienburg Castle, while the baroque castle Wrisbergholzen has a rather enchanted fate.
Getting married in the castle
chapel or visiting the salon of
Queens and Princesses – Marienburg Castle is considered
a touristic highlight in Lower
Saxony. On top of Marienberg
mountain in a magnificent location above Nordstemmen, the
castle as one of the most significant new Gothic architectural monuments in Germany attracts thousands of visitors each
year. At Marienberg Castle, you
can delve into royal life of the
19th century: The castle was a
gift from the King of Hanover,
Georg V, to his wife Marie for
her 40th birthday – it was built
between 1858 and 1867. The impressive four-winged structure
was the royal couple‘s summer
residence. The two famous architects of the „Hanover School“,
Conrad Wilhelm Hase (18181902) and Edwin Oppler (18311880), designed the castle. It can
be reached easily from the Nordstemmen railway station from
where the Marienburg Casle Express climbs the ascend to Marienburg Casle. On weekends
and holidays, the white and
blue small railway car commutes to and from Nordstemmen and the castle between 10
a.m. and 6 p.m., phone +49 (0)5069 48000
Marienburg Express:
There is an enchanted castle in
the municipality of Sibbesse the baroque castle Wrisbergholzen: In the left side wing is
the famous tile room of 1752,
whose walls are completely covered by around 680 tiles
with sayings (in Italian, French
and Latin) made by the former princely fayence factory in
Wrisbergholzen. This fayence
factory was opened in 1736 and
is the oldest of its kind in North
Western Germany. Worth seeing is also the castle‘s park with
its ancient trees. The orangery
of the castle is one of the few
preserved orangeries from the
mid-19th century in all of Lower Saxony. The building is being
renovated in several construction phases during 2013 and
2014. The orangery can be seen
in the course of a guided tour, as
can be the church of Wrisbergholzen. For insiders of church
music, the church is of particular significance for its Müller organ dating back to the year 1704.
Guided tours are offered by the
Society for the Preservation of
Architectural Landmarks („Verein zur Erhaltung von Baudenkmalen in Wrisbergholzen e. V.“)
on some Sundays during the
Information and dates for visits can be found at www.alfeld.
Fortresses and castles | HOLIDAY MAGAZINE HILDESHEIM 2014
In the municipality of Holle,
there are several castles and
fortresses to be discovered
even: One of the most wellknown castles is Derneburg
Castle. It owes its fame to its
former owner, the painter
Georg Baselitz. He purchased
the castle in 1975, but sold it
again in 2006 to a patron of the
arts from the USA. The castle
and its garden cannot be visited, but it is well worth seeing,
even if just from the outside
because of its curved pagoda-style roof. With the neighbouring restaurant in the glass
house, the former greenhouse
of the castle market garden,
the Laves cultural trail, and
the attractive landscape surroundings, inviting to go hiking and biking, make the castle a popular destination for
short trips. Pretty to see is also
the impressive baroque castle
of Söder. This castle too is privately owned and is therefore
unfortunately not opened to
visitors. Today, orphans reside
in Henneckenrode Castle. The
castle was completed in 1850
in the style of the German Re-
Derneburg Castle
naissance. A special sight to see
is St. Joseph‘s Church with its
late Gothic, three-part winged
altar and the Renaissance garden. At the ruins of Wohldenberg Fortress the visitor experiences a voyage back to the age
of knights. From the old square
fortress tower you have a beautiful view all around the municipality reaching up to the Harz
mountain range and its peak,
the Brocken. A great number of
hiking trails set out from here
into the forests of the municipality of Holle.
Marienburg Estate is a historic fortress build in 1346 by Bischof
Heinrich III. Still preserved today from the time of its origin is still
the massive donjon and the so-called „High House“. Originally, the
grand moated castle in the swamp area served for controlling trade
and traffic which departed from Hildesheim in southern direction.
Today the historic site is the property of the Hildesheim University Foundation. The renovated buildings provide spaces for the Institute of Creative Arts and Aesthetics, Theatre and Media as well
as Performing Arts. Besides the academic programmes, also public exhibitions and events are organised here. The School Museum,
which is also accommodated on the estate grounds, as well as a
cosy café are popular destinations for taking walks and bicycle rides.
Museums and galleries – the cultural side of the region
useums and galleries – in the Hildesheim region there is a great variety of cultural treasures to discover; some of them are worldfamous, such as the Egyptian collection at the Roemer and Pelizaeus Museum in Hildesheim. Others are still lesser known, such
as the Pottery Museum in Duingen or the Museum of Time in Bockenem.
What came before genesis? How did time and space emerge and
who is the creator? These and other questions on the creation and
continuation of the world are posed by the last great genesis myth
of Ancient Egypt: the famous „Book of Fayum“. For several decades
it has been dedicated to an international expert team for its decryption. The Roemer and Pelizaeus Museum presents from 13 September 2014 to 11 January 2015 this remarkable papyrus – supplemented by a series of international gifts for limited time, which realise
the unusual images in three dimensions – in the special exhibition
„The Creation of the World – Egypt‘s last genesis myth“. It conveys a
surprising understanding of this antique culture, which reaches far
beyond pyramids, Pharaohs, and mummies, while it invites children
and adults, groups and single visitors to a voyage through the ancient Egyptian universe. Here, the visitors can encounter gods and
together with the sun god in the form of a crocodile they may dive
into the Sea of the Oasis Fayum, so to revive the memory of the god
and thus experience the genesis.
i, Phone +49 (0)5121 93690
The City Museum of Hildesheim
opens the curtain for The Magic
Flute – on occasion of the 100th
birthday of the artist Waltraute
Macke-Brüggemann (1913-2006)
the City Museum will present
an exhibition until 1 June 2014
on Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart‘s
The Magic Flute – in cooperation
with the Theatre of Lower Saxony and the Centre for World Mu-
sic of the University Hildesheim.
Waltraut Macke- Brüggemann,
together with her husband
Kurt Brüggemann, published a
highly successful series of opera
books for children and youths.
Enchanting illustrations by the
artists guide through the action
and introduce the most important characters. Stage designs,
musical instruments as well as
listening samples of the songs
put the visitor into the world of
opera. Numerous natural scientific and ancient Egyptian exhibits let the scenes of the opera
come to live. Yet the exhibition
also illuminates the story of its
making and the backgrounds
of the opera, and takes the visitor along on a time travel to Mozart‘s epoch. Cinema, play and
knowledge stations invite to try
out and discover. Live concerts,
family and campaign days,
guided tours and workshops offer fascinating insights into Mozart‘s famous opera., Phone +49 (0)5121 2993685
Extraordinary crafts, intricate mechanics or international art – in
the Hildesheim region, interesting small museums and galleries can
be discovered. For example, the Pottery Museum in Duingen shows
ceramics of eight centuries. Besides the utility pots of the 18th and
19th centuries, there are elaborately decorated vases of the Renaissance age and Medieval round-bottom jars. For many centuries Duingen was the centre of a region that was called the „Pottland“ (pottery region) for its manifold pottery productions. With a children‘s
book, the Pottery Museum would also like to introduce children to
the exhibit. „Mary‘s Pottery Voyage“ describes the experiences of a
family of potters from the pottery region.
The fascinating technology of large turret clocks with winding by
hand and even smaller clocks with electrical winding can be seen
by the visitors to the „Museum of Time“ in Bockenem. The specialisation is based on the former tower clock factory and bell foundry J. F. Weule, which has supplied turret clocks for three generations
over 100 years out of Bockenem to all continents of the planet. By far
not an insider‘s tip anymore is the gallery in the former bulls‘ stables of Bodenburg Castle with its international exhibitions. Works
of the artist Ryszard Grzyb are presented from 28 June to 17 August
in the bulls‘ stables – the title of the show: „The rhinoceros, the bull
and other animals of the bulls‘ stable in Bodenburg“.
„The rhinoceros, the bull and other animals of the bulls‘ stable in Bodenburg“
Pottery Museum, Duringen:
Museum of Time, Bockenem:
Gallery in the Bulls‘ Stables, Bodenburg:
The Theatre of Lower Saxony enchants to come along into worlds of
fantasy – and this in all of Lower Saxony, with its headquarters being in Hildesheim. The play schedule 2013/14 boasts 19 productions
and ten re-openings in musical theatre, drama, musical and young
theatre, plus eight concerts. The failures of human planning represent the red herring in the play schedule. Heinrich Faust is abound
with insatiable greed for knowledge and action, but all his self-indulgent acts lead to disaster. Goethe’s two-part Faust composition
is one of the most famous and most frequently cited works of international literature. The Theatre of Lower Saxony brings the first
part of the tragedy to the stage in a new production. Also Giuseppe
Verdi’s lyrical comedy of the no-good glutton “Falstaff” is on the
play schedule. At the end of his long career as Italy’s leading musical dramatist, the almost 80-year-old Verdi provided the sound version of Shakespeare’s comedy to say good-bye to the world with a
laughing eye. The premier of the Musical “Hair” caused a massive
scandal in 1968. Today the musical is considered a milestone of pop
culture – sentimental ballades and rock-n-roll dance parts such as
“Let the Sunshine in” and “Hare Krishna” exert the energy and spirit of an entire generation at the Theatre of Lower Saxony.
More information all about the current play schedule is available at
HOLIDAY MAGAZINE HILDESHEIM 2014 | Activities in the region
Enjoying beauty with all senses
e it on the e-bike, by canoe or on foot: Sights to see can be experienced in Hildesheim and the entire region from a number of quite
different perspectives. Experiencing the forest with all senses – on the „Senses Path“ on Schlehberg Mountain in Alfeld this is easily possible. On the cultural landscape trail on Ortsberg Mountain, „nature can be experienced first-hand“.
„Experiencing nature first-hand“ on canoeing tours
Every hill on the Leinberg hillside, each mountain in on the
foothills of the Harz mountain
range will be conquered easily –
with the e-bike. Since the spring
2012 the Hildesheim region has
been one of the 50 „movelo regions“. Numerous rental stations in the Hildesheim region
have electrical bicycles available for renting. The prettiest
sights to see, the most breathtaking lookout points, cultural
highlights and culinary delicacies can be „experienced“ without great effort on the e-bike in
the Hildesheim region.
Adventurers will get what they
are looking for on a canoeing
tour – both on the Leine as well
as the Innerste River. Who was
used a kayak or canoe once on
a river to make their way will
know: a detour into nature can
hardly be more relaxing and at
the same time thrilling than
this. One does not need to be
a pro to explore the vicinity
around Leinebergland hills or
the Innerste valley on the waterway. In the Leinebergland
hills guided canoeing tours are
offered – with or without picnic, very well also combined
with bicycle tours. The 13-kilometre route between Alfeld
and Gronau is predestined as a
family-friendly beginner‘s tour.
Depending on the willpower
to step into the pedal, the tour
takes four to five hours. Tours
along the Innerste are likewise
possible. The tours take off from
the river bridge near Astenbeck
and end on the Hohnsensee in
Hildesheim. The canoes can be
booked per day or at a cheaper
rate only for afternoons.
Experiencing the forest with all
senses – on the „Senses Path“ on
the Alfelder Schlehberg mountain this is easily possible. According to its inter-generational concept it has touch-and-feel
boxes, ear trumpets, wind
chimes, animal‘s long jump, the
tree telephone and much more
in store. At about 20 stations, big
and small visitors can play, have
fun and learn many interesting
things about the forest and its
residents. The path has a length
of around 1.4 kilometres and en
route it offers marvellous views
onto the town of Alfeld (Leine).
On the cultural landscape path
too on the Ortsberg Mountain
near Alfeld can „nature be experienced first-hand“ – the southern slope of the Orsberg and
Rehberg mountains are characterised by their extraordinary diversity in the landscape: forests,
hedges, meadows and fields on
the narrowest of spaces. The
richness in kinds is remarkable.
On a space of barely two square
kilometres, more than 400 plant
kinds have been verified, in addition to numerous animal kinds.
Ten theme plates lead the way
along the cultural landscape
path on the Ortsberg.,
Activities in the region - Water experience | HOLIDAY MAGAZINE HILDESHEIM 2014
Bathing, boating, sailing or simply enjoying the sun – beaches, lakes
and pretty outdoor pool facilities invite to do so in the Hildesheim
region. A beach of special kind is the City Beach behind City Hall.
Sand, palm trees and reclining chairs conjure up a holiday scene in
the middle of the city centre during the summer months. The visitors are put into a holiday mood from the end of June to early September, independent of the weather, and sports activities, competitions, musical entertainment and lots of fun accompany them
throughout the summer. Cool drinks and delicious cocktails must
not be missed in this setting of course.
Holiday flair is also guaranteed at the new JoBeach of the outdoor
pool „Jowiese“ (Jo Meadows). The City Beach with palm trees, awnings and deck chairs directly at the Hohnsensee promises a holiday
feeling. At the beach bar, cool drinks are to be had and all further
fun on land is ensured at the volleyball field. Swimming is permitted in the Hohnsensee, even if the adjoining outdoor pool beckons
with its many pools. Pure nature can be enjoyed at Hildesheim‘s
Müggelsee Lake – the 20,000 square metres large natural lake has
been a favourite among young and old for many decades. With separated swimmers‘ and non-swimmers‘ zones, it is ideal for families. Situated in the forest and connected by hiking trails are the
four idyllic lakes of the Duinger ponds in the southern district of
Hildesheim. Bathing is permitted in Humboldtsee and Bruchsee.
The Humboldtsee is the largest lake and is part of a holiday park
facility with camping grounds, restaurant and playgrounds. Surfers and sailors are drawn to Sarstedt-Giften in the summer. The local recreation area „Sarstedter-Giftener Lakes“ invites to strolls and
bike rides. Surfing and sailing are popular sports on the lake but requires a permit from the City of Sarstedt. Two barbecue places can
be used free of charge and without registration. The only requirement is that the facilities will be left behind in picked-up condition.
Holiday flair on JoBeach
HOLIDAY MAGAZINE HILDESHEIM 2014 | Activities in the region – hiking
Hiking in the heart of the old pottery region
or many centuries, Duingen used to be the centre of the region between Alfeld and Springe at the Deister, and for its expansive pottery production, this region used to be called „Pottland“. Since the middle ages, the potteries have exported „Duinger stoneware“ to
the northern European free-trade zone – and even into far away cities like Bergen and Riga. Today, on the six Pottland trails, hikers can
discover the region with its rich tradition.
1. The longest loop trail is the panorama trail. On 15.9 kilometres it
leads the way on the Ith-Hils hiking path between Marienhagen
and Brunkensen. The trail routing on the crest of Duinger Mountain is a special experience – here, the reward is the view over the
entire Külftal valley. In good weather the view reaches to Hanover.
2. On the Duinger Loop Trail with a length of 8.5 kilometres, hikers can enjoy a unique view from Duinger Mountain of the valley
or the higher peaks of the Ith and Hils. The shut-down clay mines
along the trail are home to a very rare and protected species of yellow-bellied toads. The area is a paradise for fossil hunters.
3. The quarry trail is 13.3 kilometres long. The hiker comes along the
Weenzer quarry on one side (connection to the Duinger lake region
and the geological education path) and the Ith-Hils hiking trail between Duingen and Marienhagen on the other side.
4. The shortest Pottland trail is the Haidkopf path with a length of
4.4 kilometres. From the starting point at the Waldhotel Humboldt,
this loop hiking trail leads along the lake Weinberger See. The hiker can return to the Waldhotel via the geological hiking and edu-
cation path, which provides information about all important geological units, their genesis, composition and use.
5. The Wiesen path offers a diverse and challenging hiking tour on
13.5 kilometres through a beautiful landscape – from the Duinger
lake region to the unique plant world in the meadows up to the
glider flying field on the Ith. The nature protection area „Ithwiesen“ (Ith Meadows) is part of one of the largest uninterrupted green
areas in the Lower Saxon mountain and hillside region. Particularly
precious are the blossoming mountain meadows and other hardly
fertilised areas with typical kinds, such as betony, primroses, caraway and devil‘s bit.
