180 NE 2nd St. Hermiston OR
180 NE 2nd St. Hermiston OR
180 NE 2nd St. Hermiston OR 541-667-5018 www.hermiston.or.us Contents Inside: • Parks & Recreation Activities and Classes • HERMISTON FAMILY AQUATICS PULL-OUT SECTION • Good Shepherd Medical Center Classes • Public Library & Activities • Chamber of Commerce Events • Desert Arts Council Events City of Hermiston 2011 Summer Parks & Recreation Guide 1 • General Contracting • Pump Stations • Electrical • Commercial • Ag • Industrial • Design/Build • Parking Lot Lighting & Maintenance (541) 567-5005 14 SE Campbell Drive, Hermiston Health Education & Wellness offered at Good Shepherd Medical Center • “Taking it to the Streets: Safe Cycling in Hermiston” • “Fun with Foods!” (cooking classes for kids) • Early Pregnancy, Breastfeeding, Childbirth or Parents in Training classes • Babysitting Basics • Tai Chi, Exercise Bands or Bellydance Basics classes 2 2011 Summer Parks & Recreation Guide Check out pages 19-22 for complete listings 541-667-3509 City of Hermiston Parks & Recreation Guide Summer 2011 Edition City of Hermiston Parks & Recreation Department 180 NE 2nd Street, Hermiston OR 97838 www.hermiston.or.us May-June-July-August W ith Spring finally blowing in and Summer around the corner Hermiston Parks and Recreation has a full line up of activities and improvements of your parks ready. We’re offering programs for ages 3 to 99 in a variety of areas, Enrichment, Arts, Sports, and Special Events. Improvements to Riverfront Park, Highland Park, Orchard Park are happening or are about to happen. The Hermiston Family Aquatic Center is poised to have a great season. Our revamped 4th of July Celebration at Butte Park will surely blow your socks off. In July and August we will be presenting our first Movie and Music Festivals at Butte Park. So explore this guide and discover just a few of the opportunities our area and the expanded playground known as the Northwest has to offer. Most of all I hope you get out and enjoy our wonderful area this spring and summer. Ivan Anderholm, CPRP Parks and Recreation Director Table of Contents Introduction...............................................................Page 3 Youth Sports.................................................................Page 4 Sports, Enrichment......................................Page 5 Camps.........................................................Page 6 Adult Sports, Enrichment...........................Page 7 Adult Enrichment.............................Page 8 Special Family Events......................Page 9 Parks & Facilities.......................... Page 10 AQUATIC CENTER Schedule and Prices...................... Page 11 Facilities, Classes............................. Page 12 Swim Lessons..................................... Page 13 Aqua Fitness, Specials.......................... Page 14 Registration Form....................................... Page 17 Desert Arts....................................................... Page 17 Library...................................................................... Page 18 Good Shepherd................................................ Page 19-22 WELCOME TO PARKS & RECREATION Parks & Recreation Director: Ivan Anderholm Recreation Supervisor: Brian Brogan Park Foreman: Doug Bennett Administrative Assistant: Gina Wicks City of Hermiston The City of Hermiston Parks and Recreation Committee is a five-member advisory body appointed by City Council relative to parks and recreation facilities, programs and policy. The committee meets at 5:30 pm on the second Thursday of each month in the City Hall conference room. Our current members are Jean Stahlberg, Eric Reise, Carlisle Harrison, Nate Rivera and Sheila Cross. 2011 Summer Parks & Recreation Guide 3 Sports Scramble Golf Tournament Don’t miss this fun family friendly golf tournament. This is a modified scramble event. Each child/ adult team will pair up with another team to form a foursome and share a cart. Each team will compete against each other while competing individually in long drive and closest to the pin competitions. Prizes will be awarded for a variety of competitions. The tournament is designed to be fun and interactive with your child. Entry fee includes: green/cart fees, light snack, drinks, and prizes! Special thanks to our cosponsors: Echo Hills Golf Course, Swire Coca Cola, and Domino’s Pizza. Day: Saturday Dates: May 21 Times: 8:30am (9:00am shotgun start) Cost: $35 / team (adult and child) Ages: 6 years and up Location: Echo Hills Golf Course Sign up Deadline: May 13 Junior Golf Summer Program Sponsored by Fiesta Foods Each aspiring golfer will learn golf etiquette, driving, pitching, putting, rules of the game and more from golf professional, Pete Strawick. All graduates will qualify to play in the Umatilla-Morrow County Junior Golf Championship Tournament. This is a great program for all skill levels from beginners to advanced golfers. Space is limited so sign up early. Range balls are included. Day: Wednesdays Dates: Session 1: June 15 - July 13 (No golf July 6) Session 2: July 20 - Aug. 10 Times: 8:30am to 10:00am - or 10:30am to 12:00pm Cost: $40 Resident $50 Non Resident Ages: 6 years and up Location: Kik’s Driving Range Sign up Deadline: One week prior Hermiston's Parks and Recreation brings you in August! see page 9 for listings & times 4 YOUTH Sports Umatilla-Morrow County Junior Golf Tournament Sponsored by Fiesta Foods You must have completed the Junior Golf Summer Program to qualify for this tournament. Each participant will start from an age appropriate tee box and each gender/ age will be handicapped based on averages. This is a popular event so don’t miss out. Day: Monday Dates: August 15 Times: Shotgun start at 8:30am Cost: $20 Resident $25 Non Resident Ages: 6 years and up Location: Echo Golf Course Sign up Deadline: One week prior Hermiston Kids Triathlon A triathlon is a swimming, bicycling, and running competition. Each triathlete will swim first, go directly to bicycling, and finish with running. NO EXPERIENCE IS NECESSARY. This is a fantastic opportunity for your child to participate in an enjoyable, low-key, life-experience through athletics. The athletes will be on the road to a healthy active lifestyle while meeting new friends and building self-confidence. The Hermiston Kids Triathlon is a non-competitive event. The kids are divided into waves based on their age. All participants are winners just by completing the triathlon. Parents are encouraged to assist with any and all stages as needed. YOU MUST PREREGISTER FOR THIS EVENT BY THE SIGNUP DEADLINE. All 10-12 year old participants must be able to: Swim 50 meters Bike 1 mile Run .75 mile All 7-9 year old participants must be able to: Swim 50 meters Bike 1 mile Run .75 mile All 4-6 year old participants must be able to: Swim 50 feet (lifejackets are available) Bike .6 mile (training wheels are allowed) Run .4 mile Each participant will need to pick up a shirt and a pre-race packet at the Hermiston Family Aquatic Center August 5th – 8th during open hours. Day: Saturday Dates: August 13 Times: TBA Cost: $15 Resident $18 Non Resident Ages: 4 years - 12 years Location: Hermiston Family Aquatic Center Sign up Deadline: July 29 Sports Youth Flag Football League Join this great coed recreational football league. All equipment is provided. League consists of 7 practices and 6 games. If interested in volunteer coaching, please contact us. Day: Saturdays Dates: Sept - October Cost: $30 Resident $38 Non Resident + $15 Jersey (If you don’t already have a Hermiston Parks and Recreation reversible red and white jersey) Ages: 1st and 2nd Grade League 3rd and 4th Grade League Location: Theatre Sports Park Sign up Deadline: September 9 Youth Volleyball League Join this great coed recreational non-competitive volleyball league. All equipment is provided. League consists of 7 practices and 6 games. If interested in volunteer coaching, please contact us. Day: Saturdays Dates: Sept - October Cost: $30 Resident $38 Non Resident + $15 Jersey (If you don’t already have a Hermiston Parks and Recreation reversible red and white jersey) Ages: 3rd and 4th Grade League 5th and 6th Grade League Location: Local Gyms Sign up Deadline: September 9 Tiny Dancers This is an introduction to very basic dance techniques and performance. The class focuses on body awareness, self-control, eye-hand coordination, and rhythmic awareness. Dance performance is at the end of each month. No additional costume costs are needed. Days: Tuesday Dates: May Times: 5:15pm - 5:45pm 6:00pm - 6:30pm Cost: $20/Month - Resident $25/Month - Non Resident Ages: 3-5 years Location: Hermiston Community Center Sign Up Deadline: One week prior For more information, contact Hermiston Parks & Recreation at 541-667-5018 or log on to www.hermistonrecreation.com 2011 Summer Parks & Recreation Guide City of Hermiston YOUTH Sports Enrichment Gymnastics Level 1 John Day Fly Fishing Trip for Smallmouth Bass This introduction to gymnastics focuses on straddle rolls, front rolls, back rolls, assisted hand stands, overall body awareness, and more. All fitness levels are welcome. All supplies are provided. Day: Mondays Dates: May Times: 5:15pm - 6:00pm Cost: $24/Month - Resident $30/Month - Non Resident Ages: 3-10 years Location: Columbia Court Club Sign Up Deadline: One week prior Level 2 This gymnastics class is for children who have completed Level 1. The focuses are cartwheels, splits, and assisted hand stands. This class also continues to work on the skills introduced in Level 1. Day: Mondays Dates: May Times: 6:15pm - 7:00pm Cost: $24/Month - Resident $30/Month - Non Resident Ages: 3-10 years Location: Columbia Court Club Sign Up Deadline: One week prior Level 3 This gymnastics class is for children who have completed Level 2. The focuses are front flips, back turnovers, splits, and unassisted hand stands. This class also continues to work on the skills introduced in Level 2. Day: Mondays Dates: May Times: 7:15pm - 8:00pm Cost: $24/Month - Resident $30/Month - Non Resident Ages: 3-10 years Location: Columbia Court Club Sign Up Deadline: One week prior Junior Football Clinics Participants will learn the fundamentals of football through fun skill based games. They will be taught passing, running, catching, defense, and teamwork. Each week skill stations will be set up and the children will rotate through them. Be sure to sign up early for this popular clinic. Days: Saturdays Dates: September 24 - October 29 Times: 9:30am - 10:15am (3 years olds) 10:30am - 11:15am (4 year olds) 11:30am - 12:15am (5 year olds Kindergarten) Cost: $25/Month - Resident $31/Month - Non Resident Location:Theater Sports Park Sign Up Deadline: One week prior Sponsored by Blue Mountain Fly Casters NO EXPERIENCE OR EQUIPMENT NECESSARY! This is a great introductory to fly fishing experience. We will wade in the river to catch smallmouth bass (You must be able to wade on river rocks in 1-2 feet of water). We will teach how to catch fish and provide you with all the flies and equipment necessary. If you ever were interested in fly fishing, this is the trip for you. Children (6 yrs and older) love this one too. All children under 16 years must be accompanied by an adult. All children unable to swim must wear a lifejacket. Oregon fishing license required. Bring the whole family out for a day of fun on the river. Space is limited. Day: Saturday Date: July 30 Times: Noon - 3pm Cost: $30 / Resident $38 / Non Resident Ages: 6 years + (16 years and under must be accompanied by an adult) Location: John Day River Sign up Deadline: July 15 Art Class Introductory drawing and painting skills will be taught to all interested. Each class will have beginning to advanced projects dependent on skill level. Special pool painting project is included. Sign up now so you don’t miss out. Day: Tuesdays Dates: May Times: 3:30pm - 5:00pm -or 5:15 pm - 6:45 pm Cost: $24/Month - Resident $30/Month - Non Resident Location: Hermiston Community Center Sign Up Deadline: One week prior Enrichment Youth Introductory Archery Class Interested in the learning about Archery. Class covers archery safety, basic shooting (target) and (3D), bow hunting basics. All equipment is supplied. Come learn a new sport and have some fun. Class size is limited so sign up early. Day: Tuesdays and Wednesdays Dates: May Times: 7:00pm - 8:30pm Cost: $30 - Resident $38 - Non Resident Ages: 8 years plus (8-12 years must be accompanied by an adult) Location: Community Center Sign up deadline: One week prior The Wizard of Oz Everyone is welcome to join us at the Hermiston Community Center to watch the Wizard of Oz. Our drama class participants have been working hard for weeks to prepare this performance for you. There will be two showings, each with different cast members playing the lead roles. Come to one or both and support our young actors. Days: Cast #1 - Wednesday, April 27 Cast #2 - Monday, April 25 Time: 6:30 - 7:30 pm Location: Hermiston Community Center Admission:$2 per person Summer Feeding Program Free lunch is provided for any child under18 years of age at our feeding sites. Call us after June 1 to find a time and location near you. Day: Dates: Cost: Ages: Monday - Friday (No July 4) June 20 - August 19 FREE 0-18 years Come on down....to the first ever Summer Jams Music Festival at Butte Park July 19 & July 23 see time & lineup of Entertainers on pg 9 For more information, contact Hermiston Parks & Recreation at 541-667-5018 or log on to www.hermistonrecreation.com City of Hermiston 2011 Summer Parks & Recreation Guide 5 YOUTH Camps Youth Adventure Camps Get outdoors and have some real fun this summer! We are traveling in all directions to find adventure (no longer than 3 hours away). Activities will include: Whitewater rafting, flat-water boating, mountain biking, fly fishing and hiking. Each morning we will meet at the Hermiston Family Aquatic Center. Daily return times will vary depending on the activity. A schedule will be given to all participants before the camp. Each week will be designated for one age group, and all camps will be split up by gender. There is very limited space so sign up early to secure your spot. Lunch and drinks are provided. All supplies and travel are included. Days: Monday - Thursday Dates: 10th grade Boys: June 20 - 23 10th grade Girls: June 27 - 30 9th grade Boys: July 11 - 14 9th grade Girls: July 18 - 21 8th grade Boys: July 25 - 28 8th grade Girls: August 1 - 4 7th grade Boys: August 8 - 11 7th grade Girls: August 15 - 18 *Grades are determined by the grade you will be going into Times: All day (activity dependent) Cost: $150 Resident / week $187 Non Resident / week Sign up Deadline: One week prior Summer Fun - Day Camp This popular camp provides all day activities including: Sports, education, arts and crafts, and much more. Lunch and supplies are included. Sign up early. Day: Monday - Friday (No camp July 4) Dates: June 20 - August 19 Times: 8:30am - 4:30pm Cost: $45 Per Week - Resident $56 Per Week - Non Resident (10% discount if you sign up for all weeks at once) Ages: 6-12 years Location: TBA Sign up deadline: One week prior Youth Photography Camp Learn the basics of photography and film processing (composition, lighting, focus points, and basic cropping) from the pros at 60 Minute Photo. Price includes: photos, enlargements and matting. Participants must supply their own digital camera. Day: Monday - Thursday Dates: June 27 - June 30 Times: 1:00pm - 3:00pm Cost: $55 - Resident $68 - Non Resident Ages: 6-12 years Location: Local Parks Sign up deadline: One week prior 6 Camps Art Camps A fun filled week for all future artists. This introductory camp will introduce each participant to a variety of painting and drawing techniques (canvas, ceramics, wood, and more). The final day of camp will include an art show with each artist displaying all works of art for parents and more. Each session will have different projects. Sign up for both sessions at once and receive a discount. Space is limited so sign up early. Lunch and supplies are included. Day: Monday - Thursday Dates: Session I: June 27 - 30 Session II: August 15 - 18 Times: 9:00am - Noon -or 1:00 - 4:00pm Cost: $50 - Per Session - Resident $62 - Per Session - Non Resident *10% discount if you sign up both sessions at once Ages: 6-16 years Location: Community Center Sign up deadline: One-week prior Gymnastics Camp - Levels 1 and 2 This introductory camp to tumbling and gymnastics, focuses on improving motor skills and advanced body control. The camp starts with exercises such as: handstands, straddle rolls, front rolls, & back rolls. The camp then progresses to exercises such as: cartwheels and splits. Participants will also learn a gymnastics routine that will be preformed on the final day. All fitness levels are welcome. All supplies are provided. Day: Monday-Thursday Dates: July 18th-July 21st Times: 1:00 - 2:30pm Ages: 3 - 10 years Cost: $35 - Resident $43 - Non Resident Location: Hermiston Community Center Sign-up deadline: 1 week prior Gymnastics Camp - Levels 3 and 4 This gymnastics camp is for children that have completed level 2, and focuses on improving motor skills and advanced body control. The camp starts with exercises such as: One handed cartwheels, front flips, back kick-over’s, and splits. The camp then progresses to doing