May 2014 - Knights of Columbus
May 2014 - Knights of Columbus
KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS NEWSLETTER FATHER NICHOLAS RAUSCH OSB COUNCIL 1643 SAINT FRANCIS of ASSISI ASSEMBLY 1183 Grand Knight: Darren E. Johnson 253-709-4588 Chaplain: Fr. Pat McDermott Faithful Navigator: Mike Colosi 360-870-5597 Faithful Friar: Fr. Lawrence Gosselin Fraternal Benefits Information: Field Agent Joe Snow in Dupont at 1-253 948-6585, Joe.Snow@KOFC.ORG General Agent Jarrod Roth in Bremerton at 1-360-475-0784 Knights of Columbus Customer Service at 1-800-380-9995 MAY 2014, ISSUE NO. 2014-05 Knights of Columbus Newsletters are published monthly by Father Nicholas Rausch OSB Council 1643, 3420 78th Avenue SE, Olympia WA 98501-9403. It is distributed to members of Knights of Columbus Father Nicholas Rausch OSB Council 1643. Postage is paid at Olympia, Washington. NEWSLETTER CO-EDITORS: Jim Pivec and Tom Brignole are the co-editors of our newsletter. Please send any articles for the newsletter to Jim or Tom by the 15th of the month. And let Jim or Tom know if you would like to receive your newsletter in full color via email. Jim’s email address is Tom’s email address is If you do not have email, Jim’s snail mail address is 2406 Dublin Drive NW Olympia WA 98502-3443. CAN YOU PRAY FOR VOCATIONS FOR JUST ONE HOUR? Brother Knights, Father Jim Lee has requested that the Knights of Columbus pray for religious vocations at the St. Joseph Adoration Chapel at the St. Michael Downtown Church for one or more hours per week. We have designated Sunday AM hours of 1 AM, 2 AM, or 3 AM on May 4th, 11th, 18th, and 25th as our Knights of Columbus hours. Please call Tom Hruska at 360-561-5548 or e-mail to sign up for one or more of the above hours. Thank You. God bless you and your family. Page -1- Grand Knight’s Message Brother Knights, as I write my report this month I find it hard to believe my first term is almost over. I have enjoyed being your Grand Knight and I am running for a second term. A list of upcoming officers is listed below and I ask for your continue support in the 2014-2015 fraternal year. We have some chairmen positions open this year and if you would like to discuss a chairmanship, please contact me so we can talk. Membership this year has been a challenge especially as our council grows. We are near the 380 member mark making us the largest council in the state. Our dues help support our daily council functions, and if you haven’t paid your 2014 dues please contact Jim Pivec to discuss how to take care of this matter. If you have a financial hardship please let us know as other brothers have paid extra toward helping others. During the month of April I have been out handdelivering Tootsie Roll checks (please see pictures below) to the non-profit organizations we support here in Thurston and Mason County. It was great to meet these people and learn more about their organizations. Please watch for write-ups in our newsletter in the coming months to learn about these organizations. Speaking of Tootsie rolls we are now reserving our locations and dates so mark your calendars now for the weekends of September 20th and October 3rd and let’s see if we can beat last year’s grand total. May will be a busy month. First we have the Clergy Appreciation dinner on May 8th at Columbian Hall. Sam Pellegrino, one of our resident chefs, is making his world famous spaghetti and meatballs as the main entrée with a salad, French bread, dessert and coffee all for $12.00 per person. These lower prices will allow other brothers and their families to afford to attend our events, and we increase our attendance to show how much we appreciate our clergy. The Schola will be there to entertain us for a couple of songs and then there will be time for us to visit with each other and to get to know our clergy better. Also in May we have a couple of pancake breakfasts coming up. The first one is on Mother’s Day, May 11th at Sacred Heart after the 8 and 10 am Masses. We will have a membership table setup to discuss with wives and mothers on how the men in their life can join the Knights. The following weekend, May 18th, we are having Pancake breakfast and membership drive at St. Michael Parish after the 7:30 and 9:30 am Masses. Volunteers are needed for all three events listed above so please contact me to sign up now. Also in May is the State