6. The sixth Pottland path, the potter path, is 10.6 kilometres long.
Between Duingen and Coppengrave, it leads along the edge of the
forest, into the Hils/Duinger forest, past the beautifully situated Old
Köthe in its wonderful location. It passes the old clay mines, from
which extraction continued until 2011. Excursions to the Hilsquelle
spring or also to the historical pottery furnace in Coppengrave are
well worth it. Königsallee boulevard can be marvelled at with its
old oak trees.
Also inviting to hikes in the region are the „Königsweg“ (King‘s path) and the „Ith-Hils path“. The 85-kilometres long King‘s path is the
historical connection between the estates of former German Kings and Emperors of the middle ages in the northern foothills of the Harz
mountain range. The Ith-Hils path impresses on 80 kilometres with romantic fortresses, historic cultural sites, lakes and mysterious caves.
View from the fire clearing hut onto Duingen
Activities in the region - Bicycling | HOLIDAY MAGAZINE HILDESHEIM 2014
Biking trails in the region offer diverse sceneries
n beautiful loop biking trails, bicycling tourists get to know the diverse landscapes and cultural highlights of the region: the idyllic
river runs of the Innerste and Leine, views onto the high peaks of the Ith and Külf or the manifold historic small towns.
Both distance and theme biking trails and loop trails as well
as local biking trails and routes
for mountain biking – the
Hildesheim region offers biking paths for the most diverse
demands. On altogether 380 kilometres of well described and
developed routes, those searching for peace, those interested in culture and families with
children will find the suitable
route in the same way as ambitious athletes. The Leine-Heide
biking trail, the biking path to
art, the Hildesheimer Ring (HiRing) and the new Innerste bike
path are suitable for day tourers. These trails put art, culture, nature and highlights of
Hildesheim in centre stage. The
45-kilometres long loop path
Hi-Ring runs in front of the city
gates of Hildesheim and opens
great views of the town, charac-
terised by churches and its UNESCO World Heritage site, and
into the broader area.
Since the summer of 2013, the
new Innerste biking trail presents a special experience of
the river: from the spring to
the mouth. The about 105-kilometres long trail leads along
the Innerste from its origin in
the Harz mountain range to its
entry into the Leine River. On
the route, bikers experience a
landscape intermezzo of from
the low mountain range to the
foothills of the high mountain
range and also extending to flat
river landscapes. Biking tourists
get close to special natural areas on the tour, for example the
mineral springs or natural protection areas. Moreover, the Innerste biking path allows access
to diverse cultural landscapes,
such as the landscape charac-
terised by mining in the Harz
or the testimonies to history at
the World Heritage sites. Further qualities of the Innerste
biking trail are its good connection to public transport and the
connections for example, to the
Leine-Heide biking trail, the HiRing or the biking path to art.
The almost 58-kilometres long
theme trail of the biking path
to art connects five partial tours
from Sarstedt via Hildesheim
to Bad Gandersheim: WaterArt path, Romantic path, Contact-Art path, Art-moves and
Sculptures path. There is quite
a lot to discover on this tour for
those interested in art and cul-
ture. But also nature enthusiasts will find what they appreciate on the long stretches of the
mountain ranges, tender valley meadows or the Leine and
Innerstetal valleys. Detailed information on the Bike Path to
Art can be found on the redesigned website. At information
can be found for the partial
tours, tips and recreational offers as well as tour suggestions
and GPS data. The Leine-Heide
biking path has a total length
of 410 kilometres and connects
the low mountain range of the
Leinebergland hillsides with the
Lüneburger Heide moorlands
and the Hanseatic City of Hamburg. The route of about 55 kilometres through the Hildesheim
region offers grandiose views
onto the Leinetal valley, beautiful half-timber towns, and numerous sights to see en route,
such as the Fagus factory in Alfeld, which has been a UNESCO
World Heritage since 2011 or
Marienburg Castle near Nordstemmen. Those who prefer not
to ride by bike up the mountain
to the castle, can conquer the ascend on weekends and holidays
easily with the Marienburg Castle Express, a small train, departing from the Nodstemmen railway station. More information
on the Leine-Heide bike path is
available at
More information on the topic of bicycling and bicyclist-friendly enterprises can be found at
Recreation fun for the entire family
want to play, swim, tinker, sing, jump – and best, all of it at the same time. Family holidays are little adventures. The Hildesheim region invites to expeditions, into the wet fun paradise, the kingdom of wild animals, on a mystery hunt across the city, to play worlds
or amusement parks.
„Jim + Jimmy“ is the name of the
sports, play and adventure offer
with countless possibilities for
the entire family. While parents
can exercise undisturbed at the
„Jim“ – the fitness area – the kids
will run riot at the „Jimmy“. 3,000
square metres full of ideas and
tons of space for play, sports and
action: at Lower Saxony‘s largest
indoor high-wire park with 21 stations, even rock climbing is possible when it is stormy and snowy
outside. At dizzying heights, little
and big guests practice their dexterity and put their courage to the
test. In addition there is a stand-
along climbing rock and a bouldering wall. Those who would
like to, can even spend their energy in an entirely different way, for
example playing soccer or basketball on the soccer/multi-court or
ride the unicycle and pedalo in
the bike room or go on the bumper car track. Made for sliding fun
at a height of six metres are four
water slides.
Small, select, free of charge –
the about six hectares large
deer park at the Steinberg in
Hildesheim consists of several large compounds where different kinds of wild animals
are kept. Besides fallow deer
and red deer, also raccoons,
martens, owls and birds of prey
can be seen. Particularly popular among children is the rabbit
and guinea pig compound with
the opportunity for petting the
animals and a great range of
playing equipment.
Deer park at Steinberg, Hildesheim/Ochtersum:
Outdoors but also indoors, the
„HopplaHopp“ ensures great fun
for small and big visitors. In the
„HopplaHopp“ on 2,000 square
metres, little adventurers can
find a soccer field, bounce house,
whale‘s slide, bungee trampoline,
jump swing and the Mississippi
Express. In addition, many events
and celebrations are organised
throughout the year.
Jim + Jimmy, Hildesheim:, phone +49 (0)5121 510000
HopplaHopp, Hildesheim:, phone +49 (0)5121 2063535
Strolls are boring? Not when you
are travelling with a dwarf in
your ear. In a playful way, children
from seven years old can go mystery hunting across Hildesheim.
With a combination of radio play
and audio guide, the young detectives help the dwarf Hildemar in
the search for hidden numbers.
Only with the right numerical
code, can he free his girlfriend of
captivity from the evil Huckup. In
return for the help, the dwarf tells
exciting stories about the buildings and the city history, and the
old legends of Hildesheim. The
audio guide for children can be
borrowed from the tourist-information.
i, Phone +49 (0)5121 1798-0
At the Wasserparadies (Water Paradise) Hildesheim, good
weather is not needed for fun
and recreation. On 1,500 square
metres of pools, the 70-metre
slide, the flow channel, children‘s pool, outdoor pool, 3-metre diving tower and more en-
sure perfect bathing pleasure.
Sunshine needs not be relied on
in Alfeld either – at the „7 Berge
Bad (7 Mountain Spa)“, family
fun is also guaranteed when
the weather is poor. An extractable „cabriolet roof“ makes this
possible. Kids can truly roam
around freely on the gigantic
water slide, in the kids‘ paddling
pool with numerous attractions,
at the „climbing fish“ and on the
great adventure playground.
Wasserparadies Hildesheim:, phone +49 (0)5121 15070
7 Berge Bad:, phone +49 (0)5181 28660-400
Family holidays are small adventures – in the Hildesheim region
there are even two amusement parks waiting for thrilling expeditions. Searching for gemstones, gold planning, reading animal
traces, hugging animals at the children‘s farm or being taken on
a voyage into long forgotten times on the Primitive Times Path –
at the family park Sottrum in Holle, whole new experiences are
waiting for children and their parents at 100 stations. Here, nature
can be experienced first hand and knowledge is conveyed playfully at the same time. At the water and adventure park Rasti-Land,
small and big seamen are invited to an adventure trip on the giant
swingboat. The main attraction is the racy roller coaster. Furthermore, the amusement park has a rafting course with eddies. In for
a little thrill? The climbing towers of the Rati‘s Knights‘ Castle protrude warped skyward, as if they had grown wild. In between are
wire bridges at breezy heights, a big slide and countless play offers.
Likewise dedicated to small climbing artists, the high-wire park was
added in 2013. Unique in Germany is the wild water fun „indoor“,
which is integrated in the great world of adventure of „Kids Dinoworld“ located directly next to the Rasti-Land. On 2,500 square metres, children can run wild at any time of year and in any kind of
weather with fun rides, many play options and an elaborately designed Dinoworld.
Family amusement park Sottrum:, phone +49 (0)5062 8860
Rasti-Land (between Hildesheim and Hameln):, phone +49 (0)5153 9407-0
Relaxation and sports activities in conjunction
he spa city Bad Salzdetfurth is situated in the midst of the green hillsides of the Hildesheim forest. Here tradition conjoins in quite
a special way with modernity. Bad Salzdetfurth has a diverse range of recreational offers in stock for visitors – be it for ambitious
athletes or those seeking relaxation.
A paradise for biking athletes and joggers – the bike and outdoor
park is suitable for the entire family by virtue of its differentiated offers. Riding fun for any age group and meeting any demand
is guaranteed. On the five hectares large, in part forested area, the
City of Bad Salzdetfurth has designed a permanent cross-country
course for mountain bikers and a course for young BMX athletes.
With practice course, single trail, north shore, dirt line, slop style and
pump track, every biker will find their personal challenge there. Beginners have the opportunity to refine their riding technique on the
practice course and improve their control over the bike.
Additional mountain bike courses, marked with signs and for differing levels of difficulty, meaning with different uphill climbs, narrow curves, and artificial obstacles run directly through the park.
Even experienced riders will still find one or the other surprise here.
Leading around the entire premises at the entry to the building
zone of Ortberg is a fully developed bicycle trail, which is suitable
for the entire family. But also joggers, walkers and strollers can do
their rounds here. Since the summer of 2012, the city of Bad Salz-
detfurth has created a free of charge training offer for mountain
bikers and BMX athletes in the Bike and Outdoor Park, which is
probably unique in Northern Germany and also offers attractive
training conditions to other recreational athletes besides bicyclists.
Bad Salzdetfurth therefore did once more justice to its reputation
as „Sports City“.
Bad Salzdetfurth has quite a few things in store also for other athletically active guests. Be it on foot through the densely forested
foothills of the Harz mountain range, or by means of a GPS device
along the approx. 1,200 kilometres of recorded biking trails in the
vicinity, or in a round of golf at the Golf Club Bad Salzdetfurth – the
spa city is not just a tip for those seeking tranquillity.
Tourist Information Office of Bad Salzdetfurth
Oberstr. 11a, 31162 Bad Salzdetfurth, phone +49 (0)5063 2717513
Fax +49 (0)5063 2717529,
Under the patriarchal trees in
the spa gardens of Bad Salzdetfurth, a completely new
challenge is waiting on 5,000
square metres for the visitors
of the spa city: adventure golf.
For a few years by now, this
type of golf facility is clearly
in the trend of success. And in
Bad Salzdetfurth as well, the recreational attraction is enjoying
great popularity since June 2012.
18 holes with completely different designs offer playing fun
to big and small golfers and require, in addition to strategy,
also a certain measure of luck
and visualisation. The facility
is integrated harmoniously in
the landscape of the spa gardens and the design takes up
on particular characteristics of
Bad Salzdetfurth. For example,
traditional elements of mining
can be found around the extensive area. One hole is called
„the Mine“ and on an additional one a mining lorry is set up
as an obstacle.
Putters are used for play on astroturf, which is aproned by a socalled raff, a higher-cut green.
Integrated are special obstacles
as large stone rocks, tree trunks
and water runs. The ball is holed
with a maximum of ten strokes.
The holes are between 16 to 36
metres long and have strong
terrain deformations. The correct reading of these deformations and the matching play
strategy account for the particular appeal of this game. Besides a secure swing, visualisation and creativity are required.
And experience shows that it is
not automatically the grownups who have the better results
in adventure golf. Children and
youths are not rarely able to top
their co-players and simply outperform them.
The adventure golf facility is
opened year-round. Merely in
extreme weather from Decem-
ber to March, restrictions must
be expected. In the summer
months, playing fun is guaranteed until 10 p.m. Special competitions as well as full-moon
golfing take place here as well.
Adults can put their swings to
action on the adventure golf
course for 5 euro and children
for 3.50.
A bistro with indoor and outdoor seating affords the opportunity to celebrate the fought
for victory and to relax from
the efforts with a beverage or
a snack. Families, company and
school groups are very welcome
Adventure-Golf & Bistro, Solebadstr. 17, 31162 Bad Salzdetfurth,
phone +49 (0)5063 2711875,,
HOLIDAY MAGAZINE HILDESHEIM 2014 | Therapeutic centre for natural healing
With tradition in the services of health, wellness and well-being
ealth, vitality and wellness have come ever more into focus in recent years. In our stressful age, it becomes more and more important to find a balance to the hectic daily routine and to relax, yet while also using the possibilities for preventive health care. Brine and moor are nature‘s concentrated healing powers, which find versatile uses to contribute to regeneration, therapy and well-being
of the body and the mind. Brine and moor still form the traditional basis today for the wide-ranging wellness and therapy offers of the
TherapieZentrums für Naturheilmittel (Therapeutic centre for natural healing) in Bad Salzdetfurth.
prepared in a natural process,
which means that foreign particles are separated and the presoaked raw material is whisked
with water and heated up until a semi-liquid pulp is created.
In a moor bath the body relaxes
in a tub filled with warm moor
pulp at a temperature of about
42°C. When packs are used, the
warm moor at a temperature
of about 48°C is applied directly on the skin while in a pasty
condition, which also makes
the significant difference compared to fango mud packs.
The soothing effect of brine
The healing power of moor
As early as in the 16th century, the famous doctor Paracelsus described moor as the
„quintessence of life“ and recommended moor as an effective remedy for many illnesses. The moor and its valuable
contents of humic acids is used
today by the Therapeutic centre for natural healing primarily for diseases such as arthritis, arthrosis, spinal diseases,
muscular pains and for rheumatic diseases and gynaecological problems, menstruation pain or as balneotherapy
for unfulfilled wishes to have
children. Moor baths and moor
packs work by activating an increased heat and oxygen exchange through the skin. Moor
has positive effects on the immune system and stimulates
the metabolism. It has anti-inflammatory and detoxing effects and stabilises the hormone balances. The moor baths
and moor packs, which are prepared in the moor department
of the Therapeutic centre, consisting of natural low moor extracted from the moors of Luttrum. The natural moor is
At the salinas of Bad Salzdetfurth, air with high salt contents has been generated by
now for more than 250 years.
The air has a soothing effect on
the respiratory system without
requiring a trip to the sea and
coast. Up to seven times a day,
even nowadays, the natural
brine is led from the main salina out blackthorns, in which
process the salt contents can
be condensed to around 30
percent through the evaporation of the water When breathing in the salty air during relaxing strolls near the salinas,
the respiratory system is moistened with a positive effect on
the walls of the respiratory organs. In addition, the fine salt
crystals have a secretion-solving effect, which cleans the
respiratory system thoroughly
from bacteria and reduces the
swelling of the mucosa. This
has a positive result especially
for people allergic to pollen and
those suffering from asthma.
The healing power of brine has
a long tradition in Bad Salzdetfurth. As early as in 1850, a few
of the people extracting the salt
in Salzdetfurth had the daring
idea to not only use the extracted brine with its high mineral contents for salt extraction,
but also for healing purposes.
In Sulza, in Thuringia, Johann
Wolfgang von Goethe recommended the use of the brine
for healing purposes already
in 1828. While the salinas were
originally built to streamline
the salt extraction, soon they
attracted vacationers to come
to Salzdetfurth. They enjoyed
the salty air in the area near
the mighty structures and discovered the healing aspect particularly for diseases of the respiratory system.
TherapieZentrum der Naturheilmittel | URLAUBSMAGAZIN HILDESHEIM 2012
Letting your thoughts drift
Healing purposes however are not just one aspect of the positive effects of natural brine. In the brine
outdoor and indoor pool facility, located directly at the spa gardens, visitors enjoy the soothing effects, as the human body shows positive reactions to the brine. Doctors speak in this regard of „vegetative reactions“. For example, the salt penetrates the cornea, the protein in the skin cells is increasingly decomposed and the cell splitting rate is increased. A so-called „rejuvenating effect“ sets in.
