IPT June 2015


IPT June 2015
iskcon pune today
Newsletter Vol 12 / Issue: 6 (Monthly) / June 2015 / Price: `1/-
ISKCON NVCC Organizes Gau-Vigyan Parishad
17th May, Pune. The Bhaktivedanta Hall in the New Vedic Cultural Centre at
Katraj-Kondhwa Road hosted over 1,000 patrons attending a unique Gau-Vigyan
Parishad - the Council for Cow Science. The day-long seminar was sponsored by
Shri Rahul and Shri Neeraj Bajaj in association with the well-known media group
Sakal Newspapers. The seminar attracted gau-sevaks and cow-enthusiasts
from all over the state and focused on knowledge sharing for cow protectors
and farmers.
HG Govind Das, member of Temple Management Council, ISKCON Chowpatty
highlighted the spiritual significance of cows and relation to Lord Krishna. “In
the Mahabharata there is description of Goloka Vrindavan as a place where
innumerable cows reside happily and fearlessly. Any society where cows feel
sheltered and protected, loved, will naturally flourish in all respects. When
cows are treated with love and care they will naturally supply profuse amount
of milk. Our ancient Vedic wisdom glorifies cows as Kaam-Dhenu - as fulfiller
of all desires. If one associates with cows, one will be freed from all mental
distresses. Drinking cow’s milk enhances our spirutal acumen. Lord Krishna is
known as Gopal, one who protects the cows. Gau-rakshan and Gau-palan is the
very culture of India; unfortunately today gau-bhakshan or cow-eating is going
on to satisfy the uncontrolled tongue.”
HG Radheshyam Das, president of ISKCON Pune, added that the cow is declared
by scriptures as one of the seven mothers of mankind. “Mother cow supplies
milk to all human beings for physical, intellectual and spiritual nourishment.
From the pastimes of Lord Krishna in Vrindavan, we can easily understand how
cows are very dear to the Lord. When Krishna killed Putana, He was bathed by the
Vrajavasis with cow-dung and cow-dust to purify Krishna’s body and to protect
Him from evil. Thus we see how the Vrajvasis, greatest devotees of Lord Krishna,
respected cows. Actually, milk, curd, butter, butter-milk, ghee, cows, gold and
grains is considered real wealth. And when we serve Lord Govinda, master of the
cows, material nature becomes happy and rewards us with prosperity.”
Shri Rahul Deshpande, who leads the Venu-Madhuri initiative near Kolhapur,
highlighted the importance of using cow products in routine life. He explained
how their initiative that began with just 6 cows a few years back has grown
to caring for 70 indigenous breed of cows. The Venu-Madhuri initiative has
successful exports of products made from panch-gavya. “The dhup sticks made
from cow-dung are a sought-after product. Farmers get monetary benefits
in exchange of go-mutra and cow-dung and thus are automatically drawn to
cow-protection without being burdened,” said Deshpande as he explained the
financial sustainability of the cow-protection initiative.
Shri Shekhar Dharmadhikari from Kolhapur explained the procedure and
benefits of organic farming in relation to cow protection. “The 5000-years old
Indian culture is called as Rishi-Krishi culture. The main business of the rishis or
sages was yajna whose ingredients were obtained from panch-gavya products
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ISKCON Pune Today | June, 2015
of Mother cow. The rishis taught the way of happy
life and salvation and krishi done with the help of
bulls and cows in an organic way is sustainable.”
He elaborated on a time-tested financial model
of how a farmer with 3 indigenous breed of cows
can generate a revenue of Rs.3/- lakh per annum,
engaged in organic farming and thus shelter cows.
Shri Uttam Maheshwari from Mumbai explained the
medicinal value of products obtained from panchgavya. Quoting numerous examples from practical
experience, he highlighted their immense health
benefit: “The indigenous breed of cow’s ghee can be
easily applied in treatment for asthama, persistent
cold, migraine or snoring by putting a few drops in
the nose everyday. Cow dung in combination with a
few drops of neem oil can drive away mosquitoes in
no time and there are no harmful side-effects.”
