Radhagopinath Newsletter March 2013
Radhagopinath Newsletter March 2013
Free for Distribution INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR KRISHNA CONSCIOUSNESS Sri Sri Radha Gopinath NEWSLETTER March 2013 Vol 4 - Issue 1 Dedicated to His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Founder Acharya of International Society for Krishna Consciousness Dedicated to His Divine Grace A. C. Bhactivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Founder Acharya of International Society for Krishna Consciousness THE MOST MERCIFUL INCARNATION FROM THE DESK OF FOUNDER ACHARYA Krishna is the original sun. Therefore wherever Krishna is present, there cannot be any ignorance or illusion. Darkness is compared with ignorance, illusion, sleeping, laziness, intoxication, madness; these are all darkness. One who is in the quality of darkness, these things will be visible in his person: too much sleepy, lazy, ignorant. Just opposite, the opposite of knowledge. So these are called darkness. So if actually one is in Krishna consciousness, these qualities will be not visible in his person. This is a test of progressing in Krishna consciousness. Krishna-surya-sama; maya haya andhakara yahan Krishna, tahan nahi mayara adhikara Yahan Krishna - wherever Krishna is there. Krishna is absolute. He can be present in His various potencies. He can be present by His name only. Just like we chant Hare Krishna. He is present, because His name is not different from Him. That is the absolute sense. In relative sense... Suppose somebody is calling me in my apartment, "Swamiji." Swamiji is here. The response cannot be. Just like in telephone. Yesterday Raymond was calling us by phone from three thousand miles away. As soon as we took the phone, we could immediately hear him. If by material ways we can be in touch so swiftly, just see how much spiritual potency Krishna has. Although He's not present before us, He can be present in so many ways. He can be present by His name. Otherwise, all these great acharyas, Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, would not have bothered themselves simply by chanting Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare. There is actually presence of Krishna. If you take any material thing... Suppose a very nice thing, a rose flower. "Rose flower, rose flower, rose flower" —how long you can chant "rose flower"? Say thrice, four times, ten times, twenty times. Any more, you'll become disgusted. This is the test. But Hare Krishna you can chant twentyfour hours, you'll not feel tired. That is the test of absolute and relative. Sri Sri Radha Gopinath Newsletter - Mar 2013 - Vol 4 / Issue 1 Lord Chaitanya is known as the “chhanna avatar or Hidden avatar”. Although he is God himself he appears as his own devotee and teaches us how to serve him. Just like a teacher teaches the students, how to read, how to systematically learn to write the letters of alphabets correctly. It may seem that the teacher is going through all the lessons, but in reality the teacher already knows everything, he is just doing that to set an example for others. The Lord advented Himself on the Phalguni Purnima evening of 1407 Shakabda era and it was by the will of the Lord, that there was a lunar eclipse on that evening. It is the custom of the Hindus to take bath in the Ganges or any other sacred river during the hours of eclipse and chant Vedic mantras for purification. When Lord Chaitanya was born during the lunar eclipse, the whole of India was roaring with holy sound of Shri Hari or the Hare Krishna mantra. Krishna already has spoken Bhagavad-Gita, and everything that is required to be known for spiritual advancement is present within Bhagavad –gita, compiled by Shrila Vyasa, just at the beginning of the age of Kali. This wealth of information and knowledge is lost to us because we are so busy enjoying ourselves surrounded by all the worldly pleasures. But Krishna is merciful. He sees in the age of Kali that the vast majority of population cannot understand and cannot conceive of his gift. Therefore the Lord appears in the role of a devotee to teach us by practicing bhakti—the real gift of Bhagavad-gita himself. That is Lord Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Why does he descend to the world? “paritrānāya sādhūnām vināśāya ca duskrtām dharma samsthāpanārthāya sambhavāmi yuge yuge” As mentioned in the Gita(4.7), The Lord promises that he will come again and again in every age to deliver the pious, to annihilate the miscreants, and to re-establish the principles of religion. “Kaler dosa-nidhe rājann asti hy eko mahān guna kīrtanād eva