In the normal case, we cannot simply lay in water and let ourselves drift afloat. But because of the
water‘s salt contents and the increased updrift swimming is especially easy in the brine pool – contrary to the fresh water pool – in Bad Salzdetfurth. With its warm water at a temperature of 30 to
33°C and its three-percent brine content it makes staying in the water extremely pleasant. The muscles are relaxed, the joints spared, the circulation is stimulated and the blood flow supported. Moreover, the brine pool is not an adventure or fun bath, so you will find peace and quiet here to also let
thoughts drift.
Time and leisure for oneself
Relaxation but also the possibilities for preventive healthcare is offered by the 5-star
saunas at the brine, outdoor
and indoor pool. Sauna – synonymous with time and leisure
for oneself, and means cleansing the body and mind while
developing natural beauty –
is simply pure wellness. More
and more people discover the
soothing and healthy effects
of taking a sauna. With its five
different saunas, from the classic Finnish sauna, to the Kelo
earth sauna and the Kelo hexagon sauna, the dry sauna
and steam room sauna, a wide
spectrum is offered for recovery in a pleasant and quiet setting.
A multi-faceted offer of popular massages, such as the aroma oil or hot stone massage
and the Ayurveda massages,
as well as special baths, such
as the dairy or Cleopatra bath,
round out the diversity of possibilities to do something good
for well-being and wellness.
With tradition in the services of health, wellness and well-being
For nearly 160 years, Bad Salzdetfurth has been synonymous
with relaxation and healing. As
early as in 1856, the first bath
facility was built and brine was
used there for healing purposes for example, for circulatory
disorders, skin diseases or modest cardiovascular diseases. Success was not missed and thus,
the spa operation was opened
in 1857 and in 1868 already the
spa building had to be extended for the first time. Nearly 70
years since its founding, the spa
building extended several times
no longer met the heightened
demands of the spa guests. The
spa operating company founded in 1925 built the central spa
building that exists to this day
in 1927/28.
Brine and moor – these two
highly concentrated healing
powers of nature – form even
to this date the traditional basis of the therapeutic offers of
the Therapeutic centre for natural healing. In combination
with other kinds of therapy –
and noteworthy here are foremost the physical therapies
including traditional massages, connecting tissue massage
and underwater massage, lym-
phatic drainage, physical therapy, special back therapy and
even light, cold, heat and electrotherapy – moor and brine can
be used with great effect. Today the Therapeutic centre for
natural healing, with its complete wellness programme and
its natural healing remedies in
brine and moor that have been
tried and proven in Bad Salzdetfurth with a long tradition, offers the most comprehensive
range in the broader district of
Therapeutic centre for natural healing
Kurbetriebsgesellschaft Bad Salzdetfurth mbH
Unterstr. 87, 31162 Bad Salzdetfurth, phone +49 (0) 5063 900-0
With a knowledgeable guide through towns in the region
ccompanied by tour guides, visitors learn more about the history, sights to see, as well as the legends and myths of the towns in
the region. Not only in Hildesheim, but also the small half-timber towns of Alfeld, Bockenem, Bad Salzdetfurth and Elze have offers for exploring the town – be it in the course of a traditional city tour, a historical tour in costumes or a Segway tour.
House located behind it, which is the prettiest half-timber house in
town, was once the residence of Luther‘s companion, Bugenhagen,
who initiated reformation in this region in 1542. Also popular parts
of the historic city tours are: Which was the first building of Bockenem, and who built it? How did the Tilly House and the Kanonenberg (Canon Mountain) get their names? This and much more can
be found out by guests from the herald or herbalist about the picturesque half-timber town in the southern district of Hildesheim.
Guided tours are also offered at the Town Museum, which is located
in the building of the former town school at the Burchholz market
square and presents a large turret clock exhibition. The Museum is
known among experts across Germany (see page 15).
Bockenem, the half-timber town, in the middle of the historic Ambergau region, looks back on a long history. When it was granted
town rights in the year 1300, it was a member in the „Hanse“ (Hanseatic towns association), in the Saxon Hanseatic Association and
the working group of the German Half-Timber Road. Worth seeing is
the semi-timber collection of the old part of town and the dominant
Gothic St. Pankratius Church directly at the market square. The Tilly
Groups of 15 or larger can book half-day trips to Bockenem. After a visit at the Museum of Time, tea time together is offered in cooperation with the Town of Bockenem and various cafés, and a tour through the old part
of Bockenem as well as St. Pankratius Church accompanied by the herald and the herbalist is offered. Museum of Time, phone +49 (0)5067 249240,
Not just in Bockenem can visitors delve into history on costume
tours. In Hildesheim and Elze too, „witnesses of time“ can take you
on a journey into the past. The stories of Hildesheim come to live
when the tour guides in historical costumes tell of the urban life,
customs and rites of their time. At the side of the night watchman,
you can for example, after nightfall find shady figures and other riffraff. The tell tales of their times full of superstition and disappear
again in the darkness of the alleys in the half-timber quarter. The
town of Elze also boasts costume tours. Under the title „Two contradictory women – travel through time into the 19th century“ the
visitors on the side of the postal officer‘s widow, Henriette Sander, come across the arsonist Sophie Catharina Büscher – the special
costume tours take the visitors along on a lively two-hour journey
through Elze of past times.
Phone: +49 (0)5129 96123, dates available
at the tourist-information
Elze:, phone: +49 (0)5068 8191
Bockenem:, phone: +49 (0)5067 242-0
Extraordinary adventure tours are offered by the Segways. With
the self-balancing electric motor rollers the guests can go on a discovery tour and explore the sights of a town in a very special way –
also in Hildesheim and Alfeld. In Hildesheim for example, the tour
leads through the city along the Rose Route Here, less the substantiated historical explanations are in the foreground of the roughly
two-hour tours, but more the driving fun and city experience with
accompanying information about the sights to see. In Alfeld and
surroundings, likewise interesting tours through the half-timber
town and the Leinebergland hillside are on the schedule.
In Hildesheim, Bad Salzdetfurth and Alfeld tour guides invite to traditional tours. „Getting to know Hildesheim“ is the motto of a twohour tour starting from the historic market square and leading to
Hildesheim‘s UNESCO World Heritage sites. This tour is offered several times during the week by the City Guides‘ Guild. In the alternative, during the summer on Saturday mornings, a trip is offered into
the Half-Timber Quarter and St. Lamberti‘s Church where the „music at the market hour“ sounds for 30 minutes. In the spa city Bad
Salzdetfurth guests on the city tours go on the trails of the white
gold. Hardly any other town is characterised by salt as much as Bad
Salzdetfurth. In the half-timber town of Alfeld, a multitude of discoveries can be made in the course of a guided stroll through town.
Who would suspect that Alfeld was once the most important animal trade centre of the world?
phone +49 (0)5121 1798-0
Bad Salzdetfurth:, phone +49 (0)5063
999-0 Alfeld:, phone +49 (0)5181 703-111
Hildesheim: tourist-information, www.hildesheim.
Alfeld:, phone +49 (0)5121 1798-0
Alfeld: eco-mover,, phone
+49 (0)175 9796198 or +49 (0)175 9796167
HOLIDAY MAGAZINE HILDESHEIM 2014 | Parks and gardens
Delving into blossoming idylls
Magdalena‘s Gardens
Park Walshausen
Hohnsen Lake
Magdalena‘s Gardens
dyllic parks and gardens in the Hildesheim region invite to
dwell and go on strolls. At the centre of Magdalena‘s Gardens
in Hildesheim is the Rosarium – it was renovated according to old
plans dating back to the baroque period and is a highlight particularly when the roses are in bloom. Magdalena‘s Gardens are 800
years old and are among the oldest historic gardens of Lower Saxony. It is structured into three areas: the ornamental garden with
more than 1,800 roses, lawns and paths for promenading, the fruit
garden and a vineyard, which is cultivated by the Wine Convent
of Hildesheim. Those who would like to learn more about the rose
can visit the neighbouring Rose Museum. Idyllic ponds, benches in
protected places, and a very beautiful old tree population characterise the Ernst-Ehrlicher-Park in Hildesheim. Playing and sunbathing lawns around the rose labyrinth make the public park a popular meeting point. Mighty beech trees, chestnuts, oaks, lindens and
ponds dominate Park Walshausen near Bad Salzdetfurth. The park
has a size of about eight hectares and is designed following the English role model. The Italian villa, the farmhouse, was planned by
the Court‘s Architect, Laves of Hannover, and was built in the years
1828/29. The garden is open to the public in the time from 1 May to
31 October on Fridays from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Very rare tree populations, ponds, a waterfall with grotto and a tea temple situated on
the top of a hill make the park of Wrisbergholzen Castle in the municipality of Sibbesse a particular idyll. Also worth seeing is the orangery built in 1860. The park can be visited on the Day of the Open
Monument on the second weekend of September. Ponds adorn the
picturesque park of Lamspringe Cloister, while the public park is
also characterised by modern art. Six sculptures have been created here in 1984 during a sculptors‘ symposium. Artists, who have
received a working stipend for a limited time, live and work in the
Cloister mills at the edge of the park. Simply letting thoughts drift
and relaxing – a stroll through the five hectares large spa gardens
in Bad Salzdetfurth is more than promenading past beds of flowers. The major attraction are the 250-year-old salinas, which are responsible for the sea air (see page 24).
International festivals, markets and musical highlights
he region presents its versatile side at events – many of which share international acclaim. The „Pavement Magic“ or the annual
Christmas market draw guests into the city centre of Hildesheim. International artists ensure the cross-regional significance of the
cultural events at the Music Days of Freden or September in Lamspring.
„Pavement Magic of Hildesheim“ – the international street
music and street art festival
rivets visitors each year. For
two days, more than 80 national and international artists respectively, as well as acrobats,
magicians and jugglers, clowns
and comedians, vaudeville artists and singer-songwriters
make the city centre their big,
colourful stage. The Pavement
Magic Festival has by now become one of the most popular
events in Hildesheim.
Pavement Magic of Hildesheim
Year after year, festively ornamented stands turn Hildesheim‘s city centre into a Christmas market, which invites to
leisurely walks and enjoying
the scenery. The impressive
backdrop of the historic market square, the Swuare An der
Lilie and the adjacent areas of
the pedestrian zone are, framed
by towering fir trees, shrouded
in festive splendour.
Once a year the beautiful Cloisters of Lamspringe are in the spotlight – international artists come to the small place in the southern part of the Hildesheim region for a cultural event – the „Lamspringer September“. In the composition of the programme, the
initiators emphasise very strongly the balance of music, theatre,
art and literature.
Lamspringer September
Hildesheim‘s Christmas market
Known far beyond the city limits of Hildesheim are the International Freden Music Days.
Far off the usual concert halls,
music enthusiasts are awaited
by a world of musical experience at unusual performance
venues. The music festival delights with its chamber music
with uncommon casts, and its
great quality. Owing to a refined programme, the organisers of the festival succeed each
year to add an confer an profile
upon the Freden Music Days.
International Freden Musik Days
Easter market in Groß Düngen............................................................................................. 13 April........................................................................Groß Düngen
Lower Saxony Steeplechase Championships.................................................................. 25 April........................................................................Hildesheim
Wedekind Race ............................................................................................................................. 27 April........................................................................Hildesheim
Garden and Wellness Festival................................................................................................ 3-4 May.......................................................................Bad Salzdetfurth
Medieval Knights‘ Games at the Hohnsensee............................................................... 3-4 May.......................................................................Hildesheim
Automotive mile with sales on Sunday,........................................................................... 3-4 May.......................................................................Hildesheim
Opening of the „Lesezeichen“ (bookmark)....................................................................... 9 May..........................................................................Hildesheim
Oldtimer Rallye............................................................................................................................. 25 May.........................................................................Bad Salzdetfurth
Charity Oldtimer Rallye............................................................................................................ 25 May.........................................................................Hildesheim
Textiles and Fabrics Market.................................................................................................... 25 May.........................................................................Hildesheim
Wine Festival.................................................................................................................................. 28 May - 1 June........................................................Hildesheim
Prosanova Literature Festival................................................................................................. 28 May - 1 June........................................................Hildesheim
Historic City Festival................................................................................................................... 30 May - 1 June........................................................Bad Salzdetfurth
UNESCO World Heritage Day................................................................................................. 1 June...........................................................................Hildesheim, Alfeld
Jazz Time.......................................................................................................................................... 7-9 June......................................................................Hildesheim
Market Square Music Days...................................................................................................... End of July to end of August............................Hildesheim
University Midsummer Night............................................................................................... 21 June.........................................................................Hildesheim
Citybeach......................................................................................................................................... 27 June - 7 September..........................................Hildesheim
Magdalenena‘s Garden Festival............................................................................................ 28-29 June.................................................................Hildesheim
Spektacle in the Spa Gardens................................................................................................. 11-13 July.....................................................................Bad Salzdetfurth
Freden Music Days...................................................................................................................... 2-10 August...............................................................Freden, Alfeld
M‘era Luna....................................................................................................................................... 9-10 August..............................................................Hildesheim
Reopening of St. Mary‘s Cathedral....................................................................................... 15 August...................................................................Hildesheim
Monteverdi, Mary‘s Vesper at St. Mary‘s Cathedral..................................................... 17 August...................................................................Hildesheim
Pavement Magic........................................................................................................................... 5-6 September.........................................................Hildesheim
Gospel & Swing Festival........................................................................................................... 7 September.............................................................Bad Salzdetfurth
French Market............................................................................................................................... 11-13 September.......................................................Hildesheim
Mountain Bike National League Finals............................................................................. 13-14 September......................................................Bad Salzdetfurth
Technorama.................................................................................................................................... 13-14 September......................................................Hildesheim
Alfeld Town Festival................................................................................................................... 19-21 September.....................................................Alfeld
Discovery Day Hanover Region............................................................................................. September.................................................................Hildesheim, Alfeld
Day of Electrical Mobility......................................................................................................... 20 September..........................................................Hildesheim
Lamspringer September........................................................................................................... September.................................................................Lamspringe
Farmers‘ Market with sales on Sunday............................................................................. 28 September...........................................................Hildesheim
Harvest Festival Market Groß Düngen.............................................................................. 5 October....................................................................Groß Düngen
Light Night Shopping................................................................................................................. 31 October..................................................................Hildesheim
Christmas Market........................................................................................................................ 27 November - 28 December............................Hildesheim
Advent up’n Brinke..................................................................................................................... 29 November...........................................................Bad Salzdetfurth
Advent Festival Bad Salzdetfurth......................................................................................... 7 December,..............................................................Bad Salzdetfurth
Artisan Christmas Market Groß Düngen......................................................................... 14 December.............................................................Groß Düngen
Price Fireworks with sales on Sunday................................................................................ 28 December............................................................Hildesheim
Planning status: October 2013. All information without warranty, subject to changes. You can obtain updated information at or from the tourist-information.
Dietary cuisine
Regional cuisine
Conference room
24 h reception desk
Wheelchair accessible
TV room
Suitable for children
Indoor pool
Laundry service
Room service
Bike shed
Own parking
Historic building
Dogs permitted
TV in the room
P-TV in the room
Radio in the room
Phone in the room
Non-smoker room
Quiet sleep
© Deutscher Hotelführer des Deutschen
Hotel- und Gaststättenverbandes e.V.
per person
per night
living room
LR/BR combined living
and bedroom
on the following pages we introduce accommodation options for you in the Hildesheim region – spanning the entire range from luxury hotels to bed-and-breakfasts, family-owned inns and cosy rooms
and holiday flats as private rentals. Use our service and find accommodations through the agency of
our tourist-information employees, who will advise you and suggest select partner accommodations to
you. Many accommodations can also be booked directly online at
Hotel classification according to the DEHOGA
German Hotel and Restaurant Association
Tourist: Accommodation of basic standard
Standard: Accommodation of medium standard
H H H Comfort: Accommodation of raised standard
H H H HFirst Class: Accommodation of high standard
Hotels and accommodations that are not marked with stars have not
participated in the voluntary classification. This does not permit any
conclusion as to their standard.
