Locust Leaves Newsletter for November 2015
Locust Leaves Newsletter for November 2015
Midway Locust Grove United Methodist Please join us for worship. Sunday School: 9:15 Worship: 10:30 Communion first Sundays. INSIDE THIS ISSUE Ministries & Missions 2 Spaghetti Dinner 3 Grow in Faith 4 Births, welcome, get well 5 Looking at 200 years 6 Community book event 7 View from a Pew 9 Food Ministry, Poetry 10 Calendar 11 Kitchen Update 12 THIS MONTH See Calendar Page 11 Mondays at 7-8 a.m. Wake Up With God All are welcome. Mondays — 6:30 p.m. Boy Scout Troop 68 Tuesdays —7 p.m. Women’s Bible Study Wednesdays — 6:59 p.m. Choir Rehearsal November 1 DST Returns Fall back one hour November 10 – Noon Second Tuesday Lunch November 11 VETERANS DAY November 22 Locust Leaves items due November 22—29 National Bible Week I had a subscription to Sports Illustrated for years, before my children took over the house (and everything in it). I don’t have time to read a paper copy or a digital copy anymore. I let my subscription lapse. I regularly receive invitations to renew. The folks who publish Sports Illustrated miss me quite a bit. They want me back. Volume 28 Number 11 November 2015 Beyond the Pulpit Pastor Dennis Harper Throughout the narrative of Scripture, God is always inviting people back. The Bible is full of people who break promises, make bad decisions, do foolish things, and downright terrible things. Yet, God invites these people back into a renewed relationship. As November begins with Advent and Christmas in sight, we are all invited to renew our relationship with God and one another. Let the Spirit of the risen Christ be renewed within you. Why do you say... “My way is hidden from the Lord my God ignores my predicament”? 28 Don’t you know? Haven’t you heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the creator of the ends of the earth. He doesn’t grow tired or weary. His understanding is beyond human reach, 29 giving power to the tired and reviving the exhausted. 30 Youths will become tired and weary, young men will certainly stumble; 31 but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength; they will fly up on wings like eagles; they will run and not be tired; they will walk and not be weary. Isaiah 40:27-31 (CEB) 2 Locust Leaves An Opportunity to Serve Women reading Paul’s letter Calling all women who want to learn more about the Bible and what it means in our lives. The Women’s Bible Study continues reading Paul's Letter to the Romans. The group meets in the first classroom beyond the Nursery on the left. Each study time begins at 7:00 p.m. and ends by 8:30. New members are always welcome into the group. Contact Marjorie McFann by phone at 573-445-5650 or by email at for more information. Do for others what you want them to do for you. Matthew 7:12 Our Sunday morning nursery is a wonderful gift that we give the families with young children who attend worship. Kaitlyn Gebhardt is our nursery worker who works with our children every Sunday. At least one other person is needed to serve with her so that our children are looked after and well cared for. We are in need of a few more folks to serve in our nursery on Sunday morning. The schedule is set on a quarterly basis, and with enough people serving you are only needed once or twice in that time. Thank you for all the ways you support our ministry with children in our church and community. If you have any questions please be in touch with Rev. Dennis ( or Kelly McCarville ( Here are the items we are lifting up: Standing prayer requests Each Sunday Rev. Dennis reminds us of our prayer responsibilities, and has asked that we include these three items in our regular prayer times. Our Kitchen and Fellowship Hall remodeling project. Prayerfully consider your support for this important project and pray for its completion. Our ministry to the youth and children of our community. May the Holy Spirit help us to reach out to, learn from, and make a difference in the lives of young people and their families. This included our Vacation Bible School July 6-9. November 1 Moreau November 8 Brown November 15 (Open) November 22 Karen Moore November 29 (Open) One of the best means of sharing and bringing joy to others is to host one of these after-worship fellowships. Please add your name to the sign up sheet on Fellowship Hall bulletin board or call Kathy Koehler at 875-8772. The youth of the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. There have been 7 suicides since December on the reservation, some involving youth as young as 12 years old. These youth feel that they are without hope. They envision a future consisting only of poverty and despair. Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible. St. Francis of Assisi Locust Leaves 3 Kitchen Cabinet Update Spaghetti Dinner focuses attention on welcome center remodeling As a reward for contributors and a reminder of the project ahead, the Kitchen Cabinet hosted a spaghetti dinner October 25. Funding for the project is close to its goal, but needs about $5,000 to assure the remodeling of the kitchen and fellowship hall proceeds as planned. Home-made desserts topped off the Hy-Vee catered spaghetti, salad and bread immediately following worship. The scheduled deadline for donations is November 30, but gifts will continue to be accepted throughout the rest of the year if necessary. Construction is scheduled to begin the first week of January by Sandy Cunningham Construction, with completion in time for our Easter breakfast hosting of the congregation from Midway Heights Baptist Church. Our Kitchen Cabinet, left to right, Nedra Moreau, Beth Luetjen, Louise Stanley, and Kathy Koehler, have coordinated the funding and planning for the remodeling of the kitchen and Fellowship Hall. The event was truly a family affair, with generations of adults, children and grandchildren enjoying the food and the recreational activities available at our church. 4 Locust Leaves Intentional Faith Development Opportunities MLGUMC Adult Activities Adult Sunday School is a facilitated study of a book called Renegade Gospel by Mike Slaughter. The book will show you how to be a renegade for the true Jesus. A small group of men are wanted and needed to study and to learn from a book called No Men Left Behind by Patrick Morley. The book tells how to build and sustain a thriving Men’s Ministry in your church. We need men here for a fall 2015 start. Sign up with Gary Hughes and get a book. Continuing growth and education is important. Please come join us! GROW in FAITH by your ACTIONS Ambassador qualification - Four church members have already completed all four introductive faith courses to qualify as a MLGUMC Church “Ambassador at Large.” The courses introduce you to our church and starts you thinking about how to Bring, Connect and Serve God’s people. Enhancing our faith is a great way to increase our ability to serve God. Are you ready to start? All you need to do is to contact Gary Hughes for the courses. Our church’s four recurring courses in INTENTIONAL FAITH DEVELOPMENT: Class 101 - Discovering MLGUMC Church This course was developed to orient new members, mature youth and others interested in our church history and beliefs. Next course is scheduled at 9:15-10:15 am November 7th, 2015 at church. Class 201 - Growing in Christ This course was developed to focus on personal growth in being like Christ in attitude and behavior. The course uses the Five G’s of Grace, Growth, Group, Gifts and Good Stewardship to provide examples of how you can change. This course is scheduled for 9:15-10:15 am November 15th at church. Class 301 - Spiritual Gifts This course was developed to find your personal spiritual gifts that have been given by God. The course is tentatively scheduled for three sessions in January 2016. This is an excellent course that all can benefit from attending and participating in. Class 401 - Calling to Mission This course was developed to help each individual find a personal mission for your spiritual gifts. This course is being scheduled for January 2016 at church. The Intentional Faith Development (IFD) Small Group has developed a ministry that will help us grow in faith outside of weekly worship. IFD members have developed four foundational classes that will cover the basics of our Christian faith and our United Methodist beliefs and structure, as well as our program opportunities. After completions of the four classes, members will be promoted to “Ambassador at Large” for Jesus Christ. Future MLGUMC Adult Activities A new Marriage Group based on an Alpha Marriage course will be offer in February 2016. The meetings will be scheduled by the group. This effort focuses on couples talking and not group discussions, and includes casual, fun fellowship. If you are interested in participating in a marriage group in 2016, talk to Gary or Kathy Hughes. An Alpha course may be taught at the New Horizon UMC church later this year. Our Intentional Faith development (IFD) Small Group needs people to support and to develop 2016 IFD Dreams for the church. IFD needs people with a variety of spiritual gifts and talents to teach courses, plan meals, facilitate Alpha and Marriage events, lead Sunday school classes and many other activities. Tentative dream schedules are being arranged. These faith development efforts depend upon you challenging yourself to help our church family CONNECT with others to lead them into a relationship with Jesus Christ, and further strengthen faith in individuals in our community. Have IDEAS?? Contact Gary Hughes or Margaret Preus. In Christ, Gary Hughes Locust Leaves 5 November 2015 Rhett Emerson O’Neal September 30, 2015 1 Leon Brown 1 Ann Elder 6 Brendan Rost 7 Dani Brown 7 Betsy Wharton 11 Kristopher Rankin 12 Glenna Johnson 24 Michelle O’Neal 27 Alyson Price November is named for the ninth (novem) month of the Julian calendar, prescribed by Julius Caesar in 46 B.C. It became the 11th month on the Gregori an cal endar, which was introduced by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582. It was adopted by England and the American colonies in 1752. If someone’s name does not appear here and they do have a birthday this month, please let Kim know by email and she will update our records. Rhett Emerson