the exercises with speed and precision. Participants will also learn a gymnastics routine that will be preformed on Thursday. All supplies are provided. Day: Monday - Thursday Dates: July 18th - July 21st Times: 2:45-4:15 pm Ages: 6-10 years Cost: $35 - Resident $43 - Non Resident Location: Hermiston Community Center Sign-up deadline: 1 week prior Camps Tiny Dancers Camp - 3 and 4 year old Tiny Dancers is an introduction to very basic dance techniques and performance. The camp focuses on body awareness, self-control, eyehand coordination, and rhythmic awareness. Participants will learn both a dance routine and song that will be preformed on the last day. Days: Monday - Thursday Dates: July 18th - July 21st Time: 5:15pm - 6:00pm Ages: 3 to 4 years 11 months Cost: $25 - Resident $31 - Non Resident Location: Hermiston Community Center Sign-up deadline: 1 week prior Tiny Dancers Camp - 5 and 6 year old Tiny Dancers is an introduction to very basic dance techniques and performance. The camp focuses on body awareness, self-control, eyehand coordination, and rhythmic awareness. Participants will learn both a dance routine and song that will be preformed on the last day. Days: Monday-Thursday Dates: July 18th-July 21st Time: 6:15pm-7:15pm Ages: 5 to 6yrs 11 months Cost: $30 – Resident $37 – Non Resident Location: Hermiston Community Center Sign-up deadline: 1 week prior Youth Vocal Lessons Camp Join this summer’s vocal class for youth. Learn how to make your voice stronger and clearer while having fun. Different voice techniques, exercises and songs will be used to broaden the experience. Lessons will be taught by our certified instructor. Lunch is included. Days: Mondays and Wednesdays Dates: Session I: June 20 - July 20 (No class June 23 or July 4) Session II: July 25 - August 17 Times: 10:00am - 11:15am Ages: 8 - 12 years Cost: $40 - Per Session - Resident $50 - Per Session - Non Resident *10% discount if you sign up both sessions at once Location: Hermiston Community Center Sign Up Deadline: One week prior Family Adventure Race on the 4th of July No signup necessary, just show up... All ages welcomed For more information, contact Hermiston Parks & Recreation at 541-667-5018 or log on to www.hermistonrecreation.com 2011 Summer Parks & Recreation Guide City of Hermiston ADULT Sports Scramble Golf Tournament Don’t miss this fun family friendly golf tournament. This is a modified scramble event. Each child/ adult team will pair up with another team to form a foursome and share a cart. Each team will compete against each other while competing individually in long drive and closest to the pin competitions. Prizes will be awarded for a variety of competitions. The tournament is designed to be fun and interactive with your child. Entry fee includes: green/cart fees, light snack, drinks and prizes! Special thanks to our cosponsors: Echo Hills Golf Course, Swire Coca Cola, and Domino’s Pizza Day: Saturday Dates: May 21 Times: 8:30am (9:00am shotgun start) Cost: $35 / team (adult and child) Ages: 6 years and up Location: Echo Hills Golf Course Sign up Deadline: May 13 Adult Volleyball Leagues Hermiston Parks and Recreation is offering Adult Coed Volleyball Leagues. Players must sign up as a team. Roster size is unlimited. Trophies and shirts will be awarded to the winners. Postseason single-elimination tournaments will be included with each 9- week season. No active college or high school players. 4 on 4 Coed Recreational League For teams looking to just have fun. 7’11 5/8” nets will be used. Day: Sundays 4 on 4 Coed Competitive League For teams that care about winning and losing. 7’11 5/8” nets will be used. Day: Mondays All Leagues Dates: Sept. – Dec. Cost: Team Fee - $75 Player Fee $15 Resident $19 Non Resident Ages: 18+ years Sign up Deadline: Sept. 9 2010 Adult Flag Football Champions - Enforcers Sports Softball Leagues Men’s, Coed Recreational and Coed Competitive Leagues are forming now. Roster size is unlimited. Trophies and shirts will be awarded to the winners. Post-season single-elimination tournaments will be included with each 9-week season. Game balls will be included for all teams. Space is limited, so sign up early. Mens Softball - ASA, unlimited home runs, 44 core softballs, double headers Day: Cost: Tuesdays, Wednesdays Team Fee - $300 Competitive Coed Softball - ASA, 3 home runs progressive, 44 core softballs, double headers Day: Cost: Mondays, Tuesdays Team Fee - $300 Recreational Coed Softball - A League - ASA, 3 home runs progressive, 44 core softballs, single headers. Only 4 players allowed on roster from Competitive Coed League and/or Mens League. Day: Cost: Thursdays, Fridays Team Fee - $200 Recreational Coed Softball - B League - ASA, 3 home runs progressive, 44 core softballs, single headers. Only 1 player allowed from Competitive Coed League and/or Mens League. Day: Cost: Thursdays, Fridays Team Fee - $200 All Leagues Dates: May - August Times: 6:00pm, 7:30pm, 9:00pm Player Fee - $15 Resident $19 Non Resident Ages: 18+ years Location: Theater Sports Park Sign up Deadline: April 29 2010 Fall Competitive Coed Volleyball Champions - Midway Tavern Sports Adult Flag Football Leagues Hermiston Parks and Recreation is offering USTFL Adult Flag Football League. The league is 8 on 8 non contact. You must sign up as a team before the deadline. Teams consist of a minimum of 8 players. Roster size is unlimited. This is a nine week season with a single elimination tournament. No active college or high school players. Day: Saturdays Dates: Sept. - Dec. Cost: Team Fee - $300 Player Fee - $15 Resident $19 Non Resident Ages: 18+ years Enrichment Sign up Deadline: Sept. 9 Adult Enrichment Art Camp for Adults This camp will introduce each participant to a variety of painting and drawing techniques (canvas, ceramics, wood, and more). Each session will have different projects. Sign up for both sessions at once and receive a discount. Space is limited so sign up early. Day: Monday - Thursday Dates: Session I: June 27 - 30 Session II: August 15 - 18 Times: 5:30pm – 7:30pm Cost: $40 - Per Session - Resident $50 - Per Session - Non Resident *10% discount if you sign up both sessions at once Ages: 17+ years Location: Community Center Sign up deadline: One-week prior Basic Coupon Class Save hundreds on your groceries and keep your pantry stocked for a fraction of the price. Day: Monday, June 13th Time: 5:30-7:30pm Cost: $4/Month - Resident or $5/Month - Non Resident Sign Up Deadline: One week prior Location: Hermiston Community Center 2010 Fall Recreational Coed Volleyball Champions - Clams and Carrots For more information, contact Hermiston Parks & Recreation at 541-667-5018 or log on to www.hermistonrecreation.com City of Hermiston 2011 Summer Parks & Recreation Guide 7 Enrichment John Day Fly Fishing Trip for Smallmouth Bass Sponsored by Blue Mountain Fly Casters NO EXPERIENCE OR EQUIPMENT NECESSARY! This is a great introductory to fly fishing experience. We will wade in the river to catch smallmouth bass (You must be able to wade on river rocks in 1-2 feet of water). We will teach how to catch fish and provide you with all the flies and equipment necessary. If you ever were interested in fly fishing, this is the trip for you. Children (6 yrs and older) love this one too. All children under 16 years must be accompanied by an adult. All children unable to swim must wear a lifejacket. Oregon fishing license required. Bring the whole family out for a day of fun on the river. Space is limited. Day: Saturday Date: July 30 Times: Noon - 3pm Cost: $30 / Resident $38 / Non Resident Ages: 6 years + (16 years and under must be accompanied by an adult) Location: John Day River Sign up Deadline: July 15 ADULT Enrichment Enrichment Advanced Coupon Class An in-depth class that teaches methods to get more coupons, increase your stockpile, master rebates, make the most of Rain Checks, and learn how to shop drug stores and department stores. You’ll learn other additional saving tips and so much more. Pre-requisite: must have already taken Basic Coupon Class with Hermiston Parks and Recreation Department. Days: Thursday Dates: May 5 Time: 5:15pm-8:00pm Ages: 16 years + Cost: $10 – Resident $12 – Non Resident Location: Hermiston Community Center Sign up deadline: One-week prior Homemade Jams Come and learn how to make delicious homemade jams from scratch for your family and friends. Both Strawberry and Raspberry jams will be demonstrated. Upon completion of the class each participant will get to take home a sample of the jam. Days: Thursday Dates: July 7th Time: 5:30pm-7:00pm Ages: 16 years + Cost: $10 – Resident $12 – Non Resident Location: Hermiston Community Center