Bicyclist-friendly Bed&Bike accommodations, certified by the ADFC
Bicyclist-friendly accommodation with services for bike tourists, queried by the District Hildesheim
The information about the accommodations contained in this listing is based on the information and documents
provided by the operators of the accommodations; no warranty is extended by the publishers for the completeness
and correctness of this information. No damage compensation claim can be derived against the publishers of the
host listing due to false information or unfulfilled service commitment by the respective provider of tourist services.
Modern building with historic façade
he guests of the Van der Valk Hotels in Hildesheim can be envied, because as soon as they step out of the building, they
are on one the most famous historic market squares in Northern
Germany. Hildesheim presents its prettiest side. At the same time,
the famous hotel also contributes to the overall impression of the
market square for its landmark protected façade. The 4-star hotel
offers its guests 108 rooms in 5 categories (Classic, Superior, Deluxe, Executive, Junior Suite) as well as one handicapped accessible and one anti-allergic room. 33 rooms impress with a view of
the historic market square. In the redesigned rooms with air-conditioning, persuade by their plain elegance in clear lines, warm
woods and lovingly chosen details. The Gildehaus Restaurant accomplish creating an experience of a multifaceted gastronomic
concept in a stylish interplay of history and modernity, from dark
brown half-timber to bright white highlights. The terrace is the
ideal sunny (market) square. Colourful elegance affords the Havana Bar a relaxing atmosphere. For private and business occasions, seven stylish event rooms can be booked. Calling for relaxation is also a swimming pool, sauna, fitness room or solarium. Be
pampered in the beauty salon Valentina with soothing massages
and expert beauty treatments. Anyone entering the Van der Valk
Hotel, will be enthused by its charm and personality.
Nr. 1
Van der Valk Hotel Hildesheim GmbH
Markt 4, GPS: Jakobistraße · 31134 Hildesheim
Phone +49 (0) 51 21/30 06 00
+49 (0) 51 21/13 42 98
3 km
0,8 km
0,2 km
Number of beds: 193 room price excl. breakfast p.n
Single rooms: 10 from 82 to 308 euro
Double rooms: 93 from 102 to 338 euro
Suits: 2
from 132 to 358 euro
Handicapped accessible: 1
from 82 to 308 euro
Anti-allergic rooms: 3
from 82 to 308 euro
Half-board: 26.50 euro; full board: 53 euro
Free minibar (no alcoholic beverages
Parking garage €9.50 for 24 hrs., W-LAN in the entire hotel free of charge
Nr. 2
Novotel Hildesheim
Bahnhofsallee 38 · 31134 Hildesheim
Phone +49 (0) 51 21/17 17-0
+49 (0) 51 21/17 17-700
2 km
0,5 km
0 km
Discover the old Bishop‘s Town of Hildesheim with its manifold treasures. The
4-star Hotel NOVOTEL HILDESHEIM can be found on the border of the old part of
town in an idyllic park setting. You can reach us by car - A7 Exit Hildesheim in just
10 minutes (2.5 km) and on foot within 500 metres from the main railway station.
Historic charm and stylish atmosphere determine the interior of the impressive
landmark protected building, which has 120 modern rooms and a large parking
lot. The rooms of different categories are equipped with high-speed internet or
W-LAN as well as coffee and tea stations and their design in warm shades of colour creates a cosy atmosphere and invites to relax and enjoy. A well-balanced,
healthy and rich breakfast buffet ensures a good start into the day. The generous
atmosphere of the „Sültino“ Restaurant with quiet summer terrace, national and
Mediterranean specialities, as well as a separate children‘s menu offer a unique
taste experience to the highest standards. We are also pleased to serve a selection
on your room. Enjoy a comfortable cocktail or a chilled beer at the „Kennedy‘s Bar“
bar as a nightcap. During the summer we offer our home-made Bratwurst (fried
sausages) in the hotel‘s beer garden under a landmarked copper beech tree. An
internet terminal is set up in the hotel lobby, which is provided free of charge to
our guests, as is a play corner with its own gaming console for our small guests.
We are looking forward to your visit.
Number of beds: 227 room price incl. breakfast p.n
Single rooms: 13
Double rooms: 105
Suits: 2
from 95 to 115 euro
from 113 to 147 euro
from 126 to 177 euro
half-board: from 22 euro; full board: from 44 euro
2 Children younger than 16 yrs. in the parents‘ room have free bed
Nr. 3
Parkhotel Berghölzchen
Am Berghölzchen 1 · 31139 Hildesheim
Phone +49 (0) 51 21/9 79-0
+49 (0) 51 21/9 79-400
5 km
4 km
0,3 km
The Berghölzchen welcomes you!
• 78 modern hotel rooms of two categories according to the international
4-star standard, with WC, shower/bathroom, flat-screen TV, cable TV, Sky Cinema, W-LAN, phone, modern seating arrangement, blow-drier and beauty mirror, room size between 18 and 25 qm
• rich cold and warm breakfast buffet
• restaurant with 80 seats
• versatile cuisine with high-quality, exclusively fresh products
• all year round, different campaigns and highlights at the restaurant and hotel
• summer terrace with 45 seats
• hotel lounge with Sky sports bar
• newly built fitness and sauna area
• 80 free parking spaces directly at the hotel
• 7 individual banquet rooms for conferences and events with 4 to 180 persons
• on four days per week: massage, beauty and hair stylist
Number of beds: 144 room price incl. breakfast p.n.
Single rooms: Double rooms: Mini Suite: 1
from 79.90 to 209.90 euro
from 99.90 to 249.90 euro
from 99.90 to 269.90 euro
Half-board: 20 euro; full board: 35 euro
80 free parking spaces, sun terrace
HOLIDAY MAGAZINE HILDESHEIM 2014 | Hotels, Hotel-Restaurants Hildesheim
Nr. 4
Hotel & Restaurant Itzumer Paß
Itzumer Hauptstraße 15 · 31141 Hildesheim
Phone +49 (0) 50 64/9 39 60
+49 (0) 50 64/93 96 13
6 km
6 km
0,5 km
For three generations the hotel has been a successful & well-respected family enterprise situated in a quiet location on the border of Hildesheim. It has 21
rooms, all of which meeting the standard of three stars for the hotel‘s comfort.
All of the rooms are equipped with free Sky TV & W-LAN, shower/WC, etc. In
our restaurant seating more than 90 guests, you are awaited by our friendly
Itzumer Pass team who will be happy to treat you to culinary pleasures of the
German and international cuisines. Daring tasters will also find what they are
looking for in our experimental kitchen. The boss in person will surprise you
with unusual compositions.
Number of beds: 66
room price incl. breakfast p.n.
Single rooms: 4
Double rooms: 25
Family rooms: 3
from 50 to 60 euro
from 70 to 90 euro
from 100 to 130 euro
Half-/Full-board: can be decided individually
Free parking space
Nr. 5
ibis Styles Hotel Hildesheim
Zingel 26 · 31134 Hildesheim
Phone +49 (0) 89/2 00 01 84 12
+49 (0) 89/20 00 18 41 84
2,4 km
0,7 km
0,1 km
New colours spark the mood! The ibis Styles Hotel Hildesheim has a lot of energy,
temperament and personality. For families or friends, singles or couples, business women and men: Welcome at our hotel in Hildesheim! The legend of the
one thousand-year-old rose tree is closely tied to the foundation of the cathedral
and the city of Hildesheim in the 9th century. High time therefore to honour this
landmark of the city at our hotel. You will find many allusions to the historic
flower in the name of the rose at the new ibis Styles Hotel Hildesheim. Sometimes in obvious ways and sometimes more subtlety so – but never as a cliché.
Let yourself be surprised! Our hotel is in a central location, the pedestrian zone
and old part of town can be reached on foot within few minutes. The old town
with its historic buildings not only has much to offer around the old market
square, but also offers many interesting shops, cafés and restaurants inviting
to stay a while. The Cathedral and St. Michael‘s Church are a part of the UNESCO
World Heritage. At the same time, the theatre, cinema and restaurants are also
just 200 metres away from the hotel. The Hanover Trade Fair premises can be
reached easily from Hildesheim with the S-Bahn train in 22 minutes. You will
book an all-around carefree package with us: Breakfast, high-speed W-LAN, sky
TV, newspapers... all free of charge. Our rooms are air-conditioned and are furnished with king-size beds and extra-large television sets. Drinks and snacks
at affordable prices are available for you in our lobby bar.
Number of beds: 192 room price incl. breakfast p.n.
Single rooms: 3 Double rooms: 87 Family rooms: 6 59 euro
69 euro
89 euro
Children up to the age of 16 years have a free stay in the parents‘ room
Hotels, Hotel-Restaurants Hildesheim | HOLIDAY MAGAZINE HILDESHEIM 2014
Lindemann Hotel
Nr. 6
Kruppstraße 5 · 31135 Hildesheim
Phone +49 (0) 51 21/6 96 43-0
+49 (0) 51 21/6 96 43-12
2 km
2 km
0,5 km
Besides a lot of space for relaxation, rejuvenating sleep and extensive strolls in
the park across the street, you will find likewise quick as convenient connections
to the city centre and the S-Bahn train and ICE railway station in Hildesheim,
which is just 2 km away. In the same way, the airport Hanover-Langenhagen, the
motorway A 7 as well as the Trade Fair premises Hanover can be reached quickly
and easily, owing to the first-class connection. We offer a location with top traffic connections, without you finding yourself in the midst of hectic urban life.
Our services for your well-being: Polished surroundings with winter garden
and terrace, oversized beds, also available with anti-allergic bedsheets, LCD television sets for satellite and terrestrial reception on digital basis, free WiFi internet (W-LAN) access and free car and truck parking spaces. Special arrangements for families and children during fair trade events.
Number of beds: 72
Single rooms: 10 Double rooms: 26 Three-bed rooms: 3
room price incl. breakfast p.n.
from 48 to 64 euro
from 76 to 89 euro
94 euro
Quiet sleep
Nr. 7
Hotel Bürgermeisterkapelle
Hotel Chapeau Claque
Nr. 8
Rathausstraße 8 · 31134 Hildesheim
Phone +49 (0) 51 21/17 92 90
+49 (0) 51 21/1 79 29 99
3 km
0,5 km
3 km
0,3 km
0,5 km
Guests of the Bürgermeisterkapelle (Mayor‘s
Chapel) live healthier and are environmentally friendly. Enjoy all advantages at the heart of
this small big city on foot, by bicycle or public
transportation. Discover the city with its many
sights to see. Vital, regional, seasonal and of
course - the gastronomic concept is bio-certified according to DEÖKÖ-006. Start the day with
a customised breakfast as you please. Our kitchen offers fresh regional dishes without artificial
additives, which are prepared light and modern,
while it also offers hearty and down-to-earth
meals. Our employees are at your side with
their friendly ways and competence. Our redesigned historic wine tavern invites to a lovely
finale to the day with its hand-selected beverages of any kind. The Bürgermeisterkapelle offers good quality at fair prices.
Welcome to the heart of Hildesheim – and of
course to the Chapeau Claque, which the people of Hildesheim have since long called lovingly
the „Chapeau“. Be our guest in a stylish setting.
Meet old and new friends, immerse yourself in
conversation over a fresh draft beer or enjoy
the view from our terrace of City Hall directly in front of the Chapeau Claque. Be surprised
by our diverse offer of meals and beverages. As
a special recommendation, we offer accommodations to all visitors of Hildesheim in our
comfortable hotel rooms. The newly renovated
rooms with shower, WV, hair dryer, TV, W-LAN
have lovely furnishings. Look forward to a sunny living atmosphere in the direct vicinity of
the historic market square.
Number of beds: 60
Number of beds: 15
room price incl. breakfast p.n
from 60 to 68 euro
Single rooms: 20 Double rooms: 20 from 80 to 125 euro
Family rooms: 4 on request, from 75 euro
Children depending on age
Half-board: 15 euro; full board: 25 euro
Family-friendly hotel, free W-LAN
Osterstraße 58· 31134 Hildesheim
Phone +49 (0) 51 21/13 36 76
Single rooms: 3 Double rooms: 6 0,3 km
room price excl.breakfast p.n.
50 euro
65 euro
Day off: Sunday
Breakfast on request, central location, W-LAN in all rooms
HOLIDAY MAGAZINE HILDESHEIM 2014 | Hotel-Restaurants, Hotel Garni Hildesheim
Nr. 9
Landgasthof „Zur scharfen Ecke“
Hotel Marheineke
Nr. 10
Itzumer Hauptstraße 1 · 31141 Hildesheim
Phone +49 (0) 51 21/2 03-0
+49 (0) 51 21/2 03-30
3 km
5 km
Peiner Landstraße 189 · 31135 Hildesheim
Phone +49 (0) 51 21/5 26 67
+49 (0) 51 21/98 97 20
0 km
1 km
2 km
Number of beds: 31
room price incl. breakfast p.n.
Number of beds: 18
room price incl. breakfast p.n.
Single rooms: 5
Double rooms: 10
Three-bed rooms: 2
from 47 to 50 euro
from 65 to 85 euro
from 100 euro
Single rooms: 3
Double rooms: 6
Three-bed rooms: 1
from 30 to 56 euro
from 54 to 80 euro
from 78 to 90 euro
0,2 km
Á la carte restaurant with home-style cooking, a variety of spaces, free parking, and bowling alley
Days off: Tue, Wed
Bowling alley, 20 minutes to the trade fair premises Hanover, near the university
Hotel Meyer
Nr. 11
Good parking possibilities, trade fair premises Hanover 15 minutes by car
Nr. 12
Peiner Landstraße 185 · 31135 Hildesheim
Phone +49 (0) 51 21/5 31 79
+49 (0) 51 21/5 31 07
0,9 km
Number of beds: 29
Single rooms: 6
Double rooms: 10
Three-bed rooms
2 km
5,2 km
room price incl. breakfast p.n.
Number of beds 52
from 31 to 65 euro
from 59 to 95 euro
Hotel Am Steinberg
3,5 km
from 43.50 to 97 euro
from 63.50 to 127 euro
Summer terrace with south-western exposure
Hotel Stadtresidenz
Nr. 14
0,3 km
2,5 km
Welcome to Hotel Stadtresidenz, your intimate,
sophisticated address at the heart of Hildesheim,
for people who love all things special. The hotel
has almost exclusively delux rooms with individual and high-quality furnishings, as well as junior suites and suits starting from 28 m². Creating a
small home far from home was our aim.
Also conferences and small private parties in our
house can be arranged since this year. We would
be very pleased to welcome you in your next stay
with us.
Number of beds: 56 room price incl. breakfast p.n.
Number of beds: 35
Single rooms: 5
Double rooms: 15
Three-bed rooms: 7
Single rooms: 5 Double rooms: 10
Suits: 5 Operator holidays
21.12.2013-01.01.2014 /
18.04.2014- 21.04.2014
Located at the edge of the forest, family-friendly, jogging and hiking
Steingrube 4 · 31141 Hildesheim
Phone +49 (0) 51 21/6 97 98 92
+49 (0) 51 21/6 97 42 10
Our hotel has 27 single and double rooms with
appealing furnishings. All rooms are equipped
with a shower or bathtub and WC, colour TV and
phone with direct extension. Furthermore, you
can use the internet access via W-LAN from all
rooms. For conferences, seminars or meetings,
our conference room is available to you, which
accommodates about 15 persons. Trade fair visitors can reach the trade fair premises Hanover in just 25 minutes by car. The nearest bus
stop with direct connection to the railway station and the city centre with its sights to see is
just 200 m away from our hotel. Our familyfriendly hotel foremost offers you tranquillity
and relaxation from daily routine. In the nearby Steinberg with its game reserve, at the Hohnsensee Lake and along the Innserste River you
can find beautiful trails for hiking or jogging.
Restaurants and shopping possibilities are located within the direct vicinity.
from 52 to 65 euro
from 78 to 85 euro
95 euro
0,25 km
Half-board: 15 euro
Adolf-Kolping-Straße 6 · 31139 Hildesheim
Phone +49 (0) 51 21/80 90 30
+49 (0) 51 21/26 77 55
3,5 km
3,8 km
room price incl. breakfast p.n.