Convention in Bellevue. Mike Colosi and I will be there representing our council this year and hopefully will come back home with rewards from all of our hard work during this fraternal year. If you haven’t been to the hall recently then you haven’t seen how wonderful the hall is looking. The next big project is now the kitchen remodel which will start in the following weeks. Our kitchen will be updated with top of the line residential appliances and other items to make the hall more user friendly and attractive to more renters to have events that require cooking on site. The hall board has done a great job this year and with the help of the sale of the small easement (Westside of building) fish fry’s and your donations have made this possible. Well we have two big summer events coming. First is our 2nd annual Knights of Columbus night at the Rainiers game on July 11th and the council has repurchased the tickets so please mail your checks payable to THE KOFC 1643 P.O. Box 3511 Lacey WA 98509 in the amount of $17.50. This price includes admission, A Rainier baseball cap, a ball park meal (hot dog, chips and a water) and a program for the evening and we even get to hear the Schola sing the National anthem in front of everyone! So please join us. I am working on a carpool list now, so if you want to go but need a ride don’t let that stop you from going just get a hold of me. In August we are having our inter-council picnic at Columbus Park on August 9th. This is open to all 6 councils that own the park and Columbus Park is supplying the burgers and hot dogs. The rest is a pot luck so please look in next month’s newsletter for an alphabetical list of what to bring by the first letter of your last name. The hall board will be running the bar to help quench your thirst with beverages available for purchase. If you have any questions on any of the upcoming events I have talked about please feel free to contact me. Darren E. Johnson Grand Knight Council 1643 Page -2- Nomination Slate of Officers Office Grand Knight Deputy Grand Knight Chancellor Chaplain Recorder Treasurer Financial Secretary Advocate Warden Lecturer Inside Guard Outside Guard 1 Outside Guard 2 Trustee Year 1 Trustee Year 2 Trustee Year 3 2014‐2015 Fraternal year Darren Johnson Mike Colosi Don Bunz Fr. Patrick McDermott Matt Eliason Clifford Frederichson Jim Pivec Ray Grothe Fred Weisdepp Mike Mallinger Joe Patnude Rick Ordos Steven Weisdepp Ed Harrison Ron Degroot Tom Pursley Tootsie Roll Check Photos Page -3- Page -4- Page -5- ANNUAL CLERGY APPRECIATION BANQUET The Knights of Columbus invites you to their annual Clergy Appreciation Dinner May 8th at Columbian Hall in Lacey. Social will begin at 6:30pm, dinner served at 7:00pm and cost is $12.00 per person. Dinner will be prepared by Chef Sam Pellegrino. The menu is: - Pellegrino Signature Salad - Spaghetti with Classic Marinara Sauce - Italian Meatballs - French Bread w/ Garlic butter - Dessert and Coffee This invitation is extended to all Clergy and Religious (Priest’s, Brothers, Deacon’s, Sister’s and Holy Communities) who serve us so well throughout Thurston and Mason counties. In addition, Council 1643 will pick up the tab on 3 Pastoral assistants per parish. Each additional person will be $12.00/each. We will need an RSVP by April 27th with the number planning to attend. Please RSVP by phone or letter by April 27th. Darren E. Johnson/ GK KOFC 1643 P.O. BOX 3511 Lacey WA 98509 (253) 709-4588 Page -6- FAITHFUL NAVIGATOR’S MESSAGE Gentlemen, April was a relatively quiet month for us, this weekend was the exemplification in Chehalis. I am happy to announce that we have four new Sir Knights. Tom Cofield, Rudy Lopez, Joe Patnude and Fr. Lawrence Gosselien. Welcome aboard gentlemen. Our schola performed at St Cloumban’s in Yelm for Divine Mercy Sunday, my wife Leticia attended and said they were very good. May 8th will be our Clergy Appreciation dinner, I'm sure there will be a Flyer in this addition somewhere with the details. I spoke with Romy Ablao this weekend at the exemplification and he explained the Chalice program that they do in their assembly. This is how it works, when a Sir Knight dies, a chalice is purchased and inscribed with his name and then donated to clergy in developing countries where it is used everyday. He explained to me that they can be donated here, but that many parishes have