- Catholic College Wodonga


- Catholic College Wodonga
Catholic Collegenews
Edition 15
TERM 3 - 9 September 2015
Leadership Reflection
As a Learning Community Leader, I am part of a talented
group of Leaders who work in a supportive role with
students and we deal with student issues everyday. At
times, this can be extremely rewarding and other times
emotionally draining.
Also, I am a parent of three teenagers, so I am surrounded
by young people and their challenges every day. There
are times when I could just throw in the towel and walk
away from the arguing, the answering back, the attitude,
the rude and personal comments made in the heat of the
moment. I’m sure that we have all experienced these at
some time with a teenager.
This week I shared an article with the other Learning
Community Leaders with the view to sending a message
of support, hope and encouragement for the work that
they face on a daily basis.
Key Dates
Wed 9
Hollows Day
School Production ‘romeo+julz” Opening
Night from 6.30pm, show starts 7.30pm
Thu 10
School Production ‘romeo+julz” 7.30pm
Fri 11
Year 8 and 10 Parent Social night from 5.30pm
School Production ‘romeo+julz” 7.30pm
Mon 14
Tue 15
Year 7 Showcase (and Transition Day)
VCE Drama Solo Performance SAC
English SAC
Wed 16
Year 7 (7.1, 7.2 & 7.3) Melbourne Excursion
School Assembly 9.10am
Year 8 Medieval Showcase
Thu 17
Year 7 (7.4, 7.5, 7.6 & 7.7) Melb Excursion
Fri 18
Mon 20 -
Unit 3/4 Trial #1 Exams
Thu 24
Catholic College Wodonga
“The Letter your Teenager Desperately Wants to Write to
You, but Can’t” is an article that made me think about life
from a teenager’s perspective and I found myself becoming
emotional about how confused these kids can be at times
even when they appear to be in total control. This article
helped me to understand as a parent and teacher that
teenagers need us in good times and in bad times, it’s just
that they can’t seem to find the right words to tell us. Here
is an excerpt from the article published July 15.
Dear Parent,
This is the letter I wish I could write.
This fight we are in right now. I need it. I need this
fight. I can’t tell you this because I don’t have the
language for it and it wouldn’t make sense anyway.
But I need this fight. Badly. I need to hate you right
now and I need you to survive it. I need you to
survive my hating you and you hating me. I need this
fight even though I hate it too.
It doesn’t matter what this fight is even about: curfew,
homework, laundry, my messy room, going out,
staying in, leaving, not leaving, boyfriend, girlfriend,
no friends, bad friends. It doesn’t matter. I need to
fight you on it and I need you to fight me back.
Whether the fight is about parties, staying in, leaving,
girlfriends, boyfriends. I desperately need you to hold
the other end of the rope. To hang on tightly while I
thrash on the other end – while I find the handholds
and footholds in this new world I feel like I am in.
I used to know who I was, who you were, who we
were. But right now I don’t. Right now I am looking for
my edges and I can sometimes only find them when I
am pulling on you.
I know you long for the sweeter kid that I was. I know
this because I long for that kid too, and some of that
longing is what is so painful for me right now.
I need this fight and I need to see that no matter how
bad or big my feelings are, they won’t destroy you or
me. I need you to love me even at my worst, even
when it looks like I don’t love you. I need you to love
yourself and me for the both of us right now. Please
hang on to the other end of the rope. And know that
you are doing the most important job that anyone
could possibly be doing for me right now.
Love, Your Teenager
Stephanie Davis,
da Vinci Learning Community Leader /
Leadership Team
1 Bowman Court, Wodonga VIC 3690 Postal Address: PO Box 591, Wodonga VIC 3689
Telephone: 02 6043 5500 Facsimile 02 6059 3488 Email: ccw@ccw.vic.edu.au Website: www.ccw.vic.edu.au
The Principal’s Pulse
Dear Parents and Families,
We have just reached a time of the year which begins a
number of final moments for our Year 12 students. Classes
are currently completing their final assessments for Unit
4. In two weeks our Year 12 students will complete their
trial exams. I have said on a number of occasions that I
hope all students achieve the results they are capable of.
Speaking to a number of our VCE teachers over the past
week there is one message that is clear. Students can
“pick up” the ATAR score for each subject if they listen
to the feedback given from teachers and fully apply
themselves over the next two months.
I wish all our students in VCE the very best of luck and, as
I reflect on the words of my father, I hope they “make their
own luck,” through hard work and perseverance.
