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save the dates - Connecticut Maritime Association
VOLUME XVII, NUMBER 8SSP 2000 MARCH T2008 N E W S L E T T E R O n e S t a m fo rd L a n d i n g , 6 2 S o u t h f i e l d Av e nu e • S t a m fo rd , C o n n e c t i c u t • 0 6 9 0 2 UP COMING EVENTS PRESIDENT’S NOTES SAVE THE DATES I recently received a call from a newspaper reporter. He had heard my time is expiring, as president that is, and wondered if he could interview me before the Conference. I said sure, and asked if there was anything in particular he wanted to cover. Nothing special was his reply, maybe something about my time as CMA president. I like broad topics so I told him I would be in touch. MARCH 2008 March 17-19, 2008 CMA SHIPPING 2008 Hilton Stamford (formerly Westin) One First Stamford Place Stamford, CT 06902 When the tape recorder rolls this week, I intend to say something along the following lines: the past 4 years have gone by in a blur, each year more or less indistinguishable from the other. That is what happens in a boom market. The war stories are all about successes, not failures, and everyone appears to be in a giddy mood all the time. There APRIL 2008 Thursday, April 24, 2008 CMA Annual General Meeting Luncheon CONTENTS Water’s Edge at Giovanni’s II 2748 Post Road, Darien, CT 06820 Open Bar: 12 Noon, Seating for lunch: 12:45pm Free to CMA Members in good standing Reservations are required, please call Lorraine at +1.203.406.0109 Ext 3717 or email: —page 1 From the Editor —page 3 Membership Notes —page 4 CMA 2008 Elections —page 4 Eight Bells —page 4 Calling CMA Golfers – Announcing the CMA Spring Golf Outing... CMA SHIPPING 2008 Business, Information & Friends Networking Opportunities Galore Special Seminars & Product Launches Tanker Market Outlook 2008-2012 NAMMA Silent Art Auction WISTA USA’s Third Annual Luncheon Program MAY 2008 Thursday, May 1, 2008 CMA Spring Golf Outing Sterling Farms Golf Course 1349 Newfield Avenue, Stamford, CT 06905 See Page 4 & 5 for more information For reservations for all CMA Events please call Lorraine at +1.203.406.0109 Ext 3717 President’s Notes 1 —page 4 —page 6 —page 6 —page 7 —page 8 —page 9 —page 10 —page 11 Factoids & Stuff —page 15 SOCP Education Conference —page 16 UC and JIC Operations & How They Affect You —page 16 CMA SHIPPING 2008 Registration Form —page 18 Job Mart —page 19 • CMA INFORMATION have been growth cycles in shipping before, but I do not know of any that have been so dramatic and that have lasted for so long. • OFFICERS PRESIDENT Peter Drakos P: (203) 569-9538 F: (203) 569-9554 VICE PRESIDENT Bob Kunkel P: (203) 831-8977 F: (203) 286-1474 Email: Email: SECRETARY Laura Mirabella P: (203) 629-2300 F: (203) 629-9101 TREASURER Bob Pascarella P: (203) 325-9771 F: (203) 323-6266 Email: Email: I was very fortunate to come along in April 2004 at the start of the boom. I stepped behind the wheel of a car that Don Frost had tuned up, and which Johnny K was about to rev up as never before. Membership would soon nearly double, and the Conference was about to go through an annual growth spurt that would crown it as one of the leading shipping conferences of the industry. I claim no credit. I may as well have been blindfolded behind the wheel. With unflinching commitment the Board of Governors kept the car on the road, while Jim Lawrence, Don Frost, Lorraine Parsons, and the team at IMS did everything else. GOVERNORS & COMMITTEE CHAIRS MEMBERSHIP Evan Galanis P: (203) 356-2000 F: (203) 356-2010 PLANNING & ADMIN Chris Aversano P: (203) 629-2300 F: (203) 629-9101 Email: Email: SOCIAL Johnny Kulukundis P: (203) 550-1720 F: (203) 629-9103 COMMUNICATION Tom Hodgson P: (203) 326-2830 F: (203) 363-5346 Email: Email: EDUCATION Nora Huvane P: (203) 406-0106 F: (203) 406-0110 Email: And that sums up my time as CMA President, all 4 enjoyable years of it. I probably should have written this for next month's Newsletter, which will be my final President's Notes, but I wanted to go on record before the interview. I tend to get carried away when someone is actually listening. Best regards, Peter G. Drakos CHANGE OF ADDRESS Faith Marr P: (860) 354-1182 F: (860) 350-3887 Single source vendor: Spare Parts + Equipment for foreign built ships SC A R D A N A Email: THE CMA HOME PAGE ADDRESS IS FAX: (1) - 450 - 671 - 3898 TEL: (1) - 450 - 465 - 6556 TOLL FREE FAX: 1 - 877 - 228 - 9879 E-mail: Web Site: LETTERS TO THE EDITOR & NEWSLETTER Donald B. Frost P: (203) 406-0109 • F: (203) 406-0110 Email: JOB MART: Lorraine Parsons/Cari Koellmer Email: WEB: Lorraine Parsons Email: 2 FROM THE If you will pardon the hyperbole, this one you have to attend, but hurry. Accommodations at the event hotel are long gone but there are other hotels nearby if you move quickly. For our local members, this is an event you must make time for. EDITOR You missed something special if you could not attend the February 28th luncheon. With his usual panache Johnny K orchestrated one of the liveliest luncheons we have had. More than 80 people enjoyed the ambiance, the briefly sunny and warming weather and the company of some interesting people. Gary Jobson is not only a top notch America’s Cup sailor, author, TV commentator but also a great story teller. Thanks Johnny! On another topic I must recommend to your reading, especially if you are American, the US Maritime Administration’s “A Vision of the 21st Century” that was released about a month ago. The 48 page document can be downloaded from MARAD’s website, It is a good review of what was good, is good and could be better in our domestic industry, and it is readable. Bravo Zulu - Sean C. and company. Shipping 2008 will likely exceed all previous Conferences in terms of speakers, delegates, exhibitors, sponsors, and media coverage. The “buzz” (if e-mail volume and content can be counted it would be deafening) actually started with the willingness of Congressman Cummings (Chair, House Sub-Committee on Coast Guard and Marine Transportation) to speak. The issue of funding of the Coast Guard, its missions and perceived mission conflicts followed. I am often asked why I continue to write for the Newsletter after more than 15 years. To which I reply that I see myself, as the private detective Guy Noir (“A Prairie Home Companion” on NPR radio), trying to answer “life’s persistent questions”: What is the meaning of life, health care and the Jones Act. See you at Shipping 2008 Don Frost Another high point also centers on the Coast Guard with a session featuring four Captains of the Port responding to real operational issues that many of you have complained about. The session was initially modeled on NAMO’s annual meetings in Washington about which I have written in the past. In addition to the COTPs, we will have two Rear Admirals from Coast Guard headquarters to respond to questions on policy. MEMBERSHIP NOTES We are pleased to welcome the following new members: Nancy Anderson, Ops Manager, A new issue seems to be forming around the dawn raid early this month on the headquarters of the International Association of Classification Societies (IACS), and at least three of its members (BV, DNV and LR), by the European Commission’s Competition Directorate. The stated reason is “alleged restrictive business practices”. It is too soon to report exactly what that is all about but the effect seems to be having a chilling effect on what even some maritime associations are willing to discuss in public. If you will excuse the “I told you so”, I warned (Oct. 17, 2007 meeting at the Yale Club re Shipping Pools) that the Directorate was not finished with our industry. Next victim – marine (cargo) insurance? Bulk Materials International, Newtown, CT Manfred Blohm, Dir. Chartering, Panalpina, Inc., Humble, TX Simon Booth, M.D.-Shipping, Citi, London, UK Catlin Bratu, Marine Surveyor, Brighton Consulting & Auditing, Stanton, CA Hugh Chambrovich, Ship’s Officer, K-Sea Hawaii, Honolulu, HI Michael Claps, grad student, SUNY Maritime College, Bronx, NY Augustus Dunstan, Deputy GM, COSCO Lanka, Then there is our new Commodore in waiting – John Fredriksen, Chairman and CEO of Frontline Ltd. and arguably the biggest ship owner in the world, who, we hear, will be accompanied by his very photogenic daughters. Colombo, Sri Lanka William Farrell, CEO, WCF Group, Ltd., Ridgewood, NJ Gene Fenton, Mgr- Ship Diving, Underwater Construction Corp, Essex, CT 3 Jose Guerrero, Jr., Pres/CEO, Virtual Claims Service, Inc., The Nominating Committee has been: Chair - Nora Huvane, present Chair of the CMA’s Education Committee James Lawrence, publisher of the CMA Newsletter and New York, NY Trond Haugland, M.D., Ship Equip, Inc., Houston, TX David Hill, VP- Harbor Services, Foss Maritime Company, producer of the annual CMA Conference and Trade Show Donald Frost, founding member, past president and editor of the CMA Newsletter Raymond Burke, well known maritime attorney Jack Noonan, President of Westport based Chembulk Tankers Seattle, WA Phil McDermott, Ops Mgr, Underwater Construction Corp., Essex, CT Shelley Morrison, Assoc. Director, Ship Finance, Lloyds TSB Bank, London, England Stein Orø, VP- Americas, Ship Equip, Inc., Houston, TX The Committee’s proposed slate: President - Beth Wilson-Jordan, a past Vice President of CMA and a former chair of the Education Committee. Treasurer – Robert Pascarella, CPA. Incumbent Secretary – Molly McCafferty, Attorney with the Clipper Group. New to the CMA Board Membership Chair – Evan Galanis, dry cargo broker with SSY. Incumbent Planning and Administration – Tom Hodgson, tanker broker at MJLF and present Communications Chair Communications – Andrew Carlson, tanker broker at MJLF. Michael Pearl, VP, National City Bank, Philadelphia, PA Howard Pitcher, Admin Supervisor, Container Ship Management, Hamilton, Bermuda Andreas Ploumis, grad student, Columbia University’s CEMTPP, New York, NY Brian Rhoades, Marine Mgr, Innospec Fuel Specialties, LLC, Littleton, CO Larry Rigdon, Chairman/CEO, Rigdon Marine Corp., Houston, TX Anna Tsabanakis, grad student, SUNY Maritime College, New to the Board. Bronx, New York Bart Veldhuizen, M.D./Head Ship Fiannce, We thank the committee for their time and hope that many of you can join us in April to vote. Lloyds TSB Bank, London, England Peter Wiswell, Mgr Response, Water Quality Insurance Syndicate, New York, NY Welcome aboard --- We hope to meet you all at Shipping 2008. CALLING CMA GOLFERS – Evan Galanis Announcing the CMA Spring Golf Outing….. Membership Chair Thursday afternoon, May 1, 2008 Sterling Farms Golf Course 1349 Newfield Avenue Stamford, CT 06905 Website: CMA 2008 ELECTIONS Each year on the occasion of the Annual General Meeting, CMA elects new officers and governors. On April 24, 2008 we will elect six people to serve two year terms. In keeping with our goal to bring new people on to the Board of Governors, we have two candidates who have never served before. Registration/Lunch commences at Noon Shotgun start at approx 1:30 PM Dinner in the tent directly following the afternoon of golf at around 6:00 PM until late. 4 We will stay with our latest format which is the “Simple Scramble” format. This means it is now in essence a team event, but be assured that, as always, we will have plenty of prizes to give out at the end of the day. So come on and sponsor a hole at this year's outing. You will receive a custom-made hole sign, huge praises at the dinner, an acknowledgement in our newsletter, and of course, the great appreciation of all the golfers and the CMA Board of Directors. Hole sponsorships are priced at $250 each, and again make checks payable to "CMA" and send to our address noted above or call for credit