Blue Beret March 2016


Blue Beret March 2016
President’s Corner
Dear Friends,
An Irishman by the name of
O’Malley proposed to his girlfriend on St. Patrick’s Day. Being
thrifty, he gave her a ring with a
synthetic diamond. The excited
young lass showed it to her father, a jeweler. He took one
look at it and saw that it wasn’t a real diamond. The young
lass, on learning that it wasn’t real, tearfully confronted her
future husband and protested vehemently about his cheapness. He smiled and said, “It was in honor of St. Patrick’s
Day! I gave you a shamrock!” Get it? “Sham” rock? That’s
OK. I had to explain the joke to Raisin, too. St. Patrick’s
Day is March 17. Legend has it that St. Patrick chased all
the snakes out of Ireland. Politically speaking, we could
use a man like that.
Located on several emerald green acres of the campus
of Texas A&M University in College Station, Texas, is a
house…a large, rambling one story house that is currently
home to over 40 special dogs, cats and a llama. It’s called
the Stevenson Companion Center. It is like an assisted living
facility for beloved pets whose owners, due to illness or
passing, can no longer care for them and have made financial
arrangements to have their pets cared for by the Center for
the rest of their pets’ lives. The pets are well cared for…
each has his own quarters and there are common areas for
play inside and outside. They receive the best medical care,
dietary food, grooming and lots of love. During weekdays,
there is a paid caretaking staff, at night and on weekends;
four A&M veterinary students, who reside in apartments
in the Center, share the responsibilities for the Center’s
residents. Our granddaughter, Lauren, is one of those lucky
four students. This is a great learning experience in compassionate care and will be invaluable when she becomes
Dr. Lauren Schwerdfeger, DVM. Almost all of the animals
get along quite well together and actually function like a
family. I said “almost all” because “Rusty” the llama prefers to stay outside and is somewhat standoffish…and then
there’s “Mikey”…a little Yorkshire terrier with a big attitude,
who hasn’t yet learned how much fun it is to be part of the
family. “Mikey” gets a lot of time outs, but because Raisin
and I have been owned by several yorkies over the years,
“Mikey” is one of my favorites…attitude and all.
I’m telling you all this for two reasons. First, I’m from
Texas. Texans like to brag. I like to brag about Texas. I like
BLUE BERET is the official publication of the Wally Byam
Caravan Club International, Inc. (WBCCI), Airstream Club
International. BLUE BERET welcomes contributions of
articles, photographs, news items and advertising. However,
their publication in the BLUE BERET does not constitute
endorsement. The opinions of the authors are their own and do
not necessarily reflect the opinion of either the BLUE BERET
or WBCCI. The products and claims of advertisers are their
own and, too, do not necessarily represent endorsement by
Blue Beret / February 2016
to brag about my granddaughter. Second, I hope this story
encourages folks to not be like “Mikey”. Sure, you can be a
solo RVer…don’t get involved... “go it alone”...and that would
be OK…but you could have so much more fun and add more
enjoyment to your life by joining a unit of WBCCI and by
taking an active part. I hope our Airstream friends worldwide
will join a WBCCI unit and experience the rewards of being
part of the family.
While I’m on the subject of taking an active part, I’m
pleased that many of our Rally committee chairpersons are
sharing their knowledge and expertise with other folks and
training them to be future committee chairpersons. I would
encourage all who hold a position of leadership to do the same.
Pass your knowledge along, so someone “new” doesn’t have
to “go it alone.”
After the IBT meeting in January in Rayne, Louisiana, Jan
and Richard Girard, WBCCI’s 1st VP, came home with us and
we spent 4 enjoyable days with them. I was able to share all
of my vast, awe inspiring presidential knowledge with Richard. (That took about a minute)…and the rest of the time we
spent socializing.
Socializing and conducting club business was the order
of the day at Rayne and all went well. Many thanks to the
members of the IBT, to Region 6, to the cooking team, to all
who had a part in a successful business meeting and great rally.
If you like great rallies, you’ll love the International Rally
in June near Lewisburg, West Virginia. Do you like bluegrass
music, rock & roll, country music, big band music, storytellers, great entertainment and great food, seminars and classes,
games and golf, interesting people to see, places to go, things
to do? Then follow the rainbow highways to the pot of gold,
the West Virginia State Fairgrounds and the 59th WBCCI
International Rally. Dry camping sites are still available on
grass and shamrocks green as the Emerald Isle. Raisin and I
hope that you enjoy St. Patrick’s Day. We will enjoy it with
green beer, corned beef and cabbage and thanks… to those
whose service made and makes this possible. Please help
our servicemen and women and donate to the veteran’s help
fund of your choice.
Keep your Irish Eyes smiling as you receive this Irish
blessing…."As you slide down the banister of life, may the
splinters never point the wrong way!"
Write, call, e-mail, chat...stay in touch...bcove89@gmail.
BLUE BERET (USPS 669-270; ISSN 0744-5601) is published
monthly except December and July. Periodical mail postage paid
at Jackson Center, OH and additional mailing offices. Canada
Publications Mail Agreement #41295545. Canada Post Returns:
7289 Torbram Road, Mississauga, ON L4T 1G8.
Notification of address change is the responsibility of the
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Address corrections, suggestions, stories, art, photos, advertising and paid mail subscriptions ($25/year, included
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Wally Byam
Caravan Club
International, Inc.
803 E. Pike Street
Jackson Center, OH 45334-0612
Phone 937-596-5211
FAX 937-596-5542
President................................. Jim Schwerdfeger
1st Vice President......................... Richard Girard
2nd Vice President.............................. Jim Cocke
3rd Vice President................................ Barry Bell
Recording Secretary.....................Euna Ridenour
Treasurer...................................... Richard Turner
Past President............................... Joe Perryman
Region 1............................................Ernie Bauer
Region 2...........................................Fred Schultz
Region 3.........................................Matt Hackney
Region 4.......................................... Gary Olinger
Region 5....................................Monte Barksdale
Region 6................................. Charles Bourgeois
Region 7.........................................Gail Harrower
Region 8..............................................Gary Rush
Region 9..........................................Andy Selking
Region 10........................................Bob Caldwell
Region 11........................................ Roger Pruter
Region 12...................................... Tom Smithson
Parliamentarian.............................. Joanne Miller
Blue Beret................................Cecelia Stansbury
Budget.................................................June Ryan
Caravan.............................................Chuck Kiple
Community Service.........................Janet Kendig
Constitution & Bylaws.........................Don Shafer
Electronic Communications............ Damon Beals
Ethics & Grievance................Barry Heckenswiler
Family & Youth..................................Linda Amme
Historian..........................................Joe Peplinski
International Relations..................Louise Humble
Legislative........................................Richard Jirus
Lifetime Membership............................ Barry Bell
Long Range Planning.......................... Jim Cocke
Marketing................................... Fred Richardson
Membership............................... Helen Bourgeois
National/Special Events..............Marque Mooney
Nominating.................................... Joe Perryman
Planning Guides/Merit Awards... Karin Kurkowski
Public Relations/Rally Promotions.. John Frerking
Technical.................................... Dave Schumann
Corporate Manager and
Blue Beret Managing Editor............ Lori Plummer
Blue Beret Editor.................................Deb Sailor
Membership Team......................... Megan Roche
Member Services ..........................Julie Rethman
Region 1...........................................J. Rick Cipot
Region 2.....................................Debbie Hammer
Region 3.......................................Joan Anderson
Region 4............................................Nancy Brett
Region 5........................................Patsy Marston
Region 6............................................ Sidra Spies
Region 7................................ Region 7 Members
Region 8........................................... Ann Barclay
Region 9............................................Grady Ferry
Region 10............................................Carol Ortiz
Region 11................................... Bob Lauderdale
Region 12.................................Robert Stansbury
What’s Inside...
Vol. 52
March 2016
Issue No. 3
President’s Corner.....................................2
Club News...................................................6
Welcome New Members.........................................................................................6
Leadership Down the Road...................................................................................11
Inspiration 101.......................................................................................................13
Airstream Parks Association.................................................................................15
HeadQuarters Notes..............................................................................................16
On the Road with Ramona....................................................................................18
Law Matters...........................................................................................................19
Historically Speaking............................................................................................21
Airstream Tech Help Group..................................................................................25
WBCCI Kids Page................................................................................................29
Helpful Ideas for All Airstreamers........................................................................30
In Memoriam.........................................................................................................46
International Rally....................................33
The Heart of WBCCI............................................................................................38
National Rallies.........................................40
Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta..................................................................................40
Pendleton Round-Up.............................................................................................40
Special Event Rallies...............................41
Storytelling Rally..................................................................................................41
Tall Ships/Region 7...............................................................................................41
Rededication Ceremony/Monument of Peace.......................................................42
Region News.............................................43
Airstream • 937-596-6111.........................47
From the Vice President........................................................................................47
MARCHing On.....................................................................................................48
Event Schedule.........................................50
on the cover...
Region 6 Rally, Picayune, Mississippi
- photo by Ferdara Broussard-Hubbard, #11100
“AIRSTREAM” is a registered trademark used under license.
Copy Deadline for the May issue is March 15.
Blue Beret / March 2016
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Blue Beret / March 2016
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Blue Beret / March 2016
5 What are the Basics?
The basics begin with supporting a
relationship between the Unit Treasurer
and the Unit Membership Chairman. It
is a symbiotic relationship because they
need one another.
The treasurer usually has the most
contact with all unit members. Talking
to members, providing the badges and
securing personal information for disbursement to fellow members is just
some of the basic duties of the Unit
Treasurer. If new members join online,
the membership chair usually knows
before the treasurer. A relationship between the treasurer and the membership
chair must exist.
Who is in contact with unit members
the most? Who contacts your unit members the most?
We not only want to recruit new
members, we must retain the life blood
of our Club, our present members.
The membership chair is not only
charged with recruiting new members
but also in taking care of the existing
members. More opportunities exist to
retain a friend than to recruit a new
friend. Our Airstreams sell themselves,
our members sell our Club. Who better to
promote membership than a Unit member
who has enjoyed their association with
our Club and can state “you’re not just
a number”.
The idea is
not to build tiers
but to build the
Folks, your Helen Bourgeois
Unit is where
it’s at! Your
family, your friends, your relationships
are in your units. Your unit is your neighborhood, on wheels.
In a few short months, my term as your
membership chair will be over and I’m
looking forward to getting back to basics.
Maybe I’ll be lucky enough to again be
elected as Unit Treasurer. I hope so!
See you all in Lewisburg, WV.
Blue Beret / March 2016
9 10
Blue Beret / March 2016
The past three years as an International
Vice President of the club have been a
learning process for Jan and me. We have
met members from all over the United
States and Canada and enjoyed hearing
their views about the direction the club
should head. One of my favorite things
to do at a rally is to host a round table
and listen to the members. To date, every
round table meeting has truly been a
learning experience.
If our paths have not crossed yet,
here is a little bit about the two of us.
I was born and raised in New York and
stationed in Arizona during my 4 years in
the US Air Force. After my military years
I was employed by IBM for 25 years and
retired from the State of Arizona after
15 years. I met Jan 33 years ago when
she was working at American Express in
Phoenix. We married a short time later.
Over the years we have had several dogs.
Unfortunately, at this time we are without
any travelling companions. I am sure
this will change in the near future. We
moved from Phoenix a year ago and now
call Dewey, Arizona our home. Dewey
is just outside Prescott at an elevation
of almost 5000 feet which gives us 4
seasons. It is a wonderful place to live
and when we are not traveling we enjoy
many different activities such
Jan & Richard Girard
as kayaking, hiking, bowling and golf.
It has truly been an honor to serve
the club and we look forward to the
coming year with much excitement.
There is a quote that is attributed to
Mark Twain that sums up our outlook
on life: “Twenty years from now you
will be more disappointed by the things
that you didn’t do than by the ones
you did do. So throw off the bowlines.
Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch
the trade winds in your sails. Explore.
Dream. Discover.”
Blue Beret / March 2016
Gulfport, MS
Blue Beret / March 2016
Dr. Harold Kingdon, WBCCI #14383
International Chaplain
I’m “proud as Punch”; prouder than
a peacock! Can you see the buttons
popping off my shirt? I just have to brag
a bit. The reason for my pride? Well,
right about the time you are reading this
my granddaughter will be celebrating
a birthday. It is her 5th one. And, the
reason I am so proud - are you ready for
this? - is because she is a sophomore in
college! Now, isn’t that something to
brag about?
Oh, incidentally, there is one other
minor little detail that I suppose I should
mention. Her birthday is February 29.
Yes, she is a leap-year baby, and this
year she gets to celebrate her real birth
date. So, when you do the math, she is
actually turning 20.
Did you notice my tongue in my
cheek? Of course, I am justly proud of
her, but not in the way I was attempting
to portray. I am simply setting the stage
to lead into a brief discussion on the
opposite of pride, which is humility.
Let’s begin with a couple of examples.
When President Ronald Reagan was in
the hospital, recovering from the attempt
on his life, an aide entered the room and
was alarmed to find him on his hands
and knees wiping up some water he had
In the February "Inspiration,"
the Hebrew characters were inadvertently reversed. We are sorry
for the mistake. This occurred in
the translation of the article to the
Blue Beret.
spilled from the sink. “Mr. President!”
the aide protested, “We have people for
this!” Reagan simply replied that he
didn’t want the nurses getting into trouble
because of water on the bathroom floor.
From the animal kingdom comes the
story about a crowd of people gathered
at a zoo mesmerized as a peacock slowly
spread his great tail and displayed its
colorful plumage. The majestic bird
stood erect and noble and strutted regally.
Just then a plain looking duck waddled
from the pond and passed between the
proud peacock and the admiring crowd.
Enraged, the peacock drove the duck
back to the water. The proud, beautiful
bird had become ugly with fierce anger.
The plain, humble duck was suddenly
much more appealing.
In 1953 a man arrived at the Chicago
railroad station to receive the Nobel
Peace Prize. As the cameras flashed and
city officials approached with hands outstretched to meet him, he thanked them
politely. Then he asked to be excused for
a minute. He walked through the crowd
to the side of an elderly woman struggling
with two large suitcases. He picked
them up, smiled, and escorted her to the
bus, helped her get on, and wished her
a safe journey. Then Albert Schweitzer
turned to the crowd and apologized for
keeping them waiting. It is reported that
one member of the reception committee
told a reporter, “That’s the first time I
ever saw a sermon walking.”
Humility is not something one can
brag about, because then it becomes
pride. I used to tell my students, “If you
ever come across my book, Humility and
How I Attained It, don’t read it.” (Of
course, there’s no such book.) Humility is measured by actions and attitude.
There is a place for proper pride, as in
a healthy self-respect that cares about
one’s personal appearance and hygiene,
or in the satisfaction of a job well done.
Improper pride is displayed in an inordinate opinion of one’s own importance
or superiority in order to impress others.
Moses and Jesus are both highly regarded for demonstrating true humility.
But, meekness is not the same as weakness. They both stood up for righteous
principles when the occasion required
it. All of our human drives, feelings,
and emotions are God-given, and each
one has its proper place and use. The
challenge is finding the right balance in
any given circumstance.
Spring Forward
March 13th
Blue Beret / March 2016
13 14
Blue Beret / March 2016
Project3_Layout 1 4/30/15 6:25 PM Page 1
Premier Parks for Airstream
Owners and WBCCI Members
Jersey Shore Haven
Land Yacht Harbor (Florida)
Minnesota Airstream Park
Mystic Springs Cove (Florida)
North Texas Airstream Community
Penn Wood Airstream Park
Tennessee Cumberland Plateau Campground (TCPC)
Texas Airstream Harbor, Inc (TAHI)
Top of Georgia Airstream Park
Virginia Highland Haven
Washington Land Yacht Harbor
Come Enjoy Our Natural Beauty & Hospitality!
What others are
saying about TAHI...
WBCCI # 4121...”We were just here for
a few days...What a wonderful place
with wonderful people to match”
WBCCI # 3172 ...”Great place to stay
and the most Gracious Folks you will
ever meet! love the place and the folks
fun fun fun”
WBCCI # 12557 ...”We spent a couple
of nights there on our way to CA. A
GREAT park and what a beautiful setting
on the lake shore!”
WBCCI # 7005...”Sure did enjoy our
week there...and y’alls hospitality!”
We love company…
and pets, too...
Blue Beret / March 2016
15 hqHeadQuarters Notes
Lori Plummer, Corporate Manager
Following is an easy reference for the WBCCI Dues Schedule.
Blue Beret / March 2016 Now You Can Travel In Luxury...
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Blue Beret / March 2016
17 by Ramona Creel
A Little Awning TLC
Goes a Long Way
by Ramona Creel
It’s that time of year again, when the don’t risk it - just put the dadgummed
elements behave in a particularly harsh thing away until things clear up - sure,
by Ramona
manner toward my Airstream’s awning
- it’s aCreel
pain in the rear (and something that
storms with high winds and lots of rain, homeowners don’t have to worry about)
limbs falling out of nearby trees, squir- - but everything else about full-timing
rels throwing acorns at me, leaves that is so much easier than having a house,
want to stain the canvas beyond repair you really shouldn’t grumble about this
and clog up the rolling mechanism. But one little chore!
I’ve figured out a few tricks to keep my
- during fall, make it a habit to regawning looking new and feeling good, ularly sweep the leaves, limbs, acorns
even with all of this abuse!
and other accumulated detritus off of
I’ve talked to a lot of newbie RVers your awning (if you deal with the drifts
who feel quite intimidated by their aw- while they are dry, you stand less chance
nings. Starting out, it can seem as though of finding a leaf-shaped stain on your
every time you touch the darned thing, fabric) - of course, the same goes for
you’re destined to break it. (Especially bird poo and pollen during spring and
the first time that spring-loaded mech- summer (Wink)
anism yanks the pull-strap right out of
- it also goes without saying that you
your hands!) But once you become com- should not let debris pile up around the
fortable with how many foot-pounds of awning’s opening/closing mechanism
pressure it takes to set up and then retract - it’s easy for the works to get clogged
your awning, you’re faced with a whole up when falling tree scraps get caught
new set of concerns regarding ongoing in those tiny little crevasses and wedged
cleaning, maintenance and care. Not to into small spots you can’t even see (but a
worry - just follow these 10 easy tips good sweep with the bristles of a broom
and your awning will continue to smile should get most of this out)
at you for years to come:
- if you happen to be in a situation
- make sure your awning is secured where your awning gets wet then freezes,
with a good “anchor strap” or tie-down at don’t panic - this shouldn’t permanently
all times - that means even when you’re damage anything, as long as you don’t
at home, and even if it doesn’t look like try to put it away while frozen - let the
it’s going to be windy that day (it’s better whole thing thaw and dry in the sun (if
to be safe than sorry)
it’s too cold for that, you’re RVing in the
- take a second to tip the far side wrong climate!) and then carefully and
of your awning one notch down - you slowly roll your awning away
never know when a freak storm may pop
- it’s best if you can let your awning
up out of a blue sky and dump gallons dry completely before rolling it up (othof precipitation on your unsuspecting erwise, you’re just asking for mildew
awning (and just that little bit of an angle streaks) - but if you’re ever forced to put
will keep the water from accumulating your awning away wet for travel, just be
and snapping your support struts)
sure to unroll it and let it dry thoroughly
- when the weather is really bad as soon as you can (and try hard not to put
(like hail or hurricane-force winds),
Blue Beret / March 2016 a wet awning away in close-to-freezing
temps, for obvious reasons!)
every couple of months when
you’re doing your RV maintenance,
double-check the mechanism on your
awning - do any lubricating or adjusting
while the problem is small (rather than
waiting until you’re ready to hit the road
and finding out at the last minute that
your awning won’t retract!)
- once a year, scrub off your awning
with a long-handled car-wash brush,
some water and a little Purex laundry
detergent - this is the only cleaner I’ve
found that does the trick (it’s mild enough
that it won’t fade or damage your canvas,
but also has a bit of bleach, so it really
gets out stains) - scrub it on, rinse well,
and let your awning dry in the sun (you’ll
be amazed at how it sparkles!)
- time, sun, rain, use and cleaning all
reduce the ability of your awning to keep
water out (it’s no fun to sit under a leaky
canvas when it’s raining, with droplets
dripping through on your head!) - so
after you’ve cleaned your awning well,
take a second to re-coat the fabric with a
good waterproofing spray (any brand that
says it’s safe for awnings, canvas or boat
fabric should be fine, but check with the
manufacturer if you’re not sure) - use a
couple of cans and give it a good dousing
(single THICK coat is fine) and you’ll
be high and dry for the next 12 months!
Law Matters
Richard Jirus
I want to start by reviewing two items.
The first is the recall issued by manufacturers of vehicles that may have a safety
problem with the Takata air bags. You
need your vehicle identification number. Go to the web site, www.safeRcar.
gov and review if your vehicle has a
recall. Then you will need to call your
dealer to arrange to get it corrected. The
second issue I want to review is the free
days at National Parks. The first is April
16-24, which is National Park week.
The next free days are August 25-28,
which is National Park Service Birthday
weekend. The last free day is Veteran’s
Day, November 11. Incidentally there
is a National Park just north of the rally
site called River Gorge National River.
Unfortunately the rally does not include
the free days.
There is an investigation ongoing to
prove the value of solar panel pavement.
Not only would the pavement prevent ice
and snow from forming, but could add
power to the national grid. Obviously
there are a lot of problems before this
becomes a reality.
The manual on uniform traffic control
devices turned 80 last November. This
is something you use anytime you are
on the road. It makes all traffic signs
uniform across the nation. I learned to
drive in 1950, and the stop signs were
all yellow. Now of course they are all
red. This code requires the red of a stop
light to be the top light, and the green to
be the bottom light. The code does not
stand still as new signage is now being
contemplated to give interstate drivers
the mileage to the next rest areas and
mileage to off ramp interchanges.
Washington Land Yacht Harbor
Always open for Airstreams to visit year-round!
Day trips to Mt. Rainier, Mt. St. Helens & Olympic NP
60 miles from Seattle & 80 miles from the ocean!
Great fishing in Puget Sound, local lakes & rivers
Nearby shopping – Wal-Mart, Costco & Cabela’s
Great Restaurants
162 sites with full hookups w/Free WiFi
Large club house seats 400 & Gatehouse seats 40,
a great rally site!
 Easy access from I-5, Exit 111 or 114
 Residential ownership opportunities on leased lots
Pets welcome, 40x80 fenced dog run
9101 Steilacoom Rd SE Olympia, WA 98513
Charter Member of Airstream Parks Association
Blue Beret / March 2016
19 Where WIll you go?
eWald carrIeS the mIdWeSt’S
largeSt aIrStream SelectIon!
6319 S. 108th Street
Franklin, WI 53132
Blue Beret / March 2016
Joe Peplinski WBCCI #6768, Chairman, Historical Committee
Airstream Plant Tour Guides
If you’ve ever been to Jackson Center, Ohio, home of both Airstream and
WBCCI, you’ve probably taken the
Airstream Plant Tour. If you’ve taken
the tour anytime in the last 24 years,
there is a very good chance your tour
guide was Don Ambos, however since
May 2013 Don has only worked “half
time”, alternating weeks with a “new”
tour guide Gary Byrd. Between them,
Don and Gary have over 106 years of
combined service at Airstream!
Don Ambos is 85 years old and hired
into Airstream on March 17, 1958. This
makes him the Airstream employee with
the longest current length of service at
over 57 years, although he won’t admit
it. He says giving the tours is a pleasure,
not a job. When Don joined Airstream,
his first job was installing furniture in
trailers, but by about 1960, he had moved
to the Service Department, where in 1960
or 1961, he personally worked on the
Airstream owned by Lowell Thomas,
the famous American traveler, writer,
and broadcaster. Don also personally
worked on Wally Byam’s gold trailer.