O’Neal makes his first appearance at church October 25 with mom and dad, Michelle and Travis O’Neal. Rhett was born on September 30 at 5:01 a.m., weighing 7 lbs. 3 oz and measuring 20.5 inches long. Big sister, Dalli, is in love and a big helper to mommy and daddy. Others in his MLGUMC family are grandparents Joe and Hope Burkart and great-grandmother Jerry French. Let’s welcome Rhett to our church family. Kathy Hughes is recovering at home from major back surgery, and faces an expected five to six week recuperation. While it is a bit early for visits at this time, cards and notes would be appreciated, and can be sent to Kathy at 7101 North Sycamore Creek Road, Rocheport, MO 65279. Know something nice about someone? Let us know about it for KUDOS. We Welcome . . . Rev. Dennis welcomes the newest members of our congregation October 18. Brittany Clayborn, Cloie Clayborn, Abbie Clayborn, Deb Patterson, and Chris Patterson became members following worship. Please welcome our new members to the Locust Grove UMC family. 6 Locust Leaves Looking ahead to looking back With the remodeling of the kitchen and fellowship hall set to begin with the new year, it seems appropriate to look back at the arrival of the facilities. The photo above shows the new addition to the west side of the sanctuary in 1954. It has been expanded twice since then. In 1950, the Rev. J.D. Randolph was assigned as minister in charge of the Rocheport Circuit, which included the churches in Rocheport, Woodlandville and Midway. In the spring of 1951, Sunday School, which had been closed for a short time, was reopened, with Buford Watson as superintendent. Attendance increased rapidly, and classes became too large for the small Sunday School rooms available. The confusion of several classes meeting in the same room, along with the need for dining space for church suppers prompted thoughts of an addition to the church. Rev. Randolph had promoted building projects at numerous other churches, and pushed forward with the addition. A building committee was organized in October of 1951, with Lance Henderson as chair. Virgil Koch, a contractor and church member, agreed to build the 30 x 40 foot wing joining the sanctuary to the west. A 12 x 28 foot kitchen was to be built on the north and the old kitchen to be remodeled into a Sunday School and furnace room. In addition to generous cash donations, Koch donated back the $300 contractor’s fee allowed by the building committee. A total of $9,263.09 was received through cash donations, Lord’s Auction and anniversary gifts. A gift of $300 and a loan was obtained from the Church Conference Board. In less than a year after the loan was received, it was paid off on December 28, 1953. An open house was held on June 14, 1953, with Bishop and Mrs. Ivan Lee Holt attending. The building was dedicated on June 6, 1954, with Bishop Holt giving the address. An education wing of six classrooms was added to the building in 1966, and was expanded by the addition of eight more classrooms and three restrooms in 1990. Work is schedule to begin on the remodeling the first week of January, 2016, with completion planned in time for Easter services. Locust Leaves 7 Community events important use of welcome center In addition to church activities, dinners, and fellowship, the remodeled welcome center will be an important asset to the community. A good example of this use was a reception October 25 for the introduction of new book on the seven one-room schools that consolidated into the present Midway Heights Elementary School in 1957. Mike Trial and Yolanda Ciolli chose to hold the introduction of their book in the heart of where the subject matter occurred. Our church was the perfect choice, and two hours of reminiscing with former classmates from decades earlier was a true indication of the value of preserving our past. The book reviews each of the seven schools, Midway, Linden, Everett, Lathrop, Valley Springs, Hickory Grove, and Huntsdale. with photos of many of the classes of the 1940s and ‘50s. At left, Daryle Moreau points out his position in the Valley Springs photo on the cover of the book. The event was an extravaganza of renewing acquaintances from more than half a century ago in Boone County’s one-room school houses. 8 Locust Leaves Volunteers are needed Nov. 14 for packing and loading household Help is needed to support Bill and Jane DeGeal’s move to Texas on Saturday November 14 from 9 to about 11 AM . They are long time members of our church and now live at Lenoir Independent Living apartments in Columbia. Their children will take the DeGeal’s things by U-Haul to a new care facility in Texas. If you can help, please call Gary Hughes for details at 573-874-6740. November 11, 2015 What is it about Second Tuesday? Of course, it’s the lunch at Locust Grove. But is it the fellowship, the great food carried in just to share with friends, or the creative table decorations by Helen Brown (a door prize winner at left)? Or is it Mary Kaye’s fabulous door prizes awarded following the meal? It may be a different answer for each person there; you’ll just have to find out for yourself