C O M M U N I T Y M A G A Z I N E OUR TOWN EL SERENO ™ MARCH 2011 Paid for by Huizar for Council 2011• 2606 E. First Street • Los Angeles, CA 90033 • ID#1325266 2<52;3+2224;3(+82 New t en Shipm ck o t In S ! Now 4 4 o 5 6 7 8 9 10 12 COMMUNITY | NEWS COMMUNITY | RESIDENT COMMUNITY | ARTIST COMMUNITY | FUN COMMUNITY | BASKETBALL | SENIORS | DANCE STUDIO | DINING REVIEW o COMMUNITY COMMUNITY COMMUNITY o FINANCING & LAYAWAY AVAILABLE 5,000 SQ. FT OF FINE HANDCRAFTED HOME FURNISHINGS FROM AROUND THE WORLD Orange County Showr Now O oom pen! ON THE COVER Fabian Debora Fabian Debora is a painter and a muralist. He has pursued his love for art since early childhood. He will soon begin to restore a special mural in El Sereno. Read his story on page 6 5338 Alhambra Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90032 323.222.1700 273 S. Main St. Orange, CA 92868 714.289.9600 www.buenavistafurniture.com community | NEWS El Sereno Bicentennial Committee Events Wilson Cheer Places 1st The El Sereno Bicentennial Committee is in full swing already, preparing for many upcoming fundraising events in the next few months. Funds raised will go towards the annual 4th of July parade so please support these Bicentennial Committee events or even volunteer. Please contact Julio Torres at julio@ourtownelsereno.com for more info or visit our Facebook page Bicentennial Committee El Sereno for the latest event info. Congratulations to Wilson Cheer for winning 1st place in their division at the “King Of The Bleachers” cheer competition in Long Beach.....Great job! STATE LINE TURN AROUND PANCAKE & RUMMAGE SALE SHAKEY’S PIZZA DINNER DANCE March 12th April 16th May 27th June 25th Free Car Seat Inspection at El Sereno Park On Saturday, March 12th from 9am to 1pm there will be a FREE car seat inspection by the California Highway Patrol and other law enforcement agencies. The National Latino Peace Officers Association (NLPOA) East Los Angeles Chapter in cooperation with Project Amiga will sponsor the event along with State Farm Insurance. Kite Flying at Ascot Hills Park Bring your family and friends to Ascot Hills Park on Sunday, March 20th, to celebrate the first day of Spring with a day of Kite flying! Pack a picnic lunch and bring your kites to the rolling grassy hills of Ascot Hills Park, an urban oasis on the east side of downtown Los Angeles. There is plenty of parking on the trek to where the kites will be flown. Multiple car seat inspection tents will be set up in the parking lot behind Farmdale Elementary where car owners will have their car seats inspected for proper installation and overall safety check. If the CHP technician feels that the car seat is no longer safe, they will be replaced FREE of charge. Child must accompany parent and be in car seat in order to have it properly inspected. All inspections are by appointment only. To make your appointment please call Project Amiga at (626) 401-1395 or email them at project_amiga@yahoo.com. Inspection site is El Sereno Park located at 4721 Klamath St. Los Angeles, CA 90032. Special thanks go out to Mike Galvez, Wilson Class of ‘87, for his help in bringing this community safety event to El Sereno. Galvez, is a retired Montebello police officer. The LA-32 Neighborhood Council will be presenting awards for various categories in “Kite Flying and Making” achievements. March 20th, 2011 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM Ascot Hills Park, 4371 Multnomah St, El Sereno, CA. 90032 Free Homebuyer Workshop at Xokolatl Cafe On Thursday, March 24th from 7pm - 8:30pm there will be a FREE Homebuyer Workshop at Xokolatl Cafe in El Sereno. This informative workshop is sponsored by Bank of America.You’ll get insight on the start to finish home buying process from a dedicated mortgage loan officer including the benefits of owning a home, affordable mortgage programs, and much more. To reserve your seat, please call Cristina H. Garcia at (323) 899-3766 or email her at: realtorkrista@gmail.com Grand Opening at Fresco Market Free ACT Practice Test at El Sereno Library Congratulations to owners Joseph Murga and Helena Jubany as Fresco Community Market held a ribbon cutting ceremony on Saturday, February 26th. The market has been opened for the last 2 months but made it official as the local community came to welcome them and took a look around, many for the first time. Fresco Community Market is located on Monterey Road in Hermon. Councilmember Huizar was on hand to cut the ribbon along with owners Murga and Jubany. Stop on by and visit Fresco Market! On Saturday, March 19th from 12:30pm - 5pm there will be a FREE fulllength practice ACT test administered by the Princeton Review. Call or visit the El Sereno Branch Library reference desk to sign-up. Please plan to come to the follow-up session to pick up test scores on Saturday, April 2nd at 10am. Library is located at 5226 Huntington Drive South in El Sereno 90032. Call (323) 225-9201 for more info. 4 community | RESIDENT Roberto Valdivia H opefully you know about Councilman Huizar’s Bulky Item Drop Off Program, held in El Sereno on the second Saturday, monthly from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. This