Tips Desain Presentasi - Departemen Ilmu Komputer IPB
Tips Desain Presentasi - Departemen Ilmu Komputer IPB
6/13/14 PRESENTASI PENELITIAN Yeni Herdiyeni Departemen Ilmu Komputer FMIPA IPB hGp:// Department of Computer Science Bogor Agricultural University Audience Attention Department of Computer Science Bogor Agricultural University 1 6/13/14 Better Approach Department of Computer Science Bogor Agricultural University Topik • PeneliOan = percobaan + menulis + presentasi + publikasi • Menulis Makalah vs Presentasi • Tips Presentasi – Membuat materi presentasi – Cara Presentasi Department of Computer Science Bogor Agricultural University 2 6/13/14 Makalah vs Presentasi • Makalah (Paper) • Presentasi The Beef The Beef AdverOsement Department of Computer Science Bogor Agricultural University Kenali Audience • Siapa yang hadir? – Ilmuwan/peneliti yang sama kepakarannya – Ilmuwan/peneliti yang berbeda kepakarannya – Mahasiswa – Bukan ilmuwan/expert – Tidak kenal? – Campuran? Department of Computer Science Bogor Agricultural University 3 6/13/14 Kenali Audience • Yang harus diperhatikan – Mungkin mereka lelah – Mungkin mereka bisa membaca buku – Mereka bertanya “Mengapa saya harus mendengarkan?” – Pendengar yang bukan expert akan bosan dalam waktu 2 menit – Pendengar yang expert akan bosan dalam waktu 5 menit Department of Computer Science Bogor Agricultural University Jadi apa yang harus dilakukan saat presentasi ? 1. Menjelaskan moOvasi (20%) 2. Menjelaskan Ide PeneliOan (80%) Department of Computer Science Bogor Agricultural University 4 6/13/14 Apa yang harus dilakukan • Motivasi penelitian – awali dengan motivasi penelitian dengan ilustrasi yang mudah dipahami • Deskripsi singkat hasil – berikan secara singkat hasil penelitian • Visualisasi – Ilustrasikan ide dengan gambar dan diagram Department of Computer Science Bogor Agricultural University • Tahu masalah dan penOngnya masalah • Tahu solusi yang diberikan dan perbedaan dengan peneliOan yang lain • Tahu roadmap/literature Department of Computer Science Bogor Agricultural University 5 6/13/14 Gunakan Contoh Pentingnya contoh untuk menunjukkan: – Motivasi – ilustrasi intuisi – solusi (baby problem) – Extreme cases Department of Computer Science Bogor Agricultural University Struktur Presentasi • Latar Belakang – Definisi Masalah (moOvasi dan tujuan) – PeneliOan Sebelumnya – Metode yang digunakan (ide, kontribusi) • Metodologi • Hasil Percobaan • Kesimpulan dan Saran Tidak Ada Tinjauan Pustaka! Department of Computer Science Bogor Agricultural University 6 6/13/14 Latar Belakang • Judul: Iden6fikasi Penyakit Padi dan Penilaian Keparahan Penyakit Menggunakan Deskriptor Fraktal dan Luas Tanaman Terinfeksi • Pilih maks Tiga (3) kata kunci : – IdenOfikasi penyakit padi – Penilaian Ongkat keparahan – Deskriptor Fractal • Jelaskan semua kata kunci tersebut di latar belakang Department of Computer Science Bogor Agricultural University Penelitian Sebelumnya • Pahami penelitian sebelumnya dengan baik • Jangan menuliskan semua paper yang dibaca. Tulis yang relevan saja. • Jangan membaca judul penelitian, tetapi jelaskan apa hasil penelitian sebelumnya dan apa keterkaitannya dengan penelitian yang kita lakukan • Tuliskan daftar penelitian diakhir slide. Department of Computer Science Bogor Agricultural University 7 6/13/14 Metodologi 1. Menjelaskan tahapan penelitian 2. Gunakan ilustrasi gambar untuk menunjukkan tahapan penelitian (jangan terlalu banyak menuliskan kalimat) 3. Jangan terlalu banyak menggunakan persamaan matematika 4. Siapkan slide tambahan untuk penjelasan setelah presentasi bila ditanyakan. Department of Computer Science Bogor Agricultural University Contoh Metode PeneliOan IdenOfikasi Penyakit Padi Akuisisi Citra Penilaian Keparahan Penyakit Praproses Citra Praproses Citra Ekstraksi Fitur Pemisahan Tanah dan Tanaman Klasifikasi Penyakit Pemisahan Tanaman Terinfeksi dan Sehat Menggunakan deskriptor fraktal Fourier (Florindo dan Bruno 2012) Menggunakan probabilis)c neural network. Menggunakan greenness-‐lightness index (Kirk et al. 2009). Menggunakan threshold Otsu pada komponen A warna CIELab Evaluasi Penghitungan Persentase Tanaman Terinfeksi Department of Computer Science Bogor Agricultural University 9 8 6/13/14 1. Preprocessing 1. Preprocessing 2. Filtering Where were you? 2. Filtering 3. Texture ExtracOon 3. Texture Extraction 4. Decision