p"*+ - ec-MPCB
p"*+ - ec-MPCB
MAHARASHTRA POLLUTION CONTROLBOARD REGIONAL OFFICE, PUNE Phone Email Visit At Fax (02q - 25811627 (020J - 25811029 : fopune@mpcb.gov.in :htto://mpcb.oov.in :-: rl-t \I'Z 3'o Floof, "Jog center" Wakdewadi, Mumbai-Pune Road, Pune - 41'1 003 ,",, "-. d*te"s.sl., ^- fonsen I No: Ro. Pu A6lD+lA0lS N6'l.ONstN77 I 6 0+ 00010 0 (Prevention & Control of i.Consbnt tojoperate under Section 26 of the Water (Prevention & control of ' e.iirl"J e"l int+ g section 21 of the Air "n4". RuIe 5 of nder hhodzation of Au i,"ff"ii"J e"U fgsr and Authorization / Ren€wal -u Rules Movemen' (Management, & Transboundrv Handling ir'"-rl";-"i."! w*t"s 2008 [To be refe rred as Warer Acr. Aj r Act and H W (\4 &Tl\4) Rulcs respecr ivelv]' CONSENT is hereby gmnted to I\4/s Satyasai Stone Crusher Gat No 198, -AJP Phulsaon Tai Havel| Dist Pune the prc!'rsrons of lbe W?ter Acl' Air act and the provisions ofHWO{&TM) Rules and amendments thereto ,q."tl"ti"ution ""a". i. tt'" provisions ol the Act an'l the Rules and the Orders that mav be ""tj".l made further and subject to the following terms and conditions: locatecl in the area cleclareil unde'_ 1. 2024' The Consentto Operate is granted for a period up to: 31 03 2. The Consent is valid for the manufacture of 2 3. Sione Metal Stone Dusi 40.0 10.0 Brass/day BIass/daY CONDITIONS UNDER WATER ACT: shall not exceed 0) The daily quantity of traile effluent from the factorv NIL' shall not exceed 0 8 M3 0i) The daily quantiiv ofsewage effluent from the factorv , .; ,".4" p61"snt: __. NA-_. (iv) Tmde Dffluent Disposal: -- NA'.comprehensive Lv) Sewase Efflucnl 'g-reatmenl: The 'ppli'ant shall provide quality and operate t tilh ref'r"nce rreatirpnr sjsLpm a' rs uarranred p"*+ if ()' i3 s\__ i Page I of5 quality of trcated so as to achieve the :if#?t i#,ffijil"",:"S,jl;:."*' (1) (2) -- 1OO Not to exceed Not to exceed SLrsPended Solids- BOD 3 dals 2?'U 100 mg/I. mg/l shall be soated Ireared dome'lic effluent The De used Disposal: F'Jfluent roii'Lqewaee Overflow. if any, shau *" cleaned perrodicall) bc sor Jhall TJ;;',;;l.h .o i"'ir"'iJe"' t"denrns (vii Other / planrarron onlv Conditions: rndusr rv shourd,mol :::'l:"Jl,t:ltii""-r"'"1:lt uer ur - ', lndustrv shall develop gteen 2) 1/3"d of total area #"i;;'iT :fiT#i:' '" [Prevention & Cess Actl and i[.i}:lTi{[:H;..P;i:T:i'i; is as for the following categodes consumption water ilaily The ].OO CNID O ti Domestic 0.00 cN{D lndustdal Pmcess'lg .,, , ( Ir) Lrdustrirl Cooling lbprnl(rcr' |iv) Aericulture / Gardenrne 1.00 0.00 rhc,pr r,(dn, "1. 'r',ihe*ll]-::1"";'o.jl;';u Presenocu '"" .onbumption in Section 3 ofthe said Act s cMI) CI'll) n;,,t:;:0.::: as specified under coNDrrroliefrl::fll,llo,tJi, ,**" a comprehensive con'or slstemm (' $irh rcrirFnce '..*,.liJ; ;i';;";;;r ",,"';;;;t' us '' *a''unted fi lr*:"*""i{$i'$'"ly;mr"?:t"'Tii:iTi"J}:'Jil: standards: ' ::t:Tl"?::i:il:ll!19" '"**o '","".rd dusr em*sjons ;ii::;rsl""':*:"-:11{i'f ""*'i':!!*a$ansementsha'be ,vj;'s:l;*:;uT"T";"1't':li:*,1"1'.'.:"*o".'*'' 3 ]:illxl Hlil$]::nl']i:1""'"?;l':l;ll'i'Ti""""*'"""u Premises (,*, * nn- b. Standards for Emissions ofAir Pollutants: / ( SPM/TPM Not to (i SO, Not to exceed The SPM measured between 3 to 10 Mtrs, fr.om any pr'ocess eq'$pment of a stone crushing unit shall not Exceed 600 mg/NmJ exceed Ke/day ,, ,{. "- 6. Standards for Stdck Emissions: G) The applicant shall observe th€ following fuet pattern:' i *,: i. (ii) 6hall erect the chi The applicant shatl provide ports in the chimnev/(s) and facilities such as ladder, piatform etc. for monitoling the air emissions and the same shall be open for inspection to/and for use of the Board's Staff. The chimney(s) vents dltached to various sources of emission shall be designated by numbers such as S'1, S-2, etc and these shall be painted/ displaved to facilitat€ identilication. Gii) The industry shall take adequate measures for control of noise levels fl'om its own sources withir the premises so as to maintain ambient air. quality stanalaral in .