Don eventually became manager of
the Service Department, then the Coordinator who wrote up Service Orders. In
the mid 1970’s Don moved to the Parts
Department, where he worked until his
retirement at age 62 in the early 1990s.
After 3 months of retirement, Don was
called back to move the Wally Byam
Accessories Department to a new building. After that, he was asked if he would
like to lead the plant tours, because the
current tour guide Bob Buirley was ill.
Don said he would do so for 2 weeks until
a new tour guide could be found, but he
never stopped and has now been leading the tours for 24 years! Don doesn’t
remember when the tours started, but
it was sometime after the current plant
Gary Byrd (L) and Don Ambos (R)
opened in 1970. At first the tours were
offered only occasionally, but by the
1980’s they were offered daily.
During his time in the Parts Department, Don attended many Airstream
rallies around the country. It was his job
to select and pack the parts and Wally
Byam Accessories to be taken to the
rallies and to run the Airstream Store
at the rallies. Once, many years earlier,
Wally Byam personally asked Don if
he would like to go on an Airstream
caravan, but he declined because he did
not want to spend that much time away
from his family.
Don has owned 4 Airstreams over the
years, including a 1964 that he bought
from an insurance company after it was
rolled and later a 1973 Airstream that he
purchased partially gutted after General
Electric abandoned an attempt to convert
it to a hot water heating system. Don
rebuilt both Airstreams himself. Don and
his wife were WBCCI members from
1966 to 1980 having the membership
number of 16074. Don always promotes
membership in the Wally Byam Caravan
Club during his tours.
Gary Byrd, the newcomer to the Airstream Plant tours, hired into Airstream
in 1961 right out of high school. Gary
grew up and went to school in Jackson
Center. The President of the Jackson
Center School Board, Frank Judy, happened to also be the Personnel Manager
at Airstream. Frank suggested Gary apply
for a job at Airstream on a Friday and
Gary reported to work the next Monday.
Gary started working on the assembly
line, but within 3 months moved to a
new job in the Receiving Department.
When Frank Judy became the Plant
Manager in 1971, he moved Gary to run
the Purchasing Department, which he
continued on page 22
Blue Beret / March 2016
21 Request for
Old Caravanners
continued from page 21
did from 1971 to 1980. Gary then ran
the Receiving Department from 1980
to 1990, and finally Inventory Control
from 1990 to 2008 before retiring. At a
company Christmas Party a few years
later, when he heard that Don might like
to retire soon, Gary indicated he would
be interested in the tour guide job. He
soon received a call and started splitting
time with Don in May 2013.
Gary has never owned an Airstream.
He says he was too busy making sure
there were parts to build them to have
time for one of his own, but his wife’s uncle, Norman Gross, owned 4 Airstreams
over the years and was even President
of the Upstate New York WBCCI Unit
in the 1990’s.
Gary says he only met Wally Byam
once (Wally passed away in 1962) and
Wally was a whirlwind, still going a mile
a minute at that time.
Both Don and Gary call Airstream
a very family oriented company that
frequently does special things for its employees. They say it all began with Wally
Byam, who was a family man despite
never having children of his own, and
that atmosphere has continued to this day.
Don and Gary have personally known
each of the top Airstream executives in
Ohio including Andy Charles, Chuck
Manchester, Gerry LaTourneau, Larry
Huttle, Dicky Riegel, and Bob Wheeler
and even Wade Thompson of Thor. All
have been great family people.
Because of the family atmosphere
at Airstream, the number of employees
with 30, 40, or even 50 years of service
exceeds what would be seen in most other
companies. Long time Airstream owners
that have been to the Service Center and
on the tours many times over the years
are also called family.
Each time you take a tour with Don
or Gary leading, you are likely to learn
something new, and not just about the
latest Airstream trailer models. Don and
Gary both inject quite a bit of Airstream
history into their narration and are very
willing to answer questions. When they
hired in, all Airstream facilities were on
the south side of Pike Street - Produc-
Blue Beret / March 2016 tion, Service, and Parts, and had already
expanded from the single building purchased by Wally Byam in 1952.
Don and Gary speak positively of the
years under Beatrice Foods Corporation
ownership. It was Beatrice that built the
current production plant on the north side
of Pike Street where production of 1971
Airstreams began in May 1970. When
it opened, this plant was hailed as one
of the most modern trailer production
plants of its time, complete with a water
spray booth to check for leaks. It was
modeled after the Airstream plant in
Cerritos, California that had been built
2 years earlier. By July 1970, the new
plant was producing 110 Airstreams a
week, with perhaps another 65 per week
being produced in California.
Beatrice then built the current Service
Center building a year or two after the
new plant. Beatrice helped find Airstream
work building UPS trucks and “A-Van”
panel vans during the mid-1970s when
trailer sales tanked after the oil embargo.
Gary reports that Airstream effectively
stopped producing trailers for a few
months twice during the 1970s due to a
lack of orders. It was Beatrice that eventually closed the California plant in the
late 1970’s consolidating all Airstream
activities in Jackson Center, Ohio before
selling Airstream to Thor in 1980.
Don and Gary also both highly praise
Thor, the newly formed corporation
that purchased Airstream from Beatrice
Foods in 1980 and rescued it from possible closure. Thor restored Airstream
to profitability in less than 12 months.
During the 1980’s production levels
fluctuated from perhaps 30 to 75 trailers
a week, never reaching their early 1970’s
highs, but far exceeding their mid-late
1970’s lows.
In closing, the Airstream Plant Tours
are great. Seeing how many Airstream
parts are made and how Airstreams are
assembled is fascinating, but learning a
little about Airstream history along the
way makes it even more interesting and
something you look forward to each time
you visit Jackson Center.
This is a special request for old
Caravanner newspapers and The
Caravanner magazines, both of
which were published by Airstream,
Inc. Caravanner newspapers are typically 4, 8, or 12 pages in length and
were published from 1954 through at
least 1986 and possibly through 1988.
The number of issues published per
year varied greatly from 2 to 12, but
may have dropped to a single issue per
year in the 1980s. The Caravanner
was a 32 page plain paper magazine
published twice a year from 1989
through 1991.
These documents are a treasure
trove of historical information about
Airstream events and Airstream and
Argosy trailers and motorhomes.
Neither the WBCCI Archives nor my
personal archives have a complete set
of Caravanners. WBCCI has a hard
bound set of Caravanners from 1954
thru 1974, but no issues after 1974.
I have been able to put together an
incomplete personal set that does
allow me to do some research without
making a trip to Jackson Center. My
set includes a few issues from 1955
thru 1965, many issues from 1966 thru
1974, all issues from 1975 thru 1977,
and a few issues after 1977. Some day
I will likely donate my set to WBCCI
to help complete their archives, but
until then I would be interested in
obtaining additional issues from all
time frames to help complete both
collections. I am especially interested
in Caravanner issues from Vol. 24
No. 3 (Fall 1978) through the assumed
last issue in 1988, because most of
these issues are missing from both
collections. Both collections are also
missing The Caravanner issue Vol.
2 No. 2 from 1990 and both issues
from 1991.
If you have some of the missing
issues but do not wish to donate them,
a complete pdf scan would be greatly
appreciated, or I can scan them and
then return them to you if you do not
have access to an 11”x17” scanner.
Contact me at or
248-420-4512 if you have something
to contribute. Thank you in advance.
Blue Beret / March 2016
23 24
Blue Beret / March 2016
Dave Schumann #49, Chairman
Chuck Helwig #2868, Safety Officer
Phil Broomall #2654
Jim Cooper #1967
Charlie Burke #5631
Ray Putnam #7007
The Airstream Tech Help Group, a part of the WBCCI Technical Standing Committee, has been established to try and
provide assistance to the membership with technical RV problems. Examples of questions, modifications or upgrades that
might be of interest to members will be published in the Blue Beret. We will respond directly to you, in response to your
email describing a problem you are having. We hope you will find this new service of value in the care and feeding of your
RV. You may contact us as follows:
Refrigerator Problem on Gas
Problem: Hi Howard, I need your
help. I attended your seminars in Gillette
and found them very helpful. When we
left Gillette, we headed for Silverton,
Colorado for a week. My refrigerator
(in my 1988 Airstream) would not get
cold so I did as you suggested, I took out
the orifice and soaked it in alcohol for
30 minutes and then blew it out with my
air compressor. I had ice in the freezer
that night and ice in my radishes in the
refrigerator the next morning. After I got
home, I stored my rig for 3 weeks and
left again for New Mexico. This time
I could not get my refrigerator to light. On the road, I stopped and took out the
orifice and blew it out and the refrigerator then lit. The next 2 days only the
freezer would get cold and freeze ice. The refrigerator would not get below
58 degrees. (The outside temperature
never got above 80 degrees) It stayed
that way until we moved locations and
plugged into electricity and then everything worked fine. What should I do to get the refrigerator
to be cold again on propane? Answer: I assume if you clean the
jet again it will work fine. My guess is
you have some spiders or other bugs
living in your complete burner assembly. It is also possible that your combustion
chamber has some bug nests or excess
carbon. Remove the entire burner assembly and soak it. In addition, blow
out the gas feed line (after shutting off
the fridge input gas valve.) Finally, run
a brush through the combustion chamber
to make sure it is clean.
Results: Hi Howard I did all you
told me too and when I disconnected the
propane line, I got about a cup of oil out
of it. After cleaning the jet again, the
fridge worked fine on gas and electric.
Summary: Evidently, what had
clogged the jet was an oil film rather than
the carbon deposits that usually stop the
gas flow. Having oil in the propane tank
is not that unusual, especially when we
get our tanks filled at a small out of the
way station. It is similar to getting bad
gas or diesel. Periodically, it is a good
idea, to have the filling station purge the
propane tanks prior to filling them. The
procedure for getting oil out of the tank
is to shut off the tank, open the fridge
line and then turn on the gas for a few
seconds so it will push any oil out.
Black Holding
Tank Leak
Problem: I have not removed the
undercover metal skin from the black
holding tank but I suspect I might have
a slight leak since I see a drop or two
coming from the seam. After the tank is
empty and thoroughly cleansed, is there
a product that I might pour through the
toilet, which might seal up the leak (if
there is one). If not, I guess I will have
to remove the metal under covering. Appreciate any advice you might have. My
trailer is a 1999 28’ Classic Excella. Answer: None of my committee
members knows of anyway to fix a leaky
tank from the inside. Phil Broomall suggests that it might not be the tank leaking
but instead the boot holding the valve on
or one of the valve gaskets. This is the
most likely failure mode since the tank
is well protected from road hazards.
There are tank repair kits that can be
used from the outside which involve
the use of epoxy sealants. It seems that
you will have to remove metal to get at
the tank, in any case, and determine the
real source of the leak. After the repair
just install a removable cover for future
continued on page 26
Blue Beret / March 2016
25 continued from page 25
The Tech Help Group received this article from a fellow Airstreamer, Ray Putnam (and now a new committee member).
He wanted to share a recent experience he had with the tires on his Airstream and a tire upgrade that has worked for him
and may be an option for you.
A Tire Option
I was driving south on Interstate 5
towards Salem, OR, on my way to central
Oregon for a weekend campout. I was
going about 65 miles an hour with my 30’
Classic in tow. I heard a loud bang and
pulled over right away. The driver’s side
rear tire on the trailer had blown. The flap
on the tire hadn’t separated completely
from the tire and so there was a 3/4” thick
reinforced rubber flap about 3’ long that
had damaged the trailer. The flap took
out the belly wiring in the vicinity, took
off the ends of the black and grey water
valves and pushed the side of the trailer
out 1-1/2” in the vicinity of the damage.
I took the trailer to an RV Dealer in
Eugene, Oregon, and they estimated the
damage at $10,000. Yes, $10,000.
Three months later, they had completed the repair and I went to pick up the
trailer. Meanwhile I had been reading on
the Airstream Forum about this kind of
problem. I wasn’t the first Airstreamer to
experience this kind of event. I did a lot
of research about tires and found that the
Michelin LTX/85R 16E M/S2 tire when
fully inflated was 30.4” outside diameter.
The tire was narrow enough to fit inside
the wheel well and small enough around
to have adequate clearance. I had to go
to 16” wheels though because there isn’t
a tire that is rated LT that is 15”. LT tires
are what I have on the tow vehicle so in
my engineering mind I thought that is
what I should have on the towed vehicle
also. The wheels are available in steel
and aluminum. I know that there can
be issues with torqueing the lug nuts on
aluminum wheels and that someone, according to the manual, has to be diligent
over time in checking the torque with a
torque wrench to insure safe traveling.
I chose steel because with a steel lug,
steel wheel, and steel nut I didn’t have
the difference of expansion that I would
experience with the aluminum wheel.
The wheels are available coated to a
silver color that really goes well with
the Airstream exterior. They are also
available in a variety of patterns (spoke
wheels, mod wheels, etc.). I found out
that I needed zero offset wheels for my
Airstream trailer. Then it was simply
matching the bolt pattern (6 holes on
5.5” bolt centers) and buying the wheels
(16” x 6” mod wheel, 0 offset).
I bought the wheels independently
and tires from Les Schwab and had
them mounted at Les Schwab. I took a
few little steps to insure a better finished
for Airstream & Argosy
J.P.A. Drapes, Inc.
PHONE: (800) 813-7686
Finest Quality
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When inquiring for prices, include:
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VISA / MasterCard / Checks
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Proudly serving the Airstream and Argosy Community
Blue Beret / March 2016 product. I added stainless steel valve
stems from Les Schwab. I added solid
lug nuts from Les Schwab. (The old nuts
were a two-piece nut). I didn’t know at
the time about using nitrogen in tires so
they were filled with air. Later I found
out that nitrogen is less likely to migrate
through tire rubber than is oxygen, which
means that your tire pressures will remain
more stable over the long term. I also
found out that tires filled with nitrogen
rather than air also exhibit less pressure
change with temperature swings. The
tires were inflated to the tire manufacturer’s specification of 80 psi.
Interestingly enough, I had read in
the Airstream Forum that some who
had done this type of job experienced
“smoother” trailering. I didn’t tell my
wife about that. We took the new tires
and wheels to Sutton and had them put on
before we pulled out of the shop. About
a half hour out and on the way to the
coast for the scenery and camping before
we went home my wife commented “It
seems smoother!”
Well folks, our trailering has been
smoother ever since. We did 14,000
miles on those tires and wheels in 2014.
Blue Beret / March 2016
27 R
Experience The Airstream
Store at Lazydays.
The One Place to Find Products, Service, Training and
Airstream Swag To Celebrate Your Cherished RV Lifestyle.
Lazydays, America’s RV Destination, has partnered with the most well-known and thoroughly
tested RV trailer brand to create this exceptional Airstream experience. Staffed by factory trained
sales and service experts, The Airstream Store offers a great selection of models and floorplans,
parts, accessories and merchandise for all RV brands.
With decades as The RV Authority, Lazydays knows how to make the most of your RV experience.
Enjoy a driver’s confidence course, 48 state-of-the-art service bays backed by RVIA/RVDA certified
technicians, incredible selection from America’s top RV brands, plus an adjacent RV campground!
And Lazydays’ huge sales volume means great savings for you on your next purchase!
Blue Beret / March 2016
Learn more at 855-683-4345 or visit
3200 East Irvington Road • Tucson, AZ 85714 • I-10 Exit 264
Blue Beret / March 2016
29 Helpful Ideas For ALL Airstreamers
March 2016
Note: Day Light Savings time
begins Sunday, March 13 at
2:00 a.m. Remember to Spring
change your batteries in your
Smoke Alarms. Safety is a life
This is a busy month for holidays.
On Thursday, the 17th is St.
Patrick’s Day. Wear your green…
Don’t get pinched!
Easter Holiday
begin with Palm
Sunday, March
20, Good Friday, March 25, and
Easter Sunday is on the 27th.
Winter took its time to get to us, but it did so
finally and with a vengeance. Hope no one suffered
anything catastrophic. If so be aware we are all
pulling for you. Let’s hope it will be a short winter.
Be sure you have winterized your trailer so you are
ready to enjoy your Airstream when the weather
breaks into spring.
Exercise and weight loss…
If you are in the process of working on losing
weight, do take care not to overdo the exercise.
Also watch the diet. No cheating! Jump-start your
metabolism and binge-proof your day with a good
breakfast. It is especially important in helping to
aid in weight loss, keeping energy levels up and
blood sugar stabilized!
Also keep a written record of EVERYTHING you
eat. (If you bite it, WRITE it!) Eat yummy fruits
that are a good source of fiber. This lowers your
cholesterol, smooths out your blood glucose levels
and satisfies your sweet cravings. These fruits can
Blue Beret / March 2016 include strawberries, pears, raspberries, oranges,
figs, bananas, and of course, apples with their skin
Exercise with Help!
Another positive is to get your exercise. Work
out with a good friend or someone you love!
Studies show that working out with your
spouse/partner can help you stick it out. (Only 8%
who worked with a loved one quit, while half the
participants who worked out solo quit before
finishing their workout).
Sleep is Important
Get plenty of sleep because when you do
not get enough sleep it can cause inflammation
and insulin resistance. It can also raise blood
sugar and lead to higher hormone levels, which
can cause hunger and junk-food cravings.
707.207.6689 |
2400 Cordelia Rd
Fairfield, CA 94534
Blue Beret / March 2016
31 You have worked hard to get
this far down the road.
You deserve to get it right.
Some investment managers begin
by focusing on your finances. We
begin with a focus on your future.
We ask questions and listen
carefully to your answers. With
160 years of combined experience
we are able to offer insights and
thoughtful solutions. Then we
build a customized investment
portfolio that reflects your unique
requirements. For a conversation
about how our experience can
work for you please contact us.
Doug Hart
Penobscot Investment Management
Co., Inc.
WBCCI 3982
Vintage Airstream Group
Amateur Radio Group N1JBG
Blue Beret / March 2016
John Frerking, #3233
I am in Rayne, LA, for the Mid-Winter IBT Rally. Cool
days, cold nights, delicious gumbo and bread pudding are the
staples - along with oatmeal and ice cream with pecan praline topping for breakfast! Welcome to Cajun Country, ya’ll!
President Jim Schwerdfeger is presiding over the affair. Along
with his wife, Raisin, they make a wonderful team and they
invite you to the International Rally in Lewisburg this summer!
The Rally attendance figures are growing bigger every day
- 700+ rigs so far and we’re still five or so months away from
the event. It’s going to be great in the mountains, beautiful
lush and rolling hills and valleys and nestled among them is
the picturesque town of Lewisburg.
At the Rally you will find quilters and crafts of all kinds.
Vendors will be there to supply a lot of your trailer needs,
outstanding entertainment and a whole lot of friends to meet
up with again. Eileen and I look forward to it every year.
Morning devotions will be held and Sunday AM worship
brings everyone together in prayer and song.
I’ve been giving a broad overview of a lot of things to see
and do. Last month I featured the Greenbrier Hotel and tours
available in order to see this outstanding historical place, as
well as the cavernous underground bunker to house Washington’s political elite.
With this article, I will focus on a few more unique places
and things to do.
Antiquing for Treasures: Brimming with historic buildings, preserved landmarks and antique treasures, the Greenbrier Valley is a rich hunting ground for most any collector of
the past. Within a 25 mile radius, 15 shops and flea markets
overflow with primitives, collectibles, rare coins and notes,
one of a kind artifacts and just about any other form of memorabilia imaginable. This and That owner, Lee Bricker buys
“everything from A to Z, over 100,000 items”. Vicki Wilson,
proprietor of Brick House Antiques suggests staying in a central location like the General Lewis Inn for day-tripping. Just
three miles up from Interstate 64 on Route 289, 15 dealers fill
the roadside Country Store. The Very Thing is chock full of
the unexpected. The Brick House Antiques store was built
in 1815 as a residence, but now every room is filled with just
about anything of historical significance. Robert’s Antiques
is unique with items from across the globe, including pewter
and crystal. Alderson’s Store, Alderson, WV, has catered to
the community for the last 128 years. The store is stocked
with a little bit of everything - vintage souvenirs, glass, books,
postcards, etc.
This is just a sampling of the “nooks and crannies” you
will uncover in Greenbrier County.
By the way, if any of you desire handicapped camping
spots in Lewisburg, please PRE-REGISTER so that we know
you are coming and can make a place available for you. The
registration folks need to know in advance of your coming,
so please mark the “handicapped” spot on the registration
form and, of course, don’t forget your doctor approved state
handicapped tag!
Another suggestion: I hear that there is only one public
laundromat in Lewisburg proper, so you might keep that in
mind as you pack!
If you wish to read about the Lewisburg area, some listed
books are: The Battle of Lewisburg: A Civil War Conflict
by Nancy Richmond and Tammy Workman (from Barnes
and Noble $19.99); Loyal West Virginia From 1861-1865,
($34.75 from The Classics.US); Historic Inns of Southern
West Virginia by Ed Robinson ($7.99, published by Arcadia
Publishing); Preliminary and Final Report of the West Virginia
State ($10.97 from Barnes and Noble).
Discover the Past in the Present: The Lewisburg Historic
District places you near the junction of US Highways 60 and
219 in the center of town. Near here in 1751, Andrew Lewis
established a camp that became a frontier outpost. Later, he
mustered troops to fight the Shawnee at the Battle of Point
Pleasant. Most buildings in the district have been restored
to their eighteenth and nineteenth century appearance and
are now filled with cafes, restaurants and specialty shops. In
addition to the North House, landmarks include the General
Lewis Inn, the John Wesley Methodist Church and the Old
Stone Church (1796), purported to be the oldest church in the
contiguous US west of the Allegheny Mountains.
Covered Bridges: a short drive south and west of Lewisburg, the valley’s only two covered bridges are easy to find and
worth a picture…Hern’s Mill and Hoke’s Mill bridges, built
in 1884 and 1898, span the tributaries of the Greenbrier River.
Organ Cave: Perhaps you would like to stroll into one
of the coolest historic sites in the valley - Organ Cave - connected with prehistoric and Civil War history. The remains
of a prehistoric sloth were discovered in 1796…and by 1914
continued on page 35
Blue Beret / March 2016
Last Name_______________________ WBCCI No._______________
The International Rally Committees need volunteers. Early parking is
available for most persons who are accepted for service. Please mark
your preference (1,2,3) in the first column. Enter member's name in the
second column. The Committee Chairman will contact you later if selected.
Member's Name
Name of Committee
Bands, Concert & Stage
Building Security
Community Service
Grounds after Rally
Information/Lost & Found
Message Center
Traffic Control
First_____________________________ Age_____________________
City_______________________ State/Prov______Zip_____________
Submit a copy of your handicap placard issued by your
State or Province to:
WBCCI, PO Box 612, Jackson Center, OH 45334
or email copy to:
Name___________________________ Partner__________________
Club Store
City_______________________ State/Prov______Zip_____________
WBCCI #___________________ Phone_________________________
Mail to: WBCCI, PO Box 612, Jackson Center, OH 45334
Attention Golfers
2016 Golf Tournament
at International
Gerry Peltier, #7054, Chairman
Join us at the Lewisburg Elk's Golf Course
on June 29, 2016. Tee times 10 - 11 AM. This
is an 18-hole course. Fee is $40. This is an
excellent price since the Greenbrier Classic
Event is occurring at this time. There will be a
signup sheet at registration. We will need your
handicap at signup. We will have mulligans.
With every mulligan purchased will also be a
chance to win a new golf bag!
Blue Beret / March 2016 Will be Open at
Help Us to Hear!