card payments. The First Place Team will be presented with the “Graydon Michael Webster Cup”, which currently resides in the office of the CMA Treasurer, Bob Pascarella of The Professional Associates. Bob is hoping to keep it there and the challenge is on! Johnny Kulukundis will once again sponsor the beverage cart – thank you Johnny! To participate in this year’s Spring Golf Outing, the cost is $175 per person (holding steady for the past five years!) and includes green fees, golf carts, lunch, dinner, open bar and, of course, lots of great prizes. We hope that you will join us on May 1 for another great afternoon of golf. Best wishes, Lorraine Parsons, CMA Event Director The outing is always full, so please register early by calling to reserve your place and then sending your checks in ASAP to secure your spot. EIGHT BELLS If you don’t play golf, stop by for dinner and cocktails in the tent after work – the cost for the Dinner only is $50 per per- Once again it saddens us to note the passing of someone who has been helpful to CMA. Captain George L. Maier passed away in Baltimore last month at the age of 80. son. Each foursome must have at least one CMA Member in good standing. We also accept individual reservations and we will team up individuals for play. Captain Maier was the master of the 1944 built LIBERTY ship SS JOHN W. BROWN when she visited New London, CT in 2003. Under Johnny Kulukundis’ leadership CMA held its own Maritime Day (May 22) reception aboard the vessel that year for our members and those stalwarts whose shipping careers and/or companies started with Liberty ships. Please make checks payable to "CMA" and send to: Lorraine Parsons, Event Director Connecticut Maritime Association One Stamford Landing, Suite 214 62 Southfield Avenue Stamford, CT 06902 Born in Brooklyn, NY, he received a Bachelor of Maritime Science degree from the New York State Maritime Academy at Fort Schuyler (a year or two before the formation of the State University of New York). He had a long sea-going career with various US shipping companies and a longer career with US Lines ashore. He had served as the JOHN BROWN’s master from 1992. Call Lorraine at: +1.203.406.0109 Ext 3717 if any questions at all or if you prefer to pay with a credit card (Visa, MasterCard or American Express). SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES…… I had the opportunity to accompany the JOHN BROWN from Montauk to New London in 2003. It turned out that Captain Maier was a classmate of one of my navigation instructors. He was a master mariner, generous teacher and a welcoming host. He will be missed. –Don Frost A great deal of our past success can be attributed to the generous "Hole Sponsorship" of our members. It provides for the great prizes that are presented at the dinner, which are numerous and always so popular. 5 BUSINESS, INFORMATION & FRIENDS SHIPPING 2008 The CMA's Shipping 2008 Networking Opportunities Galore Less than a week away, this year's Connecticut Maritime Association conference is already more full of people, exhibits, conference sessions, with a larger Job Fair, more special events, presentations and celebrations than any previous. We are delighted to welcome so many new and old colleagues to Stamford and we appreciate the extraordinary levels of preparation and thought everyone is putting into their visit. One of the great things about CMA Shipping 2008 March 17-19, 2008 at the Hilton Stamford Hotel (formerly the Westin) is the abundance of networking opportunities and a profusion of social activities, over and beyond the conference and exposition. To help you make the very most of your time visiting CMA Shipping 2008 if you are already registered; or if you have not yet signed up as a conference delegate as only have time to attend a cocktail reception here and there, here is a list of events taking place, to which you are all invited and which can only help to enhance your trip: For those of you coming back, about all we can say is rest your legs, sleep a lot the week before, and bring an extra 500 business cards. And as you also know, if there is anything we can do for you and your business in the weeks leading up to the event please do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to make this work for you. Monday, March 17-Wednesday, March 19, 2008 Exhibit Visits – complimentary at the following times Monday – 10:00am – 5:00pm Tuesday – 10:00am – 7:30pm (CMA Job Fair takes place 5:30pm – 7:30pm) Wednesday – 10:00am – 5:00pm For those of you who may be new or may still be considering the event, we assure you that our goal is to provide the best possible insights into important technical, commercial and market issues through our conference sessions. The exhibits offer extremely important services and products and we pride ourselves on the fact that they come to make a market and do so fantastically. Our guests, delegates, speakers and sponsors all contribute to the lively interaction among people and companies that make this business so dynamic and this event especially so. MONDAY, MARCH 17, 2008 WISTA USA Luncheon Women’s International Shipping & Trading Association, Shipping 2007 Luncheon. 11:30am-1:30pm – Hilton Stamford Hotel (Salon B) All are welcome to attend, men as well as women! See the invite on Page 10 of this newsletter for all the details and how to sign up. There really is an opportunity here to initiate and do a year's worth of business in just three days. Shipping 2008 Opening Cocktail Reception 5:30pm-7:30pm - $25 for CMA Members, $35 for NonMembers – Call Lorraine at +1.203.406.0109 Ext 3717 or sign up at the Hilton Hotel on the night. For more information on all aspects of the event and to register, please visit our website at: TUESDAY, MARCH 18, 2008 Please do not hesitate to contact us if there are any questions you may have, or any issues with which we can assist you. Please come join us and our international Connecticut shipping community. Bahamian Evening Cocktail Reception at the Hilton Stamford 5:30pm-7:30pm – Free to all Sincerely, The Connecticut Maritime Association Tel: +1.203.406.0109 Ext 3717 Email: 6 The Third Annual CMA Shipping Job Fair Where: When: Who: What: Companies: Also on Tuesday evening, Joe Sanchez and his colleagues at Wilhelmsen Ships Service invite all to attend a post St. Patrick’s Day party at Paradise Bar & Grille in Stamford. The festivities start at 6:30 pm and run until 10:00 pm, so Hilton Stamford Hotel, First Stamford Place, Stamford, Connecticut THE ASPEN, BIRCH & CHESTNUT Rooms & Foyer Tuesday, March 18, 2008 5:30pm-7:30pm Maritime-oriented students, companies, and professionals seeking growth A venue for maritime companies to meet, mingle and discuss with prospective employees ranging from students to experienced professionals in conjunction with a prestigious international industry event. ABS, Det Norske Veritas, Faststream Recruiting, Ketch Recruiting, Lloyd’s Register Americas, Maersk Broker America,, Seaworthy Systems, TBS Shipping & Roymar Ship Management, TradeWinds and Vane Line Bunkering (so far!) plenty of opportunity to attend events at the show and then on to the Wilhelmsen party. There will be food, music and prizes, as well as plenty of Guinness we are assured! We look forward to seeing you at one or all of these auxiliary events and, of course, at CMA Shipping 2008 Lorraine Parsons, Event Director, CMA Tel: +1.203.406.0109 Ext 3717 Email: SPECIAL SEMINARS & PRODUCT LAUNCHES at CMA Shipping 2008 During Shipping 2008 we will offer a series of Seminars and Product Launches in The Alder Room, within the exhibit floor. A complete daily schedule of seminars will be available each day at the show. If you are visiting the Exhibits, you are welcome to attend any of these special presentations during your visit. Table-top displays cost $500 for any interested companies out there looking to hire! We anticipate hundreds of undergraduate and graduate students drawn largely from tri-state area and New England maritime academies, in addition to a contingent of the thousands of industry professionals in attendance at Shipping 2008 that wish to explore opportunities for personal growth. The following companies are confirmed to make presentations, with more details where available at this time: TUESDAY, MARCH 18, 2008 10:00 AM – Veson Nautical Corporation - Visual Planning: Managing Dynamic Schedules using IMOS Cargo Matching Light refreshments will also be available. Typically schools hold job fairs to try to draw prospective hirers into meeting students preparing to graduate. By holding the fair in conjunction with Shipping 2008, the CMA seeks to reverse that, inviting students to the venue where the hirers are congregating. 11:00 AM – Stratos NOON – Instone Intrnational – Marine Travel 101 / Choosing a One Stop Shop Registration for students is FREE. But an RSVP is a must! Please contact Lorraine Parsons at +1 203.406.0109, ext. 3717 or by email at 1:00 PM – NOAA / National Ocean Service – NOAA Navigation Products & Services. 2:00 PM – MARPOL Training Institute – MARPOL Training System covering both the regulations and the practical applications of waste management aboard vessels If you are at Shipping 2008 please feel free to stop by the event during Tuesday’s Cocktail Reception. 7 3:00 PM – NOAA/ National Weather Service/ National Data Buoy Center – Supporting SOLAS with the National Weather Service’s Voluntary Observing Ship (VOS) program. 2:00 PM – Investigations Robson Forensic – Marine Accident 3:00 PM – NOAA/ National Weather Service / Ocean Prediction Center – Forecasting Extreme Ocean Storms at the NOAA Ocean Prediction Center 4:00 PM – RightShip - Removing sub-standard shipping from your supply chains – A practical demonstration. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19, 2008 TANKER MARKET OUTLOOK 2008-2012 10:00 AM – Hudson Marine Management Services (HMMS) - Tanker Management and Self Assessment – TMSALogix, Quality Management System McQuilling Services, LLC announced the release of their January 2008 Outlook for ten major trades in the five major tanker sectors. The 90 plus page full color report is available in PDF format. To view extracts of the report and learn 11:00 AM – Medscreen - Occupational Benzene Testing more about the authors click on NOON – Minitech Systems - How REFMAN Drydocking Software Can Help You … or ask them about it at Shipping 2008. Hint - It is not free! Recruit with Spinnaker Why? Because the team with the best players wins. Leaders like you in over 30 countries hire the best shipping & trading people through Spinnaker. Ports Insurance Classification Banking & Finance Legal / P&I Chartering Ship Management IT, Sales & Marketing Tel: +44 (0)1702 480 142 8 NORTH AMERICAN MARITIME MINISTRY ASSOCIATION (NAMMA) SILENT AUCTION Artwork of Carl Evers (1907-2000) The North American Maritime Ministry Association will be holding its Third Annual Silent Art Auction during the CMA's Shipping 2008. This year's auction features the works of Carl Evers (19072000), one of the most famous artists of commercial maritime subjects and themes. the Charter Oak Boardroom to view these amazing works, and place your bids!! Background on J. Russell Jinishian Gallery The J. Russell Jinishian Gallery specializes in fine Contemporary and Antique Marine and Sporting Art from Europe and America. J. Russell Jinishian, Director, is recognized as the nation's leading authority on contemporary marine art. Mr. Jinishian is the former Director of the Maritime Gallery at Mystic Seaport Museum. Through close contacts with the world's top marine artists developed over the past 15 years, the J. Russell Jinishian Gallery is proud to be able to