Trees 4. Decision Trees 5. ClassificaOon 5. Classification • People will get lost during your talk, even those who are listening – have a running outline of the main steps of your idea (more than the talk itself) – use visual clue to highlight where you are in the process – present it at the beginning of each step Department of Computer Science Bogor Agricultural University IdenOfikasi Penyakit Padi Praproses Citra Akuisisi Citra Citra bercak penyakit 100 citra untuk seOap kelas penyakit Komponen S di HSV Histogram EqualizaOon Department of Computer Science Bogor Agricultural University 12 9 6/13/14 Kesimpulan • Gunakan kalimat yang efekOf dan “kuat” untuk menyampaikan point utama dari presentasi sehingga mudah diingat • Jangan menggunakan kalimat panjang • Menjelaskan “future works” apa yang bisa dilakukan selanjutnya Department of Computer Science Bogor Agricultural University Saran • Menjelaskan perbaikan yang bisa dilakukan untuk mengatasi kekurangan peneliOan • Jangan menyarankan metode lain yang Odak dilakukan dalam peneliOan. Misal peneliOan menggunakan metode A, lalu disarankan menggunakan metode B Department of Computer Science Bogor Agricultural University 10 6/13/14 YENI HERDIYENI DESAIN SLIDE PRESENTASI Department of Computer Science Bogor Agricultural University Don’t do this Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam quis nibh quis dolor molesOe mollis. Sed quis risus a lacus vesObulum molesOe. Donec velit ante, feugiat sit amet dictum sed, ullamcorper vitae mi. Cras odio libero, malesuada ac bibendum non, pellentesque vitae elit. Aenean sed mi sed lorem malesuada faucibus eget sit amet neque. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Ut id blandit massa. Pellentesque consectetur trisOque ultrices. Donec vitae nisl quam, et varius mauris. Vivamus mollis, arcu eget sagiks pharetra, odio felis vesObulum lacus, in hendrerit orci lacus vitae ligula. I. Fusce ullamcorper 1. Lorem 2. Augue viverra mollis 3. Quisque trisOque II. dapibus dui, sed mollis 1. Turpis 2. Tempus 3. Mauris lacinia 4. Ultricies mauris III. varius nibh loborOs et 1. Euismod 2. Condimentum id id est 3. Sed sit amet ligula IV. vitae est pulvinar 1. Suspendisse at nisi 2. Nullam loborOs arcu 3. A magna consequat 4. Suspendisse ornare 5. Ante id erat tempor Department of Computer Science Bogor Agricultural University 11 6/13/14 Department of Computer Science Bogor Agricultural University Slide Structure – Good • • • • Use 1-‐2 slides per minute of your presentaOon Write in point form, not complete sentences Include 4-‐5 points per slide Avoid wordiness: use key words and phrases only Department of Computer Science Bogor Agricultural University 12 6/13/14 Slide Structure -‐ Bad • This page contains too many words for a presentaOon slide. It is not wriGen in point form, making it difficult both for your audience to read and for you to present each point. Although there are exactly the same number of points on this slide as the previous slide, it looks much more complicated. In short, your audience will spend too much Ome trying to read this paragraph instead of listening to you. Department of Computer Science Bogor Agricultural University Slide Structure – Good • Show one point at a Ome: – Will help audience concentrate on what you are saying – Will prevent audience from reading ahead – Will help you keep your presentaOon focused Department of Computer Science Bogor Agricultural University 13 6/13/14 Slide Structure -‐ Bad • Do not use distracOng animaOon • Do not go overboard with the animaOon • Be consistent with the animaOon that you use Department of Computer Science Bogor Agricultural University Fonts -‐ Good • Use at least an 18-‐point font • Use different size fonts for main points and secondary points – this font is 24-‐point, the main point font is 28-‐ point, and the Otle font is 36-‐point • Use a standard font like Times New Roman or Arial Department of Computer Science Bogor Agricultural University 14 6/13/14 Fonts -‐ Bad • If you use a small font, your audience won’t be able to read what you have wriGen • CAPITALIZE ONLY WHEN NECESSARY. IT IS DIFFICULT TO READ • Don’t use a complicated font Department of Computer Science Bogor Agricultural University Colour -‐ Good • Use a colour of font that contrasts sharply with the background – Ex: blue font on white background • Use colour to