If you have a small sound amplifier (P.A.
system), please consider bringing it to the
International Rally for gentle use in various
seminars and classes.
Please contact Julie at the corporate office at
937-596-5211 or email:
Unit Publications Contest
Myrtle W. Bell, Chairman
March Update
Changes have been made to the Unit
Publications Contest since the article
published in the February 2016 Blue
Beret. All entries must be submitted
on or before 3:00 pm Tuesday, June 28!
The Unit Publications categories
for judging now are: Unit Newsletters
- “Printed Color”, “Printed Black &
White” and “Digital” PDF format; Unit
Directories - “Bound”, “Loose Leaf”
and “Digital” PDF format.
The winners for each category will
receive a Rosette - Blue for 1st place and
Red for 2nd place. There will be a Best
of Show award of a Purple Rosette - one
for Directories and one for Newsletters.
Unit Yearbooks will be put on display!
Detailed information on the contest will
be sent to Unit Presidents or can be re-
quested by sending an e-mail to the chair
There will also be a Unit Publications
Seminar in Lewisburg. The Seminar will
give Unit Newsletter Editors and Unit
Directory Publishers an opportunity to
meet each other and share ideas. This
will be an excellent opportunity for
aspiring Editors and Publishers to learn
information about this important WBCCI
VOLUNTEER job! Sign-up for the Seminar will take place during Registration
hours. Signing up is necessary so that
the correct number of handouts will be
Please check your Rally Program for
the Unit Publications Display date/time
& for information about the Seminar.
Lewisburg, West Virginia - 2016
the cave had become a tourist attraction
and was outfitted with some of the first
electric lighting in the area.
To assist you on your tours, be sure to
pick up a Walking Tour Guide to Historic
Lewisburg and other maps and brochures
at the Greenbrier Valley Visitors Center.
Pet Services: Our dog, Luther, a cairn
terrier, travels with us everywhere. So
Please Share Your
Knowledge at the
“Technology Help Desk”
Carolyn Beardshear
Are you comfortable with the features/
functions of ANY of the following devices or software?
SmartPhones, Tablets, Laptops,
WordPress (blogging software), Browsers (Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, etc.),
Gmail, GPS devices.
If so, would you consider helping to
staff a “Technology Help Desk” for a
couple of hours during the Lewisburg
International Rally? We want to offer a
resource for members to ask questions
about their devices and software and
receive simple, clear answers.
If you have time and expertise that
you’d be willing to share, please respond
to the ECC ( Please use
the subject title “Help Desk.”
continued from page 33
if you have a pet that travels with you,
I know you will want information on
services available for your furry friends.
Here are a few leads on care: Seneca
Trail Animal Hospital 304-645-1700,
Greenbrier County Animal 304-6459080, Sandy Callison, DVM, 304-6677838, Greenbrier Veterinary Hospital
304-202-1959. Most of the vet clinics
offer boarding, but other boarding, pet
grooming and sitting services are available through Google or Yelp.
We are looking forward to seeing you
in Lewisburg, WV! To register, please
use the form printed in the Blue Beret.
Come along and have fun--Because We Can!
Blue Beret / March 2016
All mail for members attending the International Convention/Rally
should be addressed as follows:
Standard Mail
Name, WBCCI #_________
State Fair of West Virginia
P.O. Drawer 986
Lewisburg, WV 24901
FedEx or UPS Packages
WBCCI Property Room
Name, WBCCI #_________
State Fair of West Virginia
891 Maplewood Ave
Lewisburg, WV 24901
Quilting Experience
Carol White #3855, Chair
Quilters, plan to take part in the Quilting Experience in Lewisburg! There will
be four days during the International
Rally, plus at least a full week before
the Rally begins! You can work on your own projects
and learn new techniques from others. If you will give
a demo, let me know.
The quilting area will be in a locked room. You will
be able to leave your projects between other events.
If you want to make the Bali Pop Quilt, bring one
batik jelly roll + two yards of another batik for sashing.
If you wish to make charity quilts, bring your supplies.
Please let me know if you wish to participate in these
two projects. Contact me by email: gwhite@midwest.
net or call 618-319-0524.
Remember to bring your items for the Hobby Show,
“Want to Have Fun?”
Join Traffic Control, we need a few good
volunteers for the International Convention/
Rally. Contact:
Bill Crowson
355 Beech Hollow Rd.
Killen, AL 35645
Ph. 256-710-4143
Club Store
Hotel in Lewisburg
Quality Inn
540 N. Jefferson St., Lewisburg, WV 24901
Ph. 304-645-7722
1 king bed, no smoking, $90/night
2 queen beds, no smoking, $95/night
Identify yourself as Airstream when making
reservations to receive these rates.
Blue Beret / March 2016 Volunteers Needed to Help Staff
the Store During the Rally
Contact: John Green #4432
Text/Ph. 309-657-3102
Blue Beret / March 2016
37 The Heart of WBCCI
Marion Pember, Chairman, WBCCI Caravan Promotions
If you look up the word “heart” in the dictionary, you will find many definitions of the word. What I liked for my use
with this article was the definition that said: “the essential or most vital part of something.” With the title I have given
this article, it appears I need to say something about what I believe to be the heart of WBCCI. What is the essential or
most vital part of WBCCI? For me it is a simple answer, and one that I have mentioned before. The heart of WBCCI is
caravanning. The words “Caravan Club” are even included in our name.
You may want to disagree with me and that is okay, I can handle it. You may say that the heart of WBCCI is our membership. You may say the heart of WBCCI is our officers. I would agree that members and officers are very important.
But, if we didn’t have caravans, what would be their purpose? I see members and officers as what keeps the heart beating.
This heartbeat is caravans. From unit to regional to national, all are important. I also think it is the first level of caravans (unit) that feeds every other level. Not everyone can go on a regional or national caravan, and very honestly, not
everyone wants to do that. I do believe that at the unit level everyone can go on a caravan. To me unit caravans are the
most important activity - the heart - that makes WBCCI what it is. With that in mind, the rest of this will be an example
of what keeps the heart beating. The following article and pictures were provided by Darrell Ostyn, #5478, Idaho Unit
Caravan Chairman. PLEASE NOTE there were people from other units on the caravan. Send me information on your
unit caravan and I will post it under SHORT CARAVANS on the WBCCI website. You too could pick up some additional
caravanners! Share the adventure.
The Columbia River
Gorge, touted as one of
the most beautiful areas of
North America, is about
seventy-eight miles long
and can be driven in ninety
minutes if you take the freeway. However, to see and
experience this magnificent
and unique area, you must
sample it -more like tasting
a fine wine.
A vista from The Old Historic Columbia River Highway
Jerry and Linda Settle
arranged a two week caravan The Co- Arriving at Crown Point and the Vista
lumbia River Gorge-Portland Caravan House, which are the highest points along
U-416, in September and early October the route, one can view jaw dropping,
2015 to make the journey. We had the picturesque landscapes that are truly
opportunity to experience some outstand- unforgettable. One of the largest rivers
ing and breathtaking vistas from The in North America, the Columbia River
Old Historic Columbia River Highway. stretches out for miles below. Shouldered
The highway, built in 1913 and designed by green, moss covered cliffs; it is a
after the best European roadways, is an photographic opportunity one cannot
engineering marvel. Stone guard rails resist. Long since bypassed for the much
and arched bridges festoon the highway faster commerce moving freeway, the old
that coils around the seven-hundred foot highway was constructed through the
high gorge like a rattlesnake. It curves Columbia River Gorge for one primary
and bends as it passes plunging water- purpose, to take advantage of World
falls, some of the highest in the country. Class views!
Blue Beret / March 2016 Another activity included in the itinerary was a two
hour cruise up the river on
the Columbia Gorge Sternwheeler out of Cascade
Locks, Oregon. Giant
paddles churned the water
as they pushed the historic
ferry up the great river.
The Bridge of the Gods and
several old Indian fishing
platforms along the banks
came into view. The Captain
informed us, ‘Those rickety scaffolds
have supplied the native people with
salmon for centuries.’ We questioned
what Lewis and Clark must have thought
as they bravely explored their way down
this same river. What a paradise! It’s no
wonder the people on the wagon trains
years later, were so willing to sacrifice
so much to get here.
Other interesting activities of this
well planned caravan included a trip on
a Dome Liner train through the Bartlett
pear country that ended in Parkdale,
Oregon near Mount Hood. Some of the
caravaners opted to buy those delicious
Jerry & Linda Settle, caravan leaders, in the
dome liner
The Caravan Group
Charlie Burke giving seminar on Zip Dee
Waiting to board the Portland Spirit
red pears, others walked down to a quaint
old store where they bought three scoops
of Blue Bunny ice cream on a waffle
cone. That was tasty. However, the dinner
cruise up the Willamettte River aboard
the Portland Spirit and the ride on the
Max Light Rail into historic downtown
Portland was just as much fun!
‘Yo Yo’ time, meaning you’re on your
own time, was provided so that we could
pursue our individual interests. One
enterprising couple took a poll of the
members and scheduled an impromptu
evening dinner for a large group at the
iconic and historic Columbia Gorge Hotel. The hotel manager was interested in
our caravan and set up a private room with
white, cloth-covered tables overlooking
a spectacular view of the sun setting on
the river. After we enjoyed our gourmet
dinner, he described the importance of
the grand mission style hotel and how it
offered a luxurious destination for early
travelers. What a delightful unscheduled
Our group consisted of fourteen units
totaling twenty-eight Airstreamers, ten
from the California units, two from West
Virginia, and the rest from our Idaho
unit. One couple from our Idaho Unit
had sold their Airstream motorhome, but
were able to participate in the caravan by
staying at nearby motels. Work demands
allowed another couple to enjoy only the
first week but that was enough to whet
their appetite for more.
We started as strangers from varying
parts of our great country. By sharing
time and experiences with one another,
we came together as an AIRSTREAM
family. Charlie Burke gave a seminar
on caring for the Zip Dee awnings. Earl
Brace led hikes to beautiful, back-country
waterfalls. Bill and Joyce Werner handed
out fresh bags of peanuts they brought
from Virginia. Donna Westermann took
over as our historian and created DVD’s
for us to keep and remember all the fun
we shared.
Airstream caravans are as much
about people as they are about places
and activities. Some of us were teachers,
engineers, bankers, builders and retired
military, and when we left, we were all
truly AIRSTREAMERS. Caravans are a
great way to build lasting friendships as
well as going to new and exciting places.
The question that was frequently asked,
‘When is the next Idaho Unit Caravan!’
Is your unit or region planning a short caravan?
Would you be willing to open it up for others outside your unit/region
to attend?
We are constantly asked about the availability of short caravans. The
WBCCI website even has a section with information on available short
caravans. We will help publicize your short caravan, numbered or unnumbered. The only requirement is for it to be authorized by your unit/region.
Send information, including when, where, and a contact person’s name
with phone, and/or email address to Marion Pember,,
phone 913-268-5938.
It will be posted on the WBCCI website.
Blue Beret / March 2016
39 Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta
National Rally
Pendleton Round-Up
National Rally
Albuquerque, New Mexico
September 30 - October 4, 2016
Pendleton, Oregon
September 12 - 18, 2016
Kenneth Johansen
Teresa Taylor
It’s an incredible opportunity to experience the Old West
from both Native American and cowboy viewpoints. Pendleton,
Oregon was voted the number one western town in 2010 and
its Round-Up is one of the top ten Rodeos in North America.
Your rally includes a visit to the world famous Pendleton
Woolen Mills; the Native American Village where you can
shop for one-of-a-kind jewelry and art; attend the Native
American tribal dance competition; enjoy the main street show
with music and dancing; marvel at the horse and oxen drawn
wagons at the Round-Up Parade; attend the 100th Anniversary Happy Canyon Pageant and of course, be amazed at the
famous “Let'er Buck” Rodeo. Our long standing relationship
with the City of Pendleton and the Round-Up provides us with
exclusive camping in the beautiful Community Park. This park
is a great place to relax under the old Oak trees.
The Albuquerque International
Balloon Fiesta got its start in 1972
when 13 balloons launched from a
local shopping center. It has grown
into the world’s premier ballooning
In 2015, 950,000 spectators
attended Balloon Fiesta, the most
photographed event in the world.
Over 550 balloon pilots representing
18 countries came to experience the famous Albuquerque
Box, cool morning temperatures and the geography of the Rio
Grande Valley cause lower winds to blow south and higher
winds to blow north. By adjusting altitude, skillful pilots can
make several passes and return to the launch field to land.
During the Mass Ascension, hundreds of balloons, including
100 special shapes, filled the clear, early morning skies.
On Saturday afternoon, people gather to watch preparations
for the America’s Challenge, a distance race for gas balloons.
Gas balloons can stay aloft for two to three days. The winning
team flew 2,300 miles to land in Ontario, Canada, more than
60 hours later.
The best way to experience Balloon Fiesta is, without a
doubt, by attending the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta National
Rally. For 2016, we have again secured 150 premium dry
camping sites. Attendees can be on the launch field in minutes after getting out of bed and can walk up right next to the
balloons as they launch. Alternatively, they can sit in lawn
chairs by their trailers and wait for the balloons to drift by
overhead. Please email
to register. The rally fee includes four nights of camping (no
hook ups) and admission to all Balloon Fiesta events. The 2016
rally runs from Friday, September 30 to Tuesday, October 4.
Reserve your spot right away; the event fills up quickly, see for more information.
Meet us at the Round-up and help celebrate
51 years of Let'er Buck!
Full Rally: $231.00 per couple
$143.00 single
6 nights camping, no electric, water hook up, 1 pump out
3 Breakfasts and 4 dinners
Catered Western Breakfast at Roosters Restaurant with Rodeo
Court and Happy Canyon Princesses
Tickets for Wednesday Rodeo, upgraded seating
Tickets for Happy Canyon, upgraded seating
Weekend Rally: (Thursday-Sunday)
$98.00 single
$167.00 per couple
3 nights of camping, no electric, water hook-up
1 Breakfast and 2 dinners
Tickets for Happy Canyon, upgraded seating
Saturday Rodeo Final upgraded seating
Add any Optional Tickets to your package,
limited quantities:
Professional Bull Riding Tickets for Tuesday
Friday Rodeo upgrade seating
Saturday Rodeo upgrade seating (finals)
Any questions? Teresa Taylor 503-440-1121 or
Blue Beret / March 2016 $35.00 ea
$35.00 ea
$35.00 ea
Special Event Rally
Tall Ships
Special Event/Region 7 Rally
October 5 - 9, 2016
Duluth, Minnesota
August 17 - 22, 2016
Harry & Teresa Herrmann
Linda Agre
We hope that your travel
plans will bring you to East TN
in October for the 44th International Storytelling Festival
that takes place in Tennessee’s
oldest town, Jonesborough.
Considered the premier storytelling event in America, the
Jonesborough National Storytelling Festival is the flagship
for a national movement that celebrates the rich history of
American storytelling and those who share their stories. It is
the largest and oldest event of its kind in America and attracts
an audience of nearly 11,000 from all over the United States
and several foreign countries. From inside large circus type
tents, some of the world’s most gifted and wonderful storytellers
paint experiences and tales with words and music that bring
this art to life. As many of our past attendees have said “It
is something you have to experience, you cannot adequately
describe it”.
The Smithsonian said, “From all over America, people come
to Jonesborough just to hear stories. Some stories seem to be
made out of whole cloth. Others are like the Tennessee quilts
on sale in Jonesborough’s many craft shops. They weave
together past, present, fact and fiction in a tight design both
dazzling and unforgettable”.
This year we are offering only parking, which allows you
to come in your Airstream and enjoy this great event without
having to worry about a good spot to park. We hope you will
take advantage of early parking, which allows you to come
early and enjoy the many sites this area has to offer. Also,
most of our folks like to come early to attend the Donald Davis performance on Wednesday evening, October 5. Donald
Davis is a favorite of most all storyteller followers.
Everyone is responsible for ordering his or her tickets to the
festival. There is a small discount if you order before March
15 and be sure and tell them if you are a senior. You can call
800-952-8392 or go online to
See coupon section for registration form.
The Tall Ships are coming to Duluth, MN and Region 7
will again be going aboard. A Special Event/Region 7 Rally
is being planned for August 17-22, 2016 with new events
and tours.
This event will feature something for everyone who loves
to travel including a trip on the Scenic Railroad for the day
to Two Harbors, and of course the parade of the Tall Ships
aboard the Vista Cruise Line. The bustling Duluth Waterfront
will also have a full complement of vendors, artisans, music,
reenactments, and entertainment.
So mark your calendar and watch for further updates. This
is an event you do not want to miss.
Blue Beret / March 2016
41 Rededication Ceremony/Monument of Peace
International Peace Garden
Special Event Rally
July 21 – 25, 2016
Gail Harrower
Come and take part in a WBCCI Historic Event - the
Presentation and Celebration of the Monument of Peace to
the International Peace Garden. You will meet, in person,
the artist, to whom we all owe a great deal of gratitude - Mr.
Arthur Norby.
Arthur Norby’s career has spanned over 36 years and has
been varied and intense. His first sculptures were created in
1979, with his first collection of bronzes being created in 1980
and 1981. He has created over 600 sculptures in a variety of
subjects, including more than 15 large scale/public bronzes.
His first monumental public sculptures were created for Trenton, New Jersey in 1991 and Windom, Minnesota in 1993. In
1996, he was chosen through a national call for proposals to
design the Minnesota Korean War Veterans Memorial which
was dedicated in September of 1998.
From 1996 through 2007, he resided in Arizona, operated
The Norby Gallery and was commissioned to create six heroic public bronzes, as well as two sculpture gardens which
encompassed eight life-size bronzes, seven life-size portrait
busts and numerous other commissions. Throughout his career,
he has attended workshops and taught studio techniques, as
well as having taken part in school residencies at several grade
levels. In 2007, he retired from gallery activities to concentrate
more intensively on his own artwork. He has spent the last 18
months on the Monument of Peace.
Since 1981
Fowler Interiors
PO Box 91
Symsonia, KY 42082
(270) 851-3257
Blue Beret / March 2016 At the International Peace Gardens, the Interpretive Center
was opened in September 2010 and has a restaurant, retail store
and moderate horticulture library. It also is the home to the
3,000 sq. foot conservatory that reveals 40 years of a 6,000
specimen collection of succulents and cacti. The collection was
donated by Don Vitko of Minot, ND and is the first of its kind
in North Dakota and only second in Manitoba. In the foyer
of the Interpretive Center is located the Monument of Peace
which will be there until the pond area has been upgraded.
Rally Fee, payable in U.S. Funds, will be $40.00 for parking;
$130.00 for each adult; $50.00 for each child (8 years old and
under). There are a limited number of campsites with electric
available to those who medically require it at an extra cost of
$40.00. Your rally fee includes: four (4) nights of parking;
daisy-chain water; Thursday night Welcome dinner; Friday
lunch at the Sky Dancer Casino in Belcourt, ND; Saturday
Dinner by the Peace Garden caterers; International Music
Camp’s Performances; Tours in Boissevain, MB; Rededication
Ceremony; Reception following the Ceremony; catered Dinner on Sunday Night; and Safe Travels breakfast on Monday
morning. See coupon in the back of the Blue Beret. Register
online at
In the April issue of the Blue Beret will be more details on
the rally events. For more information, contact Gail Harrower
at or call 204-781-1987.
St. Patrick's
J. Rick Cipot, Contributing Editor
As Region One members gather their thoughts and dream of
getting back on the road to rally and caravan with old friends
and new, I remind you all that in New England, March is mud
month. But then we all know that. Of course there is the “Ides
of March” where everyone is looking over their shoulder
from dawn till sunset. I really don’t think we need to worry
too much unless you are walking around town in your toga.
But March does have a few things to offer us.
Everyone knows that St. Patrick’s Day is the 17th of the
month and yes we drink green beer, eat green mashed potatoes
and green eggs with ham. But did you know that Girl Scout
Day recognizes and celebrates the Girls Scouts of the USA.
On March 12, 1912 Juliette Gordon Low started the first Girl
Scout group in Savannah, Georgia with 18 girls. The Girls
Scouts became a national organization and was chartered
by the U.S. Congress on March 16, 1950. Today, there are
millions of girls involved with Girl Scouts.
March 3rd is National Anthem Day celebrating the Star
Spangled Banner. It was written by Francis Scott Key. National
Anthem Day celebrates this song, and the rich history behind
its creation. The song officially became our national anthem on
March 3, 1931. Many people think the Star Spangled Banner
was written during the Revolutionary War. It was actually
written during the War of 1812.
If you do your research, you will also learn that the 4th is
National Walk to Work Day, the 6th is National Frozen Food
Day, thank you Mr. Birdseye. Yes there was a Mr. Birdseye.
For us New Englanders March 11th is Johnny Appleseed Day.
March 27th is National “Joe” Day... thank you Joe.
And so it goes as we all try to shake off the end of winter
cobwebs and focus on what is truly worth celebrating. Getting
on the road. For Region One there is a packed schedule of
wonderful rallies and events across our region to enjoy. Of
course there is the excitement of the International Rally being
so close for the first time in recent memory. Hello West Virginia,
here we come. As predicted, it is sold out. There is a lesson
here to be learned. Hold the event on the east coast once in
a while! In addition, we have our own Region One Rally up
North this year hosted by the Quebec Canada Unit. They have
a wonder schedule of activities, so if you have not yet sent
in your registration, please do so soon. A gentle reminder to
everyone in Region One: you have an open invitation from
each of our units to join in on their fun. Sign up for something
different and make new friends while having lots of fun too.
As always, keep the shiny side up and I look forward to
seeing you on the road.
Debbie Hammer, Contributing Editor
Seventy plus rigs made it to the IBT winter meeting in Rayne
LA. Some of these rigs were from Region 2, but every region
was represented. Many meetings took place but between the
meetings and the planned activities, there was time to enjoy
the local Cajun food and visit with friends.
The credo of the WBCCI is “fun, fellowship and adventure” sometimes revisited as “food, friends and fun”. This was
obvious one night as a group of friends had dinner at a local
Cajun diner/bar. Seated at the same table were Airstreamers
from New York, Texas, Georgia, Manitoba, North Carolina,
Michigan and Minnesota. This is what it’s all about!
Watch the Region 2 website and Facebook pages for upcoming opportunities to visit with old friends and make new ones.
Joan Anderson, Contributing Editor
Spring has sprung and so have Airstreamers – off to places
known and unknown to meet friends old and new.
Many of these Airstreamers are travelling with their best
travel buddies – their pets. Whichever type of pet a camper
chooses (dog, cat, snake, bird, fish or other), travelling with a
pet is a lifestyle choice that includes pet specific food, leashes
and collars, walkies and pet friendly campgrounds and rallies.
Here is what Region 3 Airstreamers think is the best part
of traveling with their pets:
Ken Dorn (Carolinas Unit) has a dog named Wynkie –
“Wynkie is a rescue dog about 9 years old. She has only one
eye. So I say as we travel Wynkie keeps an eye out for me.
She is dyed blue and has blue nails. She’s a very well liked
pet by everyone and loves attention. She loves to travel.”
Lew Brodsky (NorVA) has a dog named Paisley – “Companionship”.
Jack and Sherry White (Big Bend Florida) have an American
short haired cat named Dickens (19 years old) – “Someone to
greet you with excitement when you are so far from home.”
Jan Werner (Florida Treasure Coast) has a poodle named
Gracey – “As a single person she keeps me company and gets
me out of the RV and talking to people.”
A “can’t miss” pet friendly event will be the Region 3
Rally to be held at Meadow Event Park, Doswell, VA from
April 27-May 1. Sites will be available for 30 and 50 amp
electric (extra charge for 50 amp); all have water and most
will have sewer.