offer discriminating collectors unparalleled access to the very best marine and sporting art available in the market at any time. On hand is an extensive inventory of over 250 paintings, drawings, scrimshaw, and ship models in a wide variety of subjects, styles and price ranges. The Gallery offers changing exhibitions and opportunities to meet the artists through lecture programs. Born in Germany, schooled at the Slade School in London, his first job was as an automotive illustrator in Sweden. In 1947 he moved to the United States, traveling there by freighter. He soon was busy full time painting tugs, liners, freighters and the working waterfront for every major line, including Cunard, Grace Line, Farrell Lines, United Fruit and Moran Towing. For 13 years, he chronicled all the comings and goings in the Port of Philadelphia for the Philadelphia Electric Company. His paintings appeared regularly in Yachting, Saturday Evening Post, and nineteen times on the cover of Readers Digest. While original paintings of his have virtually been unseen in the marketplace over the last 20 years, just recently his estate has made available a collection of paintings and drawings directly from Evers' own studio at the time of his death. NAMMA wishes to thank the J. Russell Jinishian Gallery for their generous support of this auction. Every dollar raised is meaningful and we appreciate your enthusiasm for the art works and generosity in the auction. Please enjoy the show and thank you. Proceeds from the auction benefit the work of port chaplains who minister to seafarers throughout North America. Please stop by 9 10 March 17, 18 & 19, 2008 Hilton Stamford Hotel, Stamford, Connecticut (formerly Westin Stamford) The Connecticut Maritime Association F o u r V i r t u e s : Pe o p l e , S a f e t y, t h e E n v i ro n m e n t a n d P ro f i t s Monday, March 17, 2008 Tuesday, March 18, 2008 2:00 pm – SALON A – CONFERENCE CONVENES 8:00 am - 9:00 am – Continental Breakfast in Exhibit Area Sponsored by: CMA President’s Welcome & Opening Remarks • Peter G. Drakos – Partner, Blank Rome LLP and President, Connecticut Maritime Association Society of Maritime Arbitrators, Inc. 9:15 am – SALON A – MARKETS SESSION CMA Vice President’s Welcome & Opening Remarks The Industry Transformation Continues • Robert Kunkel – Vice President, Seacoast Electronics and Vice President, Connecticut Maritime Association Moderator • Michael Grey – Lloyd’s List The United States Coast Guard – Industry and Government Meet the Challenges of a Better Future Mission Conflicts: Meeting the Demands of Safety, Maritime Security, Law Enforcement, Environmental Protection, Fisheries Enforcement, Search and Rescue Providing leadership in Washington DC – The challenges of resource allocation Meeting the needs of an Expanding Marine Transportation Network – Establishing Priorities • • • The Honorable Elijah Cummings, (D-MD) – Chair, The House Sub-Committee on Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation The Global Economy and its Impact on Shipping and Trade Chairman and Moderator • Øivind Lorentzen, III – Chairman, Northern Navigation America, Inc. Global Economics: Where are we headed? Global Economic Growth Forecasts • Currency Challenges • Credit and the Banks • The next 12 months • Ann Wyman – Senior Economist, Citigroup Global Markets, Inc. What the Current Economic Environment means to Shipping • Michel Bourgery – Head of Advisory, M&A Services, DVB Bank AG Admiral Thad Allen – Commandant, United States Coast Guard Sean T. Connaughton – Administrator, Maritime Administration, U.S. Dept. of Transportation Commodity Prices and Trends: Key Indicators Elasticity of demand – where are the breaking points? Is the higher cost of shipping changing sourcing decisions? 3:15 pm - 3:45 pm – Afternoon Refreshment Break Factoring in Economic Projections – Best and Worst case scenarios Sponsored by: • Justine B. Fisher – Vice President, High Yield Research, Goldman, Sachs & Co. Issues of Vital Importance to the Industry • • • • Robert D. Somerville – Chairman & CEO, ABS Round Table Discussion Philip A. Embiricos – President, BIMCO and Director, Embiricos Shipbrokers Ltd. 10:30 am – Morning Refreshment Break Dr. Peter Swift – Managing Director, INTERTANKO Sponsored by: Clay Maitland – Managing Partner, International Registries, Inc. and Founding Chairman, NAMEPA 11:00 am – SALON A – Markets Session Resumes 5:30 pm – Opening Cocktail Reception in Exhibit Area Chairman and Moderator Sponsored by: • 11 Dr. Martin Stopford – Managing Director, Clarkson Research Services Ltd. March 17, 18 & 19, 2008 Hilton Stamford Hotel, Stamford, Connecticut (formerly Westin Stamford) Freight market review – where are we today and a look ahead… Panelists • Dry Cargo Panel • • • • • Ted C. Petrone – President, Navios Maritime Holdings Inc. • Peter S. Sandler – Director, Ocean Freight Strategy & Business Development, Louis Dreyfus Commodities • John Bamford – Partner, Simpson, Spence & Young Charles B. Timberlake – Director, Atlas Shipping Ltd. • Tor E. Svensen – COO, Det Norske Veritas and Chairman, IACS Keith Denholm – Commercial Director, Pacific Carriers Ltd. and Chair of the Freight Futures Users Group Urs M.F.E. Dür – Vice President, Sr. Research Analyst, Lazard Capital Markets LLC Track 2 – THE GLEN – 2:15 pm - 4:00 pm Wet Cargo Panel • Torben Janholt – President & CEO, J. Lauritzen A/S and Chairman, Danish Shipowners’ Association Charles W. Parks – Vice President - Marine, Tesoro Corporation People, Safety, the Environment and Profits Basil G. Mavroleon – Manager, Projects Group, Charles R. Weber Company, Inc. Moderator • 12:30 pm Luncheon Reception in Exhibit Area Sponsored by: Stephen Tupper – Partner, International Corporate Group, Watson, Farley & Williams LLP Officer Matrix and the Time In Rank Problems • 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm – Luncheon – SALON B Capt. Robert M. Bishop – CEO, V.Ships Ship Management Sponsored by: The INTERTANKO Solution • Keynote Speaker • Bernard Anne – Managing Director, Marine Division, Bureau Veritas Capt. Howard Snaith – Director Marine, Ports, Terminals & Chemicals, INTERTANKO And Professional Mariner “Plimsoll Awards” The editors of Professional Mariner magazine will present three Samuel Plimsoll Awards, two The On-Line Fight Against Sub-standard Shipping for Outstanding Service, one for an individual and one for an organization, who have been • instrumental in making the industry safe for mariners. The third, for Innovation, to recognize David Jones – Deputy Director, Equasis a product, service or procedure that significantly improves the well-being of seafarers. AFTERNOON BREAKOUT SESSIONS Track 1 – SALON A – 2:15 pm - 3:30 pm Sponsored by: What will Shipping Commerce Look like in Two Years – A Debate between Different Approaches a) How might Nations support their Owners? b) Asset Players, Industrial Shipping and Paper Trading c) Major shippers/charterers – Can they continue to sell at today’s freight rates? d) The Role of Banks, non-banking financiers and the stock markets e) Role of Class, Flag States and Port States f) Safety First – A Recent Rash of Incidents Raises Awareness g) What Will the Future Hold? Moderator • Alan Ginsberg – CFO, Eagle Bulk Shipping Inc. Contending with substandard and/or aging vessels: The Role of Class • Alan Gavin – Marine Business Director, Lloyd’s Register 3:30 pm – Afternoon Refreshment Break Sponsored by: SALON A – Late Afternoon Session – 4:00 pm - 5:15 pm Education – The role of maritime education in a changing world Job placement – what skills does the market want and how are they changing? Which market(s) are we educating for? – ship design, shipbuilding, shipboard – blue water/brown water, shore staff, finance, brokerage, insurance, port administration, flag state administration, regulatory, etc. Curriculum: Building on Progress – Greater emphasis on quantitative analysis and dealing with ambiguity. Introduction • 12 Peter G. Drakos – Partner, Blank Rome LLP and President, Connecticut Maritime Association March 17, 18 & 19, 2008 Hilton Stamford Hotel, Stamford, Connecticut (formerly Westin Stamford) • Moderator • Vice Admiral John W. Craine USN (ret) – President, SUNY Maritime College and Chair of the Association of Maritime Schools • • Panelists • • • • • • Capt. Thomas Scott – Technical Advisor to the President, Vela International Marine Ltd. Capt. Robert R. O’Brien, Jr. – Captain of the Port, Sector Commander New York, United States Coast Guard Capt. Paul Wiedenhoeft – Captain of the Port, Sector Commander Los Angeles/Long Beach, United States Coast Guard Capt. Patrick Trapp – Captain of the Port, Sector Commander Hampton Roads, United States Coast Guard 10:30 am – Morning Refreshment Break Richard DeSimone – President, Ocean Marine Division, Travelers Insurance Sponsored by: Capt. Art Regan – Director, Strategic Planning & Tanker Projects, Stena Bulk 11:00 am – SALON A - Maritime Safety Session Resumes David J. Burke – Fleet Manager, V.Ships Capt. Saleem Alavi - Director of Business Development, Dubai Maritime City (DMC) Flag State • Rear Admiral Richard Gurnon – President, Massachusetts Maritime Academy Industry • 5:30 pm – Cocktail Reception in Exhibit Area Sponsored by: • The Bahamas Maritime Authority • 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm – Job Fair in Aspen, Birch & Chestnut Rooms and Foyer 8:00 am - 9:00 am – Continental Breakfast in Exhibit Area Erik Seither – Marketing Manager, Maritime Industries North & South America, Det Norske Veritas Joseph J. Cox – President & CEO, Chamber of Shipping of America George E. Duffy – President & CEO, NSA Agencies Inc. 12:15 pm – Luncheon Reception in Exhibit Area The CMA Shipping 2008 Job Fair is a forum to benefit both companies looking for qualified employees and prospective job seekers. There will be table-top displays hosted by companies looking to hire. Wednesday, March 19, 2008 Ken McLean – Director, The Bahamas Maritime Authority Sponsored by: & 12:45 pm - 2:00 pm – Luncheon – SALON B Sponsored by: Sponsored by: 9:15 am – SALON A The Chain of Responsibility: The Shape of Maritime Safety Industry and Government Meet the Challenges of Maritime Safety What is working and what is not in US ports? • Achieving Safety and Facilitating Commerce • The Role of Flag State • Accident Investigations • Resolving operational issues – Blueprints for success An opportunity to examine common goals and concerns Moderator • Capt. Peter J. Swift – General Manager, The Maritime Industry Foundation Keynote Speaker • AFTERNOON BREAKOUT SESSIONS Track 1 – SALON A – 2:15 pm - 5:00 pm Climate Changes and the Reduction of Greenhouse Gases – The Technical, Political and Financial Landscape – Meeting Tomorrow’s Expectations Today Moderator • Port State • Rear Admiral James A. Watson – Director, Prevention Policy, United States Coast Guard Joined by: • Capt. William Diehl – Captain of the Port, Sector Commander Houston/Galveston, United States Coast Guard J. Arnold Witte – President, International Salvage Union and Founding Member, American Salvage Association Robert Kunkel – Vice President, Seacoast Electronics and Vice President, Connecticut Maritime Association Climate Change: Environmental Compliance • 13 Jane Edgar – Director, Environmental Technology, ABS March 17, 18 & 19, 2008 Hilton Stamford Hotel, Stamford, Connecticut (formerly Westin Stamford) Engine Technology • • The Maritime Law Association of the United States (“MLA”) has been certified by the New York State Continuing Legal Education Board as an Accredited Provider of continuing legal education in the State of New York. The MLA will issue CLE credits to New York attorneys who attend