Shwetadvip Das, who helped organize the event,
offered a 10-point programme especially suited for
city-dwellers, appealing for their cooperation in cowprotection service: (1) On birthdays of your family
members, visit your neighbourhood goshala (2) household vegetable peels can be fed to cows
in the neighbourhood instead of throwing in wastebox (3) increase usage of cow products
like desi cow ghee, panch gavya-based cosmetics, go-mutra, cow-dung and dhup sticks (4)
perform Go-puja with all family members during traditional festivals like Vasu-baras, Dipavali,
Padwa (5) offer charity to your favourite goshala out of love, not mere duty, which will help
develop a relation with the cows (6) revive the traditional daily gogras offering to nearby cows
(7) avoid leather products such as leather shoes, belts, wallet, car covers (8) increase usage
of organically-cultivated grains and vegetables (9) whenever you visit holy places, make it
a practice to offer gogras to the cows (10) avoid products that use questionable ingredients
like “animal fat.”
The event was graced by Shri Girish Bapat, Cabinet Minister for Maharashtra State and Pune
city’s Guardian Minister. The Minister assured that the Government is committed to cow
protection and will be introducing several schemes for their service and care. Shri Yogesh
Tilekar, MLA for Katraj-Kondhwa constituency appreciated the noble cause of cow protection
and social awareness and benefits of cow products.
Twenty illustrious individuals from various parts of Maharashtra state were honoured with
Chatrapati Shivaji Award for their service towards cow protection. Ten more received the Srila
Prabhupada Award for their exemplary service of sheltering and caring for unwanted cows.
Shri Milind Ekbote was felicitated for his tireless service in saving cows and rescuing them
from slaugterhouses even at risk of his own life. Shri Sitaram Kanade, Shri Lalchand Nahar
and Shri Shrichand Punjabi were felicitated for generous contributions to ISKCON Pune for
farming and cow protection service.
A devotee team comprising Sri Guru Charan Das, Natwar Das, Shrawananand Das, Vaishnav
Priya Devi, Sundervar Das, Krishna Katha Das, Sripad Mahaprabhu Das, Ajit Krishna Das,
Ashray Govind Das, Bh. Paresh and Kripalu Advait Das and others worked tirelessly to make
the event a grand success.
Ram Vilas Das, who helps coordinate several cow-protection initiatives in ISKCON Pune and
works with Infosys as a senior project manager, commented: “The Gau-Vigyan Parishad has
shown that every individual can and needs to connect to cows and serve them. There are
immense socialogical, physical, spiritual benefits to be gained in this simple yet vital service!”
Gau-mata ki jay!
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ISKCON Pune Today | June, 2015
Budding Explorers’ Summer Camp - Highlights
The annual summer camp for kids was successfully conducted by devotees
from ISKCON in many parts of the city. The theme this year was “Respect.”
Kishori Madhuri devi led the camp at the New Vedic Cultural Centre. Explaining
about the training for kids, she said, “Our summer camps are not merely vacation
engagements for kids; we strive to impart values, culture and vision that forms
the basis of a civilized human society. Our training focuses on imparting samskar
to develop the innate, natural love of God in every child. Various activities for kids
including shlokas, prayers, craft, videos, drama and dance were designed around
this principle. Every child was introduced to mantra meditation. The interactive
lessons emphasized the importance of respecting elders, grandparents, nature,
Vedic culture, cows, etc. Children were taught stories from Srimad Bhagavatam.
They also put up a drama on Akshaypatra story from Mahabharata.”
During the parenting seminar organized as part of the camp, Sundar Shyam Das
elaborated on the nine processes of devotional service. He stressed that of all
facilities and care offered by parents to children, training children in the science
of devotion was most important. “Children will acquire life skills and degrees
from so many institutes, however you have to imbibe upon their young minds
responsible behaviour and devotional attitude in life by your own example and
practice. This will go a long way in developing a healthy character and pure
mind, which are essential qualities of a successful person,” remarked Sundar
Shyam Das.
Another team of devotees conducted the summer camp in Pimple Saudagar
suburb. “We taught how nature is created and controlled by God. Lord Krishna
says in the Gita, mayadhyaksena prakrtih suyate sa-caracaram [BG 9.10]
Thus respecting and loving God includes respecting His creation including
plants, animals, and even the non-living rivers and mountains,” explained Amit
Chauhan, who helped organize the camp.