Nancy Brett, Contributing Editor
Greetings from Region 4!
The Mahoning Valley Ohio Unit would like to extend an
invitation to all WBCCI units to join us in the May Habitat
Rally which will occur after the Region 4 Rally in Coldwater.
In a “Habitat Rally,” the participants camp in a nearby location
and work together during the week to help build a new house
for a qualified family. In addition to work on the job site, there
are opportunities for less physically active Habitat activities.
For more information about this interesting and rewarding
experience, please call Rick Richardson at 440-812-6490.
Space is limited to 12-16 workers.
Blue Beret / March 2016
43 The 40th annual Region 4 Rally “Follow the Ruby Brick
Road” will be held at the Branch County Fairgrounds, in
Coldwater, MI May 11-16, 2016. On the schedule this year
is attendance at the opening night of “Bye, Bye, Birdie”
at Tibbits Opera House! The catered meals will include a
Thanksgiving Dinner and a dessert buffet. The fairgrounds
are paved and a great place to ride your bikes and don’t forget
to bring items for the yard sale and the hobby show. Please
make your reservation - or contact - - for more information.
State Fair Campgrounds in Lewisburg, WV is the location
for The 59th International Convention/Rally - and is close
to all of us. The rally will be held June 28-July 5, 2016 and
we hope to see many of our Region 4 Units there! For more
information and registration -
Save the Date:
August 3-7, 2016 - Michigan State Rally, Susan Stigleman
September 10-24, 2016 - The 2016 Ores, Shores, Waters,
and Lights – East National Caravan, Chip & Lori DeLeeuw,
Metro Detroit -
September 24-October 2, 2016 - The 54th Annual Swiss
Festival National Rally,
Safe travels - See you down the road!
Patsy Marston, Contributing Editor
March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb. After
a Midwestern winter, we have seen enough lions and are ready
for those lambs. I know many of you are dusting off those
calendars and the events listed on your phone schedules to
make plans for another season of Airstream camping. Our units
are busy making plans for rallies for us to enjoy and the best
part of owning an Airstream is WBCCI and taking part in the
many activities available for us. Your plans should include the
Region 5 Rally to be held in Madison, Indiana from September
14-18. Madison is a jewel of a river town. One of those that
are wonderful to explore and to admire, are the beautiful 19th
century homes. Its unusual architectural character has earned
it recognition as a National Historic Landmark District by the
National Parks Service. Our campsites at the Jefferson County
Fairgrounds are level with easy parking. I’m sure in-coming
president Artie Martin and his staff are busy planning a fun
time for all attending. After the International in Lewisburg,
WV, the Indiana Unit has planned a caravan to Frankenmuth,
Michigan from July 20-24, and the Central Indiana Unit is
having a “hop-on hop-off” caravan through the Limestone
country of Southern Indiana. Those dates are October 7-16.
You can enjoy the entire caravan or just parts of it as your
schedules permit. Check out the unit activities listed in this
issue on the event schedule pages. Lots of tempting things.
The best thing about owning an Airstream is WBCCI. To
really enjoy your Airstream, participate in all the rallies and
caravans that you can. Airstreams are made to travel, so we
should keep them rolling.
Blue Beret / March 2016 Point to Ponder: A little toast for St. Patrick’s Day - May
those that love us: love us - And those that don’t love us, May
God turn their hearts - and if He can’t turn their hearts, may
He turn their ankles - So we will know them by their limp.
Sidra Spies, Contributing Editor
Region 6 First Lady Helen Bourgeois will again be acting as
Chair for the Common Cents. She urges each unit to continue
their good work with collections. Please send your check for
your unit to her in May so she can take it to International.
Winter weather finally made it into the Region 6 area. As I
write this, we made it through a major storm last night in NW
Florida. We had winds at 70 mph, with heavy rain and even
hail. Kind of different to watch it bounce off the surface of
our pool. Watching the storm blow through was like looking
at one of our hurricanes. We made it through OK. Tonight on
Friday, January 22, it will be 28° F.
Make your plans, mark your calendars now to attend the
following Region 6 and WBCCI events and activities:
See the Blue Beret Event Schedule for details for registering. This includes activities for ALL Regions and National
rallies, etc.
Cajun Country Caravan, led by Larry & Judy Boudreaux,
is again a sellout. This is a well-respected caravan that tours
the Cajun area of Louisiana, touring many sites and homes.
This year will be March 8-23.
The Annual Florida State Rally will be held in The Keys.
Dates are April 6-11. See the February Blue Beret for details.
Make your plans to attend the 2016 International Rally in
Lewisburg, West Virginia from June 28-July 4. A registration
form and rally information can be found in the Blue Beret
The Arkansas Razorback Caravan will be from Thursday,
May 12-Sunday, May 22, 2016; that’s 10 nights. We will start
in Fort Smith, move to Rogers, then to Eureka Springs. If
interested, please email: Paul Moore at paullrarusa@yahoo.
com, or check out our unit website: http://arkansasrazorback.
Gair Harrower, Contributing Editor
What a great Mid-Winter IBT was held in Rayne, Louisiana. The meetings were very productive; the hospitality was
superb; and Region 6 and their cooking team fed us great
food. Thanks Region 6 for a wonderful time in Louisiana!
The Monument of Peace committee gave an update on the
project at the Region Officers meeting (that is open to everyone)
and reported that they have raised just over $63,000 and that
there was another $8,000 required to complete the project and
funds required for the reception after the Presentation. That’s
when the wheels fell off the train – after a period of discussion,
one fine gentleman congratulated the committee on raising that
amount of money and stated he would be contributing $5,000
to the project. It wasn’t two minutes later when another fine
gentleman matched the $5,000 donation. THANK YOU to
everyone for your contributions and now, let the celebration
begin! Keep those contributions coming - a fund has been
set up to maintain the monument.
Don’t miss this one - You are all invited to come and join
us in the celebration of 200 years of Peace between two great
countries, Canada and the United States of America at the
Special Event Rally hosted by Region 7 and the North Dakota
Peace Garden Unit from July 21-25, 2016 with the presentation of the Monument of Peace to the International Peace
Garden on Sunday, July 24, 2016. This event is a “must” on
every WBCCI Member’s Bucket List. There’s more info and
coupon for the rally in this Blue Beret.
Region 7 is also hosting another Special Event Rally in
August of 2016 - the Tall Ships. See article and coupon in
this Blue Beret.
register if you have not already done so. Just go to the Region 9
website, to see the registration form.
As you all know, any WBCCI member is welcome to any
unit rally. I would encourage everyone to try another unit’s
rally to see how they do it and maybe get new and creative
ideas for rallies in your own unit. The Region 9 website is a
great place to start looking for rallies put on by other units that
might be of interest to you. Get a little crazy and experience
what other units do at their rallies this year!! Just be sure you
let the appropriate hosts know you are coming.
I have begun planning the Region 9 Rally for 2017. I know
it is a little early but put March 20–26 on your calendars for
the Region 9 Rally in 2017. I will be contacting many of you
in Region 9 for your help in making this a successful rally.
Finally, safe travels and see you down the road!!
Ann Barclay, Contributing Editor
Carol Ortiz, Contributing Editor
“In like a Lion/Out like a Lamb” or was it “In like a Lamb/
Out like a Lion”. By the time you read this, we will know
how March arrived. But one thing we do know is Spring is
just around the corner and those of us who braved winter
this year in the Midwest are looking forward to warmer days
for camping and travel adventures. Those of you who chose
warmer places to winter are looking forward to the activities
that the local units have planned for the months ahead when
we join together at unit rallies and activities with old and new
members and friends. The one adventure we hope all Region 8
members are planning on is the Region 8 Rally in Hastings, NE
April 27-May 1 at the Adams County Fairgrounds to “Follow
the Trails West”. As Mark Twain once wrote “...years from
now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t
do than by the ones you did do...Explore. Dream. Discover.”
Ah, March! In some parts of Region 10, there are signs
that winter is almost over. There are blooming cherry and
apple trees and daffodils are about to break forth trumpeting,
“It’s Spring!.” However, the more northerly areas, as well as
the inland areas of Region 10, still have snow on the ground.
So, what does that mean for activities? Well, let me tell you.
At least two Units break out their rigs and head out for
a St. Patrick’s Day Rally. Sometimes we camp in the rain,
but that doesn’t dampen our spirits for the “wearing of the
green” or searching for leprechauns. Other Units are having
luncheons, even if it means driving in the ice and snow to
meet their friends. Then, we have some who escaped to the
warm south. In fact, if you are in the Yuma area, give Pat
Latimer a call 360-459-8508 to see where they will meet for
breakfast in March. That’s for any Airstreamers in the area,
not just Region 10 folks.
Of course, the big news is that the Region 10 Rally is July
27-August 1. So, save those dates and plan to attend the “Kick
Back in Kalispell” Rally. That’s Kalispell, Montana! President
and First Lady, Bob and Darlene Caldwell, are planning lots
of fun activities, along with their planning team. This is a
rally that you don’t want to miss! If there isn’t an article and
coupon in this issue, watch for them in the April Blue Beret.
Check the Region 10 website for details, as well as, registering
on line.
In the meantime, wherever you travel: “May the road rise
to meet you and may the sun shine warmly on your back!”
- An Irish Blessing
Grady Ferry, Contributing Editor
I hope everyone had a blessed holiday season and that all
is well in the New Year! The New Year; wow, how fast does
time fly now; with planning for the holidays, all that shopping,
cooking, visiting friends and relatives, and now planning for
the spring and summer travel season. The 59th International
Rally in Lewisburg, WV scheduled for June 28-July 5 will be
on us before you know it. I hope you made plans for what I
know will be a great rally. Between now and then, there is
plenty of time for a caravan or two.
And speaking of caravans, our own Region 9 member
Harvey Craig is planning another caravan to the Albuquerque
Balloon Festival this year. The dates for that caravan are
September 23-October 7. Please contact Harvey at eharv@ for more information and to join this caravan.
Lots of other exciting trips, caravans, rallies and meetings
are planned in Region 9 for 2016. I must remind everyone
about the Region 9 Rally, Airstream Pow Wow, in Shawnee,
OK March 13-20. I know President Andy Selking and all his
volunteers have a great rally planned. There is still time to
Bob Lauderdale, Contributing
March is an exciting month. Traditionally it is expected
to come in like a lion and go out like a lamb. We can hope!
Here in Region 11, except for most of Arizona, our clocks
get to spring forward on the 13th as we observe the biannual
chronological confusion that is Daylight Savings Time. For
those of us not enjoying the warmth of the southern portion
of our Region, our thoughts are starting to turn to getting our
Blue Beret / March 2016
45 rigs ready for the camping season. We have a great variety of
both scenery and weather in Region 11. Those lucky enough
to be camping with the Arizona Unit at their Rally in Camp
Verde, AZ can expect average highs in the low 70s as they
explore places like the Montezuma Castle National Monument
while those attending the Denco Unit Luncheon in Boulder,
CO can expect an average high of 56 as they socialize at
Celestial Seasonings. Although those numbers come from
the National Weather Service I have to say, as a 30 plus year
resident of Colorado, I expect snow and much less than 56
degrees in March, in Boulder, as winter does one last gasp
before March 20, but you never know. The important thing is
that spring will arrive this month and we can all look forward
to getting back out and enjoy streamin’.
Robert Stansbury, Contributing
HOORAY! Region 12 has 12 clubs again. The worst
thing I had to do when I was Region 12 President was to shut
down two clubs in California. As I write this article, I have
just been informed that the Lake Tahoe Airstream Club was
approved by the WBCCI International Board of Trustees in
Rayne, Louisiana. With the addition of this new club and the
Greater Los Angeles Airstream Club, our region has returned
to having a dozen clubs. Maybe there will be more to come.
There are plenty of Airstream owners in California and Nevada
that we can invite to join.
Since the IBT meeting just concluded today, let me inform
you about some of the new motions that passed and became
part of our Club operations. Twenty-two motions were floated
and with a little modification, were all passed. I won’t bore
you with most of them as they are necessary to drag our archaic governing document (the “Blue Book”) into the 21st
Century. The fiscal year has been changed. It used to be
July 1st to June 30th. It will now be August 1st to July 31st
(after the conclusion of the International Rally). Members
of the IBT can now hold offices in their Region or local club,
at the same time.
Next came the vote to establish the European Club of
WBCCI. The Utah Wasatch Airstream Club was approved.
There has been no club in that state for awhile. Finally, a name
change from the Santa Clara Unit to The Greater Bay Area
Airstream Club was approved.
Wow! what a lot of positive news about the International
Club we all are members of. The hard work by your Region 12
officers and others over the past few years is really beginning
to pay dividends. WBCCI is growing and moving in a positive
direction that will benefit us all in the future.
Blue Beret / March 2016 In Memoriam
The officers and members of
Wally Byam Caravan Club International, Inc.
express their sympathy to the families and
friends of these departed members.
Archambo, Ronald (002-FL).......................#16590
PP New York Susque-Lawrence Unit
Bernd, Roy “RB” (112-WA)............................#306
PP Region 10
Bova, Thea (030-PA).......................................#216
PFL Region 3
Coldren, John (091-PA)................................#2322
Drugge, Philip (027-FL)................................#4941
PP Florida Unit
Duke, Gene (158-SC)....................................#1617
Elliott, Dalton (124-ON Canada)..................#4605
Entzian, Ernest (053-MD).............................#1796
Faircloth, William (030-FL)...........................#5965
PP South Florida Unit
Fox, Louis (137-MI).......................................#8554
Goodwin, Robert (171-IA)............................#4833
PP North Iowa Unit
Gould, Jessie (025-CT).................................#2478
PFL Charter Oak CT Unit
Hein, John (112-WA).....................................#8861
Lowenthal, Arthur (002-NY).........................#4669
Morris, Donald (150-SC)...............................#5060
Towndrow, Anthony (129-FL
Warren, Travis “Bill” (056-MS).....................#2624
PFM Mississippi Unit
Justin Humphreys
Greetings from your extended family here in wintery Jackson Center, OH. I hope
everyone is enjoying their Airstream somewhere warm and living riveted along the way!
As I write this article in early February, Airstream is off and running for 2016!
Our show season is in full swing with approximately 50 shows this season on our
schedule from January thru March. The biggest of all the winter shows occurs each
year in Tampa, FL. During this show, our dealer Tampa RV had a record show for both
vans and trailers. It is a great sign for the industry as it is typically an indicator for the
RV market each year. Another great show this year occurred in Denver. Our dealer,
Windish RV, attended and had an outstanding show. So all signs early on are very
promising for the year. The only challenges we had in January were poor weather and
a volatile stock market. Yet despite these challenges, it was the second best January
on record since 1980 in terms of retail deliveries.
During the Tampa show, our dealer, Tampa RV, announced plans to build
a brand new, state of the art Airstream exclusive store in the Tampa market.
I have attached a few renderings of their design. Production should be
completed in mid-2017. Airstream is thrilled that Tampa RV is committing
so heavily in Airstream! We recognize that we need to continue to focus
on our dealer network and their ability to sell and service Airstreams. The
Airstream exclusive model has been a huge help in raising the bar and
Tampa RV is taking this to a new level for the brand. Airstream is getting
more commitments across the country for new, Airstream exclusive stores.
I don’t think there is any doubt that these stores, with a single brand focus,
will organically improve the customer experience across the board. It is
exciting to have dealers like Tampa RV make this incredible commitment.
Thank you Tampa RV!
This past month here in Jackson Center, we opened up the second
final finish line in the travel trailer factory. This was the last piece of the
puzzle with our new factory. Over the holiday shutdown we rearranged
mezzanines and storage racks to accommodate this new production line.
The plan now is to run Classics down this line as they take a little longer
to build and will allow people to focus on this model. Airstream may also
add other 30 foot models as they can free up the original line and allow
the slower moving models to be focused on this dedicated, new final line.
Early signs are great and the line move went well. I look forward to many
of you seeing it this year when you visit the plant and take the tour!
I am personally glad to hear the registrations for the West Virginia rally
are doing great! As many of you may know, I am from West Virginia, so
I am particularly excited about this rally. I will be camping at the rally and
look forward to seeing many of you there. Because it is so close to Ohio,
we should have several people from Airstream attend this year to join in
on the fun. I look forward to seeing everyone in West “by God” Virginia!
I’d like to thank everyone for their support of Airstream. I particularly
appreciate the many volunteers who help this club each year. And lastly, I’d
like to thank the staff at WBCCI headquarters for their support. Rick March
and I had the privilege of eating lunch with the entire staff recently. What a
great group of professionals you guys have to support the club! On behalf
of 630 hard working families, thank you for your support of Airstream!
Happy Airstreaming
Blue Beret / March 2016
47 Rick March, General Manager
Customer Relations Group
I hope you have stayed warm through the winter months. Or better
yet were able to head south to get away from the cold. Being here in
Ohio, we have to be prepared for all types of weather. I can’t complain
too much as it has been warmer than average this sinter with very little
snow. So far!!
But now that it is March we turn our attention to spring and get a
little excited about being able to get out of the house, get our trailers
out of storage and plan some fun adventures. This month I would like
to talk about your holding tanks and the best way to clean and take
care of them. This is a question we get quite often here in our customer
service department.
How long will fresh water stay fresh in the fresh water tank,
how do I clean it?
A fellow Airstreamer recently asked a question that gets asked by
almost every new owner; how long will the water stay fresh in our fresh
water tank? When they are at a campground, they use the city water
hook-up as their water source. They filled the tank about 3 weeks ago
before going on their first trip and it is currently reading half full. Does
weather have any effect on water stored in the fresh tank?
Some thoughts:
First it is always good to start off with a clean (sanitized tank)
whether a new or older Airstream. So if you have made sure your tank
is clean it will not be a problem going for extended periods (several
months) without draining your tank. Most city water has been through
a treatment process and minerals have been removed and the water has
been treated with chlorine type products.
Another concern would be if you use well water. Depending on what
area of the country you are traveling, you may be using water that has
high sulfur and iron content. In the majority of cases, well water does
not go through any treatment process. If you keep this water in the fresh
tank for long periods, you may experience odors or have to deal with
iron deposits in your system. In this situation, you want to remove the
water from the tank as soon as possible and rinse the tank.
Temperature should not affect the life span of the water in the fresh
tank unless it was not cleaned well to start with.
Sanitizing your fresh water tank and plumbing system
You are going to make a solution of water and bleach. Dilute 1/4
cup of household bleach for each 15 gallons of tank capacity into a
gallon of water. You will want to fill the fresh water tank about 3/4 full
of water and make sure your hot water heater is off and water is cool.
Using a funnel, add the chlorine/water solution to the water tank
through exterior water fill. Always mix the bleach with water before
pouring into the RV fresh water tank. Make sure you are using the on
board water system and not hooked to city water.
Now turn on water pump and run the solution through water lines and
faucets for one or two minutes. You should be able to smell the bleach.
Blue Beret / March 2016 Now fill RV fresh water tank to full and let stand for several hours.
If you can let stand overnight, this would be better.
Once that process is complete you will want to drain the system. Flush
the faucets for several minutes each. You can open the fresh water tank
drain valve to speed up emptying the tank. Make sure you remember
to also drain the water heater by removing the plug.
Make sure drains and faucets have been closed and then fill the tank
again. The water should now be safe to drink but if the chlorine odor
is too strong you can repeat the fresh water flush.
Sanitizing your system should be an annual event.
While we have all the supplies out from sanitizing the fresh water
system, let’s continue on with the other on board holding tanks
Cleaning Holding tanks
Over time the RV waste holding tank can begin to smell. This is
caused by a build-up of bacteria and other waste products left in the tank
after dumping. Even if you properly dump your RV waste holding tanks,
use your black tank flush and use the appropriate cleaning chemicals in
the tanks, it is still important to take the time to thoroughly clean and
sanitize the grey and black water tanks. It is a good idea to do this every
now and then, especially before putting the RV in storage.
The best way to clean and sanitize your RV waste holding tanks is
to fill the tank with a bleach and water solution. To make the solution,
mix 1/4 cup of bleach with one gallon of water. The total amount of
bleach-water solution you will need depends upon the size of RV waste
holding tanks you have. For most, eight gallons of this cleaning solution
should be enough. Dump the solution directly down the toilet for the
black water tank and into any sink drain for the grey water tank.
Completely fill the tank with the solution and leave in the RV waste
holding tank for at least eight hours. It will be best if you are able to fill
the holding tank with the solution before going on a long drive. This
way the fluids can swish around inside the tank, breaking up any residue
left behind. Doing this will clean up and sanitize any pathogens left
inside your RV waste holding tank. The bleach-water solution used to
clean the tank is safe to dispose of at a dump station. Completely drain
the holding tanks into an approved dump site.
If you plan to put your RV in storage or do not plan to go out on
the road for a long period of time, take some time to clean and sanitize
the holding tanks. This will kill all of the bacteria and ensure you have
a cleaner, nicer smelling holding tank when taking your RV back out
on the road.
Some of research Info. from RV Repair Club
I would love to hear from you and if you have a suggestion or topic
you would like to see covered in a future article, or have a question,
just drop me a line at
Have a great month!
