A New International Theatre Company based in Sweden


A New International Theatre Company based in Sweden
A New International Theatre Company
based in Sweden
Polar Eclipse Theatre
How did the company start?
Polar Eclipse Theatre is a new
To lead the artistic vision of the
international theatre company based
company, Polar Eclipse asked Neil
in Stockholm, Sweden. The company
Rutherford to become Artistic
was formed by Chris Killik, Cheryl
Director, having 30 years experience
Murphy, Pontus Olgrim and Jo
as a director, producer, casting
Rideout who met working together on
director, writer and actor in London,
a Stockholm production of Much Ado
Australia, Europe and America.
About Nothing in 2014. They felt that
Initially the productions will be
there was a need in Sweden to create
presented in English which Polar
a new and vibrant theatre company
Eclipse feel will be welcomed by a
which would bring together the
Swedish audience as well as the huge
creative and performance talents of
number of tourists visiting Sweden
international directors, actors,
each year, and additionally, the
designers and writers. In its inaugural
English speaking settlers from other
season, the creative and acting talent
countries. Most importantly, with the
come from Sweden, Finland, Norway,
connections of the international
UK, France, Australia, Ireland, and
creative and acting company, the
America; a truly international
productions will originate in Sweden,
company celebrating and continuing
and then be produced internationally;
Sweden’s energetic and commitment
Created in Sweden - Presented
to high quality theatre productions.
throughout the world.
We are an International
Theatre Company based in
Stockholm whose aim is to
create exciting multilingual productions of the
highest quality using a
team of international
artistic and administrative
creatives from Sweden,
Finland, Denmark, Ireland,
UK, USA and Australia.
With it's international
actors, directors and
creative teams, and their
knowledge base and
contacts, a key aim is to
present the productions
initially within Sweden, as
well as co-produce in
England, Finland, Ireland,
and the United States.
Polar Eclipse will present productions initially in
Sweden at least one touring production, one
English, taking works renowned for being amongst
open air production and one main stage
the best in the world, written by or adapted from
production .
leading playwrights of the English language. In the
founders’ experience, it’s clear that Swedish
In its inaugural season, Polar Eclipse Theatre
audiences enjoy seeing productions in English.
presents a program of exciting and compelling
Additionally, the company feels that by presenting
projects which will attract a wide range of
in English, it widens the catchment of audiences
audience; the world premiere play about one of
attracting both English speaking settlers in Sweden,
the world’s greatest fictional detectives, a classic
as well as international tourists. In keeping with its
and much loved Shakespearean comedy, and the
mission statement, English speaking productions
premiere of a socio-sexual drama.
also allow greater possibilities of international
transfers and co-productions around the world.
As the company grows, it will also explore the
artistic merits of including other languages within its
productions, attracting a still wider audience.
Further more, the company are keen to dramatise
translated stories and plays from Sweden,
promoting the country’s history and traditions to a
non-Swedish speaking audience, and - through
international co-production - promoting Swedish
culture abroad.
Polar Eclipse also aims to present exciting world
premieres of new work or adaptations of older
In addition to the productions, Polar
existing work and in it’s first season has planned for
Eclipse aims to develop an education
two world premieres.
program working with school children of
In maintaining racial and gender equality ethics,
all ages by providing workshops,
Polar Eclipse will commit not only to equality
seminars, back stage tours and talks
amongst its company members but also within the
which compliment the season
productions themselves; and, where artistically
productions, where appropriate. These
possible, challenging and breaking racial and
sessions will be coordinated with local
gender sterotypes when casting roles.
schools, and provide background about
the productions so that the students may
In any one year, Polar Eclipse aims to present in
get a more rewarding and fulfilling
experience when they see the production.
The Inaugral Season - 2016
World Premiere
English Language Production
This new adaptation takes one of literature’s most famous detectives, Sherlock Holmes, and transports him into a
contemporary setting as he attempts to solve a new case of blackmail.
A well known public figure has, in his past, had a brief relationship with a club singer. Years later he announces
his engagement to a socialite, only to discover that his ex-lover has incriminating evidence which threatens to
damage his profile. Can Sherlock Holmes recover the files before his client is publically embarrassed? In his
attempts to solve the case, with the help of his ally Dr Watson, Sherlock unexpectedly awakens the attention of his
nemesis; Professor Morriarty, and in doing so, the two arch enemies embark on a journey which proves to be
their most challenging battle yet.