The Travelling Sankirtan Group
Chaitanya Chandra Das recounts his days of travel, devotion and service in rural
Maharashtra: Recently HG Vijay Das, ISKCON Minister for Book Distribution,
visited NVCC and encouraged devotees to form a Travelling Bus Party engaged
in distributing Bhagavad Gitas. Soon 8 enthusiastic devotees set off for their first
monthly Travelling Sankirtan. Srila Prabhupada once said, ‘These books are just
like Deities, non-different from Krishna because they give complete knowledge
of Krishna.’ We loaded the bus with books and drove into rural Satara.
When the bus would enter a village, we would begin loud kirtan of the Holy names
and Sripad Seva Das would announce our presence! Villagers would promptly
gather around the mobile book stall set up at the rear of the bus, manned
by Satchidananda Vigraha Das. Hearing our explanation of the importance of
spiritual life and appeal to take up reading the Bhagavad Gita, soon one person
in the village would break the ice by purchasing the first copy of the Gita. We
would thank the person and loudly announce his name. Soon, others feeling
why they should be deprived of the opportunity, would follow suit! Kamyavan
Das, Ganesh Das, Chaitanya Seva Das and myself often went door-to-door to
distribute books. We would distribute books for 6-8 hours everyday.
In the night, we would halt in the village temple. Villagers were so cooperative that
spontaneously satsang programs would get organized and we found ourselves
having Krishna-katha and kirtan everywhere. They would offer unlimited milk
to us - pure cow milk that we never tasted earlier in the cities! Such was the
natural environment and engagement that nobody fell sick despite hot Sun in
the month of May. Fresh water, fresh air, prasad cooked from fresh vegetables,
and a daily average of 100 Bhagavad Gitas distributed kept our spirits enlivened!
From the bus party book distribution I realized that if we try to give enjoyment to
Lord Krishna and His sincere devotees then we are rewarded with a lot of mercy
and happiness in return! Srila Prabhupada book distribution ki jai !
---Chaitanya Chandra Das
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iskcon pune today
RNI Res.No.72522/2000
Published on 2nd June 2015
UNE - 411001
Phone: 020-41033222, 41033234
Registered Newspaper
Posted at GPO, Pune
On 5th, 6th & 7th of every month
Sadhu (Brahmachari) Sevak for the month of June 2015
I am happy to share that our family has been interested in contributing towards social welfare since generations. In fact to serve society is in our blood.
Multiple CSR activities are part of our business.
However, as we began learning about the goal and purpose of human life, we realized the importance of spirituality as an essential part of each one’s life.
We realized we should be instruments in helping others discover their spiritual goal and attain self-realization. The aspect of spirituality can better this life
and next.
During our spiritual journey, we met sevaks and devoted members of ISKCON society. And I understood how important is the work ISKCON has been doing
from last so many years. Krishna consciousness is natural and within each of us and it can transform our lives. Our interaction with Shri Anant Balaram Das
was a transforming experience. His unconditional, selfless behaviour gave us the feeling that we should be a part of this movement.
Our business commitments allow us only limited time and association with the devotees. When we see people who are offering their complete life - 100%
- for this purpose, we feel if we can contribute a little bit from our side, this seva will definitely give great satisfaction and bless us with Prabhukripa of Lord
Krishna. And that is how we began this contribution from our side.
I am amazed to see the expansion of Pune temple and the spiritual impact it is having in the lives of so many.
We desire to see Puneites, rather all people to get the benefit of Prabhudarshan and visit temple. And this
will happen only if more and more brahmacharis and sevaks continue this mission. Our contribution is but a
drop in this ocean. Thank you.
---Mr. Vishal Chordia, Director, Suhana: Pravin Masalewale
(Mr. Vishal Chordia sponsors the annual total expenditure for 5 brahmacharis)
New Temple Address: ISKCON NVCC, S. No. 50, Katraj Kondhwa bypass, Pune - 411048, M: 9225545984
“ISKCON PUNE TODAY” monthly magazine is printed and published by Radheshyam Das for the owner ISKCON-Pune Br. Printed at Yashraj Printers,
5 - Gulmohar Manor, Nagar Road, Pune 6 & Published at 4, Tarapore Road, Camp, Pune 411001. Editor - Mr. Kiran Shinde
International Society for Krishna Consciousness
Founder Acharya : His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
4, Tarapore Rd, Next to Dastur Boys School, Camp, Pune | Phone: 020-41033210 / 22
Mobile: 9225545984 | Email: nvcc@iskconpune.in | www.iskconpune.in
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