ISKCON Daiva Varnasrama Ministry-India @ ISKCON
ISKCON Daiva Varnasrama Ministry-India @ ISKCON
Mahabandhu Hari Das Project coordinator ISKCON Daiva Varnasrama Ministry – India Email ID: Ph: +91 95640 44131/ +91 97075 16108 ISKCON Daiva Varnasrama Ministry-India @ ISKCON LEADS Programme, ISKCON Tirupati Varnasrama Development Course 2013 (April 12th to 15th 2013, Thirupathi) ©ISKCON Daiva Varnasrama Ministry-India. By HG Bharat Chandra Das History Under the direction and inspiration of the GBC Succession Committee, Indian Regional Governing Body Members and Zonal Secretaries met with top ISKCON educators in India on numerous occasions since November 2008. This resulted in the birth of the ISKCON LEADS training program. ISKCON LEADS is an acronym for ISKCON Leadership Education And Development System. ISKCON LEADS gives current leaders an excellent opportunity to identify potential leaders within their temples, regions and zones. Selected candidates enter a comprehensive training program of seventeen courses of four or five days each. This totals 89 days to be completed within a period of three years. The program covers Inter-Personal Spiritual Development, Missionary & Family Spirit Development and ISKCON Institutional Development. Introduction: After successful previous two participation in ISKCON LEADS program in ISKCON Baroda and in ISKCON Delhi, ISKCON Daiva Varnasrama Ministry-India (IDVM) this year in the month of April 2013, successfully conducted its Varnasrama Development course at the foot hills of holy place of Tirupati Tirumala Devstanam, in ISKCON Tirupati. Similar to previous LEADS seminars this year too around thirty six bright and intelligent participants participated. The course: ©ISKCON Daiva Varnasrama Ministry-India. The course titled “Daiva Varnasrama Development” started with ‘Gau-puja’. All of the participants enthusiastically took part in Kirtan and Arati. Later, everyone treated the cow, bull and the calf with bananas and jaggery. The course schedule was designed systematically to provide understanding of the concepts, principles, practices and tools for Daiva Varnasrama development. The course was provided for a span for four days with a total of 22 hours and included film shows, skits and interactive discussions. Sessions started with introduction to the facilitators. This time various we were blessed to have various experienced facilitators such as Sri Madhava Prabhu from Gokuladham, Sri Ramananda Prabhu from Krishna Balaram Ksetra, Sri Hari Kirtan Prabhu from Chirala, Sri Kalakantha Prabhu from Mayapur, Sri Setukara Prabhu from New Vrajabhumi, Brazil, Yogesh Chandra Prabhu from Mumbai, Mahabandhu Hari Prabhu from Mayapur and Bharat Chandra Das from Hebri. The topics covered were: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Understanding Daiva Varnasrama Dharma, Commanding heights of culture, Srila Prabhupada’s instructions, Essay of Gita Nagari, Lessons from Bhagavad-gita, Elements of Daiva Varnasrama Dharma, Daiva Varnasrama Dharma development post Srila Prabhupada, Challenges in implementation, Leadership lessons from Chanakya Neeti Sastra, Connecting existing preaching activities in ISKCON, Varnasrama development through Education, ISKCON Daiva Varnasrama Ministry and finally Critique on Modern civilization. Spiral bound books were provided as course material along with the book – “Speaking About Varnasrama” as a reference book for four days. ©ISKCON Daiva Varnasrama Ministry-India. Session one was started by Bharat Chandra prabhu on Understanding Daiva Varnasrama Dharma. It expounded the topics of dharma, its features, roots, source and importance of balance between Bhagavat dharma and Varnasrama dharma. It also touched on various myths and facts related to the concept of Daiva Varnasrama dharma. Session two was full with information on how previous acharya like that Srila Ramanujacharya, Sripad Madhavacharya till Srila HDG Srila Prabhupada all in line work for the establishment of Krishna bhakti and establishment of Daiva Varnasrama. After lunch break HG Madhava Prabhu lead an interactive session on Srila Prabhupada’s instructions on Daiva Varnasrama Dharma. He read from he purports of Srila Prabhupada and drove home a point that definition of brahminical culture is living with bare necessities of human life. ©ISKCON Daiva Varnasrama Ministry-India. Day two stated with the topic of Essay of Gita Nagari and the vision of Srila Prabhupada. Next session was a slide show on Daiva Varnasrama Development in timeline. Day three started with the film –“Make Vrindavan Villages”. This is a documentary about the experience of developing a community in Indonesia. Interview of many senior devotees like Krpamoya Prabhu, Drutakarma Prabhu, Lokanath Maharaj, Bhakti Raghava Maharaj and Bhakti Dhira Damodara Maharaj are part of the film bringing out the theme of Daiva Varnasrama Dharma. Next was a presentation by HG Kalakanta Prabhu and Setukarna Prabhu. They presented the success stories, present scenario and planning of project in Brazil as well as the project in Hungary. ©ISKCON Daiva Varnasrama Ministry-India. Next HG Harikirtan prabhu presented his experience in village preaching. He also talked about challenges of today’s village’s scenario and discussed about the positive solution for it. HG Yogeshchandra prabhu presented for the upcoming leader the moral and ethical lesions from Chanakaya pandit. Day five started with an interactive session by HG Madhava Prabhu who spoke about modern scenario of education system and the need to focus in this are to establish daiva varnasrama. He also spoke on how important it is to establish traditional educational system. He also spoke about transition period and how important is it for the new leaders to understand this issue in order to avoid the repeating the history. HG Madhav prabhu called for the leaders to come forward and participate actively in this important mission of our Founder Acharya Srila Prabhupada. Session concluded with various presentations develop by the participation on various topic given to them such as Srila Prabhupadas critique on modern civilization, on Economy, on Agriculture, on Education, Unemployment and Women’s role. ©ISKCON Daiva Varnasrama Ministry-India. The Team (clockwise): ©ISKCON Daiva Varnasrama Ministry-India. HG Yogesh Chandra Das, HG Rayramananda Das, HG Madhava Das, HG Setukaran Das, HG Harikirtan das, HG Bharat Chandra Das, HG Kalakanta Das, and in between HG Guna Avatar Das and behind camera HG Mahabandhu Hari Das. For more information and Slides, please visit or #137, chakra building, ISKCON Mayapur Nadia dist. W.B ©ISKCON Daiva Varnasrama Ministry-India.
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