the program. The number of credits that can be earned is to be confirmed. Attorneys from states other than New York may be entitled to CLE credits for attending the program. They must contact their states’ CLE boards regarding obtaining CLE credits. This program is appropriate for both newly admitted and experienced attorneys. Les Gingell – Vice President Business Development, MAN Diesel North America, Inc. Leo Schnellmann – Technical Director, Wärtsilä North America, Inc. A Shipowner’s Perspective • CLE financial aid assistance is available for attorneys who wish to attend CLE courses sponsored by the Maritime Law Association of the United States, but who find it difficult to attend due to cost considerations. Details regarding the Maritime Law Association’s financial aid policy and the application process can be obtained by contacting Lorraine Parsons by email: Tel: +1.203.406.0109 Ext 3717, Fax: +1.203.406.0110. Gerard J. Bushey – Manager, Marine Fuel Purchasing, General Maritime Corporation Special advice provided by: • • • Peter Hinchliffe – Marine Director, International Chamber of Shipping Tor E. Svensen – COO, Det Norske Veritas and Chairman, IACS 5:00 pm – Conference ends Dr. Peter Swift – Managing Director, INTERTANKO 5:45 pm – Commodore Gala Reception in Exhibit Area Track 2 – THE GLEN – 2:15 pm - 5:00 pm LEGAL SESSION – Litigation, Transactions and Politics – Current Cases and Issues Sponsored by: & 7:30 pm – Commodore Gala Dinner – Le Grand Jardin Ballroom Co-sponsored by: The Maritime Law Association of the United States (MLA) & The Admiralty Committee of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York Sponsored by: Moderator • Commodore Award presented to the 2008 Commodore, John Fredriksen – Chairman, CEO & President, Frontline Ltd. Raymond J. Burke, Jr. – Counselor at Law & Partner, Burke & Parsons by the 2007 Commodore, Morten Arntzen – President & CEO, Overseas Shipholding Group, Inc. Aids to Navigation: Recent Legal and Policy Developments in Criminal Maritime Enforcement in the United States • Gregory F. Linsin – Partner, Blank Rome LLP ‘Til Late – Commodore Afterglow – Hotel Lobby Sponsored by: Air Quality Regulations in the U.S.: Impacts on the Maritime Sector • Frances L. Keeler – Of Counsel, Keesal Young & Logan, LLP We would also like to thank the following companies for their special sponsorships at Shipping 2008: Ballast Water Management: Current Issues and Challenges for the Regulated and the Regulators • • MARITIME Charles Darr – Office of Maritime & International Law, United States Coast Guard Christine A. Fazio – Counsel, Carter Ledyard & Milburn LLP Radio Holland Group 3:15 pm - 3:45 pm – Afternoon Refreshment Break Photos by: Chris Preovolos ( Sponsored by: The Erika Judgment: A Sea Change in Environmental Liability for the Maritime Community • Vincent J. Foley – Partner, Holland & Knight LLP Criminalization of Seafarers, South American Position • Aurelio Fernández-Concheso – Practice Manager, Clyde & Co., Caracas 14 ness of foreign flag cruises and protect US seafaring jobs. The losers will be the US ports that spent millions on cruise terminals and will loose millions in revenue each year from thousands of cruise passengers who spent a lot of money FACTOIDS & STUFF By Donald Frost ashore in those ports. These ports include Portland, Maine, Boston, Mass., New London, CT, Newark, NJ, Philadelphia, PA, Norfolk, Virginia, Portland, Oregon and Seattle, Washington and many others. In the meanwhile CBP’s hoped for beneficiary, NCL, announced on Feb. 7, 2008 that it is reflagging the ship in Hong Kong and will operate her out of Singapore meaning NO US SEAGOING POSITIONS WILL BE SAVED! The pre-cursor to and model for the Jones Act of 1920 was the Passenger Vessel Services Act (PVSA) of 1886. The PVSA outlaws direct US to US port calls by non-US flagged, US built, US crewed, US owned passenger ships. As holiday time became more and more fleeting and airfares declined the “fly to” model (i.e.- fly to the cruiseship) Miami and Los Angeles became the cruise capitals of the world. Soon schemes were concocted to get around PVSA by inserting very short calls at a foreign port before proceeding to another US port were followed by a Congressional waiver that allowed NCL America to operate foreign built ships from mainland US to and between Hawaiian ports. Recently the Customs and Border Protection Agency (CBP) of the Dept of Homeland Security increased the minimum time a ship had to stop at an intermediate foreign port. The goal is to minimize the attractive- The Jones Act manages to insert itself into everything involving US commerce except when the ships might be militarily useful. The latest pair of foreign built (Korea – 2005 and 2007) vessels to be flagged US are RO/RO s that Maersk Line, Ltd will operate for the US government carrying preference and commercial cargo in round-the-worldservice. US Coast Guard’s LRIT system is forecast to cost the taxpayers (us) $400 million and will not be in place until 2014. Furthermore, the system that has been approved by IMO (but has not started defining the system architecture yet), will only track vessels out to 2000 miles (about 6 days to the US for a tanker or bulker and less than 4 days for a container ship). The $400 million does not include the cost of acquiring data on a day to day basis. A competing off-theshelf system commercial system can be had today for less than $2 million plus about $1 million per year OPEX including accurate commercial data. That system can continuously track ships from ports of departure to port of arrival regardless of distance thus making any deviation after filing the CBP’s 24 hour manifest requirement immediately evident. Want to know why we are spending your money for the ILLUSION of maritime security? Ask your Congressman. Formerly Armada Companies, LLC B Maritime Staffing B Vessel Crewing B Engineering Services B Energy Management B Ship Management The last LIBERTY ship in the nation’s lay-up fleet (SS ARTHUR HUDELL) will be turned over to the government of Greece shortly to be refurbished as a floating museum near Athens, reflecting the role of the Liberty ship in rebuilding Greece’s post WWII shipping industry. Sounds a great deal like Johnny K’s /CMA’s efforts aboard the SS JOHN BROWN in New London a few years ago. Great idea 765 Baywood Drive | Suite 235 | Petaluma, California 94954 phone 707-762-7455 | fax 707-762-7456 15 but why was a 70 year old ship that was only able to steam at 9-10 knots full speed when new still in layup until now? UC AND JIC OPERATIONS & HOW THEY AFFECT YOU The US Army Corps of Engineer’s budget request for By Darrel Wilson, US Coast Guard (public Affairs, retired), MTI Network, Stamford,CT Fiscal 2009 includes $2.638 billion for operations and maintenance --- the part of the budget that is meant to come from the Harbor Maintenance Tax. However, according the Office of Management and Budget the idea of a Trust Fund is no longer recognized. HMT is a general revenue source and except for St. Lawrence Seaway operations, not one cent goes to maritime interests --- or so I heard in Washington a few weeks ago. In the meantime, I “misremembered” a factoid I wrote in my Post Card from New Orleans last month. According to the New York Times, it will take $225 Billion per year (I got the dollars right) for 50 years (I said 10 years) for the Corps to bring the inland waterways into an acceptable state of repair. Recent maritime incidents stretching from the east coast to the west coast reinforce the need for a rapid and professional media response from ship owners and managers. In 2005 the US Coast Guard started using the National Incident Management System’s (NIMS) Incident Command System (ICS) to manage an incident. NIMS-ICS is the recognized standard to managing responses in the US. ICS is used to manage a response and divides it into components to be performed by the agency with responsibility for the response. When more than one entity has response authority, the coordinated response structure is managed using a Unified Command (UC). To be a member of the UC you must have authority and jurisdiction. UC members also include the responsible party and their hired contractor. SOCP EDUCATION CONFERENCE The Ship Operations Cooperative Program (SOCP) is sponsoring a maritime and intermodal education conference for primary and secondary schools in America to be held April 1-2, 2008 at the Maritime Institute of Technology and Graduate Studies (MITAGS) Linthicum Heights (near Baltimore), Maryland. It is built around five major activities. (Notice the impor- Educators and educational administrators will learn how to: tance of the JIC in this UC structure.) Unified Command - sets objectives, priorities and has overall responsibility at the incident. Operations - conducts tactical operations to carry out the plan and develops objectives, organization, and directs resources. Planning - develops the action plan to accomplish the objectives, collects and evaluates information, and maintains resource status. Logistics - provides support to meet incident needs, as well as resources and all other services needed to support the incident. Finance/Administration - monitors costs and provides accounting, procurement, time recording, and cost analysis. The basic UC structure looks like this. • Find out about maritime focused primary and secondary programs in the US • Build interest and coalitions to support such programs • Create mentoring programs and internship opportunities • Connect with potential employers, and post-secondary training and educational institutions. The two day conference will feature US Congressman Elijah Cummings of Baltimore, Sean Connaughton of MARAD, US DOT, Homeland Security, US Dept of Labor and union labor leaders. The UC is responsible for overall management of the incident. The UC directs activities, including development and For more info: 16 they have. This occurs while all the other JIC responders are traveling to the scene of the incident. Experience has taught that the first couple of days during an incident are marked by staffing up, setting up communications systems and frequently trying to correct mis-information which always marks the start of an incident. It is therefore vital for the JIC to hit the ground running and recognize that it will take a couple of news cycles to become the official source the media turns to. Depending on the incident, anywhere from 1 to 3 releases a day may be issued. In time relationships develop between the JIC members and the media. implementation of overall objectives and strategies, and approves ordering and releasing of resources. Regulations may state that you participate in the UC but it is not mandated that you participate in the JIC. It is in your company’s best interest to participate though. As the days progress and everyone learns their role, this system operates very smoothly. After a few days, the media begin to learn who everyone is and what agency or company they represent. Also, the JIC members identify which media representatives to be wary of. A JIC is a collocated group of representatives from agencies and organizations involved in an incident that are designated to handle public information needs. Under the UC system, the JIC staff is one of the key staffs supporting the UC. The JIC staff represents and advises the UC on public information matters relating to the incident. One thing to remember is a JIC will take place whether you participate in it or not. USCG public affairs policy dictates “maximum disclosure, minimum delay”. If you want to have a say about what is being released to the media concerning your company, then