Sign up deadline: One-week prior Fourth of July Fireworks Spectacular at the Butte see page 9 San Juan Islands Adventure Week Visit the San Juan Islands in the Puget Sound with us this summer. We will take you on island tours, ferry rides, orca whale trips and sea kayaking. You can sign up for any activity individually or sign up for 3 or more and receive a 10% discount. We will meet on location. Food and lodging are on your own. Everyone is encouraged to stay until the weekend and go to the famous Arts and Crafts Festival in Anacortes. Ocean Kayaking • Tuesday, Aug. 2, 2:00-5:00 pm Orca Whale Watching Tour Adults $75 each • Children (3-12 years) - $70 each Friday, Aug. 5, 9:30 am - 3:00 pm. Kayak in the Puget Sound in sea kayaks with an experienced guide. Designed Adults $95 each, Children $50 each for beginnner to intermediate kayakers. Lots of sealife and fantastic views to be seen. Sign up deadline - June 10. www.anacorteskayaktours.com Fidalgo Island Van Tour Wednesday, Aug. 3, 9:00 am-4:00 pm - $20 each We will meet and load up our van to see the wildlife and views Fidalgo Island has to offer. We will go to: Cap Sante viewpoint, Washington Park Loop Road, Mt. Erie viewpoints, Rosario Beach, Bowmans Bay State Park, Deception Pass Bridge, and Deception Pass Park. We will stop for lunch (on your own) along the way. Be sure to bring clothes for the weather, appropriate footwear and your camera. Sign up deadline - July 22. San Juan Island Adventure and Ferry Ride Thursday, Aug. 4, 9:00 am-late afternoon or evening depending on ferries - $35 each We will meet and load up the van to see the site of San Juan Island. We will ride the ferry to Orcas Island, Lopez Island, and others until the ferry finally arrives at Friday Harbor. We will then drive off the ferry and explore the island. We will see the American Camp State Park, Lime Kiln State Park, Roche Harbor and then back on the ferry to Anacortes. There will be time for short stops at places you wish and time left for shopping at Friday Harbor while we wait for the ferry. Sign up deadline - July 22 8 Join us for a day of boating and viewing Orca Whales. We will go with one of the best companies in the world to view Orcas. They are so good they guarantee viewings (they have a 96% success rate). We will meet on location and go with the group to the boat. This is truly some of the best whale watching in the world. Here is what the company says about the trip: “The San Juan Islands provide one of the best whale watching opportunities anywhere in the world, offering calm waters and a huge variety of wildlife which includes our three pods of resident Orca whales. If you are visiting the northwest or are lucky enough to live here, don’t let this opportunity pass you by!” Sign up deadline - June 10 For more information log onto www.island-adventures.com. Anacortes Arts and Crafts Festival August 6 & 7 This is one of the largest Arts and Crafts Festivals around. This is an unguided event and you are free to do what you wish. For more information log onto www.anacortesartsfestival.com * All participants under 18 years of age need to be accompanied by an adult. For more information, contact Hermiston Parks & Recreation at 541-667-5018 or log on to www.hermistonrecreation.com 2011 Summer Parks & Recreation Guide City of Hermiston 2011 SPECIAL FAMILY EVENTS Come experience the ultimate challenge at Butte Park with your family. The adventure race will challenge your physical and mental fortitude. The race is simple; start at the soccer fields, run down to the pool, climb the monster hay stack, run to the butte, crawl under the obstacle, run partially up the butte, reverse rappel down the bank, run to the top of the butte, negotiate the balance beams, run to the sprayground, run through the tire maze, run to the soccer fields, slide down the slip and slide, and run across the finish line, simple! After the race enjoy FREE admission to the Aquatic Center for the day and an exclusive “Racers Only” barbeque and pool party starting at 6:30pm through the end of the Fireworks. When: Monday July 4, 2011, 11:00am Where: Butte Park Who: All Ages, Families encouraged to participate together Cost: $15.00 What: Adventure Race, Finishers T-Shirt, Aquatic Center, Barbeque, Parking and Pool Party for the Fireworks Butte Blast 4th of July Come celebrate Independence Day at Butte Park! Activities will start at 3:00pm. Live Music, the FunAddicts, Big Top the Clown, The Balloon Dude, Adam “The Great” Magician, Ventriloquist Keith Ramsey, Face Painting, much more. End the evening watching the Largest Fireworks Show Ever in Hermiston!!! Fireworks will be shot from the top of the Hermiston Butte for the first time ever!!! All events are FREE!! Summer Jams Park Music Festival The 3rd week of July, 5 great nights of Music at Butte Park. FREE concerts every night Tuesday through Saturday starting at 7:00pm. Tuesday July 19th..........Frazer Wambeke Trio, Jazz Wednesday July 20th....Badger Mountain Dry Band, Bluegrass Thursday July 21st........Eddie Manzenaros Casa Blanco, Tex-Mex and Cumbia Friday July 22nd............Three Legged Dog, Classic Rock Saturday July 23rd........Zac Grooms Unwound, Country Original City of Hermiston Hermiston Dog Days Movie Festival The 3rd week of August, FIVE great movies in FIVE nights at Butte Park. FREE movies every night Tuesday through Saturday starting at 8:30pm. Tuesday August 16th..........The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance, Western Wednesday August 17th.....Secretariat, Adventure Thursday August 18th........Casablanca, Classic Friday August 19th.............Alpha and Omega, Animated Saturday August 20th.........TRON - Legacy, Blockbuster 2011 Summer Parks & Recreation Guide 9 Parks Parks & & Facilities Facilities Hermiston City Parks Hours: Sunrise to Midnight unless otherwise noted. 10 Event Tent Rental Area Parks Key 1. Highland Summit Park 2. Newport Park 3. Hodge Park 4. McKenzie Park 5. Victory Square Park 6. River Front Park 7. Belt Park 8. Sunset Park 9. Butte Park 10. Theater Sports Park 11. Harrison Park When planning an event you can now consider a 78’ X 40’ Event Tent that will include four 8’ picnic tables. The Parks and Recreation Department will deliver, setup and take down for $100.00. If you would like to reserve or have questions, please call Gina at 541667-5018. 2011 Park Rental and Service Fees 11 9 1 5 6 10 8 4 7 2 3 First 4 hrs $25.00-Resident $35.00-Non-Resident additional hour rate $10 Groups over 50 $50.00-Resident $65.00-Non-Resident Groups over 100 $75.00-Resident $95.00-Non-Resident 2011 Summer Parks & Recreation Guide Entire Park Rental $350.00-Resident $450.00-Non-Resident Field Lining/field $50.00-Resident $65.00-Non-Resident Bounce House, 4 hrs $50.00-Resident $65.00-Non-Resident City of Hermiston Hermiston Parks & Recreation Come join the fun and sun this summer at the Hermiston Family Aquatic Center with water slides, spray toys, diving boards, and a lazy river Swim lessons and exercise classes are offered to accommodate everyone. If you want to have a party at the pool, there are many options available. DAILY OPERATIONAL SCHEDULE Mon.-Thur. Pre Season June 10-19 Times 10:00am-12:00pm 12:00pm-1:00pm 1:00pm-6:00pm 6:00pm-7:00pm 6:00am-7:00am 6:30am-7:30am Mon.-Thur. 6:00am-8:00am Regular Season June 20Aug. 18 12:00pm-1:00pm 8:00am-1:00pm 1:00pm-6:00pm 6:00pm-7:00pm Mon.-Thur. Post Season August 20-28 7:00pm-8:00pm 12:00pm-1:00pm 1:00pm-6:00pm 6:00pm-7:00pm Times Fridays June 10August 28 10:00am-12:00pm 12:00pm-1:00pm 1:00pm-5:00pm 5:00pm-9:00pm Sat.