This exhilarating world premiere brings together mystery, deception, blackmail and the battle of two brilliant
minds to create a modern-day piece of new theatre celebrating this much loved literary character.
Based upon the play Sherlock Holmes by William Gillette and Arthur Conan Doyle,
and the stories of Arthur Conan Doyle
Adapted and Directed by Neil Rutherford
Open Air Production
English Language Production
A Midsummer Night’s Dream has always been
one of Shakepeare’s best loved plays, and this
new production, set within a hippy commune in
the 1960’s, presents all the fun and amorousness
of the original within a world of free love, peace,
psychedelic visions, and altered states of
As two pairs of troubled lovers enter the woods,
the ‘fairies’ and ‘spirits’ of the land try to help
their foreign guests. But even the fairies
themselves are arguing, and make several
mistakes in their attempts to bring the humans and themselves - peacefully together. Will the
lovers end up with their right partner or will the
mischievous magic of the fairies prove to be their
This hilarious and colourful new production will
be presented in an 80 minute adaptation, with
laughter, joy, music, dance and abundant openair romance.
This production is suitable for children and
World Premiere
English Language Production
La Ronde was written in 1900, and during its
original production, it elicited violent critical
reaction against its subject matter; the sexual
morals and class ideology of the day through a
series of encounters and infidelities between pairs
of characters.
This new production sets the play within a
contemporary but derelict Parisian Burlesque club,
where the performers, audience, musicians and
staff all discover how their sexual encounters
change not only their relationships, but also their
lives. With the manipulation of the club’s devious
owner, each character must decide whether to
remain in a hedonistic world of lust, love, deception
and indulgence, or find the path to a different life.
Like the original premiere, this new production will
be controversial, sexually challenging and
troublingly dramatic in its telling, including original
songs with a contemporary soundscape.
Not suitable for children
Based on the play by Arthur Schnitzler
Adapted by Neil Rutherford and Franck Jeuffroy
Chris is an actor with 10 years experience
working in Theatre, Concerts, TV and Film.
Cheryl Murphy studied Drama in Cork,
Ireland. As a teenager she attended drama
sessions with Graffiti Theatre Company and
then went on to study Drama at University
College Cork. During her time in Ireland she
performed in such venues as The Everyman
Palace, The Granary and The Lyric (Northern
Ireland). She has also devised and performed
in many site-specific productions such as
Theatre against Racism, The Cobh Project and
Dark Week (Playgroup Theatre Company).
His career has seen him performing in the
West End and regional theatres in the UK,
Finland, Sweden, tours throughout Germany,
adverts in 4 different countries and numerous
concerts one being ‘Concert for Diana’ which
was televised to over 600 million people
around the world.
Chris also has a keen interest in voice which
led him to create ‘Priceless Productions’ a
company that aims to provide the best vocal
and performance training by setting up
masterclasses collaborating with national
theatres around Europe.
From 2011 to 2015 Cheryl worked as an actor,
producer and assistant director for The
Stockholm English Speaking Theatre
Company. She has performed several lead
roles such as Kate, Hermia, Maria, Alice, Viola
and Rosalind in SEST’s production of “As we
like it” in association with PARKTEATERN.
Emma in Contractions performed in
Brunsgatan fyra.
Credits include: ‘Mary Sunshine’
(Chicago),’Benedick’ (Much Ado About
Nothing) ‘Judas’ (Jesus Christ Superstar) ‘John
Tallentire' (Hired Man), ‘Man 1’ (Closer Than
Ever), ‘Dan’ (Closer) ‘Long Tom’ (Merrie
England) ‘Mr B’ (Pamela), ‘Doctor
Ackerman/1st cover Oliver’ (Love Story)
‘Kevin’ (Ash) ‘Elma CandyJack’ (Sail Away)
Hero and Dogberry in Much Ado about
Nothing (SEST/PARKTEATERN). Cheryl was
also a part of the team that devised and
developed the drama and Shakespearian
workshops that visited schools around
Since 2013 Cheryl has worked as an Artistic
Director and actor for Sweden’s Jameson Cult
Film Club in association with the Stockholm
Film festival. She focuses on celebrating the
works of various directors while giving the
audience a live action experience of their
Cheryl also works as a voice over artist and
has appeared in various film and commercial
Jo Rideout trained at East 15 Acting School in
London. She has worked at, performed and
played at the Swan Theatre Stratford upon
Avon, Theatre Royal Windsor, Islington and
The Mermaid Theatre, Millfield Theatre
London, Old Red Lion Theatre and The
Comedy Theatre in London’s West End and
for such companies as The Millstream Theatre
Company, Vienna’s English Theatre,
NTNT, A&W Theatre co and Bill Kenwright
Pontus is an award winning actor (Award of
Merit as leading actor) who trained in Brisbane
Australia with the renowned Claire Crowther,
and then with The National Acting School.
