SmartPET ½ Day Meeting
SmartPET ½ Day Meeting
SmartPET ½ Day Meeting 10:00 10:15 10:45 11:00 11:15 12:00 12:30 Welcome and Coffee Overview of SmartPET project Pulse Shape Analysis Wavelet Analysis PET Images from SmartPET Tour of the Lab Lunch Helen Boston Ren Cooper David Scraggs Andy Mather SmartPET Overview : Helen Boston SmartPET Overview Helen Boston SmartPET Overview : Helen Boston Overview • • • • • • • Overview of the SmartPET project The requirements of the system The detectors The design of the SmartPET system Initial characterisation the detector Initial Compton images Pulse shape analysis (PSA) – Ren Cooper • • Wavelet analysis – David Scraggs • • Image reconstruction – Andy Mather • SmartPET Project • SmartPET Overview : Helen Boston • • Investigate use of Ge for purpose of PET Aim is to show proof of principle for a small animal PET demonstrator • Can we use Ge properties to get a better image in a shorter time? • As energy resolution is very good, we can use much more of the data Require a detector system with good energy and time resolution, and some way of getting good spatial resolution SmartPET Overview : Helen Boston SmartPET Detectors • Each detector houses an electrically segmented orthogonal strip Germanium detector (DSSGeD) • The active crystal volume is 60 x 60 x 20 mm • 24 readouts per detector • Strip pitch is 5mm • Natural spatial resolution 5 x 5 x 20mm • Electrical segmentation so no loss in efficiency • Each detector has a 72 hour LN dewar attached • All angle dewar • Mechanical cooler being investigated SmartPET Overview : Helen Boston SmartPET Detectors In Lab SmartPET: Design 60 mm 5 mm 50 mm 60 mm 91 cm BGO Comparison • Hexagonal BGO : thickness 25mm, length 70mm, tapered to 5º Bank 1FWHM detector 4=: 3.3keV 96.8keV • FWHMBGO BGO = 96.8keV, DC06 4000 Number of Counts SmartPET Overview : Helen Boston 3500 3000 FWHM = 96.8keV 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 0 200 400 Energy (keV) 600 800 Initial measurements • Analogue system • • • • HV – ORTEC 659 NIM unit ± 12V supplied by NIM bin 671 ORTEC spectroscopic amplifier unit ORTEC software for data collection SmartPET Overview : Helen Boston • Measurements • • • • Check to see signal present for each strip Measure DC offset and sensitivity Resolution measurements using a variety of sources Possible problems investigated further Scope Spec Amp Maestro 241Am Data 300000 ¾AC ∼0.3microns ∼Strip gap 300microns ¾DC ∼50microns ∼Strip gap 180microns 10000 Number of Counts 250000 17.8 8000 DC06 26.3 20.8 6000 200000 4000 150000 2000 0 100000 10 20 30 50000 0 0 250000 200000 26.3 4000 0 10 20 30 50000 0 0 60 •AC06 •FWHM = 1.45 keV •DC06 •FWHM = 1.12 keV 8000 100000 40 20.8 12000 150000 20 Energy (keV) 16000 Number of Counts SmartPET Overview : Helen Boston 17.8 AC06 20 40 Energy (keV) 60 152Eu Efficiency 0.0003 AC06 Absolute Efficiency 0.00025 Efficiency 0.0002 0.00015 SmartPET Overview : Helen Boston 0.0001 0.00005 0 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 Energy (keV) Absolute efficiency at 511keV is 0.1% Equates to 1 in 1000 events being collected fully Energy (keV) FWHM 122 1.78 244 1.84 344 1.88 779 2.12 964 2.34 1111 2.40 1408 2.90 60Co •AC06 •FWHM = 2.39 keV •AREA = 1768 ± 56 •PT = 1.86% •DCO6 •FWHM = 3.75 keV •AREA = 2726 ± 80 •PT = 2.25% 60 Co results for AC06 200 Number of Counts Data 150 100 50 0 1150 1200 1250 1300 1350 Energy (keV) 1400 200 Number of Counts SmartPET Overview : Helen Boston 1100 60 Co result for DC06 150 100 50 0 1150 1200 1250 1300 Energy (keV) 1350 1400 Detector Characterisation What is characterisation? • Provides a full description of the detector response • Full characterisation of germanium crystals – Detailed source scans SmartPET Overview : Helen Boston T90 90% T30 ∆E 30% 10% Singles Scan Sources • 1mm Tungsten collimation • 1mm step positions • Sources SmartPET Overview : Helen Boston • 1GBq 241Am annular source – 25cps • 1850MBq 57Co source (pellet) – 67cps SPET1 • 70.21MBq 137Cs – 35cps SPET1 • Scans • • • 241Am 120 seconds at each position (AC and DC) 57Co 60 seconds (AC and DC), 120 seconds (side) 137Cs 180 seconds 241Am AC DC • XY position