-Sun June 10August 28 Times 12:00pm-1:00pm 1:00pm-8:00pm DAILY PUBLIC SWIM PRICES Activities Swim Team Water Walking, Lap Swim 0 to 12 years $3.00 18+ $5.00 13 to 17 years Public Swim Water Walking, Lap Swim Family Water Walking, Lap Swim Group Swim Lessons, Private Swim Lessons Water Walking, Lap Swim, Water Aerobics Public Swim Group Swim Lessons, Water Walking, Lap Swim Lap Swim, Water Aerobics (high & low impact) Water Walking, Lap Swim Public Swim Water Walking, Lap Swim Activities ays D m i w Free Sonsored by c Swim Team Water Walking, Lap Swim i Sp Pediatr d e c n a Adv entistry D s r detail Public Swim Group Rentals Activities e 14 fo See Pag Water Walking, Lap Swim Public Swim AQUA FIT SEASON PASSES (June 10-August 28) (Water Aerobics June 20-August 28) RESIDENT NON-RESIDENT 13-17 $50.00 $63.00 Adult $45.00 $188.00 Daily Rate $3.00 18+ Family $60.00 Seniors (55+) $150.00 $50.00 $4.00 Swim Team AGES $40.00 $18.00 Seniors (55+) Water Aerobics PUBLIC SWIM SEASON PASSES 0-12 $4.00 $50.00 $75.00 $63.00 AGES Seniors (55+) RESIDENT $35.00 NON-RESIDENT $56.00 $44.00 • $10 discount if you buy an Aqua Fit & Public Swim Pass for same person Pool Address: 879 W Elm St., Hermiston • Mailing Address: 180 NE 2nd St., Hermiston Phone: 541-667-5018 • Phone (after June 10): 541-289-POOL • www.hermistonpool.com For information contact Hermiston2011 Family Aquatic Center at 541-289-7665 (POOL) or www.hermistonpool.com City of more Hermiston Summer Parks & Recreation Guide 11 COME CELEBRATE WITH US Reunions, Birthday Parties, Group Picnics & More! FULL FACILITY RENTALS PICNIC AREA RENTALS ENTIRE FACILITY RENTALS INCLUDE: Exclusive use of all pools with lifeguards and all picnic/shaded areas. ENTIRE FACILITY RENTALS DO NOT INCLUDE: Concessions, water toys, kick boards, life jackets, lane lines, etc. If you have any questions on these items, please call ahead. BIRTHDAY RENTALS INCLUDE: Free admission token for the birthday person PICNIC RENTALS INCLUDE: Exclusive use of gazebo and shaded picnic tables in picnic area during public swim time. All swimmers must pay public swim rates or have season pass. Non-swimmers may enter at no charge. (Gas BBQ included) 2 HOUR RENTAL SESSION: Fridays: June 10th - August 26th Monday-Thursday Time: 5:00 - 9:00 PM 1:30-3:30 pm • 4:00pm-6:00pm Cost: $800 - Resident Fridays: 2:00pm-4:00pm $1,000 - Non Resident Saturday & Sunday: **Maximum of 200** ($.50 each additional person over 200) 1:30-3:30pm 4:30-6:30pm/7:30pm EXTRAS! • Bounce House $50 per rental (Resident) $65 per rental (Non-Resident) $20 to add 1 hour (6:30-7:30pm) $40/2 hour time slot (Resident) $50/2 hour time slot (Non-Resident) 200 person max. Pool entry fee still required for each swimmer. You are welcome to bring your own food and drinks or hire a caterer. Remember, no glass bottles or alcohol allowed. 2011 POOL CLASSES Pool classes are a great way to be in the water and learn new activities. Prices and times vary depending on the class Parent/Tot Swimming Class: This class is for Moms and Dads to interact with their toddlers in the water. Parents will learn skills to help their toddler acclimate to an aquatic environment and learn warer safety skills. Cost: $20/resident, $25/non-resident 10% discount for all sessions sign up Age: 6-18 months Times: 12-12:30pm or 6-6:30pm Age: Times: 18-36 months 12:30-1:00pm or 6:30-7:00pm Dates: Session 1 - 6/20 - 6/30 Session 2 - 7/11 - 7/21 Session 3 - 7/25 - 8/4 Session 4 - 8/8 - 8/18 CPR Recertification Class: If you are a current American Red Cross CPR cardholder this class is for you. American Red Cross requires all CPR certifications to be renewed annually. Taking this recertification claass will update you on new information and refresh your skills. Ages: Cost: Day: Date Time: 15 years or older $20/Resident, $25/Non-Resident Thursday July 14 4:00-6:00 pm Lifeguarding Class: Become a lifeguard through American Red Cross. All participants must pass a 300-yard swim test (freestyle / breaststroke) and a 7-10ft dive with a 10 lb. weight. Participants will be instructed in Advanced First Aid Training, CPR for the Professional Rescuer (Adult/Child/Infant), and AED usage. Upon completion of the course, certifications will be accepted for 3 years. Ages: 15 years or older. Cost: $100/Resident $125 Non-Resident Plus $30.00 book fee Lifeguard Class 1 June 2nd - Swim Portion 5:00 - 7:00 June 3rd - Class & Swim Skills 4:30 pm - 8:30 pm June 4th - Class & Swim Skills 8:00 am - 8:00 pm Lifeguard Class 2 June 7th - Swim Portion 5:00 - 7:00 pm June 8th - Class & Swim Skills 4:30 - 8:30 pm June 9th - Class & Swim Skills 4:30 - 8:30 pm June 10th - Class & Swim Skills 7:30 - 9:30 am Family Aquatic Center at 541-289-7665 (POOL) or www.hermistonpool.com 12For more information contact Hermiston2011 Summer Parks & Recreation Guide City of Hermiston 2011 SWIM LESSONS Swim Lesson Schedule Session Days Session Begins Session Ends 2 Mon - Thu 11-Jul 1 3 4 Mon - Thu Mon - Thu Mon - Thu 20-Jun 30-Jun 25-Jul 4-Aug 8-Aug 21-Jul 18-Aug Entire Summer Swim Lesson Participants Early Bird Sign Up date will be Thursday, June 9th, 4-7pm. Two Week Swim Lesson Participants Early Bird Sign Up date will be Friday, June 10th, 10am - all sessions are open. Sign ups will continue during all open hours. Swim Lesson Prices Resident Non-Resident Two Week Session *Entire Season $35 $90 $28 *Entire Season Participants only need to sign up once and will receive priority scheduling over Two Week Participants Private Lesson Prices Resident Non-Resident 1 Half Hour Lesson 10 Half Hour Lessons* $19 $171 $15 *Must sign up for all 10 at once GROUP SWIM LESSONS PART 1 OPTIONAL GROUP SWIM LESSONS PART 2 Welcome to our Swim Lessons. While in our Swim Lessons, you will learn all the necessary swim skills to make you a proficient swimmer. Congratulations! You have just completed Part 1! You can now choose fron a variety of the classes listed below or skip this section and go straight to Part 3. You may choose as many as you wish before you move on to the next level. Pre 1: (2 ft. of water - 25 min. class) This class is for children who are unable to put their heads under water and/or are afraid of the water. (At least 3 years old). Level 1: (2-3 ft. of water - 25 min. class) This class is for children who aren’t afraid of the water but still cannot swim. Your children will learn basic water skills to gert comfortable under water. (Prerequisite: Pre 1) Level 1 1/2: (3 ft. of water - 25 min. class) This class is for those who are unable to swim. They will learn introduction to freestyle and straight leg kicking. Jumping into the water will also be introduced. (Prerequisite: Level 1) Level 2: (4 ft. of water - 25 min. class) This class is for children who are unable to swim. They will learn the basics of freestyle with the use of a kick board. Underwarter swimming will also be introduced. (Prerequisite: Level 1 1/2) Level 2 1/2: (4 ft. of water - 25 min. class) this class is to learn the basics of freestyle without the use of a kick board. They will also be introduced to kneeling and standing dives. (Prerequisite: Level 2) Level 3: (25 min. class) This class is to learn breastroke without assistance. They will also be working on their freestyle endurance, up to 25-45 meters, and some diving off the diving board. (Prerequisite: Level 2 1/2) $72 Diving: (25 min. class) This class is designed to teach different types and techniques of diving, (pike dive, tuck dive, etc.) They will refine their diving skills off both the diving board and the wall. (Prerequisite: Level 3) • Beginning Diving (25 minute class) • Advanced Diving (25 minute class) Snorkeling: (25 min. class) This class will prepare your child for a day of snorkeling. Mask, snorkel and fins will be supplied. Prerequisite: Level 3) • Beginning Snorkeling (25 minute class) • Advanced Snorkeling (25 minute class) GROUP SWIM LESSONS PART 3 Level 4: (55 min. class) This class is to work on endurance and proficiency in freestyle and breastroke. (Prerequisite: Level 3) Level 5: (55 min. class) This class will continue to work on endurance and proficiency in freestyle and breaststroke. A variety of aquatic survival skills will also be taught. (Prerequisite: Level 3) You are done! Great job! Now go out and enjoy the many bodies of water we live around. Remember the skills you have learned and use them along with caution and good judgement each time you are around water. Enjoy! $135 Hermiston Swim Team We are organized for the encouragement and instruction in competitive swimming for school age children, providing the opportunity for the development of good sportsmanship, selfdiscipline, and team building. HST swimmers practice at the Hermiston Family Aquatic Center, Monday - Friday and compete in swim meets on the weekends throughout the region. Join the fun and come swim with us. Come find us on Facebook. Dates: June 13 - August 21 Practice: Monday - Thursday Advanced swimmers 6-8am Beginning swimmers 7-8am Sign-up location Highland Hills Tue May 3rd, 6-7 pm Sat. May 14th, 10am-noon For more information contact: Kevin Hamblin at 541-571-5690 Bill Norris at 541-567-2573 Hermiston Swim Meet August 6th - 7th 8am - noon All swimmers Level 3 and above are welcome to participate At Hermiston Family Aquatic Center Forofmore information contact Hermiston2011 Family Aquatic Center at 541-289-7665 (POOL) or www.hermistonpool.com13 City Hermiston Summer Parks & Recreation Guide Advanced Pediatric Dentistry Sponsors Free Swim Days at the Pool this Summer! FREE BBQ SWIM DAY Day: Friday Date: July 29 Time: 1-5 PM Cost: FREE Ages: 0-12 Years Food, Prizes, and a lot of fun! e Bring th e to th Family ese th pool for ls! a great de Come Join us... for a Free Swim at the Pool! Day: Friday Date: August 19, 2011 Time: 1:00 - 5:00 