Volume 2 Issue 4 - Menorah Academy


Volume 2 Issue 4 - Menorah Academy
10735 144th St, Edmonton, AB T5N 3L1 Phone: 780.451.1848 Fax: 780.451.2254 menorahacademy.org ~ office@menorahacademy.org
Learning Alberta history: Dinosaurs & Geology
Our Grade 4 boys are avid readers
and treasure every moment they can
to explore and investigate books.
They were truly captivated with an
interactive book on dinosaurs and
paleontology. Not only were they
learning new vocabulary and listening intently to informational text,
they were examining how geology
and paleontology contribute to our
knowledge of Alberta, the land and
our natural environment. These
skills are outlined in our grade 4
Social curriculum. It was a great
and enthusiastic learning!
EMA girls visit local library
This week, the grade 8 girls went
to the Woodcroft branch of the
Edmonton Public Library in support of their Language Arts and
Social Studies programs. They
learned about the resources
available through the library and
how to locate and index various
genres and materials, which will
help them conduct research. As part of their learning, they did a
scavenger hunt. Millie was the winner, closely followed by Chaya
Sara and Aura. However, the girls helped one another in the
activity - so everyone was truly a winner. Thank you girls for an
enjoyable trip. You made a true Kiddush Hashem with your
outstanding behavior.
Mrs. Bavly and the Grade 6 girls celebrated the spirit of the fall
season with beautifully written poems in Hebrew this past week.
During Ivrit class they celebrated this colourful season, and paid
tribute to past graduates with poetry written on the same topic.
Each leaf represented what the girls appreciated about the fall
season, and they did a masterful job!
Parent Council’s new After School Clubs
teach students patience and endurance
Woodworking began last week with a sandpaper lesson and a
little elbow grease. The boys discovered that sanding their table
- top shtenders (book holders) wasn’t as easy as they thought,
as they used different grades of paper to sand edges and avoid
slivers. Once they finished, they were eager to show Ms.
Scheelar and receive the stamp of approval to move onto the
next step, putting it together! Their handiwork will be given a
quick stain in this Monday’s class, so bring an extra shirt!
Mr. Frank introduced the students to Extreme Sports by setting
up and creating obstacle courses of intense muscle, coordination and endurance events including lifting tires over their head
while lunging, pulling tires and (cinder blocks) across the field,
rope whips and ladder pushups. All of which proved to be an
awesome experience in muscle development and stamina.
Treasured guest reader visits Menorah Academy
Grade 3 was honored to have a
very treasured guest reader in our
class last week. As a follow-up to
Edmonton’s Reading Week, Mrs.
Kacew, Hila’s Baba, came to our
school to share her love of books
and reading with our students in
Kindergarten, grade 3 & 6. Her
love of reading supports our
Language Arts curriculum with
such enthusiasm through oral
reading to students of all ages. Educational evidence has proven that
orally reading to our children supports their development as fluent readers
and writers. Thank you to Mrs. Kacew for visiting us! Would you like to
come read to our students? Please let the office know!
Preschool welcomes guests!
Nursery, Pre-K and Kindergarten enjoyed a very
special morning last week together. Following
our recent Parsha lesson about how Avraham
loved the mitzva of Hachnosat Orchim - inviting
guests - our Pre-Kindergarten invited the Nursery
and Kindergarten classes to their room to join for
a special video and Shabbos party where they
emphasized welcoming guests, sharing toys, and
baking and giving out cookies!
Our Preschool can’t wait to for you to visit so they
can host you as a guest!!
Sunday, November 3
Daylight Savings –Turn clocks back!
JOIN US Tuesday, November 5
PreK-Gr 2 Pajama Night
5:30-7:30 pm
Monday, November 11
Remembrance Day -No School
Friday, November 15
Picture Day (Note Date Change)
Motzei Shabbat, November 16
Parent Council Meeting
ALL Parents Invited!
7:30pm at Menorah