Single rooms: 10
Double rooms: 20
Hildes. industrial zone 5-10 minutes, trade fair premises Hanover 15 minutes
Linnenkamp 4 · 31137 Hildesheim-Himmelsthür
Phone +49 (0) 51 21/2 06 88-0
+49 (0) 51 21/2 06 88-44
0,2 km
(additional bed in double room): 4 from 99 to 135 euro
Inquire for special price for technicians
Ruhetag: Sonntag
Nr. 13
Osterberg-Restaurant & Hotel
2 km
0,3 km
room price incl. breakfast p.n.
from 75 to 95 euro
from 95 to 130 euro
from 126 to 146 euro
Day off: Sunday
Delux rooms from 35 m and suits from 4 nights can be booked as apartments
Hotels Garni, Inns in Hildesheim | HOLIDAY MAGAZINE HILDESHEIM 2014
Nr. 15
Guesthouse Klocke
Nr. 16
Number of beds: 39
5 km
0,3 km
150 m
room price incl. breakfast p.n.
Single rooms: 9
Double rooms: 8
Four-bed rooms: 1
3,5 km
1 km
from 35 to 49 euro
from 68 to 80 euro
from 110 to 130 euro
Special rates during trade fairs and events
Inquire for special price for technicians
Very quiet location
Nr. 17
Number of beds: 29 room price incl. breakfast p.n.
from 50 to 60 euro
from 82 to 90 euro
from 98 to 115 euro
160 euro
Single rooms: 9
Double rooms: 8
Three-bed rooms: 3
Four-bed rooms: 1
Hildesheimer Hof Hotel Garni
Viktor Schmidt
Bundesstraße 7 · 31177 Harsum-Asel
Phone +49 (0)51 27/93 11 07
+49 (0)51 27/93 11 08
Friedhelm Klocke
Humboldtstraße 11 · 31134 Hildesheim
Phone +49 (0) 51 21/1 79 21-3
+49 (0) 51 21/1 79 21-40
4 km
W-LAN available, credit card payment, located near the trade fair premises
1891 hildesheim boutique hotel
Nr. 18
Leunisstraße 16 · 31137 Hildesheim
Phone +49 (0)51 27/2 81 33 57
3 km
0,2 km
ABH Gäste-Boardinghaus
0,3 km
4 km
Number of beds: 28 room price incl. breakfast p.n.
Single rooms Double rooms Single rooms: 5 Double rooms: 20 from 59 to 99 euro
from 79 to 129 euro
Inquire for special price for technicians
Bleckenstedter Straße 1 · 31137 Hildesheim
Phone +49 (0) 51 21/92 49 11
+49 (0) 51 21/92 49 44
2 km
0,2 km
Room price incl. breakfast p.n.
from 47 to 55 euro
from 73 to 80 euro
Inquire for special price during trade fairs and for tecnicians
W-LAN free of charge, also self-supplier apartments starting from 35 euro
Nr. 19
Conditorei-Café Timphus Hotel
Braunschweiger Straße 90 · 31134 Hildesheim
Phone +49 (0) 51 21/3 46 86
+49 (0) 51 21/3 46 82
4,5 km
Number of beds: 35
1,5 km
Gollart‘s Hotel Deutsches Haus
from 54 to 76 euro
from 78 to 88 euro
from 100 to 110 euro
from 122 to 144 euro
Inquire for prices during trade fairs
Exquisite breakfast buffet with fresh buns from our own bakery
Bischof-Janssen-Str. 5 · 31134 Hildesheim
Phone +49 (0) 51 21/15 89-0
+49 (0) 51 21/3 40 64
0,1 km
room price incl. breakfast p.n.
Single rooms: 5 Double rooms: 10 Suits: 2 Three- or four-bed rooms: 3 Nr. 20
2 km
Number of beds: 90
Single rooms: 7 Double rooms: 40 Suits: 3 0,5 km
20 m
room price incl. breakfast p.n.
from 55 to 70 euro
90 euro
from 120 to 150 euro
Inquire for special price for technicians
Inquire for prices during trade fairs
Sights to see in the direct vicinity
HOLIDAY MAGAZINE HILDESHEIM 2014 | Conference venues, hostels, private rooms
Nr. 21
Priests‘ Seminar Conference Centre
Deula Hildesheim GmbH
Nr. 22
Manfred Zimmermann
Neue Straße 3 · 31134 Hildesheim
Phone +49 (0) 51 21/1 79 15 40
+49 (0) 51 21/1 79 15 42
2,8 km
1,8 km
2 km
0,1 km
2 km
Number of beds: 90
room price incl. breakfast p.n.
Welcome! Our house is open to all guests who
would like to share our Christian fundamental
orientation. The location is ideal: in the centre of
the city, yet quiet with a beautiful garden. Here,
tradition and progress come together. Clear architectural design and a personal atmosphere
promote creativity. You are at a place of encounter and discourse, where you will find dialogue
and learning in progress. Whatever you need,
the house and its employees offer the perfect
context. You will find the ideal setting for your
event at our house. Our conference rooms are
bright and offer a lot of flexibility. You have five
rooms at your disposal in a modern and historic
atmosphere and with professional equipment.
Be it for a conference or a touristic stay, we offer a complete service.
Single rooms: 4
Double rooms: 22
Three-bed rooms: 14 47 euro
84 euro
102 euro
Number of beds: 29
Number of beds: 128
prices p.p. excl. breakfast
Four-, six- and eight-bed rooms: 29
Arrival of: 8 persons 12 euro, 7 persons 13 euro,
6 persons 14 euro, 5 persons 15 euro, 4 persons 16 euro,
3 persons 18 euro, 2 persons 21 euro, 1 person 32 euro,
Inquire for group prices
Breakfast for groups of 20 or more
5,50 euro
Single rooms: 25
Two-bed rooms: 2
room price incl. breakfast p.n.
from 55 to 119 euro
from 75 to 169 euro
Full-board: 25 euro
Central yet quiet location Conference centre near the city centre and museums
Lerchenkamp 42-48 · 31137 Hildesheim
Phone +49 (0) 51 21/7 83 20
+49 (0) 51 21/51 64 69
0,3 km
Conference room and auditorium for up to 100 persons
Half-/Full-board on request (only Mon-Fri)
Hanover trade fair 15 minutes
Family Inn Herberge
Nr. 23
Lilly-Reich-Straße 12 · 31137 Hildesheim
Phone +49 (0) 51 21/70 43 72
+49 (0) 51 21/70 43 73
2 km
2 km
0,3 km
Self-supplier kitchen, refrigerator; TV possible on request
Nr. 24
Youth Hostel Hildesheim
Schirmannweg 4 · 31139 Hildesheim
Phone +49 (0) 51 21/4 27 17
+49 (0) 51 21/4 78 47
8 km
Number of beds: 104
4 km
1 km
prices p.p. incl. breakfast
Single rooms: 2 up to 26 J. 29,50 euro, from 27 J. 33,50 euro
Double room: 8 up to 26 J. 26,00 euro, from 27 J. 30,00 euro
Multi-b.rooms.: 17 up to 26 J. 22,50 euro, from 27 J. 26,50 euro
Operator holidays
Half-board: 5 euro; full board: 10 euro
Only with valid youth hostel ID
Nr. 25
Family Schröder
Bleckenstedter Straße 2 · 31137 Hildesheim
Phone +49 (0) 51 21/4 34 21
+49 (0) 51 21/2 27 67
3 km
1 km
40 m2, 1 living/bedroom, kitchen, shower, WC
Price per night incl. ancillary costs
2 persons each additional person Inquire for single room price
45 euro
+10 euro
Internet, special prices for permanent guests
10 m
Holiday flats Hildesheim | HOLIDAY MAGAZINE HILDESHEIM 2014
Nr. 26
BWV Guest flats
Nr. 27
Beamten-Wohnungs-Verein zu Hildesheim
Theaterstraße 7/8 · 31141 Hildesheim
Phone +49 (0) 51 21/1 70 99 70
+49 (0) 51 21/1 70 99 99
2,5 km
1,5 km
7 km
5 km
0,4 km
Holiday flat
70 m2, 2 persons
1 living room with sleeping sofa, 1 bedroom with 1 bed,
kitchen, shower, WC, terrace
Price incl. ancillary costs and bedsheets
1st to 3rd night
45 euro
each additional night 38 euro
* Equipment depending on type of flat
English spoken. Se habla español.
Holiday flat Dittbrenner
Nr. 29
Moekerweg 1 · 31137 Hildesheim
Phone +49 (0) 51 21/6 55 47
+49 (0) 51 21/6 68 43
Mobil +49 (0) 1 70/2 91 22 30
5 km
Frau Dr. A. Lauterbach
Oskar-Schindler-Straße 3 · 31139 Hildesheim
Phone +49 (0) 51 21/2 33 55
+49 (0) 51 21/2 33 55
0,2 km
Number 24
20 - 90 m2, 1-5 persons
1x 1-room, 6 x 2-room, 15 x 3-room and 3 x
4-room flats, kitchen/kitchenette, bathr./shower, WC*
1st night depending on the flat from 30 to 83 euro
Inquire for special members‘ price
Nr. 28
Holiday flat am Rottsberg
3 km
Holiday flat Martin Franke
Elzer Straße 117 · 31137 Hildesheim
Phone +49 (0) 51 21/924 6 41
+49 (0) 51 21/1 77 77 30
Mobil +49 (0) 1 77/1 80 17 70
0,2 km
6 km
4 km
20 m
Holiday flat
70 m2
2 bedrooms, eat-in-kitchen, shower, WC
Holiday flat
85 m2, 4-5 persons
1 living room, 2 bedrooms, kitchen, shower, WC
1. Night, 2 persons
50 euro
each additional pers. + 10 euro , e. add. night 45 euro
One-off charge of 10 euro depending on lenght of stay
Price per night incl. ancillary costs
2 persons each additional person 45 euro
+10 euro
Bedsheets and towels included, air-conditioning
Nr. 30
Holiday flat Goethestraße
Nr. 31
Goethestraße 53 · 31135 Hildesheim
Phone +49 (0) 1578/2936053
2 km
1,5 km
2 km
Ferienwohnung 1
26 m2, 1-2 persons
1 bedroom, kitchenette,
bathroom, shower, WC
Price per night incl. ancil.
1st night, 2 persons 63 euro
each additional 38 euro
Near the centre, child-friendly, W-LAN
200 m
150 m
Ferienwohnung 2
72 m2, , 2-4 persons
1 living room/bedroom, 1 bedr.,
kitchen, bath., shower, WC
Price per night incl. ancil.
1st night, 2 pers. 90 euro
each add. night 55 euro
each add. person 15 Euro
Long-time rentals on request, special prices during trade fairs + Mera Luna
Holiday flat Pfeifer
Münchhausenweg 10 · 31137 Hildesheim
Phone +49 (0) 51 21/6 56 11
Mobil +49 (0) 170 8050008
4 km
Vionvillestraße 6 · 31134 Hildesheim
Phone +49 (0) 51 21/884224
0,2 km
Holiday flat
70 m2, 2-4 persons
1 living room, 2 bedrooms, kitch., bathroom, shower, WC
Price per night incl. ancillary costs
2 persons 50 euro
each additional person +10 euro
Inquire for special price for technicians
Nr. 32
Holiday flat Kaune
3 km
0,25 km
Holiday flat
61 m2, 1 to 6 persons
1 living room, 1 bedrooms, kitchen, shower, WC
Price per night incl. ancillary costs
1st - 3rd night, 2 persons 50 euro
each additional person
15 euro
each additional night 45 euro
quiet location, good bus connection – 15 min. to the centre, inquire for technicians
Nr. 33
Holiday flat Niels Taube
Fritz-Reuter-Straße 3 · 31137 Hildesheim
Phone +49 (0) 51 21/2 21 93
Mobil +49 (0) 163 7034343
4 km
4 km
0,5 km
48,5 m2, 2-3 persons
1 living room, 1 bedrooms, kitchenette, shower, WC
Price per night incl. ancillary costs
1st person 35 euro
2nd person 20 euro
3rd person (camp bed) 10 euro
Bedsheets and towels included, rental for 2 nights and more
HOLIDAY MAGAZINE HILDESHEIM 2014 | Clinics Bad Salzdetfurth
Nr. 34
Hildesheimer Land Clinic
An der Peesel 6 · 31162 Bad Salzdetfurth
Phone +49 (0) 5063 2772-1000
+49 (0)5063 1440
9 km
3 km
0 km
The Hildesheimer Clinic is a specialised clinic with 170 beds. The rooms with
comfortable furnishings are equipped with a shower, telephone, TV and in most
cases a balcony. The accommodation of accompanying persons can be arranged
on request. Besides individualised diagnostics and therapy, which is customised
holistically to your special needs, you have extensive recreational options available: e.g. in the creative area, by a shuttle bus for trips to Hildesheim and Bad
Salzdetfurth as well as access to the swimming pool, fitness room, and the participation in Nordic walking courses. Outpatient physical therapy treatments
can also be used (e.g. remedial gymnastics, massage, lymphatic drainage). In
this atmosphere and setting, you can be sure to achieve the best possible treatment success. Therapeutic concentration areas: The clinic for geriatric medicine
performs acute medical treatments and geriatric early rehabilitation. The treatment is focused on the particular needs of senior patients. In the cardiological rehabilitation, cardiovascular diseases are treated and in the orthopaedic
rehabilitation, functional disorders of the musculoskeletal system are treated.
The multi-modal pain therapy of our clinic is provided by the highly intense
treatment of chronic pain patients in various specialities. It is provided over a
period of 2 weeks in a group of 6-8 patients.
Number of beds: 170 room price incl. breakfast p.n.
Single rooms:
with camp bed
56 euro
35 euro
Lunch and dinner on request
Located in a beautiful landscape
Nr. 35
Salze Clinic
An der Peesel 5 · 31162 Bad Salzdetfurth
Phone +49 (0) 50 63/47 27 55 oder
+49 (0) 50 63/47 27 56
9 km
3 km
0 km
Salze Clinic with 194 beds in Bad Salzdetfurth is specialised by its concentration
on the treatment in the field of orthopaedic and psychosomatic diseases. You
will be accommodated in comfortable single rooms with shower, telephone,
cable TV and in most cases with a balcony – we are taking care of you. Experience a well-thought out health programme in a gentle environment close to
nature, which supports the therapy success in a relaxing way. In the evening
hours and on weekends, numerous cultural events and interesting specialist
presentations round out your spare time. You can „let your thoughts drift“ in
a stress-free atmosphere.
The indications in orthopaedics:
• Degenerative and inflammatory rheumatic diseases, including
osteoporosis • Status post accidents, orthopaedic, neuro-surgical
operations and amputations • Malignant tumour diseases and
malign systemic diseases of the musculoskeletal system • Status post
poliomyelitis and peripheral paralyses
The indications in psychosomatics:
• Somatoform disorders • Pain disorders • Depressive disorders
• Anxiety • Consequences of social problem situations
Number of beds: 194 room price incl. breakfast p.n.
Single rooms: 194 with camp bed Full-board: 13 euro
Park-like gardens, Salze Vita
56 euro
91 euro
Hotels, guest houses Bad Salzdetfurth | HOLIDAY MAGAZINE HILDESHEIM 2014
The City of Bad Salzdetfurth is state certified as a spa city for its municipalities Bad Salzdetfurth and Detfurth. For covering its expenses to produce, purchase, expand, improve, renew and maintain its facilities, which serve public
transportation in these municipalities, the City charges a spa fee.
EUR 1.69 per night for singles or the first person of a family. EUR 1.02 for
spouses or any additional person after completion of the 18th year of age.
The spa fee is charged by your lessor. Which reductions are related to it and
on which conditions an exemption from the spa fee is granted can be inquired with your host.
Nr. 36 HHHH
relexa hotel Bad Salzdetfurth
Nr. 37 HHHS
9 km
0,3 km
0,3 km
4 km
Number of beds: 32
Single rooms Double rooms
Hotel Kronprinz
Nr. 39
0,2 km
room price incl. breakfast p.n.