PM Cost: FREE Ages: 0-12 Years 2011 AQUA FITNESS CLASSES Aqua fitness classes are a great workout and they put very little strain on the body. All classes are drop in. Times vary depending on the class. Aqua fitness classes can be paid for daily or with an all-inclusive “Fitness Pass.” GENERAL INFORMATION Ages: 16 years and older Low Impact Water Aerobics Water aerobics incorporates the same principles as many aerobic classes and adapts them to the aquatic environment. This low impact workout will be done in the shallow end of the 50 Meter Pool. Shallow water exercise, dumbells, and more are supplied. Water Aerobics: Water aerobics incorporates the same principles as many aerobic classes and adapts them to the aquatic environment. This great workout will be done in the Multi Use Pool. Shallow and hydro belts, dumbbells and more are supplied. High Impact Water Aerobics Incorporates the same principles as many aerobic classes and adapts them to the aquatic environment. This high impact workout will be done in the Multi Use Pool and the 50 Meter Deep End. Shallow deep water exercises, hydro belts, dumbbells and more are supplied. The Benefits of Aqua Fitness Aqua Fitness will aid in strengthening your muscles, increasing flexibility, joint mobility and cardiorespiratory capacity, without excess stress to joints and muscles. Anyone can participate in Aqua Fitness because every exercise that is performed in the water can be tailored to your fitness level. Lap Swim Lap lanes will be set up for varying speeds of swimmers. All swimmers must circle swim in appropriate lanes, Your body will really enjoy this great aerobic workout. Water Walking: Water walking is based in the current channel. All abilities are welcome. This is a great low impact workout for anyone. 14For more information contact Hermiston2011 Summer Parks & Recreation Guide City of Hermiston Family Aquatic Center at 541-289-7665 (POOL) or www.hermistonpool.com SENIOR HEALTH & FITNESS DAY!! Tuesday, May 10th Senior Health & Fitness Day FREE FOR EVERYONE!!* 50+ Vendors, activities every hour and health screenings for seniors! Date: May 10th, 9am-2pm Place: Hermiston Community Center (Highway 395) Info: Call 667-3509 9-11am: 9-9:30am: 9:30-10am: 10-11am: 11-11:30am: 11:30-12:00: 12-1:00pm: 1-2:00pm: Special classes & events! *Blood draw (cholesterol panel & blood glucose), Free for the first 30 people, $10 for others. Court Club Tom Bailor, Tai Chi Sally Anderson Hansell, attorney: Wills & Estate Planning Erica Franz, HPD: Identity Theft & Scams Northwest Musicians Helena Wolfe, OSU Extension Office: Nutrition Cynthia Hylton, SHIBA: Medicare A, B, C, D 77522 Hwy. 207 Hermiston Located at Space Age Travel Center and Comfort Inn & Suites City of Hermiston 2011 Summer Parks & Recreation Guide 15 Looking for work? Express can help. You’re equipped with knowledge and skills. Now, enhance your job search with the resources from Express Employment Professionals. With Express, you choose how and when you want to work. Are you looking for a full-time administrative position? Do you need a flexible schedule? Or are you looking for a career in the accounting/financial arena? You can find what you’re looking for at Express. Staffing Solutions Finding the person with the right skills and personality for your team is difficult. Posting ads, sorting through applications and résumés, conducting interviews, checking references, and testing skills takes time away from your regular duties. Express Employment Professionals empowers you to focus on core job functions while Express finds you qualified workers. 120 E. Hurlburt Hermiston, OR 541-567-1123 www.expresspros.com BEFORE YOU RENEW you owe it to your budget to get a free quote from us Multiple Policy Discount • Auto • Renters • Home • Business • Life • Motorcycle • Manufactured Homes • RV • Boat farmers.com Dell Ray Zimmer 911 N 1st, Hermiston • 541-567-5745 16 Mon-Fri 9am-5:30pm • Sat & After Hours by Appointment 2011 Summer Parks & Recreation Guide City of Hermiston City of Hermiston Registration Form Three Easy Ways to Register: • By Mail or Phone • By Fax 541.567.5530 or E-Mail • In Person 541-667-5018 or 541-567-5530 www.hermiston.or.us INFORMED CONSENT / PARTICIPANT RELEASE “I, the parent/guardian of the named participant understand the possibility of injuries resulting from the activities indicated or other activities sponsored by the City of Hermiston. I hereby acknowledge and accept all risks and hazards incidental to participation in such activities. I hereby release, absolve, indemnify and hold harmless the City of Hermiston and its employees and agents from any injury whether to person or property, of the participant resulting from such activities. In case of personal injury to participant, I hereby waive any and all claims against the City of Hermiston, its employees and agents. I hereby give my permission for the use of the participants name and picture in any broadcast, telecast or print media of these activities.” _______________________________________________________________________ Signature of Parent or Legal Guardian Date Adult Parent, or Guardian:_ _______________________________________________________________________________ Address______________________________________________________________________________________________ City_ __________________________________________________________________ State__________ Zip:_ ___________ Home Phone:______________________ Work Phone________________________ Cell Phone___________________ E-mail Address:__________________________________________________________________________________ Emergency Contact Name/Number:__________________________________________________________________ Last Name, First Name Activity Name (Participant) Sponsor/Team Name M/F (optional) School DOB Grade Fee Paid Medical Information: Any special needs, allergies or concerns? ____________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ For your convenience, the above registration form can be used when signing up for activities DAC is sponsoring Hermiston's downtown ART WALK on May 7, from 9:30 AM to 4 PM. Please join us in supporting our local visual artists and musicians. Included, as part of the musical performances, will be a Portland based jazz trio, Noah Peterson & Company. DAC's 2011-12 line-up will include 6 events: Sept. 22 Jeni Fleming Quintet (jazz) Oct. 30 Jefferson Dancers Nov. 19 Dinner Theatre (comedy) Jan. 12 Men of Worth (Celtic) Feb. 16 Perfect Gentlemen (acappella) April 26 Rani Arbo and Daisy Mayhem (Americana) If you would like to become a sponsor of DAC or purchase season tickets please contact Brenda @ 541-5679550 or Linda @ 541-567-4251. City of Hermiston 2011 Summer Parks & Recreation Guide 17 Lose Weight Reduce Stress • Indoor Pool • Spa • 4 Racquetball Courts • ALL Group Exercise Classes Included • Indoor Gym • Indoor Track • State of the Art Exercise Equipment *$49 Joining Fee - One year agreement. Approximate daily total. Includes FREE Child Care! COLUMBIA COURT CLUB 541-567-5827 www.columbiacourtclub.com One World, Many Stories @ Hermiston Public Library July 5, 2011 – August 13, 2011 Children: Infants – 5th Grade Students The Hermiston Public Library welcomes children from infants through 5th grade students to participate in our summer reading program “One World, Many Stories.” The program will run from July 5, 2011 to August 13, 2011. In addition to reading challenges some of the fun activities scheduled are crafts, beaver searches, I Spy games, and entertainers throughout the six weeks of the summer reading program. All activities are free. Want to Get Fit For $1.50 a day?* Boost Metabolism SUMMER READING PROGRAMS 2011 Three summer reading programs return to the library in June, July, and August, 2011. Each program is designed for a different age group and has its own theme. If you have questions please call the Hermiston Public Library at 541567-2882 EXTRA CHANGE IN YOUR POCKET? Gain Energy Hermiston Public library offers infant, toddler, pre-school, school-age, teen, and family programs. With the help of our community we are able to offer these programs at no charge. Changes, additions, or cancellations will be announced on the library’s web calendar that can be accessed from www. hermistonlibrary.us. If you are interested in volunteering to help with any programs the Hermiston Public Library offers, including summer reading programs, please contact Sue Folsom, Volunteer Coordinator, 541-567-2882. Improve Image HERMISTON PUBLIC LIBRARY Gain Confidence You Are Here @ Hermiston Public Library June 6, 2011 – July 15, 2011 Teens: 6th – 12th Grade Students The teen summer reading program theme for this year is “You Are Here.” Teens in grades 6 through 12 are invited to participate in the five-week program that runs from June 6, 2011 to July 15, 2011. In addition to reading challenges the teen program is scheduled to have book discussions, games, prizes, activities, and all sorts of fun things to do during the summer months. If you’re a teen and looking for something to do, stop by and see what’s going on at your library. Novel Destinations @ Hermiston Public Library June 6, 2011 – July 15, 2011 Adults & Seniors It’s time for adults to have some summer reading fun. From June 6, 2011 through July 15, 2011 the Hermiston Public Library will present “Novel Destinations,” a summer reading program for adults. There are no hard and fast reading requirements, just come in and join the fun and find a good read along the way. Some of the scheduled activities include food tastings, a murder mystery night, and a movie night. 