tion depar tment - City of Hermiston
tion depar tment - City of Hermiston
180 NE 2nd St., Hermiston OR 541-667-5018 • 541-567-5530 www.hermistonrecreation.com Contents Inside: • Parks & Recreation Activities and Classes • Good Shepherd Medical Center Classes • Public Library & Activities • Chamber of Commerce Events • Desert Arts Council Events City of Hermiston 2012 Winter Parks & Recreation Guide 2012 PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT City of Hermiston Parks and Recreation 1 • General Contracting • Pump Stations • Electrical • Commercial • Ag • Industrial • Design/Build • Parking Lot Lighting & Maintenance (541) 567-5005 14 SE Campbell Drive, Hermiston Health Education & Wellness offered by Good Shepherd Medical Center • Health Grant Writing Class • Hungry Heart Education Campaign • Early Pregnancy class • Baby A-Fair event • Babysitting Basics • Living Well with Chronic Conditions classes 2 2012 Winter Parks & Recreation Guide Check out pages 15-17 for complete listings 541-667-3509 City of Hermiston Parks & Recreation Guide Winter 2012 Edition City of Hermiston Parks & Recreation Department 180 NE 2nd Street, Hermiston OR 97838 www.hermiston.or.us Jan.-Feb.-March-April T hank you for your interest in Hermiston Parks and Recreation. The winter is a great time to get outside and enjoy the clean crisp air in one our parks or run around in the gym in one of many indoor programs. We hope you get the chance to recreate often this winter and if there are ever any programs that you would like to see us run, please suggest them to us. There will be some construction going on this winter in our parks. Victory Square Park will be a complete reconstruction. Highland Park will be getting a new playground. We hope many of you will get to enjoy these upgrades this spring and summer. Have a great winter. Brian Brogan, CPRP Recreation Supervisor Table of Contents Introduction...........................................................Page 3 Youth Sports.....................................................Page 4-5 Enrichment.............................................Page 5 Special Events......................................Page 7 Upcoming Summer Activities.........Page 7 Adult Sports,...........................................Page 5-6 Enrichment.......................................Page 6 2011 Statistics...................................Page 5 Parks & Facilities................................Page 8 Registration Form................................Page 8 Parks Map.................................................Page 9 Desert Arts.................................................... Page 10 Library.................................................................. Page 14 Good Shepherd................................................ Page 15-19 WELCOME TO PARKS & RECREATION Recreation Supervisor: Brian Brogan Park Foreman: Doug Bennett Administrative Assistant: Gina Wicks City of Hermiston The City of Hermiston Parks and Recreation Committee is a five-member advisory body appointed by City Council relative to parks and recreation facilities, programs and policy. The committee meets at 5:30 pm on the second Thursday of each month in the City Hall conference room. Our current members are Jean Stahlberg, Eric Reise, Carlisle Harrison, Nate Rivera and Sheila Cross. 2012 Winter Parks & Recreation Guide 3 Sports Recreational Youth Basketball Leagues Recreational Basketball Leagues forming now! Sign up now so you don’t miss out on all the fun. Playing on a basketball team is a great way to build basketball and social skills. The leagues will be separated by grade and gender. Grades 1st - 2nd will not keep score, grades 3rd - 8th will keep score. All games have paid referees. All equipment is provided. Coaches and referees are needed, please inquire if interested. Sign up as a team or individually. Day: 1 weeknight plus Saturdays Dates: Jan - March (7 week season) Location: Hermiston School Gyms Grades: 1st - 8th Cost: $30 Resident $38 Non Resident + $15 Jersey (If you don’t already have a Hermiston Parks and Recreation reversible red and white jersey) Sign up Deadline: Jan. 13 Junior Basketball Clinics Participants will learn the fundamentals of basketball through fun skill based games. They will be taught passing, shooting, dribbling, defense, and teamwork. Each week skill stations will be set up and the children will rotate through them. Be sure to sign up early for this popular clinic. Days: Saturdays Dates: January 28 - March 3 Times: 9:30am - 10:15am (3 years olds) 10:30pm - 11:15am (4 year olds) 11:30am - 12:15pm (5 year olds/Kindergarten) Cost: $25/Month - Resident $31/Month - Non Resident Location: Hermiston School Gyms Sign Up Deadline: One week prior Youth Volleyball Clinic Participants will learn the fundamentals of volleyball. They will be taught passing, setting, serving, hitting and digging techniques, teamwork and basic strategies of the game. Days: Tues. and Thurs. Dates: Feb. - Mar. Location: Hermiston School Gyms Grades: 3rd to 8th Time: 5:00pm -7:00pm Cost: $40 Resident $50 Non Resident Sign up Deadline: February 10 4 YOUTH Sports Sports Gymnastics Level 3 This gymnastics class is for children who have completed Level 2. The focuses are front hand stand rolls, round offs, one handed cartwheels, splits, and unassisted hand stands. This class also continues to work on the skills introduced in Level 2. Days: Mondays Dates: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr Times: 5:15pm - 5:40pm Cost: $20/Month - Resident $25/Month - Non Resident *10% discount if you sign up for all 4/5 months at once Ages: 2 years - 4 years 11 months Location: Hermiston Community Center Sign