on the second Tuesday of each month, noon to 1:00 p.m. Mark your calendar to join us. Midway Locust Grove UMC has long been a fellowship of service. For some of our members and their families, that has included service in the U.S. Armed Forces. For this Veterans Day, we would like to recognize those among us who have served in any branch of the military. Please send the veteran's name, branch of service, and years of service or era in which they served (WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Desert Storm, etc.) to Beth and Michele Hager-Harrison-Prado at, or pass the info along at church no later than Thursday, November 5th. Thanks! Wesley Covenant Prayer I am no longer my own, but thine. Put me to what thou wilt, rank me with whom thou wilt. Put me to doing, put me to suffering. Let me be employed for thee or laid aside for thee. Let me be full, let me be empty. Let me have all things, let me have nothing. I freely and heartily yield all things to thy pleasure and disposal. And now, O glorious and blessed God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, thou are mine, and I am thine. So be it. And the covenant which I have made on earth, let it be ratified in heaven. Amen. Locust Leaves The Evidence of Things Not Seen “Then it came to pass that Lazarus the beggar died, and was carried by the Angels into Abraham’s bosom; the rich man also died, and was buried. And in Hell the rich man lifted up his eyes, being tormented, and saw Abraham far off, with Lazarus in his bosom. And he cried out: ‘Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue, for I am tormented in this flame’. But Abraham said, “Son, remember that you in your lifetime received good things, and Lazarus evil things, but now he is comforted, and you are tormented. … Then he said, ‘I beg you therefore, Father, that you would send Lazarus to my father’s house, 28 for I have five brothers, that he may testify to them, lest they also come to this place of torment.’ 29 Abraham said to him, ‘They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them.’ 30 And he said, ‘No, father Abraham; but if one goes to them from the dead, they will repent.’ 31 But he said to him, ‘If they do not hear Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded though one rise from the dead.’ ” Luke 16: 22-31. “4 Now there are many gifts, but one Spirit; 5 and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; 6 and there are many activities, but it is the same God who empowers them all in everyone. 7 To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good. 8 For to one is given through the Spirit the utterance of wisdom, and to another the utterance of knowledge according to the same Spirit, 9 to another faith by the same Spirit…. 11 All these are empowered by one and the same Spirit, who apportions to each one individually as he wills. “Corinthians 12:4–9, 11. “It’s what you don’t see that matters most”, a solemn voice intones most mornings, as I listen to the local newscast. Although this is actually an advertisement for a local foundation company, I find that as I listen, it reminds me of an important spiritual concept: the importance of faith. At one time in my life, I didn’t have much faith. When I was younger, I prized my independence and self-sufficiency. I had lost my Father at a young age, and my Mother and I had never been close. After I finished College, I took pride in my ability to support myself and live on my own. Like so many young people, I felt invincible. But, after I encountered severe health crises involving 9 a multiple pregnancy, and later my husband’s health problems, I turned to prayer. To my surprise, I really felt that my prayers were being heard and answered. My faith began to grow. Today, even though my life, like all of yours, is by no means easy, it brings much joy as well as challenge. And, I couldn’t imagine getting through my day without prayer. My faith is the rock that I cling to. As Dennis continually urges us to do, I have tried to share my faith with others who do not have a church home. However, if you have tried to talk about God with a non-believer, you know what a challenge this truly is. A non-believer will put forward every possible argument as to why God doesn’t exist, why belief in God is illogical, that a just God would not have created an unfair world, and finish by stating that there is no “proof” of God, and that they will only believe if they have incontrovertible proof. Yet, as Jesus illustrated in the parable of the Rich man and the poor beggar Lazarus, if one does not believe when presented with credible testimony and prophecy, one will not believe even if presented with a risen body brought back to life! Indeed, we all know that story of doubting Thomas, but he did come to believe when he saw the risen Christ. As Jesus gently admonished him, “You have seen and believed, Thomas. Blessed are those who have not seen, and yet believe”. But as Paul reminds us in his letter to the Corinthians, faith is a gift. Some are given Faith as spiritual gift, seemingly effortlessly, but the rest of us have to develop it. We trudge through