18 2011 Summer Parks & Recreation Guide City of Hermiston Activities & Classes Exercise & Fitness Tai Chi: Moving for Better Balance— The class is designed to increase mobility and to help prevent falls. A simplified 8 movement form and basic warm-up exercises will be taught. There will be a pre assessment before the class and a final assessment after the 12 weeks are completed. Dates: Mondays & Wednesdays Starting May 2nd Time: 9:00 am Place: GS Wellness Center Instructor & cost info: Tom Bailor, 541969-1361 Tai Chi: Work on balance and strengthening -great for all ages! Chen style & Yang s tyle taught. Try one class FREE! Dates: Mondays & Wednesdays starting May 2nd Times: 7:00-8:15pm Cost: $40 per month, $35 for seniors: pay instructor directly Place: GS Community Wellness Center Instructor/Info: Tom Bailor, 541-969-1361 Beginning Karate: Improve balance and coordination, learn basic self-defense, get in shape, and have fun! Date: Mondays & Thursdays starting May 2nd Times: 5:00pm—Juniors 6:00pm—Open Cost: $10 per month—pay instructor directly Place: GS Community Wellness Center Instructor/Info: Chanty Pin, Second Degree Black Belt, (7209178) Exercise Band Class:--Increase your strength and flexibility. Perfect for seniors! Dates: Monday & Wednesday starting May 2nd Times: Mondays: 12-12:30 pm, Wednesdays: 11:30-12pm City of Hermiston Place: GS Community Wellness Center Cost: $15 for 10 weeks, $5 per resistance band Instructor: Paula Hagel BS, GSMC Wellness Coordinator, Info: Certified American College of Sports Medicine--Clinical Exercise Specialist Call 667-3509 SENIOR HEALTH & FITNESS DAY!! Tuesday, May 10th FREE FOR EVERYONE!! 50+ Vendors, activities every hour and health screenings for seniors! Bellydance Basics: Work on balance, joint mobility, flexibility, strength and isolation. No prior dance experience necessary. Great FUN for all sizes, shapes and ages! Per class payments or monthly payment w/discount available. Dates: First & Fourth Tuesdays: 6:30 pm-8:00 pm Friday evenings: 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm Place: GS Community Wellness Center Cost: $12 per class, $10 for seniors: pay instructor directly Instructor: Sahara Christine Sabri, Sahara CSabri@yahoo. com, 541-571-7532 Date: May 10th, 9am-2pm Place: Hermiston Community Center (Highway 395) Info: Call 667-3509 Taking It to the Streets: Safe Cycling in Hermiston: FREE class! Remember the thrill of riding your first bike? Were you eager to enjoy the rush of air speeding by and the independence of healthy activity? Well, dust of that bike, pump up the tires…because we are goin’ for a ride. Please join us for this fun and informative class and short bike ride. You’ll discover how to ride comfortably and confidently, along with basic bike mechanics. Class geared for adult beginners and intermediate bike riders. Free helmets and reflective vests for the first 30 participants. Please pre-register riders.Call 541-667-3509 to register Date: Thursday, May 19th Time: 5:30 to 7:30 pm Place: GSMC conf. room 2 Info: Call 667-3509 to register riders Fun With Foods! FREE class! Give your kids a summer experience they will enjoy and remember. Our Fun With Foods is a cooking program that lets kids have fun and learn to eat well, while developing skills to last a lifetime. This is a collaborative partnership between Good Shepherd and the Hermiston Farmer’s Market. Limited space—please register early. Dates: Saturday, July 16th, 23rd, and 30th Time: 9:00 to 10:30 am Place: Farmers Market, Hermiston, OR Ages: 6-12 Class Limit: Limited Space…please register early. Call 541667-3509 Classes & Events: 2011 Summer Parks & Recreation Guide Special classes presented! 9-9:30am: Court Club 9:30-10am: Tom Bailor, Tai Chi 10-11am: Sally Anderson Hansell: Will & Estate Planning 11-11:30am: Erica Franz, HPD: Identity Theft & Scams 11:30-12:00: Northwest Musicians 12-1:00pm: Helena Wolfe, OSU Extension Office: Nutrition 1-2:00pm: Cynthia Hylton, SHIBA: Medicare A, B, C, D 19 Activities & Classes SAVE THE DATE! Family Health & Fitness Day SATURDAY, SEPT. 24TH, 9am-1pm FREE for everyone! Teddy Bear Clinic, Cooking demos, Tai Chi, Karate, Yoga demos, Finger Printing for kids, File of Life Info, Dance & Gymnastic demos, Let’s Get Healthy! Display & screenings, Hearing & Vision screenings and much more! 70+ vendor booths and activities for all ages—from kids to the young-atheart! Date: Saturday, September 24th Time: 9am-1:00pm Place: Hermiston High School Info: Call 667-3509 Look Good, Feel Better: FREE classes from the American Cancer Society. Designed for those needing make-up and skin care strategies to help when cancer & cancer treatments cause sensitive skin and hair loss issues. Classes are interactive and participants receive free make-up kits. Participants must preregister. Date: The third Wednesday of each month Time: 2:00-4:00pm Place: GS Wellness Center Info: Call Leah Staley at 541567-3145 to pre-register Instructor: Specially trained and licensed cosmetologist Tobacco Cessation Classes— Classes offered every month! Have you made a commitment to quit smoking or using spit tobacco, but need support? Individual or group classes available. Contact our tobacco cessation specialist for assistance & support: 541-6673502. 20 Individualized Wellness Assessment: schedule your 30-minute consultation with the Wellness Coordinator and receive a complete health/fitness assessment. Included are: health risk appraisal, cholesterol & glucose screening, body composition, and exercise prescription. You will receive an individualized, comprehensive 20-page report, pertinent health education, and a consultation with our Wellness Coordinator, Paula Hagel, BS Certified American College of Sports Medicine-Clinical Exercise Specialist. By appointment only, call 667-3400 x. 3050 Fee: $35 per person Tanita Body Composition Analysis—This Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis technique will give lean mass, fat mass, body mass index, fat percentage, and a weight goal. By appointment only, call 667-3400 x. 3050 Fee: $20 per person File of Life: Learn about the importanceof having an advance directive and an accurate health record for emergency & /or life threatening situations. Receive a FREE packet--Call 667-3509. Diabetes Education*: Classes offered in group or individual format and taught by Certified Diabetes Educators. Comprehensive classes facilitate longterm self-management of diabetes. GSHCS’s Diabetes Education Program has been Recognized by the American Diabetes Association for Quality Self-Management Education*. For information call 667-3517. 