March 2016 - consciousness, Radha


March 2016 - consciousness, Radha
Issue 1
March 2016
By: SyamaMohini devi dasi
Hare Krishna!
After a long break, we’ve decided to restart
our newsletter and share with all of you
what’s new and happening at ISKCON
We are particularly happy because this first
edition is our offering to Lord Caitanya
Mahaprabhu as we get ready to celebrate His
appearance day on March 22, and also, as an
offering to Srila Prabhupada and ISKCON50.
Yes, The International Society for Krishna
Consciousness is turning 50 this year!
One may think “50 is really not a big
number”, and if we see it from a material
view point, we may agree; however, the
achievements in these past 50 years are
To begin with, we are thankful to our founder
acarya, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta
Swami Prabhupada for taking the
instructions of his spiritual master, Srila
Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati, to heart. With no
material opulence, but with his firm faith in
Krishna, at the age of 69 Srila Prabbhupada
came to America in 1965 aboard the cargo
ship Jaladuta, suffering not one, but 2 heart
attacks during this trip.
Srila Prabhupada incorporated the
International Society for Krishna
Consciousness in 1966 and before his
departure from this earth in 1977, he
established 108 temples around the world,
wrote sixty volumes of transcendental
literature including Bhagavad-Gita As It Is,
Srimad Bhagavatam, Caitanya-Caritamrita,
Nectar of Instruction and many others. He
initiated 5,000 disciples and founded the
Bhaktivedanta Book Trust.
Youth Talks
Kudos to our Youth Club! The sense of community
service from our youngsters is truly inspiring!
He wanted spiritual embassies world-wide
where people of all backgrounds could come
and share the gift that he brought to us:
Krishna Consciousness.
Page 2
So, this is our offering. We hope you will find
it interesting and will hopefully prompt you
to join us in the various celebrations.
Cooking Time
Wondering what to cook today? Check out our recipes
section and give them a try!
Page 4
Youth Talks
By Youth Club
Our Youth Club did it again!
On Friday, February 26, our youngsters and
their always ready to help moms and
volunteers once again rolled up their sleeves
to come together and help packing food for
needy children at the Feed My Starving
Children (FMSC).
Message from our kids:
We are young, but this is not impediment to
serve our temple, our congregation, our
community. We are thankful to our parents
for their support and to everyone else for
giving us the opportunity to show we
care…after all, WE are the FUTURE!
Will you support our youth club, too?
Sunday School News
by NamaPriya devi dasi and Bhaktin Radhika
Our children in the Giri-Govardhan class are focusing on Lord Caitanya
Mahaprabhu and His teachings.
They are chanting on their japa beads and keeping happy 
They will be presenting Siksastakam prayer as an offering to Lord Caitanya on His
appearance day!
And our little ones in the Gopala class are busy, too!
They are mastering Sri Panchatattva mantra and of course Maha Mantra. They are
learning the “Tilak Song” and the meaning of “the body is a temple of Krishna” and
they are also chanting 
They love the Dasavatar stories and are currently working on the 9 processes of
devotional service.
Both classes are also working on learning BG slokas…but we only have 1 hour a week
with them  Mom and Dad, we need your help! Please read with your child one
sloka a day. Focus on the meaning and the application. We are always surprised with
the conversations and points brought by our children.
"But it is I who am the ritual, I the sacrifice, the offering to the
ancestors, the healing herb, the transcendental chant. I am the
butter and the fire and the offering" (BG 9.16)
by Damodar Das
Srila Prabhupada writes on his purport of SB1.12.13:
“There is a need for a good and intelligent class of brāhmaṇas who are expert in performing
the purificatory processes prescribed in the system of varṇāśrama-dharma. Unless such
purificatory processes are performed, there is no possibility of good population, and in the
age of Kali the population all over the world is of śūdra quality or lower for want of this
purificatory process. It is not possible, however, to revive the Vedic process of purification in
this age, for want of proper facilities and good brāhmaṇas, but there is the Pāñcarātrika
system also recommended for this age. The Pāñcarātrika system acts on the śūdra class of
men, supposedly the population of the Kali-yuga, and it is the prescribed purificatory process
suitable to the age and time. Such a purificatory process is allowed only for spiritual
upliftment and not for any other purpose. Spiritual upliftment is never conditioned by higher
or lower parentage.
What are the 16 Hindu Sacraments?
Garba Aadhana - Pre consummation rites which purify the parents
Pumsavana - Rites for the carrying mother
Simantonnayana - Prenatal rite for the protection of carrying mother
and her womb
Jatakarma - Natal rite purifying the new born
Namakarana - Naming Ceremony
Nishkramana - Exposing the infant to outside world
Annaprashana - First Feeding of solid food
Chaulam - Tonsure
Karnavedhana - Piercing the ears
Aksharaabhyasa or Vidyaramba - Beginning of Education
Upanayana - Opening the eye of wisdom. Lit. Bringing near the Guru,
scripture and God. Investiture of Sacred Thread.