While training he got involved with the avantgarde theatre company ShadowhousePITS,
where he furthered his training in the
mysterious teachings of Antonin Artaud.
At ShadowhousePITS he did his first
professional stage role in ‘Bearing Witness’,
where he also composed and performed the
musical score. Also with ShadowhousePITS he
appeared in the first ever live streamed theatre
performance with audiences from across the
Jo is a founder member of Revolve Theatre
Company and has developed and lead
Shakespeare workshops in theatres and
schools all over Britain and now in Sweden at
Stadsteatern Stockholm, Gothenbergs
Stadsteatern and at Västanå Teater.
He then went on to appear with Australian
Capitol Territory's state theatre, The Street
Theatre, where he performed in the world
premiere of ‘Violine’ before heading back
home to Sweden.
Jo’s theatre in Sweden include: Romateatern:
Shakespeare in and out of Love and Tea with
Maggie, Dramalabbet: Pia’ (The Deal
Breaker), ‘Clem’ (Andra Sidan Spegeln) and
‘Shari’ (Vita Glöden) .Teatergiljotin: ‘Marlow’s
sister’ in Susanne Osten’s (Edvard II) Unga
Klara: ‘Angel in Flight’ and several major
characters in Instant Strindberg International
for Kalmar Byteater. Jo continually appears as
a voice over artist for many companies. She is
the voice of the computer in NBC’s “Minute to
win It” a show, which to date, has been seen
by over 300 million people.
In Sweden, Pontus has worked with several
different fringe groups, larger production
houses and well known directors, such as
Parkteatern, Spegelteatern, Södra Teatern, and
Thorsten Flinck.
Roles include: ‘Count Orsino' (12th Night) ,
‘Claudio’ (Much ado about nothing),
‘Narcissus’ (Narcissus), ‘Tusenbach’ (Three
sisters), ‘Lasse Holmqvist’ (Här är ditt liv/This
is your life), ‘Paris’ (Romeo and Juliet) as well
as numerous film, TV and web series.
Pontus' directing credits include ‘The Seagull’,
‘Hamlet’, ‘Oidipus’, ‘Julius Caesar’, ‘Lysistrate’,
‘Poor Jack’ and ‘Raoul Wallenberg’.
She has directed and produced ‘Deathwatch’
at the Gatehouse Theatre and ‘Miss Julie’ at
the Latchmere Theatre as well as excerpts
from ‘Chang Eng' at Stadsteater and ‘Dag o
Devisha' at String.
His writing credits include ‘Poor Jack’, ‘The
Will’, ‘The Butler’ and ‘Raoul Wallenberg’.
Currently Pontus is playing the role ‘Raoul
Wallenberg’, as well as preparing for the lead
role in ‘Treize Points’.
Last year Jo directed ‘Much Ado About
Nothing’ at Parkteatern.
She is currently playing one of the leads ‘The
Princess of France’ in Shakespeares (Loves
labours Lost) at Romateatern.
Mackintosh. Letters subsequently received 2
professional productions. Beyond Desire is Neil’s
third musical which had its world premiere in Sydney
in 2014 with three future productions penciled for the
UK, Europe and the States. With over 20 years writing
experience, Neil is currently writing two dramas for
the BBC, a screenplay for film, and two theatre
adaptations – Sherlock Holmes and a reworking of
Schnitzler’s play La Ronde which will be premiered
by Polar Eclipse in Sweden in 2016.
Neil Rutherford is an international Theatre Director
and Casting Director, as well as a published author
and composer.