program is specifically designed for residents to drop off their unwanted bulky items. This month’s profile features a local resident who took the incentive to expound on Huizar’s program, Roberto Valdivia. I met Roberto at Xokolatl Cafe to interview him for this month’s profile. Soft spoken and unassuming, he approached me after I had mistaken him for some other gentleman. Roberto claimed he was shy, but his ideas for beautifying our neighborhood show someone with great insight. RV: I grew up here and attended All Saints, Multnomah and Cathedral High School. I earned an Eagle Scout Award and graduated from Loyola Marymount University, with a degree in art (graphic design). I primarily work as a Senior Interactive Designer for Dailey, an advertising agency in West Hollywood. OTES: So you really are a local product? RV: Yes, but it didn’t feel permanent until I returned, married. My wife already owned a home here, so I’m back in Hillside Village, about a block away from the house where I grew up. OTES: So, tell me about your project. RV: Well, Councilman Huizar started the ball rolling with bins he has all over the district, the “Bulky Item Drop Off Program”. My wife and I were driving around, and I said, “You know, if I had a truck, I’d come and pick up this stuff ”, I mean the city comes, but sometimes it seems like nobody calls 3-1-1, so I asked some people, “Can I borrow your truck?” And nobody wants to lend their truck to move stuff, because you’d scratch it up, so I got a group from Hillside Village, part of the property owners association (HVPOA), and I made the announcement. I also mentioned this to Julio (Our Town El Sereno), “You have a truck, let’s get together and let’s do this.” And he’s like, “Ok.” I thought he was going to pass, because when it comes down to it, nobody shows up. But he did call and asked, “Are you ready?” and I said, “You’re serious?! We’ll do it!” So he and I went out, along with HVOPA members. Eventually I bought a truck, so now we have four or five trucks. Last month we had a new person from the HVPOA. He has one of those big, “Dooley” trucks you can put 3 or 4 couches in there. Everyone meets about 8am, and spends about an hour to two, driving around. We go up north and south of Huntington Drive, and the border of El Sereno by Fremont and Valley. We get a lot of items in this area (north Huntington Drive), hardly any in Hillside Village. I notice (most) of the debris is in the alleys, they (may) take it off the street, but it’s in the alleys. I’m not sure people know to call 3-1-1, or think someone else is going to handle it, maybe that’s what it is. When I first started, my wife said, “Well you know what’s going happen, people are just going to leave their stuff out because they know someone’s going to come and pick it up.” But (I feel) if no one does it, it’s not going to get done. There’s a quote I believe in that goes like this, “If you want and believe that change is needed, sometimes you just have to go out and do it yourself.” Another thing I was trying to do with my neighbors, is broaden their vision and responsibility. Unfortunately many don’t see past their front gates and I’m trying to get them to acknowledge that whatever happens beyond their gates, across the neighborhood, it’s going to come into yours. You can invite friends over, and hang out at your home, but once they see all this debris, it doesn’t reflect positively on your neighborhood. You have to take care of your neighbor as well as yourself. OTES: I like the way you think. So how long have you been doing this? RV: It’s been about 4 months, we started in September 2010, the second weekend of the month. Thanks to Huizar’s program, they provide the dumpsters, without that, I don’t know if I’d be able to do this. Whether he wins the election, or Rudy Martinez does, I really hope they continue the program. OTES: Did you have any idea the plan would grow this well? RV: No, and it’s been great, I know I’ve personally taken my trash to a dumpster, and its’ way too expensive, there’s no way I can afford to pick up trash and deliver it to a dumpster. OTES: What is your goal for the program? RV: I’d love to have more drivers and someone to pick up the items. I’m the only one who’s not driving, my father drives, and I jump out and I grab trash. When help is needed, the other guys will park their cars and move stuff. But if we had other people in passenger seats, it’d be quicker. There wouldn’t be a traffic issue. We’ve had people yell at us even though we tell them, “We’re trying to pick up your trash here.” We hand out fliers and let them know if they call 3-1-1, you don’t have to wait for us. I’d love to get more people involved. Some of the older volunteers I thought would just be drivers, but one in particular said, “I’m getting my exercise, I’m helping, I’m doing something.” It was very fulfilling. I’ve asked Huizar’s office to give us two additional bins. When we start, it’s half filled. Unfortunately it’s construction stuff. I’ve asked his office to get someone to not allow construction trucks to dump. Or have another bin only for furniture. Our