Romeo + Julz
At the time of writing we are on the eve of our school
production for this year. I would like to congratulate Marg
Craven and John Walker for their wonderful direction and
creativity. This year will see a large cast of students from
Years 7 to 12 performing over three days. My wife and
youngest child will join me on Wednesday night, we are
excited and looking forward to seeing our students and
staff showcase their talents.
This data, which also includes feedback from 113 students
and 111 staff provides us with direction for 2016. Across
the 2015 aggregate indicators, Catholic College Wodonga
has improved from 2013 to 2015 in each of the four survey
Organisational Climate
Teaching Climate
Student Wellbeing
Community Engagement
Community engagement, which incorporates parental
involvement, moved from 72.5 in 2013 to 76.9 in 2015.
This places Catholic College in the top 25% of schools
surveyed throughout Australia. Over the next four school
weeks our Leadership Team will work towards presenting
the data to our staff which forms part of our future strategic
I would like to also congratulate Clare Singh as our lucky
parent SRC Survey winner. You will receive your gift in the
coming days.
Holiday Works
Over the coming holidays Nick Mesec and his team will be
coordinating the concreting of the blue metal area outside
the Arts Centre. Throughout this winter the area has been
problematic for staff and students.
Also the sloped section next to this area leading to the
portables will be covered with synthetic grass. It is hoped
these improvements continue to make our outside spaces
more conducive to student movement, in particular over
the winter months.
We are well underway working on our website alongside
Frayneworks. Frayneworks are in the development
phase which includes analysis, planning & information
Insight SRC Data
This week we received the results from Insight SRC
surveys. I would like to thank all parents who completed
the survey. Of the nineteen sections surveyed, parents
rated Catholic College highly across all areas. Importantly
we improved across 15 of the 19, whilst the other four
sections remained the same.
From our end our project team is working on designing the
structure for the content. The team is working together and
analysing our current site to determine the best information
that needs to be delivered for not only current families, but
future families and the community.
We are on track for a 2016 release.
Happy days,
Darren Hovey, Principal
Edition 15, 9 September 2015 2
Student news
romeo + julz …. three shows only starting tonight!
Just a reminder that you have three opportunities to see the world premiere of
our school production this week.
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday at 7.30pm.
‘romeo + julz’ is set in Wodonga with Pat North and Mairead McLinden in the
lead roles.
Tyler Beck, Tim Watson, Tom Hanuska, Ben Warhurst, Ellie Sidoti, Patrick
Sommerfeld and Megan Cox feature as members of the warring families.
Come along and support our all star cast: Anne-Maree Morris, Alexandra Stark,
Mack Oswald, Kiara Fraser, Danny Milovanovic, Izak Day, Edward Tremethick,
Maddie Johnson, Ben Warhurst, Bridgette Baker, Bridget Smits, Liam Williams
and Gemma Bryant …. and spot two of our teachers in cameo roles!
$10 Adults, $5 Student/Concession or $30 family (2 adults, 3 kids).
6043 5500, or buy tickets at the door from 7pm
R U OK? Day
R U OK? is a not-for-profit organisation founded by Gavin Larkin in 2009, whose
vision is a world where we’re all connected and are protected from suicide. We
know that suicide prevention is an enormously complex and sensitive challenge
the world over. But we also know that some of the world’s smartest people have
been working tirelessly and developed credible theories that suggest there’s power
in that simplest of questions - “Are you ok?”
At Catholic College Wodonga, we are promoting RUOK? Day this week.Today
students were asked to do some activities about the signs for identifying when
friends are not going ok, and then how to respond to their friends when they
are going through a tough time. Students had the opportunity to write a special
inspirational message on a “yellow brick” and tomorrow these responses will be
collated on a brick wall out the front of the school for all to see.
Already, the response from everyone involved has been amazing! A special thank
you to Catherine McKinley and Lisa Mason for helping out.
Cassie Neville, School Psychologist
Edition 15, 9 September 2015 3
Student news
Ellie Ainsworth and Team Vic take Gold at the
School Sport U12 Netball Championships
Congratulations to Ellie Ainsworth (Year 7, Gandhi) and her Victorian Team who have
taken out gold at the School Sport National U12 Netball Championships in Perth over
the weekend. Team VIC only dropped one game to Queensland on the first day of the
competition and were top of the ladder going into the last round by just one point. They
needed to win all three games on the last day, which they did, to then compete against
South Australia in the final, in what must have been quite a pressure match.
It certainly is a wonderful result and testimony to all the hard yards training locally and in
Melbourne in the many months leading up to the comp. Congratulations Ellie!