Stock up on your Maintenance items
Acryl-R 16 oz Can
with Applicator
Black & Gray
Stock up on your Cleaning items
Glare Products
- Ultra Wash
- Micro Finish
- Knockout
- Professional Polish
- Spider
SD 20
Aluminum Polish
Formula 303
1/2 oz Touch-up Pen
Acrylic Clear
Boeshield T-9 Rust and
Corrosion Protection
ZipDee Awning Cleaner
Available at and participating Airstream Dealers
Blue Beret / March 2016
Jun 28-Jul 4
2016 International Convention/Rally,
Lewisburg, West Virginia
Apr 21-24
Sep 12-18
Sep 23-27
Sep 24-Oct 2
Sep 30-Oct 4
Cali Rally, Camatta Ranch, Santa Margarita, CA
Pendleton Round-up, Pendleton, OR
Antelope Rally, Medicine Bow, WY
Swiss Festival, Sugarcreek, OH
Balloon Fiesta, Albuquerque, NM
Jul 21-25
Aug 7-14
Aug 17-22
Sep 8-11
Oct 5-9
Oct 15-23
Dec 29Jan 2, 2017
Monument of Peace Redication, International Peace
Galax Old Time Fiddlers Convention, Galax, VA
Tall Ships Rally, Duluth, MN
Old Threshers, Yuma, CO
Storytelling Festival, Jonesborough, TN
Sun Valley Jazz & Music Festival, Ketchum, ID
Rose Parade Rally, Pasadena, CA
Feb 5-Mar 7
Mar 8-23
Florida Fantasy - Leaders: Skipper
Ph. 850-877-1729
STANDBY ONLY Cajun Country - Leaders:
Boudreaux Ph. 985-209-0376
Mar 24-Apr 13 N-45-K STANDBY ONLY Georgia Plantation Leaders: Montague Ph. 850-212-3726
Apr 17-May 15 N-45-F STANDBY ONLY Springtime in Kentucky Leaders: Hilton Ph. 352-205-9928
May 29-Jun 17 N-45-B Taste of the Blue Ridge - Leaders: Blanchard Ph. 713-301-7244
Jul 12-Sep 12 N-45-C Alyeska, the Great Land - Leaders: Johnjulio
Ph. 814-484-7221
Jul 13-Aug 19 N-45-A Nor’ by Nor’ East - Leaders: Lake
Ph. 781-837-2539
Jul 21-Sep 1 N-45-D2 STANDBY ONLY The Viking Trail - Leaders:
Hilton Ph. 352-205-9928
Aug 20-Oct 10 N-45-H Southwest Adventure - Leaders: Thompson
Ph. 850-212-4719 / Glassey Ph. 206-605-2986
Sep 10-24
N-45-N Ores, Shores, Waters, and Lights - East Leaders: DeLeeuw Ph: 517-250-5060
Sep 26-Oct 29 N-45-I
Gone to Texas - Leaders: Snow Ph. 832-2174508 / Kindle Ph. 713-907-4624
Sep-Oct TBA N-45-M STANDBY ONLY The American Revolution in
the Northern Colonies - Leaders: Jones
Ph. 703-780-6597
Oct 4-Nov 12 N-45-E STANDBY ONLY Southeast Coast Spectacular
- Leaders: Carnein Ph. 623-974-4762
Sep 14-23
Sep 23-Oct 8
Blue Beret / March 2016 Golf-N-Around - Leaders: Skipper/Blanchard
Ph. 850-877-1729
Canadian Rocky Mountains - Leaders: Leach
Ph. 281-536-6185
Viking Trail - Leaders: Hilton Ph. 352-205-9928
Viking Trail - Leaders: Hilton Ph. 352-205-9928
Spindletop - Leaders: Kindle/Snow Ph. 713-907-4624
Nor' by Nor' East - Leaders: Walbridge/Lake
Ph. 781-837-2539
Southwest Adventure - Leaders: Montague/Thompson
Ph. 850-212-3726
STANDBY ONLY Cajun Country - Leaders: Boudreaux
Ph. 985-209-0376
Georgia Plantations & More - Leaders: Anderson
Ph. 850-896-0567
Taste of the Blue Ridge - Blanchard Ph. 713-301-7244
Door County Wisconsin - Again! Greater St. Louis MO Unit, Leaders:
Knernschield/Kolley, Ph. 537-840-5441
Balloon Fiesta Caravan - Texas Highland Lakes
Unit, Leader: Craig, Ph. 512-633-0380
Hudson-Mohawk New York Unit -
Mar 17
Snowbird/Early Bird Dinner 4:30 PM, Golden Corral, 6855
Gall Blvd, Zepher Hills, FL, Claudia Stark 518-365-8510,
Luncheon, Gerry Schulitz 518-863-2335, email: gschulitz@
Region 1 Website:
Aug 4-7
Keystone Pennsylvania Unit -
Region 1 Rally, Montmagny, Quebec
Cape Cod Massachusetts Unit
Apr 15-17
5th Annual Pets & Paws Joint Rally w/New England Unit,
Normandy Farms Resort, Foxboro, MA, Mary Rosenbach,
email: / Heather Lawler,
Charter Oak Connecticut Unit -
Luncheon, Glastonbury, CT, Lynn Blackwell, email: lynn.
New England Unit -
Apr 30-May 2 Rally/Mtg. Ashuelot River CG, Swanzey, NH, Earl Duesel,
Quebec Canada Unit -
Apr 24
Opening Luncheon, La Casa Grecque, 1565 Daniel,
Intersection boul. St St-Martin, Laval, Quebec (BYOB),
Gabriel Massicotte 450-834-8293, email: gabymassicotte@
White Mountains New Hampshire Unit -
Mar 12
Spring Luncheon Mtg Noon, Sarducci's Rest., Montpelier,
VT, Jerry Carruba, email:
Region 2 Website:
Jun 1-6
Sep 16-18
Region 2 Rally, Hammondsport, NY
New York State Rally, Angelica, NY
Al-Mon-O Pennsylvania Unit -
Mar 19
Luncheon, TBA, Bernie Solomon 724-863-1456
Apr 29-May 1 Spring Kick-Off Rally, Deer Hunter's Camp, Maple Springs
Rd, Harrisville, PA, Don Clayton 724-325-1205, email:
Berkshire New York Unit
Luncheon, Richard Roeser 845-471-5778
Luncheon, David Levinson 845-562-0091
Central Maryland Unit –
Luncheon, Lilo Kaiser 443-618-9985, email: jkaiser121@
Central Pennsylvania Unit –
Delaware Valley New Jersey Unit –
Mar 5
St. Patricks Day Dinner 4 PM, 98 Erial Rd, Clementon, NJ,
Pat Berkey 856-816-5469, email:
Apr 29-May 1 Buddy/Service Rally, Parvin SP, Bota Rasanda 856-3921881, email:
Delmarva Unit -
Mar 17
Apr 22
St. Patrick's Day Luncheon, TBA
Maintenance Rally, 4H Park, Centreville, MD, Carl
Anderson 304-422-5087
Metropolitan New York Unit -
Mid-Atlantic Unit -
Apr 22-24
Joint Maintenance Rally w/Delmarva Unit, Queen Ann 4H
Club FG, 4H Park Rd, Centerville, MD, Phil Broomall 240285-7880, email:
New Jersey Unit
New York Finger Lakes Unit -
Ontario Canada Unit -
Mar 20
Spring Fling Dinner 4 PM, Mandarin Rest., 387 Wellington
Rd, London, ON, Tom Cada 519-473-9266, email:
Penn-Lehigh Unit –
Pennsylvania Unit -
Washington DC Unit -
Apr 21-24
Capital Kick Off Maintenance Rally, Bull Run Battlefield
Reg. Park, Manassas, VA, John DiBella, email: jsdbla@
Watchung New Jersey Unit -
Luncheon, Jim Plant 609-978-0152, email: tenlea@aol.
Apr 29-May 1 Unbutton your Rig Rally/Bus. Mtg., Pine Hill RV Park,
Kutztown, PA, Fred Brugmans 908-647-3215, email:
Region 3 Website:
Apr 6-11
Apr 27-May 1
Aug 7-14
Florida State Rally, Big Pine Key, FL
Dan Maciejczyk email:
Region 3 Rally, Doswell, VA
Galax Old Time Fiddlers Conv., Galax, VA
Big Bend Florida Unit -
Mar 11-13
Apr 8-10
Rally, Fort Pickens CG, Gulf Breeze, FL, TBA
Rally, Che Haw Park CG, Albany, GA, TBA
Carolinas Unit of North Carolina -
Mar 12
Luncheon Noon, Moose Cafe, 2914 Sandy Ridge Rd #H,
Colfax, NC 336-668-1125,,
Keith Schneider 919-906-9014, email: susanneappraiser@
Rally, James Island Cty. CG, 871 Riverland Dr, Charleston,
Apr 7-10
SC 843-795-4386, Keith Schneider 919906-9014, email:
Apr 27-May 1 Region 3 Rally, Meadow Event Park, Doswell, VA, www., Keith Schneider 919-906-9014,
Coastal Georgia -
Mar 3-6
Anything Mexican Rally,Lake Harmony, Townsend, GA, exit
58 I-95, TBA
Apr 29-May 1 Bingo Rally, Coastal GA RV, Brunswick, GA, TBA
Blue Beret / March 2016
51 Eastern North Carolina Unit -
South Florida Unit
Mar 18-20
Mar 4-8
Rally, Raleigh Oaks RV Resort, 527 US Hwy. 701 S, Four
Oaks, NC, Freddie Davis 919-751-3184
Apr 27-May 1 Region 3 Rally, Doswell, VA
Everglades Florida Unit -
Florida Unit -
Mar 10-13
Mar 15-20
Apr 6-11
Buddy/Joint Rally w/ FL Suncoast & South FL Units,
Highland Hammock SP, 5931 Hammock Rd, Sebring, FL,
David Sowders, email:
Bluegrass Festival Volunteer Rally, 1300 Fort Christmas
Rd, Christmas, FL, Frank Carson 321-704-2568, email:
Florida State Rally, Sunshine Key Resort, Mile Marker 39,
Big Pine Key, FL, Daniel Maciejczyk 571-309-1008, email:
Florida Springs Unit -
Mar 10-13
Apr 7-10
Rally, Blue Parrot RV Resort, 40840 Co Rd 25, Lady Lake,
FL, Sonja Meistrell 352-427-2534, email: smeistrell@usa.
Rally, Wild Frontier RV Park, 3101 NW 16th Ave, Ocala,
FL, Carl Taylor 352-209-6718, email:
Florida Suncoast Unit -
Florida Treasure Coast Unit -
Apr 21-24
Apr 24-27
Rally, Travelers Rest Resort, 29129 Johnston Rd, Dade
City, FL, Gene Poast 937-609-5143, email: poast9870@
Caravan to Region 3 Rally, Doswell, VA, Blair LittleJohn,
Georgia Unit -
Apr 18-19
Apr 20-24
Rally, Top of GA Park, 14255 Hwy 75 N, Helen, GA,
George Ward 912-657-0139, email: gcward1@bellsouth.
Spring Rally/Bus. Mtg, 14255 Hwy 75 N, Helen, GA,
George Ward 912-657-0139, email: gcward1@bellsouth.
Northern Virginia Unit -
Mar 18-20
Take Pride in America Joint Rally w/VA Unit, Clover Hill
Village, 5147 River Ridge Rd, Appomattox, VA
Apr 27-May 1 Region 3 Rally, Meadow Farms, VA
May 27-Jun 7 Virginia President's Caravan, Pohick Bay Regional CG,
6501 Pohick Bay Dr, Lorton, VA, Jackson & Mary Ann
McBroom 757-345-0060 / 757-746-6535 or see website
Palmetto State South Carolina Unit
Mar 31-Apr 3 Alumalina/Spring Fling Rally, Palmetto Cove RV Park, 521
Table Rock Rd, Cleveland, SC, from SC Hwy 11, take SC
Hwy 8 W toward Caesar's Head Mountain, turn L on Table
Rock Rd, park is 2 mi. on L, John Leake 803-684-5651,
Piedmont North Carolina Unit -
Apr 7-10
Four Oaks/Buddy Rally, Raleigh Oaks RV Resort, 4596 US
Hwy 301 S, Four Oaks, NC, Todd Stroud 919-963-6953,
Apr 20-26
Old Dominion Caravan to Region 3 Rally, John Becker
336-322-0109, email:
Apr 27-May 1 Region 3 Rally, Meadow Event Park, Doswell, VA
Shenandoah Valley of Virginia Unit
South Carolina Coastal Unit -
Mar 4-6
Apr 1-3
Rally, Skidaway SP, Carolyn Elaine Jarrett 843-412-5023,
Rally, Aiken SP, Carolyn Elaine Jarrett 843-412-5023,
Blue Beret / March 2016 Exploring Fort Lauderdale Rally, Easterlin Park, 1000 NW
38 St, Oakland Park, FL, btwn Commercial Blvd & Oakland
Park Blvd off I-95, Bill Racavich 954-648-7771/954-6847770, email:
Caravan to Highlands Hammock SP
Mar 9
Mar 10-13
Buddy Rally w/FL Suncoast Unit, Highlands Hammock SP,
5931 Hammock Rd, Sebring, FL, call Reserve America
800-326-3521 for site, Bill Racavich 954-648-7771/954684-7770, email:
Apr 6-11
Florida State Rally, Sunshine Key Resort, MM 39, Big Pine
Key, FL, Dan Maciejczyk, email:
Apr 26-May 1 Region 3 Rally, Meadow Event Park, Doswell, VA, 25 mi. N
of Richmond
Southeastern Camping Unit
Mar 4-6
Rally, Stone Mountain Park, Atlanta, GA, call CG at 800385-9807 to make reservations, mention Blah Blah Rally,
Robin Harrison, email:
Mar 31-Apr 3 Alumalina 2016 Spring Edition Rally, Palmetto Cove
RV Park, Cleveland, SC,
forums/calendar.php?do=getinfo&e=1400&day=2016-331&c=1&redirect=1, John Leake
Florida State Rally, Sunshine Key Resort, Mile Marker 39,
Apr 6-11
Big Pine Key, FL, Dan Maciejczyk, email: oldtruckfarm@
Tidewater Virginia Unit -
Virginia Unit -
Mar 18-20
Clover Community/Wounded Warrier joint rally w/
Northern VA Unit, Clover Hill Village, 5747 River Ridge
Rd, Appomattox, VA, Richard Bartelt 434-352-8936, email:
Apr 27-May 1 Region 3 Rally, Meadow Event Park, 13191 Dawn Blvd,
Doswell, VA, Matt Hackney email:
Western North Carolina Unit -
Apr 16
Spring Luncheon Noon, Golden Corral, 2530 Chimney
Rock Rd, Hendersonville, NC, Liza
McArthur, email:
April 27-May 1Region 3 Rally, Meadow Event Park, Doswell, VA www.
Region 4 Website:
May 11-16
Aug 3-7
Sep 24-Oct 2
40th Region 4 Rally "Follow the Ruby
Brick Road", Coldwater, MI
Michigan State Rally, Ravenna, MI
Swiss Festival National Rally, Sugarcreek, OH
Akron Ohio Unit -
Mar 19
Luncheon 11:30 AM, Das Dutch Kitchen, 14278 Lincoln
Way E, Dalton, OH, Betsy Ketchum 330-309-1715, email:
Luncheon, Nancy Jackson 330-635-8520, email:
Appalachian Unit of West Virginia
Apr 20-24
Luncheon TBA
Buddy Rally, Old Mill Stream CG, Lancaster, PA, Wayne
Barth 304-320-7717, email:
Cincinnati Ohio Unit -
Mar 19
Apr 21-24
St. Patrick's Day Brunch, Golden Corral Rest., Fairfield,
OH, take exit 39 off of I-275, turn R onto Winton Rd, then
turn R onto Knob Rd, rest. on L, Darren Baker 937-3399451, email:
Joint Soup Rally w/Columbus OH & Miami Valley OH Units,
Greene Cty. FG, Xenia, OH, take US 68 to W. Ankeney Mill
Rd, turn into Fairgrounds Rd, FG on R, Darren Baker 937339-9451, email:
Columbus Ohio Unit - email:
Indiana Unit -
Mar 12
1st Mon each month except December: Dinner 5 PM, Golden Corral, 6315
S Scatterfield Rd., Anderson, IN, S of exit 226 I-69, Robert
Green 765-644-5289, email:
1st Thurs each month except December: Dinner 6 PM, Sara's Family
Rest., N 5792 Coventry Ln, Fort Wayne, IN, S of I-69 &
US 224, Christopher Seplak 260-409-4750, email: mama.
Apr 21-24
Luncheon Noon, Ann & Tony's, West Jefferson, OH, the
Joint Rally w/Cincinnati OH & Miami Valley OH Units,
Xenia, OH
Land-O-Lakes of Ohio Unit -
Mahoning Valley Ohio Unit -
Mar 20
Spring Tour & Luncheon 1 PM, James Garfield Nat'l
Historical Site, 8095 Mentor Ave, Mentor, OH & Bakers
Square Rest., 7800 Plaza Blvd, Mentor, OH, Ada Harris
440-942-2067, email:
Luncheon 1 PM, Blue Wolf Tavern, 1295 SR 224,
Boardman, OH, Bob White 330-792-9669, email: bewhite@
Apr 16
Metro Detroit Michigan Unit
Apr 9
Luncheon, Linda Smith 248-224-4183, email: riljsmith@
Luncheon Noon, Rochester Mills Beer Co., www.beercos.
com, Joe Peplinski 248-420-4512, email: kodiak66joe@
Miami Valley Unit of Ohio -
Mar 2
Apr 6
Apr 21-24
Breakfast 9 AM, Fairborn Family Diner & Rest. 937-8799454, 419 Broad St, Fairborn, OH, Tom Heckman 937-3358614
Breakfast 9 AM, Fairborn Family Diner & Rest. 937-8799454, 419 Broad St, Fairborn, OH, Tom Heckman 937-3358614
Joint Soup Rally w/Cincinnati OH & Columbus OH Units,
Greene Cty. FG, 120 Fairground Rd, Xenia, OH, FG is W
of Rt. 68, N of downtown Xenia, Tom Heckman 937-3358614
Mohican Valley Ohio Unit
Mar 11
Fish Fry, St. Joseph Activity Center, 115 N Liberty St,
Galion, OH, Marthalee Horning, 419-468-5385
Luncheon 11:30 AM, Just Jokin, 602 W Bucyrus St,
Crestline, OH, Mike Pierce 419-884-3931
Apr 14
Northern Ohio Virtual Airstream Unit -
The Western Reserve Camping Unit
Region 5 Website:
Sep 14-18
Region 5 Rally, Madison, IN
Central Indiana Unit -
Mar 5
Apr 16
Kentucky Unit -
Northern Illinois Unit -
Mar 10
Apr 15-17
Mar 6
Apr 15-17
Apr 9
Spring Luncheon 12:30 PM, Spring Mill SP, 3333 St Rd
60 E, Mitchell, IN, Larry Abrams 270-685-1610, email:
Region 6 Website:
Apr 14-17
Alabama State Rally, Foley, AL
Apr 28-May 1 TN State Rally, Crossville, TN
Oct 5-9
Storytelling Festival Rally, Jonesborough, TN
Alabama Unit -
2nd Mon each month: Dinner 6 PM, TBA, Montgomery, AL, call for
directions, Paul Aehnlich 334-277-9647, email: pca2@
TBA each month: Luncheon North Alabama, call for directions, Colet
Schmidt 256-880-5886, email:
Apr 14-17
Alabama State Rally, Anchors Aweigh RV Resort, 19814
Cty. Rd. 20 S, Foley, AL, Carol Rylee 334-514-0252, email:
Arkansas Razorback Unit
1st Thurs bi-monthly: Feb-Dec Luncheon 11:30 AM, rest. & location TBA
Larry Madden 479-221-2378, email:
Illinois Lincolnland Unit -
Mar 26
Spring Rally, Queen Wilhelmina SP, 3877 Hwy. 88 W,
Mena, AR, Larry Madden 479-221-2378, email: h70man@
East Tennessee Unit -
Luncheon Noon, O'Charley's, 364 Fountain View CIrcle,
Alcoa, Rodney Carrell
Apr 28-May 1 TN State Rally, TCPC
Greater New Orleans Louisiana Unit -
Mar 18-21
Apr 7-10
Luncheon 1 PM, Little Nashville Rest., I-64 Exit 50/IL Rte.
127, Doris Meier 618-322-8246
Camping off the Grid Rally, Hidden Springs State Forest,
2438 E 700 N Rd, Strasburg, IL,
lands/landmgt/parks/r3/hsforest.htm, Steve Mentz 314603-3006
Southern Indiana Unit -
Apr 14-17
Tulip Time Festival Caravan/Rally, Peoria, IL to Pella, IA,
Roberts Creek Park CG, Pella, IA, tentative rally fee $200,
$100 due Dec 1, balance of $100 due Jan 1, limited to 25
units, can travel to Pella directly if more convenient, John
Green, email:
Dinner 6 PM, Marriott Theater, 10 Marriott Dr, Lincolnshire,
IL, Jim Kraner 847-382-3583, email: jimkraner@sbcglobal.
Tulip Festival Rally, Holland, MI, Jim Kraner 847-382-3583,
Southern Illinois Unit -
Luncheon 11 AM, MCL, Castleton, Lana Russel 317-4104750
Apr 2
Luncheon/Mtg 11 AM, MCL, Castleton, Lana Russel 317410-4750
Apr 29-May 1 Weekender, Brown Cty. SP, Lana Russel 317-410-4750
May 4-8
Spring Luncheon 11:30 AM, Back 40 Rest., 1011 N 13th St
(US 127 & 33), Decatur, IN, Nancy Seplak 260-409-4751,
Fairhope Arts & Crafts Festival Rally, Fairhope, AL, CG
TBA, Doyle Hunt 504-450-1204, email: doyeugene@gmail.
French Quarter Festival Rally, St. Bernard SP, St. Bernard,
LA, Doyle Hunt 504-450-1204, email: doyeugene@gmail.
Blue Beret / March 2016
53 Louisiana Unit -
Louisiana Acadiana Unit -
Apr 21-24
Crawfish/Buddy Rally, La Pay-E-Bas, Eunice, LA, from I-10
take exit #80 N to Eunice 18 mi. to stop, turn L on Maple St
to LA 91, 5 mi. past stop turn R on Arpen Rd to CG, John
Landry 337-643-8078, email:
Memphis Tennessee Unit -
Mar 10-13
Modified Boondock Rally, Nathan Bedford Forest SP, 17951845 Pilot Knob Rd, Eva, TN, GPS: -87.978 36.089 http://, Jim
Drier 901-233-2711, email:
Apr 28-May 1 TN State Rally, TCPC,
Directions.html, Jim Drier 901-233-2711, email:
Mississippi Unit -
Apr 27-May 2 Buddy/First Monday Rally, Tippah Cty. FG, Ripley, MS,
Hwy 15 1 mi. S of Ripley, Ethel Grisham 662-837-3320,
Nashville Music City Tennessee Unit
Mar 16-19
Maintenance Rally, Piney Grove, Corp of Engineer CG,
NE MS on TN border, Jim Johnson 615-300-3002, email:
Apr 28-May 1 TN State Rally, TCPS, Crossville, TN, Jeanie Tillman 931205-4205, email:
Pensacola Florida Unit -
Mar 18-20
Apr 15-17
Past President's Rally, Mystic Springs Cove, 591 Mystic
Springs Rd, McDavid FL, 27.5 mi. N of intersection of I-10
& US 29 or 10.5 mi. S of intersection of FL Hwy 4 & US 29,
CG Host 850-256-3280, email:
April Showers/Buddy Rally, Mystic Springs Cove, 591
Mystic Springs Rd, McDavid FL, 27.5 mi. N of intersection
of I-10 & US 29 or 10.5 mi. S of intersection of FL Hwy 4
& US 29, CG Host 850-256-3280, email: gloriadcarter@
Region 8 Website:
Apr 27-May 1 Region 8 Rally, Hastings, NE
Greater St. Louis Missouri Unit -
Mar 19
St. Patrick's Day Celebration, Llywelyn's Pub, 17 W Moody
Ave, Webster Groves, MO, Suzy Shepard 314-550-6672,
Apr 15-17
Spring Tune-Up Rally, Bill Thomas Camper Sales, 101
Thomas RV Way, Wentzville, MO, Dan Zile 636-265-1050,
Caravan to Region 8 Rally, Shoemakers RV Park to
Apr 24-26
Hastings, NE, from jct US 63 & US 36, W on 36, 5 mi. to
Bevier, see Shoemakers on L, Ed Knernschield 573-4805441, email:
Apr 27-May 1 Region 8 Rally "Follow the Trails West", Adams Cty FG,
947 S Baltimore Ave, Hastings, NE, join the Region 8 Rally
Caravan, Gary Rush 573-280-0021, email: grush26209@
Iowa Unit -
Nov-Apr 1st Thurs each month: Brunch 10:30 AM, Golden Corral Rest.,
1868 N. Power Rd., Mesa, AZ, Doris Jean Cabalka 480216-8096, email:
Mar 12
Apr 9
Kansas City Missouri Unit -
Mar 5
Apr 2
Tennessee Unit -
Apr 28-May 1 Spring Rally Statewide, TCPC CG, Crossville, Howard
Hodges 931-256-5307, email:
Region 7 Website:
Jun 29
Jul 21-25
Jul 24
Aug 17-22
Region 7 Luncheon 11:30 AM,
Underwood Youth Center - East Wing,
Lewisburg, WV (tickets required)
Monument of Peace Rededication Rally, International
Peace Garden
Rededication Ceremony 2 PM, International Peace Garden
Region 7/Tall Ships Rally, Duluth, MN
Minnesota Unit -
North Dakota Peace Garden Unit -
Wisconsin Unit -
Mar 12
Mar 25-27
Apr 22-24
Apr 23
St. Patrick's Luncheon 11:30 AM, Vagabond, 1122 N
Edison St, Milwaukee, WI, Dave Sherman 608-423-4561,
Easter Camp Out, Peninsula SP, 9462 Shore Rd,
Fish Creek, WI, Ed Emerick 920-475-7893, email:
Camp Out, WI Dells KOA, S 235A Stand Rock Rd,
Wisconsin Dells, WI, Bob Manak 262-524-8711, email:
Luncheon/Bus Mtg. 11:30 AM, Moose Jaw Pizza & Dells
Brewing Co, 110 Wisconsin Dells Pkwy S, Wisconsin Dells,
WI, Bob Manak 262-524-8711, email: bob.manak@wbcci.
