View PDF - Friends of We Care
View PDF - Friends of We Care
DON’ T MISS THIS THRILLING OPPORTUNIT Y TO EXPERIENCE Presented By HONOURING TORONTO MAPLE LEAF LEGEND & HOCKEY HALL OF FAME INDUCTEE JOHNNY BOWER Lionhead Golf Club - Wednesday, May 16th, 2012 Register by April 18th for a chance to WIN a VIP Foursome for the day! 7:00 am Registration & Continental Breakfast 7:45 am Shot Gun 1:30 pm Cocktail Reception & Silent Auction 2:00 pm Sit Down Gourmet Lunch with the Stars Texas Scramble Format Mingle and golf with Top Canadian Sports Celebrities Unique Silent Auction with Sports Memorabilia Golf with the stars including Johnny Bower, Mark Osborne, Eddie Shack, Gary Leeman, Jennifer Robinson, Billy Derlago, Mike Krushelnyski, Wilf Paiement, and Jim McKenny as your Emcee! (First Come First Serve Basis) For registration details contact Adam Tillich at 905-841-1223 or Golfing with the Stars Registration Form Lionhead Golf & Country Club – May 16, 2012 To secure your spot in the tournament, please fill out the form below and return by fax or mail to: Friends of We Care, Attention: Adam Tillich 220 Industrial Parkway South • Unit 40 • Aurora, Ontario • Canada • L4G 3V6 Telephone: 905-841-1223 • Facsimile: 905-841-1175 • Email: You will be sent a confirmation by email. Visit us at Name: Company Name: Phone: Email: REGISTRATION OPTIONS Individual (Includes Premium Gift honouring Johnny Bower) Foursome (Includes (4) Premium Gift honouring Johnny Bower) Passport (Pre-paid price. Passports will be $50 on the day of the event) $700.00 (plus HST $91.00) $2600.00 (plus HST $338.00) $40.00 SPONSORSHIP - NEW & IMPROVED! Celebrity Sponsorship $6000.00 As a celebrity sponsor you will be given your choice (on a first come – first serve basis) of a celebrity. You and your foursome will then play all 18 holes with the chosen celebrity! • Includes foursome ($2400 value) • Includes event passports for your group ($ 200 value) • Includes recognition as “Celebrity Sponsor” in the event program and on signage at the course Yard Marker Sponsorship $3000.00 Have your company logo placed on a sign at every on course 150 yard marker • This is a unique and exciting opportunity that will guarantee great exposure on 14 holes throughout the course. • Golfers routinely look to the 150 yard markers to aim or judge distance on their approaches or as a lay-up target on Par 5’s. Take a chance on this sponsorship and golfers will have your logo in mind all day long. Celebrity Cart Sponsorship $2000.00 Receive signage and recognition on all celebrity carts and in program Hole Sponsorship YOUR TOTAL: $250.00 $ All registrations will be invoice upon being received at the We Care Office. Please email Adam with your participant names at