Vedaarambha - Initiation into the Vedic Education
Keshanta or Ritusuddhi - Whole body Shave for boys or Nuptial rites
for girls
Samaavartana - Convocation or Completion of Education
Vivaha - Marriage
Anthyeshti - Funeral Rites
If you are
interested in having any of these samskaras
done at the temple or at your home, please
contact Damodar Das at 480.577.3084 or
temple at 480.705.4900
Courtesy of Anita Ramani, MEd,
(nutrition for families with food
grapefruit flesh. Sprinkle with salt, pour
lemon juice and olive oil on top. Stir and
serve right away.
Date sweets
1/2-3/4 cup pitted dates, washed
1/3 cup cashews or other nuts
1-2 tablespoons coconut butter
1 tablespoon maple syrup
Optional: 3 tablespoons dried unsweetened
coconut parchment paper
This recipe is gluten, nut, egg and dairy free.
Strawberry Sherbet:
You can use a Vitamix or Blender
1 cup frozen organic strawberries (or 1 cup
fresh organic strawberries)
½ cup ice
1 container vanilla 5.3 oz. soy yogurt (or 2/3
cup cow’s milk yogurt)
1 tbsp. agave
1. Crush the dates and nuts in food processor.
Make sure that there are no pits on the dates.
2. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl.
3. Form small flat or round balls and place on
parchment paper.
4. Put in the freezer to settle for 2 hours.
5. Take out and enjoy.
Add all ingredients to Vitamix or Blender.
Blend until smooth.
Make sure all ice pieces have been blended
You can eat this delicious sherbet as soon as
you make it, or you can freeze it for later.
You can also put the sherbet into Popsicle
molds and freeze for later.
Q: Why was the math book sad?
A: Because it had too many problems
This recipe is gluten, nut, soy and dairy free.
Strawberry Blueberry Sorbet
1 cup frozen organic strawberries and
blueberries (or 1 cup fresh organic
strawberries and 1 cup blueberries)
½ cup crushed ice
4 tbsp. water
1-2 tbsp. agave
Add all ingredients to Vitamix or Blender.
Blend until smooth.
Make sure all ice pieces have been blended
You can eat this delicious sorbet as soon as
you make it, or you can freeze it for later.
Courtesy of Bhaktin Yulia
Avocado and Grapefruit Salad
1 avocado
1 grapefruit
1 tablespoon olive oil
a dash of salt
Peel and take grapefruit flesh out separating
it from membranes. Cut in medium size
pieces. Peel and cut avocado, add to
Q: Why can't a leopard hide?
A: Because he's always spotted!
Cashew-cilantro paste
1/2 cup raw cashews, washed
1/4 cup cilantro
1-2 tablespoons olive oil
a dash of salt and pepper
Puree cashews, cilantro, olive oil and salt in a
food processor or high power blender until
they form a sauce. Add oil little by little until
you reach desired consistency. Serve on top
of baked potatoes or sweet potatoes.
You are welcome to share your creations
Just make sure they are:
*100 Vegetarian
*No Eggs
*No Garlic
*No Onion
Ready to send it or have any questions?
Please email us at
Bon Appetit!
“Yoga, an ancient but perfect science,
deals with the evolution of humanity.
This evolution includes all aspects of
one's being, from bodily health to selfrealization. Yoga means union - the
union of body with consciousness and
consciousness with the soul. Yoga
cultivates the ways of maintaining a
balanced attitude in day to day life
and endows skill in the performance
of one's actions” B.K.S. Iyengar
The classes are held:
Sangeetshri School of Music now
conducts a limited number of classes in
Indian classical music (Vocal) at the
ISKCON temple in Chandler on Saturday
afternoons. Sangeetshri School of Music
is affiliated with the the prestigious Akhil
Bharatiya Gandharva Mahavidhyalaya
Mandal, Mumbai. Students can earn
diplomas and degrees in Indian classical
music. Enrollment offered to serious,
committed students on a first come first
serve basis. Visit
or call (480) 235.2084
Every Saturday at 9 AM
We are thrilled to announce two free
weekly Yoga classes here at Iskcon
of Phoenix, taught by experienced
and knowledgeable teachers
Sangeeta Barwey and ishu Verma.
Every Tuesday at 7 PM
Please join us with your friends and
family and help us spread the word.
Ongoing programs
Japa chanting from 5:00am to 6:00am EVERYDAY
Srimad Bhagavatam reading from 6:00am to 6:15am EVERYDAY
Bhagavad Gita Study every Tuesday from 7:15pm to 8:15pm
Bhagavad Gita reading every day from 7:00pm to 7:30pm
Bhagavad-Gita study group every Wednesday from 7:15pm to 8:15pm
Hindi School for children every Sunday from 5:00pm to 5:30pm
Bharatnatyam classes conducted by Divya Prabhakar for adults &
children every Tuesday at 7:00pm
NEW: Women and Family: Home programs dedicated to women and
families, the importance of raising a family, universal values. Let us
know if you are interested in hosting a program
Jai Nimai Jai Nitai!
Krishna Himself in the garb of a devotee of
Krishna, and therefore the versions of both Lord
Krishna and Sri Krishna Caitanya are identical.
