- Commercial Radio Interactive – CRi

Transcription - Commercial Radio Interactive – CRi
The viral marke,ng tool for your campaigns
Last update: Jan 2013
《大玩派》 Fun Box , previously known as 《你賞點》 ADvalue, is now renamed to synchronize with CR1 program hosted by 蘇施黃. With intensive radio on air support, Fun Box is able to engage a wider scope of audience and further strengthen the member base for an even beDer viral markeEng result. 2 Result guaranteed viral markeBng tool for different campaigns. It drives the registered members to parEcipate seeding on Facebook via a reward programme.
•  Members earn Points by either: 1. watch an ad 2. like a fan page 3. engage an online campaign 4. make a purchase through Fun Box •  And client’s message on their Facebook Walls •  Members redeem for various coupons and gi?s What does? It mobilizes members to recommend and refer our clients’ messages on social media. member base
Members seeding
“Seeding” in our members’ network enable your message to reach million of viewers.
How does
work? Marketer decide on the viral campaign format according to the objecEve
Decide the number of seeding and segmentaBon from Fun Box member pool • Increase ad viewership & exposure. Boost website traffic. • Grow the fans number of a Facebook Page. • Recruit users. Increase user engagement of a campaign. Fun Box members parEcipate the campaign and share the markeBng message on their Facebook The viral campaign will be put on for targeted members to anEcipate How do we noBfy members about your campaign? 1
We noBfy FunBox members & other audiences by direct email, HK Toolbar, and our official Facebook page Email noEficaEon to target members 3
Wall post on 大玩派 Facebook Page
Hong Kong Toolbar Total Daily Unique Users: 500,000+ Total Monthly Unique Users: 1,100,000+ HKTB Column Banner
HKTB Text Link *As of Sep 2012 Audience Reach
Member’s Sharing
For every 2,000 member seeding Individual post on Wall
Influencing hundreds of friends
360,000+ The potenEal audience reach* on Facebook: *The average FB friends number of our members is 180
Project Performance BEA Facebook fan page –Like Mission
1,000 fans were acquired within 20 minutes
1,500+ traffic were brought to client’s page DIVA movie Facebook fan page –Like Mission •  Acquired 1,500 fans within 20 minutes
•  Movie Ecket were all redeemed within 1 minutes
SAMSUNG GALAXY Note Video –Play Mission
2,000 commercial videos were viewed in 5.5 hours
•  More than 4,000 traffic were drawn to client’s webpage
AVEDA engagement –Play Mission • 
300 leads were generated in 1 hour
•  All 300 members made appointment with Aveda’s hair advisor
iPhone App Fun Box iPhone app is launched in Dec 2012 for further audience reach. Download link The Detailed Flow 10
Building Awareness & Traffic
1 Target members login Fun Box and your ad is posted there ready for them to watch 2 Members watch the ad and share ad message on Facebook
Friends click then land on your Website/ Fan Page or play the video ad
Fans Acquisition
Target members login to Fun Box and your ad is posted there ready for them to click Members diverted to the introducEon of your fan page with “Like” bu]on
Friends click & land on your Fan Page
Members like your Page, become a Fan and share your message on Facebook
Recruitment & Engagement
Target members login to Fun Box and your ad is posted there ready for them to click 2
Members diverted to the instrucEon page to like your Page and enroll/ engage in your campaign
Members share your message on Facebook
Standard Rate
How Sold?
1. Awareness Building Each member watch & share your ad
2. Fans AcquisiEon
Each member like your Page (become a fan) & share your Facebook Page
3. Recruitment & Engagement
Each member like your Page (become a fan), engage in your online campaign and share your campaign
Standard Rate
From HK$20
Remarks • Minimum buy per campaign for SoluEons 1 &2: 1,000 seeding and for SoluEon 3: $10,000 • Ad producEon NOT included in the above rate. Ad producEon charge will be under negoEaEon. • Booking is accepted on a first-­‐come-­‐first-­‐served basis. • Booking deadline for standard SoluEons 1&2: 7 working days prior to campaign launch • Material deadline for standard SoluEons 1&2: 5 working days prior to campaign launch • Campaign report is available to clients 5 working days aner campaign concludes. • CRi reserves the right to change its Standard Rates or condiEons at any Eme without noEce.
Our Clients
Contact Us Janet Cheung
t (852) 2190 9448
m (852) 9383 9739
Sonny Choi
t (852) 2190 9407
m (852) 9813 1413
Commercial Radio Interactive
a division of Commercial Radio Productions Ltd.
16/F, 9 Chong Yip Street, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong