Arbeiten von Maria Elena Schmidt - HBKsaar | Atelier Daniel Hausig


Arbeiten von Maria Elena Schmidt - HBKsaar | Atelier Daniel Hausig
Maria Elena Schmidt
The way I work
In my artistic practice, I experiment with a multitude of materials which I mostly find in everyday life.
I study their aesthetic qualities, particularly by taking them out of their original contexts. Preferably, I
work with found photos, spaces and cubatures. I analyze their material and technical conditions as
well as their visual composition. Their graphical qualities become the anchor points for my artistic
intervention with thread materials.
As threads I use a variety of materials, mainly simple cotton, wool or polyester ones. I use them to
link und unlink the found material or spatial structures and I experiment with their strength and
tension in relation to the materials. The threads become my drawing material. I focus on the dots of
the perforation and the lines appearing by connecting them.
In addition, I am interested in the relation between the frontal and rear view. I treat perforation as a
the indication of the other side and like to display it, for example by enlarging them or by lighting
them from the back. I work on series of perforations, interrelated by thread , mainly in geometrical
formations. The thread turns into a transmitter drawing attention to the simultaneity of various
perspectives. It allows to focus on the duality of presence and absence, visibility and invisibility.
My interventions range from very small ones on found photos to large scale architecture projection
treating the surface of an image in the same way as an architectural cubature. The change of scale
helps to challenge the preconceptions of both machine and stich sewing as traditional techniques. In
the mix with contemporary media the boundaries of sewing, embroidery and drawing, weaving and
composing are blurred and allow new esthetical insights.
Fadenlauf #1
Projection mapping during the
Lichtcampus 2015 in Hamburg
Photo: Daniel Hausig, HBKsaar
Fadenlauf #1, 2015
Video stills from the projection mapping on the Second World War high bunker
Photos Marion Cziba
Working process:
A certain yarn tension causes loops, wich dissolve by getting pulled.
Whitout title, Material pressure, 29,7 x 21 cm, 2012
Streiflicht, Installation with threads and light, Cooperation of Marion Cziba and Maria Elena Schmidt, Lichtungen Hildesheim 2015, Photo: Daniel Hausig, HBKsaar
Installation with threads and light,
Cooperation of Marion Cziba and Maria Elena Schmidt,
Lichtungen Hildesheim 2015
Photo, on the left: Sara Förster
Photo on the right: Daniel Hausig, HBKsaar
Fadenlauf #2, 2015 , Projection mapping on the castle fassade during Rotationen 3.0 , HBKsaar
Photo: Sarah Pulvermüller
Working process:
View into the sketchbook
Without title
Screen printing
42 x 29,7 cm
Fadenlauf #3, Projection mapping, Lichtungen Hildesheim 2015, Photo: Daniel Hausig, HBKsaar
Fadenlauf #3
Projection mapping
Lichtungen Hildesheim 2015
Photo: Sara Förster
Fadenlauf #3
Projection mapping
Lichtungen Hildesheim 2015
Photo: Sara Förster
Whitout title, Seam through Photography, 21 x 28 cm, 2015
Fadenscheinig #1
Embroidered Photography installed in
iluminated box,
28 x 21 cm
Detailed view Fadenscheinig #1
Hildesheim, Lichtungen – International Light Art Festival
Saarbrücken, Rotations
Saarbrücken, Tage der Bildenden Kunst
Hamburg, Lichtcampus
Since 2014 Hochschule der Bildenden Künste Saar, Atelier Prof. Daniel Hausig
2012-2013 Study Abroad at the University of Seville, Spain
Since 2011 University of Saarbrücken, Romance Languages
2010-2012 Hochschule der Bildenden Künste Saar, Atelier Prof. Sigurd Rompza
Custom Tailor Journeyman's Certificate