Blue Beret / March 2016 Luncheon 11:30 AM, TBA, Mark Kvidera 641-752-3688,
Luncheon 11:30 AM, Gramma's Kitchen, 3408 N Plainview
Rd, Walcott, IA, I-80 exit 284, turn N, then W, Richard Jirus
562-650-2825, email:
Apr 21-24
Luncheon 11 AM, Haywards BBQ, 11051 Antioch Rd,
Overland Park, KS, Cheryl Ball, 913-568-6396, email:
Luncheon 11 AM, June's Northland Rest., 614
Pottawatomie St, Leavenworth, KS, Glen Harris 913-5470954, email:
Spring Rally, Stallbaumer RV Park, Seneca, KS, Mike
Bedinger 816-729-5422, email: /
Leonard Sullivan 316-838-4793, email: bettywsutx@gmail.
Missouri Greater Ozark Unit
Apr 21-24
Spring Rally, Cedar Oaks RV Park, 1550 83rd St, Grove,
OK, GPS North 360° 37' 05" West 94° 48'53", Laverne
Kohl 417-849-1417, email: /
Mike Allen 417-499-8097, email: mijo15740@sbcglobal
Apr 27-May 1 Region 8 Rally "Follow the Trails West", Adams
Cty. FG, 947 S Baltimore Ave, Hastings, NE, GPS
40.57267,-98.402057, Gary Rush 573-280-0021, email:
Nebraska Unit -
2nd Mon each month except 2nd Sat in Jan, Apr, Jul & Oct: Luncheon
11:45 AM, Parker’s Smokehouse, 16880 Hwy. 6, Ashland,
NE, I-80 Hwy 63 exit turn N for 5 mi, located at intersection
of Hwy. 6, Mike Sisk 402-686-0063, email: mescas1@
Apr 21-24
Annual Fix-It Rally, Branched Oak SP, Raymond, NE, enter
W gate of SP on W Branched Oak Rd, turn L at 1st road,
Jim Wherrett 402-990-7325, email:
North Iowa Unit -
Apr 22-25
Caravan from Iowa to Hastings, NE, Dave Shaw 515-3680594, email:
Apr 26-May 1 Region 8 Rally (registration form on website), Hastings, NE
FG, June Ryan
Region 9 Website:
Mar 14-19
Region 9 Rally, Airstream PowWow,
Shawnee, OK,
East Texas Lakes Unit
Mar 5
Mar 14-19
Luncheon 11:30 AM, El Conquistador Rest., 1516 Old
Brandon Rd., Hillsboro, TX 254-582-9864 or 254-582-3262
Region 9 Rally "Airstream PowWow", 1700 Independence,
Shawnee, OK
Texas Plains Unit -
1st Sat each month: Luncheon 11:30 AM, Furr’s Family Dining, 6001 Slide
Rd., Lubbock, TX, Ellene Osburn 806-829-2165, email:
1st Sat each month: Dinner 6 PM, El Patron Rest., 5807 SW 45th Ave.
#500, Amarillo, TX, Dick Lanham 806-674-9849, email:
ea Thur: Balloon Volleyball 1 PM, (meal follows at various locations) 2001
19th St., Lubbock, TX, Joyce Davis 806-829-2232
Mar 14-19
Apr 20-23
Heart of Texas Camping Unit -
Monthly Activities TBA, please visit our website
North Texas Unit -
2nd Sat each month except Jul, Aug, Nov: Luncheon 11:30 AM, Spring
Creek BBQ, Burleson, TX, Susan Arnesen, email:
Mar 14-19
Apr 21-24
Region 9 Rally "Airstream PowWow", Shawnee, OK, Andy
Selking, email:
Maintenance Rally, TBA, Greg Walker, email: grwalk@
Oklahoma Unit -
Apr 28-30
Spring Rally, Cedar Oaks RV Park, 1550 83rd St NW,
Grove, OK, Wes Anderson, email:
Texas Alamo Unit -
1st Sat each month: Dinner 5 PM, Earl Abel's Rest., 1201 Austin Hwy.,
San Antonio, TX, Warren Wundt 830-609-8659, email:
Mar 11-14
Pre-Region 9 Rally/Caravan-Rally, Grandbury, TX &
Winstar Casino, OK, call for directions, Warren Wundt 830609-8659, email:
Mar 14-19
47th Annual Region 9 Rally "AIrstream PowWow", Heart of
OK Exposition Center, 1700 W Independence, Shawnee,
OK, call for directions, Warren Wundt 830-609-8659, email:
Apr 28-May 1 River Roundup/Annual Bus. Mtg./Election Rally, Colorado
Landing RV Park, 64 E Bluffview, La Grange, TX, call for
directions, Warren Wundt 830-609-8659, email: wwundt@
Texas Coastal Plains Unit -
Mar 3-6
Apr 14-17
Pre-Region Rally, Rusk KOA, 745 FM 343E, Rusk, TX,
turn E on FM 343 from Hwy 69 at flashing light, go 1/2 mi.
to top of hill, KOA on L, Nelda Tope 210-724-2478, email:
Gator 'Gonna Getcha Rally, Brazos Bend SP, 21901 FM
762, Needville, TX, Tom Bundy 281-250-7644, email:
Texas Gulf Coast Unit -
Mar 10-13
Apr 7-10
March Winds Rally, TAHI, 5 mi. E of Zavalla, TX on Hwy.
147, Eugene Bagby 903-878-2288, email: airstream1284@
Birds, Birds, Birds Rally, TAHI, 5 mi. E of Zavalla, TX
on Hwy. 147, Eugene Bagby 903-878-2288, email:
Texas Highland Lakes Unit -
Region 9 Rally, Shawnee, OK, Dick Lanham 806-6749849, email:
Rally, Fredericksburg RV Park, 305 E Highway St,
Fredericksburg, Thompson 866-679-8337, email: nanaj@
Region 10 Website:
Jul 27-Aug 1 Region 10 Rally, Kalispell, MT
Sep 12-18
Pendleton Round-up Rally, Pendleton, OR
Oct 15-23
Sun Valley Jazz & Music Festival Rally, Ketchum, ID
Alberta-Saskatchewan Unit
British Columbia Unit -
Jan-Dec every Tues: Breakfast 9 AM, Ricky's Country Rest., 2160 King
George Blvd., Surrey, BC, call for directions, Tom Akam
604-319-6021, email:
Mar 19
Apr 9-10
Apr 21-24
St. Patrick's Day Potluck Brunch 11 AM, #318 - 20600 53A
Ave, Langley, BC, call for directions, Ruth Stahl 604-5338003, email:
Maintenance Weekend, by appt., Abbotsford, BC,
call for directions, Bob Halliwell 604-870-4850, email:
Joint Rally w/North Cascade WA & WA Units, North
Whidbey RV Park, Oak Harbor, WA, call for directions, Tom
Akam 604-319-6021, email:
Idaho Unit -
Jan-Oct 2nd Sat: Breakfast 8:30 AM, Golden Corral, 8460 W Emerald St,
Boise, ID, Peggy Campbell 208-843-6243
Apr 22-25
Breakout Rally, Caldwell, ID, Michael Archer 208-890-7835,
Montana Unit -
Mar 12
Luncheon Noon, TBA, Terri Giao 406-223-5267, email:
Apr 29-May 1 Dust off the Cobwebs #2/Buddy Rally, TBA, Terri Giao 406223-5267, email:
North Cascade Washington Unit
Mar 12
Luncheon 1 PM, Denny's Rest., Exit 208 on I-5, Jim Kolhoff
360-297-2013, email:
Oregon Unit -
Texas Hill Country Unit -
April Fools Rally, Sunnyside, Sweet Home, OR, Brad
Taylor 503-871-8309, email:
Apr 28-May1 Boardman Spring Rally, Boardman RV Park, Boardman,
OR, Warren/Hendrix 503-701-2798, email: twestover@
Mar 14-19
Apr 14-17
Washington Unit -
Mar 14-19
Apr 7-9
Region 9 Rally "Airstream PowWow", Shawnee, OK
Rally, Cherokee, TX, Windy Fleming
Region 9 Rally, Shawnee, OK, Andrew Selking
Rally, Paradise RV Park, Snook, TX, Joan Ermis 830-2630278, email:
Apr 1-3
Mar 11-13
St. Patrick Date Rally, TBA, Don Lisius 360-456-9677,
Tri-Unit Rally, Whidbey Island, TBA
Blue Beret / March 2016
55 REGION 11
Region 11 Website:
Sep 8-11
Old Thresher's Rally, Yuma, CO
Sep 23-27
Antelope Rally, Medicine Bow, WY
Sep 30-Oct 4 Balloon Fiesta Rally, Albuquerque, NM
Arizona Unit -
Mar 10-13
Rally, Distant Drums RV Resort, Camp Verde, AZ, Rod
Gamble 480-242-9394, email:
Apr 7-10
Rally, Lost Dutchman SP, Apache Junction, AZ, Jim Moser
570-594-8585, email:
Apr 27-May 2 Caravan, Route 66 Centennial Celebration, Flagstaff,
Seligman & Kingman, AZ, Barbara Vaughn 928-859-3462,
Greater Bay Area Airstream Club
Apr 21-24
Greater Los Angeles Airstream Club
Apr 16
"Because We're Curious...about teas at Celestial
Seasonings", Celestial Seasonings, 4600 Sleepytime Dr,
Boulder, Geoffrey Wheeler 303-817-8833, email: gwfoto@
"Because We're Curious...about brewing beer at El
Rancho", El Rancho, 29260 Hwy. 40, Evergreen, Dick
Scheurer 303-526-7650, email: /
Rich Nortnik 303-947-0062, email:
Four Corners Unit of New Mexico
Apr 7-10
Airstreams at DeAnza Rally, DeAnza RV Resort, Amado,
AZ, directions:, S of Tucson
on I-19 between Green Valley & Tubac, AZ, Harry Vollmer,
New Mexico Unit -
Mar 12
Luncheon, TBA, Monroe's, Albuquerque, Anne Werth 505331-7226, email:
Mar 31-Apr 3 Glow in the Dark Rally, Trinity Site visit, Valley of the Fires
CG, Carrizozo, NM, Tom Stallings 505-298-8355, email:
Wyoming Unit -
Region 12 Website:
Apr 21-24
Oct 12-16
Dec 29Jan 2, 2017
Cali Rally, Camatta Ranch, Santa
Margarita, CA
Region 12 Rally, Hemet, CA
Annual Rose Parade Special Event Rally, Pasadena, CA
Central Coast California Unit
Mar 11-13
Apr 15-17
Rally, Yanks RV Resort, 1005 Yanks Way, Greenfield,
CA 831-740-8007, Bob Minder 805-258-3901, email:
Rally, The Springs at Borrego RV Resort, 2255 Di Giorgio
Rd, Borrego Springs, CA 760-767-0004, Linda Hollenbeck
310-309-0648, email:
El Camino Real California Unit -
Mar 16-20
Apr 13-17
Rally, Buellton, CA, Hwy 101 to Ave of Flags turnoff, TBA
Rally, Buckskin SP, Parker, AZ, DeDe Fairbanks
Golden West California Unit -
Blue Beret / March 2016 Activities listed on website
Lake Tahoe Airstream Club -
Long Beach California Unit -
Mar 17-21
Apr 14-16
Denver Colorado Unit -
Mar 12
Cali Rally, Camatta Ranch, 9330 Camatta Creek Rd, Santa
Margarita, CA
Rally, River Run RV Park, 3715 Burr St, Bakersfield, CA,
Ray Crowe 909-783-2327, email:
Rally, Rancho Jurupa Cty. Park, 4800 Crestmore
Rd, Riverside, CA, Ray Crowe 909-783-2327, email:
Nevada Unit -
1st Sat each month: Breakfast mtg. 8 AM, Eggworks Rest, E Sunset,
Henderson, NV, Trish Delk 702-769-0700, email:
Mar 18-20
Apr 8-10
St. Patrick's Day Rally, Lake Mead CG, tentative dates &
location, Diane Hancock, email:
Spring Clean Up, Fletcher View CG, Mt. Charleston,
NV, sorry, rally is full w/wait list, Jim Mullay, email:
Northern California Unit -
Mar 2-6
Apr 6-10
Rally, 49er RV Park, Columbia, email: plazzereschi@gmail.
Rally, Olema Ranch, Point Reyes, email: plazzereschi@
San Diego California Unit -
Mar 11-13
Rally, Sweetwater Summit Park, Chula Vista, CA, Art
Reifman, email:
Sierra Nevada Unit -
Mar 17-20
Apr 21-24
Rally, Washoe Lake NV SP, main CG, Diane Leipper 775972-9392, email:
Rally, Ft Churchill NV SP, main CG, Diane Leipper 775972-9392, email:
South Coast California Unit -
Mar 4-6
Apr 1-3
Rally, Camp Pendleton, Del Mar Beach, Camp Pendleton,
CA, Bill Ball, email:
Rally, Chula Vista RV Resort, Chula Vista, CA, Bill Ball,
WBCCI Europe Website:
HENSLEY ARROW anti-sway weight distributing hitch system complete with manual.
Removed from a recently purchased trailer.
$1500. Located in Central Illinois. Pick up
only or arrange a meet point. Phone: 309657-3102 or email
Private party seeks a 25 ft. Airstream Classic Wide Body with twin beds. Must be in
excellent condition with no body damage. Call
321-298-4114 or email:
Airstream Parks
NORTH TEXAS AIRSTREAM COMMUNITY in historic Hillsboro invites you to: “VISIT
WBCCI community is located on I-35, Exit
368, in the heart of the Ft. Worth/Dallas/Waco
triangle. Free Clubhouse & Terraport Wi-Fi,
coin laundry and mail forwarding service. Visit
our website for low overnight,
weekly, monthly and snowbird rates. Call
254-582-5566 for reservations & information.
INC. Is located in NE Texas on beautiful Lake
Sam Rayburn is known for Bass fishing. A
haven for bird watchers. Daily $15. Come
visit or stay with us. 5 miles NE Zavalla on
Hwy. 147. Contact: TAHI, 714 Angelina,
Zavalla, TX 75980, Ph. 936-897-3686. www.
PENN WOOD AIRSTREAM PARK - Traveling I-80 thru western Pennsylvania or looking
for a quiet, all Airstream, summer home for a
few weeks or all season? We’re the perfect
stop! Full hookups with cable TV & WI-FI.
Reasonable rates, area attractions and site
of Autumn Leaf National Rally. Near Clarion,
PA - four miles south of I-80, Exit 64 on SR
66; Ph. 814-764-8963;
Open 5/1 to 10/15.
only park located 25 mi. N of Pensacola, FL,
on US 29, between I-10 and I-65 on the banks
of the Escambia River. Just 30 minutes to
white sand beaches, shopping, museums
and a casino. Owned and operated by Unit
29. Open September thru May with full hookups at $11per day 30 amp/$13 per day 50
amp, $300 monthly, storage available. Pets
welcome and washer/dryer are available.
Host opportunities. Now have Wi-Fi. Ph.
Kept Secret!!! Conveniently located off I-95
between exits 183 and 180 and less than
six miles from some of the best unspoiled
beaches in Florida. 65 miles to Walt Disney
World, 20 miles to the Kennedy Space Center and located in the city of Melbourne. To
retirees 50 and older we offer leases, long
term rentals and overnight guest sites. Sorry
we do not take credit cards. LYH is an adult
(age 50 or over) and pet free park. For more
information on rates and particulars contact
us at, or call 321-254-6398.
We are located in the beautiful North Georgia
Mountains, just 6 miles north of Helen, GA on
State Hwy. 75. Helen is a wonderful Alpine
Village community with lots of shopping, good
restaurants and tubing down the river. The
TOP is only 2 miles to the crossing of the
Appalachian Trail. A great hiking area! We
also have hiking trails that connect directly
to our property. Our park offers full hookups,
free cable TV, and free Wi-Fi at very competitive rates. During Rally weeks rally fees
are an additional charge. ALL AIRSTREAMS
WELCOME. Pets too. Ph. 706-878-3590,
THE DAILY ROUTINE? Come relax at Jersey
Shore Haven an Airstream park located near
the beautiful southern New Jersey beaches.
Wooded sites with 4-point hook-ups allow you
to relax in an unhurried atmosphere. Located
near the Victorian charm of Cape May or
gardens at Leaming’s Run JSH is only a short
distance from the excitement of casinos or
the boardwalk—you choose. Jersey Shore
Haven, 728 Dennisville Road, P.O. Box 99,
S. Seaville, NJ 08246. Ph. 609-861-2293,
CAMPGROUND – Crossville, TN. An Airstream only campground on 376 wooded
acres, 132 member sites with six visitor lots.
Full hookups, 5,000 sq. ft. clubhouse, free
wi-fi, video library, kitchen and bathrooms with
showers. Laundry facilities, hiking trails, no
license required fishing lake. Rates $18 per
night. Open April-October. Visit our website: for directions and more
details. 865-471-8272
mountain top breezes and beautiful sunsets
just 5 miles from the Blue Ridge Parkway,
25 miles south of Roanoke, Virginia. Full
hookups, free Wi-Fi, clubhouse with laundry,
host sponsored activities, hiking trails and
a waterfall. Enjoy bluegrass music Friday
nights in nearby Floyd. $30.00 per night, 7th
night free. Located at 6517 Highland Haven
Road, NE, Copper Hill, VA 24079. Open 5/1
to 10/15. Call 540-651-9050 or visit www.
home of the WA Unit open to all WBCCI members and guests, offers 103 FHU sites with
free Wi-Fi, within a day’s drive to mountain
or sea, 4 National Parks, Canada or Oregon.
Make your reservation today or come see
our 192 residential lots for sale to WBCCI
Members. 9101 Steilacoom Rd SE, Olympia,
WA 98513. Ph. 360-491-3750, WEB www.
For Sale Trailers/
1997 – AIRSTREAM 28’ CLASSIC, rear
bedroom, queen bed, storage under bed,
overhead fan, shower with door, two closets,
air conditioner, heats or cools, refrigerator, Zip
Dee awning , non-smoker, no pets, $15,000,
Ph. 863-956-1533 (Haines City, FL)
LIMITED, front queen bedroom, rear side
door with A/C and heat pump with wall
thermostat on heat and A/C as well as two
Fantastic fans, rock guards and 2 full length
awnings, near NEW tires and hydraulic disc
brakes, day/night shades, Corian countertops, range top & convection oven with light
hickory wood cabinets and ultra soft leather
throughout, nice size separate shower/
bathroom, best of Airstream quality. Priced
at $38,900, stored inside, no smoking or
pets. For sale due to health. Dennis & Edna
White, Ph. 217-767-2720, cell 217-454-1937,
email: , call or email
for photos. (Decatur, IL)
Blue Beret / March 2016
PLEASE NOTE: Address on file 12/1 will be printed in Directory.
Address change as of______________ (date) WBCCI#____________
$9.50 per set, includes front and back; $10.25 for Ohio residents.
Make check payable to: WBCCI
 Check if officer
Mail to: WBCCI, PO Box 612, Jackson Center, OH 45334
E-Mail: Julie Rethman, Member Services,
State/Prov._______________________ Zip_____________________
I Need a: five year additional set  or complete replacement set .
I Joined in _______(year). Life Member?_____
Enclosed is an addressed envelope for stars only.
MAIL TO: WBCCI, PO Box 612, Jackson Center, OH 45334
E-MAIL: Julie Rethman, Member Services,
Enclose $20.00 for one year. Make check payable to: WBCCI
Mail to: WBCCI, PO Box 612, Jackson Center, OH 45334
“Two for the Price of One”
Payment for a classified ad in the “Blue Beret” includes an ad on the WBCCI website ( )
...with as many as 30,000 visits per month!
FOR INFORMATION, CALL 937/596-5211 or email
Rates for Classified Advertising are $50 up to 35 words, $60 for 36-65 words.
Payment in full must be received with the ad copy.
BLUE BERET reserves the right to reject advertising not suitable for inclusion. The publisher reserves the right of approval of all advertising.
BLUE BERET is not responsible for advertiser’s representations or performance. For more information on display ad costs, contact WBCCI.
For your convenience, you may use the coupon below. Please type ad. Count words and determine cost as indicated above.
Make check payable to “WBCCI” and mail with completed coupon to: WBCCI, P.O. Box 612, Jackson Center, OH 45334
Classified Ad: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Location of trailer/motorhome:______________________________________________________________________________
Deadline: Classified Ads for May must be received with payment no later than April 1.
NOTICE: Advertisement should be typewritten. The Blue Beret is not responsible for the accuracy of handwritten submissions.
Refund Policy: No refund after the 7th of month prior to publication.
Blue Beret / March 2016
2016 WBCCI National Caravans
The Nor’ By Nor’east National Caravan will begin in southern New England and end in Prince Edward Island, Canada. We begin the caravan
in RI and visit nearby Mystic Seaport, CT and Newport, RI. Plymouth, of
course is steeped in history; the “Plimoth Plantation”, Plymouth Rock,
Mayflower II, Jenny Museum are among the places we’ll visit. Boston’s
stop is a busy one with 2 days of bus rides from Topsfield into the Capitol.
All those sites you’ve read about in history books will be part of our journey. JFK Library, Bunker Hill, Freedom Trail, Faneuil Hall, etc. are just part
of what we’ll see. Continuing up the coastline to an ocean-side campsite in
Searsport, ME and then nearby Bar Harbor in Trenton will make you a firm
believer that Maine is indeed, beautiful. We’ll enjoy the Penobscot Marine
Museum, Fort Knox and the Penobscot Narrows Observatory and a Food
Channel approved ”Down East Style Lobster Bake”. We’ll camp nearby
FDR’s retreat at Campobello Island in NB, Canada, enjoy “Tea With
Eleanor” and then another campsite up the road in Moncton where we will
visit Hopewell Cape and see the exaggerated tides of the Bay of Fundy.
Nova Scotia’s 3 stops include campsites that will be home bases so we
can travel to Peggy’s Cove, Halifax, Louisbourg, Baddeck and of course
the Cabot Trail. We intend on being in NS for 11 days and we will see
everything and continue to eat too! A short trip across to Prince Edward
Island on a ferry and you will think you’re in Heaven. We have plenty of
time here for exploring and enjoying some entertainment in Charlottetown,
the warm waters along some of the most beautiful beaches as well as
seafood-PEI style. We will have our Farewell Banquet in Charlottetown.
Leaders: Trevor & Gale Lake, WBCCI #4688, Ph. 781-837-2539, cell
781-264-4550, email:, Land address: 315 Oak
St., Marshfield, MA 02050. Maximum RV Units/With Leaders: 23. Total
Number of Nights: 41, Number of Stops: 11. Fees: US Funds, Kitty Fee
w/2: TBD, Kitty Fee w/1: TBD, Guest: TBD, Deposit: $200 with Application, Date Due: 2/1/16: $800, Date Final Balance Due: 5/1/16, Cancellation
Fee: $100 after 2/1/16. Leaders Discretion after 2/1/16.