Year 9 Camp
In the last few weeks, the Year 9 students took off on a
journey for their camp for 2015. The girls were located at
the Great Dividing Trail near Castlemaine and took part in
rock climbing, abseiling, bushwalking as well as a SOLO
experience throughout the four days they were there. This
was challenging and exciting for the girls as many students
were exposed to activities, locations and social situations
they were not used to and that some, were not comfortable
with. They bonded through these experiences, whether
difficult or easy and in some cases, made new friendships
with people they have seen all year, but have not spoken
to. The SOLO required the girls to spend 18 hours by
themselves to think and reflect and take time out to do this.
The boys’ group were at the Yarra Ranges and Lake Eildon.
The weather was not kind in the first week, however this
brought out some of the best attitudes to adversity. They
took part in mountain-bike riding, caving, bushwalking
and a SOLO for the first week and swapped caving for
raft building in the second week at Eildon. For many of
the boys, the SOLO was something they had not done
before, but a challenge they all rose to and grasped with
both hands. This camp required the boys to think and fend
for themselves as well as work within a team. Many of the
boys commented it was the first time they had seen each
other for real, even though they had been in the same
classes as each other and as a teacher, I felt this also.
All in all, it was a trip that was exhausting for all the
right reasons and one I was glad to be a part of again. It
demonstrated just how much these students have grown
since the start of the year and how important it is to take
this time out from everyday life.
Kieran Mullins, Year 9 Learning and Teaching Leader
Edition 15, 9 September 2015 4
Student news
Albury Wodonga Youth Mental Health Forum
On Tuesday 1 September, we welcomed in the beautiful
Spring weather by attending our local Albury Wodonga
Forum on Youth Mental Health. With over 160 students
represented by over 12 different schools in the region, we
were extremely proud of our 10 students who represented
our school with such pride and dignity. Carl Rogalski and
I from the Wellbeing Team accompanied our students
who attended this amazing opportunity, where a number
of issues around Youth Mental Health were discussed
and addressed. Different schools shared how they are
encouraging the wellbeing of their students in their own
school community. A panel of experts was available to
take questions and answers, as well as an amazing guest
speaker, Joe Williams, who gave a very inspirational story
on his battle with his own mental health struggles. The
“Take It Back” session was powerful, with our students
coming up with a lot of different ideas on what they would
like to see implemented in our own Catholic College
Community. Watch this space for more inspirational and
motivational ideas around our Student Wellbeing!
Cassie Neville
School Psychologist
Early reviews look good
The special ‘romeo+julz’ matinee has been met with approval by our
guests from several aged care facilities today. Over 60 senior citizens
from Bupa Wodonga, Borella House, UPA Murray Vale in Lavington
and Indigo North Health at Chiltern were wrapt with this morning’s
From comments gathered, they were very impressed with the lead
performers and enjoyed the modern take on Shakespeare’s classic.
Our guests were treated to a light lunch and were able to chat with
cast members during interval.
Year 7 and 8 students also attended the matinee performance with
excellent feedback.
Our thanks to John Walsh and Hospitality students for providing lunch.
Edition 15, 9 September 2015 5
Admin news
School Immunisation Program: Catholic College
The final round of school immunisation is being conducted at this school on Thursday 8 October 2015.
The following vaccines will be offered on this day:
Year 7 Male and Female Students
Years 7,8,9 and 10 Male and Female Students
Catch up vaccines – For any students who have missed
out on vaccines previously consented for throughout
These vaccinations are funded on the National Immunisation Schedule. Should your child miss out on starting their
vaccination course this year they will not be eligible to receive them for free in subsequent years.
Consent cards should have already been signed for these vaccinations earlier this year. If you have not yet signed a
consent card and would like your child to be vaccinated please call Wodonga Council’s Immunisation Team on 1800
655 360 prior to our visit on 8/10/2015.
Please contact Wodonga Council’s Immunisation Team on 1800 655 360 if:
• You DO NOT wish for your child to receive any further vaccinations
• Your child has received their vaccinations elsewhere (other than at school)
• You have any enquiries about the program or your child’s vaccinations
Name change for FRAYNE College
Chair of the CEW Council, Dr Tom Keating, recently made
an announcement about Frayne College. Below is an
excerpt from that letter.
“Frayne College Baranduda will be known as St Francis
of Assisi Primary School Wodonga from 1 January 2016.