2011 Summer Parks & Recreation Guide Pregnancy, Childbirth, Child Care: Birthing Classes: Seven weekly sessions to prepare the mother and her birth partner for a knowledgeable, rewarding and sharing childbirth experience. Dates: Tuesdays starting May 3rd , July 12th, Sept. 6th Times: 7:00-9:30pm Place: Conference center 1 & 2 Fees: $55 Registration: Call 667-3509 to pre-register. Early Pregnancy Class: One FREE class focusing on the first six months of pregnancy. Healthcare professional speakers will provide presentations on topics that include: medication use, exercise, diet, breastfeeding and many other helpful subjects. Free but please pre-register. Dates: Every 4th Thursday each month starting May 26th Times: 7:00-8:30pm Location: GSMC Conference Center 1 Instructor: Glaya Baker, RN, CLC Info/Questions: Call 667-3509 to preregister Breastfeeding Class: Want to make your breastfeeding experience the best for you and your baby? Come to this FREE class, taught by a certified lactation consultant, and learn techniques that make for a successful experience. Free but please pre-register. Date: Every 3rd Saturday each month, starting May 21st Times: 9:30am-12:00pm Location: GSMC Conference Center 1 Instructor: Glaya Baker, RN, Certified Lactation Consultant Info/Questions: Call 667-3509 to preregister. City of Hermiston Activities & Classes Parents in Training classes: FREE weekly meetings! A group setting for new mom’s, dad’s, and babies, for assistance in the first year of parenthood. We will be discussing feeding, development, and other hot topics. Are you a new mom or dad full of questions and want advice from an expert? Bring your baby and attend these free classes! Dates: Every Wednesday (except July 20th & 27th) Times: 10:30-11:30am Place: GS Medical Office Plaza, conf. room 1 Info: Call 667-3509 Breast Feeding Support Group: Meets at Umatilla-Morrow County Head Start/ WIC Date: Meets the third Thursday of every month English: 10am Spanish: 11am Call to register: 667-2545 Babysitting Basics 101: For babysitters ages 10-15. Learn childcare techniques, children’s developmental stages and what to expect, basic first aid and infant and child CPR. Dates: Saturday, May 21st, June 25th, Sept 10th Location: GSMC Conference Center Times: 9am-3pm Fees: $25, includes lunch & all class materials. Pre-register: Call 667-3509. Must preregister & pre-pay. Life Saving Techniques: CPR and First Aid classes taught according to American Heart Association guidelines. CPR class includes adult, child and infant CPR and AED instruction. First Aid class covers basic techniques for providing first aid assistance. Layperson & Healthcare provider classes available. Must pre-register and pre-pay. Call 6673509 for info. City of Hermiston CPR class dates: May 2nd, June 6th, July 11th, Aug. 1st, Sept. 12th First Aid class dates: May 5th, June 2nd, July 7th, Aug. 4th, Sept. 1st Times: 6-9pm Fee: $25 CPR & First Aid Combo class (taught in one, six hour lass) Dates: May 20th, June 17th, July 15th, Aug. 19th, Sept. 16th Times: 9am-3pm Fee: $50 Healthcare Provider (HCP) CPR: HCP CPR Renewals: May 27th, June 24th, July 22nd, Aug. 26th, Sept. 23rd Times: 9am-12pm Fee: $25 HCP CPR Initial Training: Class scheduled as needed—call for dates/ times/fees. Online version also available—call 667-3509 for details. Red Cross Blood Drives: American Red Cross Blood Drives are held 3rd Monday of each month! Dates: May 16th, June 20th, July 18th, Aug. 15th Times: 1:00-6:00pm Location: GSMC Conference Centers 1 & 2 Info/Appt: To schedule an appointment call 1-800-733-2767 Support Groups: Breast Cancer Support Group For all breast cancer patients, from newly diagnosed to long time survivors. Join us as we support each other on our journey and help us share in the hope found in our sisterhood. Dates: Meets third Monday each month Times: 6:30pm Place: Medical Office Plaza Conference Room 2 Info: Call Shari at 567-2024 2011 Summer Parks & Recreation Guide Multiple Sclerosis Support Group Support group is for people with Multiple Sclerosis, family members, care takers or those who would like to learn more. Dates: Meet on the 3rd Wednesday of each month Time: 7-8 pm Place: Medical Office Plaza (620 NW 11th), Meeting Room 1 Info: Call John (564-8104) or Kathy (922-2753) NE Oregon Diabetes Support Group Support group for people dealing with a new or long-term diagnosis of diabetes. Meetings will have an educational presentation as well as group discussion. Dates: Meets the 3rd Tuesday of each month Times: 6:00-7:30pm Place: GSMC Wellness Center Info: Call 541-377-9761 or 561-6660 Alzheimer’s Support Group: Date: Meets the third Thursday of each month Time: 1-3pm Place: GS Wellness Center Info: Call Cathy Lloyd @ 3901158 Hope for Healing Support Group: Free, ongoing bereavement support group dealing with loss and grief issues. Dates: Available two different times: Second Thursday of each month, 2-4pm Fourth Monday of each month, 7-9pm Place: Hospice office conf. room Info: Call 667-3543 21 Activities & Classes Safety Classes Safe Communities is a collaborative effort between Good Shepherd Medical Center and our community partners to address and improve traffic-related safety strategies. What we offer: Bike Rodeos Motorized Wheelchair Safety Checks Grandparent Car Seat Installation Training Safety Referral & Resource Directory Safety Belt Diversion Classes Car Seat Clinics Teen Driving Skills Walk n’ Bike To School Distracted Driver Presentations Pedestrian & Bike Safety Equipment For additional information on the following classes and activities, call 541-667-3502. • FREE GS & Boardman Police Dept: Bike Rodeo: May 21st, 12-3pm • Fiesta Foods Health Fair: Saturday, June 18th, 10am-1pm • Certified Protective Seat Technician Training, July 11th from 1:30 to 4:30 • Peddling Protection, Bike Safety Class for children 5-11 yrs old, July18th at Umatilla High School from 9:30 to 11:30 415 South Hwy 395 • P.O. Box 185 www.hermistonchamber.com For more information on events listed, contact the office at 541-567-6151 or email: info@hermistonchamber.com May 2011 6th Leadercast Day 10th Leadership Hermiston-Medical-Wellness Day 13th Morning Perk 7:30a-8a Treasures Thrift Store (Agape House) 14th Me & My Prince Ball-Girl Scouts of America 21st Fly Day at City Airport 21st- 22nd Hat Rock Hounds Gem & Mineral Show 24th Technology Seminar Business to Business Chamber noon Luncheon 27th Echo Graduation June 2011 3rd Morning Perk 7:30a-8a Miller Realty 4th Meadowwood Speech Camp Golf Tournament & Dinner Auction Hermiston’s Own Saturday Market starts this Saturday 8:30a-noon 22 June 2011 (cont.) 14th Leadership Hermiston-Local Gov’t Day Leadership Hermiston-Graduation 28th Business to Business Chamber Noon Luncheon July 2011 9th Funfest downtown Main St. McKenzie ParkClassic Car Show 9a-4p Funfest Run/Walk in Hat Rock 9th-10th Lavender Festival (Agape House partnering with Purple Ridge Lavender Farms) 16th-17th Hermiston 3 n 3 Takin to the Streets 26th Business to Business Chamber Noon Luncheonat McKenzie Park-Fair Court August 2011 6th `Fair Parade 9th-13th Umatilla County Fair Week 23rd Business to Business Chamber Noon Luncheon 2011 Summer Parks & Recreation Guide City of Hermiston FRAME CLEARANCE SALE 1stt Frame Frame a 50% 0% OFF 0% FF Frame Frra am e ame and d Lenses Lens Len ens e n FREE l ctiion t Sele Excelllen r Frames e n ig s e of De to Choos Over 400 m ro F Same Day Service most prescriptions Combine prescription lenses, sunglasses, readers, computer glasses, etc. (Purchase of lenses required with 1st frame 2nd frame & lenses of equal or less value Free, all sales final) 1 Year Warranty On Lenses Kids Package 2for$99 2 Complete Frames & Lenses, Single Vision Polycarbonate Lenses Kids add Transitions or Anti Reflective for just $30.00 1 Year Warranrty on Lenses and Frames Marcia Lambert Licensed Optician Over 25 Years Experience Monday - Friday 10am-6pm • Open Saturday 10am-2pm (541)567-3790 • 1045 N 1st • Hermiston • Beside The Nickel Want Ads www.affordablefamilyeyewear.com 1140 North First St. Hermiston, OR 541-567-6622 C In Stoc k hicken B C y as tr n ke ou t Juicy Couture • Kate-Spade • Guess • Tommy Hilfiger • Nine West • Coach Af fordable Family Eye we ar Adidas • Silhouette • Oakley • Maui Jim • Valentino • Daniel Swarovski Nike • Saks 5th Avenue • Fendi For an Opportunity to Advertise in the Parks & Recreation Guide Contact Sheila - 541-720-9608 or Gina, City of Hermiston - 541-667-5018 This Guide is published three time a year and contains event schedules for Hermiston Parks and Recreation, Hermiston Library, Good Shepherd Medical Center, Desert Arts and Hermiston Aquatic Center. Copies are mailed and distributed throughout East Umatilla County including Internet placement on multiple websites. City of Hermiston 2011 Summer Parks & Recreation Guide 23 A SAFE, CARING and FUN place specifically designed for YOUR CHILDREN! VINYL CEDAR TREATED FIR SPLIT RAIL Fence Boards • Posts • Rails Samuel Belau, DDS Pediatric Dentist J. Kyle House DDS, FAAPD Pediatric Dentist Back from left: Denisse Sanchez, Andrea Bischke, Kari Ross and Mellissa Dick Front from left: Delilah Hernandez, Deserea Verwey, Samuel Belau, DDS; Janet Jones and Frances Hernandez Steven J. Wohlford DMD, FAAPD Pediatric Dentist Gates • Hardware • Stain 80764 N Hwy 395, Hermiston 541-667-8191 Toll Free 1-866-366-2375 TOKENS MAKE A GREAT GIFT FOR ANY OCCASION! & Gift Center We have all your landscaping needs • Enjoy the driving range • Improve your game OPEN DAILY • Plants • Trees • Shrubs • Rock • Bark Full service florist & gift center with espresso bar! 465 W. Theater Lane, Hermiston 30460 Hwy 730 • Umatilla 24 2011 Summer Parks & Recreation Guide (541) 567-3278 City of Hermiston
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