you must participate. A JIC has 3 primary responsibilities: • To gather information • To inform the public • To analyze public perception Immediately after an incident, there is high demand for information. No matter the size of the incident, whether it is a natural disaster or accident, the media and public, as well as responders, require accurate and timely information. This dictates the establishment of a JIC. The JIC structure is useful when multiple agencies and organizations come together to respond to an emergency or manage an event and need to provide coordinated, timely, accurate information to the public and other stakeholders. When everything works smoothly the JIC speaks with one voice to the public and media. Obligations of JIC personnel: • Develop and recommend public information • Gain and maintain public confidence • Be the first and best source of information • Gather information about the incident • Ensure timely release of accurate information • Monitor public perception • Inform UC of public attitude • Rumor control This presents a unified voice and reassures the public and media when they see federal, state and local officials along with representatives of the responsible party speaking as one. If there ever comes a time that the press releases coming out of the JIC do not portray you, as the RP, in a favorable light, you have other options. Nothing prevents you from issuing your own company statements to the local media and trade press. This is only done as a last resort though. You will want to try to get your message through the UC and JIC first. During the beginning of an incident the first press release will hastily go out by the USCG with whatever information 17 March 17, 18 & 19, 2008 Hilton Stamford Hotel, Stamford, Connecticut (formerly Westin Stamford) YES! I WOULD LIKE TO BECOME A SHIPPING 2008 DELEGATE! You can also register online at Note: Members include CMA Members, Employees/Members of Supporting Organizations & Event Sponsors FULL CONFERENCE: Includes: All Sessions, Delegate Handbook, CD of Speaker Presentations, All Breakfasts, Coffees, Lunch Receptions & Luncheons and Evening Receptions, Gala Dinner Reception and Commodore Gala Dinner (when chosen as an option) and Commodore Afterglow. J CMA Member $1,200 J Non Member $1,500 J without Gala Dinner $1,000 J Without Gala Dinner $1,300 J I would like to join the CMA today at $50 per year (U.S.) or $70 per year (overseas) to take advantage of the special member rate! PARTIAL CONFERENCE: Monday, March 17 includes Afternoon Session, CD of Speaker Presentations, Delegate Handbook, Afternoon Coffee and Evening Opening Reception. J CMA Member $440 J Non Member $590 J Join the CMA today! Tuesday, March 18 includes All Tuesday Sessions, CD of Speaker Presentations, Delegate Handbook, Tuesday Breakfast, Lunch Reception & Luncheon, Coffees and Tuesday Evening Reception. J CMA Member $565 J Non Member $695 J Join the CMA today! Wednesday, March 19 includes All Wednesday Sessions, CD of Speaker Presentations, Delegate Handbook, Wednesday Breakfast, Lunch Reception & Luncheon, Coffees, Gala Dinner Reception and Commodore Gala Dinner* and Commodore Afterglow. (NOTE: *Available on a first come/first serve basis with preference given to Full Conference delegates). J CMA Member J without Gala Dinner $765 $565 J Non Member* J without Gala Dinner $895 $695 J Join the CMA today! J Join the CMA today! Name _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Company Position ____________________________________________________ Business Type: _______________________________________________________ Company ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Street Address___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City_______________________________________________________________ State ____________________________ Postal/Zip_________________________ Country ____________________________________________________________ Tel ________________________________________________________________ Fax _______________________________________________________________ Email ______________________________________________________________ Payment information: J Payment enclosed J Charge my credit card J Visa J Mastercard J Amex Name on CC ________________________________________________________ Card # _____________________________________________________________ Expiration Date ______________________________________________________ Signature ____________________________________________________ Credit Card Security Code (3 or 4 digits located on back of card required for card processing) ______________________________________________________________ Make checks payable to CMA Shipping 2008 (Checks should be in US$ and drawn on a Bank with a US Branch) and mail to: CMA SHIPPING 2008 One Stamford Landing, Suite 214, 62 Southfield Avenue, Stamford, CT 06902 USA • Tel. +1.203.406.0109 • Fax. +1.203.406.0110 Email. • Website. CANCELLATIONS: Should you be unable to attend the conference for any reason, please inform us in WRITING and a credit voucher will be issued towards any CMA product. Substitutions are welcome at any time, please inform us in writing of substitutions. If for any reason the CMA decides to cancel this forum, CMA does not accept responsibility for covering airfare, hotel or any other costs incurred by registrants. Program content subject to change without notice. 18 My experience includes 30 years as master of vessels between 100 and JOB MART 200 feet. Please contact by email: (S6-11) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Candidate 4: Operations / Commercial Manager The CMA Job Mart is designed to match qualified candidates with good positions. Over the years, this service has proven to be extremely valuable to both job seekers and potential employers. Ads seeking to fill positions will run for two months at a rate of $200. Candidates seeking employment must be a CMA member at a rate of $50 per year or $25 per year for students. Operations / Commercial Manager with 25 years of experience seeks position with a recognized maritime shipping company. Preference would be to be located in the tri-state area; but willing to consider a wider range. My strength lies in the areas of operational and commercial contracts and the management of those contracts. I possess strong leadership in a team environment. Highly motivated to work long hours as required. I also have 6 years of “EX-Pat experience in south east Asia. Am willing to relocate/ travel if necessary. Ability to write and make presentations in an articulate To become part of the Job Mart please call (203) 406-0109 or email: The latest Job Mart is always accessible on the CMA website at: manner. I have an outgoing personality and can multitask as required. Telephone: (201-251-4757 Cell: (973)-204 2668, E-Mail: (S7-04) HELP WANTED –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– SITUATIONS WANTED NOTE: two months of running your ad in this newsletter costs companies Candidate 1: Agency operator only $200 - and it has proven to be THE place to be seen and answered. Position A: LOOKING FOR BROKERS Dutch martime operator is seeking a career abroad. With 20 years of experience as a shipping agent in one of the biggest ports in the world, I am convinced I can make a contribution to your agency department. Skaarup-IcapHyde Shipbrokers, one of America’s leading dry bulk ship- Mainly active in bulk shipping, but eager to learn other sides of the trade. broking companies based in Stamford Connecticut is looking to expand Would love to start a career in the world of chartering as well. Teamplayer, and hire experienced brokers. easygoing, performing well under pressure and my working day does not Competitive salary plus industry leading bonus. end after 5 PM. IcapHyde and Co.Ltd. is a global shipbroking company with offices in Fluent in Dutch (native), English and German, also in writing. Looking for Stamford, London, Hamburg, Copenhagen, Gibraltar, Athens, Singapore a job in the New York / Connecticut / Maine area, but willing to consider and Shanghai.” other options. However, preferably USA East Coast. Contact: George Kulaguz Please contact me if you have additional questions. Cell: (203) 918-6947, Email: (HW03-08) Contact:Henk Biesheuvel Cell: +31-6-29534815 –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Position B: Voyage Operations Coordinator E-Mail: hplb@chello.n Notes: Please keep in mind the +6 hrs timedifference In NY area April 25th – May 10th 2008 AET, Inc Limited is a global shipping company engaged in the transporta- (S8-02) tion of crude oil and related businesses. We serve clients around the world –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Candidate 2: Maritime Manager seeking a position in a team environ- through our branch offices located in the United States of America, United Kingdom, Malaysia, India and Singapore. ment. Skills in liner service management, operations and some charter- AET currently has an opening for a Voyage Operations Coordinator in the ing. Leader with a strong ability to multi task expertly and efficiently. Houston, Texas office located in the Galleria area. Reporting to the AVP- Heavily experienced in containers and breakbulk cargoes. Offering diver- Operations, this position will be responsible for planning and execution of sity, flexibility and an outgoing personality with a “make it happen” atti- voyages as per AET guidelines - coordinating activities and monitoring tude.” Contact: Kim Dailey at 203-241-0388 or by email: their effectiveness: ensuring due regard for legal, contractual and financial obligations; and ensuring service level meets both internal and external (S6-11) customer expectations –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Candidate 3: Merchant marine deck officer with 35 years experience, Job Duties and Responsibilities: • Minimize voyage operating costs against voyage estimates to maximize mostly overseas. Looking for shore job in Fairfield or Westchester. profit Strong leadership and team player. • Optimize lifting capability of ships to maximize returns 19 • Ensure compliance with voyage instructions for a smooth, safe and timely vessel turnaround You will report to the Vice President, Head of Clipper Wonsild Tankers USA • Ensure optimum service level can be rendered by establishing relationship with various industry players and customers i.e. brokers, terminal representatives, agents, Charterers, etc Key Qualifications: B.S. Degree from a Maritime University – an advanced degree is a plus Experience sailing as a maritime deck officer – tanker experience pre- • Monitor and co-ordinate bunker deliveries to the vessels in a cost effective manner ferred Minimum 5 years (prefer 10) experience in maritime related operations • Ensure Port Logs and SOFs are uploaded from ships and input so they are available to Post Fixtures in a timely manner • Ensure vessel operations are meeting all local and international regula- position Fluency in a second language other than English (preferably Spanish) Prior (1-3 years) experience in managing people and teams tions Shares our values (Dynamic, Dependable, Innovative and Hands-on) • Maritime College degree What we offer: • Some shore side maritime experience An inspiring environment with a strong culture and good opportunities for • 3 years sailing experience preferred professional and personal development. In addition, we offer a highly Minimum requirements: • Proficiency with MS Office attractive remuneration package, 401K plan with generous employer con- • Good interpersonal skills tributions and excellent health and dental plans. • Analytical For more information, interested