This change has come about after considerable
discernment by the Frayne College community, CEW
Council, Fr Dennis Crameri, and the Director of Catholic
Education Sandhurst and Bishop Les Tomlinson.
his life in service to the poor. His story fits nicely with the
ethos and the aspirations of the school.
Pope Francis has described St. Francis of Assisi as “the
man of poverty, the man of peace, the man who loves and
protects creation.
New school signage, logo and some changes to the
uniform will be developed over the coming months.”
It was announced in June that the school would cease
to provide Year 7 and 8 classes after 2015 and would no
longer be designated as a College.
St Francis of Assisi Primary School Wodonga was chosen
for several reasons including the inspiring story of the life
of St Francis and the link to our current Pope. St Francis
had a great affinity for the natural environment and he lived
Edition 15, 9 September 2015 6
Admin news
Wodonga Sports and Leisure Centre Parking
The Wodonga Sports and Leisure Centre is hosting the
Spirit of Anzac Centenary Experience, a nationally touring
exhibition which is free to attend.
Key dates and activities of which you should be aware:
Due to significant truck movement and increased traffic,
all parking by the Wodonga Sports and Leisure Centre
will be unavailable to students from Tuesday, August 25
to Monday, September 14, 2015.
Spirit of Anzac Centenary Experience open – increase
bus movement and cars within and around the Wodonga
Sports and Leisure Centre precinct
We ask that parents/students;
• Park in the Wodonga Hockey Centre car park on Silva
• Pick up and drop off on Silva Drive
• Pick up and drop off on Emerald Ave, and that,
• You exhibit caution while navigating around the
Wodonga Sports and Leisure Centre or, where possible,
avoid Leisure Centre Drive altogether.
We thank you in advance for your patience and
understanding while our city hosts The Experience. We
are hoping that any minor inconveniences can be tolerated
while we welcome the tour and visitors alike to what will be
the largest touring exhibition the nation has seen since the
Bi Centennial.
Event pack down – significant truck movement within and
around the Wodonga Sports and Leisure Centre precinct
Eamonn Buckley
Deputy Principal Student Development
Student Absence Line
ICT Services Desk
If your child is going to be absent, late or leaving early,
please notify us by ringing
College ICT Services staff are available for ICT support
02 6043 5502
8.00am - 4.30pm Monday to Thursday and
8.00am - 4.00pm on Fridays
Students and parents are welcome to visit the centre
during these times or email queries to
Hayden Middlin, ICT Director
Summer Uniform
With the milder/warmer weather arriving later this week students have
permission to wear the summer uniform for the remainder of Term 3.
Eamonn Buckley
Deputy Principal Student Development
Edition 15, 9 September 2015 7
Parent Team news
Canteen - Volunteers still needed
Canteen Roster
MORNINGS 9.45 - 10.45AM
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
Thu 10
Veronica Balalero
Kate Williams
LUNCHTIMES 12.45 - 2.00PM
Fri 11
Kylie Heafield
Helena Smyth
Jo Beer
Leonie Hamilton
Chris Telford
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.
Mon 14 Kerry Lindhe Tue 15
Julie McKenzie-McHarg Joelene O’Halloron
Wed 16
Helen Guerin
Lisa Grant
Geraldine Haynes
Thu 17
Lizette Salmon
Jenny Harvey
Fri 18
Carolyn Lehmann
Susan Smith
Susan Smith
Michelle Smits
Kylie Botter
Tina Palermo
Mon 5
Tracey Horner Help needed!
Tue 6
Michaela Maljcov
Help needed!
Wed 7
Help needed!
Cate Prichard
Kathryn Haley
Thu 8
Renata Bon
Renata Bon
Fri 9
Carmel Watson
Deanne Taylor
Sindy Smith
Debbie Allen
Terry Griffin
Please call Maree 0n 6043 5586 if you can help.
Year 8 Medieval Showcase Day
At the end of Term 3 every year, the Year 8s celebrate
their work by hosting a Medieval Showcase day, where
they dress in Medieval costumes, bring in food to feast
on and showcase their work. This day gives our students
the chance to showcase the hard work they have put in
over the term to the rest of the year level and to other
year levels. Students display their work for other students
across the school.
Each year students dress-up in their best Medieval
costumes and best dressed prizes are handed out.
We also have Medieval activities ranging from Sumo
Wrestling competitions, Medieval dances, tug of war and
Students are also asked to bring in food from the
Medieval period they have covered this term (European
or Japanese), this food goes towards a huge Medieval
feast at lunch. As staff we will be providing a whole pig
spit roast to contribute to the feasting!