Single rooms: 3 Double rooms: 22 Suits: 2 from 50 to 102 euro
from 80 to 120 euro
from 59 to 105 euro
from 82 to 165 euro
from 101 to 195 euro
Day off: Monday
Guesthouse zur Linde
Unterstraße 84 · 31162 Bad Salzdetfurth
Phone +49 (0) 50 63/53 43
Unterstraße 105 · 31162 Bad Salzdetfurth
Phone +49 (0) 50 63/9 08 10
+49 (0) 50 63/90 81 66
9 km
1,5 km
room price incl. breakfast p.n.
Dogs are very welcome at no extra charge.
2 bowling alleys available
Number of beds: 47
12 km
Tasting the region.
Genießen Sie regionale und saisonale SpezialiEnjoy regional and seasonal specialities at our
hotel restaurant on the exterior terrace or in the
romantic Beer Garden.
Number of beds: 261 room price incl. breakfast p.n
Single rooms=Double rooms: from 72 to 119 euro
Double rooms: 116 from 92 to 119 euro
Junior suites: 12 from 120 to 142 euro
Maisonette apartments: 2 from 131 to 206 euro
Inquire for special price for technicians
Half-board: 20 euro; full board: 39 euro
Welcome! We are pleased and privileged to look
forward to welcoming you at our small 3-star
superior country hotel. Enjoy the idyllic village
atmosphere in the direct vicinity of Hildesheim
and Bad Salzdetfurth. Be enchanted by the cosy
atmosphere of our hotel. Groomed hiking trails
in the nearby forest, an 18-hole golf course, thermal brine bath and glider flying field in the immediate surroundings make you forget daily routine. Our hotel has 15 double rooms with
appealing furnishings, equipped with shower,
WC, minibar, TV and telephone. An ideal site
for those looking for peace and quiet, exhibitors and visitors of Hanover‘s trade fairs.
Located at the edge of the soft hillside of the
Leinebergland, 9 km away from the motorway
A7 and 15 km from the UNESCO World Heritage
city of Hildesheim, the relexa hotel Bad Salzdetfurth is an oasis of tranquillity. Just a few
steps away from the middle of the town, it is the
perfect venue for any stay with its 130 rooms,
3 restaurants and smokers’ lounge, and recreational area including two bowling alleys, swimming pool, sauna, gym, Carmen Schmidt’s Wellness Oasis, as well as a playroom with kicker,
billiard and much more. Be it a short trip or relaxing wellness holiday – you will always find
the right offer here. Children can clamour about
as they please in our children’s play cave, while
the grown-ups can let themselves be treated to
culinary delights.
Nr. 38
Lechstedter Obstweinschänke
Ringstraße 7 · 31162 Bad Salzdetfurth
Phone +49 (0) 50 64/71 59
+49 (0) 50 64/13 59
An der Pessel 1 · 31162 Bad Salzdetfurth
Phone +49 (0) 50 63/29-0
+49 (0) 50 63/29-333
0 km
8 km
Number of beds: 6
Single rooms: 2 Double rooms: 2 0,9 km
0,3 km
room price incl. breakfast p.n.
from 25 to 27 euro
from 50 to 54 euro
Half-board: 8.50 euro; full board: 12.50 euro
Free W-LAN, free parking
Directly next to the central spa building, romantic interior courtyard
HOLIDAY MAGAZINE HILDESHEIM 2014 | Conference venues, guest houses in Bad Salzdetfurth
Nr. 40
Landesausbildungszentrum des Nds. Tennisverbandes e.V.
Nr. 41
12 km
0,6 km
Single rooms:
Double rooms: 10 Suits: 1 Living is life! Find your furnished flat for residence for a fixed term with Kreiswohnbau (District Housing) Hildesheim. In the same way as
you would like to have your home - customised to
your needs. Leave the hectic everyday routine behind you and simply feel well in your own flat. In
our time-share residential programme, we have
options available for anyone who requires accommodation for professional or private reasons
between Hildesheim and Hanover, as well as the
foothills of the Harz Mountains and the hillsides
of Leinebergland. Our flats include a living/bedroom, two bedrooms, kitchen and bathroom. The
furnishings are friendly, modern and most of all
complete. Part of the furnishing is for example,
high-quality built-in kitchens including dishes,
fully furnished bedrooms with closets and double beds, seating arrangements and double sleeping sofas in the living rooms. The flats are located
in Alfeld, Bad Salzdetfurth and Sarstedt.
Holiday flats: 5
65-75 m2, 4-6 persons
1 living/bedroom, 2 bedrooms kitchen, bathroom
Price incl. ancillary costs and final cleaning
14 days
484 euro
per month 804 euro
each additional month 750 euro
room price incl. breakfast p.n.
from 45.50 to 63 euro
from 45.50 to 63 euro
Half-board: + 12 euro; full board: + 20.50 euro
Good connection to Hanover
In-house chef - cuisine adjusted to groups and their needs
Nr. 42
Appartements on Vienig
Nr. 43
Auf der Vienig 55 · 31162 Bad Salzdetfurth
Phone +49 (0) 5063/7 81 44 79
Mobil +49 (0) 1 77/2034624
8 km
1,5 km
0,1 km
Price per night incl. ancillary costs (excl. breakfast)
1 person
35 euro
each additional person
+ 15 euro
Bedsheets & towels included, W-LAN, newly renovated in October 2012
Hans-Hohlbein-Weg 10 · 31162 Bad Salzdetfurth
Phone +49 (0) 50 63/87 87
Mobil +49 (0) 177/5267660
Nr. 45
Holiday flat Heinz
Bicyclists and technicians are welcome, long-term renting possible
Lehmkuhle 4 · 31162 Bad Salzdetfurth
Phone +49 (0) 50 63/82 84
Mobil +49 (0) 152/29333574
0,8 km
Holiday flat
50 m2, 1 to 4 persons
1 living room, 1 bedrooms, kitchen, bathr., shower, WC
Price per night incl. ancillary costs, bedsheets, towels
up to 2 persons/each additional person 45 euro/10 euro
1st night up to 2 pers./each add.l pers. 70 euro/10 euro
Breakfast on request €5 p.p.
0,3 km
Holiday flat
60 m2, 1-4 persons, 1 living room, 1 bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, shower, WC
„Bünteblick“ family Utermöhle
0,8 km
Am Schafberg 1 · 31162 Bad Salzdetfurth
Phone +49 (0) 50 64/96 23 98
6 km
Large balcony/terrrace, trade fair premises 25 minutes
5 km
Appartement Koch
1 km
Appartements Number: 6
45 m2, 1-4 persons
1 living room with alcove bed, kitchenette, shower, WC
Price per night incl. ancillary costs
1 person 50 euro
each additional person 10 euro
Special prices for technicians
Nr. 44
Your home-away-from-home in Alfeld, Bad
Salzdetfurth and Sarstedt
The Lower Saxony Tennis Association State Training Centre (LAZ) offers state-of-the-art and attractive opportunities to host particularly seminars
and sports teams. Besides the four outdoor and
three indoor courts, the LAZ offers a multi-functional seminar room that can be partitioned and
is equipped with up-to-date media technology for
conducting courses, working meetings and advanced training. Newly renovated, state-of-theart rooms with own shower/WC and free W-LAN
access round out the offer. The LAZ is located directly within the spa gardens of Bad Salzdetfurth
and provides excellent possibilities for running,
bicycling, etc. The brine bath next door offers saunas and wellness treatments.
Number of beds: 24
Kreiswohnbau Hildesheim GmbH
Kaiserstraße 21 · 31 134 Hildesheim
Phone +49 (0) 51 21/97 6-0
+49 (0) 51 21/97 6-66
Am Triftweg 3 · 31162 Bad Salzdetfurth
Phone +49 (0) 50 65/90 87-0
+49 (0) 50 65/90 87-10
12 km
3 km
Holiday flat
55 m2, 1-6 persons
1 living room with southern balcony, 1 bedroom, kitchen,
shower, WC (2nd and 3rd bedroom + breakfast possible)
Price per night incl. ancillary costs
2 persons 30 euro
each additional person +10 euro
Supermarkt in 100 m
0,1 km
Holiday flats in Bad Salzdetfurth | HOLIDAY MAGAZINE HILDESHEIM 2014
Haus Froböse
Nr. 46
Haus Mächel
Nr. 47
Birkenweg 33 · 31162 Bad Salzdetfurth
Phone +49 (0) 50 63/14 71
10 km
0,5 km
0,5 km
10 km
Holiday flat
85 m2, 2-4 pers., 1 living room, 2 bedr., kitchen,shower, WC
Price per night incl. ancillary costs
1st to 3rd night 50 euro
each additional night +45 euro
Can also be booked as single or double room: 1st - 3rd
night 27 euro, each additional night 22 euro
Haus Müller
Nr. 49
Holiday flat Pulina
1 living room, 1 bedrooms,
kitchen, shower, WC
Price p.n. incl. ancilary costs
1st and 2nd night 30 euro
each add. night +25 euro
9,4 km
0,4 km
Holiday flat Margrit
55 m2, 1-2 persons
1 living room, kitchen,
shower, WC
Price p.n. incl. ancilary costs
1st and 2nd night 35 euro
each add. night +30 euro
0,3 km
Directly near the spa gardens, brine bath, very central location
Boardinghouse Liekefett
Nr. 51
Birkenweg 19 · 31062 Bad Salzdetfurth
Phone +49 (0) 50 63/86 42
Handy +49 (0) 1 71/2 05 14 51
9 km
Number of beds: 5
Single rooms: 1 Double rooms: 1 0,3 km
2 Holiday flats
1-2 persons
1 living room, 1 bedroom, shower, kitchen, WC
Price per night incl. ancillary costs
1-2 persons 30 euro
Inquire for long-term renting
Nr. 50
Salinenstraße 29 · 31162 Bad Salzdetfurth
Phone +49 (0) 50 63/80 73
Drei Berge 9 · Bad Salzdetfurth
Phone +49 (0) 50 63/14 39
Mobil +49 (0) 1 57/73 23 33 42
0,8 km
0,5 km
Quiet location at the edge of the forest, no transit traffic, separate entry, winter garden
Haus Pulina and Haus Margrit
20 km
0,5 km
Holiday flat
70 m2, 1-2 persons
1 living room, 1 bedrooms, kitchen, shower, WC
Price per night incl. ancillary costs
1-2 persons (including final cleaning) 70 euro
each additional night 45 euro
Inquire for special price for technicians
Near the spa gardens, 450 m to the central spa building
Nr. 48
Am Waldhaus 4 · 31162 Bad Salzdetfurth
Phone +49 (0) 50 63/6 20
0,4 km
Holiday flat „Haus Wieske“
0,4 km
room price incl. breakfast p.n
from 26 to 29 euro
from 48 to 52 euro
Ludwig-Richter-Straße 2
31 162 Bad Salzdetfurth
Phone +49 (0) 50 63/40 12
+49 (0) 50 63/2 70 18 70
5 km
1,1 km
Holiday flat
2-bed rooms
Price p. n. incl. ancillary cost
1-2 persons
55 euro
each additional pers. +15 euro
2 nights or more
Price p. n. incl. ancillary cost
1 pers. excl. breakfast 33 euro
1 pers. incl. breakfast 40 euro
2 pers. excl. breakfast40 euro
2 pers. incl. breakfast 54 euro
1,1 km
75 m2, , 1-5 pers., 1 living room, 20 m2, 1 bedroom, refrige2 bedr. kitchen, bathr., shower, rator, separate bathroom
WC, 1 bed possible incl. shower, WC
Holiday flat
30 to 40 euro
1-3 persons
including bedsheets, ancillary costs, incl.o breakfast
Near the spa gardens, large gardens with sunbathing area, good hiking possibilities
Raised standard, SAT TV, internet, DSL, balcony, inquire for dogs
Bad Salzdetfurth Gradierwerk (Salinas)
HOLIDAY MAGAZINE HILDESHEIM 2014 | Hotels, hotel-restaurants Hildesheim region
Nr. 52 HHHH
Parkhotel Ahrbergen
Guesthouse Jörns
Marienburger Straße 41 · 31199 Diekholzen
Phone +49 (0) 51 21/2 07 00
+49 (0) 51 21/20 70 90
Liebigstrasse 35 · 31180 Ahrbergen
Phone +49 (0) 50 66/70 55-0
Fax +49 (0) 50 66/70 55-79
10 km
6 km
10 km
0,4 km
8 km
0,3 km
Number of beds: 30 room price incl. breakfast p.n.
from 49 euro
from 72 euro
from 85 euro
Single rooms: 8
Double rooms: 8
Comfort rooms: 2
At the „Park. Hotel Ahrbergen“ attractive double and single rooms are waiting for you, which
are equipped with modern business elements.
You therefore have the choice, if you would like
to end the day on a strong note with a sports
programme in the hotel‘s own gym, or relaxing
with a glass of wine on our sun terrace with
adjacent hotel bar and a view of the forest, or
use the time productively via the free W-LAN
in the lobby or the bar. We ensure a good start
into the new day with a rich breakfast buffet in
comfortable atmosphere. You can set out swiftly on your way without stress because our parking place is directly in front of the hotel. Ideal
for business & holiday trips!
Parking and W-LAN free, 4 bowling alleys, event room for up to 100 persons.
Nr. 54
Land-gut-Hotel Räuber Lippoldskrug
Glenetalstraße 70 · 31061 Alfeld-Brunkensen
Phone +49 (0) 51 81/3 84 80
+49 (0) 551 81/38 48 58
35 km
5 km
Number of beds: 144 room price incl.breakfast p.n.
Number of beds: 59 room price incl. breakfast p.n.
Single rooms: 29
Double rooms: 33
Superior room: 18
Trade fair periods:
Single rooms: 7
Double rooms: 22
from 65 to 169 euro
from 85 to 189 euro
from 79 to 99 euro
prices may differ
0,5 km
from 46 to 58 euro
from 72 to 86 euro
Half-board: 15 euro; full board: 22 euro
Half-board: inquire; full board: inquire
Days off: 22.12.13-02.01.14
Nr. 55 HH
Landmarked building
Hotel „Weißes Roß“ (White Horse)
Hauptstraße 95 · 31195 Lamspringe
Phone +49 (0) 51 83/4 07
+49 (0) 51 83/95 73 85
12 km
5 km
Hotel-Restaurant Nobiskrug
14 km
10 m
10 km
Number of beds: 15 room price incl. breakfast p.n.
Number of beds: 20 room price incl. breakfast p.n.
Single rooms: 3
28 euro (shared bathroom)
Double rooms: 6
from 70 to 85 euro
available as single room
from 40 to 50 euro
Single rooms: 6
Double rooms: 7
Half-/full board: 5 days or more on request
Nr. 57
Day off: Friday
Nr. 58
Hauptstraße 14 · 31180 Giesen-Emmerke
Phone +49 (0) 51 21/6 22 34
8 km
0,5 km
Hotel Gutshof Busch
Gödringer Straße 15 · 31157 Sarstedt
Phone +49 (0) 50 66/7 02 10
+49 (0) 550 66/6 57 90
50 m
13 km
3 km
Number of beds: 18 room price incl. breakfast p.n.
Number of beds: 68 room price incl. breakfast p.n.
Single rooms: 3
Double rooms: 7
Single rooms: 6
Double rooms: 25
Suits: 3
from 35 to 40 euro
from 70 to 80 euro
0,2 km
from 52.50 to 56 euro
from 75 to 84 euro
Day off: Monday
Country Inn „zur Linde“
Stöckumer Straße 1 · 31171 Nordstemmen
Phone +49 (0) 50 69/26 79
+49 (0) 50 69/8 01 72
3 km
from 50 euro
from 75 euro
for 2 persons 85 euro
day off: Tuesday
Event room for 140 persons, internet available
No á la carte Restaurant, restaurant stating from 10 up to 120 persons
Hotels Garni, guest- and boardinghouses, private rooms | HOLIDAY MAGAZINE HILDESHEIM 2014
Nr. 59
Hotel Altes Forsthaus (Old Forester‘s Lounge)
Lindenhof - Helmke
Nr. 60
Number of beds: 25
8 km
Pool in the garden, day-only guests are welcome
Bed & Breakfast Giesen
Nr. 62
Ohebergstraße 6 · 31188 Holle-Grasdorf
Phone +49 (0) 53 41/2 23 81 43
+49 (0) 53 44/26 12 54
2,3 km
50 euro
+ 10 euro
Inquire for company conditions, separate entry
Boardinghouse Grasdorf
0,5 km
0,1 km
from 32 to 50 euro
from 60 to 90 euro
Single rooms: 5
Double rooms: 5
from 45 to 57 euro
from 65 to 85 euro
Holiday flat, 2-6 persons
2 persons
each additional person
Nr. 61
14 km
Number of beds: 10 room price incl. breakfast p.n.
room price incl. breakfast p.n.