candidates can contact: • Organized (HW03-08) • Strong written and verbal communication skills –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– • Customer focused Position D: Book keeping and accounting EOE E-Mail: CONTACT: Margo Terrell Sokana Chartering Inc. has restarted its operation as commercial man(HW02-08) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Position C: General Manager Operations ager and broker in the product and chemical market.and we are looking for a qualified person to help us run the office and keep track of the books etc etc. We are looking for a person with experience in book keeping and Clipper Wonsild Tankers, a division of the Clipper Group, operates a fleet accounting as well as HR matters. The main tasks we envision the person of approximately 66 chemical and product tankers ranging from 3,000- being in charge of are; * Payroll 20,000 dwt. Clipper Wonsild Tankers has a newbuilding program of 21 * Invoicing vessels to be delivered in the next coming years and operates from 7 * Insurance * Book-keeping offices worldwide (Copenhagen, Southampton, Stamford, Houston, * 401k * General office administration Bogota, Tokyo and Singapore). We are looking for a person with the above experience and good com- Clipper Wonsild Tankers is offering a position for a knowledgeable and puter skills. We are looking for a person to start immediately. Prior experi- experienced person to lead our Operations Team in our Stamford, ence from shipping is not required. We pay a competitive salary and offer Connecticut office. This position involves supervision of all our operational good benefits. We are located in modern offices in Westport. activities in North, Central and South Americas as well as management of Contact: Erik Ostbye or Andy Harrison a staff of 6 professionals who each have the responsibility of overseeing Company: Sokana Chartering Inc. the day to day operations of a number of parcel/product tankers. Telephone: 203-429 2800, E-Mail: As General Manager of Operations your main tasks will be: Notes: Please send your application by email to: Implement the company’s operational policies and procedures . Liaise with Group Manager(s) of the company’s other office(s) to stream- –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– line policies and procedures Maintain a current working knowledge of rules and regulations relating to the industry including active involvement in maritime organizations Initiate education, training and mentoring of staff within department Optimize profitability of voyages by minimizing voyage time and expenses Tug and Agency responsibility for Americas (contract reviews and approvals) (HW01-08) Position E: Purchasing Agent Growing international ship management company based in lower Westchester, NY, is seeking an experienced maritime industry professional for Purchasing Agent position whose duties will be office based. Experience and expertise in purchasing of supplies, stores and equipment for maritime vessels is required. 20 Looking for highly motivated, self-starting candidates who are very organ- have the interpersonal skills to present these reports to co-workers, ized and computer literate. clients, industry conferences and seminars. Fax: (914) 961-6425, E-Mail: Notes: Send salary requirements with resume The ability to work in the United States is essential. Salary commensurate (HW01-08) with experience. E-Mail: –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Position F: Port Engineer Notes: Please send resume in confidence, with the subject line: Research Analyst. (HW01-08) Roymar Ship Management Inc. based conveniently in Westchester, NY is –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– seeking 2-3 experienced marine engineers for Port Engineer positions. Position H: Post Fixtures Analyst Roymar maintains a diverse and flexible fleet of multipurpose cargo ships and bulk carriers. The position is responsible for vessel performance and AET, Inc Limited is a global shipping company engaged in the transporta- supervision worldwide, including dry-docking & repairs. Candidates must tion of crude oil and related businesses. We serve clients around the world be willing to travel extensively. Qualified candidates must possess hands- through our branch offices located in the United States of America, United on experience & at least 5 years as a Port Engineer. Excellent salary, ben- Kingdom, Malaysia, India and Singapore. efits and bonus. AET currently has an opening for a Post Fixtures Analyst in the Houston, Fax: (914) 961-6425, E-Mail: Texas office located in the Galleria area. Reporting to the VP-Operations, Notes: Send salary requirements with resume with the subject PE on all this position will be responsible for the efficient processing and invoicing transmissions. of demurrage and rebilling of Charterer's expenses in line with governing (HW01-08) Charter Party terms; efficient collection of all monies receivable to improve –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Position G: Oil/Tanker Market Research Analyst AET cash flow within allowable time frame; and efficient verification and Leading Connecticut based tanker and marine projects brokerage seeks Job Duties and Responsibilities: an entry level candidate for their research and reporting division. Duties • Produce monthly Vessel Performance Report for management reporting will include but not be limited to: • Accurate charter hire and demurrage invoicing in accordance with processing of all port disbursement accounts and invoices. * Monitoring world oil production and consumption data Charter Party terms maximizing AET's position. * Analyzing tanker fleet development, supply and demand • Ensure all cost expended on behalf of Charterers are recovered fully * Monitoring trade publications and industry developments within specified time frame to avoid AET covering inappropriate expens- * Assisting in compiling, writing and editing weekly, monthly, quarterly es and annual market reports. • Ensure account receivables are maintained less than 90 days in accor- * Assisting in client presentations dance with AET policy * Developing bespoke market reports • Efficient verification and processing of port disbursement accounts and The ideal candidate will be detail-oriented, possess very good writing and invoices to maintain good standing with vendors and service providers communication skills, and be able to meet deadlines. The following skills Minimum requirements: are essential: • College degree or equivalent sea going qualification * Good computer skills • Minimum 2 years of experience working in the shipping industry in * Good working knowledge of Excel, Word, Power Point. Additional demurrage knowledge of Quark Express, Dreamweaver, Fireworks and XML code • Knowledge of Ocean Charter Party terms a plus • General computer proficiency and working knowledge in MS Office * Good organizational skills • Good negotiator * Ability to travel • Analytical * Ability to create timely, concise and comprehensive reporting to specific • Organized client requests • Able to work independently with minimum supervision * Ability to produce creative and elegant solutions for report presentations • Strong written and verbal communication skills While a maritime background is not essential, an understanding or at the • Attention to detail very least an interest in the shipping markets and or global trade is impor- EOE tant. A desire to grow within a dynamic and fast paced industry leading E-Mail: company is also essential. The suitable candidate should have a desire to CONTACT: Margo Terrell (HW02-08) develop dynamic and ground breaking analysis and market reports and –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 21 Position I: ISM / ISPS Coordinator Company: Admanthos Shipping Agency. Entry Level Position with Admanthos Shipping Agency Address: 46 Southfield Ave, Suite 320, Stamford, CT. 06902 Position Title: ISM / ISPS Coordinator Telephone: 203-358-2380, Fax: 203-358-2375 Location: Stamford, CT E-Mail: Industry: Petroleum Industry Notes: Please e-mail resume. Profession: Marine-Shoreside Operations Responsibilities: (HW01-08) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Position J: Business Manager - North America Location: Houston, TX • Assist Marine Superintendents to ensure that the Safety Management The Company: Our client is a leading player in the global energy market, System is implemented and maintained ashore and onboard managed fleet. • Assist with internal audits both ashore and onboard managed vessels they are a dynamic growing business with operations in 20 countries over and when required participate in the actual audit process. five continents. • Identify areas for improvement through internal audits and vessel's management reviews to ensure compliance against set requirements of They have a proud history in all aspects of the energy sector, particularly applicable standards and legislation and to demonstrate continual natural gas, where they have experience across the entire gas chain – improvement and evolution of Admanthos Safety Management. from exploration to delivery to the consumer. • Maintain database for vessel deadlines. Ensure required Flag, The Role: Manage the day to day co-ordination, progress and plans for SOLAS, Class and USCG inspections, certificate renewals, ISM and ISPS the SVP, Operation’s performance scorecard, reporting regularly on status and priorities. audits are scheduled and done on time. Manage the SVP, Operation’s agenda and keep him informed of key vari- • Review company forms submitted by vessels to ensure compliance with ances or activities and ensuring that sufficient time is made to develop an Safety management System. intervention or response as required. • Document & Systems Control (D&SC) - Maintain company ISM and ISPS manuals. Responsible for the flow of controlled documents Fulfill a wide ranging series of tasks which will have either been delegat- according to the SMS, together with tracking of versions and number of ed by the SVP, Operations, or proactively identified by the post holder. This copies issued, etc. will include, for example, the preparation of high quality, accurate briefing papers and documents prior to overseas visits or key meetings with exter- • Participate in scheduled meetings to advise attendees and seek resolution on ISM, ISPS and operational related issues of managed fleet. nal and internal stakeholders. Act as Secretary/Recorder for all Operational and ISM meetings. Undertake specific project activity which will either be delegated, or initi- Qualifications: ated by the post holder e.g. research prior to REC meetings; periodic review of effectiveness of meeting schedules, structures, etc. making rec- • Bachelor's degree in Marine Transportation or related field required, ommendations as to future best practice; the coordination and develop- Maritime Academy graduate preferred • Seagoing experience preferred but not required. ment of ideas and recommendations prior to the SVP, Operations involve- • Good understanding of both technical and operational aspects of chem- ment in the formulation of policy, etc. Work closely with the SVP, Operations during the organization of interna- ical and oil tankers • Strong knowledge of ISM Code and ISPS Code tional visits prioritizing meetings / agendas and managing the planning • Strong computer skills and working knowledge of Microsoft and logistics to extract most value from both a time and relationship perspective. Excel/Word/PowerPoint/Access required Exercise absolute discretion and judgment in the use of privileged infor- • Written and verbal communications at all organizational levels in a clear mation on behalf of the SVP, Operations and the REC • Independent, highly motivated self-starter The Person: Intellectually agile with a business focus. • Ability to adapt well to changing priorities and situations without a loss Challenging yet diplomatic. and concise manner Highly professional in every aspect of executing role and responsibilities. of effectiveness Detail oriented and structured approach – meticulous drive for quality. • Some travel and boarding of vessels in port or at anchor. May require Self starter and manager, able to manage others through influence and overnight stays in US ports. Degree Qualifications: BS Marine Transportation facilitation. Area(s) of Experience: Vessel operations, ISM auditing Able to leverage strong network which is built on experience and credibil- Estimated Salary: Negotiable ity, content, trust and values. Benefits: Medical, Dental, Life, Retirement. Excellent communications skills, both oral and written. Demonstrable evi- Contact: Captain Steven Fox dence of having prepared papers or commentary to the highest level. 