Lord Caitanya, therefore, should not be
considered one of us. He is Krishna Himself, the
supreme living entity and as such He nevers
comes under the cloud of maya"
vande śrī-kṛṣṇa-caitanyanityānandau sahoditau
Caitanya Caritamrita confirms that in order to
study Radharani, Krishna lived in Her role and
tried to understand Himself. This is the secret of
Lord Caitanya's incarnation. Sri Caitanya
Mahaprabhu is Krishna, but He has taken the
mood and role of Radharani to show us how to
love Krishna. Lord Caitanya's teachings begin
from the point of surrender to Krishna.
gauḍodaye puṣpavantau
citrau śan-dau tamo-nudau
I offer my respectful obeisances unto Śrī
Kṛṣṇa Caitanya and Lord Nityānanda,
who are like the sun and moon. They have
arisen simultaneously on the horizon of
Gauḍa to dissipate the darkness of
ignorance and thus wonderfully bestow
benediction upon all.
On Saturday, February 20, we celebrated
the appearance day of Lord Nityananda.
He appeared in the village of Ekachakra, in
West Bengal, India, around 1474. In the
Caitanya Caritamrita and other scriptures He
is declared to be the incarnation of Lord
Balarama, the direct expansion of the
Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krishna.
He is Adi Guru.
We had Abhishekam, class and prasadam.
We are so happy to have the association of
HG Mitra das and mother Maharha devi dasi,
both senior disciples of Srila Prabhupada and
both of them a very inspiring couple.
“If you actually want relief from the struggle of
existence and if you actually want to
extinguish the fire of material pangs, then
Narottama dāsa Ṭhākura advises, "Please take
shelter of Lord Nityānanda." What will be the
result of accepting the shelter of the lotus feet
of Lord Nityānanda? He says that heno nitāi
bine bhāi: "Unless you take shelter under the
shade of lotus feet of Nityānanda," rādhākṛṣṇa pāite nāi, "it will be very difficult to
approach Rādhā-Kṛṣṇa." Rādhā-Kṛṣṇa This
Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement is for
approaching Rādhā-Kṛṣṇa, to be associated
with the Supreme Lord in His sublime pleasure
dance. That is the aim of Kṛṣṇa consciousness.
So Narottama dāsa Ṭhākura's advice is "If you
actually want to enter into the dancing party
of Rādhā-Kṛṣṇa, then you must take shelter of
the lotus feet of Nityānanda."
From the lecture on Purport to Nitai-PadaKamala, given by His Divine Grace A.C.
Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, on
December 21, 1968, in Los Angeles.
Lord Caitanya
Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu appeared in
Navadwipa (Mayapur) West Bengal, India 500
years ago and He is the combined form of Srimati
Radharani and Krishna. He appeared in this form
to experience the love of a devotee and to teach
by example how to surrender to Krishna.
In different purports by Srila Prabhupada of
Srimad Bhagavatam writes that "Lord Caitanya is
In His mission, Lord Caitanya is accompanied by
Lord Nityananda, Sri Advaita Acarya, Sri
Gadadhara, Sri Srinivas (Pancha-tattva).
In Caitanya Caritamrita, Srila Krsnadasa Kaviraja
Goswami describes Sri Panca-tattva as follows:
I offer my obeisances unto the Supreme Lord
Krishna, who is non-different from His features as
a devotee, devotional incarnation, devotional
manifestation, pure devotee and devotional
energy. CC.Adi.1.14
Caitanya Mahaprabhu - Radha-Krishna
Nityananda Prabhu - His Plenary expansion
Advaita Acarya - Lord Visnu (His incarnations)
Sri Gadadhara - His internal potency
Sri Srivasa - His marginal potency.
Srila Prabhupada instructed: "One should know
that Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is always
accompanied by these other tattvas. Therefore,
our obeisances to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu are
complete when we say, sri-krsna-caitanya prabhu
nityananda sri-advaita gadadhara srivasadi-gaurabhakta-vrinda. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is known
as maha-vadanyavatara, the most magnanimous
incarnation, for he does not consider the offenses
of the fallen souls. Therefore, we must first take
shelter of Sri Pancha-tattva and then chant Hare
Krishna Maha-mantra. That will be very
Happy Birthday!
Naradi was very happy to celebrate her birthday
at the temple on the same day as Lord
Nityananda! Thank you for celebrating and
serving with us girls 
Appearance day of Lord Caitanya!
Gaura Poornima, Tuesday,
March 22, 2016
Fast till moonrise
Program starts at 5:00pm
New baby!
Congratulations to Braj Govinda das and Sesa
Putri devi dasi on the arrival of their little bundle
of joy, Gopal…a wonderful Valentine’s present!
For up-to-date information on our programs/events, please like us on Facebook
(ISKCON of Phoenix)
Follow us on
Twitter @ISKCON_Phoenix or visit our website
We are thankful to those of you who have been hosting home programs with all our wonderful guests. At times, we’ve had back-to-back
programs and the support has been great. THANK YOU for making these programs a success, we are certainly happy that we can share
the association of senior devotees and hope they inspire you the same way they inspire us.
Email us at