krishnasya mukta-sangah param vrajet”. The Age of Kali is an ocean of faults but not like the Atlantic Ocean or the Pacific Ocean. But this is a vast ocean which is an ocean full of faults and nothing but faults, except one benediction. What is that benediction? That anyone can attain the supreme perfection of liberation simply by chanting the holy name – Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare. The most important verse that mentions - in the age of Kali there is no other way of attaining spiritual perfection except through the chanting the names of Lord Hari : Harer nama harer nama harer namaiva kevalam kalau nasty eva nasty eva nasty eva gatir anyatha. Lord Chaitanya often quoted this verse. In fact, he told the sanyasis in Varanasi that his Guru taught him this verse and told him never ever to forget that this is the most important verse. So Lord Chaitanya made a garland of the Holy Name and Krishna Prema to garland the world. Advaita Acharya and the vaishnavas were actually avatars of the Lord who were sent to prepare for the coming of the Lord. They saw the miserable condition of the people of Kali not only at their times but they could see in to the future. Therefore Advaita prabhu seeing the condition understood only if Krishna in his original form personally comes himself, he can give these people the actual understanding of the ultimate perfection of love. Only if Krishna appears can the name of the Lord be spread all over in the age of kali. In order to achieve the destination of the spiritual world, we have to completely purify our lives by a lifelong effort of sadhana, by purifying our minds and our hearts of all sinful activities, all sinful attractions, by hearing the glories of the Lord, by serving the devotees of the Lord, by chanting the Holy Names of the Lord. Page 01 A GLIMPSE ABOUT SRI SRI RADHA GOPINATH MANDIR Lord Chaitanya saidWhoever you see whoever Krishna upadesh” “yaaare dekha tare kahe you meet tell them about Shri Krishna ! Taking this instruction to be his life and soul, Shrila Prabhupada travelled around the globe and established many temples, which are like oasis in the world for people to come and get rejuvenated by participating in the numerous projects, festivals and sevas at every ISKCON temple. In this issue we bring to you the many varied activities at our very own, Shri Shri Radha Gopinath temple. Every day - a festive spirit A temple is a place where the Supreme Lord is worshipped with love and devotion, and where His devotees are served with respect and care. This mood creates a festive spirit at Shri Shri Radha Gopinath Mandir every day. Each day there is gorgeous darshan of Their Lordships, enlivening kirtan and knowledge sharing talks from the sacred texts of Srimad Bhagvatam and Bhagavad Gita. Throughout the year various festivals like Krishna Janmastami, Rama Navami, Narasimha Chaturdasi, etc. heighten spiritual experience to ever newer levels. Sunday Feast and Weekly Satsang Programs The Sunday Festival at Shri Shri Radha Gopinath Mandir attracts over couple thousand people every week. Starting with arathi at 12:30 pm the Page Page0102 programs leads to an enlightening discourse till 2:30 pm. This is followed by a lively question/answer session and jubilant kirtan. For the congregation devotees who are busy with their profession throughout the week, this is a refreshing and enlivening experience. The program ends with a delectable free lunch prasadam that offers a transcendental experience for one and all. Entire lunch prasdam is prepared in our ISO 22000 certified kitchen. Weekly Satsang programs are held at various locations of Mumbai, reaching out to many more sincere seekers of spirituality. Journey of Self Discovery In six sessions of two hours each, you will discover answers to the basic questions of life: What is real happiness? Who am I? Does God exist? One God or many Gods? Why bad things happen to good people? Practical application of Bhagavad-Gita in our day-to-day life. The discovery of answers to each of these questions promises to fill your lives with a deeper purpose and inner contentment. For details contact: +91 96194 80644. ISKCON Youth Services (IYS) Dedicated to serve the youth community of Mumbai, IYS provides a nourishing package to manage one's lifestyle in a way that the body and soul are both in good shape. It helps the youth to develop a positive attitude for assuming important leadership roles in society. Mission Statement: “To actually plug into the essence of life and experience the sublime pleasure of life is what human society is meant for. IYS gives spiritual