22 Highly resilient with the ability to build strong personal and business rela- Responsibilities include: tionships at a senior level. • Assist with administering Moran's safety management system; The Reward: This is a unique opportunity to join this team and use your • Conduct ISM, Responsible Carrier Program (RCP) and vessel security strengths to make a company grow. This group is flexible with audits; personal/professional life balance. There are very few opportunities like • Work effectively with port and department managers, directly advising this in the world. Base salary $150-$180k plus bonus. on regulatory and safety management system matters; To discuss this and other opportunities in confidence, please call Tim • Help operating units with administering company training programs; Green at 954-467-9611, or • Offer new, innovative ideas for advancing QHSSE at all Company loca- (HW02-08) tions; –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Position K: Charterer/Commercial Operations • Work effectively with regulatory agencies, customers, and vendors; and The Company: My client is a leader in the movement of petroleum, both • Frequent travel throughout the U.S. crude and chemical, thoughout the world. As a leader in the internation- Qualifications include: al shipping community, they continue to grow through both an aggressive • Bachelor's degree in marine transportation, marine engineering, or • Prepare written audit, training and other related reports; newbuilding program as well as acquisitions. The Role: I have several openings the chartering department for experi- • Merchant Mariner Officer's License; ence charterers of both crude and chemical. I also have opportunities in • Demonstrated knowledge of Coast Guard and other federal agency reg- related field; both voyage management and post fixture. The Person: Experience with commerical operations required, previous ulations; • Experience with and/or training in safety management programs and chartering expereience with industry knowledge and contacts, martime root cause analysis within the marine transportation industry; background preferred, sailing time a plus, must be willing and able to work • Strong verbal and written communication skills, including research and in a strong team enviroment. The Reward: Highly competitive base salary, substantial bonus potential, • Proficiency with MS Office applications; great benefits; the opportunity to join a growing dynamic tanker organiza- •Demonstrated attention to detail, ability to plan and organize with a goal writing skills; tion orientation, and strong ability to work well with a diverse employee pop- To discuss this and other opportunities in confidence, please call Tim Green at 954-467-9611, or ulation; (HW02-08) • Valid driver's license, ability to rent a car, and valid passport (or ability to obtain one); –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Position L: Administrator - Quality, Health, Safety, • Tug / barge experience a definite asset. Security, & Environment (QHSSE) Moran Towing Corporation offers a competitive compensation and benefits package. Moran Towing Corporation, headquartered in New Canaan, CT is a lead- Moran Towing Corporation is an Equal Opportunity Employer ing tug and barge services company with locations spanning the U.S. Contact: Kathy Solomon, Director of Human Resources Atlantic and Gulf Coasts. Moran is a growth-oriented company committed Company: Moran Towing Corporation to providing safe, high quality, and efficient tug assist, towing, transporta- E-Mail: tion and related maritime services to customers throughout the world. Notes: Qualified applicants are invited to e-mail a cover letter and résumé Position Summary: (HW02-08) The QHSSE Department helps to ensure a safe, healthy and productive work environment through a safety management system that brings –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– together the International Maritime Safety Code (ISM), the Responsible Are you the shipbroker of tomorrow? Position M: International Maersk Broker Trainee Programme Carrier Program (RCP), OSHA regulations and United States Coast Join the international Maersk Broker Trainee Programme Guard regulations and guidance. Reporting to the QHSSE Manager and working in a team environment with the Manager and Assistant Manager, During the two year Trainee Programme with Maersk Broker you will this position applies knowledge of theory and practices in quality, safety, acquire knowledge and skills in all essential shipbroking disciplines security, health and environmental protection to the maritime industry. The through a balanced mix of “on-the-job” learning, coaching and mentoring successful candidate will be responsible for assisting with regulatory com- – combined with development of personal skills through both theoretical pliance, ongoing program development and maintenance, and supporting and practical teaching. Your traineeship will be supplemented by an expa- employee training in Moran's safety management system. triation to a Maersk Broker office abroad, and upon graduation you will be 23 offered a career position at one of the Maersk Broker offices globally. dards; proficiency in MS Office; excellent communication and organization For further information view our website, and for skills; and demonstrated ability to effectively work independently and as a enquiries please forward your resume and an accompanying e-mail to team player. Previous supervisory experience is an asset. Ben Goss at Moran Towing Corporation is an EOE. Start date Autumn 2008. (HW03-08) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Contact: Kathy Solomon, Director of Human Resources Company: Moran Towing Corporation Position N: Demurrage Analyst Telephone: 203.442.2882 Gemini Tankers LLC, a subsidiary of Teekay Corporation, is seeking to fill E-Mail: a full time position of Demurrage Analyst. Teekay Corporation is a global Notes: Qualified, interested candidates should e-mail a cover letter and provider of marine services to the oil and gas industry. Based in Stamford, résumé to: Kathy Solomon, Director of Human Resources (HW02-08) Fax: 203.442.2840 CT, Gemini Tankers commercially manages the fleet of Suezmax tankers and is responsible for all aspects of chartering and commercial operations. Main Responsibilities: - Prepare Laytime Statements and calculate demurrage arising from sea –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Position P: Chartering Coordinator Business Unit: NYK Bulkship (Atlantic) NV transportation of crude oil and petroleum products. Location: Secaucus, New Jersey - Prepare invoices and despatch claims to trading companies. Department: Operations - Negotiate Claims. Education Level Required: Bachelor's degree - Prepare performance reports. Salary: negotiable - Some international travel may be required. Minimum Qualification: Hours: day shift with some overtime required when necessary - Bachelor Marine Science Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha (NYK), is one of the world's leading trans- - Two years experience in job or as marine officer portation companies. The NYK Group operates approximately 650 major Company description: Wages Offered: ocean vessels, as well as planes, trains and trucking fleets. NYK's rev- - USD 54,700 - 56,100 enue in 2004-05 was $15Bn and as a Group, NYK employs 33,000 peo- Submit the letter of intent and resume to email: or ple worldwide.It has offices in 240 locations based in 27 countries, ware- fax to 203.547.7000. houses in every continent and harbor operations in Asia, North America (HW03-08) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– and Europe. Global Headquarters are in Tokyo, with Regional HQs in Position O: Operations Coordinator Paulo. Over the course of it's nearly 150 year history, Moran Towing Corporation Job Description: has grown from a small company whose founding mission was to provide Analysis of cargo requirements- analysis of vessel requirements - Cbase docking services for sailing ships into a major corporate provider of mar- analysis for financial viability of voyage(s)- Cbase analysis for financial itime services. The cornerstone for this growth has been a long-standing viability of contract(s)- negotiate fixtures of cargo and/or vessels- Issue reputation for reliable, efficient service achieved through a combination of fixture memo upon assignment of tonnage to voyage or contract - London, New York, Singapore, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Sydney and Sao first-rate people and first-class equipment. Moran is now the largest Coordinate with Financial Operations for all money related matters - Any provider of maritime transportation services along the east coast and into additional duties as assigned by Senior Manager the Gulf of Mexico. Requirements: Moran Towing Corporation has an Operations Coordinator position imme- Bachelor's degree - one to three years chartering experience and/or one to diately available in our company's petroleum barge operating division three years operations experience - strong PC skills with knowledge of headquartered in New Canaan, CT. Excel - chartering certification preferable - must posses excellent analytical Responsibilities include: Daily operations of the company's petroleum skills. tank barges, including contract administration, cargo operations, sales Contact: Maria Bast-Bartlett and marketing, employee supervision and coordination with other operat- Company: NYK Bulkship (USA) Inc. ing divisions within the company. The successful candidate will be an inte- E-Mail: gral part of a team working within Moran's Transportation Division. Email resume to attention of Maria Bast-Bartlett (HW02-08) Qualifications include: B.A. or B.S. degree in a related field; formal maritime background and a general knowledge of tug/barge industry stan- –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– 24 Position Q: Tanker Marine Operations Daily tasks would include; Location Secaucus, NJ Installation, Salary Negotiable depending on years of experience Training, Education Bachelor's degree required Configuration, Company description: Consulting, Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha (NYK), is one of the world's leading trans- Troubleshooting and documenting processes. portation companies. The NYK Group operates approximately 650 major ShipNet offers a competitive package including four weeks’ vacation, med- ocean vessels, as well as planes, trains and trucking fleets. NYK's rev- ical, 401k. Additional information can be found on our website www.ship- enue in 2004-05 was $15Bn and as a Group, NYK employs 33,000 peo- ple worldwide.It has offices in 240 locations based in 27 countries, ware- Requirements houses in every continent and harbor operations in Asia, North America The ideal candidate will; and Europe. Global Headquarters are in Tokyo, with Regional HQs in 1.) Have good Maritime knowledge and worked in the operations or char- London, New York, Singapore, Hong Kong, Shanghai, Sydney and Sao tering department of a shipping company for at least 3 years. Paulo. 