Up Deadline: One week prior Day: Mondays Dates: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr Times: 6:40pm to 7:25pm Cost: $24/Month - Resident $30/Month - Non Resident *10% discount if you sign up for all 4/5 months at once Ages: 3-10 years Location: Hermiston Community Center Sign Up Deadline: One week prior Level 1 This introduction to gymnastics focuses on straddle rolls, front rolls, back rolls, assisted hand stands, overall body awareness, and more. All fitness levels are welcome. All supplies are provided. Level 4 This gymnastics class is for children who have completed Level 3. The focuses are front handsprings, back kick-overs, back rolls with extension, splits, and assisted hand stands. This class also continues to work on the skills introduced in Level 3. Parent-Tot Help your child increase body control, motor skills and creativity through music and activities. Experience front rolls, straddle rolls, animal walks, and tumbles. Share movement games, singing and finger play while bonding with your child. Parent and child participate together. Day: Mondays Dates: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr Times: 5:45pm to 6:30pm Cost: $24/Month - Resident $30/Month - Non Resident *10% discount if you sign up for all 4/5 months at once Ages: 3-10 years Location: Hermiston Community Center Sign Up Deadline: One week prior Level 2 This gymnastics class is for children who have completed Level 1. The focuses are cartwheels, splits, and assisted hand stands. This class also continues to work on the skills introduced in Level 1. Day: Mondays Dates: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr Times: 5:45pm to 6:30pm Cost: $24/Month - Resident $30/Month - Non Resident *10% discount if you sign up for all 4/5 months at once Ages: 3-10 years Location: Hermiston Community Center Sign Up Deadline: One week prior Days: Mondays Dates: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr. Times: 6:40pm to 7:25pm Cost: $24/Month - Resident $30/Month - Non Resident *10% discount if you sign up for all 4/5 months at once Ages: 3-10 years Location: Hermiston Community Center Sign Up Deadline: One week prior Youth Indoor Soccer League Join this great recreational soccer league. This coed league is a great way to build soccer and social skills while being in a fun noncompetitive league. All games have paid referees. All equipment is provided. Volunteer coaches are needed, please inquire if interested. Sign up as a team or individually. Day: 1 weeknight plus Saturdays Dates: April - May (7 week season) Location: Hermiston School Gyms Cost: $30 Resident $38 Non Resident + $15 Jersey (If you don’t already have a Hermiston Parks and Recreation reversible red and white jersey) Sign up Deadline: March 16 Coed Leagues: 3 years old 4 yrs to Pre-Kindergarten Kindergarten 1st grade For more information, contact Hermiston Parks & Recreation at 541-667-5018 or log on to www.hermistonrecreation.com 2012 Winter Parks & Recreation Guide City of Hermiston Sports YOUTH Dance Class This is an introduction to very basic dance techniques and performance. The class focuses on body awareness, self-control, eye-hand coordination, and rhythmic awareness. Dance performance is at the end of each month. No additional costume costs are needed. Days: Tuesday Dates: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr. Times: 5:15pm - 5:45pm (3 and 4 year old) 5:50pm - 6:20pm (5 and 6 year old) Cost: $20/Month - Resident $25/Month - Non Resident *10% discount if you sign up for all 4/5 months at once Ages: 3-6 years Location: Hermiston Community Center Sign Up Deadline: One week prior Basketball Academy “Taking Your Game to the Next Level” The Next Level Basketball Academy is an academy where kids will grow and learn about the game of basketball from a staff of experienced coaches. They will practice ball-handling, defense, shooting and other basketball fundamentals. They will also learn self-esteem, teamwork, and sportsmanship. Coaches are: Larry Usher and others. Day: Sundays Dates: Jan. 8 - Feb. 19 (No Feb. 5) Location: Hermiston School Gyms Grades: 1st - 8th Cost: $80 - Resident $100 - Non Resident Sign up Deadline: Jan. 5 2011 Pool Statistics: Total Swim lessons performed: ..............14,234 Total attendance:......................................63,530 Aqua Fitness usages:................................3,451 Number of youth that attended the Free Swim Days (Sponsored by Advanced Pediatric Dentistry): .....................872 Fall Activities Recap: Youth Football:....... 126 Youth Volleyball:...... 97 Adult Football:....... 138 Adult Volleyball:....... 95 Gymnastics:........... 146 Dance:..................... 44 Art:.......................... 48 Drama:.................... 17 Basketball Clinic:..... 56 Camera Classes:.... 12 Treats on Main - Trick or Treating: approx. 6000 total participants - Thank You to all the participating businesses for their support. Treats on Main - Halloween Party: approx.. 