life, sometimes feeling like Sisyphus, the Greek mythological king of Corinth, forever pushing rocks uphill only to watch them roll back down again. But, if we turn to God through prayer, and feel his love and answering support, our faith will grow. And every time we call on The Lord, and feel his presence in our lives, our Faith gets stronger, step by step. Why is Faith so vital? If we truly believe, we will feel “ the assurance of things hoped for”. The certainty that there is a God, that he loves us, and that one day we will see him face to face. That one day, we will be re-united with those we dearly love and have lost. One day, we will no longer feel physical or emotional pain. One day, we will truly understand God’s plan for not only our individual lives, but for the whole universe. One day, we will be continually bathed in the Love of God and the peace that passes understanding. For as Paul said, “Faith is the evidence of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1). When the Holy Spirit enters our lives, we are no longer spiritually blind. And, I believe, it is what we don’t see that matters most. 10 Locust Leaves By Mary Kaye Baumann Ramen Noodle Slaw Several months ago we had some fellow “Edheads” (fans of Carl Edwards) from Tennessee drop by for a visit. Among the “goodies” they brought was a Ramen Noodle Salad. It was delicious! She gave me the recipe, which follows. Ramen Noodle Slaw 2 3-oz. pkgs. of chicken flavor Ramen noodles 1 16-oz package of coleslaw mix 1 cup toasted sliced almonds 1 cup toasted unsalted sunflower seed kernels 1 cup toasted pine nuts ½ bunch chopped green onions ½ cup sugar ¾ cup vegetable oil 1/3 cup red wine vinegar Before opening, crush Ramen noodles into small pieces. Open packages and set aside flavor packets. Place noodles in large mixing bowl. Add slaw, nuts and green onions. In a separate bowl, combine sugar, oil, vinegar, and contents of the flavor packets. Pour over slaw, mix and chill overnight. P.S. Over the years I have collected many cookbooks and cooking magazines, and I hate to throw them away so am offering them to anyone who wants them. They will be located at the church under the “FREE” sign. Please help yourself. Join us for 2nd Tuesday Lunch One of the pleasures of these monthly lunches is to see how Helen Brown decorates our tables. The other pleasures include good food, good fellowship and door prizes. Mark your calendars for noon on second Tuesdays. Poet’s Corner Old Dogs As we go thru our lives from day to day, We make friends, we make not friends, come what may. But there is one life form I wish to expound, Few things are as endearing as an old hound. Old dogs come in all shapes, patterns and sizes, On birthdays and holidays, they never ask what the prize is. On days that are hot, and days that are cold, An old dog’s tail wag beats a pot full of gold. They acquire the wisdom of Solomon, the patience of Job, Seeking only acceptance, and a scratch on the ear lobe. They know when we’re up, they know when we’re low, I can’t figure out how, these things they just know. They’re happy to greet us, ready to extend a paw, In our absence, they’re content to lay around in straw. We keep them in water, we keep them in food, They repay our kindness by improving our mood. What they could tell us, if only they could talk, They might even say something funny when out on a walk. Of the things I have seen, and things I have found, Few things are as endearing as an old hound. Earl Waddell One Path We come to this day and this place By separate garden paths. We come with shared dreams, In search of a shared life. Our two paths have become one, As we do with our wedding vows. We have come by separate paths, And are joined by hand and heart On the single path to our future. Gene Baumann Locust Leaves Please re-confirm dates and times of listed events. Check Worship bulletins for events not posted on this calendar. 11 Give us your events for our December calendar Midway Locust Grove United Methodist Church 2600 N. Locust Grove Church Rd. Columbia, MO 65202 Pastor: Rev. Dennis Harper Church phone: 573-445-4667 Parsonage phone: 573-446-9264 Pastor’s cell phone: 816-769-3705 Email: Email: Office: Kim Nielsen, Find the hidden cross in this issue. Visit our Web Site: Volume 28 Issue 11 November 2015 Our Mission Making Disciples of Jesus Christ Bring people to Jesus Christ By embracing our community with God’s love and grace. Connect people to Jesus Christ By encouraging people to grow in faith through prayer, fellowship, study, and worship. Serve people in the name of Jesus Christ Join us for lunch, 12:00 noon Tuesday, November 10. Bring a dish to share. By empowering ministries of compassion and outreach. Locust Leaves Editor: Gene Baumann 445-1998 Kitchen project nears finish line to goal For the last update before press time for Locust Leaves, the Kitchen/Fellowship Hall remodeling project had reached just nearly 93% of its funding goal with a total of $65,392 given. The deadline for raising the funds is November 30, with construction to begin January 4, 2016. Will your gift be the one to put us over the top? $65,392