integrity, dignity, direction, and real joy to the lives of the youth of India”. Monthly youth festivals are held for boys and girls under the banner of ‘Prerana’ & ‘Chetana’ respectively. These festivals focus on the contemporary relevant issues, analyze them in depth and derive practical solutions based on Vedic wisdom. For more details contact: +022-23665500. Gopal's Fun School (GFS) GFS is a weekly program to train small children in character building, personality development, ethical and spiritual values, mantra meditation, storytelling, devotional music and Sanskrit Shloka recitation. Junior group: 4-9 yrs, Senior group: 10-14 yrs. Bal Utsav: A variety, fun filled, bi-monthly program of the children, by the children, for everyone. Through the medium of puzzles, skits, verses, stories, and prasadam the children are trained to develop a co-operative spirit and imbibe leadership skills. Inspired by this congregation devotees have started weekly kids program at their residences. We also have Value Education Programs which are a medium to inculcate noble values and discipline in everyday life. Parenting seminars help parent’s to unlock their potential, communicate and connect better to their children; thus be their child’s best friend and guide. Classes are also conducted for musical instruments like Flute, Sitar, Mridanga, Tabla and Harmonium. For more details contact: +022-23665594/95. Personal Care and Guidance Spiritual journey – needing an internal transformation becomes easier in a loving and caring atmosphere. Each aspirant is uniquely situated and facing challenges that need to be individually dealt with while applying the same spiritual principles. By setting up the counselor and mentor system, Shri Shri Radha Gopinath Mandir helps spiritual aspirants to get this much needed care and guidance on how best to advance in spiritual life in a swift yet sustainable way while still executing all the responsibilities on social and professional side. Sri Sri Radha Gopinath Newsletter - Vol14 / Issue 1 Sri Sri Radha Gopinath Newsletter - Mar 2013- Jan - Vol2013 4 / Issue Rath Yatras Similar to world famous 'Ratha Yatra' parade through the streets of Jagannatha Puri in Orissa, Their Lordships Jagannath, Baladeva and Subhadra are taken on a procession through the various streets of downtown Mumbai. Thousands of people attend and get a chance to pull the Lord’s chariot – begging the Lord to enter their own hearts to purify, enlighten them to the true platform of love and devotion. A big pandal is set up to serve all the visiting guests. Devotees loudly chant and dance in kirtan making the celebration more joyous and ecstatic. Once the procession reaches the pandal, there are darshans, arathis, spiritual discourses, cultural events, diorama presentations, book counters (giving us authentic access to vedic scriptures) and prasadam distribution. Govindas Restaurant One of the most popular food joints in South Mumbai, Govinda's Restaurant in the temple complex offers a variety of cuisines from authentic Italian pizzas baked in brick ovens to Punjabi specials. The restaurant is well-known for delicious South Indian dosas, Mexican sizzlers, 'chaat' and natural, chemical free ice-creams. Media & Online Services High quality audio and video of various kirtans, bhajans, lectures/hari-kathas, dramas, visit to holy dhams etc and beautiful deity pictures taken at various festive occasions are made available for everyone. Invaluable blessings for those who missed and for those who wish recollect and more deeply meditate on them. Following online services are offered: 1) www.radhagopinath.com - temple website of Shri Shri Radha Gopinath Mandir 2) www.facebook.com/iskcon.chowpatty - the facebook page of Shri Shri Radha Gopinath Mandir JOIN IN THE FESTIVITIES 3) www.ecovillage.org.in/ - farm community (Govardhan Eco Village) website of Shri Shri Radha Gopinath Mandir 4) www.radhagopinathstore.com - photos, CDs & DVDs that can be ordered anywhere from India 5) www.deitydarshan.com - for online daily darshan of deities 6) www.iskcondesiretree.net – a store house of spiritual content with more than 50,000 free downloads audio, video, images, games & variety of kid's content. Clubbed with social networking, this site allows to share blogs, videos, photos, audio with online devotee community Social & Eco Front Shri Shri Radha Gopinath inspires and runs many successful projects on social and eco fronts. These will be covered in more detail in future editions of our news letter. Presiding deities of ISKCON NVCC, Pune PUSHYA ABHISHEK ‒ 26th Jan TtheheVedicfirst calendar day of the spring