bins are not secured, they’re out in the open, whereas others are behind a gate. I’ve seen contractors’ leave their refuse in the mornings and I had a run-in with them. But I have no control over that situation, all I can say is “Stop doing that please!” Continued on Page 11 5 community | ARTIST Fabian Debora M usician and long time El Sereno resident, Francisco Aguilarios, had an epiphany 8 months ago as he walked along the L.A. River and under the Broadway Bridge, near Lincoln Heights. He caught a glimpse of a magazine article in a worn out issue of Citizen L.A. that lined his path. The article featured Boyle Heights muralist, Fabian Debora. Upon reading it, Francisco immediately made it his personal mission to find Debora, for he thought, “he is the one” who will restore the faded mural outside of Nate’s Liquor Store on Huntington Drive. It was painted by his friend, El Sereno artist, Richard Ruiz, in the early 1970’s. Today, nearly 30 years later, in its dim glory, the mural’s bottom portion has been replaced with grey paint due to continuous tagging. Unfortunately, in 1980, Richard Ruiz suffered a fatal accident that marked an early and untimely death; way before street art received official cataloging or murals became accepted as legitimate art. Long time L.A. muralist, Ernesto De La Loza, confirmed that Richard Ruiz was indeed a pioneer of the Los Angeles Chicano mural movement of the 70’s in a 10 minute promotional film Debora shared. It is filmed by Mandeep, produced by Misol Productions, and presented by, For The Record Films. Debora shared that the short film currently serves as a promotional tool to gain support for the project. He also mentioned his plan to record the restoration process in a documentary film with community involvement in various ceremonies and celebrations taking place at the site of the mural. Debora believes that the project gives back so much more to the community than just another restored mural; It serves as a representation of peace, hope, and unity. Debora grew up at Aliso Village in Boyle Heights and attended Dolores Mission Elementary before growing into a disgruntled teen running amok in a disadvantaged area. There he began ‘piecing’ on the streets, trying to stay away from trouble even though trouble seemed to be everywhere. However, he always had a love for art, and consequently given art supplies consistently from his aunt at a very young age. So the creative process runs in his blood and according to Aguilarios he’s certainly “the one”. Aguilarios tracked down Debora last year at Homeboy Industries, where he works as a drug counselor. He asked him to join him at Xocolatl Café where they discussed Aguilarios’ desire to have Debora be the artist to spearhead this restoration project. Aguilarios told him Ruiz’s story about growing up in El Sereno and took him to see some of Ruiz’s original drawings, paintings, and poetry, in addition to meeting Ruiz’s sisters, Norma and Elena Lopez, and his mother, Elizabeth Cisneros. Debora was blown away by serendipitous succession of artwork and agreed with Aquilarios that he was meant to take on the Richard Ruiz mural restoration project. Not only did Debora agree to the project for Richard Ruiz’s his artistic legacy or his family, but to give them a sense of peace and pride. It unites the youth and the community through the arts, and for Debora, the muralists of the ‘70s, is the culture of the history and the future. Knowledge is power; no one can ever say it enough. Debora’s vision for the restoration process includes bringing in long time muralist and friend, David Botello, and Wayne Healy of East Los Streetscapers, in addition to Ernesto De La Loza-mentors who have inspired and educated Debora. He would like for them to join the youth and community, peers amongst neighbors of today, in Ruiz’s honor. Debora wants to fuel the youth of El Sereno with knowledge on the existence of the murals on our streets, as well as the reason for their restoration. Debora believes that understanding culture and history plays a significant role in respecting the future, and Richard Ruiz’s mural at the site along Nate’s attempts to convey that very same message. Debora knows that Ruiz speaks to him through Aguilarios, and he is willing to do what it takes to see this particular project completed. Debora informed, Our Town, that Arturo Gonzalez, District Director for Jose Huizar’s office, is working with him to secure a budget with the city council to preserve Richard Ruiz’s historic mural in El Sereno. Once budgets are approved, Debora will be calling out to the youth and the community of El Sereno to contribute their support, time, ideas, and talents to the cause. BY Annette Cruz - Our Town El Sereno 6 community | FUN Monster Jam Truck Show Invades Dodger Stadium D odger Stadium, for the first time ever, was host to the Advance Auto Parts Monster Jam on Saturday, February 19th. This historic night was also a stormy night with heavy rains and lightning which caused a temporary halt in the competition until the cells passed over, but the weather did not hold back the thousands of Angelino families who came out to