References roads and highways


References roads and highways
References roads and highways
“Romanina – Tor Vergata” junction, Rome
References roads and highways
Client: Astaldi S.p.A.
Team members: VIA Ingegneria SrL
Head designers: Detailed design of the road network
Mission: Junction “ROMANINA - TOR VERGATA” complementary road junction
Location: Rome (RM) - Italy
Year of implementation: 2000
Construction cost: 10.329.138,00 €
Progress: Works terminated
Route n.487 “Di Caramanico Terme”, Caramanico
References roads and highways
Client: ANAS S.p.A.
Team members: VIA Ingegneria SrL
Assignment: Urgent works along the road to reconnect through a new tunnel the towns of Caramanico Terme
and S. Eufemia a Maiella S.S. 487
Mission: Detailed design and project management on site
Location: Rome (RM)
Year of implementation: 1998-2003
Construction cost: 43.159.206,00 €
Progress: Works completed
Design of the ringroad and Study of Environmental Assessment, Forlì
References roads and highways
Client: Municipality of Forlì and ANAS – Direzione Regionale dell’Emilia Romagna
Team members: VIA Ingegneria SrL
Assignment: New ring road infrastructures “tangenziale est 2°-3°-4°-5° Lotto – Asse di arroccamento” – doubling
up of the via Emilia from Forlì to Cesena
Mission: Preliminary design, detailed design and Environmental assessment
Location: Forlì (FO)
Year of implemementation: 2001-2003
Construction cost: 226.464.000 €
Progress: Works completed
Section 22 along the railroad of GRA, Rome
References roads and highways
Client: ANAS – Compartimento del Lazio
Team members: VIA Ingegneria SrL
Assignment: New road viaduct crossing the Tiber
Mission: Safety construction management
Location: Rome(RM)
Year of implementation: 1998 - 1999
Construction cost: 29.955.000,00 €
Progress: Works completed
Route n°106 Jonica - megalotto 3, Calabria
References roads and highways
Client: ANAS – Direzione generale
Team members: VIA Ingegneria SrL De.MA.CO SrL, Tecno IN
Assignment: Construction works on the S.S. 106 Jonica - Megalotto 3
Mission: Preliminary design, Economical-technical feasibility, Feasibility study
Location: Calabria, Italy
Year of implementation: 2003
Construction cost: 807.000.000 €
Progress: Works completed
Route n°106 Jonica - megalotto 9, Calabria
References roads and highways
Client: ANAS – Direzione generale
Team members: Proger SpA, D’Appollonia SrL, DE.MA.CO., VIA Ingegneria SrL
Assignment: Building works on the S.S. 106 Jonica - Megalotto 9
Mission: All stages of the design including Environmental Impact Assessment
Location: Calabria, Italy
Year of implementation: 2003 - 2004
Construction cost: 1.496.673.000 €
Progress: Works completed
New Internal Railroad, Rome
References roads and highways
Client: Rete Ferroviaria Italiana – RFI SpA
Team members: Proger SpA, VIA Ingegneria SrL
Assignment: New external ringroad in the area of the new railway station Tiburtina
Role: Detail and building design
Location: Rome, Italy
Year of implementation: 2002 - 2010
Construction cost: € 102.966.000
Progress: Works completed
Pont sur le fleuve Niari - Projet de detail, CONGO
Client: Présidence de la république Délégation Générale des Grands Travaux
Location: Niari
Year of implementation: 2012
Construction cost: 3.000.000 €
References roads and highways
This project involves the analysis of a bridge 8.00mt + (1.10+1.10) to the pk. 14 in the Republic of Congo, in the
district of Niari. It also includes the analysis of sub-structures and relative foundations.
The road bridge has a width of 10.10 m and 130.00 m in length. it consists of n. 5 bays made ​​of reinforced concrete beams.
The substructures are made of reinforced concrete foundations anchored by land from piles of reinforced concrete.
This procedure is performed to connect the left bank and right bank where you can find a road without asphalt
interrupted by the river Niari.
The direction of the road to the city of Sibiti is located on the right bank hydraulics, while the direction for Madingou is located on the left bank.
Development of District 1 of Abuja North Phase IV West, NIGERIA
Client: Federal Republic of Nigeria - Federal Capital development authority
Location: District 1 of Abuja North Phase IV West, NIGERIA
Year of implementation: 2011-2012
Construction cost: 200.000.000 €
The project concerns the road building of the expressway named Ring Road 4 about 5 km long, from the roundabout intersection of RR4 with Kabwa village to Northern Parkway. The expressway section is 77m wide. The
extension of Ring Road 4 presents 3 intersections from north side to the Northern Parkway:
References roads and highways
As well as 2 concrete structures (bridges) and 1 roundabout, the project foresees 13 box or pipe culverts, included any concrete structures necessary to make the road useable, as well as site clearance, earthworks, pavement with asphaltic concrete finishing, traffic circulation, municipal water system, drainage, electric and lighting
street systems
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00196 Roma
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00189 Roma
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