Every year this is an especially fun day and students are
encouraged to dress up and have fun!
Dear Year 8 and 10 Parents
(including Year 8 parents from Frayne)
You’re invited to our next
Parent Social Night
from 5.30pm, Friday 11th September
Huon Hill Lounge – Front Room,
Cnr Reid and Havelock Streets Wodonga
Drinks at bar prices, some nibbles provided
Year 8
Year 10
Ann Hickey ann.hickey@sonoco.com or 0419 341 545
Paula Fraser paula.fraser@bigpond.com or 0400 271 633
Bernie Jones bernadette.jones13@tafensw.edu.au on 0457 539 175
Year 11 and 12 Parent Night Recap
Last week, we had a good parent night with about 16
parents attending, with about 5 or 6 dads. Everyone was
enjoying a chat about how quickly the year has gone,
children getting their Ps, too many 18th birthdays, Year
11 parents getting the heads-up for hints for their Year
12 child next year. etc. Some of the Year 12 parents who
have their youngest child finishing school soon thought it
might be good to have one last social get together before
the exams. I think this indicates how much everyone has
enjoyed these nights.
Helen Guerin, Year 12 Parent Team Leader
Edition 15, 9 September 2015 8
Parish news
Weekend Mass Times
Saturday Sunday
Every 2nd and 4th Sunday
Every 2nd Sunday
Every 5th Sunday
Every 1st and 3rd Sunday
Every 5th Sunday
Sacred Heart Church Wodonga
Sacred Heart Church, Wodonga
Our Lady Help of Christians, Tangambalanga
St Francis, Bethanga
St Francis, Bethanga
St Joseph’s, Dederang
St Joseph’s, Dederang
St Joseph’s, Mt Beauty
8.30am and 10.30am
Weekday Mass Times
Monday to Friday
Sacred Heart Church Wodonga
Reconciliation Times
Saturday Country Churches Sacred Heart Church Wodonga
before Masses
9.00am - 9.30am
“What does an Inclusive
Community Look Like?”
Spirituality in the Dederang Pub
with Daniel Giles an autism advocate who
will speak from ‘the lived experience’
Thursday 24 September 6pm
Daniel Giles aged 25 years, was diagnosed with
autism at the age of two. He started his education
at Bendigo Special Development School and with
amazing support he says from “God, working
through my integration aids, teachers and family,
who all wanted me to reach my full potential” went
on to complete a Bachelor of Graphic Design at
La Trobe University. He is an autism advocate, a
member of the ‘Autism Future Leaders’ program
and speaks from ‘the lived experience’. He prefers
to focus on ability rather than disability. He writes a
column in the ‘Sandpiper’ each month on disability
inclusion issues.
Pizzas will be served during the evening.
Drinks at bar prices.
RSVP Diane on 0418 114 751
for catering by 21 September
For more information please contact Judy Brewer on
0427 534 513 or Diane Goonan on 0418 114 751
Edition 15, 9 September 2015 9
Community news
Raiders Cricket
Belvoir Cricket Club
Welcome to season 2015-16
Inviting all boys and girls between the ages of 5 and 16 to the club for the upcoming season. We
offer the following levels of cricket catering for the beginner through to those transitioning to
senior cricket.
Milo In-to-Cricket (ages 5 to 9)
T20 Blast ( ages 9 to 12)
Under 12s (play Friday nights)
Under 14s (play Saturday mornings)
Under 16s (play Saturday mornings)
Registration Day is Friday September 11 at Birallee Park from 5PM to
If you are unable to make it that night just contact Phil Bracher (details be-
Milo and Junior Cricket
Registration Days
for 2015/2016 season
low) and he will forward you the necessary information.
Junior subs are only $80 for the season and this will include a playing shirt and cap
Any enquiries please contact:
Phil Bracher on 0438 600 551 or at philbraher@westnet.com.au
• Saturday 5th and 12th September at
Kelly Park cricket nets between 9-11am
For further details contact Junior Co-ordinator
Terry Heafield on 0402 424 766
or Club Secretary
Zennon McCarty on 0427 000 974
Enjoy Tennis?
starts mid October in the Kiewa and
Talgarno District Tennis Assoc.
A few of our Year 9 boys are registering a
team for Section 2 Tennis and need
3-4 female players to join the Saturday
afternoon Mixed Doubles competition.
No trainings.
Contact parent Sue Bullivant on
bullivants@bigpond.com or 0427 270 415
for more details
Edition 15, 9 September 2015 10