enjoy the fun. The “Party in the Pits” took place right outside the stadium from 3 to 5pm with the last hour providing a short break in the rain. The pit area gave everyone an up close view of the Monster Trucks with photo opportunities and a chance to meet the drivers before the competition began. Meanwhile, Iron Man hung overhead, several feet in the air, fastened by a crane giving much amazement to the fans gathered down below. My son’s favorite was Grave Digger and we spotted many little guys (future drivers perhaps?) in their Grave Digger pit crew gear around this crowd favorite truck. And who could resist Monster Mutt Dalmatian, driven by Candice Jolly, with those cute doggie ears and wagging tongue? In addition to the trucks, a car exhibition of famous “race car”replicas included The General Lee, Herbie, KITT, DeLorean DM-C12 and Bumblebee. All to which my son treated like superstars! As the rain came pouring back 10 minutes before the stadium gates opened and continued on into the night, it made for an extremely muddy and challenging track for 16 of the best drivers in the sport. The crowds roared as trucks slipped and slid in the mud racing each other to the number 1 spot. Children in attendance were beaming with excitement as they rooted for their favorite truck. . Despite the all night downpour and the cold temperatures, watching the smiling faces on my family, the fans (including a few local neighbors from El Sereno and Silverlake resident, Christopher Thorn, guitarist for Blind Melon with his son), along with the $3 hot cocoas, kept Photos by Dennis Cruz my heart warm like the sun. Cheering along side my lively new friends I made in our seating section bonded us all. It was an awesome opportunity for local Angelinos, myself included, who normally do not attend these types of events because of the long commute to Orange Country, to witness first hand the thrilling competition. Many were heard saying, as we exited the stadium, “looking forward to this next year”. RACING RESULTS: CHAMPIONSHIP RACE – MAXIMUM DESTRUCTION DEFEATED GRAVE DIGGER. BY Annette Cruz - Our Town El Sereno You can be a homeowner I can help. Real estate professional ready to help you sell or find your home. Looking to lease a home? Call me. Driveways• Walls• Remodeling• Additions We in California can enjoy outdoor living almost year-round. Add beauty and add value with a custom patio by Larry Betance. SANDRA PONCE Lic# 01798869 (323) 702-4341 Call Today to Discuss Your Patio Dreams! “You Plan Em,We Stand Em” (213) 880-8927 LARRY BETANCE Short Sale Expert CONSTRUCTION 7 #820665 community | BASKETBALL Lady Mules Hoops Photos by Eliseo Villalovos QA & with Coach Joey Faraon What is the most gratifying memory of this past season? For me the most gratifying moment was after we were eliminated, as strange as that seems. The things they say about each other, or how myself or the program has impacted their lives is truly priceless. It’s the reason we as coaches do what we do. Who is going to step up next year on your squad and who should we keep an eye out for? 2011 Northern league co-MVP Natalie Vasquez (shared with Danielle Martinez) was a force to be reckoned with this year, and with her work ethic we expect big things from her next year. Keep your eye out for Sophomore point guard Jackie Macias who was ready to start working out when the final buzzer sounded in our playoff elimination. Basketball is a team game, so how do you prepare your girls going into a game? You had a few seniors on your team, how have they impacted your program? Leading up to game day its all preparation. Game films & walk through. Depending on home or away its usually a team meal, one more walk through, and stretches. The girls usually get together 10 minutes before there game and say what they need to say to each other (each player speaks). I’m not there for that, I give them their space. Right after that Danielle comes to get me and one of the players leads us in a team prayer. A few motivational words from me, and its off to work. Last: For the last 4 years Danielle Martinez & I have a special hand shake we do before she takes the court. Every single game for 4 years. Going to miss that. Wilson girls basketball was moved up to D-1 recently, are you up to the challenge? This was our 3rd year in D-1, and to be honest Wilson has always been a Division 2 school. The seeding system makes no sense now. We refuse to make a big fuss about it, and we are willing to play anyone. How has the support of the students, parents, and community been? It”s been AMAZING! I’ve yet to see a fan base for city section girls basketball quite like ours. 350+ is unheard of for girls hoops in this area. We can always feel the buzz on campus come Wednesday and Fridays. We talk about that all the time. I make sure they know that it’s all their hard work and effort that has created this atmosphere. Our Lady Mules Hoops fan page (facebook) and “Our Town El Sereno” have been great in spreading the buzz around town, It’s a great feeling to get support from people that don’t even know my girls, but everyone remembers us when we leave. What would you like