Single rooms: 9
Double rooms: 8
Schaperhof 9 · 31174 Schellerten-Wöhle
Phone +49 (0) 51 23/3 64
+49 (0) 51 23/40 82 42
Mobil +49 (0) 173/7924709
Goslarsche Landstraße 1
31174 Schellerten-Wendhausen
Phone +49 (0) 51 21/3 10 88
+49 (0) 51 21/3 10 89
0,6 km
10 km
0,5 km
Bernwardstraße 18 · 31180 Giesen
Phone +49 (0) 51 21/77 77 06
+49 (0) 51 21/88 84 82
0,3 km
9 km
Number of beds: 44 room price excl. breakfast p.n.
Number of beds: 4
Single rooms:2
Double rooms: 21
Single rooms: 2
Double rooms: 1
Apartments: 1
to 25 euro
to 40 euro
Inquire for technicians‘ prices
8 km
0,2 km
room price incl. breakfast p.n
from 39 to 70 euro
from 59 to 100 euro
from 110 to 180 euro
shared kitchen, at the motorway interchange A7/A39
Nr. 63
Bed & Breakfast Vermittlung Anders
Nr. 64
Beethovenstraße 11 · 31180 Giesen-Ahrbergen
Phone +49 (0) 50 66/69 27 40
10 km
10 km
8 km
Number of beds: 8
from 35 to 55 euro
from 50 to 80 euro
from 50 to 80 euro
Kronenberg 3 · 31174 Schellerten
Phone +49 (0) 51 23/81 86
1 km
Room price incl. breakfast p.n.
Single rooms: 6
Double rooms: 2
Apartments: 2
Bed & Breakfast room rentals
12 km
0,2 km
room price incl. breakfast p.n.
Double rooms:4
available as single room
from 48 to 60 euro
from 25 to 30 euro
Inquire prices for technicians and permanent guests,
double rooms can also be used as single rooms.
Inquire special prices for technicians and during trade fairs
Nr. 65
Family Ritter
Nr. 66
Hildegard Ziegler
Im Kreuzfeld 6 · 31171 Nordstemmen-Heyersum
Phone/Fax +49 (0) 50 69/12 67
+49 (0)1 74/9 25 81 71
Bernwardstraße 6 · 31174 Schellerten-Wöhle
Phone +49 (0) 51 23/74 57
+49 (0) 51 23/41 36
Mobil +49 (0) 1 70/2 86 88 75
8 km
15 km
Single rooms: 4
from 20 to 28 euro
Double rooms: 2
from 40 to 56 euro
(can also be booked as single rooms)
Caravans: 3
10 km
1 km
Room price incl. breakfast p.n.
Prices p.p. incl. breakfast
from 10 to 14 euro
Located at the edge of the forest, pool in the garden, W-LAN
2 km
0,4 km
Number of beds: 10 room price incl. breakfast p.n.
Single rooms: 1
Double rooms: 3
Suite/three-bed rooms: 1
from 28 to 55 euro
from 48 to 100 euro
from 60 to 120 euro
Inquire prices for technicians and permanent guests
Quiet location with a view of Marienburg Castle
HOLIDAY MAGAZINE HILDESHEIM 2014 | Holiday flats in the Hildesheim region
Nr. 67
Holiday House Hausmann
Nr. 68
Unter den Pappeln 6a · 31177 Harsum
OT Hönnersum
Phone +49 (0) 53 41/39 00 05
+49 (0) 53 41/30 17 67
5 km
8 km
12 km
1 km
Crib on request. large Loggia
Half-timber Farmyard Gödringen
Nr. 70
Gödringerstraße 22 - 22b,
31157 Sarstedt-Gödringen
Phone +49 (0) 50 66/31 23
4 km
Holiday flat on the farm
Eikenhof 1 · 31171 Nordstemmen- Rössing
Phone +49 (0) 50 69/72 65
3 km
14 km
Holiday flats Number: 3
600 m2, 4-40 persons
2 living rooms, 13 bedrooms, kitchenette, kitchen, bathroom, shower, WC
Price per night incl. ancillary costs
1 person
30 euro
Special prices for technicians
1,5 km
0,2 km
Holiday flat with separate entry
80 m2, 1-5 persons (4 beds + 1 camp bed)
1 living room, 2 bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom, shower, WC
Price per night incl. ancillary costs and bedsheets
1 person
30 euro
2 persons
per person 18 euro
3 persons or more
per person 15 euro
Separate entry, balcony, garden with playing equipment for children
Bioland Sheppard‘s Farm
Nr. 71
3 km
Holiday flat
92 m2, 1-5 persons
1 living room, 3 bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom, shower, WC
1st night, 2 persons
50 euro
each additional person
+ 10 euro
Lift staircase lift/roofed terrace (smokers)
12 km
Zum Escherberg 20 · 31171 Groß Escherde
Phone +49 (0) 50 69/24 16
+49 (0) 50 69/34 03 01
0,5 km
Holiday house
135 m2, 8 persons
1 living room, 4 bedrooms, 1 crib, 1 high chair, kitchen,
bathroom, shower, WC
Price per night incl. ancillary costs, bedsheets
1-3 persons
60 euro
each additional person
15 euro
Nr. 69
„Am Escherberg“ holiday flat
Holiday flat Fritsche
Nr. 72
Hinter der Mainte 19
31039 Rheden-Wallenstedt
Phone +49 (0) 51 82/29 78
23 km
6 km
Holiday flat Kaschube
CJ 27
Auf der Lade 14 · 31180 Giesen - Groß Förste
Phone +49 (0) 50 66/6 46 74
+49 (0) 50 66/6 46 74
6 km
0,5 km
Holiday flat
75 m2, 2-4 persons
1 living room, 1 bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, shower, WC
Price p. n. incl. ancillary cost
2 persons
50 euro
3rd a. 4th pers. each +15 euro
Holiday flat
75 m2, 2-4 persons
1 living room, 1 bedroom, kitchen, bathroom
Price per night incl. ancillary costs
2 persons
30 euro
each additional person
+ 10 euro
5 km
0,4 km
30 m2, 1 person
1 living/bedrooms, kitchenette, shower, WC
Price p. n. incl. ancillary cost
1 person
30 euro
Quite central location
Nr. 73
Boardinghouse Kierstein
Am Schmiedekamp 4
31171 Nordstemmen-Heyersum
Phone +49 (0) 50 69/66 68
+49 (0) 50 69/80 69 96
15 km
Holiday flat 1
75 m2, 2-6 persons
1 living room, 1 bedroom,
kitchen, bathroom
Price p. n. incl. ancillary cost
per person
20 euro
2 km
Holiday flat 2
20 m2, 2-3 persons
2 living/bedrooms, kitchenette, shower, WC
Price p. n. incl. ancillary cost
per person
20 euro
Inquire prices for technicians and special conditions
Nr. 74
Holiday flat Marienburg
Calenberger Straße 15 · 31171 Nordstemmen
Phone +49 (0) 50 69/79 97
+49 (0) 50 69 / 80 65 78
Handy +49 (0) 1 73/ 8 78 99 21
2 km
15 km
Holiday flat 1
60 m2, 2-5 persons
1 living room, 2 bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom, shower, WC
Price p. n. incl. ancillary cost
2 persons
35 euro
each add‘l person 10 euro
0,6 km
0,6 km
Holiday flat 2
50 m2, 2-3 persons
1 living room, 1 bedroom,
kitchen, bathroom, WC
Price p. n. incl. ancillary cost
2 persons
30 euro Inquire prices for techeach add‘l person 10 euro nicians
20 min. by railway to the Hanover trade fair, outdoor pool 500 m
Holiday flats in the Hildesheim region | HOLIDAY MAGAZINE HILDESHEIM 2014
Holiday flat Minge
Nr. 75
Nr. 76
An der Höhe 3 · 31079 Sibbesse
Phone +49 (0) 50 65/12 69
20 km
15 km
Am Knick 3 · 31036 Eime
Phone +49 (0) 51 82/61 64
+49 (0) 51 82/61 64
Mobil +49 (0) 15 15/7 65 78 29
0,5 km
30 km
Holiday flat
Holiday flat
5 km
0,1 km
Holiday flat
76 m2, 1-7 pers., 1 living room, 2 20 m2, 1-3 persons
bedrooms, 1 living/bedroom, 1 living/bedrooms, kitchekitchen, bathroom, shower, WC nette, WC
45 m2, 2-3 persons
1 living room, 1 bedrooms, kitchen, shower, WC
Price per night incl. ancillary costs
1st -3rd night from
35 to 40 euro
from 25 to 30 euro
each additional night
Price p. n. incl. ancillary cost Price p. n. incl. ancillary cost
30 euro
2 persons
50 euro 2 persons
each add‘l person 15 euro each add‘l person 10 euro
Quiet location, bedsheets, towels, swimming pool and sauna in town
Holiday flat Schmidt
Nr. 77
Holiday flat family Sander
Holiday flat with balcony, inquire special prices for technicians
Krugkamp 13 · 31174 Schellerten-Wendhausen
Phone +49 (0) 51 21/3 89 39
+49 (0) 51 21/3 89 39
10 km
1 km
Holiday flat
80 m2, 1-5 persons, 1st upper floor, 2 living rooms,
2 bedrooms, kitchen, shower, WC
Price per night incl. ancillary costs (excl. breakfast)
1st to 3rd night 2 persons
50 euro
longer stay for 2 persons
40 euro
each additional person
+ 15 euro
Inquire technician and student prices, roof terrace, panorama view
Nr. 78
Holiday flat Theresia Schneider
Über den Weiden 2
31171 Nordstemmen-Klein Escherde
Phone +49 (0) 50 69/83 24
10 km
Holiday flat
43 m2, 1-3 pers., 1 living room, 1
Price p. n. incl. ancillary cost
1st night for 2 pers. 40 euro
each add‘l night 30 euro
each add‘l person 10 euro
3 km
0,2 km
Double rooms
35 m2, 1-2 persons
1 living room, 1 bedroom,
bathroom, shower, WC
Price p. n. incl. breakfast
1 person
35 euro
2 persons
50 euro
View of Marienburg Castle
Haus Herke
Nr. 79
Hagenbach 4 · 31167 Bockenem
Phone +49 (0) 50 67/64 31
+49 (0) 50 67/6 95 64
5 km
Number of beds: 10
Single rooms: 3
Double rooms: 2
15 km
0,5 km
room price p.n.
from 30 euro excl. breakfast
from 50 euro excl. breakfast
Holiday flat, 3-4 persons
per person
Special price for technicians
25 euro
Bockwindmühle Machtsum
HOLIDAY MAGAZINE HILDESHEIM 2014 | Map of accommodations in Hildesheim
Map material provided by the city of Hildesheim - Surveying and Geodata
5, 7
18, 25
Map of accommodations in Hildesheim | HOLIDAY MAGAZINE HILDESHEIM 2014
H O T E L S , H O T E L - R E S TAU R A N T S
1. Van der Valk Hotel Hildesheim ****, Markt 4, S. 32, J6
2. Novotel Hildesheim ****, Bahnhofsallee 38, S. 33, J6
3. Parkhotel Berghölzchen ****, Am Berghölzchen, S. 33, G7
4. Hotel Itzumer Paß ***, Itzumer Hauptstr. 15, S. 34, L9
5. ibis Styles Hotel Hildesheim, Zingel 26, S. 34, J6
6. Lindemann Hotel ***, Kruppstr. 5, S. 35, K4
7. Hotel Bürgermeisterkapelle, Rathausstraße 8, S. 35, J6
8. Hotel Chapeau Claque, Osterstr. 58, S. 35, J6
9. Landgasthof „Zur scharfen Ecke“ ***, Itzumer Hauptstr. 1, S. 36, L9
10. Hotel Marheineke, Peiner Landstr. 189, S. 36, J4
11. Hotel Meyer, Peiner Landstr. 185, S. 36, J4
12. Osterberg-Restaurant&Hotel, Linnenkamp 4, S. 36, F5
13. Hotel Am Steinberg, Adolf-Kolping-Straße 6, S. 36, H9
14. Hotel Stadtresidenz, Steingrube 4, S. 36, J6
15. Guesthouse Klocke ***, Humboldstr. 1, S. 37, H7
16. Hildesheimer Hof Hotel Garni **, Bundesstr. 7, S. 37, J3
17. 1891hildesheim boutique hotel, Leunisstr. 16, S. 37 J5
18. ABH Gäste-Boardinghaus, Bleckenstedter Str. 1, S. 37, H6
19. Conditorei Timphus Hotel Garni, Braunschweiger Str. 90, S. 37, J7
20.Gollart’s Hotel Deutsches Haus, Bischof-Janssen-Str. 5, S. 37, H6
21. Priest‘s Seminar Conference Centre, Neue Straße 3 S. 38, J7
22. DEULA Hildesheim GmbH, Lerchenkamp 42, S. 38, H4
( YO U T H ) H O S T E L S
23. Family-Inn Herberge, Lilly-Reich-Str. 12, S. 38, G4
24.Youth Hostel Hildesheim, Schirrmannweg 4, S. 38, F7
25. Family Maria Schröder (auch Ferienwohnung), Bleckenstedter Str. 2, S. 38, H6
26.BWV Guestflats, Theaterstr. 7/8, S. 39, J6
27. Holiday falt am Rottsberg, Oskar-Schindler-Str. 3, S. 39, F7
28.Holiday falt Dittbrenner, Moekerweg 1, S. 39, F6
29.Holiday falt Martin Franke, Elzer Str. 117, S. 39, G6
30.Holiday falt Goethestraße, Goethestr. 53, S. 39, K6
31. Holiday falt Kaune, Vionvillestr. 6, S. 39, J7
32. Holiday falt Pfeifer, Münchhausenweg 10, S. 39, F6
33. Holiday falt Niels Taube, Fritz-Reuter-Str. 3, S. 39, F5
For additional holiday flats, also see accommodation 25.