2500 participants - Thank You to our sponsors: Tom Denchel Ford, Desert Dental, Hermiston Assembly of God, Hermiston Transmission, Bellinger Farms and Norco ADULT Enrichment Art Class Introductory drawing and painting skills will be taught to all interested. Each class will have beginning to advanced projects dependent on skill level. Sign up now so you don‚Äôt miss out. Day: Tuesdays Dates: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr. Times: 3:30pm - 5:00pm -or 5:15pm - 6:45pm Cost: $24/Month - Resident $30/Month - Non Resident *10% discount if you sign up for all 4/5 months at once Ages: 6 years + Location: Hermiston Community Center Sign Up Deadline: One week prior Hunter Safety Education Class All hunters under the age of 18 must pass this class before they can hunt in Oregon. Class covers: Firearm safety, ethics, conservation, survival, first aid, bowhunting and more. Space is limited, sign up early. Day: Tuesdays and Thursdays (plus live fire day) Dates: February Times: 7:00pm - 9:00pm Cost: $10 Ages: 9 years + Location: Hermiston Community Center Sign up deadline: Two weeks before first class Sports Adult Basketball Leagues Leagues are forming now. Players must sign up on a team. Roster size is unlimited. Trophies and shirts will be awarded to the winners. Postseason single-elimination tournaments will be included with each 9-week season. No high school students or active college players. Competitive A League For teams that care about winning and losing. Day: Ages: Sundays 18+ years Competitive B League For teams out to have fun and get exercise. Day: Ages: Sundays 18+ years 30+ League Day: Ages: Wednesdays 30+ years All Leagues Dates: Jan - April Cost: Team Fee - $300 Player Fee - $15 Resident $19 Non Resident Location: Hermiston School Gym Sign up Deadline: January 6 Youth Introductory Archery Class Interested in the learning about Archery. Class covers archery safety, basic shooting (target) and (3D), bow hunting basics. All equipment is supplied. Come learn a new sport and have some fun. Class size is limited so sign up early. Day: Tuesdays and Wednesdays Dates: May Times: 7:00pm - 8:30pm Cost: $30 - Resident $38 - Non Resident Ages: 8 years plus (8-12 years must be accompanied by an adult) Location: Community Center Sign up deadline: One week prior 30+ Basketball Champions Winter League - JM Eagles 2011 Competitive Basketball Champions - Winter LeagueHansell Hoggs For more information, contact Hermiston Parks & Recreation at 541-667-5018 or log on to www.hermistonrecreation.com City of Hermiston 2012 Winter Parks & Recreation Guide 5 ADULT Sports Sports Adult Volleyball Leagues Hermiston Parks and Recreation is offering Adult Coed Volleyball Leagues. Players must sign up as a team. Roster size is unlimited. Trophies and shirts will be awarded to the winners. Postseason single-elimination tournaments will be included with each 9- week season. No high school students or active college players. 4 on 4 Coed Recreational A League For teams looking to just have fun. Only one “Competitive” player allowed per team. 7’ 11 5/8” nets will be used. Day: Sundays 4 on 4 Coed Reverse Recreational B League For teams looking to just have fun. No “Competitive” players allowed per team. Men need to hit from behind the 10 foot line. 7’ 4 1/8” nets will be used. Day: Sundays 4 on 4 Coed Competitive League For teams that care about winning and losing. 7’ 11 5/8” nets will be used. Day: Mondays 4 on 4 Women’s League 7’ 4 1/8” nets will be used. Day: Wednesdays All Leagues Dates: Jan. - April Cost: Team Fee - $75 Player Fee - $15 Resident $19 Non Resident Ages: 18+ years Location: Hermiston High School Auxiliary Gym Sign up Deadline: January 6 Adult Softball Leagues Men’s, Coed Recreational and Coed Competitive Leagues are forming now. Roster size is unlimited. Trophies and shirts will be awarded to the winners. Post-season single-elimination tournaments will be included with each 9-week season. Game balls will be included for all teams. No high school students or active college players. Space is limited, so sign up early. Mens Softball - ASA, unlimited home runs, 44 core softballs, double headers Day: Cost: Tuesdays, Wednesdays $300 - Team Fee Competitive Coed Softball - ASA, 3 home runs progressive, 44 core softballs, double headers Day: Cost: Mondays, Tuesdays $300 - Team Fee Recreational Coed Softball - A League - ASA, 3 home runs progressive, 44 core softballs, single headers. Only 4 players allowed on roster from Competitive Coed League and/or Mens League. Day: Cost: Thursdays, Fridays $200 - Team Fee Recreational Coed Softball - B League - ASA, 3 home runs progressive, 44 core softballs, single headers. Only 1 player allowed from Competitive Coed League and/or Mens League. Day: Cost: Thursdays, Fridays $200 - Team Fee All Leagues Dates: May - August Times: 6:00pm, 7:30pm, 9:00pm Player Fee -$15 Resident $19 Non Resident Ages: 18+ years Location: Theater Sports Park Sign up Deadline: April 27 Enrichment Fly Fishing for Beginners Learn the basics of fly-fishing, casting techniques, equipment, and how to catch fish. All supplies are provided. Day: Dates: Times: Cost: Location: Ages: Wednesdays April 5:30pm - 7:00pm $30 - Resident $38 - Non Resident Hermiston Aquatic Center 12 yrs and under must be accompanied by an adult Sign Up Deadline: One week prior Fly Tying No experience needed. You will learn all the basic techniques of tying flies. Each night you will learn how to tie a new fly. This is a great skill to have for anyone interested in fly fishing. Day: Dates: Times: Cost: Location: Ages: Wednesdays February 5:30pm - 7:00pm $30 - Resident $38 - Non Resident Hermiston City Hall 12 yrs and under must be accompanied by an adult Sign Up Deadline: One week prior Adult Digital Camera - Beginners Class Learn more about using the special features of your digital camera and the post process techniques from the pros at 60 Minute Photo. Participants are required to bring their own digital camera. Space is limited so sign up early. Day: Wednesdays Dates: Jan 18 - Feb 8 Times: 2:30pm - 4:00pm Cost: $40 - Resident $50 - Non Resident Ages: 16+ years Location: 60 Minute Photo Sign up Deadline: One week prior Adult Digital Camera - Intermediate Class Learn more about using the special features of your digital camera and the post process techniques from the pros at 60 Minute Photo. Participants are required to bring their own DSLR camera and must be proficient with using it. To enroll for this class you need to have first completed the Basic Digital Camera Class. Space is limited so sign up early. 