an abundance of them and the donated chalice hardly used. The chalices can be purchased from the English Company or Lynch and Kelly. Cost is approximately $300. Fund raising for this should be easy, the fish fry can raise enough in one event to purchase at least three. Anyone interested in chairing this committee can contact me. Our Corporate Communion has been tentatively scheduled for June 1st at St. Columban’s in Yelm, Sir Knight Sam Pellegrino has talked to Fr. Paul and all is set. The only thing that has to be determined is the location of the Brunch afterwards. I have suggested the Red Wind Casinos Buffet as it will accommodate a large number. I will let you know as soon as I get the details. Feedback will be appreciated. Sincerely, Michael R. Colosi Faithful Navigator St. Francis of Assisi Assembly 1183 K of C “Schola Cantorum” We want you!! We are in need of new members. The only requirements are an appreciation of traditional Sacred Music (as well as more contemporary and Patriotic music), the ability to carry a tune, and the enjoyment of weekly fellowship with other members. We meet Tuesday evenings at Pellegrino’s Event Center between the hours of 7:00pm and 9:00pm. Refreshments are usually provided. We sing for such events as Memorial Day Mass at Calvary Cemetery, combined Choir Mass with the choirs at St. Michael’s and Sacred Heart, our annual Memorial Mass for Deceased Members at the Hall, the Council Christmas and St. Patrick Day parties, St. George’s Pilgrimage, and the Tridentine Latin Mass. PLEASE HELP! Call Sam Pellegrino @ 360-259-7337. STATE BULLETIN The Washington State Council of the Knights of Columbus publishes a monthly bulletin. For members interested in viewing this publication it is available at: Page -7- MAY BIRTHDAYS Member Name Kevin Murphy Ian Barkis Cody Sedlacek Joseph Snow Gary Allin Paul Brodak Brian Barkis Allen Smith Charles Berns Hal Denny Justin Mc Kay Raymond DeTerra Date Member Name Date May 01 May 03 May 03 May 03 May 04 May 04 May 06 May 07 May 09 May 12 May 16 May 17 Warren Beck Edward Hulbert John Stoddard Robert Rensel Charles Liska Kevin Crisp Michael Mc Dermott Richard O Connor John Cristina Francis Scolaro Thomas Hruska May 19 May 19 May 20 May 21 May 22 May 23 May 23 May 24 May 26 May 28 May 31 SQUIRES NOTES In March, we had an investiture of a new Squire. We sold donuts at St. Michael on March 30th. On April 5th, some Squires went to the Mass for special needs at the Saint James Cathedral in Seattle. This month, we decided to help setup the fishnet for the fishing derby on May 1st. On May 3rd, we will have a tennis ball sling shot to hit a target on the lake at Columbus Park for the fishing derby to raise money for "Friends of Mia". We're also busy planning a flag football fund raiser for late summer/early fall. We will have another new Squire joining in May. Page -8- Support Our Advertisers Advertisement space is available in our newsletter. The proceeds from this advertising will be used to defray the cost of publishing our newsletter and will not be used for charity. Each ad space is the size of a standard business card, and costs only $50 per year. A bargain price at today’s advertising prices. The price for larger ads is based on the number of spaces used. We have over 300 members who receive this newsletter via mail and e-mail each month. Please contact newsletter publisher Jim Pivec at (360) 866-1045 for details. Page -9- Page -10- PRO LIFE NEWS Brother Knights, This was the Fourteenth Prayer and Fast Vigil over the past 7 years. Here in Olympia during this vigil (Ash Wednesday to Palm Sunday)on Thursday March 6th a baby & Mother were saved from the pain of abortion. Also after 40 Days ended, we had two saves on Good Friday.God bless everyone who prayed and fasted this 40 Days For Life. This 40 Days For life over 550 babies we saved in over 300 locations, and that brings to a total of over 9000 babies, Mothers & Fathers saved from the pain and regret of abortion over the past 7 years. The next 40 Days For Life will be Wednesday September 24th thru Sunday November 2nd. Plan now and mark your calendar to come and Pray and Fast for LIFE. God bless you and your family Tom Hruska Page -11- WANT A NEW NAME BADGE?? Jack Winslow is also the man to go to if you would like a new name badge. Below are the three types to order. Send your order to Jack Winslow at 7126 Axis Street SE Lacey WA 98513 Or E-Mail at SPECIAL OLYMPICS, TACOMA, APRIL 26, 2014 Page -12- L. G. Isaacson Co. 2140 Mottman Rd SW Tumwater Industrial Tools & Supplies 360-754-6020 Branches also in Longview and Aberdeen Columbian Hall For Rent Non-smoking. Seating for 250. Air conditioned with HD TV, kitchen, stage & parking. New Projector and screen for electronic presentations. Weddings, receptions, parties, business meetings, memorial services etc. Discounted rates for KC members. 