season according to (also known as VasantaPan- chami), His Holiness Radhanath Swami led thousands of guests, including many foreign guests, to a flower festival at the temple, in Mumbai. Krishnadas the famous bhajan singer and also known as yoga's "rock star" was part of the celebrations. The festival began in the morning with hundreds of the temple’s devotees plucking flower petals from over a ton of a wide variety of flowers bought from all over India. Then in the evening His Holiness Radhanath Swami addressed the guests on the special significance of the festival of bathing the deities with flowers. The flowers were then collected from Their Lordships feet and showered in abundance on the audience. This was amidst ecstatic kirtan. It was a truly an out of the world experience for all who attended. Sri Sri Radha Gopinath Newsletter - Mar 2013 - Vol 4 / Issue 1 Sri Sri Radha Gopinath Newsletter - Mar 2013 - Vol 4 / Issue 1 Grand Opening of ISKCON NVCC, Pune ISKCON PUNE opened its doors to one and all for the inauguration of its new temple. The New Vedic Cultural Center (NVCC) spread across 6 acres of land. It houses a spectacular Shri Shri Radha Vrindavanchandra temple and a South Indian style Balaji temple. President of India, Shri Pranab Mukherjee was the special guest of honor invited to inaugurate the same. He praised Shrila Prabhupada’s vision to propagate spiritual knowledge to society to achieve real unity and peace. He said, “Centres such as these are invaluable assets for developing India’s social infrastructure – just as the education that they impart helps break the vicious cycle of poverty and underdevelopment. The spiritual awareness such centres propagate are the ‒ 24th Feb life-sustaining nourishment for our souls.” Other delegates attending the inaugural event included K. Sankaranarayanan - Governor of Maharashtra, HarshavardhanPatil - Minister for Cooperation and Parliamentary Affair (Govt. of Maharashtra), VaishalBankar-Mayor of Pune and noted film actress HemaMalini. Senior ISKCON leaders His Holiness Gopal Krishna Goswami and His Holiness Radhanath Swami Maharaja hosted the president and all the delegates on behalf of ISKCON Pune . Several national and local political leaders, business persons, community spokespersons, academics and celebrities and thousands of congregation members and families took part in the festivities. Page 01 Page 03 Upcoming festivals Take part in our festivals and events to drink the nectar of feasting, chanting and dancing in bliss! It could change your life! Gaur Poornima festival Sri Ram Navami Chandan Festival 27th - 28th March 20th April 13th May Onwards Please Note: Temple Hall shall remain closed from 1st of April 2013 for 3-4 weeks as the wooden floor would be re-done. Darshans shall be through Gopalji Hall or the rear doors at the end of the hall. In service of the Lord Full day Sevas (Daily) • Nitya Seva ` 32,000 /- (full day's service to deities and prasad for residents & volunteers) • Bhagavat Seva ` 16,000 /- Prasad Sevas (Daily) • Lunch Prasad ` 8,000/- • Dinner Prasad ` 5,000/- • Breakfast Prasad ` 3,000/- (full day's service to deities) • Prithi Bhog Seva ` 16,000/- ( full day's prasad for residents & volunteers) Deity Sevas (Daily) • Flowers ` 5,000/- • Raj Bhog ` 3,000/- • Balya/Mangal/Puja/Sandhya Bhog ` 2,000/- • Vaikalika Bhog ` 1,000/- • Fruits ` 1,000/- Festival Sevas (on festival days) • Deity Day Dress ` 4,00,000/- • Deity Night Dress ` 2,00,000/- • Deity Jewelry ` 1,00,000/- • Prasad ` 1,00,000/- • Flowers and Fruits ` 50,000/- • Maha Abhishek ` 50,000/- (Gaura Purnima, Radhastami) • Abhishek ` 35,000/- (other festivals) For more details please contact: PARTH Seva Dept. Tel: 022-23665646/47,+91- 8879631447 | Email: rg.seva@gmail.com MAHENG/2010/34766 Edited and Published by : Krishnan M Iyer, Building No. 4, Flat No. 5, LNHO Compound, K. M. Munshi Marg, Chowpatty, Mumbai, 400007 Printed by him at : Steadfast printers, A/12-47, Chittaranjannagar, Rajawadi, Vidyavihar (East), Mumbai, 400077, India For : International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) Sri Sri Radha Gopinath Temple, 7 K. M. Munshi Marg, Girgaum, Chowpatty, Mumbai – 7. Phone: (022) 2366 5500, Fax:(022) 23665555. SRI SRI RADHA GOPINATH MANDIR The world within its fold Founder Acharya: His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada Visit us at : www.radhagopinath.com, www.deitydarshan.com Send comments and letters : parth.seva@gmail.com Photos printed with permission from BBT. Page 04 Sri Sri Radha Gopinath Newsletter - Mar 2013 - Vol 4 / Issue 1
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