4, 9
HOLIDAY MAGAZINE HILDESHEIM 2014 | Map of accommodations in Hildesheim region
H O T E L S , H O T E L - R E S TAU R A N T S
52. Parkhotel Ahrbergen ****, Liebigstr. 35, Giesen-Ahrbergen, S. 44, C2
53. Guesthouse Jörns ***, Marienburger Str. 41, Diekholzen, S. 44, C3
54.Land-gut-Hotel Räuber Lippoldskrug ***, Glenetalstr. 70, Alfeld-Brunkensen, S. 44, C4
55. Hotel „Weißes Roß“ **, Hauptstr. 95, Lamspringe, S. 44, D5
56.Hotel-Restaurant Nobiskrug, Stöckumer Str. 1, Nordstemmen-Groß Escherde, S. 44, C3
57. Country Inn Zur Linde, Hauptstr. 14, Giesen-Emmerke, S. 44, C3
58.Hotel Gutshof Busch, Gödringer Str. 15, Sarstedt-Gödringen, S. 44, C2
H O T E L G A R N I /G U E S T- A N D B OA R D I N G H O U S E S
59.Hotel Altes Forsthaus, Goslarsche Landstr. 1, Schellerten-Wendhausen, S. 45, E3
60.Lindenhof-Helmke, Schaperhof 9, Schellerten-Wöhle, S. 45, E3
61. Boardinghouse Grasdorf, Ohebergstr. 6, Holle-Grasdorf, S. 45, E3
62.Bed & Breakfast Giesen, Bernwardstr. 18, Giesen, S. 45, C2
63.Bed & Breakfast Vermittlung Anders, Beethovenstr. 11, Giesen-Ahrbergen, S. 45, C2
64.Bed & Breakfast room rentals, Kronenberg 3, Schellerten, S. 45, E2
65.Family Ritter, Bernwardstr. 6, Schellerten-Wöhle, S. 45, E3
66.Hildegard Ziegler, Im Kreuzfeld 6, Nordstemmen-Heyersum, S. 45, C2
67. Holiday House Hausmann, Unter den Pappeln 6A, Harsum-Hönnersum, S. 46, D2
68.„Am Escherberg“ Holiday flat, Zum Escherberg 20, Nordstemmen-Groß Escherde, S. 46, C3
69.Half-timber Farmyard Gödringen, Gödringer Str. 22 - 22B, Sarstedt-Gödringen, S. 46, C2
70.Holiday flat auf dem Bauernhof, Eikenhof 1, Norstemmen-Rössing, S. 46, C2
71. Holiday flat Fritsche, Hinter der Mainte 19, Rheden-Wallenstedt, S. 46, C4
72. Holiday flat Kaschube, Auf der Lade 14, Giesen-Groß Förste, S. 46, C2
73. Holiday flats Kierstein, Am Schmiedekamp 4, Nordstemmen-Heyersum, S. 46, C2
74. Holiday flat Marienburg, Asternstr. 1A, Nordstemmen, S. 46, C3
75. Holiday flat Minge, An der Höhe 3, Sibbesse, S. 47, D4
76.Holiday flat Familie Sander, Am Knick 3, Eime, S. 47, B4
77. Holiday flat Schmidt, Krugkamp 13, Schellerten-Wendhausen, S. 47, E3
78.Holiday flat Theresia Schneider, Über den Weiden 2, Nordstemmen-Klein Escherde, S. 47, C3
79. Haus Herke, Hagenbach 4, Bockenem, S. 47, E6
For additional holiday flats, also see accommodations no. 60, 62, 63
Map of accommodations in Hildesheim region | HOLIDAY MAGAZINE HILDESHEIM 2014
Accommodations on pp. 32-39
Detailed map of Hildesheim pp. 48-49
Accommodations on pp. 40-43
Detailed map of Bad Salzdetfurth p. 52
HOLIDAY MAGAZINE HILDESHEIM 2014 | Map of accommodations in Bad Salzdetfurth
34.Hildesheimer Land Clinic, An der Peesel 6,
Bad Salzdetfurth-Detfurth, S. 40, A4
35. Salze Clinic, An der Peesel 5, Bad SalzdetfurthDetfurth, S. 40, A4
36.relexa hotel Bad Salzdetfurth ****, An der Peesel 1,
Bad Salzdetfurth-Detfurth, S. 41, A4
37. Lechstedter Obstweinschänke ***S, Ringstr. 7,
Bad Salzdetfurth-Lechstedt, S. 41, B1
38.Hotel Kronprinz, Unterstr. 105, Bad Salzdetfurth,
S. 41, A5
39.Guesthouse zur Linde, Unterstr. 84,
Bad Salzdetfurth, S. 41, A5
40.Landesausbildungszentrum des Nds.
Tennisverbandes, Am Triftweg 3,
Bad Salzdetfurth-Detfurth, S. 42, B4
41. Kreiswohnbau Hildesheim GmbH,
Bad Salzdetfurth, S. 42, B5
42.Appartements on Vienig, Auf der
Vienig 55, Bad Salzdetfurth-Wesseln, S. 42, B4
43.Appartment Koch, Am Schafberg 1,
Bad Salzdetfurth-Wesseln, S. 42, B3
44.„Bünteblick“ Family Utermöhle, Hans-Holbein Weg 10, Bad Salzdetfurth-Wesseln, S. 42, B4
45.Holiday flat Heinz, Lehmkuhle 4, Bad
Salzdetfurth-Wehrstedt, S. 42, B6
46.Haus Froböse, Birkenweg 33, Bad Salzdetfurth,
S. 43, B4
47. Haus Mächel, Am Waldhaus 4, Bad Salzdetfurth,
S. 43, A5
48.Haus Pulina u. Haus Margrit, Drei Berge 9, Bad
Salzdetfurth, S. 43, A6
49. Haus Müller, Salinenstr. 29, Bad Salzdetfurth,
S. 43, B4
50.Boardinghouse Liekefett (auch Ferienwohnung),
Birkenweg 19, Bad Salzdetfurth, S. 43, B5
51. Holiday flat Wieske, Ludwig- Richter- Str.2,
Bad Salzdetfurth-Wesseln, S. 43, B4
For additional holiday flat, also see accommodation 40.
Arrival with public transportation | HOLIDAY MAGAZINE HILDESHEIM 2014
Hildesheim is in the south of Lower Saxony, just 30 kilometres away from the State Capital Hanover. The Hildesheim region can be reached easily with different means of transport.
By car and coach:
From the direction of Hamburg – Hanover or Frankfurt – Kassel:
motorway A7 (E4), exits Hildesheim-Drispenstedt and Hildesheim
and from there within just a few minutes to the desired destination. From the direction of Berlin or the Ruhr region: Motorway A2 to
motorway interchange Hannover-Ost (Hanover East), then to motorway A7 (E4), direction Hildesheim – Kassel and further via one
of the aforementioned exits.
By coach:
An affordable connection is offered by two coach companies servicing Hildesheim:
MeinFernbus: Zurich - Lörrach - Freiburg - Europa-Park Rust - Karlsruhe – Heidelberg - Darmstadt - Frankfurt - Göttingen - Hildesheim
– Hamburg
Deutscher Tourring: Croatia – Kassel – Göttingen – Hildesheim –
Hanover – Hamburg
Public transport:
Schedules, line networks and prices for the public short-distance
passenger transport in Hildesheim can be found on the website
By plane:
The airport Hannover-Langenhagen, just 40 km away from Hildesheim, ensures fast international connections. The Hildesheim airport, near the centre, is available for landing by commercial planes of class 2.
By rail:
Fast national connections are guaranteed by the ICE stop in Hildesheim. Additional national connections are provided by regional
trains and the S-Bahn, the Metronom and the North-West Railway.
These General Terms and Conditions apply to the contracts established between the customer and Hildesheim Marketing GmbH, acting on behalf and in the name of tourist-information Hildesheim (TI) for the arrangement of travel services, such as accommodation
and city tours.
§ 1 Contract conclusion
(1) The Customer places a binding offer for the conclusion of an
agency contract with us for the requested services (events) when
an electronic booking/purchase order is entered by the visitor/user
(Customer) via the „NetHotels“ information and reservations system. At the same time, this order constitutes the Customer‘s binding offer to the contract partner (Organiser) of the contract arranged
by us for the conclusion of the contract to be brokered; to this extent, we are empowered to accept declarations and conclude contracts on behalf and in the name of the Organiser.
(2) If the order is placed not by electronic means via the NetHotel
Portal, it will not yet constitute an offer by the Customer but merely a non-binding inquiry. The Customer‘s offer will then be made on
the basis of the documents the Customer sends to us.
(3) The conclusion of the contract does not require any specific form.
The declarations may be provided in writing, verbally, by telephone,
fax or email or otherwise by electronic means. Whenever the order
is placed by electronic means, we will immediately confirm the receipt of the order; this confirmation of receipt does not yet constitute an acceptance of the agency contract.
(4) The agency contract will in any case only be effectively concluded upon our acceptance declaration.
(5) A travel contract in the meaning of the law governing travel
contracts will not be established between the Customer and us.
We solely act as agents arranging the contract to be concluded between the Customer and Organiser. Mutual rights and duties under
the arranged contract solely arise from the relationship between
the Customer and the Organiser. Each agency contract placed with
us by way of a booking shall apply only as an individual contract.
Therefore, a combination of different travel services is not possible.
For this reason, an independent and by itself autonomous agency contract shall be established for any additional agency service.
The arranged contracts are also independent from each other. The
rights and duties based on these contracts remain unaffected from
each other.
§ 2 Liability of the party registering
If the Customer registers additional persons besides him or herself
for the event, the Customer also accepts the liability for all persons
registered by him or herself, insofar as the Customer does not provide an accordant separate statement at the time of placing the
§ 3 Contractual duties under the agency contract
(1) Our contractual duties are determined according to the agency
contract concluded with the Customer, in the form of an order to effect a transaction in consideration of these General Terms and Conditions, and consist of the execution of the actions required for the
performance of the requested agency contract, the associated consulting and provision of the needed travel documents, unless these
are sent to the Customer directly by the Organiser.
(2) Insofar as we send notices to the Customer, we will only be liable for the correct choice of the source of information and the correct forwarding to the Customer, within the scope of the law and
the contractual agreements that were concluded between the Customer and us. The same applies to the provision of information. Any
contract for the provision of information in excess thereof that is
subject to a contractual central liability for the provision of information may be effected exclusively by express agreement between
the Customer and us.
§ 4 Supplementing provisions for agency services for
(1) General terms
1. The event price shall be paid exclusively to the Organiser.
2. In this respect as well, the mutual rights and duties established
between the Customer and Organiser shall be solely determined
by the contract arranged by us. The general terms and conditions
of the Organiser shall apply, provided these are effectively included in the contract.
3. The provisions set forth in this paragraph in addition, shall only
apply to agency services for accommodation provided by the commercial and private Organisers who are linked to our booking system and only to such, which are booked via this system. The Organisers listed in the NetHotel Portal are all linked to the booking
system. Exclusively accommodations with these Organisers are the
subject of the agency services. These supplementing provisions do
not apply to any other agency services.
4. The general terms and conditions of the Organiser shall apply –
provided these are effectively included in the contract – and the following provisions shall apply merely in supplementation.
(2) Travel time, non-arrival
1. The respective Organiser is only obligated to keep the booked accommodation available until 6:00 p.m. of the booked day of arrival, unless a different arrival time was agreed between the Customer and the Organiser. In the case of a non-arrival, the Organiser will
be entitled to provide the accommodation to third parties; in that
case, the Customer will lose his or her right to the accommodation.
This does not apply if the Customer has given notice of a later arrival when placing the order, or on the day of the arrival, if the order was placed on the same day.
2. If the booked accommodation cannot be occupied by another party, the Organiser will be entitled to request a flat sum of up to 80%
of the agreed travel price. The flat sum is measured by the type of
the booked accommodation and the requested additional services.
3. The charged flat fee will then be determined depending on the
claim of the Organiser against the guest, lesser the expenses ordinarily saved by the Organiser. The Customer will in any case be entitled to provide proof of a lesser damage.
(3) Withdrawal (cancellation), change of bookings
1. The Customer may declare its withdrawal from the contract (cancellation) to the Organiser at any time. The declaration shall be given exclusively in the written form.
2. The cancellation is possible free of charge for the Customer until
30 days before the start of travel. Thereafter, the Organiser will be
entitled to charge the flat sum incurred for the non-arrival.
3. Requests for changing the booking or cancellations may be directed to us in writing. If it is possible to meet the Customer’s request,
the Customer will receive a separate confirmation thereof. Otherwise, the request will be declined. A fee of €5.00 will be charged by
us for the change of the booking or cancellation and will be charged
on the contract that is affected by the change of booking.
4. Should the original contract have to be cancelled in full or in part
due to a change of booking, the Organiser will be entitled to charge
a lump sum for damage incurred through the cancellation or nonarrival. This lump sum will be charged in addition to the fee for
changing the booking.
relevant for the Customer in the enforcement of his or her claims.
(2) We are likewise not obligated to advise the Customer regarding
his or her claims against the Organiser or to inform him or her of
the observation of deadlines.
§ 5 Supplementing provisions for agency services for events
with event services consisting of guest tours
(1) The visitor tours are dependent on a minimum number of participants. We are required to take this into consideration in the scope
of our agency service activities. In this respect as well, we act merely as agents arranging the contract to be concluded between the
tour guide as the Organiser and the Customer for the respective tour
guide service. The contract to be arranged may therefore only be
accepted when the required participant number is reached. These
tours are hereinafter referred to as “Closed Tours”.
(2) Excepted thereof are the city tours regularly offered by
Hildesheimer Stadtführer-Gilde e.V., which are separately referred
to in the agency service or in the context of the
service description. In this case, we are also only agents. The contract
for the respective tour guide service will then be concluded between
the Customer and the gild, which assigns its members to conduct
the tours. These tours are hereinafter referred to as “Open Tours”.
(3) Non-participation, withdrawal (cancellation)
1. The Customer may declare its withdrawal (cancellation) to us
at any time. Notice may be given exclusively in the written form.
Closed Tours may be cancelled free of charge during the opening
hours of tourist-information only until one day before the start of
the event. Thereafter, or in case
the Customer does not appear, the Customer will be obligated to
pay the agreed tour guide fee in the full amount. Expenses already
paid in advance (e.g. admission fees) or any fees already paid to us
that are intended for the Organiser will be refunded to the Customer in the case of a timely cancellation.
2. The fee to be paid to the tour guide for his or her services will become due upon the conclusion of the arranged contract. Admission
fees shall be paid – insofar as these are not expressly assumed otherwise in exceptions – by the Customer on site and these fees are
not included in the event price.
3. We are authorised in the name and on account of the tour guide
arranged by us or the gild to receive the fee from the Customer that
was agreed with the Customer. The Customer will receive a written confirmation of receipt for the fee for verification of the payment to the tour guide. The tour guide may only perform his or her
services after Customer has presented the confirmation of receipt.
4. Conducting the event is not a highly personal obligation of the
tour guide even in the case of the Closed Tours. He or she is entitled
without prior information to be substituted by another guest guide.
All tour guides arranged by us have to fulfil the service according to
the quality requirements agreed with them. The tour guide is obligated to designate persons as his or her substitute, who have been
accepted by us for the agency service.
§ 7 Liability, liability limitation
(1) We are not liable for claims based on the contractual relationships arranged by us. This also applies with regard to any defects
of the arranged service and property damages and personal injuries, which have been caused to the Customer in connection with
the arranged event, unless we have expressly declared our obligation for such.
(2) The liability based on the agency contract concluded between
us and the Customer remains unaffected thereof. Damages in consequence of slight negligence by us or one of our legal representative or vicarious agents, shall be limited to the damage typical and
predictable for the contract, and in amount to three times the event
price. Liability for damages based on a violation of essential contractual duties shall be limited to damages based on intent and gross
negligence. Liability for personal injury as a result of the agency
contract remains unaffected thereof.
§ 6 Complaints
(1) Complaints or other claims arising from the contracts brokered
by us shall be made exclusively against the contract party to the
arranged contract. A notification to us is specifically not sufficient
for compliance with possible deadlines and we are neither entitled
to accept notifications to the Organiser in this regard nor obligated
to forward documents to the Organiser. We are only obligated on
the basis of the agency contract concluded with the Customer to
provide the Customer with all information and documents that are
§ 8 Limitation / Preclusion periods
(1) Claims of the Customer based on the agency contract concluded
with us shall be asserted against us within one month (preclusion
period). The preclusion period will start upon the Customer’s notice
of the circumstances giving rise to the claim, at the earliest however upon the end of the contract term of the contract arranged by us.
(2) This shall not apply if the Customer is not responsible for having missed the deadline.
(3) The assertion of claims against the Organiser does not serve for
the observation of the deadline.
(4) All claims of the Customer against us will become time-barred
within one year (shortened limitation period). Excepted thereof are
claims due to prohibited acts.
§ 9 Data protection
The data transmitted to us by the Customer will be recorded, stored
and processed electronically and also by way of automated procedure We are authorised to use the data in the scope of our agency contract and to pass it on to the Organisers, insofar as this is required for the fulfilment of the purpose of the contract.
§ 10 Place of fulfilment, applicable law, place of jurisdiction
1) All legal relationships between us and the Customer are solely
governed by German law.
(2) Hildesheim or if applicable, the court competent for the City of
Hildesheim is the exclusive place of jurisdiction for any and all disputes arising from the legal relationships between us and the Customer, provided the Customers are businesses, legal entities of private or public law, or persons who have their place of residence or
habitual abode abroad, or however whose place or residence or habitual abode is unknown at the time when an action is filed. For the
rest, the place of jurisdiction is determined by the legal regulations.
§ 11 Severability clause
Should individual provisions in these General Terms and Conditions
be or become fully or partly invalid, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. Insofar as a provision has not become part of the contract or to the extent as a provision is invalid,
the legal regulations shall apply.
1200 years of Hildesheim. Almost here in 2015.