360-491-7292 SHOW THE TRUTH WASHINGTON STATE P.O. BOX 6085 OLYMPIA, WA 98507 THIS SPACE IS AVAILABLE 360-561-5548 WWW.SHOWTHETRUTH.ORG If you know of a crisis pregnancy please give us a call. We will help. TOM HRUSKA, PGK,PFN DIRECTOR Page -13- KNIGHT OF THE MONTH - KEITH UNDERWOOD The Father Nicholas Rausch OSB Council 1643 Knight of the month for April is Keith Underwood. Brother Knight, Keith, joined the council in 2011 and is a 4th Degree Knight. He is active in council activities such as Knights Before Christmas, Pancake Breakfasts, Tootsie Roll drives, Drexel House Dinners, and as Chef for council special dinners such as the recent St. Patrick’s Day dinner at Hallen Hall. in the Boy Scouts. His 4th Degree son is also an Eagle Scout. The younger is working to complete the paperwork for his Eagle Scout award this summer. His Le Cordon Bleu training has been very useful to our community as Brother Keith is the Chef for many events at the Boy Scouts, Puget Sound Anglers, and occasionally with Catholic Community Services’ once a month Soup Kitchen. He and his wife are also active at St. Michael’s Parish. They both are Eucharistic Ministers for the past two years. In addition they are catechists for the First Communion Program. Prior to that they were active at St Michael’s school where both their boys attended through 8th grade. Brother Keith was raised in Yakama, WA. While raised as a city kid, he took over managing his grandfather’s apple farm for 20 years. He then became an agriculture extensionist after moving to Olympia. He later became a Program Manager for the Department of Fish and Wildlife until the position was eliminated in 2009. His wife continues working at the Attorney General of Washington’s Office as a Risk Manager. His education includes a Bachelor degree from Evergreen in Business and He joined the Knights to enrich his Communications and a Masters degree in fellowship with other men of God. He Public Administration as well as courses Brother Keith outside the Convento de also wants to expand his ability to be a in agriculture and a graduate of the Le San Jose, Avila, Spain in Oct. 2013. This servant of the church, especially in is St. Theresa of Avila’s first convent. Cordon Bleu. As part of his educational community services. preparation, he also took a short “drive” Thank you Brother Knight Keith for all with his grandfather to Panama City, that you do for our council and for our community. Panama and flew to major cities in South America to Congratulations on being selected as our Knight of the improve his knowledge of this hemisphere. Month for May! th Brother Keith has two sons. Kevin is also a 4 Degree Knight. Justin is a sophomore at Olympia High School. For almost 50 years, Brother Keith has also been active Page -14- FAMILY OF THE MONTH DANIEL & MARIA JUAREZ FAMILIA DEL MES DANIEL Y MARIA JUAREZ The Father Nicholas Rausch OSB Council 1643 Family of the month for April is Daniel and Maria Juarez. El Padre Nicholas Rausch Consejo OSB 1643 La Familia del mes de abril es Daniel y María Juárez. Brother Daniel joined the Knights of Columbus in 2007 and became a 4th degree Knight in Aberdeen, WA. He says that he joined the Knights due to his Grandfather’s participation in the Knights in Madera, CA near Fresno. He greatly respected his grandfather’s and Knights service to the church of Our Lord. This led to his joining. Hermano Daniel se unió a los Caballeros de Colón en 2007 y se convirtió en un Caballero cuarto grado en Aberdeen, WA. Él dice que se unió a los Caballeros debido a la participación de su abuelo en los Caballeros en Madera, CA cerca de Fresno. Respetaba mucho a su abuelo y caballeros servicio a la iglesia de Nuestro Señor. Esto llevó a su unión. He most appreciates the fact that he can move from place to place, but the Knights are always welcoming and caring and it is easy to develop friendships