Scenic mountain vistas await you as we leisurely travel a total of 500
miles from Cherokee, NC to Staunton, VA, along the beautiful Blue Ridge
Parkway. The longest travel day will be 140 miles. Our first stop takes us
back in time to the Eastern Cherokee Indians, the only band that avoided
the tragic Trail of Tears. We’ll visit the Oconaluftee Indian Village, and
see a dramatic presentation, Unto These Hills, depicting local Indian
history. We’ll visit the historic Biltmore Mansion in Asheville. In Boone
you will have the opportunity to explore Blowing Rock, a town named for
the local geographical oddity, as well as visit Moses Cone Memorial Park
and Manor. Cone was a textile baron and leading philanthropist. A variety
of activities in the park include shopping at the Southern Highland Craft
Guild, hiking any of the 25 miles of trails, and fishing for trout or bass on
two different lakes. We’ll experience old time mountain and bluegrass
music in Galax, VA, tour Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello home, the D-Day
Memorial and much more. The Parkway is a winding two-lane road with a
maximum speed of 45 mph. Elevations vary from 650 to 4900 ft. up and
around the local mountains. Leaders: Gene and Kathy Blanchard, WBCCI
#7244, Ph. Gene 713-301-7244, Kathy 713-301-2926. Email: genebl@ Address: 118 Quail Run, Spicewood, TX 78669. Maximum RV Units w/leaders: 20. Total nights: 19, number of stops: 6. Kitty fee
with 2: $2,200, Kitty fee w/1: $1,500, Guest: $TBD, Deposit: $250. Payments: $1,000 due 12/1/15; $950 due 2/15/16. Final payment due 2/15/16.
Cancellation: $50 before 1/4/2016. Leader’s discretion after 1/4/16.
“The Land of the Midnight Sun”- The Alaska Caravan will start in Dawson
Creek, BC, where the Alaska Highway begins at Mile Post 0 and travel for
1500 miles to Fairbanks, AK. We will be traveling through Yukon Territory,
to Whitehorse where we will turn north and travel up to Dawson City, YT.
Then we will ferry across the Yukon River and drive the famous “Top of
The World Highway”, to the town of Chicken, AK and then an optional visit
to Eagle (pop. 15). It should be noted that Alaska is “The Last Frontier”
and the Top of The World Highway can be dusty, foggy, and/or muddy.
As we continue our journey we will experience many activities such as
“Klondike Kate’s,” Laird River Hot springs, take the River Boat Discovery in
Fairbanks, and experience a real Alaska Salmon Bake and Dinner Show.
We will see many glaciers, visit Denali National Park, Mount McKinley,
Juneau, pan for gold, travel along the famous Alaska Pipeline, and visit
the North Pole, (home of the real Santa Claus). On our return south we
will drive the Cassiar Highway through British Columbia and back into
Alaska, stopping at Hyder, AK where you will have the opportunity to visit
Salmon Glacier. The Caravan will end at Prince George, BC where we
will have our final banquet. You will enjoy unprecedented wildlife viewing
opportunities, world class fishing, and astonishing scenery on this “Once in
a Lifetime Adventure!” Leaders: Bill & Sandy Johnjulio, WBCCI #242, Ph.
814-484-7221, Cell 216-533-1752, Email:, Address:
6193 Althom Road, Tidioute, PA 16351. Limit: 35 Units. Kitty Fee: w/2
$6500, Kitty Fee: w/1 $4800, Guest: $1700, Deposit: $500, Cancellation:
$100 before 1/15/16, leader’s discretion after that date. More Info: http://
“The Viking Trail Caravan” will begin at Little Bras D’Or Cape Breton, Nova
Scotia where we will board the Marine Atlantic Ferry from North Sydney
to Channel-Port Au Basque to begin our journey across Newfoundland.
During the early part of our adventure we will spend about 10 days
exploring The Viking Trail on the Great Northern Peninsula and will visit
the site where Leif Erikson established a Viking Community at L’Anse Aux
Meadows about 1,000 years ago. Along the Great Northern Peninsula
we expect to see wildlife such as moose, and sites such as icebergs, visit
the remains of the shipwreck SS Ethie, and see the Arches Provincial
Park in Portland Creek. Then we will head east to places Twillingate and
Bonavista to see more Newfoundland wildlife such as puffins in Elliston,
gannets in Cape St. Mary, and visit the coastal coves and the harbors all
along the way. There are several dinner theaters planned, such as “The
Viking Feast” in St. Anthony, the “Rising Tide Theater” in Trinity and “The
Spirit of Newfoundland Theater” at the Historic Masonic Temple in St.
John’s. For the return trip from Newfoundland we will board the Marine
Atlantic Ferry from Argentia for the overnight 14 hour cruise back to
North Sydney, Nova Scotia. A cabin and dinner aboard the Ferry will be
provided. The Kitty Fee includes all group dinners, cookouts, entertainment, activities, campsites, and all Ferry costs to and from Newfoundland.
Leaders: George & Sharon Hilton, WBCCI #7009, Ph. 352-205-9928,
Email: Address: 214 Rainbow Drive #11436, Livingston, TX 77399. Maximum RV Units/With Leader 29/30, Total Number
of Nights: 42, Number of Stops: 13. Kitty Fee w/2: $5,700, Kitty Fee w/1:
TBD, Guest: TBD, Deposit: $500, Date Balance Due: 2/1/16, Cancellation
Fee: $100 before 2/1/16. Caravan Leader’s discretion after 2/1/16.
If you love seafood and want to explore the historic southeast coast of
the United States, this is the caravan for you. We’ll visit an historic US
Lifesaving Service Station (predecessor to the U.S. Coast Guard) in Delaware, eat seafood, spend a day at the Chincoteague Oyster Festival in
Virginia, visit countless museums, lighthouses and beaches, eat seafood
and see the sights in the historic southeast. Did we mention that we’re going to eat seafood? Actually this caravan is about a lot more than eating
seafood. You’ll be immersed in the history, culture and beauty of the Old
South and see many attractions that are missed by the average tourist,
including Morning Colors and graduation ceremonies at the US Marine
Corps Recruit Depot at Parris Island. The caravan will travel about six
weeks starting at the Delaware Seashore State Park (south of Rehoboth
Beach) and traveling through coastal Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina,
South Carolina and ending at the Georgia Sea Islands. The kitty fee,
which hasn’t increased since 2012 includes campgrounds, most with full
hookups, many meals, boat, carriage and bus tours, museum admissions
and much more! Leaders: Ron & Cyndi Carnein, WBCCI #806, Ph. 623974-4762, Email:, Street Address: 3916 N Potsdam
Ave #1704, Sioux Falls SD 57104. Maximum RV Units/With Leader: 22.
Total Number of Nights: 39, Number of Stops: 11. Kitty Fee w/2:$3,725,
Kitty Fee w/1: $2,950, Guest: $775, Deposit: $250, Date Balance Due:
2 installments, 4/1/16 & 7/1/16, Cancellation Fee: $50 before 4/1/16; Leaders’ discretion after.
Blue Beret / March 2016
59 2016 WBCCI National Caravans
From the home of the Corvette to the birthplace of bluegrass music you
will have a fun-packed caravan. Beautiful horses, lush green rolling hills,
and home of the Corvette. These are just a few of the words to describe
the beautiful state of Kentucky. Kentucky has something for everyone!
We will begin our short 4 week caravan in Bowling Green, home of the
Corvette, and from there we will travel to 7 different areas, each with its
own history, geography and culture. You will have an opportunity to spend
a day at the races at the famous Churchill Downs in Louisville, and on
Kentucky Derby Day we will have dinner and watch the derby at Keeneland Horse Park in Lexington. Additionally we will learn about the bourbon
industry and visit both Maker’s Mark and Jim Beam Distilleries while on
the Kentucky Bourbon Trail, tour the final assembly plant for the Chevrolet
Corvette, visit a horse farm, spend a morning at My Old Kentucky Home,
have dinner at the original Kentucky Fried Chicken Restaurant, visit the
childhood home of Loretta Lynn and many more activities. All along the
way we will have cookouts and campfires that are the tradition of the
WBCCI Caravans. And we will end our journey at Renfro Valley, a mecca
of bluegrass music that predates The Grand Ole Opry, and Berea, known
as the Art Capitol of the Kentucky. We invite you to join your WBCCI
caravan friends as we travel the highways and back roads of the beautiful State of Kentucky in Springtime! Leaders: George & Sharon Hilton,
WBCCI #7009, Ph. 352-205-9928, Email:, Address:
214 Rainbow Drive #11436, Livingston, TX 77399. Maximum RV Units/
With Leader: 20/21, Total Number of Nights: 28, Number of Stops: 8. Kitty
Fee w/2: $2,950, Kitty Fee w/1: $2,200, Guest: $885, Deposit: $500, Date
Balance Due: 2/1/16, Cancellation Fee: $100, before 2/1/16. Caravan
Leader’s discretion after 2/1/16.
In 2016, the “NEW” Florida Fantasy Caravan will be 32 days of travel
around the State of Florida and Cruising the Caribbean. The Caravan
begins in Titusville, FL on February 5 and terminates March 7, 2016 at
Mile Marker 39 in Big Pine Key, FL. Beginning in Titusville, we will cruise
for 7 nights/8 days in the Caribbean. During the cruise portion of the
Caravan, it is “unlimited” as to the number of people that can cruise with
us. Encourage your family, friends or other WBCCI members to take
advantage of the group discount and travel with the premier cruise line,
Royal Caribbean. We will tour the Kennedy Space Center and travel by
bus to “EPCOT” at Disney World in Orlando. Visit the Capitols of Florida
and walk among animals and birds native to Florida. Walk through historic
Spanish settlements. Tour the historic towns of St. Augustine and Key
West by trolley. See Manatees in their natural habitat. Enjoy a luncheon
cruise on the Seffner/Tampa Bay and Matanzas River. We will see the
Everglades National Park by trolley where we will see alligators and native
birds and learn what is being done to preserve this natural habitat. Our
final stop will be at Mile Marker 39, Big Pine Key, Florida. We will see the
“End of the Road” buoy at Mile Marker 1. This caravan is very active and
has some long days away from your rig. Come and enjoy the beauty of
Florida. Leaders: Jim & Sheila Skipper, WBCCI #3178, Ph. 850-877-1729
Home / 850-519-1976 Cell, email:,
Land Address: 9150 Seafair Lane, Tallahassee, FL 32317. Maximum RV
Units/With Leader: 25, Total Number of Nights: 32, Number of Stops: 8,
Kitty Fee w/2: $TBD, Kitty Fee w/1: $TBD, Guest: $TBD, Deposit: $250,
1st Payment August 15, 2015, Balance Due: October 15, 2015. Cancellation Fee: $50 plus non-refundable deposits prior to November 1, 2015.
Leaders discretion after November 1, 2015.
The 2016 Southwest Adventure Caravan will be in August, September, and October capturing the awesome beauty of the fall landscapes.
Beginning in Durango, we will visit the higher vistas first, before traveling
on to lower altitudes hoping to escape early snows. Bring clothes for
all climates! We will find what’s around the corner in this Four-Corners
region of CO, UT, AZ and NM, that tourists may not usually see, visiting
Blue Beret / March 2016
Indian pueblos, reservations and learning about their cultures from Native
guides. The grandeur of the scenery will amaze us as we ride the train up
the mountain to Silverton, Colorado, hike to the “Palace” in Mesa Verde
or bounce into Monument Valley. Moab, Utah offers gorgeous views in
the surrounding National Parks and excitement with “slick-rock riding” in
ultimate jeeps. Whether using a camera at Capitol Reef National Park or
riding a mule into Bryce Canyon the parks will captivate us. After seeing
the North Rim of the Grand Canyon we’ll spend a relaxing five days beside
Lake Powell, enjoy a boat trip to Rainbow Bridge, a raft float trip and a
tour through the unusual Antelope Canyon. Our final two weeks will take
us to New Mexico to explore Gallup, Albuquerque and Santa Fe. We will
have a chance to ride in a hot air balloon before going to the Albuquerque
Balloon Fiesta, trolley through Santa Fe, savor local cuisine and then
visit Taos. America the Beautiful Senior passes (formerly the Golden Age
Pass) will save you dollars for fees in Mesa Verde, Zion, Bryce, Capitol
Reef, Arches, Canyon lands, Chaco Canyon, and North Rim of the Grand
Canyon National Parks. Come prepared to have fun with your fellow
caravanners! Co-Leaders: Jay & Elna Thompson, WBCCI #7293, Ph.
850-212-4719, Email:, Address: 9163 McDougal
Ct., Tallahassee, FL 32312-4207, and Phil & Margie Glassey, WBCCI
#5328, Ph. 206-605-2986, Email:, Address: 910169 Steilacoom Rd SE, Olympia, WA 98513-6127. Limit 30 rigs. Estimated
kitty fee w/2: $4,500; w/1: $3,500. Guest: $1,200. Registration deposit:
$200.00. Cancellation fee is $50 before 2/1/2016 plus non-refundable
deposits. Leader’s discretion after.
The letters GTT were familiar in the United States during the early 1800’s.
They meant GONE TO TEXAS. Come with us and see why it was the
place to be as we travel from Hillsboro just south of Fort Worth, “Where
the West Begins”, to the beautiful Texas Hill country west of San Antonio.
Along the way we will visit Buffalo country, Indian Country, Oil Patches,
Carlsbad Caverns, Texas Salt Flats, Old Missions, Cavalry Forts, travel
along the United States/Mexico border, A PASSPORT WOULD BE REQUIRED FOR ANY TRAVEL INTO MEXICO. (NOT A CARAVAN ACTIVITY) A World Famous Observatory, Mystery Lights at Marfa, Big Bend
National Park, The “Hanging Judge,” The Alamo, an Exotic Game Ranch,
a Dude Ranch, and much more. From the Texas plains to the mountains
to the deserts and the beautiful hill country. Leave a message for your
friends - GTT. Moderate hiking may be required on some events. Leaders:
Lyle & Peggy Snow, WBCCI #7358, Ph. 832-217-4508, Email: lyles51@, Land Address: 31743 Serrano Bluff Ln., Spring TX 77386-4330.
Co-Leader: Bill & Dorma Kindle, WBCCI #4126, Ph. 713-907-4624, Email: Maximum RV Units/With Leader: 20. Total
Number of Nights: 33, Number of Stops: 14. Kitty Fee w/2: $2100, Kitty
Fee w/1: $1650, Guest: $500, Deposit: $250, Date Balance Due: $900
2/1/16 balance 2 in rig $950, 1 in rig $500 5/1/16. Cancellation Fee: $50
prior to 5/1/16, Leaders discretion after 5/1/16.
This 21 day caravan will explore 5 or 6 plantations of South Georgia and
North Florida. We will attend Swamp Gravy - Georgia’s Official Folk Life
Play, try our skill at skeet shooting, dry camp at an old county store, have
the time to visit Plains and Andersonville on free days, take a carriage
ride through Madison GA, visit the Uncle Remus Museum, not to mention
having the opportunity to eat at a number of “Southern” establishments.
Spring is a colorful time to visit the area and enjoy the beauty of the South.
Leaders: Winston & Carol Montague, WBCCI #5274, Ph. 850-212-3726,
Email:, Land Address: 3958 Meandering
Lane, Tallahassee FL 32308. Maximum RV Units/With Leader: 23. Total
Number of Nights: 21, Number of Stops: 5.Kitty Fee w/2: $1,400, Kitty
Fee w/1: $1,100, Guest: TBD, Deposit: $200, Date Balance Due: 11/1/15.
Cancellation Fee: At the discretion of the leaders.
2016-2017 WBCCI National Caravans
On the Cajun Country Caravan you will experience Cajun culture and hospitality at its roots. Travel through cypress swamps, rice fields and crawfish
farms of south Louisiana. Dine on gumbo, jambalaya, crawfish etouffee,
boiled crawfish and fresh from the gulf, shrimp and oysters. Dance the
Cajun two-step at world famous “Fred’s” in Mamou. Tap your feet and
sway to the music while listening to the Saturday morning jam session at
Savoy’s Music Store. Take a boat tour through cypress swamps to watch
alligators and eagles in their natural habitat. Visit the oldest rice mill in
the United States and the world famous Tabasco plant on Avery Island.
Ride with a crawfish farmer as he runs his traps. Enjoy a bus ride to Baton
Rouge and tour of the Governor’s Mansion and the tallest State Capital
building in the United States. Visit “Evangeline Oak” on the Bayou Teche,
where in Longfellow’s poem, Evangeline waited for her Gabriel. Lots of
fun, food and adventure packed into sixteen days of excitement awaits you
on the Cajun Country Caravan. Leaders: Larry & Judy Boudreaux, WBCCI
#6534, Ph. 985-209-0376, Email:,, Land Address: 206 Parkside Dr., Thibodaux,
LA 70301. Maximum RV Units/With Leader: 26. Total Number of Nights:
16, Number of Stops: 5. Kitty Fee w/2: $1100, Kitty Fee w/1: $825, Guest:
$525, Deposit: $200, Date Balance Due: 12/1/2015. Cancellation Fee: $50
before 12/1/15, Leaders discretion after 12/1/15.
Dust off your tri-corner hat and mob cap and join us as we travel back in
time to where the seeds of the American Revolution were planted and
bore fruit. We will begin in Boston and see the Old State House where
fiery debates occurred, walk where the Boston Massacre erupted, take
part in reenacting the Boston Tea Party (prepare to heave ho some British
tea into the Boston Harbor) and hear ranger talks on the Battle of Bunker
Hill; we’ll also visit other historic landmarks such as Faneuil Hall aka “The
Cradle of Liberty”, the Old North Church, Paul Revere’s house and the
USS Constitution, “Old Ironsides”. From there we travel to Minute Man National Historical Park and follow the day (April 19, 1775) that marked the
beginning of the war to independence from first blood on Lexington Green
to the “shot heard round the world” at North Bridge in Concord. Then we
travel to New York visiting Fort Stanwix National Monument in Rome, Oriskany Battlefield in Oriskany, and Fort Ticonderoga where Ethan Allen and
Benedict Arnold (before he turned traitor) led the “Green Mountain Boys”
in an easy victory over British forces. Saratoga National Historical Park
where a decisive American victory convinced the French to support the
fledging nation also rates a visit as does the Bennington Battlefield in New
York as well as Vermont. We will charter a bus to West Point for a private
tour and lunch at the Officers’ Club followed by a visit to the New Windsor
Cantonment, General Henry Knox’s Headquarters, and an optional visit to
the National Purple Heart Hall of Honor. We will explore General Washington’s Headquarters at Newburgh then enjoy a tour-guided bus trip into
New York City where some sites are now sky scrapers but others are alive
and well such as Federal Hall and Fraunces Tavern and Museum where
we’ll have lunch. New Jersey is next with tours at Fort Lee, Morristown
National Historic Park, Washington Crossing State Park (and Washington
Crossing on the PA side), Monmouth Battlefield State Park, Princeton
Battlefield State Park and Old Barracks Museum in Trenton. Then into
Pennsylvania to Valley Forge National Historical Park in King of Prussia and Brandywine Battlefield Museum in Chadds Ford. Philadelphia
we’ll see via charter bus visiting Independence National Historical Park
for ranger talks and tours of Independence Hall, the Liberty Bell Center,
Franklin Center and dining at historic City Tavern. Our final destination will
be in Virginia at Washington’s beloved estate, Mount Vernon where we’ll
enjoy a tour, visit his newly-opened Presidential Library, and have our final
banquet. Leaders: Ed and Beth Jones, WBCCI #1515, Ph. 703-780-6597,
Email:, Land Address: 3704 Washington
Woods Dr., Alexandria, VA 22309. Maximum RV Units/With Leader: 26.
Total Number of Nights: 30, Number of Stops: 7. Kitty Fee w/2: $4,050,
Kitty Fee w/1: $3,225, Deposit: $350, First Payment Due: 12/16/25, Date
Balance Due: 4/15/16. Cancellation Fee: Leader’s Discretion.
Short caravan; perfect for your summer vacation! Rendezvous for this
caravan is on Saturday, September 10, 2016 at Mackinaw City, MI. See
the absolute best of the eastern end of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula in just
15 days and 5 stops. Last night of the caravan and the closing banquet
will be on Saturday, September 24, 2016, at St. Ignace, MI. Key activities/
outings include: Ferry ride under the Mackinaw Bridge in route to a day on
Mackinac Island, tours of lighthouses, a visit to Kitch-iti-kipi, a guided tour
of Fayette Historic State Park, visits to numerous waterfalls, a boat tour of
the Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, tour of the Great Lakes Shipwreck
Museum at Whitefish Point, 6 ½ hour small gauge train ride (operating
since 1927) and river boat tour up the Tahquamenon River to the Upper
Falls, Soo Locks boat tour, and much more. Please send deposit, or
questions, to Leaders: Chip & Lori DeLeeuw, WBCCI #2748, Ph. 517250-5060, Email:, Address: 906 Wright Lane,
Milan, MI 48160. Maximum RV Units/With Leaders: 17, Total Number
of Nights: 15, Number of Stops: 5, Kitty Fee w/2: $1,500, Kitty Fee w/1:
$1,100, Guests: $400, Deposit $200, Date Balance Due: 5/1/16, Cancellation Fee: $50 before 5/1/16. Caravan Leaders discretion after 5/1/16.
Love to Golf? We will have three days at each stop which will include
playing golf for two days and a day to enjoy the sights as we travel across
the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Come join your Airstream friends in a
friendly game of golf. We begin this caravan in Manistique, UP of Michigan after International 2017. We will travel across the Upper Peninsula
to Munising, Brimley, St. Ignace, and end the caravan in Mackinaw City,
Michigan. Leaders: Jim & Sheila Skipper, WBCCI #3178, Ph. 850-8771729 Home, 850-528-0437 (Jim cell), 850-519-1976 (Sheila cell), email: Address: 9150 Seafair Lane, Tallahassee, FL 32317, Co-Leader: Gene & Kathy Blanchard, WBCCI#7244,
Maximum RV Units W/Leader: 25, Total Number of Nights: 21, Number of
Stops: 5, Kitty Fee w/2: TBD, Kitty Fee w/1: TBD, Guest: TBD, Deposit:
$250, 1st Payment: 10/1/16, Balance due: 2/1/17. Cancellation: $50 plus
non-refundable deposits prior to 2/1/17. Leaders Discretion after 2/1/17.
Come vacation in the majestic Canadian Rockies and Alberta prairies.
Traveling the backcountry there will be secluded dry camping, cookouts,
and First Nations lore. Over 100 glaciers line the spectacular Icefields
Parkway where you will ride a snow coach at Athabasca Glacier and
experience the newly constructed glass-floored Skywalk. We’ll cruise
Malign Lake to Spirit Island at Jasper National Park and dine at the historic Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel. We will take hikes to the Tea House
above Lake Louise, canoe Lake Moraine, and photograph the Takakkaw
Falls. Our visit to Alberta will include World Heritage museums and
local canola farm tours. In Calgary, our final destination, we will attend
the world-renowned Calgary Stampede and Rodeo. Your camera, your
adventurous spirit and your love for laughter are a must for this vacation!
Leaders: Rosemary & Carlos Leach, WBCCI #1717, Ph. 281-536-6185,
email: Mailing Address: 218 Quinlan St. #582,
Kerrville, TX 78028, Maximum RV Units/with Leader: 20, Total Number of
Nights: 23, Number of Stops: 7, Caravan Miles: appx. 625, Kitty Fee w/2:
$3300, Kitty Fee w/1: TBA, Guest: TBA, Deposit: $500, Cancellation Fee:
$50 until 5/1/16. Leader discretion after 5/1/16.