information • 1mm steps, 120sec pp AC01 AC12 DC12 DC01 Energy, position Mγ =1 gated AC face scan • 60keV gate • 6keV wide gate DC Side ScanAC DC12 1 AC 2 0 C A 1 DC01 57Co AC DC • HT coupling capacitors • Maximum intensity close to centre depth Side scan • AC electrodes visible AC01 AC12 57Co DC12 DC face scan 50 40 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 70 60 50 50 40 40 R ise tim e (ns) T30 Y (m m ) DC01 AC12 Y (m m ) AC01 R ise tim e (ns) AC coupled side 30 30 40 20 50 60 70 80 90 100 10 X (mm) X (mm) 40 30 40 50 60 70 80 X (mm) 90 100 140 120 50 100 40 30 40 80 60 50 60 70 80 X (mm) 90 100 40 20 R ise tim e (ns) 160 Y (m m ) 50 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 R ise tim e (ns) T90 Y (m m ) DC coupled side 57Co 200 100 AC DC 90 80 AC DC 190 180 50 40 AC side 60 Risetime (ns) 170 70 DC side Risetime (ns) SmartPET Overview : Helen Boston X=77 Risetimes 160 150 140 130 30 120 20 110 10 100 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Depth (mm) T30 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 Depth (mm) T90 Position Resolution • From X-Y position information spatial resolution achieved using PSA 1mm in X and Y • Using sensitivity in T30 for both the AC and DC 60 40 20 0 0 DC side Diference in T30AC - T30DC SmartPET Overview : Helen Boston 80 5 10 15 -20 -40 -60 y = 0.0295x3 - 1.2558x2 + 8.1028x + 58.5 Depth (mm) 20 Compton Camera • 10µCi 152Eu • 60mm from SPET1 • Source rotated • Zero degrees in 15º steps up to 60º SmartPET Overview : Helen Boston • Detector separation • 3 – 11cm in 2cm steps • Gates set on energies • 779, 1408keV • 2 22Na sources at different x and y Compton Scattering Scatter Absorber Event 1 β θ (Ee ,x1) Event 2 (Es, x2) SmartPET Overview : Helen Boston α Source somewhere on cone • • • Electronic collimation γ must have a trajectory along a cone surface, described by axis : β and θ Energy of incident gamma E0 (Ee, x1), and location of second event J Gillam Monash 152Eu Spectrum • 0 degrees rotation • 3cm crystal separation SmartPET Overview : Helen Boston 344 (10644) 244 778 (3883) 962 (3430) 1408 (2467) keV SmartPET Overview : Helen Boston Back Cone Projection • • Detector to detector 3cm Zero source rotation • • Detector to detector 3cm 60˚ source rotation SmartPET Overview : Helen Boston Iterative Reconstruction • • Detector to detector 3cm Zero source rotation • • Detector to detector 3cm 60˚ source rotation SmartPET Overview : Helen Boston Compton Camera • 152Eu point source imaging • 30 keV gate on 778 keV • 30mm detector separation with 5mm position resolution • Single interactions in each detector Cone beam reconstruction with 10 iterations. ~6mm image resolution x-y. 6cm source to scatter detector separation 3cm detector detector separation SmartPET Overview : Helen Boston Compton Camera • 152Eu point source imaging • 30 keV gate on 1408 keV • 30mm detector separation with 5mm position resolution • Single interactions in each detector Cone beam reconstruction with 10 iterations. ~8mm image resolution x-y. 6cm source to scatter detector separation 3cm detector detector separation SmartPET Overview : Helen Boston New Sources for scanner characterisation • Micro Deluxe Phantom filled with 370kBq of 22Na • Main Applications: – Small animal system evaluation (with field-of view greater than 45 mm) – Spatial resolution measurements – Evaluation of centre-of-rotation error • Specifications: – Rod diameters: 1.2, 1.6, 2.4, 3.2, 4.0 and 4.8 mm – Height of rods: 3.4 cm – Insert diameter: 4.4 cm – Cylinder outside diameter: 5 cm – Cylinder inside diameter: 4.5 cm – Cylinder inside height: 3.7 cm SmartPET Overview : Helen Boston Conclusion • Full characterisation of the first detector completed • Number of Cs scanned finished for second detector • Data collection in coincidence between the two detectors for number of sources in number of positions • PSA, wavelet analysis and PET investigated and presented in upcoming talks • SmartPET system due to excellent energy resolution Compton camera for SPECT investigated • Initial images produced from PET and Compton camera
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