2011 Winer Coed Rec VB Champions Troublemakers 6 2011 Winter Coed Competitive Volleyball League - Voorhees Day: Wednesdays Dates: Feb. 15 - March 7 Times: 5:30 pm -7:00 pm Cost: $54 - Resident $67 - Non Resident Ages: 16+ years Location: 60 Minute Photo Sign up Deadline: One week prior For more information, contact Hermiston Parks & Recreation at 541-667-5018 or log on to www.hermistonrecreation.com 2012 Winter Parks & Recreation Guide City of Hermiston SPECIAL EVENTS Flashlight Easter Egg Hunts 2011 Coed Competitive Softball League Champions - AfterShock 2011 Recreational A League Champions - BFI Sleepers The Easter Bunny won’t be getting any sleep this Easter. Thousands of filled eggs will be hidden throughout the park. Some eggs contain a special prize. Each participant will use his/her flashlight to find eggs in the dark. It is advised for parents to stay with their kids during this event. Don’t forget to show up early and bring your basket and a flashlight. Day: Dates: Times: Ages: Cost: Location: Friday April 6 8:15pm sharp 10 yrs and under Free Butte Park Kid’s Fishing Derby Sponsored by Campbell Toyota 2011 Mens League Champions Folletts 2011 Recreational B League Champions - Blake Brothers Upcoming Summer Activities Below is a list of some of the activities that we will be offering this summer. Be sure to look for them in the Summer Newsletter coming out in April. If you need more information call Hermiston Parks and Recreation or stop by City Hall to get a flyer. Youth Golf Tournament/Adult Caddy - Each child (12 years and under) has an adult caddy to help. An adult can caddy for up to two children at once. Summer Fun Day Camp - Monday through Friday, 9am - 4:30pm, free lunch, 6-12 years. Junior Golf Program - 4 weeks of professional instruction and rules of the game, tournament. Adult/Child Team Modified Scramble Golf Tourney - One child (6-12yrs) and one adult (16 yrs+) per team. Art Camps - 4 days of drawing and painting, 6-16 years, beginners to advanced welcome. Dance Camp - Learn basic dance skills and then put on a performance. Gymnastics Camp - Learn gymnastic skills (basics to intermediate) and then put on a performance. Kids Triathlon - Run, Bike and Swim (parents can assist as needed). Must be able to bike with training wheels. Digital Photo Camp - Learn how to use digital cameras. Take home prints of your best work. Ages 6-12 years Summer Food Service Program - Look for our sites around town for free lunch. Under 18 years only. Glo Ball Golf Tournaments - May 19 and August 25. Adults only. Limited space. Flatwater Kayaking - 12 years and up. Local bodies of water. Enjoy a day of fishing with the kids. Many trout will be stocked in McNary Ponds for this event; some trophy trout will be mixed in. Special fish will be tagged for prizes. All normal fishing regulations are in effect. Bring your own fishing pole and gear; some loaner poles may be available. An adult must accompany all children. Each fish caught must be reeled in by a child 2 -12 years. Event Partners: Oregon Fish and Wildlife, Army Corps of Engineers. Day: Dates: Times: Cost: Ages: Location: Saturday April 21 10:00am - Noon Free 2 - 12 yrs. McNary Ponds Family Fishing Day Enjoy a day of fishing with your family. Many trout will be stocked in McNary Ponds for this event; some trophy trout will be mixed in. All normal fishing regulations are in effect. Bring your own fishing pole and gear. An adult should accompany all children. Event Partners: Oregon Fish and Wildlife, Army Corps of Engineers. Day: Dates: Times: Cost: Location: Saturday April 21 After 12:00pm Free McNary Ponds For more information, contact Hermiston Parks & Recreation at 541-667-5018 or log on to www.hermistonrecreation.com City of Hermiston 2012 Winter Parks & Recreation Guide 7 Parks & Facilities Park reservations are closed until January 3, 2012. Start planning your wedding, reunion, or birthday party and call us next year (2012) to book your special event. City of Hermiston Registration Form For your convenience, this registration form can be used when signing up for activities Three Easy Ways to Register: • By Mail or Phone • By Fax 541.567.5530 or E-Mail • In Person 541-667-5018 or 541-567-5530 www.hermiston.or.us INFORMED CONSENT / PARTICIPANT RELEASE “I, the parent/guardian of the named participant understand the possibility of injuries resulting from the activities indicated or other activities sponsored by the City of Hermiston. I hereby acknowledge and accept all risks and hazards incidental to participation in such activities. I hereby release, absolve, indemnify and hold harmless the City of Hermiston and its employees and agents from any injury whether to person or property, of the participant resulting from such activities. In case of personal injury to participant, I hereby waive any and all claims against the City of Hermiston, its employees and agents. I hereby give my permission for the use of the participants name and picture in any broadcast, telecast or print media of these activities.” _______________________________________________________________________ Signature of Parent or Legal Guardian Date Adult Parent, or Guardian:_ _______________________________________________________________________________ Address______________________________________________________________________________________________ City_ __________________________________________________________________ State__________ Zip:_ ___________ Home Phone:______________________ Work Phone________________________ Cell Phone___________________ E-mail Address:__________________________________________________________________________________ Emergency Contact Name/Number:__________________________________________________________________ Last Name, First Name Activity Name (Participant) Sponsor/Team Name M/F (optional) School DOB Grade Fee Paid Medical Information: Any special needs, allergies or concerns? ____________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ 8 2012 Winter Parks & Recreation Guide City of Hermiston 1 1. Highland Summit Park 2. Newport Park 3. Hodge Park 4. McKenzie Park 5. Victory Square Park 6. River Front Park 7. Belt Park 8. Sunset Park 9. Butte Park 10. Theater Sports Park 11. Harrison Park Area Parks Key Plan the Perfect Wedding or Reunion City of Hermiston From gazebos, shelters, lawns, event tents, bounce houses, and more the City of Hermiston has many beautiful locations for a memorable day for your special event. Call Gina and see if we can help planning your special day. 2012 Park Rental & Service Fees First 4 hrs $25 – Resident $35 – Non Resident Additional hour rate at $10/hr Groups over 50 $50 – Resident $65 – Non Resident Groups over 100 $75-Resident $95-Non Resident Entire Park Rental $350-Resident $450-Non Resident 11 Field Lining/field $50-Resident $65-Non Resident 6 Hermiston City Parks 5 9 10 7 4 3 2 8 Parks and Picnics Shelters Bounce House, 4 hrs $50-Resident $65-Resident Event Tent, 78’X40’ that includes four 8’ picnic tables..$100.00 2012 Winter Parks & Recreation Guide 9 2012 Event Schedule Thursday, January 12, 2012 7 p.m. Hermiston High Performing Arts Theater This is a duo performing Irish and Scottish folk music in both traditional and contemporary styles 10 Thursday, February 16, 2012 7 p.m. Hermiston Conference Center This is a quartet combining music and humor recreating tunes of The Inkspots and Pied Pipers 2012 Winter Parks & Recreation Guide City of Hermiston Sunrise hair studio Since 1964 Registration for Boys and Girls Starting January 1st Early Bird Safe and Easy Online Registration Available 24/7 DISCOUNT until 1/31/12 Offering programs for: T-Ball (Co-Ed 5/6) Baseball (7-14) • Softball (7-12) • Challengers Visit our website for registration details and more! www.hermistonlittleleague.com City of Hermiston 2012 Winter Parks & Recreation Guide 11 Lose Weight Full service florist & gift center with espresso bar! EXTRA CHANGE IN YOUR POCKET? Gain Energy & Gift Center Improve Image • Plants • Trees • Shrubs • Rock • Bark 465 W. Theater Lane, Hermiston (541) 567-3278 • Indoor Pool • Spa • 4 Racquetball Courts • ALL Group Exercise Classes Included • Indoor Gym • Indoor Track • State of the Art Exercise Equipment *$49 Joining Fee - One year agreement. Approximate daily total. Includes FREE Child Care! COLUMBIA COURT CLUB 541-567-5827 Boost Metabolism We have all your landscaping needs Reduce Stress Want to Get Fit For $1.50 a day?* www.columbiacourtclub.com Gain Confidence Health Education & Wellness offered by Good Shepherd Medical Center • Health Grant Writing Class • Hungry Heart Education Campaign • Early Pregnancy class • Baby A-Fair event • Babysitting Basics • Living Well with Chronic Conditions classes Check out pages 15-17 for complete listings 12 541-667-3509 2012 Winter Parks & Recreation Guide City of Hermiston ACCOUNTING & TAXES SINCE 1974 Mark Severson LTC, EA Jackie Myers LTP • Tax Preparation - e-file • Bookkeeping • Individual • Small Business • Corporation & Partnership • Payroll • Notary Open Monday thru Friday 8 am to 5 pm Walk-Ins Welcome 205 NE 4th Hermiston, OR Call Today: 541-567-2018 For an Opportunity to Advertise in the Parks & Recreation Guide Contact Sheila - 541-720-9608 or Gina, City of Hermiston - 541-667-5018 This Guide is published three time a year and contains event schedules for Hermiston Parks and Recreation, Hermiston Library, Good Shepherd Medical Center, Desert Arts and Hermiston Aquatic Center. Copies are mailed and distributed throughout East Umatilla County including Internet placement on multiple websites. City of Hermiston 2012 Winter Parks & Recreation Guide 13 HERMISTON PUBLIC LIBRARY Hermiston Public library likes to offer infant, toddler, pre-school, school age, teen, and family programs. With the help of our community we are able to offer these programs at no charge. Changes, additions, or cancellations will be announced on the library’s web calendar that can be accessed from www. hermistonlibrary.us. Storytime Wednesday at 11:15 -12:00 And Friday at 10:15 Jan.4 & 6: Circle Jan.11 & 13: Tractors Jan.18 & 20: Benjamin Franklin Jan. 25 & 27: Dragon Feb. 1 & 3: Football Feb. 8 & 10: Love Feb.15 & 17: Opposites Feb.22 & 24: Polar Bear Feb. 29: Leap Day March 2: Dr. Seuss Birthday March 7 & 9: Kings and Queens March 14 & 16: St. Patricks Day March 21 & 23: Spring March 28 & 30: Turtle April 4 & 6: Library April 11 & 13: Frog April 18 & 20: Kite April 25 & 27: Earth February March Knitting/Crochet Clubs hosted by the Hermiston Public Library. The Evening group meets each Thursday from 5:30-6:45 p.m. The Saturday group meets the 2nd & 4th Saturday from10:0011:30 a.m. Teen Programs January 20 at 5:00 This year the teens decided that they would celebrate Chinese New Year! These programs like all the library programs are FREE. February Special activity for active members. March 19 at 4:00 Dark St. Patricks Day Celebration Be ready to play “Minute To Win It” events that have been scheduled for everyone’s enjoyment. The Hermiston Public Library will have their annual Heart April 20 at 5:00 Stomp Party, date and time to be announced. Come join us for games and refreshments, please call the Hermiston Public Let the Library Survivor Festivities Begin! Library for date and time. Precondition yourself to be one of the final survivors in this fun filled program may the fittest person win. March Heart Stomp Party Dr. Seuss Birthday Party Come join the Hermiston Public Library as we celebrate Dr. Suess Birthday. Please call the library for date and time. Baby Boogie & Tappin’ Toddlers The library provides an infant and toddler program every Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. For children up to 48 months. Baby Boogie & Tappin Toddlers will not be held the last two weeks of December. They will resume on Wednesday January 4, 2011. 