Sep-Oct 2005 - XLCR - Excelsior Alumni Association of Florida
Sep-Oct 2005 - XLCR - Excelsior Alumni Association of Florida
A(TNOIL' .Association of tL Inc. XLCR,A|urnni ftfotesfrofo the Editor 2005is closingon us reallyfast. The count downto the end of year hasbegun.Theflurryof activitiesat homeand at workis creatinga hectic pace. Hurricane Wilmahit Floridahardlast month anddemolished buildings, shutdownutilities, uprootedtrees,sparkeda gascrisisand closed shops. The impactwas severe- schoolsclosed for morethan2 weeks(the kidsare notcomplaining), restorationof electricity and phoneserviceare still a challengein someareas andthe generaldisruption borderson chaotic. The trafficlightsat somemajor intersections are still out and are forcingus to exercisepatienc,e. 'ln the aftermathof the hurricane, we realizehow dependentwe are on such thingsas the telephone, electricity,cable- things that are fickleand unstable.One positivewas derived- we havegotten to knowour neighbors befter. All the neighbors wereout helpingeach other- nowtheywaveand actuallyacknowledgeme IssueNo. 11-1.2 whentheypass- thatis a goodchange. We are recoveringdown Southand lookfonrardto the end of the hunicane .seasonon November30s. Untilthenwe are making sureour stockof candles, propane,matchesand non-perishable bods are replenished. Nuff preparationsa gwan...sowi can be readyif anotherone strikes Newsfor Septemberand Octoberis combinedin this issueand focuseson the upcomingFlorida XMASBash,more updateson the onebathroom-at-a-time project,the excitingNY dinner/dance and a reminderaboutthe homecoming for the 75th anniversarycelebration. So jus' chill out and read on... Dare:SEP/OCTzoos Florida Fundraising XMASBASH Its almosthere... It is excitingand encouragingto get phone callsandemailsasking abouttheXMASBASH. Alumnifromnearandfar havebeenreachingout to makesuretheyhavethe correctdateand timefor the event. Dis one goingto be big and bad! Ticketsgo on salestarting on Thursday,November 17,2005.Ticketsare$20 pre-saleand $25 at the door.Pleasecall 954-3094405(Comeld)or 954914-081 1(Althea)anyday anytime to get your tickets. The InverraryHotel locatedat 3501Invenary Blvdin Fort Lauderdale willcomealiveon Safurday,December17, 2005when Evertonfrom Disco Sensationturn on thesounds.We willgeta doubledoseof musicas Hughfrom Ecology Force willbe spinninghis special selections. Dimusica go be nuff and nice! Forthosepeoplecoming fromout of townand seekingaccommodations, thereare specialratesof $89/nightat the Inverrary Hotel.Pleasecall954485-0500and ask about theXLCRevent. Everythingis in place now...thecountdownhas started... approximately 23 daysto go beforethe big event... Misey peopleareu ready...!! !!...Ohlawd. Let'snotforgetthatwe are congregating for a reason - it is a fundraiser and proceedsgo to XLCRfor the improvement of the buildingsor to support students. Yourcontribution countsand goesto a worthycause. Rememberthe placeto be on Saturday,December 17,2OOS is the Inverrary Hotel locatedat 3501 InverraryBlvd, Ft Laudedale,F|33319. One8athroornat-a-tirne project The heavy,continuous rainsoverthe past2 monthsin Jamaicahave severelyimpactedthe sewagesystematXLCR. Mr. Collinsreportsthat attentionhadto be tumed to the pit or the soakaway to ensurethe toilets continueto be operational. Theseunpleasantevents havehad an impacton the project. However,the progresson the one-bathroom-at-atimeprojectcontinues to be encouraging. The newdoorshavebeen installedin the maleand femalebathroomsby the Hall. Forthe 8thand 9s grade femalebathrooms,5 severelydamagedtoilets havebeenreplaced. Thereis still moreworkto be donein those bathrooms. The malebathroomsby the 4thand 5thfonn bloik are in a deplorable condition. Theshowers are beingusedas urinals, thereare brokentoilets andthe stenchis unbearable. Mr. Collins plansto rearrangethe entirebathroomandhas alreadypurchasedthe material.The planis to movethe showersto the backof the bathroom, increasethe numberof toiletsfrom4 to 5 and movethemto the frontof the bathroomfor easier access.Additionallythe existingurinalwillbe removedand replacedby ceramicurinalswith partitionsfor privacy.The floorsat the entrancewill be tiledand the broken lightsreplaced.The costof the laborefforthas not beendetermined.The renovationof this male bathroomis crucialas thereare lessmale bathroomsthanfemale bathroomsas the 8u and 9thgrademalebathrooms havebeenclosedand placedout of use. The US$2500.00 we donatd is slowlydepleting but for a goodcause. We will get a comprehensive reportfrom Mr. Collins beforethe end of the year detailingmaterialand laborcosts. Additionally we willalsodetailthe exactworkcompletedand outstandingfor each bathroom. We mustcompletethis project.We are committed. ALL bathroomswill be refurbished. NYAlumni DinnerDance uJas Nice.. " Not evenraincoulda stop dis ya show! The crowdignoredthe muckyweather- cold and wet to be there.The event starteda littlelaterthan expectedbut it was worth waitingon the dedicated attendeesthatwouldhave beendisappointedif they had missedany partof this awesomeevent. The speechesaboutthe honoreesLebert and llUinsomeHalliman,Carl Bradshawand Major GeneralJohnSimmonds weredottedwithamusing anecdotes.The acceptancespeeches variedin lengthand contentbut werewell receivedby the crowd. Blackakeptthe crowd amusedas he skillfully spedthroughthe agenda to allowtimefor dancing. The goodmusicand the tastycuisinewarmedup ;"tI t the crowd.The ballroom camealivewith the soundsof EcologyForce. Mi had to beg fi a space pon the dancefloor! As the eventcameto an end,the attendees lingeredto squeezeevery bit of tun out of the that moment-wishing nextOctober2006would be closerthat it seemed. Congratsto the NY alumnichapterfor a well organizedevent! -rqth AnniversarY tidbit Thereis a presslaunch targetedfor the firstweek of December.The highlightwill be the groundbreaking for the ScienceLab. The special guestspeakerwillbe the PhillipPaulwell, Ministerof Technology anda 1981XLCR graduate. Don'tforgetto markyour calendarswith the dates forthe homecoming celebrationswhichare targetedfor November19, 2006to November25, 2006.Makeyour reseruations early. Checkthe websitecomfor www.excelsiorpsa. moredetails. CONTi.\CT To providefeedback, pleasecallAltheaBrownRobinson954433-8875or 1. Theemail 954-914-081 addressis .
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