people to know about your team that otherwise they might not know? Before and after every practice/game we break and yell “TOGETHER”. Something people don’t know is that we live that word. It’s not a team, but a family that is born well before the season starts. While other families spend their summers on beaches and parks, we commit to spend ours in the weight room, on the track, or at the top of Ascot Hills, together. Team meetings, team lunches, team BBQ’s, together. I think this is why we get such a great effort from game to game. Everyone in our locker room can look each other in the eye and know that the person across the way is willing to go that extra mile for you. 8 community | SENIORS Area Seniors Attend Annual Valentine’s Day Ball O n February 10th, 2011 more than 600 Seniors attended the annual ‘Senior Valentine Ball’ in El Sereno. Senior citizens from at least 21 senior clubs and organizations were treated to a formal dance and dinner at this one of-a-kind Eastside happening hosted by Councilmember José Huizar. Councilmember José Huizar hosted his Fourth Annual “Senior Valentine Ball” dance and dinner for seniors living in Boyle Heights, El Sereno and Northeast Los Angeles. The Councilmember created this tradition to honor the seniors in the 14th District for all they’ve done to improve the community. For many of the seniors, the formal dance and dinner was a first-of-a kind experience and allowed those who never attended a high school formal the chance to do so. Music was provided by the popular Eastside band, “Chico,” whose ability to play classic jazz, rock and pop standards from bygone eras, while mixing in Latin flavored Cumbia, Salsa and Ranchera, got many people on the dance floor. 9 community | DANCE STUDIO The Only Dance Studio in El Sereno Opens It’s Doors to the Community Thanks to FUSION Performing Dance Academy (FPDA), a non-profit (501(c)3) organization, El Sereno now has the opportunity to continue practicing the moves they see on the big screen and television. Albertossy Espinoza, Executive/Artistic Director and Founder of FPDA, brings his passion for dance to students of all ages and skill levels. Since March 3, 2008, FPDA has been developing the talent that the community has to offer. Espinoza had previously offered his program at a very subsidized price at a local center, however his program was sadly cut after the grant used for his program was lost. The community was shocked and petitions were created and visits to the council office were made. Unfortunately, nothing could be done and the children and adults of El Sereno lost their dance and fitness classes. Espinoza’s goal was to stay in the community that he embraced as his own. After searching for a month and a half, he found a new home for FPDA. With the help of some students from his adult classes that are members of the community, Espinoza once again opens his doors to El Sereno and the community at large. “I missed all of my students, it was devastating saying good bye to the children and adults that became members of the Fusion family” states Espinoza. “Although we still need mirrors and ballet barres, I couldn’t wait anymore to see my students, so classes are in session” continued Espinoza. Community residents enjoying one of the many dance classes offered at FUSION Performing Dance Academy. The new and only dance studio of El Sereno is located at 4400 S. Huntington Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90032 at the intersection of South Huntington Drive and Fern Place. Espinoza, a professional actor, dancer and choreographer with 20 years of experience, offers dance classes at an extremely affordable rate. The program includes an array of classes including Ballet Fusion, Modern, Pre-Dance and Hip Hop Fusion for students ages three to sixteen. In addition, adults can enjoy a fun way to increase stamina, lose weight, and build confidence in the academy’s most popular classes, Latin Rhythm Cardio and Cardio Boot Camp. The Body & Mind class is designed to enhance vitality and a sense of well being through yoga and stretching training that enables participants to gain improved flexibility, balance, a strong core, and ultimately, relaxation of body and mind. Espinoza teaches all classes in English and Spanish. Espinoza’s commitment to the community is to promote character development, self-confidence, and leadership for all students. Raised in a low-income household, he has acquired a great understanding, appreciation and talent for creative expression throughout his career as an actor, dancer and choreographer. Now he is giving back, and enjoying the journey. So strong is his commitment that in the two and a half years he was at the center, he helped two El Sereno members become fitness instructors, and hired them to teach for his organization. He also invited two members of the community to join the Board of Directors of FUSION Performing Dance Academy. “I am here to help put El Sereno on the map. With my professional dance company in residence at the studio, the name of this community will go all over the states and the world” adds Espinoza. Fusion cordially relies heavily