“The Viking Trail Caravan” will begin at Little Bras D’Or Cape Breton, Nova
Scotia where we will board the Marine Atlantic Ferry from North Sydney
to Channel-Port Au Basque to begin our journey across Newfoundland.
During the early part of our adventure we will spend about 10 days
exploring The Viking Trail on the Great Northern Peninsula and will visit
Blue Beret / March 2016
61 2017 WBCCI National Caravans
the site where Leif Erikson established a Viking Community at L’Anse Aux
Meadows about 1,000 years ago. Along the Great Northern Peninsula we
expect to see wildlife such as Moose, and sites such as Icebergs, visit the
remains of the shipwreck SS Ethie, and see the Arches Provincial Park in
Portland Creek. Then we will head east to places such as Twillingate and
Bonavista to see more Newfoundland wildlife such as Puffins in Elliston,
Gannets in Cape St. Mary, and visit the coastal coves and the harbors all
along the way. There are several dinner theaters planned, such as “The
Viking Feast” in St. Anthony, the “Rising Tide Theater” in Trinity, and “The
Spirit of Newfoundland Theater” at the Historic Masonic Temple in St.
John’s. For the return trip from Newfoundland we will board the Marine
Atlantic Ferry from Argentia for the overnight 14 hour cruise back to North
Sydney, Nova Scotia. A cabin and dinner aboard the Ferry will be provided. The Kitty Fee includes all group dinners, cookouts, entertainment,
activities, campsites, and all Ferry costs to and from Newfoundland. Leaders: George & Sharon Hilton, WBCCI #7009, Ph. 352-205-9928, email: Address: 214 Rainbow Drive #11436, Livingston,
TX 77399, Maximum RV Units/With Leader (in each section): 20/21, Total
Number of Nights: 42, Number of Stops: 13, Kitty Fee w/2: TBD (approximately $5,700), Kitty Fee w/1: TBD, Guest: TBD Deposit: $500, Date
Balance Due: 2/1/17, Cancellation Fee: $100 before 2/1/17. Caravan
Leader’s discretion after 2/1/17.
Join us for a springtime caravan through East Texas. We will begin at one
of the largest first Monday Trade Days and Flea Markets. You will tour
Tyler’s Azalea & Spring Flower Trail, which travels through eight miles
of residential gardens. Brookshire’s World of Wildlife animal museum is
one of the best private collections of stuffed animals and the Tiger Creek
Wildlife Refuge is an international home to over 50 rescued big cats. At
the American Freedom Museum, you will explore the Museum’s 15,000
square feet of galleries containing an amazing collection of over 600 artifacts and documents from American Revolution all the way to the sands
of Iraq. The City of Carthage has the world famous Texas Country Music
Hall of Fame where you will have a tour, lunch and some pure Texas
entertainment. The East Texas Oil Museum is located on the campus of
Kilgore Junior College where you will also see the Kilgore Rangerette’s
two hour Revel. Historic Nacogdoches is described as “the oldest town
in Texas.” The city has been under more flags than the state of Texas,
claiming nine instead of Texas’s six flags. We will also tour the Foretravel
Motorcoach plant. Beaumont has the Fire Museum of Texas which is
endorsed by the Firemen’s and Fire Marshals’ Association of Texas as,
“The Official Fire Museum of Texas.” In the energy museum, you can
explore the world of petroleum science from the formation of oil to the
geology. Discover the beginnings of the Texas oil industry as historical
characters share their adventures of the great Spindletop Gusher of 1901.
Leaders: Bill and Dorma Kindle, WBCCI #4126, Ph. 713-907-4624, email: Land Address: 319 Mariachi Street, Crosby,
TX 7753. Co-Leader: Lyle and Peggy Snow, WBCCI #7358. Maximum RV
Units/With Leader: 20, Total Number of Nights: 24, Number of Stops: 8,
Kitty Fee w/2: $1,750, Kitty Fee w/1: $1,500, Guest: $550, Deposit: $250,
Date Balance Due: 11/01/16, Cancellation Fee: $100 plus non-refundable
deposits before 11/1/16. Leaders discretion after.
The Nor’ By Nor’east National Caravan will begin in southern New England and end in Prince Edward Island, Canada. We begin the caravan
in RI and visit nearby Mystic Seaport, CT and Newport, RI. Plymouth, of
course is steeped in history; the “Plimoth Plantation”, Plymouth Rock,
Mayflower II, Jenny Museum are among the places we’ll visit. Boston’s
stop is a busy one with 2 days of bus rides from Topsfield into the Capitol.
All those sites you’ve read about in history books will be part of our journey. JFK Library, Bunker Hill, Freedom Trail, Faneuil Hall, etc. are just part
of what we’ll see. Continuing up the coastline to an ocean-side campsite in
Searsport, ME and then nearby Bar Harbor in Trenton will make you a firm
believer that Maine is indeed, beautiful. We’ll enjoy the Penobscot Marine
Museum, Fort Knox and the Penobscot Narrows Observatory and a Food
Channel approved ”Down East Style Lobster Bake”. We’ll camp nearby
Blue Beret / March 2016
FDR’s retreat at Campobello Island in NB, Canada, enjoy “Tea With
Eleanor” and then another campsite up the road in Moncton where we will
visit Hopewell Cape and see the exaggerated tides of the Bay of Fundy.
Nova Scotia’s 3 stops include campsites that will be home bases so we
can travel to Peggy’s Cove, Halifax, Louisbourg, Baddeck and of course
the Cabot Trail. We intend on being in NS for 11 days and we will see
everything and continue to eat too! A short trip across to Prince Edward
Island on a ferry and you will think you’re in Heaven. We have plenty of
time here for exploring and enjoying some entertainment in Charlottetown,
the warm waters along some of the most beautiful beaches as well as
seafood-PEI style. We will have our Farewell Banquet in Charlottetown.
Leaders: Trevor & Gale Lake, WBCCI #4688, Ph. Home 781-837-2539,
Cell 781-264-4550, Email: Land Address: 315
Oak St. Marshfield, MA 02050, Maximum RV Units/With Leaders: 23, Total
Number of Nights: 41, Number of Stops: 11, Fees: US Funds, Kitty Fee
w/2: TBD, Kitty Fee w/1: TBD, Guest: TBD, Deposit: $200 with Application, Date Due: 2/1/17: $800, Date Final Balance Due: 5/1/17, Cancellation
Fee: $100 after 2/1/17. Leaders Discretion after 2/1/17.
The 2017 Caravan is scheduled for 53 days, starting August 24, 2017 in
Durango, CO and ending October 14 in Pojoaque near Santa Fe, NM. The
general route covers parts of New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado and Utah
known as the “Grand Circle”. We will visit the cities of Albuquerque and
Santa Fe, New Mexico and Durango, Colorado. The rest of the places
visited are small towns (Bluff, UT, Page, AZ, Moab, UT), several National
Parks (Zion, Bryce, North Rim of the Grand Canyon, Canyonlands,
Arches, Capital Reef, Mesa Verde) and Indian reservation lands (Monument Valley Navajo Tribal Park, Canyon De Chelly). We will boondock
9 nights at three locations, Mesa Verde, North Rim of the Grand Canyon
and the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta, but will have single to three point
hook-ups at most campgrounds. Be prepared for cool temperatures and
“thin” air to breathe as we will camp at elevations from 5000-9000 feet. At
other times we will be in the desert country, so the weather can be warmto-hot. Temperatures range from 30 to 95. For the most part, the weather
is great. At the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta as a part of the caravan, we
camp with about 120 other Airstreams. The 2015 caravan had a Facebook Group with many pictures of the caravan and their adventures. The
Facebook Group is: Southwest Adventure Caravan 2015. Co-Leaders:
Carol & Winston Montague, WBCCI #5274, Ph. 850-212-3726, email:, Land Address: 3958 Meandering Lane,
Tallahassee, FL 32308; Co-Leaders: Elna & Jay Thompson, WBCCI
#7293, Ph. 850-212-4719, email:, Land Address:
9163 McDougal Court, Tallahassee, FL 32312, Maximum RV Units/With
Leader: 34, Total Number of Nights: 53, Number of Stops: 15, Kitty Fee
w/2: $4,500 estimated, Kitty Fee w/1: $3,500 estimated, Guest: $1,200
estimated, Deposit: $200, Date Balance Due: half remaining kitty fee by
2/1/17, remainder by 5/1/17. Cancellation Fee: Leader’s discretion.
On the Cajun Country Caravan you will experience Cajun culture and
hospitality at its roots. You will not only hear the words made famous by
the great Hank Williams in his song “Jambalaya,” you will also enjoy dining
on jambalaya, crawfish pie, file’ gumbo, and lots of other dishes that make
Cajun cuisine so popular. Travel through the cypress swamps, rice fields
and crawfish farms of South Louisiana. Dance the “Cajun Two Step” at
world famous “Fred’s Lounge” in Mamou. Tap your feet while swaying to
the music at Savoy’s Music Store Saturday morning jam session. These,
plus all the other experiences, will help you understand the Cajun phrase,
“la sez le bon temps roulet” - let the good times roll. Take a boat ride on
Lake Martin to watch alligators and bald eagles in their natural habitat.
Tour the oldest operating rice mill in the United States, enjoy a morning or
afternoon on Avery Island, home of world the famous Tabasco Plant. Ride
with a crawfish farmer on his unique harvesting boat, running his traps and
retrieving his daily catch of ecrevisses. Enjoy a bus ride to Baton Rouge
for a tour of the Governor’s Mansion and the tallest state capitol building
in the United States. Visit Evangeline Oak on the Bayou Teche, where in
2017 WBCCI National Caravans
Longfellow’s poem, Evangeline waited for her Gabriel. Lots of fun, food
and adventure, packed into sixteen days of excitement awaits you on
the Cajun Country Caravan. Leaders: Larry & Judy Boudreaux, WBCCI
#6534, Ph. 985-446-1931(H), 985-209-0376 (C), 985-688-3467 (C), email:, Land address: 206 Parkside Dr., Thibodaux, LA 70301. Maximum RV Units/With
Leader: 26, Total Number of Nights: 16, Number of Stops: 5, Kitty Fee w/2:
$1,200, Kitty Fee w/1: $925, Guest: $600, Deposit: $200, Date Balance
Due: 12/1/2016. Cancellation Fee: Leader’s discretion.
Join us as we explore the old South through Plantations huge and ornate
to small & unpretentious. This 23 day caravan will explore 5 to 6 Plantations in South Georgia and North Florida. We will attend Swamp Gravy
- Georgia’s Official Folk Life Play, marvel at the outdoor murals in a small
town, try our skill at Skeet Shooting, dry camp at an old country store, visit
the Uncle Remus Museum, see FDR’s Little White House, travel down
country roads and through quaint towns, and of course have the opportunity to eat at a number of “Southern” establishments. On free days, there
will be time to visit Jimmy Carters’ hometown of Plains and see Andersonville, the Civil War prison camp. Spring is a colorful time to visit the
area and enjoy the beauty of the South. Ya’ll come and see us! Leaders:
Gary & RoseMarie Anderson, WBCCI #9181, Ph. 850-896-0567 (Gary’s
Cell), 850-866-7658 (RoseMarie’s Cell), email:
(RoseMarie). Land Address: 2800 W. 30th Court, Panama City, FL 32405,
Maximum RV Units/With Leader: 23, Total Number of Nights: 23, Number
of Stops: 6, Kitty Fee w/2: $1,500, Kitty Fee w/1: $1,200, Guest: TBD,
Deposit: $200, Date Balance Due: 11/1/16. Cancellation Fee: Discretion of
Scenic mountain vistas await you as we leisurely travel a total of 500
miles from Cherokee, NC to Staunton, VA, along the beautiful Blue Ridge
Parkway. The longest travel day will be 140 miles. Our first stop takes us
back in time to the Eastern Cherokee Indians, the only band that avoided
the tragic Trail of Tears. We’ll visit the Oconaluftee Indian Village, and
see a dramatic presentation, “Unto These Hills”, depicting local Indian
history. We’ll visit the historic Biltmore Mansion in Asheville. In Boone
you will have the opportunity to explore Blowing Rock, a town named for
the local geographical oddity, as well as visit Moses Cone Memorial Park
and Manor. Cone was a textile baron and leading philanthropist. A variety
of activities in the park include shopping at the Southern Highland Craft
Guild, hiking any of the 25 miles of trails, and fishing for trout or bass on
two different lakes. We’ll experience old time mountain and bluegrass
music in Galax, VA, tour Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello home, the D-Day
Memorial and much more. The Parkway is a winding two-lane road with a
maximum speed of 45 mph. Elevations vary from 650 to 4900 ft. up and
around the local mountains. Leaders: Gene & Kathy Blanchard, WBCCI
#7244, Ph. Gene 713-301-7244, Kathy 713-301-2926, email: genebl@ Land Address: 118 Quail Run, Spicewood, TX 78669.
Maximum RV Units w/leaders: 20. Total Number of Nights: 19, Number
of Stops: 6. Kitty Fee w/2: $2,200, Kitty Fee w/1: $1,500, Guest: TBD,
Deposit: $250, Date Balance Due: 2/15/17, Cancellation Fee: $50 before
1/4/17. Leaders discretion after 1/4/17.
(please type or print clearly - every blank must be filled in)
Caravan #__________________ Caravan Name__________________________________________________________________________ Last Name________________________ First______________________Spouse_____________________WBCCI#_____________________ Summer Address___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone # _______________________________EMail___________
Winter Address:
From:________ To:______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Phone #________________________________Email_____________________________________________________________________
# of Adults__________Children_________Pets_________Ham #___________________MH/T_________ft. Handicapped?
Amount Enclosed: (US$)________________________Check #________________
Make checks payable to: Name of Caravan Leader, Caravan Leader
example: John & Mary Doe, Caravan Leaders
Mail to: Caravan Leader
Blue Beret / March 2016
Finger Lakes Fantasy
Hammondsport Fireman's Field
Hammondsport, New York
June 1 - 6, 2016
Name _________________________ Spouse ___________________
WBCCI # ______________ Unit______________________________
City _________________ Prov/State _______ Code_____________
Phone _____________________ Cell __________________________
Trailer ______ MH ______ Length ______ Slide out ____________
Rally Fee:
Per Person $55.00 x _____ = $
Camping/night $25.00 x _____ = $
Total $
15th Special Event Rally
Galax, Virginia
August 7 - 14, 2016
Region 3 will be the host of the 15th Special Event Rally in Galax,
Virginia for the 81st Old Time Fiddler’s Convention August 8-13. The
Fiddler’s Convention is six days of continuous entertainment while the
rally will have special concerts by Wayne Henderson and Friends, and
the Junior Appalachian Musicians as well as a tour of Wayne’s shop
and his extraordinary museum, a breakfast, dinner, and melon “cutting”
included. Rally fee is $50 per person, $20 children 12-16. Limited to 45
rigs. The rally campsites will be at the Cool Breeze Campground that
has three point hook-ups, 30 and 50-amp service, cable TV, and wireless Internet for $30 per night (plus tax). There will be onsite entertainment. The website address is: and
phone number is 866-342-0300. There is no sign-up coupon or check to
send, just call the campground to reserve your campsite and spot in the
rally. Pay the rally fee on your arrival. Note: entrance fee to the Fiddlers
Convention is not included in the rally fee. The Region 3 website www/ will have a page about the rally as will the region
Children under 16 free.
Contact Fred Schultz 570-406-3049,
Optional tour fees can be arranged at the rally site.
Make checks payable to: Region 2 WBCCI
Mail to: Will Kushto, 114 Flagstaff Rd., Philadelphia, PA 19115-3410
"Follow the Ruby Brick Road" 40th Anniversary
Branch County Fairgrounds
262 Sprague St., Coldwater, Michigan
May 11 - 16, 2016
WBCCI # ______________________ Unit____________________
Name _______________________ Spouse/Partner____________
Phone ___________________ E-mail_______________________
Camping at Appalachian Fairgrounds
Gray, Tennessee­­­
for the National Storytelling Festival
Jonesborough, Tennessee
October 5 - 9, 2016
City_______________________ State/Prov_____Code____________
WBCCI # __________________ Unit___________________________
Phone _____________________ Cell __________________________
Rally Fees:
Airstream w/2 adults
Pre 2/28/16
After 3/1/16
Airstream w/1 adult
Pre 2/28/16
After 3/1/16
Rally Fee includes: 6 nights camping w/3 point hook-up, 6 meals, 3
nights entertainment, hobby/craft show and yard sale. Gary Olinger,
Region 4 President, 740-603-3677, email:
Make checks payable to: Region 4 WBCCI
Mail to: Steven Rhodes, R4 Treasurer
2951 Hazel Brush Rd, Shelby, OH 44875
Enclose SASE for receipt
Email ___________________________________________________
Handicapped______________Amount enclosed________________
Emergency Ph.____________________________________________
Please circle type:
Fee: $115 for 5 nights parking w/full hookups for first 30 trailers. (This
year we offer only parking.) Early parking begins Sunday, Oct. 2 at $23 per
night, so come visit the area. Each person is responsible for obtaining
their own tickets to the Storytelling Festival. Directions will be mailed
when you register. (Refund minus $5 cancellation fee.) For further info
contact Harry Herrmann, Ph. 865-966-2222 or email: harry22222@gmail.
Make checks payable to: Harry Herrmann
Mail to: Harry Herrmann
12176 Brookstone Dr., Knoxville, TN 37934-4779
Blue Beret / March 2016
Albuquerque, New Mexico
September 30 - October 4 , 2016
International Peace Garden
Special Event Rally
July 21 - 25, 2016
Name(s)_________________________ ____ WBCCI #____________
Email (only means of communication)________________________
Airstream model & length Rally Fee:
Cost per coach (includes 2 tickets to all the action)
Rally Fee$ 13.00
First half ($186.50) due 2/28/16
Second half ($186.50) due 7/31/16
Phone_________________ Email:____________________________
WBCCI # __________________ Handicap Parking:
Arrive: ____________________ Leave: _______________________
Note: Balloon Fiesta refund policy: $10 charge through July 15; $186.50
after July 16; no refund after September 1 for any reason.
Join Airstreamers from across the country at this colorful event as
hundreds of balloons take to the sky! Water and honey trucks available.
Bring your (quiet) generator. You are not sitting on the sidelines, but
are part of the festivities beginning with the early morning Dawn Patrol
through the evening Balloon Glow and fireworks. You will have in/out
access in your car after arriving. Vendors are on the field serving tasty
treats and coffee. Two tickets to the field provided per Airstream, additional tickets may be purchased at the event.
Questions? Please contact us at: or
call 970-259-3890.
Make check payable to: Region 11 - WBCCI
Mail coupon & check by February 28 to:
Ken Johansen, P.O. Box 424, Durango, CO 81302
Angelica Reunion
Allegany County Fairgrounds
September 16 - 18, 2016
Rally Fee:
RV on Site
@ $ 40.00
Adult - each
@ $130.00
Children - each
@ $ 50.00
Medical Requirement for Electric (Specify):
Electrical Charge
@ $ 40.00
Total Fee Payable in U.S. Funds
Questions: E-mail: Gail Harrower
Ph. 204-781-1987
Make checks payable to: WBCCI Region 7
Mail to: Gail Harrower
23 Village Drive, Ste. Anne, MB, Canada R5H 1H4
Register Online at:
Name ___________________________ Spouse _________________
City _______________________ State _______ Zip Code _________
WBCCI #___________________ Unit __________________________
Phone _____________________
Rally Fees:
Airstream w/2 adults
$180.00 $_______
Airstream w/1 adult
$140.00 $_______
Additional Adult
$ 40.00 $_______
Chilldren 6-12
$ 20.00 $_______
Is Coming!!
Rally Fee includes parking, buffet at Houghton College, catered dinner
at Rally. Information contact: Ray Wagner 585-334-0816, email: Rally followed by Caravan to Sugarcreek, OH.
Make checks payable to: NY Fingerlakes State Rally
Mail to: Audrey Wagner, 200 Crockett Dr., Rochester, NY 14623
Blue Beret / March 2016
“Kicking Back in Kalispell”
Flathead County Fairgrounds, Kalispell, Montana
July 27 - August 1, 2016
Hosted by Oregon Unit, Region 10
Pendleton Comm. Park, Pendleton, Oregon
Pendleton Comm. Park, Pendleton, Oregon
September 12 - 18, 2016
WBCCI # ______________
City_______________________ State________ Zip Code__________
Year, model & length of Airstream ___________________________
E-Mail ___________________________WBCCI #________________
Phone _____________________
Will you be bringing children? If so, please provide name(s) and
An optional children's program will be provided at cost if sufficient
numbers register.
Length of Airstream _______________________________________
Handicap Parking required close to Event Centre? _____________
Cell Phone_________________ Email ________________________
Number of Persons _________ Handicapped __________________
Rally Fees:
Rally Fee (includes meals, 1 tour, entertainment & parking fees).
Sites have 20A power & access to water.
Wed-Mon (1) person $205 _____ Wed-Mon (2) persons $255 _____
Fri-Mon (1) person $180 _____ Fri-Mon (2) persons $155 _____
Full week
Weekend Thurs-Sun
$167/couple Off-Site Attendees
Wed-Sun (1) person $115 _____
Fri-Sun (1) person $105 _____
Professional Bull Riding Tickets for Tues
Fri Rodeo Upgrade Seating
Sat Rodeo Upgrade Seating (finals)
Wed-Sun (2) persons $165 _____
Fri-Sun (2) persons $125 _____
Mail coupon & check in US funds payable to:
Region 10, WBCCI:
Jay Rolls, 644 Beecher Ave., Brigham UT 84302
Register Online at our website:
Add any Optional Tickets to your Package (Limited Quantities):
Total Enclosed
Make check (U.S. Funds) payable to: WBCCI Oregon Unit
Send Coupon & Check to:
Teresa Taylor, P.O. Box 319, Seaside, OR 97138
Region 7, Special Event Rally
Duluth, Minnesota
August 17 - 22, 2016
Name____________________________ Spouse__________________
Forms due June 1, 2016
Questions to: Linda Agre, cell 320-295-1117
NOTE: Rally fee does NOT include camping and is limited to 50 units
Phone_________________ Email:____________________________
WBCCI # __________________ Unit___________________________
Rally Fee: (Camping Extra)
Unit w/2 adults
Unit w/1 adult
Children #______ x
= $
Total Enclosed$
Blue Beret / March 2016
Call Buffalo Valley Campground 218-590-8774 for reservations
Make checks payable to: Region 7, WBCCI
Mail to: Linda Agre
8795 82nd St SE #2, Clear Lake, MN 55319
If you have pictures depicting WBCCI caravans and rallies, please share them with us. These pictures may be used for promotional material,
the Membership Directory, “Blue Beret” cover, or published in “Club Scenes”. Pictures should be of rally/caravan activities. When choosing
a photo, consider the potential member and what would entice him/her to join the club. Please include a description of the picture, member
names, specific rally/caravan, dates, etc. and send to or WBCCI, PO Box 612, Jackson Center, OH 45334. NOTE: Original
photos or .jpg file formats are preferred.
Northern CA members on factory tour at Budweiser submitted by Bob Vasser, #26071
Tom Akam with Pendleton Round-up queen & princesses
- submitted by Tom Akam, #13381, photo by Murray Clarke, #11975
Joint Election Rally for Mississippi & Memphis TN Units
- submitted by Ruth McNinch, #3710
Linda Agre (right) with Jody Niskanen & Jeff Nobbe from Shorewood
RV - submitted by Linda Agre, #5628
British Columbia Unit Airstreams at Loon Bay Resort, Sheridan Lake, Lone Butte, BC - submitted by Rita Richardson, #4939
Blue Beret / March 2016