14 Teen Advisory Meetings are: January 9th at 4:00 February 13 at 4:00 March 19 at 4:00 April16 at 4:00 Should you have any questions please contact us at 541-567-2882 or visit our website at: www.hermistonlibrary.us 2012 Winter Parks & Recreation Guide City of Hermiston Health Education Exercise & Fitness Tai Chi Work on balance and strengthening-great for all ages! Chen style & Yang style taught. Try one class FREE! Dates: Mondays (7-8pm): starting January 9 Wednesdays (6-7pm): starting January 4 Fridays (10:30-11:30am): starting January 6 Cost: $50 per mo., $45 for seniors: pay instructor directly Place: GS Community Wellness Center Instructor: Tom Bailor 541-969-9039 Beginning Karate Improve balance and coordination, learn basic self-defense, get in shape, and have fun! Date: Mondays & Thursdays starting January 5 Times: 5 pm—Juniors (age 8 & older) 6 pm—Open Cost: $10 per month—pay instructor directly Place: GS Community Wellness Center Instructor/Info: Chanty Pin, Second Degree Black Belt 541-720-9178 Exercise Band Class Increase your strength and flexibility. Perfect for seniors! Dates: Monday Tuesday Wednesday, 9:30-10am; starting January 4 Place: GS Wellness Center Cost: $15 for 10 weeks, $5 per resistance band Instructor: Diana Price, MS, GSMC Wellness Coordinator Info: Call 541-667-3509 Individualized Wellness Assessment schedule your 30-minute consultation with the Wellness Coordinator and receive a complete health/fitness assessment. Included are: cholesterol and glucose screening, body composition, health risk appraisal questionnaire, and exercise prescription. You will receive an individualized, comprehensive 20-page report and pertinent health education. Diana Price, Wellness Coordinator: By appointment only, call 667-3400 x. 3050 Fee: $35 per person City of Hermiston Bellydance Basics Work on balance, joint mobility, flexibility, strength and isolation. No prior dance experience necessary. Great FUN for all sizes, shapes and ages! Per class payments or monthly payment w/discount available. Dates: Place: Cost: Friday evenings, Beginners 6:39-9:00 starting January 6 Sat. mornings: Intermediate GS Wellness Center $12 per class, $10 for seniors: pay instructor directly. Monthly payment with discount may be arranged with instructor. Instructor: Sahara Christine Sabri, SaharaCSabri@yahoo.com 541571-7532 Zumba Come and enjoy this FREE exercise in disguise! Dates/Times: Fridays, 9:30-10:30am: starting January 6 Place: GS Wellness Center Cost: FREE Instructor: Apple Li, 509-627-9080 Applecider@yahoo.com Classes & Events Do You Have Medicare Questions? If you are turning 65 and in need of Medicare health insurance information, then let Good Shepherd Medical Center help. Our counselors are trained to discuss Medicare benefits and services, as well as provide additional resource materials. Individual appointments are available by calling (541) 667-3507. Tobacco Cessation Counseling Have you made a commitment to quit smoking, but need more support? Contact Kathy Thomas, our tobacco cessation specialist to schedule a one-on-one visit. Group sessions can also be scheduled by businesses for their employees. To help you take a step towards better health, call (541) 667-3502. 2012 Winter Parks & Recreation Guide Health Grants 101 Make an impact writing creative and relevant grant proposals. This FREE workshop is for those new to grant writing, or forthose wanting to improve grant writing skills. Participants will have the opportunity to work individually on their own project, while learning from class discussion. Limited class size—please pre-register to reserve a seat. Date: Time: Place: Call Thursday, February 9th 6-8 pm GSMC conference rooms 541-667-3509. Living Well with Chronic Conditions Put life back into your life. Learn from trained leaders how to enjoy your life and improve your ability to manage daily activities. These classes are geared for those living with a chronic condition—such as diabetes, arthritis, high-blood pressure, heart disease, depression and other long-term health problems. Co-sponsored by Head Start and Good Shepherd Medical Center, the class is based on best practices by Stanford University. Date: Every Saturday, from February 11th to March 17th Time: 10:00-12:30 pm Place: GS Wellness Center Cost: $5.00 for take-home book Info/Registration: Limited space, register by calling 541-564-6878 or 541-6673509. Safety Classes Safe Communities is a collaborative effort between Good Shepherd Medical Center, ODOT and our community partners. We address and improve traffic-related safety strategies. We offer the following: bike rodeos, car seat clinics, motorized wheelchair safety checks, grandparent car seat installation training, safety belt diversion classes, Walk and Bike event to school, parent and teen driving presentations and more. Dates/Times: the second Wednesday of every month from 12:00-1:00 pm Place: GSMC conference rooms Info: Call (541) 667-3502 for more information. 