on charitable donations and/or sponsorship. They are currently seeking donations for the completion of the dance studio. Please visit our website for more information, www.fpdacademy.org or call them at (323) 342-9179. Donations are tax deductible, and they will help put a smile on the face of a child taking his/her first dance class. Carne Asada BBQ to go! CARNITAS CHICHARRONES TACOS TORTAS BURRITOS LUN-VIE 8am-8pm SAB-DOM 7am-7pm 3319 N. Eastern Ave. El Sereno, CA 90032 • (323) 342-9924 10 Law Offices of Borges & Associates College Bound: How a local charter school inspired national school leaders A local charter school, Futuro Prep, hosted charter school leaders from around the nation last week as part of the highly selective Building Excellent Schools (BES) Fellowship. The Fellows – representing schools from Boston, Nashville, and Memphis – were in Los Angeles to observe what they call “no excuses schools” that have a college preparatory mission for students from neighborhoods with traditionally low college attendance rates. Practicing law for more than 27 years Sue Walsh, the director of the BES Fellowship, wrote, “It was a powerful day for us at BES… [We had the opportunity] to see what is possible for a no excuses, college preparatory elementary charter school in year one, and what a high bar truly looks like… You inspired all of us deeply.” Futuro Prep is known for a number of distinguishing features. During the extended school day (7:30 to 3:45), each class is taught by two credentialed teachers, adding a level of individualized instruction not seen in typical public schools. Students needing additional support are invited to beforeand after-school tutoring. With a culture of hard work, strict discipline, and academic rigor, students are developing a love of learning that will carry them to and through college. Antonio R. Borges Futuro Prep opened in 2010 with kindergarten and first grade on the campus of El Sereno Elementary. For the 2011-12 school year, it will expand to second grade and continue to grow by one grade each year until its students are ready for middle school. As a public charter school, Futuro Prep is open to any children from California, regardless of their home address. Because the school receives more requests for enrollment than it has space, students are admitted based on a random drawing that will take place the first weekend of April. John R. Borges Attorneys at Law Abogados Bilingues ¨ Work injuries Lastimaduras en el trabajo Families or educators interested in learning more about Futuro Prep or scheduling a tour should contact the school at (323) 397-1440. Auto accidents Continued from Page 5 Accidentes de auto We consistently fill two bins. Once a month is a lot to ask, it’s a commitment from the guys that help. Without the help from Charles, Ray, Leonard, Julio, and my father (Roberto), this couldn’t happen. If there’s too much for us to pick up, we’ll write down the address and call 3-1-1 on Monday. For the most part, we try to pick up as much as we can. Expungements Rectificar delitos anteriores We don’t have a name for our program. And we need to because I think people think we’re scavenging for ourselves. So we need to identify ourselves as volunteers, trying to clean up the neighborhood. Julio (OTES) and I are talking about that (getting magnetic signage) for the trucks. Criminal defense Defensa en casos criminales But there’s risks involved as well, nails you can step on. It seems like each week we evolve in terms of what we do safety-wise. The first week I went out, I picked up a pane of glass and it broke, shattering everywhere. I said, “Okay, now I have to wear glasses.” I didn’t think about stuff like that, I just go out and do it. Divorces, Support, and Visitation ´ Divorcios, Sostenimiento, y Visitacion Councilman Huizar’s pick up locations are at: 1) El Sereno Park 4721 Klamath St. (Corners of Ruth Swiggett and Eastern) 2200 S. Fremont Ave. Suite #208 Alhambra, CA 91803 (626) 299-7300 2) Rose Hill Park 4530 Mercury Avenue (Corners of Beryl and Mercury Ave) If you would like to join Roberto and would like to make a difference in your community please contact Our Town El Sereno for any updates or show up the second Saturday of each month at El Sereno Park (8am). Email: borgeslawyers@yahoo.com BY Therese hernandez-Cano 11 community | DINING REVIEW Dining With Anthony And Deidre It is time to clean your plate and prepare it for fresh finds of spring flavors as we find ourselves in the third month of the year, March. We are grateful to have shared with you the February reviews of Mike & Anne’s and Antigua Bread. We hope you prepare your plate and head on down to this month’s review locations; Raffi’s Place, and El Vaquero Restaurant. O affi’s Place, is located at 211 East Broadway, just east of the Americana and Glendale Galleria. Humble owners, the Bakijanians (Rafik, his wife Gohar, and their sons, Armond and Raymond) first began with a small sandwich shop. Today, the little eatery has grown into the well known and loved fine restaurant that offers a delicious gourmet Persian cuisine. The atmosphere has an airy coastal feel