with men of faith. He says it is tough to walk the faith when there is not that much support from the society around you. Brother Daniel and Maria were married in August of 2008 at St. Jerome’s in Ocean Shores and now have 2 daughters. Lucia is in 3rd grade at LP Brown in Olympia and Isabela is 2 years old. He is very active in council activities. He participated in the St. Joseph’s day and the Council Picnic events this year, but volunteers extensively in the Hispanic Round Table. He began this activity in the Shelton and now works tirelessly at Sacred Heart. The two have college degrees. His is from Evergreen in Political Science and Education. Hers is in sociology with an emphasis in health. He works in a warehouse in Lacey and she works for the Department of Health as a bilingual translator. The Lord has been calling Brother Daniel to become a teacher so he is dedicating the next two years to become a K to 8 teacher with an additional certificate in English Language Learning. Thank you, Brother Daniel and Maria, for all that you continue to do, and congratulations on being selected as our Family of the Month for April. Él más aprecia el hecho de que él puede moverse de un lugar a otro, pero los caballeros son siempre muy acogedor y atento, y es fácil de desarrollar amistades con hombres de fe. Él dice que es difícil de caminar por la fe cuando no hay mucho apoyo de la sociedad a su alrededor. Hermano Daniel y María se casaron en agosto de 2008 en San Jerónimo de en Ocean Shores y ahora tienen 2 hijas. Lucia se encuentra en el 3er grado en el LP Brown en Olympia y Isabela es de 2 años de edad. Él es muy activo en las actividades del Consejo. Participó en el día de San José y los eventos de la comida campestre del Consejo de este año, pero los voluntarios ampliamente en la Mesa Redonda Hispana. Él comenzó esta actividad en el Shelton y ahora trabaja incansablemente en el Sacred Heart. Los dos tienen títulos universitarios. La suyo es de Evergreen en Ciencias Políticas y Educación. La suya es en sociología con énfasis en la salud. Él trabaja en un almacén en Lacey y ella trabaja para el Departamento de Salud como un traductor bilingüe. El Señor ha estado llamando hermano Daniel para convertirse en un maestro y entonces él dedicara los próximos dos años para convertirse en un K al 8 de profesor con un certificado adicional en Enseñanza del Idioma Inglés. Gracias, hermano Daniel y María, por todo lo que usted continúa haciendo, y felicitaciones por haber sido seleccionadas como nuestra Familia del Mes de abril. Page -15- MAY 1, 2014 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS 3420 78th AVENUE SE OLYMPIA WA 98501-9403 Non-Profit Org. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Olympia, WA permit No 276 “RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED” May 2014 June 2014 Thu 1 Tue 6 Thu 8 Sun 11 Mon 2 Council Business Meeting 6:15 PM @ Columbian Hall Schola Practice 7PM @ Pellegrino Event Center Clergy Appreciation Dinner 6PM @ Columbian Hall Mother’s Day - Pancake Breakfast @ Sacred Heart After the 8AM and 10AM Masses Contact Darren Johnson to sign up to help Tue 13 Schola Practice 7PM @ Pellegrino Event Center Thu 15 4th Degree Officers Meeting 5:45PM @ Columbian Hall Thu 15 Crusaders of St. Joseph Circle Mtg 7:30pm @ Columbian Hall Fri 16 – Sun 18 WA State KC Convention @ Bellevue Hilton Sun 18 Pancake breakfast and membership drive after 7:30 & 9:30 AM Masses @ St. Mike’s - Contact Darren Johnson to sign up to help Tue 20 Schola Practice 7PM @ Pellegrino Event Center Thu 22 4th Deg Assembly Meeting 6:30 PM @ Columbian Hall Mon 26 Memorial Day Thu 29 PGK & current officers Potluck 6PM @ Columbian Hall Tue 3 Thu 5 Sun 8 Tue 10 Thu 12 Thu 12 Sat 14 Sun 15 Tue 17 Thu 19 Tue 24 Thu 26 Page -16- Council Officers Meeting 6 PM @ Columbian Hall, First Degree 7:30PM @ Columbian Hall Schola Practice 7PM @ Pellegrino Event Center Council Business Meeting 6:15 PM @ Columbian Hall Human Life Picnic – Details TBA Schola Practice 7PM @ Pellegrino Event Center 4th Degree Officers Meeting 5:45PM @ Columbian Hall Crusaders of St. Joseph Circle Mtg 7:30pm @ Columbian Hall Flag Day Donut Sales after 7:30 and 9:30 Masses @ St. Mike’s Schola Practice 7PM @ Pellegrino Event Center 3rd Deg Officers Installation Schola Practice 7PM @ Pellegrino Event Center 4th Deg Assembly Meeting 6:30 PM @ Columbian Hall