2.) Have seagoing experience as an officer on a commercial vessel. Main Responsibilities 3.) Good communication skills and be able to deal with all levels of our * Safe and efficient operation of NYK tank vessels client base from Owners/CEO’s to end users of the systems. * Attend vessel loading or discharging operations if necessary 4.) A high level of application competence such as working in access and * Assist Marine Superintendent as necessary advanced excel tasks. * Communicating with vessel, charterers and / or brokers 5.) Be a team player as well as the ability to have sole responsibility for a * Check terms of fixture recap and prepare vessel sailing instructions project and take it through to completion. * Monitor loading / discharging plans and stability calculations E-Mail: * Follow up on any bills of lading, LOI, other documentation Website: requirements Notes: Applications should be sent via e-mail * Laytime calculations and cargo claims (HW02-08) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Position S: Manager Strategy and Development * Disbursement check & approval Location: Houston, TX * Arrange bunkers when / where required. The Company: Our client an international, integrated energy company in * Liaison with ship manager on issues concerning vetting inspections, PSC inspections, audits and subsequent follow up. the US. Headquartered in Houston, TX, it is one of the largest refiners in * Any other functions as vessel's operator. Minimum requirements the United States, operating in approximately 40 countries with an Two years of job experience of tanker operations/post fixtures as owners employee base of about 35,600 employees worldwide and assets totaling Good skills of Microsoft Excel/Word and SHIPNETS experience Seaman $107 billion. experience on board (Tanker) is preferable but not required. Shoreside The Role: Lead , coordinate, and manage, the strategic process for the experience. company. This will be done through utilizing strategic marine staff, marine Contact: Maria Bast-Bartlett operations personnel, corporate resources and business partners Company: NYK Bulkship (Atlantic) NV • Lead the development of strategic initiatives for the company involving E-Mail: marine-related assets, activities, partnerships, and long-term agree- Candidates must indicate salary requirements when forwarding resume. ments. Resumes are to be sent via e-mail in Word formatf • Provide primary oversight and guidance to analytical work performed in (HW02-08) support of the development of strategic initiatives and presentations to –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– senior management. Position R: Commercial Maritime Consultant • Respond to strategic opportunities that surface during the year and Company: ShipNet USA Inc quickly evaluate value and risk while providing recommendations and Description alternatives. ShipNet, the leading supplier of integrated software to the maritime indus- • Coordinate with global commercial supply and trading, upstream, and try is looking for an experienced consultant in our Norwalk, CT office. downstream businesses for the collection, analysis, and reporting of information on global oil and gas movements across the company. 25 • Communicate with the commercial marine organization and its partners The Reward: Highly competitive base salary, substantial bonus potential, / customers to foster full understanding of the existing strategic plan and great benefits; the opportunity to join a growing dynamic tanker organiza- The Person: the strategic planning process. tion • Bachelors degree or equivalent required, masters degree / MBA pre- Green at 954-467-9611, or To discuss this and other opportunities in confidence, please call Tim ferred. (HW02-08) –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– • Broad understanding of the marine and commercial business including global shipping markets (tankers and LNG) and contracting strategies. • Track record of developing and delivering strategic plans and presenta- Position V: Market Intelligence Specialist Company Description McQuilling Services, LLC is a business consulting enterprise formed in tions to senior management ` • Strong facilitation, planning, organizational, and analytical skills. • Excellent communication and teamwork skills with preference for action, accountability, and developing alternatives and solutions. 1997 to provide services to clients in the international marine transportation marketplace. The primary focus of McQuilling Services, LLC is to provide our clients commercial consulting services related to global seaborne transportation. We do this directly or in collaboration with selected part- • Ability to lead effectively through influence and capability to influence at all levels. ners in the industry. We also provide support in related areas where our particular expertise brings value. • Strong desire for personal learning and sharing of skills with others. McQuilling Services is a wholly-owned subsidiary of McQuilling Brokerage • Firm understanding of team effectiveness and the processes that drive partners, Inc., a major international tanker brokerage servicing clients high performance teams The Reward: The reward is an exciting permanent position with excellent from offices located in Garden City; New York; Houston; Singapore; Lima, salary, bonus, and benefits. Job Description To discuss this and other opportunities in confidence, please call Tim A position in McQuilling Services for a Market Intelligence Specialist locat- Green at 954-467-9611, or (HW02-08) Peru; and Caracas, Venezuela. ed in the Garden City, New York office. This position will be filled by an individual with relevant experience in the highlighted tasks. The success- –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Position T: AVP Business Development ful candidate will be highly productive, take pride and ownership in their work and have strong organizational skills. They will be able to learn infor- Location: Houston, TX The Company: A growing presence in petroleum logistics, my client operates a technologically advanced and young fleet of tankers to move crude oil and clean products for the world’s oil majors and traders. International mation system applications, have a working knowledge of Microsoft Office Suite and by versed in internet navigation skills. The individual will be primarily responsible for: • Maintaining data in proprietary company databases; • Updating databases with relevant business data, contact, address and company with offices/locations throughout the world. The Role: To work in support of the Regional Director in the creation, • Extracting data from proprietary information systems; development and implementation of business and CRM strategies and • Managing vendor relationships for the supply of third party data; plans, to foster growth of the company’s operations into new markets, • Participating in the production of periodic reports using data extracted accounting information; trade sectors and business streams in North and South America. The Person and analyzed from proprietary databases; • Providing guidance and training in company proprietary information systems and databases, 1. Degree in Business Studies / Economics / Engineering, MBA 2. Professionally qualified experience in Marketing or Business Development discipline with 5-8 years in • Managing web site database updates, maintenance and enhancements, and business planning or development management. Additional qualifications in Customer • Carrying out ad-hoc research and analysis projects using data extracted and analyzed from proprietary databases. Relations Management or related discipline Knowledge required: 3. Operational knowledge and understanding of the shipping industry. 4. Sound knowledge of market research methodologies, strategic planning, and of best practices in business development & CRM best practices 5. Specific background and knowledge of the tanker market trends and intelligence would be a plus. In addition to these activities, the position will be involved in various projects originated at the direction of the Commercial Director of McQuilling Services in business development activities in support of company objectives and in support of McQuilling Brokerage Partners requests and requirements. Minimum qualifications for this position are well-developed written communication skills; well-organized and documented work processes and proficiency in Microsoft Excel, Word and Powerpoint. 26 The successful candidate will process-oriented and self-starting. An UP COMING EVENTS engaged, continuously improving approach to job responsibilities is prerequisite for the position. Salary will be determined based on experience and skills and competitive SAVE THE DATES Reporting with industry levels. The position reports to the Commercial Director, McQuilling Services, LLC MARCH 2008 for functional guidance, work direction, prioritizing work and all adminisRequirements trative and personnel issues. March 17-19, 2008 The candidate will have at least 2 years previous related job experience CMA SHIPPING 2008 and be: • Proficient in typing, data entry and word processing using Microsoft Hilton Stamford (formerly Westin) WORD (merge, tables, graphics, formatting, desktop publishing); One First Stamford Place • Proficient in spreadsheets using Microsoft Excel workbooks (format- Stamford, CT 06902 ting, tables, graphs, formulas, graphics, macros); • Proficient in creating and editing presentation decks using Microsoft PowerPoint; • Proficient in navigating Microsoft Windows operating system; • Proficient in access and navigation of the internet and use of third party APRIL 2008 internet applications; • Able to rapidly assimilate shipping industry terminology and company Thursday, April 24, 2008 proprietary software systems; • Able to handle multiple tasks simultaneously in an open-office, real-time CMA Annual General Meeting Luncheon environment; • Able to positively interact with co-workers in the Garden City office as Water’s Edge at Giovanni’s II well as other McQuilling offices both domestically and internationally, 2748 Post Road, Darien, CT 06820 clients, vendors & suppliers; • Enthusiastic with a positive attitude; a willingness to learn and grow in Open Bar: 12 Noon, Seating for lunch: 12:45pm Salary Range the job and company Free to CMA Members in good standing $50,000 – 75,000 base salary, depending on experience and qualificaBenefits tions, with annual bonus based on firm and individual performance. Reservations are required, please call Lorraine at +1.203.406.0109 Ext 3717 or Full POS medical benefits with Empire Blue Health Plan including dental email: plan and term life insurance 401K Investment plan Apply To: MAY 2008 Holiday and Vacation plan Dave Saginaw, Commercial Director Email: Thursday, May 1, 2008 (HW03-07) CMA Spring Golf Outing –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– Sterling Farms Golf Course 1349 Newfield Avenue, Stamford, CT 06905 See Page 4 & 5 for more information For reservations for all CMA Events please call Lorraine at +1.203.406.0109 Ext 3717 27