of which is implemented through the wonderful murals on the walls in the restaurant. Anyone can enjoy looking up at the beautiful clear night sky while dining in the outdoor area of the restaurant. Choosing one dish can be difficult because of the array of great selections to choose from. The hustle and bustle of the day seemed to disappear as we savored each flavor of the dishes. The employees were vibrant, helpful, and friendly. On our first visit, one of the gracious waitresses, Lia, was very informative and friendly; she introduced us to what are now some of our favorite dishes at Raffi’s. One of them is the Soltani Kabob dish - a behemoth of flavorable and juicy skewered charbroiled filet mignon with molded ground beef with grilled tomatoes and bell peppers, served on light fluffy saffron flavored basmati rice. We really love the appetizers too, including their hummus, yogurt and cucumber, and yogurt, moussir (shallots), and eggplant. We also love their spumoni and baklava, a sweet honey masterpiece. ur second honorable mention this month is El Vaquero, found in the heart of El Sereno and located at 4884 1/2 Huntingon Drive. The restaurant’s name was inspired by a popular restaurant in Mexico. Owner, Malaquias Vasquez, wanted the same success and familiarity of the name from the famous restaurant in Mexico and first opened a restaurant in Alhambra. That location opened in 2001, and is known more as a “to go” spot. He opened the second El Vaquero as a family style sit-down eatery in 2003. Growing up in the restaurant business in Guadalajara, Malaquias learned to take pride in offering good customer service by using the, “ mi casa es tu casa,” motto. The atmosphere is vibrant and relaxing as if you were home with family. Excelling with authenticity of everyday flavors from his childhood recipes, Malaquias has captured our tastebuds. Anthony loves the Chicken Taquitos combo plate, served with rice and beans, as well as their Cocido. Deidre likes eating their Pozole when it’s cold out. We both agree that their Enchiladas (chicken and cheese) with rice and beans truly captured our taste buds. With affordable family style combo prices, you can’t go wrong with El Vaquero. Photo by Lance Lewis Yep @ www.photoimp.net Photo by Lance Lewis Yep @ www.photoimp.net R For more information on El Vaquero Restaurant, call (323) 441-8536 or find them at www.elvaquerorestaurante.com For more information on Raffi’s Place, call (818) 240-7411 or find them at www.raffisplace.com Decor & Ahh More Quality products for the rich and not so rich Anthony & Deidre Gonzalez P.O. Box 3223 South Pasadena, CA 91031 Request your Free catalog Call Us Today! (323) 215-8691 decorandahhmore.vpweb.com 12 FREE Buy one 12 oz. champurrado and get another one free GRATIS compra un champurrado y llevate otro gratis de 12 oz. Must bring ad. 5028 S. Huntington Dr. • El Sereno, CA 90032 EBT NEWLAND HARDWARE Serving the El Sereno community for over 80 years (323) 227-1933 4938 Huntington Dr. South (Next to Food For Less Market) ® START RIGHT. START HERE.® BATHROOM VANITIES g at Startin E-Z Kare Interior 99 Latex Flat Paint cabinet & top included TOOL RENTALS call for details W 314 994 F6 While supplies last. 1099 reg. 16.99 32-Gal. Wheeled Trash Can • Friction-fit lid with lock-down handles. • Designed to keep out rodents and pests. • Heavy-duty wheels for easy portability. 99 $89 $19 WITH COUPON Dries in minutes to a rich uniform finish. Soap and water cleanup. 25-year warranty 999 E-Z Kare Interior 99 Latex Satin Enamel reg. 19.99 24” x 36” Coir & Rubber Door Mat • Natural color center is durable and eco-friendly. • Scrolled rubber edge helps prevent slipping. $23 WITH COUPON High-hiding coverage. Easy soap and water cleanup. 25-year warranty 99 E-Z Kare Interior $24 WITH COUPON Latex Semi-Gloss Enamel High-hiding and durable. Perfect for high-traffic areas like kitchens, baths, molding. 25-year warranty Faucet sold separately ® Makita Cordless Power Tools Jack Hammer • Tile Cutter Carpet Cleaner • Generators • Power Snake SCREENS • Same day service • Next day • New screens • Re-screens 299 reg. 5.99 8-QT. Potting Mix W 110 686 85 While supplies last. L 462 606 F6 While supplies last. • Enriched with Miracle-Gro® plant food. • Feeds instantly and continuously for quick root development Come visit us at our new Altadena location! P ueblo C orner S hops Pueblo Avenue and Huntington Drive • El Sereno 90032 Shop Local and Save Money! J&G Party Rentals El Sereno Furniture a ha’s Clean t r e rs (323) 222-4249 (213) 509-5476 cell ............. ............... M (323) 223-0012 (323) 806-4501 cell Custom furniture, kitchen cabinet works, bedroom sets, living room sets, dining sets, sofas, and mattresses. We rent jumpers, chairs, tables, helium tanks. Ballons and party supplies. Mention this ad for $5.00 discount Free membership, Wednesday 99¢ rental, New releases every week, Spanish titles available. Free popcorn on Tuesdays and Thursdays with every rental. Big selection of styles for the whole family. Plenty of leather shoes available. Buy one pair, get second pair 50% off. (323) 223-3422 ............... D&D Video (323) 221-4100 ......... ............... Same day service, Free pick up & delivery, Alterations, Laundry. $10 off when you bring in 15 pieces for dry cleaning. Tenemos zapatos de piel para niño y niña de Leon, Guanajuato. shoepalace (323) 223-8300 Main Street Cafe Great tasting water delivered to your home! (323) 329-2889 stayhydrated@live.com M E X I C A N F O O D Open 7 Day A Week 6am to Midnight • DAILY SPECIALS • ATM Come join us every Saturday evening for live music in the patio 132 W. Main St. Alhambra, CA (626) 576-8519 Breakfast Buy any breakfast at regular price, get one of equal or lesser value for just 4836 Huntington Dr. S. El Sereno • 90032 (323) 225-6262 Hours: Mon - Sun 11am to 8pm Buy One 1/4 lb. Hamburger Includes dressing, onion, lettuce and tomato Get One HALF PRICE HALF PRICE Dine-in only 6 AM TO NOON Rick’s Drive In & Out Exp. 3/31/11 Dine-in only 6 AM TO NOON Rick’s Drive In & Out Exp. 3/31/11 One coupon per visit. Not valid with any other offer. Not valid on weekends or holidays. One coupon per visit. Not valid with any other offer. Not valid on weekends or holidays. (323) 329-2889 H I S T O R I C n n MAZATLAN BALLROOM PRECIOS ECONOMICOS AFFORDABLE PRICES Film Location, Photo Studio. Available for weddings, baptisms, quinceañeras, birthdays, aniversaries, bachelor or bachelerette parties, divorce parties, concerts, etc. Film Location, Photo Studio. Disponible para bodas, quinceañeras, bautizos, cumpleaños, aniversarios, fiestas de niños despedidas de soltero/a, divorcios, conciertos, etc. Services available: Catering, decorations, linen rentals, table clothes, waiters, bartenders, music, DJ’s, mariachi, live bands, limosine, photography, video, waltz choreographer, master of ceremonies. Servicios de: Comida, decoracion, renta de manteleria blanca, forros, meseras, bartenders, musica, DJ grupos, mariachi, bandas, limosine, foto, video, maestros de vals, maestro de ceremonias. Frank’s Auto Body & Paint Serving El Sereno since 1995 Complete Collision Repair Custom Paint Bike Com e in for a FREE estim ate Towing Available 4691 Huntington Dr. North • (323) 223-1653 Se atiende con previa cita, llamar al (323) 855-8362 preguntar por Sanikos De Anda & Sons construction Lic,# 544907 family owned & operated since 1988 JOSE CRUZ PLUMBING • HEATING ELECTRICAL We do it all. All work guaranteed Drainage Plumbing Services Lowest prices. Senior citizen discount. (323) 225-0099 email: sanikos@att.net EXPERT SINCE 1965 starting at $ Residential & Commercial 19.95 (323) 222-7228 Call us day or night. Free Estimates You’ll be glad you did. (323)Dr. 222-7228 4334 Huntington South • El Sereno • 90032 OUR TOWN EL SERENO P.O. Box 32054 Los Angeles, CA 90032 www.theadelitas.com Find Us On Facebook Our Town El Sereno is a community magazine for El Sereno and is published monthly. It is distributed throughout the community to promote positive community awareness. We reserve the right to edit all submissions due to space limitations. Our Town El Sereno is not liable for any claims made by our advertisers. All artwork and content are property of Our Town El Sereno. All rights reserved. JULIO TORRES Art Director julio@ourtownelsereno.com CONTRIBUTORS Rick Torres Annette & Dennis Cruz Therese Hernandez-Cano Anthony & Deidre Gonzalez ADVERTISING sales@ourtownelsereno.com CONTACT US info@ourtownelsereno.com Letty Cuevas S E RV I N G T H E R E A L E S TAT E N E E D S OF THE EL SERENO COMMUNITY FOR OVER 30 YEARS! First Time Buyers : It is a GREAT time to buy a home! Because of Lower prices and good interest rates you should not WAIT! Step One: Contact my favorite lender: Linda Mejia at (323) 243-0485 or email to: mejialin@wellsfargo.com. She will get you pre-approved! Step Two: I will meet with you to discuss your preferences for your new home. You will receive emails of homes in your price range, when you find one you are interested in, we will go shopping! First Time Investors: There are many opportunities in your community, lets get you pre-approved and find two, three or four units. Sellers: I can provide you a report showing the current market value of your home. Even if you are not quite ready to make a move, I can send you a monthly update of sold homes and homes for sale in your area. Then when you are ready to talk........Call me! The Agent you need : The Lender you need : Letty Cuevas Linda Mejia www.lettycuevas.com mejialin@wellsfargo.com (626) 375-2161 (323) 243--0485 Lic # 00778734 Hablamos espanol para servirle: Prestamos, Compra y Venta de Casas ! Home Buyers Seminar You’re Invited to a Home Buyers’ Seminar. If you’re thinking about buying a home, then this is your chance to get the information you need. Hosted by Cristina H. Garcia, Realtor ® Century 21 Earnest Realty (323) 899-3766 DRE# 01376480 To reserve a seat please email: realtorkrista@gmail.com Jennifer Sheu Bank of America (909) 895-9896 Jennifer.sheu@bankofamerica.com Elena Lu Chicago Title Mary Kay Advance Group Property Inspections Date: Thursday, March 24, 2011 Place: Xokolatl Cafe 4987 Huntington Drive North Los Angeles, Ca. 90032 (323) 441-8400 Time: 7p.m. to 9p.m.
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