Neil was director of Tell Me On A Sunday, Oscar,
Not Quite Bedtime, The Ugly Duckling, an open air
production of The Pirates of Penzance, and Sara
Kestelman’s one woman show All About Me at the
Royal National Theatre, the Kings Head and on BBC
Radio Four. He was also director for two seasons of
the Stephen Sondheim/Cameron Mackintosh
Mercury Workshop New Writers Forum directing
over thirty musicals and plays by up and coming
composers, lyricists and authors. More recently, he
spent three years at the Sydney Opera House in
Australia with major award winning productions
including South Pacific, The King and I, Orpheus in
the Underworld, and his own new musical Beyond
Neil is a Bachelor of Arts from Middlesex University,
having gained a BA Hons Degree in Performing Arts,
specializing in directing, performance, and
administration, was a proud member (and later,
Board Member) of the National Youth Music Theatre
and is also an Associate of The London Academy of
Music and Dramatic Art.
He is published by Bloomsbury Publishing and
Menthuen Drama worldwide.
‘I am delighted to
have been asked to
join Polar Eclipse
Theatre. The energy
and commitment to
the Arts in Sweden is
enviable and I have
always been
impressed by the
talent of its actors. I
cannot wait to pull
together a wonderful
team of Swedish
talent and
international actors,
writers and
designers, creating
productions that
both Polar Eclispe
and Sweden can be
immensely proud of.’
Neil was Production Associate at the English
National Opera for three years, before becoming
Associate Producer and Head of Casting for the
Ambassador Theatre Group. His numerous West
End, UK and international credits include All New
People, The Misanthrope staring Keira Knightley
and Damien Lewis, the Lincoln Centre production of
South Pacific, Spamalot, Legally Blonde, Into The
Woods for the Royal Opera House, Marianne
Dreams, 9 to 5 The Musical, Vincent in Brixton and
The Last Cigarette, Fat Pig, Andrew Lloyd Webber’s
Sunset Boulevard, Andrew Upton’s Riflemind,
Sweeney Todd, Pinter’s The Lover and The
Collection, several productions of the 50th
Anniversary productions of West Side Story, Guys
and Dolls, starring Ewan McGregor and Patrick
Swayze, The Three Sisters staring Kristin Scott
Thomas, several productions of Noises Off and
several more productions of The Rocky Horror
Show, Side by Side by Sondheim and Shirley
He also co-wrote, and directed, the late night
Cabaret Not Quite Bedtime which opened at the
Edinburgh Festival winning 3 awards. His first
musical, Letters was premiered in 1990 and
received financial backing from Sir Cameron
Support and
Support the Company
And be part of the Polar Eclipse Community
and creative team.
POLAR ECLIPSE is a not –
Friends above, but also one
for-profit-company and
receives funding for its
productions from private
and public sources.
Donations and support are
always welcome and
appreciated at any level.
There are a number of ways
you can get involved,
depending on your level of
support, as either an
individual or a business.
Email the company and be
added to the POLAR ECLIPSE
FRIENDS GROUP, receiving
regular updates of company
news, early booking for
productions, private Friends
events, and post show
discussions with the cast and
creative team, and your name
in the programme.
A donation of SEK 2,500 gives
you all the benefits of the
complementary ticket to a
preview performance, and a
complimentary programme.
For a donation of SEK 5,000
you receive all the benefits of
the above plus two
complimentary tickets to a
performance of your choice.
For a donation of SEK 20,000,
you receive two
complimentary tickets to the
Official Opening Night of a
new production and two
invitations to the Opening
Night Party.
For a donation of SEK 50,000
you receive all the previous
benefits, plus two additional
tickets during the run of the
production, an invitation to a
rehearsal and an exclusive
opportunity to meet the cast
For sponsorships of SEK
200,000 and above we offer
a package tailored to meet
your specific requirements.
We also offer Corporate
sponsors the opportunity to
host an evening for their
clients or staff, and meet
the cast and creatives at a
post show event.
Corporate Sponsors may
also wish to sponsor entire
productions providing full
advertising, marketing and
publicity opportunities.
For any interest in
supporting the company,
please email:
Thank you for taking the trouble to read this brochure
For more information, to ask any questions,
or just to meet us for a chat and coffee,
please contact us on