15 Activities & Classes A Hungry Heart—For Heart Healthy Nutrition Join Good Shepherd Medical Center and area grocery stores as they launch their Hungry Heart Education campaign— healthy heart nutrition tips for the whole family. Depending on the store, shoppers may be greeted by a health educator that will provide printed information on how to read food labels, recipes for preparing nutritious meals, and suggestions on how to use ordinary foods, but prepare them in healthier ways. Just follow the red heart label to healthier choices throughout the store. Dates: March 5th—10th Locations: Grocery stores throughout North Umatilla and West Morrow counties Info: Call 541-667-3502 File of Life: Learn about the importance of having an advance directive and an accurate health record for emergency & /or life threatening situations. Receive a FREE packet--Call 667-3509. Diabetes Education*: Classes offered in group or individual format and taught by Certified Diabetes Educators. Comprehensive classes facilitate long-term self-management of diabetes. GSHCS’s Diabetes Education Program has been Recognized by the American Diabetes Association for Quality Self-Management Education*. For information call 667-3517. Pregnancy, Childbirth, Child Care Lactation Consulting Services: Good Shepherd has two internationally certified lactation consultants on staff available to help with any breastfeeding issues or concerns. Available to meet with moms-to-be, new moms or the experienced moms with questions or concerns. Call 541667-3508 or e-mail to lactationservices@ gshealth.org Baby A-Fair Come prepared to learn, be informed and have fun! Come join us for this FREE special informative & interactive event for parent’s-to-be, parents and their babies (ages birth to age 5) and grandparents. Interactive and educational fun for all provided by a variety of areas service providers and vendors. Special speakers, door prizes! The goal of this new event is to promote healthier babies and families, increase knowledge of breastfeeding initiation & benefits, inform parents of the local services available to help them and have fun! Date: Times: Place: Info: Saturday, March 31 10am-1pm GS Day Care Center Call Glaya at 541-667-3508 Birthing Classes Seven weekly sessions to prepare the mother and her birth partner for a knowledgeable, rewarding and sharing childbirth experience. Dates: Tuesdays starting Jan. 3, Mar. 6 or May 8 Times: 7:00-9:30pm Place: GSMC Conference center Fees: $55 Registration: Call 667-3509 to pre-register. Early Pregnancy Class One FREE class focusing on the first six months of pregnancy. Healthcare professional speakers will provide presentations on topics that include: medication use, exercise, diet, breastfeeding and many other helpful subjects. Free but please pre-register. Breastfeeding Class Want to make your breastfeeding experience the best for you and your baby? Come to this FREE class, taught by a certified lactation consultant, and learn techniques that make for asuccessful experience. Free but please pre-register. Dates/Times: Tuesday, January 24 or April 3, 7-9pm or Saturday, March 3, 10am-12pm Spanish Breastfeeding class: Friday, Feb. 10, 5-7pm Location:GSMC conference rooms Instructor: Glaya Baker, RN, Certified Lactation Consultant Info/Questions: Call 667-3509 to register. New Mom Classes FREE weekly meetings! A group setting for new moms, dads, and babies, for assistance in the first year of parenthood. We will be discussing feeding, development, and other hot topics. Are you a new mom or dad full of questions and want advice from an expert? Bring your baby and attend these free classes! Dates: Times: Place: Info: Every Wednesday; starting Jan. 4 10:30-11:30 am GSM Office Plaza, conf. room 1 Call 541-667-3509 Babysitting Basics 101 For babysitters ages 10-15. Learn childcare techniques, children’s developmental stages and what to expect, basic first aid and infant and child CPR. Dates: Saturday, Jan 21st, March 10th or May 12th Times: 9am-3pm Location: GSMC Conference rooms Fees: $25, includes lunch & all class materials. Pre-register: Call 541-667-3509. Must preregister & pre-pay. Dates/Times Saturday, January 14, 10am-12pm, or Tuesday, February 28 or April 3, 6:30-8pm Location:GSMC conference rooms Instructor: Glaya Baker, RN, IBCLC Info/Questions: Call 667-3509 to register 16 2012 Winter Parks & Recreation Guide City of Hermiston Activities & Classes Life Saving Techniques CPR and First Aid classes taught according to American Heart Association guidelines. CPR class includes adult, child and infant CPR and AED instruction. First Aid class covers basic techniques for providing first aid assistance. Layperson & Healthcare provider classes available. Must pre-register and pre-pay. Call 667-3509 for info. CPR class dates: Jan. 2, Feb. 6, Mar. 5, April 2, or May 7 First Aid class dates: Jan. 5, Feb. 2, Mar. 1, April 5, or May 3 Times: 6-9pm Fee: $25 CPR & First Aid Combo class (taught in one, six hour class) Dates: Jan. 20, Feb. 17, Mar. 16, April 20, or May 18 Times: 9am-3pm Fee:$50 Healthcare Provider (HCP) CPR: Live class or online options available. Call 541-667-3509 for additional information. HCP CPR Renewals: Jan. 27, Feb. 24, Mar. 23, April 27, or May 25 Times: 9am-12pm Fee:$25 HCP CPR Initial Training: Live classes scheduled as needed—call for information. Red Cross Blood Drives Support Groups Breast Cancer Support Group For all breast cancer patients, from newly diagnosed to long time survivors. Join us as we support each other on our journey and help us share in the hope found in our sisterhood. Dates: Meets on the third Monday of each month. Times: 6:30pm Place: Medical Office Plaza, conference room 2 Info: Call Shari (541-567-2024) or Leah (541-567-3145) Multiple Sclerosis Support Group Support group is for people with Multiple Sclerosis, family members, care takers or those who would like to learn more. Dates: Meet on the 3rd Wednesday of each month Time: 7-8 pm Place: Medical Office Plaza (620 NW 11th), Meeting Room 1 Info: Call Kathy (541-922-2753) or John (541-564-8104) American Red Cross Blood Drives are held 3rd Monday of each month! Dates: Jan. 16, Feb. 20, March 19, April 16, or May 21 Times: 1:00-6:00pm Location: GSMC Conference Centers 1 & 2 Info/Appt: To schedule an appointment call 1-800-733-2767 e Save th Date!! NE Oregon Diabetes Support Group Support group for people dealing with a new or longterm diagnosis of diabetes. Meetings will have an educational presentation as well as group discussion. Dates: Meets on the 3rd Tuesday of each month Times: 6:00-7:30pm Place: GSMC Wellness Center Info: Call 541-377-9761 or 541-5616660 Alzheimer’s Support Group: Date: Meets on the 4th Thursday of each month Time: 5:30-7:30 pm Place: GS Wellness Center Info: Call Cathy Lloyd (541-390-1158) Hope for Healing Support Group: Free, ongoing bereavement support group dealing with loss and grief issues. Dates: Available two different times: Second Thursday of each month, 2-4pm Fourth Monday of each month, 7-9pm Place: Hospice office conf. room Info: Call 541-667-3543 Senior Health Fair! FREE FOR EVERYONE!! Save th e Date!! 50+ Vendors, activities every hour and health screenings! Date: Wednesday, June 13th Place: Hermiston Community Center (Highway 395) Info: Call 667-3509 City of Hermiston 2012 Winter Parks & Recreation Guide 17 Come prepared to learn, be informed and have fun! Come join us for this FREE special informative & interactive event for parent’s-to-be, parents and their babies (ages birth to age 5) and grandparents. Interactive and educational fun for all provided by a variety of areas service providers and vendors. Special speakers, door prizes! The goal of this new event is to promote healthier babies and families, increase knowledge of breastfeeding initiation & benefits, inform parents of the local services available to help them and have fun! Save the Date!! Date: Times: Place: Info: Saturday, March 31 10am-1pm GS Day Care Center Call Glaya at 541-667-3508 January 11th Chamber Ambassador Meeting January 12th Breakfast of Champions January 13th-14th-15th Cabin Fever January 24th Hermiston Chamber of Commerce Business to Business Luncheon noon to 1p January 28th Melonville Comedy Show January 31st Distinguished Citizen’s Banquet 415 SouthHwy 395 P.O. Box 185 www.hermistonchamber.com For more information on events listed, contact the office at 541-567-6151 or email: info@hermistonchamber.com 18 February 4th Umatilla Sports Booster Dinner & Auction February 8th Chamber Ambassador Meeting February 11th Hermiston Education Foundation Crab Feed February 16th Desert Arts Council performance at HCC February 18th Horse A-Fair February 25th Knights of Columbus Pig Out February 28th Hermiston Chamber of Commerce Business to Business Luncheon noon to 1p 2012 Winter Parks & Recreation Guide March 3rd Hermiston Sports Booster Dinner & Auction March 10th Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast March 14th Chamber Ambassador Meeting March 15th UMCDR Outreach Closing Ceremonies March 27th Hermiston Chamber of Commerce Business to Business Breakfast 8a-9a April 11th Chamber Ambassador Meeting April 21st UEC’s Annual Meeting Dinner April 24th Hermiston Chamber of Commerce Professional Assistants Day Luncheon April 28th-29th Hermiston’s Hatrock Hound Rock and Mineral Show May 5th Me & My Prince Ball-Girl Scouts May 9th Chamber Ambassadors Meeting May 22nd Hermiston Chamber of Commerce Business to Business Luncheon noon to 1p City of Hermiston TOKENS MAKE A GREAT GIFT FOR ANY OCCASION! 1140 North First St. Hermiston, OR 541-567-6622 hicken B C y as tr n ke ou t OPEN DAILY C • Enjoy the driving range • Improve your game 30460 Hwy 730 • Umatilla •Fendi • Silhouette • Oakley • Maui Jim • Eye Exams for $8 5 Kids Package 2for$99 2 Complete Pairs Frames & Lenses, Single Vision Polycarbonate Lenses Eastern Oregon’s Only Same Day Service for Prescription Lenses Kids add Transitions or Anti Reflective for just $30.00 1 Year Warranty on Lenses and Frames SPECIAL $99 Complete Pair Frames & Lenses Single Vision, Bifocal, Trifocal, No Line 1 Year Warranty on Lenses Most Prescriptions 1-3 Hours Marcia Lambert, LDO • Maria aria Andrade, Andrad de,, Optician Optician Se Habla Español (541) Monday-Friday 10am-6pm • Open Saturday 10am-2pm 567-3790 • 1045 N 1st, Hermiston (behind the Nickel Want Ads) Same Day Service - Most Prescription Lenses can be ready in 1-3 hours • www.affordablefamilyeyewear.com City of Hermiston 2012 Winter Parks & Recreation Guide • Juicy Couture • Kate e Spade • Guess • Nine Ni West • • Versace • Prada • Wiley X • Harley Davidson • Flexon • Sax Fifth Avenue • 19 BEFORE YOU BUY OR RENEW you owe it to your budget to get a free quote from us. • Auto • Home • Renters • Life • Business • Motorcycle • RV • Boat • ATV • Manufactured Homes ZIMMER INSURANCE AGENCY 911 N 1st Hermiston 541-567-5745 Mon-Fri 9am-5:00pm Sat & After Hours by Appointment zimmerinsuranceagency@gmail.com VINYL CEDAR TREATED FIR SPLIT RAIL Fence Boards • Posts • Rails Gates • Hardware • Stain 80764 N Hwy 395, Hermiston 541-667-8191 Toll Free 1-866-366-2375 20 Ambassadors Soccer Camp Sponsored by New Hope Community Church ! e t a D e h t e v a S July 24 - 28, 2012 For more information 541-567-8441 www.newhopeon395.com 2012 Winter Parks & Recreation Guide City of Hermiston
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