-espect of Doise to less than 75 dB(o during dav time and 70 dB(!J during night time Dav time is reckoned in between 6 a m and 10 p.m. and night time is rcckoned between 10 p m and 6 a m (iv) Other Conditions: 1) The industly should not cause any nuisance in sunounding arca' 2) The industry should monitor stack emissions and ambient air qualitv Regularly 7. CONDITIONS UNDER HAZARDOUS WASTE (MANAGEMENT, HANDLING & TRANSBOUNDRY MOVEMENT) RULES, 2OO8: (i) The Industry shall handle hazardous wastes as specified below' Gi) Tleatment: NIL 1. 2. The authorization is hereby granted to opelate a facilitv fo'- collection, stolage, tmnsport & alisposal ofhazardous wlste. The inclustry should comply with the Hazardous Waste (M&T\o Rules' 2008. a. Whenever due to any accident or gas leakage or other unlbreseen act or even- such emissions occur or is apprehended to occur' in excess of 3 ol s l,....]\]]l.],.'.L...:]'i']...i\]|ll]']. @-''Paee -----==--- r:,ri:;l:f i,x"i:;r"Hhirr+;.i*"i1:-3;,ffirT;il'*.-t , *"rit*flffi riti,,+v *,;:'*'x '1.. ' i --I U!;$;'4:4.;'"*tffi*; P*,.,ru,3; i**f*.'t,""tt*',f ,'lxTl:.nx'$H"#1l:j;'l::$'if ;"t't'x-;$^ff Rules.2008' 8. conditions: with following additional compty Shall lndustry n-good ii:::' i'$:::':: appri'anr sha[ mainIa] i.' rhe arL :::::::":I-":T"i"i; trom i* """ttot of Polluiion ra* """'-::::: or the ava*abre open ,, ;l':*H';:"r""iil:'xtJHlI;""' "", Lrkii t :r*#il,lii :1 ::" "". " :" :. ;: : -:""".ffi; "':li;iitiT"irili:li;:ffi ltr5tr;g;th1::i';tffii "xl::;;ut'""ff :""',::"";';l'l ':,',i;;*::i **:::; ,' {,Hitlili:s; :*"n;:';lln:iliil'*"fi;''i''" or pe'm;ssion ,, " [lnr;:;'";.*: l.:f,::'["Jlli::l ';l;;' lh: cili#:"::::'i;:';::li:'XTi}:1: orovide {a'Lrirr^ror Fi:'lrru",", "n,rr i,.o[! J,*r",lo ::l:g:":'l'""illlf;i"u-;;';;;-";J:n",r i:: R"""J"1if"t i:iff':L*i:*"ly,;" pay io, he Board ,,".,"*"r or,h" "o,,"ent ai reasr 60 '' il;"';1,:::l;::[:i[".:::*,f 1;i[iii'^. 5"p,"*u", ":",, L":.:,'l: "1 ' "' ;{l,l;l:ili'';14*i ::*lililx*;l;:'1,":t'rn';;"Y::*n l}i"lH:';Ti&:#il::';;l:l*T:: book shall be.ol-eneo *'^ e" i."0""i1""ui"it to - tr,",' l'.'.1 s orricers ava'able to the Boa'-. tjlrl'1""1';""" "*1,iilffTi;ir";_Tf ,:,iffi:lt1ii'"j; :[;J,X]"il] ;i:lilT",li ffir; /n Page 4 ol5 \!..' ! i:ii' 1' r'r : 1il'L rl i-.,,i',.,g fr: .l ,,..rf: i! lrr:""f| r:r"tr:: l':!l\ \r'. rr.ilrr , {,r"; and air polhtion control system. A register showing consumption of chemicals used for treatment shall be maintained. Separate drainage system shall be provided for collection of trade and sewage effluents. Terminal manholes shali be provided at the €nd of collection system with arrangement for measudng the flow. No effluent shall be admitted in the pipes / sewers down_ stream ofthe terminal manholes- No effluent shall find its way other than in designed and provided collection System. Neither storm water nor discharge from other premises shall be allowed to mix with"the effldents from the factory. This is without prejudice to any other permission required under any of the laws, by-laws or regulations in force. 10. This Board reserves the right to add / amend / revoke any condition in this con{ent and the same shall be binding on the applicant. ll. This consent is issued for stone crushing unit only. lndustry shall obtain Envircnmental Clearance for Stone QuarrT from competent authodty. 12. Industry sball submit Bank Guarantee ofRs. 25,000/ within one Month period for a period ol one year in favor ol "Regional Officer, MPCB, Pune", towards provision ofwind breaking wall within one month period, else this consent will stand automatically cancelled. 13. The Capital investment ofthe industry is Rs. 98.0 LakhAND ON BEHALF OF M.P.C. BOARD ,o\ (SUR1EKANT S. DOKE) EGIONAL OFFICER, PUNE M/s. Satyasai Stone Crusher Gat No. 198, AJP. Phulgaon Tal - Haveli, Dist-Pune. _ Copy to: 1) ChiefAccounts Officer', MPCE, 2) Sub-Regional Officer, It is dirccted Pune Il to Mumbai. insure compliance of consent condition and submit compliance report half yearly. Received Consent fee of- 16155001186 ABFI\'IJDAYA CO-OP BANK LTD Page 5 of5