dark matter - First Galaxies
dark matter - First Galaxies
Probing Dark Matter with Reionization and the SKA Katie Mack School of Physics, University of Melbourne www.ph.unimelb.edu.au/~kmack : @AstroKatie dark matter Most likely a new particle that is (to first order): massive, cold(ish?), weakly interacting (collisionless, invisible) Main candidate: Weakly Interacting a.k.a. WIMP (maybe its own antiparticle) Three main detection avenues: direct detection indirect detection collider experiments Massive Particle inconclusive/ controversial some hints…? nothing…yet probing dark matter in the era of structure formation Dark matter density field (to first approx: matter density field) angular dependence of 21cm power spectrum lensing convergence Structure formation velocity offset between dark matter & baryons Small-scale structure and bias (warm or self-interacting dark matter) Radio counterparts (axions, annihilation) Energy injection (annihilation, decay) 25 Mpc slice Greg Poole, GiggleZ Simulation probing dark matter in the era of structure formation Dark matter density field (to first approx: matter density field) angular dependence of 21cm power spectrum lensing convergence Structure formation velocity offset between dark matter & baryons Small-scale structure and bias (warm or self-interacting dark matter) Radio counterparts (axions, annihilation) Energy injection (annihilation, decay) 25 Mpc slice Greg Poole, GiggleZ Simulation energy injection: annihilation M.E.DE.A. code M.Valdés, CE, A.Ferrara, MNRAS, 2011 heating injected particle Lyman photons ionization from talk by Carmelo Evoli • MEDEA follows every particle from TeV down to eV energies in aImage continuous way. annihilation radiation cascades through many channels counterparts: heating, ionization, photons • Previous works have considered electrons up to keV only (e.g. J.M.Shull & M.E. van Steenberg, APJ, 1985; S.Furlanetto & S.J.Stoever,!MNRAS, 2010). giovedì 26 aprile 12 cosmic dawn Image: Robertson et al., Nature, 2010 dark matter annihilation can cause heating and ionization during the cosmic dark ages and epoch of reionization SKA & other 21cm observations will provide a great opportunity to see effects of dark matter particle physics energy injection: global Evoli et al. 2014 heating rate from models with different dark matter halo small-scale cut-offs; arrows indicate where dark matter heating dominates astrophysical sources 21cm all-sky signal IGM halo halo halo halo IGM halo halo halo • • halo monolithic halos immediate uniform energy deposition deposition and redshift energy deposited at z ≠ energy injected at z 3 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.2 0 0 0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.2 0 0 0 FIG. 1: Corrected f (z) functions for particles injected by DM annihilation, as a function of injection energy and redshift of absorption. In the left panel we use the “3 keV” baseline ionization fractions (so these f 3keV (z) curves should be used with analyses that employed the same prescription); in the center panel we use the “SSCK” baseline. In the right panel we plot the Slatyer 2015 annihilation within halos Question: If dark matter is annihilating within baryonic halos, does this constitute an effective “feedback” process? Calculate ratio: dark matter annihilation energy absorbed vs binding energy of halo r a l u c le o m oling co sible s o p Ratio: dark matter annihilation energy (over Hubble time) to gas binding energy Sarah Schon et al. 2014 MNRAS [arxiv:1411.3783] annihilation within halos Ratio: dark matter annihilation energy (over Hubble time) to gas binding energy coming soon • • Schon, KJM, et al. in prep • spatial distribution of annihilation energy within halos • impact on (proto-)circumgalactic • suppression of star formation? medium Teaming up • Slatyer: (delayed) energy deposition • Schon, KJM + : halo filtering and internal effects • Evoli & Ferrara: reionization & 21cm modelling coming soon • • Schon, KJM, et al. in prep • spatial distribution of annihilation energy within halos • impact on (proto-)circumgalactic • suppression of star formation? medium THE AWESOME COLLABORATION • Slatyer: (delayed) energy deposition • Schon, KJM + : halo filtering and internal effects • Evoli & Ferrara: reionization & 21cm modelling S S ch o n, dark matter annihilates r e y l at internal heating of dark matter halos radiation background KJM + low-mass cut-off Ev o l i , Fe r ra ra heating/ ionization of intergalactic gas structure of first stars H2 abundance black hole formation Image credit: Swinburne/ ICRAR/Cambridge/ASTRON JWST unified simulation of galaxy formation & evolution SKA high-redshift 21cm signal high-redshift galaxies Image credit: NASA long-term outlook As SKA comes online, we will need a self-consistent picture of dark matter’s particle physics interactions with baryons in the context of the growth of structure in the Universe. Requirements: New simulations of reionization/galaxy evolution with theoretically motivated DM included Predictions for SKA and precursor instruments New perspective on dark matter/baryon interactions
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