reinforce the logic of your structure – Ex: light blue Otle and dark blue text • Use colour to emphasize a point – But only use this occasionally Department of Computer Science Bogor Agricultural University 15 6/13/14 Colour -‐ Bad • Using a font colour that does not contrast with the background colour is hard to read • Using colour for decoraOon is distracOng and annoying. • Using a different colour for each point is unnecessary – Using a different colour for secondary points is also unnecessary • Trying to be creative can also be bad Department of Computer Science Bogor Agricultural University Background -‐ Good • Use backgrounds such as this one that are aGracOve but simple • Use backgrounds which are light • Use the same background consistently throughout your presentaOon Department of Computer Science Bogor Agricultural University 16 6/13/14 Background – Bad • Avoid backgrounds that are distracOng or difficult to read from • Always be consistent with the background that you use Department of Computer Science Bogor Agricultural University Colors and Backgrounds Department of Computer Science Bogor Agricultural University 17 6/13/14 Graphs -‐ Good • Use graphs rather than just charts and words – Data in graphs is easier to comprehend & retain than is raw data – Trends are easier to visualize in graph form • Always Otle your graphs Department of Computer Science Bogor Agricultural University Department of Computer Science Bogor Agricultural University 18 6/13/14 Graphs -‐ Bad Blue Balls Red Balls January February 20.4 27.4 30.6 38.6 March 90 34.6 April 20.4 31.6 Department of Computer Science Bogor Agricultural University Graphs -‐ Good Items Sold in First Quarter of 2002 100 90 80 70 60 Blue Balls Red Balls 50 40 30 20 10 0 January February March April Department of Computer Science Bogor Agricultural University 19 6/13/14 Graphs -‐ Bad 100 90 90 80 70 60 Blue Balls 50 Red Balls 38.6 40 34.6 31.6 30.6 27.4 30 20.4 20.4 20 10 0 January February March April Department of Computer Science Bogor Agricultural University Graphs -‐ Bad • • • • • Minor gridlines are unnecessary Font is too small Colours are illogical Title is missing Shading is distracOng Department of Computer Science Bogor Agricultural University 20 6/13/14 Preparing the presentation • Prepare the slides in advance • Show them to friends • When you think you are done read them again • Check all animations with the sound on J Department of Computer Science Bogor Agricultural University Preparing the presentation • Practice, practice, practice – Give a practice talk to a general audience – Give a practice talk to an audience of expert – Time your presentation (allow for speed up effect caused by nervousness) • Always assume technology will fail you. Have backups. Department of Computer Science Bogor Agricultural University 21 6/13/14 Delivering the talk • Be enthusiastic! If you aren’t why should the audience be? • Make eye contact with the audience • Identify a few “nodders” and speak to them • Watch for questions. Be prepare to digress or brush off when irrelevant Department of Computer Science Bogor Agricultural University Delivering the talk • Point at the screen not the computer • Do not read directly from the PPT or your notes • Have the “spill” for the first couple of slides memorized in case you go blank • Finish in time Department of Computer Science Bogor Agricultural University 22 6/13/14 Handling questions • Different types – handle accordingly – Need clarification – Suggest something helpful – Want to engage in research dialog – Show that he/she is better than you • Anticipate questions (additional slides) • Don’t let them highjack the talk (postpone) Department of Computer Science Bogor Agricultural University How can I get better? • Practice every chance you can • Observe others – Steal good presentation ideas – Notice all the things that turned you off • Seek comments from friends and mentors Department of Computer Science Bogor Agricultural University 23 6/13/14 Spelling and Grammar • Proof your slides for: – speling mistakes – the use of of repeated words – grammaOcal errors you might have make • If English is not your first language, please have someone else check your presentaOon! Department of Computer Science Bogor Agricultural University TERIMA KASIH Department of Computer Science Bogor Agricultural University 24